Ep 870 - The Path of Life for All Humankind Part 11

The Path of Life for All Humankind - March 14, 2023

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PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony Levi and Clair Daugherty

Audio only

Key Points

  • The greatness of true love is that it enables us to become God's object partners and also enables God to become ours. It allows God and us to become one and for us to subdue our body.

  • Grandchildren should attend grandparents as God in order to find and establish the vertical axis and expand horizontally in all directions.

  • To the extent that we love God, we can love our neighbor, our nation and our world. 

  • Then we can learn to love the spiritual world 

  • When we love the spirit world and humankind through sacrifice, service and dedication, we become the central figures of love for both worlds and unite them.

  • In true love, spouses can do whatever they want with each other in complete freedom. 

  • In the world of true love, everything within the Principle is free.

  • There is freedom only within the order and discipline of the Principle. 

  • A country can only be free within the Principle.

  • In the Formation Stage we should consistently attend Sunday service, live a life of worship, tithing and hoondokhae, receive Abel’s guidance and obey him.

  • God can recognize a person whom Abel recognizes, trusts and praises. 

  • We should set conditions of faith such as Hoondokhae, jeongsong, fasting, bowing, and keeping worship time.

  • We should cherish Sunday service, long for it and arrive early to prepare for it. 

  • We should reserve Sunday, or Ahn Shi Il, as God’s day for us to worship, study his word and do his work. Then every day will become Sunday or Anh Shi Il.

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files.

Today I’d like to talk about “The Path of Life for All Humankind” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 2.

<This speech was given by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon between February 11 and May 29, 1999 at events promoting the Global Expansion of True Families in Japan, the United States and around the world.>

Respected guests! The greatness of true love is that it enables us to become God's object partners and also enables God to become ours. The Bible speaks of God being in us, and Jesus being in us. This is similar to the idea that the parent is in the child, the grandchild is in the grandparent, and the grandparent is in the grandchild.

A grandmother and grandfather bind their hearts together centering on their grandchildren. This is necessary so that the vertical line of love can have a beginning. Then, grandchildren become one with their grandparents. Grandparents are in the same position as God, so we need to attend them as we would attend God. Grandchildren will not be able to find the vertical axis of love without doing this.

After the formation of the vertical axis, horizontal expansion can occur. The horizontal can be connected to all directions, although the vertical has only one direction. The horizontal can turn north, south, east or west; it has a range of 360 degrees. The vertical can move centering on only one axis and cannot be divided. Our first task is to create mind and body unity, centering on love. We need to know how to love the spirit world, which is the vertical world centered on God. Furthermore, if in the future a central nation emerges, we will have to love humanity centering on that country. When we love the spirit world and the whole of humankind by means of sacrifice, service and dedication, we can automatically become the central figures who can have dominion of love over the two worlds and make them into one. Then God will surely dwell there.

The greatness of true love is that it enables us to become God's object partners and also enables God to become ours. The Bible speaks of God being in us, and Jesus being in us. (John 14:10)

It is only through true love that God and human beings become one. It is said that it is only possible through the experience of God's love and heart in order for human beings to subdue their bodies. We can subdue our physical body to the extent of our love for God. 

And for the realization of this true love, first, God and we must be vertically connected, and horizontally, grandparents and grandchildren in the family must be connected vertically. 

Grandparents are in the same position as God, so we need to attend them as we would attend God. Grandchildren will not be able to find the vertical axis of love without doing this. After the formation of the vertical axis, horizontal expansion can occur. The horizontal can be connected to all directions, although the vertical has only one direction. 

Once we establish a vertical standard, we will be able to love the horizontal world just as we love the vertical, based on that standard. 

That is why our vertical standard and life are very important. First of all, we need to establish a vertical standard, vertical alignment. Then centered on this vertical standard, we can expand horizontally.

What is first? The vertical standard is first. Based on that vertical standard we have a foundation to multiply horizontally.

Before loving our spouse, children and parents, the most important thing is that we need to have a clear alignment with God and True Parents. Without these – just we love our father and mother, our children, our brothers and sisters – we are very horizontal because there is no vertical standard. Then any time we can collapse.

What is the greatest commandment? We need to love God with all our heart, all our mind, all our soul. We need to establish the vertical standard first. Then we can automatically multiply.

Next, we need to know how to love the spirit world, which is the vertical world centered on God. Furthermore, if in the future a central nation emerges, we will have to love humanity centering on that country. When we love the spirit world and the whole of humankind by means of sacrifice, service and dedication, we can automatically become the central figures who can have dominion of love over the two worlds and make them into one. 

We need to remember: the first commandment is what? Vertical love. And what is the second commandment? Horizontal love. We need to love our neighbors. This is the second commandment.

