Ep 901 - God's Model Ideal Family and Nation, and the Peace Kingdom Part 2

God's Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful Ideal World I - April 14, 2023

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PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony Nasser Zomorod, UPF coordinator in Los Angeles, UPF Event with Dr. Yong

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Key Points

  • God comprises the essence of one man and one woman.

  • A man and a woman can only meet God in substance by becoming one with each other.

  • Through their union they can “become the substantial God who can work through (their) body.”

  • Original sin and fallen nature can only be resolved in that union (through the Blessing). 

  • Cosmic Salvation is the salvation of both the physical world and the spirit world including our ancestors who need liberation.

  • Even hell and Satan have to be restored.

  • Satan’s Salvation comes only through True Parents.

  • We need to subjugate our enemy through true love. 

  • The battle between good and evil requires True Parents as Messiah to pay indemnity on behalf of all humankind, to mediate between God and human beings, to reconcile God and Satan, and to liberate all three.

  • The Savior is overall in charge of setting God free and terminating evil.

  • What matters in children's education is for children to come to respect their mother, to feel she is the “best.”

  • Then they will have a filial heart toward her, obey easily, and exchange shimjeong with her as a close friend because she raises them heartistically.

  • If a mother sheds many tears for God’s sorrow, she can raise her children to be filial sons and daughters.

  • For the word to become embedded in our heart we must first understand the concept, then become conscious of its meaning and value through meditation and remind ourselves of it continually until it enters our heart and we feel it and shed tears.

  • Our original nature is moved with tears and we are reborn and resurrected when we hear the original Word with a sympathetic (empathetic?) heart.

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files.

Yesterday, I had breakfast with four families. This couple is Sumio and Yasuko Kono. This is a beautiful couple!

This couple everybody knows. It is Peter and Monika Lewis. They are a beautiful couple. Monika is a little bit stronger than Peter, but they get along very well and take care of children so well!

Here is Eva Clark, Heavenly Clark. I know her. She is so dedicated and loves Morning Devotion.

I thought he was Chinese, but this is Michio Sato, a Japanese guy. Today we shared beautiful things.

Today I’d like to talk about “God's Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful Ideal World I” from True Mother’s Anthology, Volume 2.

<This speech was given by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon between April 28 and August 19, 2006 during a 180-nation Universal Peace Federation Speaking Tour to Return to the Original Fatherland and Hometown. 89-90>

In this way, God's ideal of creation to establish a true family in that first generation through Adam and Eve, a family through which He could eternally pass on His lineage, was frustrated. The only way to relieve His sorrow is to restore and establish a true family unrelated to the lineage of Satan. Herein lies the reason why all of us need to establish true families, which is God's ideal of creation. Herein also lies the fundamental object and purpose of the founding of the Universal Peace Federation. Genesis 1:27 of the Old Testament tells us, “So God created man in His own image; male and female He created them.”

From observing God's creation as expressed in this passage, we can conclude that God is a being who comprises the essence of one man and one woman. Having these attributes, God could not enjoy a solitary life. Therefore, He created the universe as His object partner. That is, He created all things in the universe in the position of an object partner in image, and in the midst of this environment He created human beings as His object partners in substance. In this manner, the first masculine representative created by God as His object partner in substance was Adam, and the feminine representative He created was Eve. God had an objective in mind when He created man and woman as separate beings.

The reason why all of us need to establish true families, which is God's ideal of creation, is the fundamental object and purpose of the founding of the Universal Peace Federation.

Genesis 1:27 of the Old Testament tells us, “So God created man in His own image; male and female He created them.”

From observing God's creation as expressed in this passage, we can conclude that God is a being who comprises the essence of one man and one woman. God could not enjoy a solitary life and therefore, He created the universe as His object partner. 

 This means that a man cannot meet God without becoming one with a woman, and a woman cannot meet God without becoming one with a man. Then, how do we meet the invisible God in substance? 

God is found in the union of a man and a woman. Therefore, God cannot be found elsewhere. Where else can a husband find God when he has his wife by his side? And where else can a wife find God when she has her husband by her side? 

