Ep 435 - Tell People About True Parents Part 1

Tell People About True Parents​ #70 - January 3, 2022

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Today I’d like to talk about  “Tell people about True Parents ” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

It is most pressing that we let all the people of the world know that the True Parents have come to this earth. Telling all humankind that they are here is our great responsibility for the sake of the future. Christians are still waiting for the Returning Lord, the Messiah. We have already gone beyond the Completed Testament Age and opened the era of Cheon Il Guk, but people do not know the providential time in which they live. We must not remain passive. We must mobilize every means to let people know that the True Parents have come. We must let people know that the Messiah has arrived. True Parents came to this world to save all people. For the sake of the salvation of humankind, we must let the world know the legacy that True Parents achieved during their lives. Such things do not come about just by talking or by making proclamations. Your efforts must bear fruit through putting things in motion and taking substantial action.​

From God's point of view, what is the gospel among gospel for all humankind? It is that the Messiah has come to this earth. This is the greatest gospel. True Parents coming to this earth is the fruit of God's 6,000-year providence of restoration. Therefore, the fact that True Parents appeared on this earth is the best news and breaking news for all humankind. 

Therefore, our mission is to let the whole world know that True Parents have come to this earth. True Mother said: We must mobilize every means to let people know that the Messiah has come. 

God has prepared in advance so that we can make the best use of the conveniences of modern civilization to make True Parents known. We have now entered an era when people all over the world can connect through the Internet in less than a second. 

Just as the spiritual world transcends time and space, in the present age, the gap between time and space is disappearing. Indeed, the whole world has come to an era when God's global family is created. 

Through this COVID situation … all mankind must have realized that they are one community bound together by a common destiny. 

The development of networks through social media and the Internet today is what God has prepared for this very moment. Through the conveniences of modern civilization, every single person must know who the True Parents are. 

We need to know this point very clearly.

If all seven billion people in the world go to the spirit world without ever hearing about the news that True Parents have come, what do you think they will say to you in the spirit world? “You and I both breathed the same air and lived in the same era as True Parents. Yet, why didn't you tell us about True Parents? Why didn't you introduce them to us? If I had known True Parents, I would have attended them much better than you did.” You will be subject to such accusations for eternity. If you fail to fulfill your mission of telling people about the True Parents, you will not be able to escape such accusations. ​(2013.04.20, Cheon Jeong Gung)​

As we do Morning Devotion in America, there have been many revelations from heaven that have been given to me. 

Every morning I wake up and receive strong instructions and inspirations from True Father all the time.

Heaven is telling me to educate all mankind on the Divine Principle through Morning Devotion. The second is to clearly reveal to all people who God and True Parents are. In particular; it is to reveal the world of God’s sorrowful heart. Many people do not know God’s reality.

That is why all people should be able to enter the realm of God’s heart. The third is to let all people know about the Blessing and the value of Cheonbowon so that they can become citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom. 

All Unification Church members in North America must quickly establish the Online Holy community in line with the online era. 

Of course, we can witness church to church and neighbor to neighbors, but now is the era of online. We need to contact our followers(?) through the online system, educate them and guide them. Within a short time we can do so many things because we can use modern techniques. We are living in a great time!

True Parents are the eternal Parents. The mainstream is a vast current and is the only thing that flows in True Parents' path. There cannot be any branch currents. If a branch current fails to join the main current it will dissipate. It will lose life. When you were following God's Will, you followed True Parents. It was not as if you were following the path of any one individual. You have to show your true colors: whether you are the water of life or muddied waters. The water of life is the main current, the mainstream. I am telling you not to become stagnant water. If you realize that the path you have taken leads to death and is void of life, unless you are a fool, you will choose to stick instead to the path that leads to life. ​

As True Mother said, we should ride on the vast mainstream of God’s providence, not on any branch currents. 

There are many spiritual groups, all kinds of groups, this group, that group, H1 group, H12 group, H20 group, all kinds of groups, but True Mother says we should follow the mainstream of God’s providence. 

We need to know that God, Jesus and True Father are now in a situation in which they have no choice but to leave everything on True Mother’s shoulders. 

We need to know that in the final age, if we stumble before True Mother, we will stumble in everything.  

We need to really be careful. We are living in an incredible time.

True Parents are God's only begotten son and daughter, unparalleled in history. You may be forgiven for denying Jesus but what does it say happens if you go against the Holy Spirit? There is no forgiveness. This means that those who do not follow True Mother are not part of the mainstream but are headed toward hell. Once that happens, nobody can save them. If you have a loving heart toward such people around you, you have to make this life-or-death resolution. It should not be a life-or-death situation only for the other person. You have to think about your descendants. Never again should you allow the vestiges of the fallen world, like that which we see today, remain in Heaven's presence. (2014.11.20, Cheon Jeong Gung)​

True Mother emphasizes again and again that we really need to unite with her.

