Ep 876 - The Path of Life for All Humankind Part 17

The Path of Life for All Humankind-March 20, 2023

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Key Points

·   In Cheon Il Guk, when the number of Cheon Il Guk citizens increases, everything will be resolved.

·   What God needs most right now is witnessing.

·   If we show the model of true family and true love, God and the spirit world will do all the witnessing

·  The challenge from now on is to increase quality in order to increase quantity.

·   We must be resurrected and born again through True Parents. Without going through them, you cannot go before Heavenly Parent, the Creator. 

·  True Mother is the First Coming of the only Begotten Daughter who was born historically and providentially and created solely by the Heavenly Parent.

·   We must truly become one with True Mother, conclude all the providences in True Mother's generation, and find and establish the substantial Cheon Il Guk.

·  Since the fall was brought about by a woman, the conclusion is that True Mother must take full responsibility for God’s Providence of Restoration as the perfected Eve and the only begotten daughter. 

·    True Mother’s period of suffering through the period from True Father’s ascension to the proclamation of Cheon Il Guk was like “looking for a lost needle in a pitch-dark night during the midst of a fierce typhoon in the middle of a desolate desert.”

·   True Mother is trying to establish the Providence centered on the three generations, who must unite and become the main players of the Providence.

·  Therefore, CARP must be vitalized and become active in all 50 states.

·  Through the dedication of Cheon Won Gung, True Mother is preparing a hall to memorialize all those who have done their best to become united with True Parents.

·  We should submit a list of all those who have contributed to God’s providence, and their memorial tablets will be enshrined in Cheon Won Gung.

·  True Parents will never forget the sacrifices and devotion of their children who have worked so hard.

·  We must not become a church where you just come and watch the service and just go back when it is time for worship like the established churches of the past.

·  The Cheon Il Guk era is an era in which everyone becomes the owner. With the spirit of ownership, each of us must find and establish the last remaining task, the substantial Cheon Il Guk.

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. ♦

Today I really prepared my Han well to deliver True Mother’s message. Please listen very well.

Yesterday, I had breakfast meetings with three families of NJ church. This beautiful couple is Takashi & Ikue Saito. This couple is really so dedicated to witnessing.  This couple is Joe & Hitomi Abutin, very beautiful couple. We had a very good time. Also, this is Hisanori Hamasaka. He is one of the senior blessed couples in America. He is going to move to Japan very soon. I am so sad he needs to go back to Japan. I really love his family and hope he keeps his good health. All his children a really doing a great job.

Then, there was a Family reunion service at the Belvedere church. I could really feel the Holy Spirit come to Belvedere Church. If Father were there, how happy he would be. His first church was Belvedere. Our Pastor Justin Okamoto is doing a great job. He is taking good care of the second generation and senior blessed couples. His wife silently supports him and his parents support his ministry. He is also supporting the ACLC mission very well. At the end, President Naokimi joined also. I gave a sermon on “How to Make a Model Church”. After service, President Naokimi, Pastor Justin Okamoto, and I prayed at the Holy Rock. I have very beautiful memories of Belvedere.

Today is a very special day. I would like to tell you what words True Mother gave to some leaders in Hawaii on March 7th. Quite an important speech. Please listen carefully.

True Mother’s Words in Hawaii

The building of Cheon Won Gung will have no problem if many members are witnessed to. In Cheon Il Guk, when the number of Cheon Il Guk citizens increases, everything will be resolved. As you all know, God, the Creator, made all things of creation in heaven and on earth and then created the first man and woman who would become the ancestors of humankind. However, unlike the world of creation, God had waited for human beings to grow on their own and rise up to the position where they could follow His Will. However, they were unable to do that. That is why Adam and Eve, who were cast out of the Garden of Eden, multiplied the world of fallen mankind.

1)   Three elements are needed to form a nation. It must have sovereignty, the people, and the land. The most important problem for us in finding and establishing Cheon Il Guk is the people. There can be no country without people.

