Ep 641 - The Role Of Women Part 4

The Role of Women - July 28, 2022

PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony Ken Murray

Key Points

  1. True Mother emphasizes that from now on, women should carry out the mission of a mother, rather than daughter, and give birth to and raise children. 

  2. Mother is the main person to handle God’s providence’s final stage.

  3. To find a balance in life of faith, intellectual people should always try to develop their spiritual side, and spiritual people should try to develop their intellectual side and create harmony. 

  4. In the original world, emotion comes before intellect.

  5. What matters is how intellectual and spiritual people cooperate. God needs both sides.

  6. All things are the textbook that teach true love to human beings.

  7. The god to all things is the sun. All things are absolutely loyal to the sun.

  8. We should also be genuine and sincere like all things.

  9. In the foundation of faith, we have to regard the vertical relationship with God as life, and in the foundation of substance, we have to regard relationships with others – especially Cain and Abel, brothers and sisters – as life.

  10. All things are fallen human beings’ Abel.
    Today I’d like to talk about “The Role of Women” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

You need to know how important the role of a mother is. From now on, you should carry out the mission of a mother, rather than daughter. We should give birth to and raise children. Father built a huge house and now we need to put things in order and make it presentable. That is our responsibility. Nowadays, medical facilities are so well equipped that there are even treatments that can cure cancer; however, we have been living in an unpredictable environment. Recently, natural disasters have been severe. This has been happening around the world. Nobody knows when and how things will turn out. 

You are in blessed positions. When you go to the spirit world after having accomplished your responsibility, who would welcome you first in heaven? How great would it be if Father came to meet you and said, “Finally, you have come. Thank you for your great dedication and hard work in attending True Mother. I remember you.” Will you work with such a determination? If so, I have no further words. In fact, after Father's Seonghwa ceremony, I have not been able to sleep deeply. I think this is from my character. When I start something, I can’t sleep without concluding it and putting things in order. But by seeing you today, I realized that I am not alone. I felt, “I have pillars who can receive my will and work with me. I have my younger sisters. I have my daughters!” Women have the capacity to embrace all people. 

A woman, especially a mother, is like a bowl with the capacity to embrace men, women, children and the whole. Nobody can change that. According to Father, children inherit 99.999% from their mothers. If the sperm does not meet the ovum, it can’t fulfill its mission. When I think of this, I am left in awe thinking, “Did God really love women to such a degree?” Women, who are such precious beings, however, haven't been treated well throughout history. Hence, we must find our positions through the truth and our results. You must have the following determination: “We, women, will embrace and witness to all people and bring them to be Cheon Il Guk citizens.” (2013.01.09, Cheon Jeong Gung) 

True Mother emphasizes that from now on, women should carry out the mission of a mother, rather than daughter, and give birth to and raise children. 

She said that a woman, a mother is like a bowl with the capacity to embrace men, women, brothers and sisters, children, and parents and the whole. True Mother also said that women, who are such precious beings, however, have not been treated well throughout history but now, after being liberated from men centered on the archangel, we are welcoming the age of women and age of mothers. 

Now, as we welcome this amazing age of women, we must have the determination (that) “We, women, will embrace and witness to all people and bring them to be Cheon Il Guk citizens.” 

Now everything is bearing fruit centered on the era of women. Now Mother is the main (person?) to handle God’s providence’s final stage. She is the one who completes everything as a woman. We are so grateful for Mother’s womanly leadership. She is doing an excellent job. Because of Mother we can have great hope and a great future. 

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Principle of Creation 60 - The Development, Perfection, and Features of the Spirit Self 

• All the sensibilities of a spirit are cultivated through the reciprocal relationship with the physical self during earthly life.

• Therefore, only when a person reaches perfection and is totally immersed in the love of God while on earth can he fully delight in the love of God as a spirit after his death.

• All the qualities of the spirit self are developed while it abides in the physical self: Sinful conduct during earthly life aggravates evil and ugliness in the spirit of a fallen person, while the redemption of sins granted during earthly life opens the way for his spirit to become good. 

• This was the reason Jesus had to come to the earth in the flesh to save sinful humanity, We must lead a good life while we are on the earth.

• In Matthew 16:19, Jesus gave the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven to Peter, who remained on the earth, and in Matthew 18:18, he said, "Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven," because the primary objective of the providence of restoration must be carried out on earth.

