Ep 776 - The Role of Women Has Become More Important Part 7

Opening, Inheriting and Fulfilling the Era of the Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents - December 10, 2022

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PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony Magna Faith Karimi

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Key Points

  • On February 14, 2010, True Parents proclaimed the start of the "heavenly calendar" to end the history centered on the solar and lunar calendars and to record the history of True Parents’ providence.

  • The channel of love is the place to distribute, share and multiply love, not to monopolize it and demand more love.

  • Love is governed by giving first and for the sake of others. 

  • When we feel we are receiving less love, it is a red flag that we are trying to leave our original position and need to upgrade our standard of love. Whomever our Abel loves more should become our own Abel through whom we should also make our offering.

  • Truth keeps its first love and motive under any circumstances and does not change.

  • A righteousness person does not own even 1% of himself and only treats himself as God's and serves his spouse as God. He offers sincere devotion, practices absolute filial piety, and maintains an unchanging heart of love.

  • The content of the Family Pledge is to become true sons and daughters of Heavenly Parent, form a family, take good care of each other as a married couple of original creation, honor our parents like God, multiply more filial sons and daughters who are better than their parents, and realize and live in the kingdom of heaven.

  • The Blessing is a ceremony to clear away original sin and convert (our lineage) from a false lineage to a true lineage. That conversion occurs when we live with the person closest to us for 24 hours a day, serving and attending each other like God.

  • That conversion is manifested in our children.

  • Since the fundamental original sin occurred between Adam and Eve, the cleansing of the fundamental original sin is also accomplished through the relationship between spouses, treating each other as God’s with respect.

  • We become holy with our mouth using respectful language with a respectful attitude.

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files.

Today I’d like to talk about “The Role of Women has Become More Important” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 2.

<This speech was given at the World Women's Peace Network General Assembly held on March 25, 2012 at the Beache Palace Resort Hotel in Muchangpo, Korea> As a part of the preparations for that day, we proclaimed before the entire world the beginning of the “heavenly calendar” on February 14, 2010. The existing solar and lunar calendars will supplement the heavenly calendar, which will newly record and denote the providence, from the positions of Cain and Abel. Henceforth, you all need to engrave True Parents' teachings onto your bones and practice them in your lives. You must take this seriously. If you do not prepare now, you will surely be left behind. We should learn from the courage and fortitude of the white-necked cranes that fly across the Himalayas, which are more than 7,000 meters high, in preparation for winter. 

I believe that, based on the public laws and principles of the universe, our WFWP members should engage themselves in the task of forming sound families in accordance with the heavenly way and rightly establishing their societies and nations with a special sense of mission. However, I would like to emphasize once again that the movement we should prioritize before anything else is the true family movement of living for the sake of others based on true love, carried out in conjunction with appropriate education regarding values. We also need to play a leading role in bringing about the unification of North and South Korea, which has been declared as the God's homeland, and consequently world peace, through education of ideology and the practice of true love.

On February 14, 2010, True Parents proclaimed the start of the "heavenly calendar" to all the world. The existing solar and lunar calendars will supplement the heavenly calendar, which will newly record and denote the providence, from the positions of Cain and Abel.

Then, today, we will take the time to learn about the proclamation of the 'heavenly calendar' that the True Parents spoke of. 

Let’s learn from Father’s word.

<621-146> Stop using the solar calendar from now on! We must  only use the lunar calendar. Why, you ask? The moon's rotation around the Earth and the rise and fall of tides have nothing to do with the solar calendar. It's all centered around the lunar calendar. The 24 seasons of the lunar calendar are perfect. 

<622-203> What has Father asked you to conclude as important so far? "The establishment of the Abel UN and the completion of the Cheon Il Guk is Korea." This is about finishing the history of the West and focusing on the East from now on. What is it? Centering on the first year of the heavenly calendar, the distinction between the solar and lunar calendar has disappeared. From now on, you must calculate by the heavenly calendar and throw away the solar and lunar calendar. This is what has been declared.