2)  Cheon Il Guk cannot be achieved with the number of our blessed families. Sovereignty can be established centered on True Parent's Principle and Unification Theology. So the big question for us is how secure the majority. ​

3)    In order to secure the majority, the number of church members must increase, and in order to increase the number of members, we must witness. Therefore, witnessing is the supreme order of the Heavenly Parent and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.

4)   What God needs most right now is witnessing. Therefore, the greatest wish of God and True Parents is witnessing.

5)   We have all the elements to achieve Cheon Il Guk. We have all the elements that can form Cheon Il Guk, such as God and True Parents, the divine principle of eternal truth, and the blessing of eternal salvation.

6)   We have everything. However, the problem is that our Unification Church does not yet have a majority. Once the majority is secured, all problems are over. Then why isn't there a majority? It is because True Parents, God, and the Principle are great, but we cannot show a model of true love and true family. It is the sorrow and the bitter heart of God and True Parents that they do not have the majority. What is the main reason that we cannot increase majority?

7)   Now is the time to show a true family that lives together with God. If we show the model of true family and true love, God and the spirit world are supposed to do all the witnessing. Where there is honey, bees and butterflies are supposed to gather. If we have true love, people will gather.

         Therefore, the challenge from now on is to increase quality in order to increase quantity. We have everything, but we cannot show the model. If we show the model then definitely we can increase the number, the quantity. The main issue is not quantity; the main issue is increasing quality. Yesterday I talked to people in Belvedere. That is the main issue, how to make the model church. How can we create a better church? How can we really create and raise the quality of true love?

           Jesus really showed his quality of love. Because his love was really genuine, really true love, forgiving his enemy, how much he impacted the entire world. This is the issue. The quality of love can influence your wife, can influence your husband, can influence your brothers and sisters. Can influence your three spiritual children. Our blessed family knows God and True Parents, we know Divine Principal, we have the Blessing. The issue is, we need to raise up our quality of love. Where there is true love there are people. How can we show that kind of model, the quality of love? Jesus’s quality of love influenced two thousand years of history. In the future, True Parent’s quality of love will influence the entire world eternally. Those who follow True Parents, what quality of love do they have? This is the issue. If we really become true men, true women, how much can we influence our spiritual children, church, nation, the world? If there is quality, there will be increased quantity. That’s why Mother said the building of Cheon Il Guk will have no problem if many members witness.

        Look at Abraham Lincoln, see how much he impacted all of American history, just one guy’s dedication. His quality of dedication, loving the nation, influenced the entire American history. The importance is quality. Do you really love America? Do you really love the American people? Do you really love your brothers and sisters? This is the point, my brothers and sisters.

That is why human history has had wars and conflicts without a day of peace even to this day. Good people have sought peace, but they have not been able to realize it. So in order to lead fallen humankind into the right path, God allowed different religions. That is why there are four major religions today and other religions besides those. 

The purpose of religions is to live in goodness and realize a world of peace. But you need a central figure. As you all saw through the history of Christianity, in the Old Testament Age, when God established a central figure and led the Providence, if they failed to fulfill their responsibility, indemnity surely followed.

Now, through the long period of four thousand years, it took 4,000 years after Adam and Eve fell for the only begotten Son, who had nothing to do with the fallen world, to be born. In the Bible, it is recorded that Mary conceived through the Holy Spirit. In any case, Jesus was born through Mary and Zechariah’s family. Then, Mary and her family should have known about God’s providence, yet they did not know. It did not end with Jesus’ birth. They should have created an environment where Jesus could lead God’s providence by himself, but they failed to do that.

And Mary should not have had her own family. But since that did not happen, Jesus waited for 30 years. Even while going on the three-year course of his public ministry, many problems arose and many miracles also happened, but in the end, he was forced to go the way of the cross. Then, when he was crucified, he promised he would return. The Christian cultural sphere arose while waiting for Jesus’ return. They endured and waited with great anticipation for a long period, wondering when he would return. Christianity developed as they prepared to meet Jesus. However, they did not know the essences of Jesus.

