Ep 923 - God's Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World II Part 13

God’s Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World II - May 6 2023

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PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony, Joe & Sun Willett

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Key Points

·   Our bondage to the lineage of Satan has caused immeasurable suffering throughout history.

·   Fallen human beings are like wild olive trees.

·   A wild olive tree, even if it lives a thousand years, will only continue producing the seeds of more wild olive trees.

·   Therefore, a branch of the wild olive tree must be cut off and grafted onto the true olive tree.

·   The beginning of God's model ideal family, ideal model nations, and peaceful ideal kingdom is to establish God as the vertical subject of our conscience.

·   The second most important thing is to boldly cut off the satanic lineage on the foundation of the vertical standard of our conscience, and be grafted into the root of True Parents’ true lineage.

·   We must restore ourselves to our original proper position centered on goodness. We know that this is the greatest goal that God and man must fulfill.

·   In the end, the person who can put an end to the battle between good and evil and bring about the world of good will dominate history.

·   We can deduce that history will form a turning point where good and evil intersect, with such a person at its center.

·   Therefore, we must go forward with a sense of subjectivity that we must change history on the foundation of True Parents' victory.

·   We must recognize that history does not change us, but that we are the subject that changes history. 

·   Without this sense of ownership, the history of sin cannot be cleared in the Last Days.

·   How do we change history?

·   True Parents gave us the responsibility of the messiahship.

·   When we recite the Family Pledge we pledge to become the owners of Cheon Il Guk.

·   Without taking ownership, we cannot change human history.

·   So our main job is to change our tribal history centered on our own mission as the tribal messiah.

·   The HTM mission is to put an end to the history of evil until now and to create a new village, a new city, a new state, and a new country centered on True Parents in the region you are responsible for.

·   We can change America’s history.

·   Take ownership and change history.

·   How do we evoke a spontaneous heart in ourselves and in our children?

·   “If you think of yourself as Heavenly Father's and sincerely believe it, your heart will be evoked spontaneously.”

·   The reason our hearts don’t come out voluntarily is that we don't have absolute faith that we belong to the Father.

·   Heavenly Father cries in loneliness because we do not share his heart.

·   We need to show our children the example of believing in and following True Parents and loving God.

·   Then we can become parents who lovingly raise dutiful children who show obedience without reluctance.

·   True obedience is done with joy.

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. ♦

Today I’d like to talk about “God’s Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World II, from True Mother’s Anthology 2”.

<This speech was given by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon between September 1 and October 14 during a 40-nation Victory and Complete Freedom Rally to Bring Universal Peace to the Fatherland and Hometown speaking tour.>143, 144

God’s Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World II

Within such a family, God is the vertical Subject of your conscience, and your conscience is the vertical subject of your body. Thus, unity with God brings your mind and body into unity. Family members who have established that vertical axis with God can then perfect the four realms of love and heart: parental love, conjugal love, children's love, and siblings' love. That family links all directions: above and below, front and rear, right and left. They revolve around each other in everlasting spherical motion. This is God's everlasting model ideal family, which expands to ideal model nations and His peace kingdom.

If only the entire world were filled with such true families! It would be an orderly world where people governed themselves by the heavenly way and heavenly laws, with no need for lawyers, prosecutors or even judges. Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, our bondage to the lineage of Satan has caused immeasurable suffering throughout history. Let us now boldly step forth to sever it and be grafted onto the root of the lineage of the True Parents. Why should we foolishly continue to live and die as wild olive trees? A wild olive tree, even if it lives a thousand years, will only continue producing the seeds of more wild olive trees. Where can we find the path to escape this vicious cycle?

God is the vertical Subject of your conscience, and if your conscience unites with God and dominates the body, it brings your mind and body into unity. The place where mind-body unity is established is where the Four Great Realms of Love, or the Four Great Realms of Heart: parental love, conjugal love, children's love, and siblings' love are perfected.

That family links all directions: above and below, front and rear, right and left. They revolve around each other in everlasting spherical motion. This is God's everlasting model ideal family, which expands to ideal model nations and His peace kingdom.

Therefore, the beginning of God's model ideal family, ideal model nations, and peaceful ideal kingdom is to establish God as the vertical subject of our conscience.

The second most important thing is to boldly cut off the satanic lineage on the foundation of the vertical standard of my conscience, and be grafted into the root of True Parents’ true lineage.

Fallen human beings are wild olive trees. A wild olive tree, even if it lives a thousand years, will only continue producing the seeds of more wild olive trees. Therefore, a branch of the wild olive tree must be cut off and grafted onto the true olive tree.

Who is the original true olive tree? They are our True Parents. That’s why we need to completely deny ourselves and receive the Blessing, remove our fallen nature and become true olive trees.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: Eschatology 7 Human History is the History of the Providence of Restoration 3 – Trends in the History of Conflict

·           Third, examining trends in the history of conflict.

·      Battles over people, territory and property have continued without interruption, expanding their scope in step with the progress of human society.

