Ep 777 - The Role of Women Has Become More Important Part 8

Opening, Inheriting and Fulfilling the Era of the Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents - December 11, 2022

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Key Points

  • Jesus' greatest Han was that he was unable to be married and spent the last 2,000 years alone in the spirit world without a single person in his direct lineage.

  • We must love those who do not know God’s will more than we love God’s children – just as True Parents loved us more than they loved their children.

  • Our responsibility is to let Christians know about Jesus’ inner heart, his sorrowful heart, and about the value of the Blessing.

  • Those who do not have children need to have an adopted child in order to experience the real love of God and bear God’s blood lineage.

  • Jesus was victorious as an individual but not in the family as a spouse and parent.

  • The whole family should practice filial piety, not just the children.

  • Each member of the family should practice filial piety by always using respectful words with respect from the heart for each other because each family member is an individual body of truth who resembles God as his image.

  • When a family that practices filial piety has a give and receive relationship, it creates a spherical motion and Heavenly Parent visits them. 

  • An attribute of true love and parental love is to want your object partner to be better than you. 

  • Everyone who is an individual embodiment of truth resembling God's character must be respected and has the right to be considered precious. 

  • Our mouth has to be a holy, sanctified mouth using only holy words.

  • We should not only use respectful language but have a respectful heart as well.

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files.

Today I’d like to talk about “The Role of Women has Become More Important” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 2.

<This speech was given at the World Women's Peace Network General Assembly held on March 25, 2012 at the Beache Palace Resort Hotel in Muchangpo, Korea> Wars and conflicts arise from selfish motives of desiring to take others' land, possessions or the like by force. On the other hand, peace arises from investing oneself for others, that is, giving true love. In the era of heavenly affairs, the final stage in which we should follow the path of living for the sake of others, the Cold War, has come to an end and new hopes for peace and social justice are spreading out across the entire globe at an amazing rate. Those leaders who turn their faces away from the new realities of the world or who fail to see them will be wiped away by the changes coming upon us like a tsunami. I believe the time has now come for us to step forward boldly and usher in new opportunities and values.

My dear WFWP members and women leaders! Women are not merely the supporters of men, or those who need their protection; rather, they are independent individuals who, as the representatives of the other side of God's nature, are meant to make men more complete and manly. Centered on the ideal of true love, women are the precious objects partners of men's love. In terms of value, men and women are absolutely equal. Thus, men and women, united as one through the original true love under God's ideal of true love, were created to become completely equal beings in terms of value centering on true love, by sharing not only equal status and equal right of participation but also their possessions with one another.

Since this is the same content as last time, I won't explain further. 

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Human Fall 11 - The Spiritual Fall 1

• God created the angelic world and assigned Lucifer (Isa. 14:12 King James Version) to the position of archangel.

• Lucifer was the channel of God's love to the angelic world, and in this position he virtually monopolized the love of God.

• However, after God created human beings as His children, He loved them many times more than He had ever loved lucifer, whom He had created as His servant.

• In truth, God's love toward Lucifer did not change; it was the same before and after the creation of human beings. Yet when Lucifer saw that God loved Adam and Eve more than him, he felt as if there had been a decrease in the love he received from God.

Based on this, let’s study Father’s word.

You Should not Love Only God’s Restored Sons and Daughters

<20-336> Instead of going the way of death on the cross, Jesus should have established a family with his bride and blessed his 12 disciples, 70 believers and 120 believers on earth in the name of God. This could not be done with just a spiritual blessing after his death. However, he could not do it since he was opposed and crucified, and he has resentment about it. Rev. Moon has been doing that work until now because he has to substantially resolve the resentment of Jesus. How great the commotion has been since 1960! All of Christianity and thousands of people have opposed me. But I have been loving them, nonetheless. Human beings were born as Satan’s children. We must love the people in the satanic world because the archangel fell when he felt that he was receiving less love. Therefore, we should not love only God’s restored sons and daughters. 

Jesus' death set the conditions for only spiritual salvation. Therefore, he is in a position in which he has to come back and fulfill physical salvation. 

Jesus came to this earth with God's direct blood lineage; however, he died before multiplying that lineage. Nevertheless, the breeding of lineage must be done only through husband and wife. 

Think of Jesus' bitter han when he came to the world with the lineage of God and died without being able to multiply that lineage. If Jesus had been able to produce even just one from his lineage, there would (have been) no need for Jesus to return. Jesus' greatest Han was that he was unable to be married

After Jesus went to the spirit world, he spent the last 2,000 years in the spirit world without a single person in his direct lineage. What would Jesus' loneliness be like? 

How lonely (was) Jesus spending his days without a spouse, without children and without descendants? And just think about how long those lonely days (would have) lasted. 

If True Parents had not blessed Jesus, he would have spent not one day, not 100 years, not 1000 years, but all of eternity alone in the spirit world.