Why was it said that if you go against the Holy Spirit, you will not be forgiven? First, let's look at what the Bible says.

Matthew 12:30-32​: Do not speak against the Holy Spirit​

 If you are not on my side, you are against me. If you don't gather in the harvest with me, you scatter it.​  I tell you that any sinful thing you do or say can be forgiven. Even if you speak against the Son of Man, you can be forgiven. ​ But if you speak against the Holy Spirit, you can never be forgiven, either in this life or in the life to come.​

What is True Mother's true identity? We must clearly know the identity of True Mother. 

First, True Mother is the only begotten daughter sent by God. True Mother is the first only begotten daughter in human history. True Mother is not the second coming of the only begotten daughter. 

Mother says many times, “I am not the second coming. I am the first coming.”

Secondly, True Mother is the substantial Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost). Until True Mother came, the Holy Spirit worked in place of True Mother, but after True Mother came, True Mother became the Substantial Holy Spirit. 

The third is that True Mother, Hak Ja Han Moon, is the eternal True Parent, Messiah, and Savior of mankind. 

We need to know True Mother’s identity very clearly.

Because Jesus died on the cross without meeting the substantial Holy Spirit, he did not achieve God’s Kingdom on earth. True Father also came to this earth and he longed for the proclamation of Cheon Il Guk, but went to the spirit world first without being able to see Cheon Il Guk. Now, the last remaining being is only True Mother.         

God, Jesus, and True Father are well aware that the fulfillment of the last wish of all the prophets and sages in the spiritual world also rests on True Mother's shoulders.

Therefore, those who disobey True Mother, the last central figure in God's providence, cannot be forgiven because there are no more opportunities. The Bible says it clearly. It warned that those who disobey the Son of Man (True Father or Jesus) can be forgiven, but that those who disobey the last remaining Holy Spirit (True Mother) will never be forgiven. 

Then, let’s read by using the word “True Mother” in place of the Holy Spirit 

True Mother: If you are not on True Mother’s side, you are against True Mother. If you don't gather in the harvest with True Mother, you scatter it.​  I tell you that any sinful thing you do or say can be forgiven. Even if you speak against True Father (the Son of Man), you can be forgiven. ​But if you speak against True Mother (the Holy Spirit), you can never be forgiven, either in this life or in the life to come.​

Wow! This is the greatest judgment. The Bible emphasizes the importance of the Holy Spirit. Now centering on the Cheon Il Guk era, who is True Mother? True Mother is the substantial Holy Spirit. She is the last central figure. Can you imagine that? That is why the whole spiritual world centered on True Father, all our ancestors, are very focused on True Mother. The entire world, all humankind, is focused on True Mother. That is how serious God’s providence is. 

In these last days Satan is using his maximum effort to separate us and scatter us and (have us) go to different branches. Mother emphasizes that we need to follow the mainstream. Satan is exerting his maximum power to have us separate from True Mother. All kinds of phenomena and groups are coming out. That is why in the last days, you have to be careful. You may have followed True Parents for 30, 40 or 50 years, but because you are struggling with True Mother and you go against True Mother, your entire life will just go away. Can you imagine? We need to be aware of our current situation. We need to understand very clearly the identity of our True Mother. Do you agree with me?

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: Principle of Creation 9 - Life of Give and Take Action 

• Through the agency of universal prime energy, the subject and object elements of every entity form a common base and enter into interaction. This interaction, in turn, generates all the forces the entity needs for existence, multiplication, and action. 

• The interaction generating these forces through this process is called give and take action.

Based on this EDP content, let’s study Father’s word in detail.

Enemy Submission Seen Through Give and Take Action​

<29-247> We are God’s enemy who cannot receive His approval. We are all born as the children of the enemy. Isn’t that so? But in front of God we have to say, ‘I want to die, so if You can kill me, please kill me as much as You need’. ‘I was born as the child of the enemy but I will live to resolve Your resentment. Therefore I eat, sleep, and live only for the purpose of resolving Your resentment.’ It means we must act practically in order to be acknowledged that we can throw away our lives two or even three times for God. This is the path to make the enemy surrender, and the path of restoration. ​

<29-247> That is why religion teaches us not to be arrogant. It also teaches us not to love ourselves. It says to deny ourselves and even beat our own body. This is because Heaven is plus and humans have to become minus for give and take to be possible. This is the method to give and receive love with God. ​

We know well that we were born as the children of God’s enemy, Satan. During the past 6,000 years, the descendants of God’s enemy do not know how much pain and sorrow they have brought to God. 