·      The scale of these struggles has broadened from the family level to the levels of tribe, society, nation and world until today, when the democratic world and the communist world confront each other in a final conflict.

·      This final war will primarily be a war of ideologies. Hence, the new truth which can reconcile religion and science will emerge and bring about the unification of the communist and democratic worlds.

Human History is the History of the Conflict of Good and Evil

       <28-244> Then, what is the problem? The problem is not history itself, but human beings who move history. Eventually all problems lead to human beings. We must clearly know that even in terms of ideology, the problem is not the trend of the ideology but the people who put a theory into practice.

    From the viewpoint of the trend of history, we can see that good and evil have continuously fought back and forth. If human beings hadn’t fallen, there wouldn’t have been conflict between good and evil. Because of the human Fall, the conflict between good and evil occurred.

Originally, goodness should have been the center of history, but evil became the center of history instead. And, goodness should have started first, but evil was done first. Besides, goodness should have been over evil, but evil has been over goodness. Thus, the struggle to restore such a fallen world into the original state is the origin of the history of conflict which has continued until today.

Then, what must we do? We must find out the way to restore ourselves to our original proper position. That must be our primary purpose. That is none other than God’s greatest goal in the providence. In other words, the ultimate thing that both God and we must do is to restore ourselves to our original state through the process of history or through the course of the providence of restoration. The person who can do this task will dominate history. Only such a person can fulfill the mission of the new era in the providential course and turn fallen history toward the proper direction. Therefore, we can deduce that history will form a turning point where good and evil intersect, with such a person at its center.

What is the most troubling thing about history that has flowed by so far? The problem is not history itself, but human beings who move history. In the end, it is human responsibility of those who move history to make a history of good or a history of evil. 

Because of the human Fall, the conflict between good and evil occurred. Originally, goodness should have been the center of history, but evil became the center of history instead.

And, goodness should have started first, but evil was done first. Thus, the struggle to restore such a fallen world into the original state is the origin of the history of conflict which has continued until today.  

Then ultimately, what must we do? We must restore ourselves to our original proper position centered on goodness. We know that this is the greatest goal that God and man must fulfill.

In the end, the person who can put an end to the battle between good and evil and bring about the world of good will dominate history. Only such a person can fulfill the mission of the new era in the providential course and turn fallen history toward the proper direction.

Therefore, we can deduce that history will form a turning point where good and evil intersect, with such a person at its center. Therefore, we must go forward with a sense of subjectivity that we must change history on the foundation of True Parents' victory.

We must recognize right away that history does not change us, but that we are the subject that changes history.  Without this sense of ownership, the history of sin cannot be cleared in the Last Days.

That’s why I love our Family Pledge. We recite the family pledge from the beginning, as the owner of Cheon Il Guk. Who can change human history? Who is really seriously responsible as the owner of Cheon Il Guk? If we are taking ownership, have a sense of ownership, then we can change history. Not centering on evil. Centering on God. Then who can change America’s history centering on God’s Providence? True Parents have already laid an incredible foundation. There are so many continental directors, so many national leaders, so many sub regional leaders, center leaders, we can change America’s history. It’s up to our own portion of responsibility. We need to have the sense of ownership. If we become the subject of ownership we can change our family history, our tribal history, our people’s history, our nation’s history. We can change the world. Since I became continental director in America, can I really change American history? Our church’s history, even the history of the nation? True Parents made that kind of change in history. Changes that made a turning point between the history of evil to the history of God’s history. How about us? I really thank our True Parents. They gave us the responsibility of the messiahship. Tribal messiahship. That means we need to carry on our own portion of responsibility on behalf of True Parents as the Messiah. Tribal Messiah. So our main job is to change our tribal history centered our own mission as the tribal messiah. Without taking ownership, you cannot change human history.

Then, how will we change history specifically? True Parents say that all blessed families should fulfill their Heavenly Tribal Messiah mission. The HTM mission is to put an end to the history of evil until now and to create a new village, a new city, a new state, and a new country centered on True Parents in the region you are responsible for. We are talking about human history, the history of the conflict of good and evil. You are the one to change our history, our national history, our tribal history, our family history. Take ownership and change history.


How do I Evoke My Spontaneous Heart?

My Offering (Holy Song)

1.   Now I have to come to know, I've truly come to know, Father, how your heart is filled with tears, for your altar stands and waits for an offering never made. He cries through all the ages for still no offering comes, Our Father cries in loneliness for He cannot share His heart.

2.   Now I have come to know, I've truly come to know, Father, now I know your blessed grace; For you raised me from the darkness and gave to me new life. I live and stand before you, but now you cry again. My Father has to say to me, “Go and die now in my place”.

3.   Now pledging I will go, determined I will go, Father, now I'm changing to Your way, for no other will I follow, but go my Father's way. Upon Your waiting altar I kneel without a word. My life shall be the sacrifice; I will faithfully obey.