Does a person as sorrowful as Jesus exist? And how sad God must have felt seeing this? Imagine that you live in the spirit world for eternity without having your lineage there. 

Jesus should not have died; he should have established a bond with his bride, and blessed the 12 disciples, the 70 believers, and the 120 believers in the name of God on earth. 

Fallen humans were born as children of Satan. Although they are human beings in the satanic world, True Parents must consider them as children of God, save them and love them.

 The Archangel fell because he felt a decrease in love, so we must love those who do not know God’s will more than the sons and daughters of God.

True Parents, who were in such a position, loved the world of Cain more than the world of Abel. True Parents loved Cain's children more than their own. 

Recently I have often thought about Jesus’ life. He brought God’s blood lineage but could not multiply it. How sad he was! He could not marry. Father said if he had only had one child, he would not have had to come for the second coming. 

Now is the Christmas season, right? I really feel about (commiserate with) Jesus! Many Christians do not know (about his situation). Still they are immature, right? Our responsibility is to let Christians know about Jesus’ inner heart, his sorrowful heart. We need to really introduce the value of the Blessing, how important it is. 

I am really grateful for my children. At least I have three children: one daughter and two boys, and four grandchildren. One more is coming soon. I am so glad! Because I received the Blessing, I have God’s blood lineage. I have three children, and I am going to have five grandchildren. I have God’s blood lineage! How grateful I am! Without God’s blood lineage if I had just gone to the spiritual world , how miserable my entire life would have been. (I would) not have just stayed one day in the spiritual world, not only 1,000 days, not just 10,000 days... can you imagine that? That is why family is very important. You will live in the spiritual world not just for one day, not just for ten days... 

That is why those who do not have children need to have an adopted child. That is very important. You need to experience the real love of God. Then you will feel God’s love and heart and have that experience. Then even though you do not have your own child, you will already have experienced God’s love. “Oh, God’s love is like that!” Your adopted child becomes your own blood lineage. (When) you go to the spiritual world , you will continuously pass on your own blood lineage. Even though he or she was your adopted child, it has the same value. 

That is why while we are on earth, we need to have children. Those who do not have children need to have an adopted child. They need to have the experience of God’s love. 

Complete Victory Must Pass Through the Door of a Married Couple

<21-331> Satan’s feeling of receiving less love than Adam and Eve caused the fall. The archangel had possessed God’s love exclusively for a long time before human beings were created. However, when Adam and Eve received God’s love, Lucifer wanted to make them fall so he could monopolize God’s love. Adam and Eve were supposed to love each other after becoming a perfected couple, abiding by the commandment that they should not eat the fruit for a certain time period. Jesus could not totally subjugate Satan on earth. He was able to declare a partial victory on the worldwide level, but he could not totally subjugate Satan. Everyone must pass through the door of a married couple because he or she was born from a married couple. Without passing through the door of a couple, there can be no complete victory. That’s why all people, even if they succeeded in achieving a perfected character and heart must receive God’s love. 

Even Jesus could not completely subdue Satan on earth. Although he was partially victorious over Satan, he was not able to completely subdue Satan in a global and total way. 

Although Jesus passed through the individual door, he was unable to pass through the married couple’s door, the parents door and the parent-child door

This is because the fall of man was brought by husband and wife, complete victory cannot be achieved without passing through the doors of restoration and perfection.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: The Reason Respectful Language Should be Used among Family Members

This is very important guidance.

Practice of Filial Piety and Use of Respectful Words

1. True Parents taught us to be filial sons and daughters in our family. The most important thing in the family is to practice filial piety. Parents should practice filial piety as parents, spouses as spouses, and children as children should place the utmost importance on practicing filial piety. 'Hyo' is not just something that children are forced to practice. Therefore, it should not be forgotten that each member of the family has a responsibility to do filial piety. Each member should always use respectful words with each other. This is because each member is an individual body of truth who resembles God. If you have respect for the other person, you will be use respectful words even if you are told not to. In other words, what is filial piety? It means people who extremely respect each other. Fathers and mothers should respect their children, spouses should respect each other, and children should respect their parents. This is the family of filial piety.

True Parents have told each family to become a filial family. Family pledge speaks about this. It does not mean that only children should be filial to their parents. It means that the whole family should practice filial piety

In other words, parents are to treat their children and grandchildren with a filial heart toward Heavenly Parents. And husband and wife are to treat their partners and their children with a heart of filial piety to their parents. 

Parents should practice filial piety as parents, husband and wife as husband and wife, and children as children should place the utmost importance on practicing filial piety. 

‘Hyo’ (filial piety) is not something that is forced to be practiced only by children. And each member of the family should always use respectful words for each other

This is because each family member is an individual body of truth who resembles God. If you have a heart of respect for the other person, you will use respectful words even if you are told not to. 

