Ep 642 - The Role Of Women Part 5

The Role of Women - July 29, 2022

PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony Miyo Horiwaki

Key Points

  1. Today, we have moved from the era of men centered on the archangel and have welcomed the era of women, the era of mothers centered on True Mother.

  2. Women’s Federation for World Peace to become the center of our local communities, nation, and world, more than any other NGO.

  3. spirit and truth have to achieve harmony. a person who is spiritually developed should study the truth aspect a lot. people (who) are stronger in the truth aspect have to make a lot of effort to have heartistic exchange with God through prayer and jeongseong.

  4. True Father witnessed without words with a heart of longing for the object partner.

  5. The world of heart is the world of longing.

  6. The secret to witnessing is how much I have a desperate heart of longing for an object partner.

  7. when you long for an object partner, they are bound to appear.

  8. True father said that a leader should have a heart of longing that wants to visit each family.

  9. Father longed for God, for people with his tears.

  10. Father is a champion of tears.

  11. when we truly live for the sake of others, then immediately we become spiritually so sensitive.

  12. Just because he is True Father, this doesn’t mean he has some special abilities.

  13. It is through True Father's tears that True Father revealed God’s han, sorrows, wishes, circumstances, and heart. True Father conquered God with tears.

  14. Tears and sacrifices are necessary to restore the fallen world.

  15. Our True Parents always think of all humankind, how to feed them and how to take care of them as the parents of all humankind. 

I arrived well in Australia. Now I am having a great time with my family. As I told you, family is the front line! I came to the front line. I am spending time with my family.

The weather is a bit chilly.

Today I’d like to talk about “The Role of Women” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

I want to emphasize the role of the wives in our church. In the past, the people of Israel were able to survive during adversity because of the role played by the mothers in their families; that is, it was the mothers, wives, and daughters-in-law who carried on the tradition. Therefore, from now on, our church should encourage the wives and have them stand on the front line. Success or failure in completing Cheon Il Guk hinges on how we practice and take action in relation to those goals we have set for 2020. The role of women in advancing toward those goals is important. This is not the time to remain a woman buried within the family but to be a woman who can have life-or-death resolution to stand in the forefront of the providence for this providential goal. 

If we are unable to fulfill these goals, you will stand accused by your ancestors, who went to the eternal world before you. Throughout history, we have seen all the model courses for both success and failure. There are lessons to be learned from history. Look at Israel today: women join the army and fight equally alongside men in order to protect their nation. It is time for women to lead the way in saving the nation and the world. You must all know that the responsibility of women is serious and important. (2013.04.20,Cheon Hwa Gung) 

Today, we have moved from the era of men centered on the archangel and have welcomed the era of women, the era of mothers centered on True Mother. The archangel-centered cultural realm was always an age of envy, jealousy, war and conflict. 

From now on, it is the time for women and mothers to pioneer churches and society in full-scale in all aspects with motherly heart and love. In the family, if the mother is alive and well, the family survives. In the church, if women become the center, the church survives. In society and nation, if women are alive and well, then that society and nation survives. 

That is why True Mother said, “This is not the time to remain a woman buried within the family but to be a woman who can have life-or-death resolution to stand in the forefront of the providence for this providential goal. It is time for women to lead the way in saving the nation and the world.” 

From this perspective, our Women’s Federation for World Peace is very important. I would like to ask for everyone’s support in making Women’s Federation for World Peace to become the center of our local communities, nation, and world, more than any other NGO. 

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Principle of Creation 60 - The Development, Perfection, and Features of the Spirit Self 

• All the sensibilities of a spirit are cultivated through the reciprocal relationship with the physical self during earthly life.

• Therefore, only when a person reaches perfection and is totally immersed in the love of God while on earth can he fully delight in the love of God as a spirit after his death.

• All the qualities of the spirit self are developed while it abides in the physical self: Sinful conduct during earthly life aggravates evil and ugliness in the spirit of a fallen person, while the redemption of sins granted during earthly life opens the way for his spirit to become good. 

• This was the reason Jesus had to come to the earth in the flesh to save sinful humanity, We must lead a good life while we are on the earth.