How to Educate Children from the Perspective of Pure Obedience

1. If you think of yourself as Heavenly Father's and sincerely believe it, your heart will be evoked spontaneously. Reluctantly following orders is not obedience. Listening to orders and doing them is something that can't be helped. My original mind is not very happy when I hear an order. Therefore, even when we raise our children, we shouldn't do so by giving commands. When raising children, you must help them to do things willingly. It is the role of parents to let their children know the heart of their parents and willingly do things on their own. When children serve their parents from the heart, it is true obedience. However, those who follow orders dutifully and obeys without joy is a servant. A servant does something just because they are told to. One of the great attributes of pure obedience is joy. Therefore, if something is done with joy and willingness, it becomes perfect obedience.

Obedience is Always Accompanied by Joy

2. When we do things because it cannot be helped, our hearts don't rejoice. We are not happy when we wake up because someone wakes us up. However, if we wake up on our own and do something, our hearts are happy. So the mother has to do a lot of research on how her children can evoke themselves. Therefore, the mother's heart and the child's heart must have good give and receive action. It is obvious that parents should set an example first in order for their kids to learn to voluntarily obey. If you order the kids, “Hey, get up, eat, and study,” it’s not pleasing. When the mother wakes the children up by force, the children get irritated and cry. Therefore, the heart must be motivated by joy. Pure obedience is going to church with the desire to go to church. However, going to church just because it is Sunday is not pure obedience. That was done because it couldn't be helped.

Good leaders are those who lead people to voluntarily evoke themselves. The way to raise children well in the family is to educate them to evoke themselves through feeling happy and grateful.

What is important in the life of faith is to instill faith in the object partner. That faith is to treat yourself as Heavenly Father's. If you sincerely think of yourself as God's and believe in it, your heart will come out voluntarily.

The reason your heart doesn't come out voluntarily is that you don't have absolute faith that you belong to the Father. If the belief that you belong to the Father is ideological, then spiritual strength will not come out. If you think of yourself as the Father’s conceptually, you listen to orders and follow reluctantly. That is not true obedience.

All human beings are not very happy when they hear an order. Therefore, even when we raise our children, we shouldn't do so by giving commands. When raising children, you must always ponder and research how to help them to do things willingly. 

In order for children to voluntarily move their hearts, parents must first set an example of serving. Parents must first move others in a life of serving and attending.

It is the role of parents to let their children know the heart of their parents and have them willingly do things on their own. When children serve their parents from the heart, it is true obedience. 

However, those who follow orders dutifully and obeys without joy is a servant. A servant does something just because they are told toOne of the great attributes of pure obedience is joy. Therefore, if something is done with joy and willingness, it becomes perfect obedience. 

Therefore, the mother has to do a lot of research on how her children can evoke themselves. Therefore, the mother's heart and the child's heart must have good give and receive action.

Therefore, the heart must be motivated by joy. Pure obedience is going to church with the desire to go to church. However, going to church just because it is Sunday is not pure obedience.

Pure obedience is always accompanied by joy. We usually do not think like that. We do things because it is God’s order, True Parents’ order, central figure’s order, and absolutely obey. That is not obedience. You physically obey, but your mind is not happy. That’s not really pure obedience. Absolute obedience is to willingly, joyfully follow. That is absolute obedience.

If You Know and Treat Yourself as Belonging to the Father, Your Spontaneous Heart Will Be Evoked

3. Purely obedient faith means going to church with a happy heart, and going to work with a happy heart. However, if I think that I go to work to earn money and feed my family, that is not pure obedience. It is not obedience, but bitterness and suffering. It's not joy. Joy must come from my heart. So, you must know that the nature of pure obedience must be accompanied by a voluntary heart of joy.

Now, do you know the meaning of the words in the holy song that say, "I will faithfully obey"? Again, it means that I know that I belong to Heaven and that I am the son or daughter of Heavenly Father. It means that I understand that I do not even have 1% of a concept of self. So, what True Father always emphasizes is that the relationship between God and you is that of parent and child. It means that you came from Heavenly Parent. Do not forget this even for a moment, and live treating yourself as belonging to the Father.

From now on, we Unificationists must clearly understand the meaning of purely obedient faith. So, when you go to church with joy, and when you go to work with joy, that is sincerely obeying your original mind.

However, if I think that I go to work to earn money and feed my family, that is not pure obedience. There is no joy in what is not true obedience.

However, reluctantly obeying a command is not obedience, but suffering and pain. It’s not joy. Joy must come from my heart. So, you must know that the nature of pure obedience must be accompanied by a voluntary heart of joy.

The words in the holy song that say, "I will faithfully obey" means that I know that I belong to Heaven and that I am the child of Heavenly Father. At first, we know by faith that our relationship with God is that of a parent and child, and later, when we experience that it is true, we start voluntary obedience

It means that we understand that we do not even have 1% of a concept of self. So, what True Father always emphasizes is that the relationship between God and us is that of parent and child.

It means that we came from Heavenly Parent. Do not forget this even for a moment, and live treating yourself as belonging to the Father.

Today I talked about “How Do I Evoke My Spontaneous Heart?”

Thank you very much.

(Living Testimony, Joe & Sun Willet, ACLC  KY)¨

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated.

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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