In other words, what is filial piety? It means to be people who respect each other extremely. Fathers and mothers should respect their children, (not just dominating and controlling) husbands and wives should respect each other, and children should respect their parents. This is the family of filial piety. 

(We should) not just ask children to practice filial piety. Everybody should practice it because each individual is God’s representative. Only the position is a little different. We are a father or mother or elder brother or younger brother or children, but each individual is in the image of God. That is why we need to really respect each family member beyond (their) position. The position of the father, the siblings, the husband and wife, all should respect each other using respectful language. 

The Reason Respectful Language Should be Used Among Family Members

2. Each person in the family is a member responsible for filial piety. When a family centered on filial piety like this have a give and receive relationship, it becomes a family that makes a spherical motion and Heavenly Parent visits. However, if a family does not use respectful words to one another, it becomes a horizontal family. But if you use respectful words from the heart, the conflicting mind will disappear. When do informal words come out? It comes from treating each other with horizontal emotions and ignoring each other. Therefore, even if we are members of the same family, this tradition of filial piety must be established among those closest to us. When parents talk down to their children, children also talk down to their parents. In other words, when we use respectful words with each other, our original mind will rejoice. If we speak rudely, we cannot give the other person the joy that comes from the depths of our hearts. If we talk down to others, our original mind is ashamed.

When a family centered on filial piety like this have a give and receive relationship, it becomes a family that makes a spherical motion and Heavenly Parent visits. 

In order to become a family of filial piety, if all family members do not use respectful words with each other in the family, it becomes a horizontal family. However, if you use respectful words with respect from the heart, the conflicting mind will disappear.

I realize especially in the relationship between husband and wife, we always need to use respectful language. As long as we use respectful language, we seldom fight. But when we ignore our spouse, we seldom use respectful language.

I really learned from Father’s and Mother’s guidance and from Rev. Yo Han Lee that disrespectful language comes from treating each other with horizontal emotion and ignoring each other.

Because you are a son or daughter of God, even though you are my children, you come from God. You are the king and queen of God. We really need to respect (each other). “You are my own children; you are still young” and you use very simple language, that becomes an issue. 

Sometimes I am not used to (using respectful language) with my own children. I can use this respectful language with my wife, but sometimes when I am unhappy (with them), I seldom use such respectful language with my children. I really need to change this.

In Korea using respectful language to younger people is not simple. When I call my (younger) brother, I always use respectful language. As long as I use that respectful language, my brother... “Oh, my goodness! My older brother is using that kind of respectful language!” 

Of course, English is different. In Korean it is very clear. Respectful language and normal language are very different. Whenever I use respectful language with my physical younger brother, his attitude is always vertical and he respects me. So, even though I am the older brother, I need to use this kind of respectful language even to my own family members. 

Therefore, if we want to establish this tradition of filial piety, especially among our closest family members, we must first change the words we use to honorifics. 

We really need to use respectful language.

First, We Must Sanctify Our Mouths

3. A parent's heart always sees their child higher than themselves. Don't parents pamper their children because they have that kind of heart? Therefore, if parents value their children, they cannot avoid using respectful words. If parents have their position and children have their own position, emphasizing only the hierarchy externally and talk down to their children, they will discriminate them. From God's point of view, each and every family member is precious. To say that they are children and talk down to them is to discriminate against them. So, we must sanctify our mouths first. 

Why do we keep singing hymns and holy songs? Isn't it because we want to respect people just as we praise Heavenly Parent and True Parents with a holy heart? Therefore, we must keep our mouths holy. The next important thing is that we must always arm ourselves with the Word. Why? All human relationships must be dealt with the Word, so that a heart that regards the object partner as the child of God will come out.

All of us who were created by God are God’s individual embodiments of truth. In that sense, before the relationship between parents and children, each individual must be respected as individual embodiments of truth resembling God. 

And the attribute of true love is to want your object partner to be better than you. A parent's heart always sees his child higher than himself because they have the desire of wanting their child to be better than they are. 

When dealing with their children, parents should think that their children are individual embodiments of truth loved by God and serve them like God. Just because they are your child, does not mean they are your property. 

Everyone who is an individual embodiment of truth that resembles God's character must be respected and has the right to be considered precious

Parents have parents' position, and children have children's position, but if only the hierarchy is emphasized externally, the parents will talk down on their children and discriminate against them.

From God's point of view, each and every member of our family is so precious. To say that they are children and talk down to them is to discriminate against them. So we must first sanctify our mouths. 

Our mouth has to be a holy mouth using only holy words. We must not only use respectful language externally; internally we need to have respect – especially between husband and wife. If we always use respectful language between husband and wife , the relationship becomes improved and closer, more loving. This is very important guidance.

Today I talked about “The Reason Respectful Language Should be Used among Family Members.” Not just (between) husband and wife but between parents and children, but parents especially need to use such respectful language with their children.♦

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. 

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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