The vertical standard is first. If we keep the first commandment, we don’t need to worry about the second commandment. It is automatic. ( We don’t need to worry about the horizontal way. If we truly set the standard of filial piety to God and True Parents, automatically we will respect our grandparents, and love our parents and brothers and sisters. That’s why we need to know which is subject and which is object. Whatever we do, we always need to set the vertical standard first. True Mother spoke about this.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Human Fall 26: The Meaning of Freedom from the Viewpoint of the Principle #1

Section Five: Freedom and the Human Fall

• What is the meaning of true freedom? In light of the Principle, three characteristics of freedom stand out. First, there is no freedom outside the Principle.

• Freedom requires both free will and the free actions pursuant to that will.

• Free will and free actions have the relationship of internal nature and external form, and perfect free dom is achieved when they are in harmony.

• Therefore, there cannot be any free action with out free will, nor can free will be complete without free actions to accompany it.

• Free actions are generated by free will, and free will is an expression of the mind.

• The mind of an original, sinless person cannot operate outside of God’s words, that is, the Principle.

• It will never express free will or generate free action apart from the Principle.

• Undoubtedly, freedom of a true person never deviates from the Principle.

• There is no freedom without responsibility. 

• Human beings, created according to the Princi ple, can reach perfection only by fulfilling their res pon si bility based on their free will. 

• Accordingly, a person pursuing the purpose of creation as prompted by his free will ceaselessly strives to carry out his portion of responsibility.

• There is no freedom without responsibility. 

• There is no freedom without accomplishment. 

• When human beings exercise freedom and carry out their responsibility, they strive to accomplish re sults which complete the purpose of creation and bring joy to God. 

• Free will ceaselessly pursues concrete results through free actions.

Let’s study Father’s word.

True Freedom is the Freedom Centered on Love

<203-10> Those women can do whatever they want to do to their loving husbands. Those men can do whatever they want to do to their loving wives. They can hit and touch their spouses. How much can they do? Wives can go naked to their husbands and do whatever they want to do. Where else can you find a greater freedom than that? Do women take off their clothes because it is freedom to take off their clothes or because of love? “Because of love.” How is freedom? Freedom should be centered on love. Can freedom unite and combine your five senses? “No” While I go along this path, I can stare different places. The same is true for your mind. However, centering on love, your eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hands and everything can be in focus. 

Freedom can Exist in All Beings

<203-10> Can eyeballs popped out freely? If eyeballs popped out, do eyeballs have freedom? Eyes can have freedom while they stay in the original position forever. Forever! If eyeballs popped out freely, how miserable it is. Then, what will happen? Is it freedom? It is collapse. If women leave from their position, is it collapse or ideal? Women have to get married, give birth to children, feed and raise them. In such a way, it is freedom that women’s buttocks are big and their breasts are big. Those who say that they don’t like such things and their husbands have to die. Just die! What American people say now is a sham. What is freedom all about? Even if I broke this blackboard like this, would it be freedom? No, it wouldn’t be. A blackboard has its own freedom, this microphone has its own freedom. All beings each have their own freedom. In such a way, there have to be the Principle and responsibility. Therefore, we can conclude that freedom cannot exist without its own position, responsibility and the Principle. 

Those women can do whatever they want to do to their loving husbands. Those men can do whatever they want to do to their loving wives. In true love, no matter what a couple does, they give and receive (with) each other naturally. Where could there be more freedom than this? The freedom of husband and wife is freedom centered on true love. 

From this point of view, everything is free in the principle of true love and in the world of true love. We must know that what is important here is freedom within the discipline and principles of true love and order. 

Can eyeballs pop out because they have freedom? Can our mouth go to where our stomach is because it has freedom? What people say now about a free country is all wrong. There is no principle and no discipline. It is all a sham. 

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: Things We Need to Practice in the Formation Stage Path of Faith

1. You must cherish Sunday service. Since we are descendants of disbelief, once we start skipping Sunday service, our fallen nature will dominate us and we will go on the path of death. To take care of our spiritual life, we must follow basic systems and rules. Keep in mind the truth that if we do not do that, we drift away horizontally and become self-indulgent selves. The basis of faith is extremely important. The basis must be strong for our faith to take root. Therefore, when we go through the formation stage course, we need to thoroughly practice a life of worship, a life of tithing, and a life of always receiving permission from Abel and acting. If this foundation is not laid, you can never grow to the growth stage. Do not forget that Cain’s characteristics lie in us, the descendants of the archangel. Since fallen people were born inheriting Cain’s nature, which is the archangel’s nature, we must find faith again. Since our ancestors disbelieved the Word and we became descendants of disbelief, we must find faith through the Word. 