In this way, True Parents' words of ending the history centered on the solar and lunar calendar in accordance with True Parents' providence and declaring a new providence centered on the heavenly calendar are truly astounding.

Looking at each of these declarations, it cannot be denied that True Parents are the center and the subject of God's providence.

If they were not the messiah, not the Second Coming, not the True Parents, how could they have declared such amazing things?  6

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Human Fall 11  - The Spiritual Fall 1

• God created the angelic world and assigned Lucifer (Isa. 14:12 King James Version) to the position of archangel.

• Lucifer was the channel of God's love to the angelic world, and in this position he virtually monopolized the love of God.

Lucifer: The Channel of Love

> The channel of love: We should be very careful because it is the position that monopolizes love.

> We should be watchful so that all the responsibilities are not under the control of just one person.

We learned from Adam’s family. 

> Once anyone is put in the position that  monopolizes all the love, he or she tends to become arrogant. 

> The channel of love is the place to distribute love, not to monopolize it. 

> If you don't share the love, it will remain private to you. Then there is a desire to demand and possess more and more love. Therefore, blessings and love are multiplied when they are shared, and love is governed by giving first and for the sake of others.

We really can learn from Adam’s family. The position of Lucifer was the channel of love. The channel of love means we need to multiply, to share with others. If we only just capture (love) for oneself, that is an issue. 

We need to know that whenever we receive a blessing, we should not just keep it in ourself. How can we multiply it and give it away? Then greater blessings will come more and more. Blessing and love are multiplied when they are shared. Love is governed, is dominated by giving first for the sake of others.

• However, after God created human beings as His children, He loved them many times more than He had ever loved lucifer, whom He had created as His servant.

• In truth, God's love toward Lucifer did not change; it was the same before and after the creation of human beings. Yet when Lucifer saw that God loved Adam and Eve more than him, he felt as if there had been a decrease in the love he received from God.

The Feeling of Receiving Less Love and its Solution

1. The fact that I feel a decrease in love is already a red flag that I am trying to leave my original position.

2. Whenever I feel a decrease in love, I must think that my own standard of love is lower than that of the other person, and I have to train more.

3. Whenever I feel a decrease in love, accept it as a sign of needing to upgrade my low-level love.

4. If I see that my Abel-figure loves someone more and I feel a decrease in love, that person is more Abel than I am. Therefore, because he is loved more by my Abel-figure, I should think of him as my own Abel and go through him.

5. The object of my jealousy clearly proves that the other person is my Abel-figure, and tells me that my level of love is lower than that.

Human beings can easily feel a lack of love. Maybe one time I shared this with you; I would like to share (it) again. It was an incredible, life-changing experience. 

When I was in South America, I participated (in a workshop) as one of the Korean national messiahs among 33 countries. Father asked us to participate in a 40-day workshop in Jardim, Brazil. I brought my whole family to attend the workshop. 

Father (focused on) talking with the 36 and 72 couples and senior blessed couples. We younger couples sat in the back. I felt that Father only loved the elderly blessed families. Maybe Father doesn’t care so much about the younger or new couples. I had a lacking feeling about that.

Then I had an incredible, unforgettable dream. I went to sleep and in my dream noticed that someone was sleeping next to me. When I noticed this, I saw it was a giant body. Then I woke up and sat down. He also woke up. When I looked at him, he was True Father. He smiled at me. Then he was eating something. I looked carefully at what it was. It was a Korean cookie; it looked so delicious! Then Father asked me, “Do you want to eat?” “Yes” “Open your mouth. Wider.” Then do you know what he did? He put his saliva on the cookie and put it in my mouth. Wow! Then I woke up and started to realize (what that meant) and really repented.

When a mother raises her baby, because rice is very hard, Korean mom’s make it soft by chewing it. So, the baby eats it’s mother’s saliva!