Let’s study Father’s word.

Two Types of People

<76-125> What should we do to enter that state? Generally, there are two types of people. The first type consists of so-called intellectuals, who search for truth. They only accept things that stand to reason and reject anything contrary to it. The other type consists of people who grasp things by feeling rather than reason. In the Unification Church they are called the intellectual and the spiritual people respectively. Whereas intellectual people look for external understanding first and then try to apply it to the internal world, spiritual people look for internal feelings first and then try to apply them to the external world. We may call the former the incoming type, and the latter the outgoing type. These are the two types of people. 

Intellectual People 

<76-125> Since that is the case, intellectuals generally do not like prayer. When they think about it, it looks like superstition, it cannot be trusted, and it makes them feel that their own existence is going to be denied. Those are the intellectuals – they seek to find truth by forming theories. Spiritual people, on the other hand, are born being fond of calling on the name, God. They just like God for no particular reason and do not require any explanation. They do not mind skipping meals as long as they can call God, Father. Such people exist. 

Spiritual People

<76-125> The level of sensitivity is different. Generally speaking, in spiritual movements, which type of people do you think are successful in creating a revolutionary movement? Intellectuals cannot do it. Those who have accomplished great things in the realm of faith were not intellectuals but were mostly simple and uneducated – they were spiritual people. They live true to their feelings and do not care about the world. They do exactly what God tells them. There will arise occasions in which what they are doing turns out to be exactly the right thing to do in that situation. As a result, they turn out to become great figures in history. 

Saint Paul was originally an intellectual, but since he was struck by spiritual lightning from heaven on the road to Damascus, he changed his mind and went on by faith instead of his head. He felt that by searching internally one found an explosive path rather than by searching externally, which led him to deny everything that was external and to start respecting things that were internal. Through this, he became a standard-bearer of the new Christian revolution. 

There are two types of people in this world. Spiritual people are people who look for internal feelings first and then try to apply them to the external world. Intellectual people are people who look for external understanding first and then try to apply it to the internal world. 

To find a balance in life of faith, intellectual people should always try to develop their spiritual side, and spiritual people should try to develop their intellectual side and create harmony. Intellectual people should serve spiritual people as their Abel and spiritual people should serve intellectual people as their Abel. However, you should know that in the original world, emotion comes before intellect. 

Those who have accomplished great things in the realm of faith were not intellectuals but were mostly simple and uneducated – they were spiritual people. Nevertheless, if we are to lead the world, we need to put in a lot of effort to be both internal and external. 

When I deal with this kind of issue and work together with Naokimi, our USA president, Naokimi is really an intellectual guy. I am the other (type). That is why we combine together very well. We need to have that kind of combination. Do not blame yourself that you are an intellectual. Don’t blame yourself for being only spiritual. You resemble God’s character. 

(What matters is) how intellectual and spiritual people cooperate. God needs both sides. Of course, the spiritual side is more emotional, more internal, more connected to God. But (for) spiritual people without the intellectual area it is not easy to convince so many people. You need to get wisdom, those who are intellectual people, how to make a combination together. This is beautiful guidance from True Father.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: Lessons Learned Through All Things 

All Things are Honest and Live a Vertical Relationship

1. All things are genuine (sincere). All true things are genuine (sincere) and have no gaps. That is why there are many lessons to learn through all things. All things are giving human beings sermons without words. Each and every tree is constantly forming a reciprocal relationship with the sunlight and growing. Trees that do not receive sunlight all wither and die. Each branch that sunlight shines on is alive and very green, but all the branches that don't get sunlight fall. In that way, it looks like someone is doing a good job pruning all the trees. Branches that do not see the sunlight die, and all branches that have a reciprocal relationship with sunlight are alive. In this way, all things live an absolutely vertical relationship with sunlight. Each and every item of all things has its roots in the place they stand and is faithful by giving and receiving with the sun moment by moment. 

It is incredible, right?

All things are the textbook that teach true love to human beings. It is because all things are always genuine (very sincere) and faithful and without gaps every single moment. That is why all things are giving human beings sermons without words. 

