Ep 878 - The Path of Life for All Humankind Part 19

The Path of Life for All Humankind - March 22, 2023

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PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony Tomomi Fukuda

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Key Points

  • As God’s children Adam and Eve were to have become the heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven and of God’s love, life and ideals. They were destined to become his dwelling place and the eternal reciprocal object partners of his love.

  • Adam and Eve were substantial beings who could receive God's love and should have become substantial manifestations of the invisible God.

  • If they had placed God at the center of their hearts and become entities of love, life and lineage, they would have been united eternally through true love, and our minds and bodies would not be in conflict today. 

  • We should not carry out a revolution that destroys the freedom of the original human nature of others but rather help them complete the purpose of creation after establishing free will.

  • More important is that we carry out a revolution against ourself to sever our fallen nature and return to the freedom of the original mind by loving God and His Word more than anyone or anything else.

  • To grow our faith we need to lead a life of making conditions.

  • For even small conditions carried out faithfully and continually God will see us as righteous and can open our spiritual eyes and give us guidance through dreams.

  • We should be punctual for Sunday worship and Morning Devotion.

  • Keep a meditation notebook in which we note what content of God’s word most moved us. God can work through this content.

  • Reread, meditate on and pray about these points. They will become seeds in our heart that will grow our faith, become real and often inspire miracles.

  • In this way “God will certainly work with us and have a reciprocal relationship with our heart.”

  • In addition we must set the standard of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience before Abel. This is the foundation for our faith.

  • Next, we should remove our fallen nature through Cain-Abel interpersonal relationships.

  • We should think of everyone around us as people who can help rid us of our fallen nature, and then serve them centered on the word.

  • Even though we may not like a person’s character, we should try to keep a good relationship with him. In the end, God will help us overcome our fallen nature. 

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files.

As you know I have recently been doing morning breakfast food ministry. 

Yesterday, I invited three New Jersey Church families to breakfast at the New Yorker Hotel. This couple is Tsuyoshi & Michiko Yamaguchi and their children are Hana and Mizuki. Wow! A really beautiful family! Our brother ... is working very hard. They are taking care of a special (needs?) child, Mizuki, but they are doing very well. I really appreciate that family.

This couple is very famous as you know: Yuki-hiko & Kayoko Miyazawa. Most of their children have reached the blessing. The relationship between husband and wife is very good. I really appreciate them.

Do you know this lady? She is Mihoko Hamasaka.  Her husband recently came to my office. His wife Mihoko also came. We had a beautiful meeting. They are prepared to go to Setten(?) very soon.

Today I’d like to talk about “The Path of Life for All Humankind” from True Mother’s Anthology, Volume 2.

<This speech was given by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon between February 11 and May 29, 1999 at events promoting the Global Expansion of True Families in Japan, the United States and around the world.>

Even parents born into this world deprived of true love, true life and true ideals due to the Fall know what it is like to love their children like this. How much more, then, would this be true for God, who is the subject partner of all parents! Had Adam and Eve not fallen, they would have been the children and royal descendants of God's direct lineage. Adam and Eve were in the position of prince and princess who stood to inherit the kingdom of heaven in the spirit world and on earth. At the same time, because they were created as the object partners of the invisible God, who is the subject partner, Adam and Eve were substantial beings who could receive God's love. They were substantial manifestations of the invisible God.

It is the special privilege of a child of God to say, “God is mine. All that is God's is also mine. Even God's love, life and ideals are mine.” It is up to human beings to recover this amazing and incredible value that was originally ours. If God is the subject partner of love who exists eternally, then the reciprocal partners of God's love also exist eternally. When I become one with God's love, God becomes me. Had Adam and Eve not fallen, their bodies would have been the homes where God could dwell. They would have placed God at the center of their hearts and become entities of love, life and lineage who would be united eternally through true love. If they had done this, our minds and bodies would not be in conflict today.

Let’s summarize. Just now True Parents explained very clearly who the original Adam and Eve were. No one has explained clearly what the value of humans. Today our True Parents described the value of the original humans. Who are the original Adam and Eve?

Who are the Original Adam and Eve?

1. Adam and Eve were the direct sons and daughters of God.

They were originally our Heavenly Parent’s direct blood lineage. God is the king of kings; Adam and Eve were the direct sons and daughters of God’s blood lineage. It is incredible that True Parents have described it in this way. 

