Ep 643 - The Role Of Women Part 6

The Role of Women - July 30, 2022

PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony Ivan Lozano

Key Points

  1. Central figures in the providence all succeeded on the basis of mother-child cooperation. 

  2. “All children inherit their mother’s faith.”

  3. The husband must play the role of mother. 

  4. When your wife receives love from her husband, she is inspired to take care of the children.

  5. If love and longing for a person are strong, the other person is bound to appear.

  6. Where there is love, there is God.

  7. With jjak sarang my heart and my love reach my object partner even though he does not know me in the beginning. 

  8. Father said the more you love your enemy, the greater and wider and deeper your heart becomes.

  9. Loving my enemy is my hobby. 

  10. As a child of True Parents, you receive a lot of guidance from True Parents through your dreams.

  11. The spirit world seeks out and shows itself to those who have longing. 

  12. Dreams shown by the spirit world are very clear and you have a definite memory of them. 

  13. When I think of the origin every morning, the parent-child heart that God is my father must be felt. 

  14. In order not to be an ambiguous person, you have to make others be indebted to you and give to everyone in human relationships. 

  15. Try to create a profit wherever you go in any workplace, always giving 

  16. A tree focuses on its current job and mission. Living beings are consistent and always doing their best every moment by exchanging sunlight and air. 

  17. Human beings are connected with our lifetime and with eternity. There is no such thing as temporary. 

I have energy now. Every day I can see my three grandchildren. Two (of them) will someday come out.

Today I’d like to talk about “The Role of Women” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

Being the son of an idol maker, Abraham was a person Heaven could not choose; yet when Heaven called him to leave Ur of the Chaldeans, he did so with a heart of absolute obedience. This was a condition that could put him in the position of father of faith. Then through Isaac and Jacob, Heaven was able to find a family it could embrace. It was Jacob who laid the providential foundation to establish a nation. Thanks to the cooperation of his mother, Jacob was able to obtain the first son's right of inheritance. However, there was a period of indemnity. After twenty-one years of hardship and suffering in his maternal uncle’s home in Haran, Jacob returned with his family and brought Esau to voluntary surrender. 

Thanks to that, the foundation upon which Israel could become a nation was established. Though you have gone out to the world and are active, thanks to that, the foundation upon which Israel could become a nation was established. Though you have gone out to the world and are active through WFWP, your efforts are still weak from Heaven's perspective. Now is the time to restore humanity to Heavenly Parent and realize one human family under God. You should end all indemnity during your lifetimes. Only then can there be hope for our second generation. Please do not sit back when things become difficult. We must settle everything within our lifetimes. We must establish the kingdom of heaven on earth. You have received so much love and blessing from our Heavenly Parent. You are greatly indebted to him. Now you should fulfill your responsibilities as His mature children. (2014.06.22, Cheon Jeong Gung) 

When True Mother spoke of Abraham's absolute obedience to God's will, she spoke about the reason he became the father of faith and the providence of mother-child cooperation that Jacob laid the providential foundation for. 

If you look at the central figures in the providence of restoration who won in our faith course, you can see that they all succeeded on the basis of mother-child cooperation. It shows how important the mother's role in the family is. 

In the home, mothers must have the faith to respect, love, and worship God above all else. True Father also said, “All children inherit their mother’s faith.” 

The mother of my spiritual father, Rev. Yohan Lee, was a very devout Christian. And his mother's last name was Moon. Rev. Yohan Lee said that all of his faith was inherited from his mother. 

He really deeply appreciated his mother. He learned everything – what faith is, (who) God is – from his mother. 

And the role of the father in the family is very important. At home, the father is the one who trusts and loves the mother a lot so that she can become one with the children. If you look at the central figures who succeeded in the mother-child cooperation, (their mothers) were people who loved their husbands in all circumstances. 

It is no exaggeration to say that the future of the Unification Church ultimately depends on the faith of a mother in the family. What should be done if the mother has no faith? There are some cases like that. Then the husband must play the role of mother as well. The husband should not be discouraged by his wife’s level of faith.

Whatever the circumstances, the husband must move his wife with faith and love. He must make the determination to carry his wife’s cross on behalf of God and his family. 