The fall of man did not happen alone. Humans have fallen as man and woman. Therefore, even for restoration, unless a man and a woman become one from the position of husband and wife, there is no way to ever restore them. Since the original sin and the fallen nature of human beings were also caused by a husband and wife, the problem of original sin and the fallen nature can never be solved unless the husband and wife become one. 

Without marriage and without receiving the Blessing if we try to eliminate our own fallen nature, (our effort) will be very limited. Maybe we can remove certain (aspects of) our fallen nature, but that is not everything. Original sin comes from husband and wife together. That is why in order to restore ourself without our spouse, (we will be) limited in removing our original sin and fallen nature. That is why (for) husband and wife the best way to remove fallen nature is through serving each other.

Since I came to know this clear explanation, I changed my mindset. In order to remove my fallen nature I could not just focus on myself. Serving and loving, attending my spouse (I came to realize) is the best way to remove my fallen nature. 

Also, where can we find God? Through male and female union. With our wife beside us, where are we looking for God? What are we talking about?! Where is our God. You married(?) your spouse; where are you looking for God? This is really nonsense. Our Divine Principle teaches very clearly about dual characteristics. 

Human beings did not commit sin alone. They committed sin as a pair. husband and wife together committed sin. That is why restoration needs to (occur between) husband and wife. Husband and wife remove fallen nature together. How do we find God? Together as husband and wife. This is an incredible explanation.

Without understanding the pair system and dual characteristics, we cannot understand what Father is talking about.

Therefore, in a position where a husband and wife do not become one, there is no way to ever meet God, and there is no way to get rid of the fallen nature. If we are single, we will never be able to meet God and become the substantial God who can work through our body. 

Of course, individuals can meet God but it is very limited, but it is very limited. It doesn’t feel very substantial. When can we feel God’s heart? When husband and wife unite. This is the best way. This is a truly amazing concept, amazing guidance by our True Parents. We are lucky guys! We already know everything. Only practice remains.

Without marriage, without receiving the Blessing, there is no way to completely remove the original sin. Original sin cannot be removed alone. Without our spouse it is impossible. Fallen nature comes out in the family between husband and wife, parents and children, Cain and Abel; that is why the family is the best place to remove our sin.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: Chapter 3 Eschatology 4 - The Providence of Salvation 

God’s Work of Salvation

God intended to create a world of goodness and experience from it the utmost joy; yet due to the human Fall, the world came to be filled with with and sorrow.

If this sinful world were to continue forever in its present state, then God would be an impotent and ineffectual God who failed in His creation. Therefore, God will save this sinful world, by all means.

To save a person suffering under the yoke of sin means to restore him to his original, sinless state.

Thus, God's work of salvation is the providence of restoration. 

The human Fall was undoubtedly the result of human mistakes. 

Nevertheless, God also assumes some respon sibi lity for the outcome because it was He who created human beings.

God, the eternal subject partner, created us to live eternally because He wanted to share eternal joy with human beings as His object partners.

Therefore, God saves fallen people and restores them to the original, pure state in which He initially created them.

God's purpose of creation is the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven, which in its totality is God's good object partner. The center of God's Kingdom on earth is to be human beings.

Ever since the fall of the first human ancestors frustrated this Will, the primary goal of the providence of restoration has been nothing less than to rebuild the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Jesus told his disciples to pray, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Matt. 6:10.) His words testify that the goal of the providence of restoration is the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Recently I have spoken about salvation. There are eight steps. Today we are speaking about God’s Plan for Salvation, Cosmic Salvation.

 5. Cosmic Salvation

> Salvation of both physical world and spirit world

Not just the physical world. God needs to save the physical and spiritual world as well.

> Salvation of our ancestors

Other religions don’t think about that, but True Parents allow us to save our ancestors, liberate them – but not only liberate them. They let them receive the Blessing. That is why our ancestors’ Blessing has incredible meaning.