How much True Father loves me! “Why did you feel a decrease in love? Do you know how much I love you?” Wow! 

That was a life-changing experience. I don’t want to have this kind of feeling (of lack of love) any more. I received a confirmation how much God and True Parents love me. 

If True Parents love someone, then he is my Abel. I need to go through him. Position doesn’t matter. 

For example, if Father loves someone whose position is lower than mine, who is my Abel? He receives more love from Father (or Mother or my Abel), then he is higher than I am in terms of love. When I digested it in this way, I was liberated from the (feeling of) lack of love. This is my own experience. My level of love is (of) such a low quality! Maybe you are better than I am.

In order to overcome the feeling of receiving less love, we need to really upgrade our love. (We should) not (continue to have) low level love. How do I upgrade my love? This is the issue. Those whose level of love is very low, easily feel jealous, easily feel they receive less love, just as I did.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: God's Children are Righteous

1. If we are children of God, we must be righteous. In a word, don't be capricious. Righteousness means that the person doesn't have even 1% of himself. He only belongs to God. Children of righteousness are those who practice the Word of heaven, who are not dominated by the environment under any circumstances. 

The righteous are those who always offer sincere devotion to value the vertical relationship with God as life. Only such people are saints. We call the righteous man who sacrifices his life for the country when in crisis, a patriot. People who are absolutely filial to their parents are also called righteous.

What is the difference between Truth and Falsehood? Falsehood rises and falls according to the environment, is subject to dominion and is capricious. However, truth keeps its first love and motive under any circumstances and does not change on a whim.

Therefore, if we are true children of God, we must be righteous people. In a word, don't be capricious. Righteousness is a person who does not have (own?) even 1% of himself, and who only treats himself as God's.

Righteous children are those who practice the Word of God without getting dominated by the environment no matter (what) the circumstances. The righteous are those who always offer sincere devotion to value the vertical relationship with God. 

The reason why people who (practice) absolute filial piety for their parents are also called righteous is because their heart does not change in loving their parents. 

Even husband and wife must be righteous. If we treat each other with horizontal emotions, we are not righteous. In order for a husband and wife to become righteous, they must absolutely serve each other as if they were God

The content of the Family Pledge is to become true sons and daughters of Heavenly Parent, form a family, take good care of each other as a married couple of original creation, honor our parents like God, and multiply more filial sons and daughters who are better than their parents, and realize and live in the kingdom of heaven

 Husband and Wife’s Relationship and the Cleansing of Original Sin

3. If the wife (husband) absolutely attends the husband (wife) the blood lineage of the child will be different. True Father said that there will be no delinquents if the spouses absolutely attend each other. So, when it comes to when sins are cleared, it is said that if a husband and wife absolutely serve each other, their sins will be removed. (PyeongHwa HoonGyeong, page 298). The fundamental original sin took place between Adam and Eve. So don't try to remove your sins elsewhere. The complete cleansing of the original sin is when a husband and wife treat each other as if they were God, then all sins are cleared.

Our Blessing Ceremony is a ceremony to clear away original sin and convert (our lineage) from a false lineage to a true lineage. But how does the conversion of the true inner lineage take place? 

It happens when you live with the person closest to you for 24 hours a day, serving each other like God. In that sense, if the wife (husband) absolutely attends her husband (wife), the blood lineage will change. And that changed blood lineage appears as it is through their own children. Therefore, if you want to see how much your lineage has changed, you can quickly find out by looking at your children. 

Of course, my children are cute and beautiful. But when I see their own fallen nature, I really reflect on myself. I did not remove my fallen nature. My children inherit all my wrongdoing. 

If we want to see how much our lineage has changed, we can quickly find out by looking at our children. That is why whenever I see my children’s fallen nature and problems, I need to reflect on myself first. Their fallen nature is my result.

True Father said that if the spouses absolutely attend each other, there will be no delinquents, in other words, unfilial children. 