If my wife cannot fulfill her role as the mother, I need to take responsibility for the things she cannot do. 

A husband who moves his wife with love is already going beyond the archangelic realm and entering the true Adam realm. He already overcomes the faith of a servant – no mor archangel level – and enters the position of a true son. 

If he moves his faithless wife to love God and True Parents, he will receive a truly great reward from God and the spirit world. 

That is why even though we are talking about mother-son cooperation, the role of the father is also very important. Husband and wife need to cooperate with each other.

You need to really encourage your wife as a father (husband?). When your wife receives love from her husband, she is inspired to take care of the children. The mother’s role is to take care of the children very well and then connect to the father. That is the principled way.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Principle of Creation 60 - The Development, Perfection, and Features of the Spirit Self 

• All the qualities of the spirit self are developed while it abides in the physical self: Sinful conduct during earthly life aggravates evil and ugliness in the spirit of a fallen person, while the redemption of sins granted during earthly life opens the way for his spirit to become good. 

• This was the reason Jesus had to come to the earth in the flesh to save sinful humanity, We must lead a good life while we are on the earth.

• In Matthew 16:19, Jesus gave the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven to Peter, who remained on the earth, and in Matthew 18:18, he said, "Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven," because the primary objective of the providence of restoration must be carried out on earth.

Father’s word:

Inspiration and Experience

<30-150> As soon as you go out on the street, you will start feeling you are going to meet such and such people today. A person’s spirit is able to connect with others without limit. You will be surprised if your intuition on what kind of person you will meet that day becomes reality. There are many instances in which what you think and the intuition given by the spirit world will often become reality in perfect accord with each other. You have to grow through the accumulation of these experiences. Do you understand? [Yes.] 

The path to nurture one's spirituality in the course of faith is very important. According to our spiritual foreboding, knowing what will happen and knowing who we will meet in advance should happen frequently. The human spirit can connect with others without limit. The spirit transcends time and space. 

For this spiritual experience, you must have a strong love and longing for people more than anyone else. If love and longing for a person are strong, the other person is bound to appear definitely. This is also my personal experience.

The purpose of offering sincere devotion is to create and activate longing in my heart. Longing is like a magnet, so when I miss someone, they will certainly be drawn to me. The characteristic of longing has a law that attracts. 

After all, so is witnessing. Whether or not witnessing works well is determined by how much earnest longing and love you have for the guest. 

Everyone is bound to go to the person who thinks more about them, loves them more, and misses them more. 

If I think (about) and love God more than anyone else, he will surely come to me. If there is someone who loves God more, God  will surely visit that person.

How much do you think about God? If you have a longing heart to see Heavenly Father and become really crazy, he will definitely come to you. This is the character of love. If someone really loves me, I want to be there. If I truly love God, he wants to be here. If I truly love True Father, he wants to come to me. This is the nature of true love. 

First, we must have such a heart toward God as His child. And horizontally, we must have that kind of heart toward our brothers and sisters. 

How can I get along well with Heavenly Father? You need to think more often about him; you need to have a longing heart for him. The more you have such a heart and mind – deeper and deeper – surely you can often communicate with God because where there is love, there is God. This is an important point.

That is why I talk about Jjak Sarang. Even though you don’t like me, even though you hate me, even though you betray me, I love you continuously no matter what. (I have) non-stop prayer day after day. Then my heart and my love reach my object partner even though he does not know me in the beginning. That is the power of jjak sarang. I absolutely believe in the power of jjak sarang. This is really important when you try to witness to someone to become your spiritual son or daughter, right? You have a jjak sarang list.

When I was young, I really didn’t like some people, so I wrote down all their names: no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Even if I was (only) struggling a little bit with them. I wrote down all my enemies, or if not an enemy, at least I don’t like them. I prayed constantly for this name list of enemies or unlikable (people). I prayed until my heart came out to love them. I had a beautiful and incredible experience. I could love them. 

The next time I saw one of them, even though he tried to avoid me, I ran to him and greeted him and shook his hands and talked with him and we shared with each other. It was really beautiful. 