2. Adam and Eve were God's princes and princesses who could inherit the kingdom of heaven in heaven and on earth.

Not just Adam and Eve. Our position is that of Adam and Eve. We are the princes and princesses. Very powerful!

3. Because they were created as the object partners of the invisible God, who is the subject partner, Adam and Eve were substantial beings who could receive God's love. 

4. They were substantial manifestations of the invisible God.

This is our own value.

5. The special privilege of Adam and Eve  was to be able to say, “God is mine. All that is God's is also mine. Even God's love, life and ideals are mine.” 

If we really unite with God, we can have this kind of value. “God is mine. All that is God’s is also mine. Even God's love, life and ideals are mine.

6. If God is the subject partner of love who exists eternally, then Adam and Eve, the partner's of God's love also exist eternally.

We are God’s partner of true love. God exists as an eternal being, so his object partner should exist as an eternal being. God is an absolute being; we as the object partner of God should be absolute beings as well. (God is an) absolute, unchanging, eternal and unique being. His object partner, Adam and Eve, should be like that. We, too, should be like that. What kind of value we have!

7. When Adam and Eve become one with God's true love, God becomes theirs.

... because of the parent-child relationship. “God’s belonging is my belonging. My belonging is God’s belonging.”

8. Adam and Eve's bodies would have been the homes where God could have dwelt.

Adam and Eve were the temple of God. What value is more than this? Does the Bible describe it in such detail? Buddhism? Islam? Any religion? No religion, no (system of) thought explains the value of the original human beings in this way.

9. If Adam and Eve would have placed God at the center of their hearts and become entities of love, life and lineage who would be united eternally through true love. And their minds and bodies would not be in conflict today. 

We cannot imagine the original value of Adam and Eve, but this value is the goal we must achieve. That is why our Divine Principle is very clear. The Divine Principle is the eternal truth. There is no being more precious than human beings in this cosmos. There is no other place that specifically teaches that human beings have such precious value. 

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Human Fall 28: Freedom, the Fall and Restoration

 To summarize, freedom cannot exist outside the Principle. Freedom is accompanied by the responsibility laid out in the Principle, and Freedom pursues accomplishments that bring joy to God.

• Free actions generated by free will bring about only good results. 

• Therefore, freedom cannot have caused the human Fall.

• Rather, the human Fall was caused by the stronger power of unprincipled love, which overwhelmed the freedom of the original mind.

• In truth, human beings lost their freedom as a result of the Fall. 

• When Eve was tempted by the angel, she became confused emotionally and intellectually. Although the freedom of her original mind induced in her a sense of foreboding, because the power of the love between her and the angel was stronger, she crossed the boundary and fell.

• Conversely, since fallen people can also relate with God in freedom, if they follow the words of truth, form a common base and engage in give and take with Him, then the power of principled love can revive their original nature.

The More Deeply you Understand the Principle, the More Your Zeal is Strengthened

1. Moreover, as aspirations for freedom mount in intensity, people will demand a social envir  onment conducive to its realization. When the social circumstances of an era cannot satisfy the desires of freedom-loving people, revolutions inevitably erupt. 

2. The French Revolution in the eighteenth century is one example. Revolutions will continue until true freedom has been fully restored

3. The most miserable person is a victim of the revolution. Some of dictators who assumed the reins of government through revolution became rather  victims of the revolution and spent their last days in misery. In order to prevent revolution from breaking out, they destroyed demands of the original human nature by any means necessary. Then they were judged by the heavenly law. 

4. Whichever position people are in, they shouldn’t be  victims of the revolution or the judgment of the law. You shouldn’t be in the position that you destroy  freedom of the original human nature of members of your group or people around you. Therefore, leaders have to make the way that people can accomplish  their achievements by responsibility for completing the purpose of creation after establishing free will.

5. In order to avoid becoming a victim of the  revolution, you have to make revolution in yourself  centering on freedom of the original human nature.

The revolution of revolutions is a revolution against oneself. We must sever fallen  nature and carry out a revolution to return to the freedom of the original mind.

In order to gain the freedom of the original mind, we must love God and His Word more than any other being or substance. Where we truly love God and love God's Word, we have the freedom of our original mind.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: What Can We Do to Have Faith?