So, when it comes to when sins are cleared, it is said that if a husband and wife absolutely serve each other, their sins will be removed. (PyeongHwa HoonGyeong, page 298). 

Adam and Eve fell at the top of the growth stage, right? They fell as a couple. The original sin does not come from the individual but from the couple. In order to restore our original nature, to remove our original sin, it is not only as an individual. The most important thing is, removing our original sin is centered on the couple, husband and wife. How can we remove original sin without our wife? Without our husband or wife we cannot remove our original sin. 

Then how can we do it? Of course, (we can do it by) conditionally drinking holy wine plus 40 days separation and the three-day ceremony. That is the external condition, the external transformation. 

What is the internal transformation to change my blood lineage? Since we received the Blessing as husband and wife loving each other and overcoming all kinds of fallen nature and completely becoming one, that is the way to remove our original sin. Why does my spouse exist? In order to remove my original sin. Original sin can only be removed through the couple, not centering on the individual at all. 

Many people do not realize that. (They focus on) individual perfection, unity between mind and body, removing fallen nature. Of course, we need to remove it, but that doesn’t help much. In order to remove original sin, because it occurred between husband and wife, in order to restore our original nature, (it is) through the couple. 

When we do the ceremony to remove the original sin, it is based on the couple drinking the holy wine. True Father passes the holy wine to the wife and she to the husband. He is in the archangel position. 

How important this is! Many religious leaders do not know how to remove original sin. It is through serving our spouse and completely becoming one and not seeing our spouses shortcomings any more, covering the shortcomings.

When I discovered this point, I was so surprised. We cannot remove original sin through one person, prayer, jeongseong and meditation. Of course, these can help. But the most important thing in order to remove original sin is the relationship between husband and wife.

Since the fundamental original sin occurred between Adam and Eve, never forget that the cleansing of the fundamental original sin is also accomplished through the relationship between spouses. Therefore, don't try to pay off your sins elsewhere. 

Don't forget that the complete cleansing of the original sin is when a husband and wife treat each other as if they were God. 

What is Sin?

4. What is sin? Sin is when a man and woman live together as husband and wife but with a self-centered way of thinking. “My wife is here for me. My husband is here for me. Children, listen to me." Such a person is evil. If married couples want to respect each other, they must speak to each other with respect. Couples should never talk down on each other. 

We must treat each other as we treat Heavenly Parent. Why? It is because the other person is not my possession, but the son and daughter of Heavenly Parent. How can I speak down to the child of Heavenly Parent? You must know that Heavenly Parent values the other person more than Heavenly Parent Himself.

What is sin? Sin is when a man and woman live together as husband and wife but with a self-centered mindset rather than a partner-centered mindset. 

It is a sin to think of the other person as one's own property and try to control him or her. “Wife, listen to me.” “Husband, listen to me.” “My children, listen to me.” Such a person is evil. 

If a married couples want to respect each other, they should always use respectful words. Spouses should not speak down to each other. We must treat each other as we treat God. 

Why? It is because the other person is not my possession, but the son and daughter of God.

How do we remove our original sin? Not alone as an individual at all. (We can) only remove original sin centered on the couple. (We) change the blood lineage externally through drinking the holy wine, 40-day separation and 3-day ceremony. 

Then how do we internally completely transform (our lineage) from Satanic blood line to God’s blood lineage? Through husband and wife’s unity. How do we create unity? Without saying much, loving, serving, attending, really respecting each other always using respectful words. When you see your husband, “Wow! He is a holy man!” When you see your wife, “Wow! She is a holy woman!” ... because we are children of holy God, right? We have to be holy, right? How do we become holy? With our mouth. We need to use respectful language. (We need to have a) respectful attitude. This is the way husband and wife become closer and become one.

Today, I spoke to you about "God's Children are Righteous."

(Testimony Magna Faith Karimi, True Mother’s Memoir, Maryland, Interviewed by Dr. Achille Acolatse)♦

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. 

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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