I felt the more I love someone I really don’t like, I could feel that my heart is really improving and wider and that I was overcoming my fallen nature....

Father said the more you love your enemy, the greater and wider and deeper your heart becomes. Through loving your enemy you can remove fallen nature. Heavenly Father gives us enemies in order to remove our fallen nature. If I truly love my enemy, that area of my fallen nature completely disappears. 

That is why if anyone doesn’t like me, I really want to challenge myself to love him. A life of faith is a challenge. Something you can do easily is not true love. You really need to challenge (yourself): “I cannot love and embrace (a person).” Once you can embrace and love him and digest him, your character becomes rounder and your heart becomes more embracing and loving. It is really beautiful. 

Loving my enemy is my hobby. It should be your hobby. You cannot find the word “enemy” in your dictionary. “I can love anyone and everyone.” That is our goal.

This is the Era of Parents

<54-303> From now on it is no longer the era of Jesus and saints; it is the era of parents. That is why parents work. Is there anyone who has seen Jesus in the middle of their prayer or spiritual revelation? There are many people who have seen me. Raise your hand if you have seen me in your prayer or spiritual revelation. Most of you have definitely seen me. You must develop this and go forth. 

The present age is neither the Old Testament age nor the New Testament age. This is the era of Cheon Il Guk centered on True Parents. If you are a child of True Parents, you must receive a lot of guidance from True Parents through your dreams according to Father’s word.

However, someone may ask, “Why do True Parents not appear in my dreams?” Of course, there are many reasons, but most are due to a lack of longing to truly love True Parents. 

The spirit world seeks out and shows itself to those who have longing. Sometimes, spiritual parents or someone you admire appears in your dream. 

A person who does not have someone whom he respects on the path of faith rarely has dreams. People without dreams usually value reality more than faith. Such a person should pray more and offer more sincere devotion. 

However, having too many dreams too often is also not a good thing. Dreams shown by the spirit world are very clear and you have a definite memory of it. If you have dreams often but have no memory of them and (they are) a bit vague, (they) reflect your usual thoughts as they are. 

That’s why, even if you do not often dream, whenever you (do) have a dream and it is very clear and you remember it clearly, that is really guidance from the spiritual world and True Parents. 

If you don’t have (such) dreams, you have to be a more heartistic person and have a longing heart for God and True Parents and for your own guests. Then everybody without exception – it does not matter if you are a spiritual guy or not – everyone with that kind of sincere, longing heart, even crazy to see True Father – “I want to see True Father, True Mother, my guest,” – the spiritual world will definitely give them an answer. Our Father’s guidance is really beautiful.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: A Person of Heart is Always Unchanging Like a Tree

Always Live Checking who you are

1. Do I really shed tears centered on the Will? Do I really have the sprout of the heart? I should always reflect on whether I am a tree of love. All things are silently indicating that they are alive and that they have life. But how do you express that you have love? When you rise in the morning, do you have a heart that wants to worship without realizing it? Do you want to admire Heaven? Do you want to treat everything with heart and love? We must always check ourselves to see whether we are a tree of life, a tree of death, or a tree of love. You must always check yourself and live your life correctly. If you spend time ambiguously and waste time, your life will be unhappy in the end. Those who are ambiguous on the path of faith are ambiguous even when they go out into the world. 

All things are silently indicating that they are alive and that they have life. But how do you express that you have love? 

As soon as you wake up in the morning, do you have the heart to worship God without realizing it? Do you want to admire Heaven? 

We learned about origin-division-union action. Our life is a life of origin-division-union action. In the morning we begin with the origin, right? Then you go out for the sake of your job, that is division, right? Then you come back to your home; that is union, according to Father’s guidance. Our daily life is a life of origin-division-union action.

Origin-division-union action begins with a heart that wants to worship, revere and long for God. Do I wake up with that kind of heart to that origin every morning? 

When you just wake up and think about Heavenly God, not pushing yourself – “I want to feel God, I want to accept God is daddy and I am his child,” not pushing like that – just naturally without realizing it, really your emotion already begins with the origin. That is the beginning of origin-division-union. You just wake up and (say spontaneously), “Heavenly God.” Then Heavenly Father answers, “I am here.”