Many of them go to hell. Then who can(?) save them? When we do ancestor liberation and blessing ceremony, according to Daeemonim – I worked closely with her – many of them, I think more than 90% are living in hell. How can they be saved? When our blessed families liberate their ancestors and bless them, some of them are in the hell of hells. But because of the ancestor liberation ceremony and the Blessing, from the hell of hells jump to the top of the growth stage. Wow! How elevated their position (becomes) because of the Blessing. Then these ancestors cry and cry and are full of gratitude. They really bow down to their ... descendants: “Because of you, I have been liberated from hell. Thank God. Thank you so much.” They tearfully appreciate (it).

The position of any ancestors who receive the Blessing from the earthly world is elevated to more than the top of the growth stage. This is the power of the Blessing – in just one day, just one second. This is the meaning of the Blessing.

When we liberate (and bless) our ancestors and go to the spiritual world, all our ancestors will line up and bow down to us: “Because of you, I have been liberated. Thank you so much.” 430 generations of ancestors will really bow down to you. “Thank you, my descendants. You are the one who knows True Parents. Because of you I have been liberated. Thank you.” They shed many tears. 

We may not be open spiritually. That is why we do not know. But Daemonim said, “How much they are crying because they feel overjoyed and (grateful).”

True Mother emphasized that all blessed families should be registered in the Cheon Bo Won. This is our final goal. This is cosmic salvation.

> Our ancestors need liberation.

 6. Satan’s Salvation

The next level is Satan’s salvation. (When) we have liberated all the earthly and spiritual world, we need to even liberate Satan.

> Loving the enemy

Satan is the enemy of enemies, right?

> Natural subjugation of Satan through True Love

Who is Satan? The archangel Lucifer. (We) also need to save him. 

> Satan needs salvation

> God can not do it for Satan = only through the Messiah, only through True Parents

Because only the messiah can become the mediator between God and the archangel Lucifer.

> Even hell has to be restored

Let’s study Father’s word.

“Who will be able to end the battle between the good God and the evil god? Neither God nor Satan can do that. Then who can? Without a master of love who initiates and leads with true love and whom all humanity can follow, the battle between God and Satan cannot end. Unless we are freed from this conflict, peace will remain an impossible dream in this world and in history. The word “ideal” is just an abstract and sentimental term, so God sends someone who substantiates true love. Our main belief is in the coming of the Messiah or Savior. The Savior does not just save people but also liberates God… The Savior is overall in charge of setting God free and terminating evil.” (136 219, 1985.12.29)

Who will be able to end the battle between the good God and the evil god? Neither God nor Satan can do that. The battle between good and evil requires the Messiah to come and pay indemnity on behalf of all humankind and mediate between God and human beings. So, in the Bible, the Messiah is expressed as a mediator. 

Without a master of love who initiates and leads with true love and whom all humanity can follow, the battle between God and Satan cannot end. 

The Savior does not just save people but also liberates God. And even Satan must be saved. Even reconciliation between God and Satan must eventually be done by the Messiah as a mediator. 

Between God and Satan is like oil and water. They cannot solve the problem (by themselves). That is why they need the messiah. They need to have a mediator. 

The Savior is overall in charge of setting God free and terminating evil. 

That is why without the messiah God and humans and Satan cannot be liberated. Wow! This is the power of the messiah. How important he is! God needs him. In the end Satan also needs the messiah. Each human being also needs the messiah. In some sense, the messiah is the greatest being.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: The Most Important Thing in Children's Education

1.The important thing in children's education is to make children respect their mother. When your children think of their mother, the mother has to make them feel that she is the best. That's why children should live like they must always ask their mother for permission. When children respect their mother, they are drawn to her more and more. There is no need to push the kids to do anything. When the mother is a mother of love, the children can be dragged along without even realizing it and just want to be with her. However, if the mother does not have love, the children will not go to their mother. An idealistic mother cannot raise her children to be filial sons and daughters. Therefore, mothers must raise their children heartistically. 