• In Matthew 16:19, Jesus gave the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven to Peter, who remained on the earth, and in Matthew 18:18, he said, "Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven," because the primary objective of the providence of restoration must be carried out on earth.

Let’s study Father’s word based on this content.

Worship in Spirit and Truth

<76-125> Such being the case, those emphasizing reason cannot play a role as great leaders of the religious world of the spirit. There are two types of people. You should know which group you belong to. Spiritual people in general are usually not great at reasoning, though they are great spiritually. They may start out strongly, but they become weak later on. Then, since they are not consistent from beginning to end, they do not last forever – they surely drop out at a certain point. On the other hand, those who are good at reasoning and truth but poor spiritually can also never last long. Therefore you have to make an effort to coordinate these two aspects in your daily life. It is said that you must worship in prayer and in truth – in spirit and in truth. This means that you have to create a balance and enter a state of harmony. People should mediate between the spiritual and physical worlds. You should stand in the center of the spiritual world and be the people who can mediate standing at the center of the world of truth. Otherwise you cannot attain the perfected position. 

Since spirit and truth are the same inside and out and have the relationship of mind and body, they both have to achieve harmony. That is why a person who is spiritually developed should study the truth aspect a lot. They should read more books than anyone else and get advice from intellectual people. 

And people (who) are stronger in the truth aspect have to make a lot of effort to have heartistic exchange with God through prayer and jeongseong and have a spiritual person by their side to get a lot of advice from. 

This is very important. Father said the spirit and truth should be harmonized together. Their position is like mind and body and inside out. Both sides are very important, not just the spiritual side. Also the truth side is important as well.

How to Develop Your Spiritual Senses

<30-150>If you long to see someone, even if a wall is placed to stop you from seeing that person, there will be occasions where you climb over that wall. 

Such things will happen even if I keep quiet. This is because the spirit world fills up that gap. When I was imprisoned in Heungnam prison, I did not witness to people with words. I witnessed to people without words. The same holds true for you. The spirit world was mobilized to help me, because otherwise something terrible would have happened. 

When True Father was imprisoned in Heungnam Prison, he witnessed without words. 

This is incredible. Through this we know how to witness to people. I am going to testify from now on. 

They did not allow conversations between prisoners in Heungnam Prison. Then how did True  Father find 12 disciples? This was an important condition for him to restore 12 disciples. It was only (through a) heart of longing for the object partner. 

If you have a heart that truly longs for and love an object partner, the spirit world will be mobilized to help find that object partner. The world of heart is the world of longing. That is when we witness, do not try to witness with words or the Principle or some humanistic method. 

The secret to witnessing is how much I have a desperate heart of longing for an object partner.

I need to teach him the Divine Principle. Let him really study the 12-hour EDP. That is great, but before that, what is the most important thing? You need to have a desperate heart of longing for the object partner. This is the most important thing. Then you need to teach him through the Divine Principle. 

 The reason witnessing isn’t going (well for you) is because you are lacking in longing and love for finding an object partner. If you convey the principle without love, witnessing does not happen. It is a universal law that when you long for an object partner, they are bound to appear

This is great. 

“I do not know how to talk with people. I don’t know how to share about the Divine Principle.” 

This is a secondary matter. How did Father witness to 12 disciples in Heung Nam Prison? Father really mobilized the spiritual world through his incredible longing heart and loving heart for the object partner. This is the main point.

The Path to Becoming a Leader

<30-150> The same holds true for you. So, if you are going to the countryside, you should mobilize spiritual support in the same way. I have been to every well-known place in the sixties. Even now, I still regret not crossing the entire land of Korea with my bare feet. This province and that province- it’s too bad that I wasn’t able to visit each area. When I became a munitions worker, I had the heart of wanting to drink a bowl of water from each district as I traveled from house to house. When I go to this district, what kind of houses will I find? Aren’t you curious about what kind of person is living in that village over there? If you cannot do this, then you will not be able to become a leader. 

True father said that a leader should want to go to every village, every house, in the entire country without missing one place and have a heart of longing that wants to visit each family

I always have this kind of heart. I want to visit our blessed families without missing a single home. That is really my heart. I want to go there and check how many members are living there and what their situation is. I want to know everything. 