The god to all things, which is composed of individual truth incarnation, is the sun. All things form reciprocal relationships centered on the sun and are growing. Just as how trees that do not receive sunlight all wither and die, the relationship between all things and the sun is absolute. If each branch of a tree receives sunlight, they survive and maintain its greenness, but all the branches that don't get sunlight all die. The sun can be compared to God’s love. If you have an absolute relationship and reciprocity with God’s love, you will survive; otherwise, it is as if you are eliminated. 

We can really learn from all things. The sun is the absolute subject partner for all things.

Each and every item of all things has its roots in the place it stands and is faithful by giving and receiving with the sun each moment, each second.

(All things) never waste even one second. They are completely alive to the sun. Wow! We need to learn from all things. My relationships are like that. How about my alignment with God, with True Parents? For human beings it is not easy to trust and believe. According to the environment (we are) always up and down, sometimes we are in and out like this. That is fallen man. 

But all things are absolutely loyal to the sun. Look at the sun flower. It adjusts and turns around to (follow) the sun. They adjust. This is a really beautiful lesson from all things.

 Lessons Learned Through all Things

2. There are so many lessons to be learned through all things. A person who knows how to take root like a tree, give and receive well with the sun moment by moment, and makes a profit in their responsibilities can be seen as someone Heaven wants to give more luck. Just as a tree that takes root lives by sunlight and a tree that does not take root dies, it can be seen that this is also the case with our human life. If you create an indispensable position in your given place, make God really want to help in that field, and pay interest, then God will want to provide more to that person. Taking root means living a profitable life. Humans can be said to be like trees. In the Bible, people are often compared to trees. Such are the tree of life, the tree of good and evil, and the fig tree. 

We should also be genuine and sincere like all things. All things form a reciprocal relationship with the sun in their given position and are faithful by giving and receiving with the sun moment by moment without gaps or fantasies. We today should be like all things and fulfill all our responsibilities in our given position centering on the sun-like love of God, grow well, and bear fruit when the time comes. 

Just as God wants to give more (fortune) to the person who makes a profit in his given responsibilities, He grants even greater blessings. A tree taking root, from the perspective of our faith, can be seen as growing well and living a profitable life. 

We are well aware of the law that in order for a tree to settle, it must take root in its given place and become absolutely one with the sunlight and give and receive with it. 

 Lessons About Things and Man’s Formula for Restoration 

3.In our life of faith, when we talk about the Foundation of Faith and the Foundation of Substance, the formula for restoration, if we compare to a tree, all of these refer to the roots. Roots can be seen as creating a foundation. Wherever we humans go, we must create this foundation. That is human beings’ portion of responsibility. Whatever you are in charge of, you must become an indispensable self. You need to make others be indebted to you; do not be indebted. Heaven keeps pushing people who are wholehearted in their responsibilities. But most of us become bored and sometimes feels dry. We can't get settled, so we keep moving around and live with a vague spirit. Because I can't take root, I don't have the drive, so my mind just disperses and I keep wandering, looking for new places, thinking “what if I go here? Or what if I go there?”

In our life of faith, we have to create the foundation of faith and the foundation of substance. This is the formula for restoration and human beings’ portion of responsibility. In other words, human beings have to make these two foundations while wholeheartedly fulfilling our responsibilities in the fields we are in charge of. 

In the foundation of faith, we have to regard the vertical relationship with God as life, and in the foundation of substance, we have to regard relationships with others – especially Cain and Abel, brothers and sisters – as life. We have to become people who can be recognized and trusted by everyone. 

But most of us become bored, and something feels dry. When that happens, since we can’t get settled, we keep moving around and live with a vague spirit. 

Our relationship with God and Abel becomes vague, and our relationship with our parents also becomes vague. Because I cannot take root, I do not have the drive, so my mind easily just disperses. 

All things are fallen human beings’ Abel. I hope that you all can gain many lessons through all things and apply them well in your life of faith and succeed. 

Recently I have been talking about lessons from all things. Very beautiful, right? Father says all things are a textbook for all humankind. All things teach us what true love is. This is incredible beautiful guidance.

Tomorrow I will join (Morning Devotion) from Australia. 

LIVING TESTIMONY: I’m a Living Testimony for Whom Anything is Possible

(Testimony of Ken Murray, Chicago, ACLC Divine Principle forum.)♦

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as PDF files at the top of this text. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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