1)   The fact that Christians did not know the essence of Jesus is that Jesus did not come to die on the cross. According to the principle of creation, all beings exist in pairs. ​ 

2)   Jesus came to this earth to fulfill God's three great blessings that Adam's family could not achieve. In order to fulfill God's three great blessings, we must become a husband and wife and then form an ideal family.  

3)   In other words, Christians did not know that Jesus did not just come as the only begotten son, but that he had to also meet the only begotten daughter and establish an ideal family first through the Supper of the Lamb.

When Jesus said that he will return and hold the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, he meant becoming true parents. Fallen mankind cannot go before Heaven. We must be resurrected and born again through True Parents. Without going through them, you cannot go before Heavenly Parent, the Creator. 

So, the 2,000 years of Christianity was the providence of waiting for the Second Coming, but it cannot just be the Second Coming alone. The one to complete the providence is not the only Begotten Son alone but there must be the only Begotten Daughter, too. The only Begotten Daughter could not be sent through the fallen Israelites. So Heaven looked for a nation where the only Begotten Daughter could be born.

Recently, there is one interesting documentary. How did the Korean peninsula come to be? Long ago, the Korean peninsula used to be below the equator. It was an island that was not attached to the continent but wandered alone, but it moved about 500 million years ago and became the current Korean peninsula.

By the way, they say that the Korean peninsula is shaped like a rabbit. There is one member who received a revelation and made a map of the Korean peninsula, and their child inherited it. It appeared in dreams many times, so they thought that they should offer it to Heaven and made an art work for me (True Mother), and it was a map of Korea. It looks like people are holding hands like this, but he says that he received a revelation that True Mother’s face is in the center of the map. He had ultimately received the revelation that Heaven had prepared the Korean peninsula for the only Begotten Daughter to be born in. After that conclusion was revealed, (True Mother) has been keeping that work in the Cheon Jeong Gung.

True Mother was born in 1943 and in 1945, Korea was liberated from Japan. However, after liberation, the north and south were divided by the very people who fought for independence together. It was divided into democracy and communism. At that time, the people with communist ideologies in the North had a close relationship with the Soviet Union and China. Even at that time alone, since Japan threatened the Soviet Union and China, they had a lot of hostility towards Japan. That is why they thought of communization and invaded the south. In such environment, True Mother was born in 1943, Korea was liberated in 1945, the Korean War broke out in 1950, and at that time, True Mother was in North Korea and just 6 years old.

But when it comes to the principle of creation, Heaven had to protect me until I grew and followed Heaven’s providence by my own will. But Korea was in a situation of becoming communized. Because of that, at the age of six, I went to the South. At that time, True Father was in South Korea. But Heaven told Father to go to the North. True Father obeyed with absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. But in the end, he was imprisoned by the communist world.

Since South Korea’s democracy was in danger of disappearing due to the Korean War, Heaven had to give time for me to grow. So beyond imagination, Heaven closed the eyes of the Soviet Union for just a moment and had 16 nations participate unanimously… This was Heaven’s providence and protection for me. You must know this.

Korea’s Christianity quickly arose with Protestantism centered in Pyongyang. At that time, there were several well-known ministers representing Korea. One of those ministers testified to Hong Soon-Ae Daemonim and the person who would become my father that when they have a child, if it is a son, he will become the king of kings, and if it is a daughter, she will become the queen. 

That was not all. Heaven established a foundation of merit through my ancestors. I am talking about Grandfather Jo Han-ju. In the family line of Jo Han-jun, God sent my maternal grandmother, Jo Won-mo. It is from that grandmother that I was born into the family of only daughters over three generations.