True Father went around the whole world with such a beautiful heart, and he toured the 50 states of America many times. I also have a desperate heart to quickly establish Clifton Church as the model church and visit the 50 states several more times and meet all our brothers and sisters. I really miss our beloved members yesterday and today and any day. 

This is really my longing heart to see each one of you. I really want to quickly make a model Clifton Church and make it very stable so our national president can take care of it very well. Then I will have time to visit the states again and again. Wow! I have this kind of heart. 

When I hear Father’s word, he is the true father. (True Mother and True Father) are the True Parents. They have this kind of heart. They want to go to each village, each town, each nation, everywhere, and they want to meet members because this globe(?) is created by God. Each member is a child of God. “Oh, I miss all of you, my brothers and sisters!”

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: A Person with the Essence of Love Sheds Many Tears

Father had Many Tears Since he was Young 

1. We are trees of heart and trees of love. Wherever we are, we must sprout in order to take root. Since we are born as trees of love, if the content of love is not abundant, we wither and die. You must have will, hope, and tears. True Father is someone who has met God since he was young. He felt pity for the people around him whenever he saw their circumstances and difficulties. True Father said that he cried a lot whenever he saw the pitiful situations and difficulties of people. He said that he once wept over the marriage of his physical sister. He said if she got married, she will surely become a widow and return home, so he begged her not to leave. Then, just as True Father predicted, she returned as a widow within a few months. He lived a life of feeling pity for the people around him, crying and worrying a lot, so he lived a life of foreboding. 

The Bible often compares people to trees, such as The Tree of (the Knowledge of) Good and Evil, the Tree of Life, the true olive tree and wild olive tree. We must become trees of true love and trees of heart. 

Since we were born as trees of love, if the content of love is not abundant, we wither and die. A tree must get enough nutrients from its roots, and if it doesn't get a lot of light energy from the sun, it will die soon. 

Therefore, human beings should always be full of the will to live a true life, and should be full of hope, and tears of love to love people. 

True Father is a person who has met God often since he was a child. True Father said that he cried a lot whenever he saw the pitiful situations and difficulties of people. 

And he said that when he saw poor people, if he did not cry with them or help them, his heart could not bear it, so he lived caring for and comforting people all the time. 

So Father is really amazing! How did he meet God? Of course, he prayed a lot. He invested jeongseong. But his incredible jeongseong is his tears. Really he longed for God, for people with his tears. That is why True Father is a champion of tears.

That is why True Father always led a life of foreboding. When a person is sensitive to living for others, he can acquire the ability to foresee how hungry (that person) is, how much money he needs, and what he is concerned about. 

When I had an opportunity to attend Yo Han Lee, I was so surprised. Whenever he saw people and sat down together and listened to their problems, he knew exactly what they needed. If they needed money, he gave (them) some money. If they needed counseling, he gave the right (advice). Wow! I was really surprised. 

That is why when we truly live for the sake of others, then immediately we become spiritually so sensitive. We know what people need. Does he need money? Is he very hungry? Does he need clothes? Does he need something? Does he have a problem inside his mind and heart? Immediately we know. 

That’s why there is only one way. When we live completely for the sake of others, our spirit mind is so sensitive and clear and we know what a person needs.

That is why before starting family in your Cain and Abel relationship, you really need to serve your Abel and your Cain very well. The more we live for the sake of others, (the more) sensitive our spiritual mind becomes. It knows exactly what my object partner needs.

If, (however,) you are spiritually dull and don’t know your wife’s or your husband’s heart, your children’s situation, what a person is talking about, that means you do not have much experience living for the sake of others. 

One who truly lives for the sake of others becomes so spiritually sensitive – even to details. That’s why he exactly knows that person’s heart and at any time can help that person. Let’s become that kind of person.