How will fallen human beings who are in this position return to God? Just as True Father said, in order to return to God, I must say “I want to die, so if You can kill me, please kill me as much as You need.’ And then be in a position to make a resolution and say, “I was born as the child of the enemy, but I will live to resolve Your resentment.” 

That is why the Bible says that those who seek to die will live, and those who seek to live will die. He said that I have to take such substantial action before God with the determination that I could give up my life twice or three times for God's sake. 

He is saying that the fallen human blood lineage cannot be changed unless we completely cut off the give-and-take action with Satan and absolutely (have) give and take action only with God. 

Of course, originally we were supposed to be God’s children. However, unfortunately we are the descendants of the fallen blood lineage, Satan’s blood lineage. We need to separate from Satan, and in order to return to God’s side, we need to have a lot of determination, “How can I deny myself?” Self-denial means, the Bible says very clearly, you need to prepare to die, then you can live. If you prepare to live, you will die. (You need) that kind of life and death determination. Otherwise, we cannot overcome our enemy and cannot change our blood lineage. That is why, in order to have good give and take with God, we need to have the proper position. We need to know “my identity,” “God is my subject partner, I am the object partner.” 

Let’s find out about “Enemy Submission Seen Through Give and Take Action​” through the contents of the Bible.

1. Fall means to reverse the position of subject and object. Therefore wherever you go, you need to stand at the position of object.​

Therefore, I must have give-and-take action with God in the position of an absolute object partner before him. I am not the subject partner. Fallen man and Satan always try to be in the subject position. Satan does not want to come down any more. He continuously keeps his position all the time. This is really Satan. However, we need to know who our subject partner is. Our subject partner is God. I am God’s absolute object partner. If we have clear order between God and me -- who is the subject partner, who is the object partner -- and we have give-and-take action, then we can go right away. That is why In order to have proper give-and-take action, we need to know clearly what my position is. And given the reality always stand in the position of serving everyone in the position of the object partner. I must know that when I stand in the position of the subject partner, I can never subdue my enemy. 

2. Mark 10:45: “For even the Son of Man did  not come to be served, but to serve…”​

I love this Bible verse. Even though Jesus came to this earth as the messiah, he said he did not come to be served but to serve. He gave a beautiful lesson about the world of the enemy and how to have give-and-take action. The enemy cannot be forced to surrender. The subjugation of the enemy is only possible through natural submission, no other way. 

3. Phil. 2:3: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.”​

The way to subdue your enemy is to have a humble heart and mind. Next, you need to consider others as better than yourself. This is a humble attitude. If you are arrogant, you will never think that someone is better than you. “I am better than anyone else.” This is a kind of arrogance. The arrogant mindset is really a problem. That is why the Bible teaches us very clearly how to subjugate Satan, how to subjugate the enemy. It clearly says first that you need to have a humble heart and mind. Next, you always need to consider others as better than yourself. 

4. Proverbs 16:18 “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.​

Fallen man is always self-centered and always proud and arrogant. What we should be most careful of is this pride and arrogance in our heart. As long as we have this pride and arrogance, we will not be able to get along well with anyone. That is why we should not try to climb higher but try to go down with humility. 

5. You need to have the heart of a parent in the shoes of a servant.​

Therefore, if you have give-and-take action with the heart of the parent in the shoes of a servant, you can subdue anyone. 

I was really moved by this sharing of Father. The heart of a parent in the shoes of a servant.This is the greatest strategy for how to win over Satan, how to win over my enemy, how to have give-and-take action with anyone. Please remember wherever you go, whatever you do, you need to have the heart of the parents, and you can embrace anyone because you have the heart of the parents, and in the shoes of a servant you need to work harder than anyone else like a servant of servants. Physically work very hard in the shoes of a servant, while internally you have the heart of a parent. This is the best weapon to subjugate Satan, the enemy, and to win over someone’s heart.

6. 1 Peter 5:5 “Young men, in the same way be submissive to those who are older. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.“​

It is said that the humble can give and receive with anyone. And it was said that the humble always receive grace from God. Humility is ultimately thinking of others first and denying yourself.

7. Matt 23:12 “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.​

This Bible verse also teaches the same lesson. If you keep trying to lower yourself, eventually you will become higher and take over everything.

8. Rom12:16 “Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited”​

In the end, in order for us to give and receive all these Bible verses well, your attitude as the object partner must be humble. And the Bible teaches that you should always give and receive with the other person much, much higher than you.