1. How can we hold onto our belief in the early stages of faith? In order to have faith, you must first live a conditional life well. For example, when reading the Exposition of the Divine Principle, if there is a part that moved you while reading it, you should continue to pray and meditate on that part and make it your own. To do so, you must always carry the Exposition of the Divine Principle with you. You must read and re-read the places that moved you and gain great enlightenment there. If you establish such a principled condition, God will be in your heart working with you and having a reciprocal relationship with you. When God looks at a person, he tries to see what has moved them. And He hopes that the content of the word will become a seed that grows well in that person's heart. The words that moved me must become seeds that grow well in my heart. When good conditions are established in this way, God will make that person's wish come true. 

How to Build Faith

2. Even if we have extremely small amounts of conditions set, God sees us as righteous as long as we regularly keep it. For example, if you are punctual, you are rewarded for being punctual and your wishes will be granted. Some people have opened their spiritual eyes just by keeping the worship service time. Some people did not study when they were young and did not know how to read the Bible. However, there was a time when a person has reached the point where he could ask questions and receive answers with God by not missing a single worship time for three years. 

He received revelations well, and on Sunday, he knew through his dreams what the pastor would say and attended the service. Also, even though he had never met True Parents, he was well aware of True Parents' situation. There were cases in which spiritual eyes were opened by keeping one worship time well. We must be punctual. God is pleased with those who are punctual. So, in the early days of faith, you must be punctual and establish good conditions well, even if it is extremely small. Only then will you have faith. 

Let me explain more how to build faith. Let’s summarize.

1.  In order to have faith, we must first lead a life of doing conditions.

When we begin our life of faith, a life of conditions is very important. (We should) set conditions and then keep going (with them). This is the beginning stage.

2. Make a meditation notebook. Do you have a meditation notebook? I always carry one for HoonDok words or Divine Principle. (We should) record the contents of the part that moved us.

3. God will work through the content that has moved us, so continue to pray and meditate on it.

Meditation is very important. Of course, we want to read HoonDok 30 times, 40 times or 100 times. That is important. But what content inspires us and moves us so much? We need to write that down in our meditation notebook. Then that becomes the title of our prayer. 

4. (We should) read the parts that have moved us again and again until we gain great enlightenment and complete understanding.

Our meditation notebooks become book one, book two and book three. Then we need to go back again to the first and meditate on the content that inspired us. Then when we meditate it inspires us more and becomes deeper. Then we realize many things until it becomes part of us. We can pray maybe two or three hours and even the whole day. We need to pray based on what inspired us.

In Korea some of the very famous Christian pastors provided a meditation notebook. Every day they wrote down God’s word and reflected on it. (They guided them) how to practice. They became very famous. 

I have kept a meditation notebook for a long time. It is very powerful. I can meditate the whole day because I have that notebook: “A perfect plus creates a perfect minus.” Wow! So inspiring! The second meditation, “Utmost sincerity moves heaven.” Then I think about it deeply based on the word.

What content has inspired you? 

5. In this way, if we set up conditions for meditating on the words that moved us, God will certainly work with us and have a reciprocal relationship with our heart.

Any word we keep in our heart, God works based on that word. Some content may not be very inspiring. That is OK. But which content (did) inspire us? That can become the seed of our life.

6. When God sees a person, He will check what words have made an impression on that person.

7. The words that have moved us will ultimately become our seed of life.

8. When contents of the words that moved us becomes a seed, it will grow within our heart.

In order to have faith, we need to meditate and have a meditation notebook. We should check what content inspired us most. Then think continuously about it. Chew and chew it again and again – like a cow (chewing its cud). It first swallows it, then chews it again and again.  Human beings have only one stomach but cows have four stomachs. They bring out (their cud) and chew it when they have time. 

9. In the end, if we set up good conditions to meditate on the inspired Word and pray, we will have faith. And experience the miracle that comes true according to the word.

When we meditate, the word becomes really real. When we have absolute conviction, then miracles happen. If we really believe in that, the word really belong to us and we digest it and absolutely believe in it, I am telling you, miracles will happen. It is very powerful meditation.

10. God will see us as righteous and reward us if we set extremely few conditions and keep them well. 

A person can have a life-changing experience from just  one word or sentence. It can change his life.  We receive so much of God’s words – from Morning Devo tion, from Godible, from True Parents’ books. What content inspires us? The inspired content belongs only to us. It raises us up and becomes the seed of our life.

a. If we are punctual, God will reward us for being punctual and grant us the wishes we desire. Being punctual alone greatly pleases God. 