Ideals and feelings are different. The idea is just going to church with your head. Because I was blessed, I feel like I must go to church, so I go to church compulsorily. As a result, my heart is not there. Like so, if the mother is idealistic, the family will wither. Children in such a family play separately from their mothers. Children will just be with children while mothers will just be with mothers. But you must know that love is absolute. Love is really precious, and if you really love someone, you can't assert yourself. You can never do anything because you feel like it. If children truly love their parents, they will never disobey their parents.

How do we determine whether a fruit tree is good or bad? We can tell by seeing whether it bears fruit well or not. Likewise, whether a parent is a true parent or not can be determined by seeing whether their child is filial or not. 

Therefore, the important thing in children's education is to make children respect their mother. The challenge is how to make children feel that their mother is the best when they think about her. 

When children respect their mother, they are drawn to her. When we become a respected mother, we don't have to push them to do this or that. 

So, how can a mother be respected by her children? This is possible only when a mother is a friend with whom the children can always exchange their shimjeong, and when a mother raises her children with a heart of filial piety in front of Heaven. There is no other way.

However, if the mother does not have love, the children will not go to their mother. An idealistic or conceptual mother cannot raise her children to be filial sons and daughters. Therefore, mothers must raise their children heartistically. 

Ideals and feelings are different. An ideal is just going to church with our head. Because we were blessed, we feel like we must go to church, so we go to church compulsorily. As a result, our heart is not there. 

Like so, if the mother is idealistic or conceptual, the family will wither. Children in such a family play separately from their mothers. Children will just be with children while mothers will just be with mothers. When we realize that love is really precious and truly love our partner, the concept of “you” disappears in front of the other person, and only the desire to serve them remains. We can never assert ourself. If children truly love their parents, they will never disobey their parents. 

This is a key point. If our children really respect us as their parent, they respect their mother and father, they will always follow us; they will not disobey us. So, how can we raise our children like that? If children do not respect their father and mother, they will not listen to their opinion. They will go their own way. Even if it looks as if they are good children, if they do not respect us, that is a problem.

Even though the world is like that, action is not a simple matter.(?)

In Order to Raise True Children, Mothers Must Cry a Lot Over the Sorrow of God.

2. A mother must shed a lot of tears to raise her child to become a child who is unknowingly attracted to her mother like a magnet. Whether a mother is sleeping or awake, she has to cry a lot over the sorrow of God. So, at home, mothers have to nurture themselves as ‘the original me’ with tears. 

Believers should value raising the original self. Humans have two faces. 

There is the original self and the self who has fallen nature. There is the 'ideal person' and the 'true person centered on the heart.' A true person is a person whose heart is stimulated along with the truth and moves voluntarily. On the other hand, an idealistic person is a person who does not ingrain the truth in their hearts. They only understands and acts with their head.

True Father says that in order for a mother to raise a true child, she must first weep over Heaven's forlorn heart. It is said that if a mother has a record of shedding many tears for God, she can raise her children to be filial sons and daughters. 

This is really high level. If a mother always sheds tears for the sake of God and consoles and comforts him and consoles God and True Parents (for their) suffering and has tears all the time in front of True Parents’ photo every morning, if children see that kind of mother figure, wow! This is not simple. Even for myself it is not easy to raise children in such a way. 

What is the best way to raise children? Really we need to have a lot of tears and console, comfort and communicate with God, then this kind of environment really influences our spouse and children.

One day I came to my prayer room in my home, and my daughter was crying and crying in front of True Parents’ photo. I felt she was very dignified. Prayer has that kind of power, to dignify. 

(If the) mother really loves God, loves True Parents, the children will feel that “My mother is very holy. My father is very holy.” Then the children will respect their parents. 

In order to raise children well, when the children see their mother, she must always be worshiping, praying, and shedding tears for Heaven. When they see this, the children will be attracted to the mother like a magnet without knowing it. That's why mothers have to cry a lot over God's sorrow whether they are sleeping or waking up. Everyone is drawn to those who care about them, love them, and offer them sincere devotion. 

Even though I share Father’s word like that, this is not simple. If we really upgrade our level of love, heart and mind, we will influence our children.

Humans have two faces. There is the original self and the self who has fallen nature. There is the ideal “me” and the true “me” centered on heart. 