“Heavenly Father, how are you?”

“I am well. Hey my son, I love you so much. I am always with you.” 

(It is) not pushing, but an inseparable relationship. You feel that “He is my daddy. I am a son or daughter of God.” It is natural give-and-take action with God. That is the beginning of origin-division-union action. It already starts moving now.

When I think of the origin every morning, the parent-child heart that God is my father must be felt. When this heart comes out, I can love everything, and a heart of helping comes out. Beautiful!

 The Ambiguous and the Successful

2. Even in the world, people who are ambiguous go back and forth without being able to settle in one place. They keep changing jobs. If you leave your job because your salary is low or because you don't like your manager, how can you take root? When you go to work, you must work so that it can make a profit and the company is indebted to you. Even if the company goes bankrupt and you do not receive a salary, if you work hard for several months without a salary and through that give the owner a new motivation, you are not an employee, but a person who works as an owner. There are people around us with such a sense of ownership. Successful people work with a sense of ownership beyond their salaries by giving their company a plus if it's in a very difficult situation. 

We must live always asking ourselves, “Am I really a true tree or a false tree?” You must live by checking whether you are a tree that gives love and life to others, or a tree that always harms others and is not recognized. If you spend time ambiguously and waste time, your life will be unhappy in the end. 

Even in the world, people who are ambiguous go back and forth without being able to settle in one place. Ambiguous people are not faithful to the reality they face. If you try to find a more comfortable way and avoid any difficulties, you become an ambiguous person. As a result, human relationships are ambiguous, family relationships are ambiguous, and no matter what you do, you cannot take root. 

In order not to be an ambiguous person, you have to make others be indebted to you and give to anyone in human relationships. 

Always you try to (create) a profit wherever you go in any workplace, always giving and giving for the sake of others. Then so many people will be indebted to you. If you become that kind of person, that is really what God wishes. Otherwise, if you do not focus on your current situation and in your workplace, you become an ambiguous person. 

And in the workplace, you have to be a person who is praised for making your company see a profit. You have to become the person others need in the workplace. You shouldn't be a worker at that job because of your paycheck. Always work with a sense of ownership

 A Person of Heart is Always Unchanging like a Tree

3. Our moment by moment is connected with our lifetime and furthermore connected with eternity. There is no such thing as temporary. Now everyone, look at the trees. There is no gap at any moment. As always, they are consistent and doing their best in every moment, exchanging with the sunlight and air. A person of heart is always unchanging like a tree. A person of heart is always consistent, and a person centered on the physical mind is always unstable. A person with a heart of worship and reverence is a person who is consistent and always lives through the subject partner. Then why are all things always the same? This is because they only live by the Principle. Because they live by the Principle, they preserve life. They have no gap or rest, even for a moment. 

Living beings are consistent and always doing their best every moment by exchanging sunlight and air. There is no more debt(?), right?

Living means all things focus on their current situation. They don’t worry about tomorrow or the past, what happened yesterday. They don’t think, “Oh, this is temporary.” They don’t think like that. Living beings are consistent and always doing their best every second by exchanging sunlight and air. Then they have a bright future. The tree or the plant grows day by day because it focuses on its current job and mission. Every second they have give-and-take with the sunlight and air very well. Then the future is guaranteed. It can grow and bear fruit very well. 

Therefore, human beings moment by moment are connected with our lifetime and furthermore connected with eternity. There is no such thing as temporary

Like a growing tree or plant, there should be no gaps at any moment. A person of heart is always unchanging like a tree. A person of heart is always consistent, and a person centered on the physical mind is always unstable, always up and down, always doing something temporary.

Then why are all things always the same? This is because they only live by the Principle. Because they live by the Principle, they preserve life. The same goes for us humans. We humans can preserve life only when we live according to the principle and law of love in the universe. 

We can learn many things from living beings, right? I think we learned good things from today’s guidance.

LIVING TESTIMONY: I’m a Living Testimony for Whom Anything is Possible

(Testimony of Ivan Lozano, CARP, SR3)♦

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as PDF files at the top of this text. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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