Wow! This is an incredible lesson.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY​: The Events that Gave God a Bitter Heart and the Reason Why We Became Lost

1. Just as a young child does not know the circumstances of their parents, a person with a young faith is usually just grateful when their pain is resolved and has a heart to serve God at their level. Then, as their faith grows, they come to know God’s wishes, sorrow, and suffering, and become a mature child who knows that they should relieve God's resentment against fallen human beings. The words of the Principle mean that in the last days, groups of people who meet True Parents and know God's wishes will appear on Earth and grant God's wishes fulfilling their duty of hyojeong.​

If I do not yet know God's sorrow and bitter heart, what does it mean? (It means) I am still immature in my heart. I still do not know my Heavenly Parent’s heart. It also means that he is a person who has not yet escaped from his own world. 

If you are a child ten or 12 years old, you cannot know parental heart because you are still immature. When True Father or True Mother delivers a message, they always talk about God’s heart, God’s bitter heart, God’s han and often cry. You can see that the level of True Parents' hearts already reaches heaven. Reading(?), surviving, eating, hearing(?), going and coming, at every moment (they think) how to console God’s heart.

When I had an opportunity to attend Rev. Yo Han Lee, I had a beautiful experience. He often cried. He was always talking about God’s sorrow, God’s han. That’s why a preacher as a minister, when you give a sermon and it becomes deeper and deeper and more internal, definitely you will connect to God’s inner heart, God’s sorrow, God’s situation, God’s bitter heart. If your level of sermon does not reach that level and only tries to comfort people’s heart and make them happy and (encourage them to) appreciate, to think positively, positive thinking does not matter at all, is not concerned about God’s heart and God’s situation. “I want to relieve my burden, my pain, my sorrow, my own situation, how can I overcome, I have so many difficulties now and here, I need money, I need to get a blessing from heaven. This is really immature. 

That is why as your heart grows and grows and grows, always shedding tears and developing a close relationship with God and thinking about God and True Father, your tears come down all the time. Why? Your heart is mature, already having reached a certain level.  

2. We are well aware that Genesis 3 shows that human history began with God's resentment due to the Fall of Adam and Eve. Therefore, we know that God has tried to liberate this resentment, which was formed by the first human ancestors, through establishing central figures of faith among their descendants and repeating the providence of restoration through them.​

3. God, who conducts the providence of restoration, has a deep bitter heart. When our faith was immature, we only thought that God was holy, all-knowing, almighty, the subject of life, and the owner of life and death, but we find out that God has tried to fulfill His wish through the completion of human responsibility, but He is sad because He could not due to the human fall. That's why God had no choice but to start the history of bitter heart, by finding the central figure of faith to realize His purpose of creation on this earth. In this way, we should know that human history is filled with God’s bitter heart. ​

4. It can be said in a word that God was trying to descend to the earth when the central figure of the providence of restoration established the foundations of faith and substance. In other words, when a person who realized the foundation of faith appeared and realized the foundation of substance, the Messiah finally came and tried to achieve God's purpose of creation on Earth. This principle has historically been repeatedly applied every time a person of faith is found and established. Just as Eve, the ancestor of mankind, saddened God by doing what He commanded “Do not do," we know that many believers today carry the word “faith" with them but sadden God because they cannot put it into practice.​

Because of the fall, God cannot intervene in my life of faith. As long as I live under the dominion of Satan, God cannot do anything. In order to relate to God, in order to meet him, I need to have a certain foundation and condition. First, I need to build the foundation of faith so that God can trust me and believe in me. This is a vertical relationship. Then based on that, I need to build the foundation of substance, the horizontal foundation between Cain and Abel. 

The foundation of faith is the relationship between God and me. Then with that foundation, I have had experiences with God. Then I need to serve my Cain as my God. This is an important point. Then I have spiritual children and many people respect me. I have witnessed to many people, and Cain follows me. This is a kind of foundation of substance. Then only based on this can God come down. 

Without a foundation, without conditions, even though God is the parent of humankind, if he were to directly intervene with human beings, Satan would definitely accuse him. Under the dominion of Satan, I need to separate from Satan. If there is no separation of good and evil, God cannot do anything. That is why the foundation of faith and foundation of substance, how to vertically separate from Satan and how to horizontally separate from Satan, that is our life course. 

Why does God not intervene with us? He cannot intervene as long as we are under Satan’s dominion. We need to set up the foundation; that is the formula course, the foundation of faith and foundation of substance. That is the formula course; no one can avoid this. Father discovered this. This is really amazing. No one knew this. How to relate to God, how to receive the messiah. To receive the messiah, we have to have the foundation. Many people do not know about this or they are vague or unclear about it. Our Divine Principle is so clear. 