That is why I am the First Coming of the only Begotten Daughter who was born historically and providentially and solely by the Heavenly Parent. Just as He gave birth to Jesus 2,000 years ago, it took 6,000 years… Since then, there was Grandmother Jo Won-mo and the mother who gave birth to me, but they were my nannies and told me, “God is your Father.” Looking at Korean history, the time I grew up in was the most difficult of times. We fought wars and suffered horribly. I discovered on my own what I have to do and what my mission is.

This is what I feel when I look at my granddaughters of the 3rd and 4th generations. The environment in which I grew up is an environment that only I and Heaven know about. When I was just a girl, I was innocent and not like a teenager these days. At that time, the dream of that 16-year-old girl was to live in a large garden and grow an orchard with like-minded people. Imagining the song of a house on a hill where the deer and buffalo play, I thought I would like to live in such a peaceful place. I had such dreams, but what was I to do in the face of reality of suddenly having to marry a 40-year old man one day?

1)   Just as there was a relationship, environment, and history between God and True Father that only God and True Father knew about, equally, there was a relationship, environment, and history between God and True Mother that only God and True Mother knew about. We must know and acknowledge this. ​ 

2)   Just as there are things that only God and True Father know about True Father's course and history as the Only Begotten Son, True Mother is the Only Begotten Daughter and there are things that only God and True Mother know and can understand. and the truth of the providence. That’s why when True Mother reveals something, we have to understand what her relationship is with Heavenly Parent.

I only had one thought. In the end, there is only me. While thinking that I must be the one to do it and that it would be impossible to fulfill the dream of Heavenly Parent, the Creator, on earth without me, I made a firm resolution to do it.  After I made that resolution, True Parents appeared in 1960.

Foundation Day was proclaimed, but Father had to be taken to heaven. As the True Parent, I prayed and offered sincere devotion to Heavenly Parent as much as I could. That was three years of offering devotions every day in remembrance of True Father.

1)     God's creation came to an end with the creation of woman, Eve. However, due to the fall of the Eve and one person, human history goes through unimaginable hardships. ​  

2)   Ultimately, just as God's creation came to an end through Eve, True Mother, who came to this earth as the only begotten daughter, must finally finish God's providence of restoration. ​  

3)   Since the fall was also brought about by a woman, this is the conclusion that True Mother must take full responsibility for as the perfected Eve and the only begotten daughter. 

4)    True Mother once said that she was very grateful for the 23-year age difference between her and True Father. If True Mother's age was almost the same as True Father's, she said that after True Father ascends first, who will be able to deal with the remaining problems? Who will carry on? 

5)    In this sense, God's providence is very profound. Now, we must truly become one with True Mother, conclude all the providences in True Mother's generation, and find and establish the substantial Cheon Il Guk. ​

Since I am on earth, I will complete the providence, so please watch over me, Heavenly Parent. So what did I tell them? “From now on, Father, do not worry about the Earthly things, and live in all of glory to comfort Heavenly Parents.”

Think about it. All of a sudden, I have to proclaim Cheon Il Guk within six months, but with no one who knows the Providence, in proclaiming the nation all alone when all of my sons and daughters betrayed me, I had to have the basics. So, even thinking about the Cheon Il Guk nation wasn’t easy.

1)    True Mother's most difficult and arduous journey was when True Father had ascended and she led God's providence anew on behalf of True Father. ​

2)    She said that the period from True Father's ascension to the proclamation of Cheon Il Guk on January 13, 2013 was a period of so much pain and disorder that no one could have imagined. ​

3)   She said that it was like looking for a lost needle in a pitch-dark night during the midst of a fierce typhoon in the middle of a desolate desert. ​  

4)   No one but True Mother and God know the heart of True Mother who went through such a difficult course.

You didn't know then. Did you agree with me? Did you support me? If Cheon Il Guk was proclaimed, there must be citizens. You must be citizens who know Heaven’s providence. That is why I said that I would reveal the truth of the providence. I said that I was the only Begotten Daughter.  