Father Conquered People Around Him with Tears

2. Anyone has a foreboding feeling when they feel sorry for and are concerned about others. Just because he is True Father, doesn’t mean he has some special abilities. If there is one thing that makes True Father different from others, it is that he sheds more tears than others. He said that when he was scolded by his parents when he was young, he cried for 3-4 days. He cried for 3 or 4 days because he couldn't convince his parents that they were just scolding him without properly distinguishing good and evil. He cried so much that even True Father’s family said not to mess with that child at all. They had experienced that if they interfered in the wrong way, great things would happen. Even if you are the parent, when your child is continuously crying for 3-4 days without eating, who can stop them? That is why True Father’s parents completely raised their hands in surrender when he was young. In this way, True Father was the Prince of Tears. 

True Father said that anyone has a foreboding feeling when he feels sorry for and is concerned about others. Just because he is True Father, this doesn’t mean he has some special abilities. If there is one thing that makes True Father different from others, it is that he sheds more tears than others. 

For me, I am really envious of True Father because he is the champion of tears. How can I become like True Father? When he thinks of Heavenly Parent, incredible tears come down because Heavenly Parent has (such) a sorrowful situation. I want to be like True Father and True Mother. How can I become a champion of tears? When I see people’s miserable situation, how can I have the same heart as their heart. This is really my challenge. 

Even though many people say Dr. Yong has a lot of tears, for me it is nothing. I am still far away from reaching our True Parents’ standard.

It is through True Father's tears that True Father revealed God’s han, sorrows, wishes, circumstances, and heart. True Father conquered God with tears. Is there anyone in this world whom True Father, who conquered God with tears, cannot conquer? True Father was the Prince of Tears. 

How many tears have we shed for God like True Father? How many tears have I shed for humankind and for my country and my neighbors? True Father said that we, too, should shed many tears for the world, our nation, and our family. 

A Person with the Essence of Love Sheds Many Tears

3. True Father conquered his parents with tears, and even God surrendered to True Father with His hands up. Just as True Father conquered his physical parents with his tears, he also possessed God with his tears. A person with the essence of love sheds a lot of tears. Think about it. How can a person with a character of love be without tears? There are no tears because my spirit is dead. There are no tears because there is no love. Like so, if you look at True Father’s course, people with love shedding tears is absolute. The relationship between tears and love is inevitable. Therefore, we must understand the essence of love right away. 

Tears and sacrifices are necessary to restore the fallen world to the original world. People who have the essence of love shed a lot of tears in the course of restoration. 

Think how many tears God shed to restore his children because of the fall of man. How can a person with a character of love be without tears? There are no tears because my spirit is dead. Those whose spirit is very dry have no tears. Very dry.

A dead spirit has no tears because there is no heart. No tears means no love. Like so, if you look at True Father’s course, (for) people with love shedding tears is absolute. 

True Father's life was always a life of tears. The relationship between tears and love is inevitable. Therefore, we must understand the essence of love and become the ones who resemble the life of our True Parents. 

My explanation is still not enough when I think about True Father’s and True Mother’s tears. I really am envious (and yearn) to become like True Father and True Mother. 

When we see the miserable situation of all humankind... So many people do not have enough food, right?... So many people are dying miserably. When Heavenly Father looks at such a situation, how much he cries about that. True Father feels exactly like that.

Even though your situation is OK, you are living in America or Korea or Japan, compared to Africa it is much better, but we need to know that somewhere else many people are dying because of lack of food. 

Whenever I have a meal I always pray, “Heavenly Father, I have such nice food prepared by sisters.” At every meal I am so ashamed in front of God and True Parents because many people do not have enough food. “Heavenly Father, what shall I do? I want to have this meal together with those people who don’t have food. Please share this food.” 

I want to have this kind of heart all the time. 

At the same time when I have a meal I think of True Father in Heungnam Prison and of his lack of food at the time. Wow! When I share this kind of food with True Father (in that situation), how happy he is! Also, his companions were prisoners. How happy his companions are. 

Whenever I eat any meal, I always feel so sorry about that. What do you think? Father is not only taking care of Korea and Japan. Our True Parents always think of all humankind, how to feed them and how to take care of them as the parents of all humankind

Today we learned how True Parents met God, how True Father discovered all the truth through prayers and jeongseong. Please remember True Father’s words.

LIVING TESTIMONY: I’m a Living Testimony for Whom Anything is Possible

(Testimony of Miyo Horiwaki, SR3, Ohio)♦

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as PDF files at the top of this text. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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