A true person is a person whose heart is stimulated along with the truth and moves voluntarily. On the other hand, an idealistic person is a person who does not ingrain the truth in his heart. He only understands and acts with his head.

Idealistic Faith and Heartistic Faith

3. At first, we listen to the word and have an concept of it, but we have to go deeper into it by connecting that concept in our heart. However, when many people listen to the Word, they end up with just the concept. You have to go one step further from the level of concept to the level of heart, but not everyone is like that. Then what is truth? It is truth that comes from the heart. What kind of person is an idealistic person? Even if they listen to the Word, they just judge rationally and flow in a formal way. We have heard and have been warned by True Father many times that we should not lead an idealistic life, but we did not realize it. If you accept the Word with your heart, you cannot help but shed tears. These are tears in the truth. A person without tears cannot be a true person. 

At first, we listen to the word, we gain the concept. But we have to go deeper into it by connecting that concept in our heart. At first, when anyone hears the Word, they accept it conceptually. The next step is the concept stage where we need to be conscious of it and meditate on the Word. 

The next step is to keep conscious of the words we have been moved by, meditate on it, and repeat them over and over again, until it becomes a good habit. And if we continue to practice good habits, we will feel the Word emotionally. However, when many people listen to the Word, they end up with just the concept. We have to go one step further from the level of concept to the level of heart, but not everyone can do that. 

Then what is truth? It is truth that comes from the heart. What kind of person is an idealistic person? Even if they listen to the Word, they just judge rationally and flow in a formal way. 

We have heard and have been warned by True Father many times that we should not lead an idealistic life, but we did not realize it. If we accept the Word with our heart, we cannot help but shed tears. These are tears in the truth. A person without tears cannot be a true person. 

The Course of Rebirth is Always Accompanied by Tears

4. When we hear the words of True Parents, our original nature is to be moved and empathize with them with tears. Only then will you experience being born again through the Word. True rebirth is not something that someone pushes. It is not possible to become a rebirthed person just because someone forcefully beats you and pushes you to become one. Because the people who are rebirthed in the life of faith always sympathize with each other heartistically, there are always tears. A believer without tears tries to avoid pain. If you are about to get hit, you try to avoid it. Such faith is not the right path. That kind of faith just tries to set conditions. Even if you receive a blessing, there are times when people are pushed to receive it by invitation from their family or relatives. It is difficult to resurrect oneself internally and heartistically if one receives the blessing not through the experience of rebirth, but because one was pushed by the environment and pushed by the spirit world. Since True Parents needed indemnity conditions to fulfill Heaven's providence, including the 36 families, they conditionally filled the number and found and raised up people who would receive blessings, so many outsiders were included. 

Our original nature is moved and empathizes with tears when we hear the original Word. Words that are sympathetic to the heart always lead to the experience of being born again. A true rebirth does not become a rebirth just because someone forcefully beats us and pushes us away. 

A reborn person in the life of faith must sympathize(?) with the heart and voluntarily come from the heart. When we encounter the original words while conflicting over our life, our original nature explodes with joy, gratitude, and emotion, and we empathize with tears. A believer without tears tries to avoid a painful place. 

If we are about to get hit, we try to avoid it. Such faith is not the right path. That kind of faith just tries to set conditions. It's easy to get biased toward just formality. Such a life of faith makes it difficult to resurrect oneself internally and heartistically. 

Today we spoke about really important things: the course of rebirth is always accompanied by tears.

Today I have talked about "The Most Important Thing in Children's Education."

How (can) our children respect their parents. (If they do,) then our education is already over. When we raise our sons and daughters as filial sons and daughters and (we) become true parents, then everything is over. Our purpose of life is how to raise our children as filial sons and daughters. When we raise our children as filial sons and daughters and they respect us and love us and inherit everything, then our portion of responsibility is already completed. How can we become true father, true mother and a true parent? That is our final goal.

(Testimony Nasser Zomorod, UPF coordinator in Los Angeles, UPF Event with Dr. Yong)♦

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. 

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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