Some elders said that True Father is the Second Coming Messiah and that I am nothing. Do you think that God's providence is for True Father alone? Even the Second Advent Messiah cannot fulfill the Providence without the object partner. Who is the True Father's object partner? Who was the person who made True Father the Second Advent Messiah? That person is this Mother.

1)   We must know that the values ​​of True Father and True Mother are the same position as the only begotten son and the only begotten daughter. These two represent God's positive and negative characteristics.

2)    Also, you must not think of True Parents as being divided into two. Just as you cannot separate our body and mind, you cannot think of True Father and True Mother as separate beings.

For True Father to become the Second Advent Messiah, it is impossible without a person who is the standard of comparison with him. As God's providence progressed, he said that he would now establish the third generation and go forth. So, I am leading the providence through the UPA students centering on the three generations, the upstart of upstart.

What President Naokimi should think about is activating CARP USA. Look for second generation, put them to work, and make them know their identity. We must move forward centering on Heaven’s gift of being born as children of blessed families. If they all just drift away, it’s the end for them. Heavenly Parents’ creation was created with eternity in mind. But when they just drift away, they’re done. They just disappear without a trace.

1)     True Mother is already thinking about the providence after her and is trying to establish the providence centered on the three generations. The providence of these three generations is Shin Chul Nim and Shin Heung Nim, the children of Hyo Jin Nim.

2)  In order to protect and support True Mother's realm of third-generation, the second and third generations, who will become her environment, must unite and become the main players of the Providence. In that sense, True Mother is emphasizing how important vitalization of CARP activities is.

3)   As True Mother said last time, the United States must do its best to vitalize CARP activities in all 50 states.

Therefore, to create an environment where I can forever remember those who have done their best to participate together as blessed families, even in these difficult times while I dedicate Cheon Won Gung, first of all, as of the current situation, those in our church, our Family Federation, even those who have already gone to the spirit world, for those who have been united with me, True Mother, the only Begotten Daughter, I will prepare a hall to enshrine memorial tablets for them so that I will remember them forever. This is the blessing and miracle of Heaven given to mankind today after 6,000 years. You need to know this. I hope there will be no more foolish people living in this age who do not become one with me and drift off.

1)    In addition to the dedication ceremony of the Cheon Won Gung, True Mother is trying to create an environmental realm to acknowledge and remember all the hardworking senior members who have participated in True Parents' providence from the beginning to the present. That is the hall where their memorial tablets are enshrined.

2)     True Mother instructed us to submit a list of all those who have contributed to God's providence in the United States and enter the hall where their memorial tablets will be enshrined.

3)    True Parents are trying to remember those who have become one with True Mother, the only begotten daughter, within the Family Federation of the Unification Church. This already includes people in the spirit world.

4)    True Parents will never forget the sacrifices and devotion of their children who have worked so hard. True Mother said that this is the greatest blessing and miracle bestowed on mankind in the 6,000-year history of heaven.

5)   At the same time, True Mother said that she hoped that there would be no more foolish people living within the era of True Mother and could not unite with her and drifted to the side. ​ ​

In particular, many leaders from Europe were mobilized for the restoration of America. Former national leaders of Germany, Paul Werner and Reiner Vincenz, and Martin Porter, who was in charge of Italy. If there are children of such people, Dr. Yong, you would tell them this: True Mother, the only Begotten Daughter, would like to remember your parents, who lived a life united with True Parents for the will of the providence, so she is going to do this. Ask them if they agree or feel grateful for it.

There are long-time members in America who purely followed the providence. I'll record their names, too. So, find them as well at the Family Federation level and send their names to Cheonshimwon in Korea so that they can be registered as well. Those people should also be registered with Cheonbowon, but if they have descendants, they should promise that they will do their best for their parents. And since they can be seen as one of the martyrs of the providential era, I will record their names as well.