5. Therefore, in the early days of the providence of restoration, the spiritual level was so low that in order to raise humans to a reliable level, God had humans initially establish some conditions (offering sacrifices) so that they could separate from Satan and become God’s object partners. In other words, God could deal with humans as long as they fulfilled their responsibilities for the conditions. Humans were entrusted with such a responsibility, but they failed to fulfill it with sincerity. As they were not heartistically mature, most of the central figures ended in externally showing them off in dealing with most offerings. It was far from the heart and wishes that heaven wanted while they offered sacrifices.​

6. Historically, we know that there are many sad realities where God set up an Abel figure whom He loved, but people could not become one with them. We know well that Eve’s loss of faith greatly embittered God, but the incident that took place due to Cain and Abel's discord also deepened God’s bitter heart. You should know that these events that happened in Adam's family have been repeated historically and expanded to the level of tribe and race. You must know that they have been happening throughout Jesus' era until our time, and that it remains a problem that we have to solve.​

7. Our concern today is that we do not become people of the Words even after hearing them. It is difficult to revive one's life through the Words. Just as it was difficult for Eve to keep the commandment to not eat the fruit, it is also difficult for us to keep the Words. Even when we look back on our lives, we feel that even though we have heard many Words and teachings, people are still the same as always.​

8. The Israelites called themselves the chosen people, but they didn't know Jesus, the son of God, because they focused on external faith. This is very important. It can be seen that it was because they did not practice their life of faith with sincerity, but practiced a faith that looked good externally only keeping religious traditions conditionally and as mere formalities. People with this external, formal, and habitual faith cannot recognize the true people sent by heaven. This is because they are bound by existing ideas and habits. 

These are dangerous things: habitual faith, conditional faith, external faith only centered on formalities. With this kind of external condition it is really difficult to have heartistic communication with God.

Heart-to-heart exchange and heart-to-heart communication is true and genuine, but they didn't have this. In order to develop a heartistic life, things have to repeatedly spring up from your heart voluntarily. Then our life of faith becomes true and more faithful to the internal world. The life of faith should be faithful to the internal rather than the external conditions. The focus should be on the life that comes from the heart.​

In the end, no matter what I do, everything will … without my heart and sincerity. If you do not have heart, you are nothing. 2,000 years ago Jesus came as the messiah, but no one clearly understood Jesus’ identity. Not so many people understood that Jesus was the son of God and the messiah. Even though so many Israelis had external faith and were keeping external faith, traditional faith, why did they not recognize Jesus as the messiah? What was their problem? Even though Israel was the chosen nation, why couldn’t they recognize that Jesus was the messiah? What is the main point? 

The main point is that they did not recognize Jesus because of lack of sincerity. If you rely on traditional faith, if you rely on conditional faith, religious tradition and formalities, you will lose your heart. Even though God has sent the chosen one, you will not be able to recognize him. Only those who have heart automatically have a longing heart. Our faith has to reach the level of heart, not just traditional faith which is the formation stage. Not just growth stage. In order to meet God and the messiah, as the chosen people our life of faith focuses on heart-to-heart exchange and communication. How can we have heart-to-heart communication? Father said there is only one way: “Utmost sincerity moves heaven.” Our heart really has to be sincere, not hypocritical. We need to focus on heart and mind, genuineness and sincerity whatever I do. Not just conditions. Without investing my heart and sincerity, everything goes away. 

Why were Daemonim and True Mother’s groups able to meet Father? They had sincere, eager hearts. They studied hard(?). Because of their longing heart, their group was able to meet True Father. 

Why did all the chosen people lose faith and the opportunity to meet the messiah? Because most of them were hypocrites and just followed external traditions … just habitual. We attend Sunday Service because it is one of the duties of blessed families. We go there, but we do not have a longing heart. We do not have sincerity. That is nothing, just a noisy gong. 

What is our final state? How to reach the level of heart, heartistic faith. The faith of heart is our final destination. Whatever we do, how can we invest our utmost sincerity? Whether someone looks at you or not, it does not matter. We need to be sincere to our own self. If we have that kind of heart, surely God will intervene, surely we can feel God, surely we will recognize the chosen people(?). 

We learned from the historical central figures why they lost faith. It was because of lack of utmost sincerity, lack of heart. That was the reason.

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words are tagged with a “(?)” and phrases with an ellipsis “ ...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the powerpoint slides from this speech are available as pdf files at the top of this text and at text.morndev.com & yong.hoondok.com. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com.♦

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