We need to attend Sunday service on time, at least 5 or 10 minutes beforehand. If we are not punctual, we have nothing to do with God. We need to check: those who are not punctual and come late are “hopeless.” Even (for) Morning Devotion those who come 5 to 10 minutes beforehand and meditate and prepare their hearts have a firm standard. They will be inspired. But if (a person) is 5 or 10 minutes late and only selects certain content, that does not work. (If for) just a short time, 5 or 10 minutes, he prepares his heart to receive (the word), already his attitude is great and God will pour out his Holy Spirit. Being punctual pleases God greatly.

That is why in the formation stage, by keeping punctual we will receive incredible rewards from God.

A good student is always very punctual and on time for Morning Devotion or Sunday service.

Once we decide to tithe, (we should) keep going. If we don’t have enough income, we should even borrow and give a tithe first. Try at least for three years. Does it work or not?

b. Some people have opened their spiritual eyes simply by keeping the worship service time. 

One person came to service on time no matter what.  Then his spiritual eyes were opened.

c. Some people have reached the point where they could ask questions and receive answers with God by not missing a single worship time for three years.

He did not know how to read the word because he did not go to school, but he came punctually for three years without missing one time for three years. He became spiritually open and had direct give-and-take with God. It was a simple condition. He kept pure. Being on time was an absolute between him and God. Even though that was a small condition, God appeared to him because that was a righteous condition. It was a small condition that kept absolutely, so God was present and rewarded him. This was his faith. It was amazing! 

d. If we live with the words that moved us in our heart, we will receive dreams and the spirit world will foretell us what to do.

When we really love God’s word and meditate all the time, God definitely will intervene. We will have a dream. We can even see the future. We know what to do. We will have no struggle. God will teach us very clearly what will happen, what we should do, how to meet people. He will tell us in detail. Why are we struggling? Because we don’t have meditation. We don’t have much prayer. That is why we are struggling with our spouse, between brothers and sisters, with Cain or Abel, with our work. That means we do not have meditation. We don’t have much prayer time. ... We need to pray. We need to meditate.

e. We will know what the pastor will say when we attend service on the coming Sunday.

If we have a small condition, are on time, are very punctual, love God, God will definitely (speak to) us through the pastor. If we have that kind of attendance and filial heart, God will surely give us incredible guidance.

f. Even if we have never met True Parents, we will know the feelings and circumstances of True Parents well.

... because love can go everywhere beyond space and time.  

11. In the early stages of faith, we have to be punctual and create good conditions, even if it is extremely small.

God does not care whether it is small or large. Even though it is a small thing, a small condition, if we keep going no matter what, then believe that surely a miracle can happen.

Once You Have Established Your Faith, Build a Good Relationship

3. After establishing faith, you must establish good interpersonal relationships. Only then will you cast off your own fallen nature. To cast off the fallen nature through interpersonal relationships is to establish the foundation of substance. In order to establish this foundation of substance, first of all, we must value human relationships. You should think of all the people around you as people who can help rid you of your fallen nature and serve them. Just because we were told to serve, give and receive, does not mean that we should act horizontally with them. These days, the times have changed, and you can certainly build the foundation of your faith simply by going through a 21 day workshop.

The formation stage of faith is where we establish the foundation of faith, and to establish the foundation of faith is to build up our faith. Faith is established by first praying and meditating on the inspired Word and making it our own. And we must set the standard of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience before an Abel of faith.

This is the formation stage, right?

Next, we must go up to the growth stage and establish the foundation of substance. Establishing the foundation of substance is the relationship between Cain and Abel, that is, establishing a good interpersonal relationship with eveyone else.  

The growth stage is to cast off one's fallen nature through serving Abel. To cast off the fallen nature through interpersonal relationships in this way is to establish the foundation of substance. 

To establish this foundation of substance, we must first value interpersonal relationships. We should think that everyone is more precious than the Lord and serve them. If we are indifferent to human relationships and just say, “You are you, I am me,” there is no way to get rid of the fallen nature. 

This is very important: we should think of all the people around us as people who can help rid us of our fallen nature, and serve them. But just because we were told to give and receive well does not mean that we should act horizontally with them without a center. 

Why do people around us exist? In order to help us  get rid of our fallen nature. That is why we need to build good relationships with everyone – anyone with whom we can have good give-and-take. Even though we may not like a person’s character, we should try to keep a good relationship with him and overcome that person. In the end, God will help us overcome our fallen nature.

Today I talked about “What Can We Do to Have Faith?” 

(Testimony Tomomi Fukuda, CARP Activities, Maryland)♦

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. 

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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