And I will remember the political world, business world, and academia that joined the providence worldwide by 2027. Also, I will remember each country, especially the sixteen UN member nations that participated in the war. They sacrificed because of me. That's why, if I leave behind with their descendants the fact that they were great ancestors, they will come to Korea.

1)    True Mother said that she would remember not only our family members who contributed for the will, but also all the VIPs who contributed to True Parents' Providence.

2)    This is what makes True Parents truly the parents of all people. All of us should do our best to get their names registered.

Then, after visiting Cheon Won Gung and learning about the providence, won’t they come to love Korea while being thankful and grateful that they were great ancestors? That is why the situation in Korea is at stake right now. But by doing this, Korea will become a country supported and protected by the world. Thomas Walsh, do you understand? From now on, talk about the providence to the connected people who relate as VIPs and tell them to have some conditions so that their names can be left behind.

That is why I said I am constructing a building. For now, I have decided on the place to enshrine the memorial tablets for members within the church. Now, by building such buildings around the world and enshrining their memorial tablets, we want to create an environmental realm where they can honor Korea and give thanks to the True Parents of Heaven’s Providence. For that to happen, the current members must be resurrected. At True Father's Seonghwa Ceremony ten years ago, I said that the Unification Church must proceed with spirit and truth. I said it should always be a church you want to visit and live in.

1)    Now, our final task is to create a church that shows our church to all people by uniting and becoming one in spirit and truth. As True Mother said, we must create a church that we always want to visit and live in.

2)   It is said that it should not become a church where you just come and watch the service and just go back when it is time for worship like the established churches of the past. The Cheon Il Guk era is an era in which everyone becomes the owner. With the spirit of ownership, each of us must find and establish the last remaining task, the substantial Cheon Il Guk.

But today, we must not become like other established churches where people go to church and just leave when the time comes and where young people do not gather. It is you who are living today who must attend Heavenly Parent together with the True Parents on earth and expand your life in the kingdom of heaven on earth. To do that, you need to expand your environment. Do you understand?

We need to raise leaders for the future. For this reason, the church and CARP must become one by activating CARP.

1)    In existing churches, everyone is worried because young people do not gather. But in our church, on the contrary, we need to build a church where young people find hope and have a promising future.

2)   In other words, all that remains is to attend the True Mother of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and secure the majority by multiplying the people of Cheon Il Guk. That is witnessing. Again, witnessing is our mission and responsibility. And we must know for sure that witnessing is Heaven's supreme order to those of us who live with True Parents in this last age.

3)    Witnessing is the work of expanding the realm of the environment centered on the realm of heaven. To do so, True Mother said that we must nurture future leaders. For this reason, True Mother emphasized a lot that CARP must be active so that the church and CARP must become one.

      By hearing Mother’s word, I start to realize what is the most urgent thing. That is increasing Heavenly Cheon Il Guk citizenship, by witnessing. We have everything. That’s why we need to show the model, as model individual, model family, model tribe, and by increasing the numbers, be citizens of Cheon Il Guk. Thank you very much. Thank you so much our True Mother.

      After watching Living Testimony: Wow, beautiful, beautiful. I’m really proud of our CIG missionaries. I really hope that in future we can send many of our missionaries to the world. This is my hope and desire.  I think sooner or later we are going to unite with overseas and our 2nd generation, 3rd generation will join together, especially Korea and Japan and America. Unite together and become missionaries, how powerful it will be. We need to give them a global vision. God loved the world so much, that is why he sent the Messiah. So we need to love the world. As the Elder Son Nation we need to fulfill this portion of responsibility through raising up our 2nd and 3rd generations. I am very proud of our GPA members. Thank You So Much!

         (Living Testimony, CARP GPA Cheon Il Guk Mission, GPA Missionaries + Dr. Yong’s comments)

         NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

        This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated.

      Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com. ♦

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