What is a Person with a Settled Formation Stage Life of Faith?

2. In the formation stage, as Cain, your life must become a trustworthy life in rituals and institutions that is recognized by Abel. You must live a life of absolutely obeying Abel. You must go out setting conditions of faith that is determined to absolutely obey. Faith of the formation stage should first cherish Sunday service and go to service because one longs for service time. The reason someone comes to service because they longed for worship is because that person’s heart has already been sanctified. It is proof that their faith has already been settled. To become someone that God can trust, by being on time for service, we set conditions that God can trust. Those who do not cherish service are not on time for service. They sometimes attend service and sometimes do not, depending on the situation. Do you observe Sunday service well? Do you tithe well? Do you go to church because you long for the Word? Do you always act after discussing with your Abel? Do you have an Abel whom you respect and can discuss with? If so, you are someone whose center of faith is already established. 

What Kind of Person is Someone Who has Established a Foundation of Faith?

3. Don’t you have to be trustworthy to God? A person who has established a foundation of faith is someone who is praised and recognized by their Abel. When that happens, God will trust that person. That is why the formation stage life of faith must first keep time well and set conditions well. And you must cherish church traditions and rituals. You must also maintain a life of bowing, a life of prayer, a life of sanctifying, and a life of Hoondokhae. That is why my past self that disbelieved in God until now and my current self that has faith after hearing the Word must be clearly separated. You all know very well that we became descendants of disbelief because our ancestors did not believe in the Word. That is why in the formation stage, the most important thing is to cherish the Word and put it into practice. Sunday is not a day that exists for myself. Sunday is God’s day. That is why on Sundays, students should study the Word rather than schoolwork and focus on attending service. Because we are descendants of disbelief, rather than attending service, we keep trying to focus on our own circumstances and cut off time related to Heaven.

Sunday is a Day to Set Conditions in Which God Can Remember Me

4. For people without faith, their own matters become the subject, and church service comes in second or third in importance. When that happens, they gradually flow horizontally and fall on the path of death that deviates from God. That is why it is good to choose Sundays as God’s day and serve and devote it as a day to work only for God. Days when we have service are days when I set conditions in which God can remember me for life. That is why the Old Testament says that neither your servant nor your animals should not do any work on Sunday. Those Words are not meant to be practiced only in the Old Testament Age. For us, who have the nature to disbelieve even today, to become trustworthy people, we must have the thinking and lifestyle to at least cherish Sundays. People who cherish Sundays like this will spend every day holy like Sunday. Every day becomes Sunday, and every day becomes Anh Shi Il.

Things We Need to Practice in the Formation Stage Path of Faith

1. We must cherish Sunday service. Since we are descendants of disbelief, once we start skipping Sunday service, our fallen nature will dominate us and we will go on the path of death.

When we miss Sunday service ... three times, we will be captured by Satan. This is Satan’s strategy. That is why we should cherish Sunday service very well. We are descendants of disbelief. Once we start skipping Sunday service, our fallen nature ... (will dominate us). We need to keep the standard thoroughly no matter what. ... Sometimes we may be sick or all kinds of situations (can come up). However, when we really keep Sunday service as God’s day no matter what happens, then God trusts us. (But) once we start missing Sunday service, our fallen nature (takes) control of everything. That is why we should not give freedom to our body.

2. To take care of our spiritual life, we must follow basic systems and rules. We need to thoroughly practice a life of worship, a life of tithing, and a life of always receiving permission from Abel and acting.

In the formation stage we need to follow the basic system and the rules, attending Sunday service all the time. We need to come to Sunday service five or ten minutes beforehand and prepare our heart. We should not just come at the last second or come late. That means our heart is not there. This is one type of jeongseong. 

Also (we need to have a) life of tithing,  hoondokhae, and of receiving ... guidance from Abel. “I do not do anything without Abel’s permission.” This kind of formation faith is very important. If we do not (establish) this Foundation of Faith, we cannot grow and reach the growth and completion stages.

3. Since our ancestors disbelieved the Word and we became descendants of disbelief, we must find faith through the Word. 

Adam and Eve rejected God’s word: “Do not eat the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.” They really rebelled against God. That is why we need to go back to first trusting God and believing his word. Our life starts from there, believing God’s word and listening to him.

4. As Cain, our life must become a trustworthy life in rituals and institutions that is recognized by Abel.

In the formation stage it is really important to be recognized by Abel. “Wow! He just joined our church a few months ago, but I can trust him. He is a good guy; he always comes on time; he tithes and always reports. I can really trust him.” We need to be trusted (to that extent) by Abel. Then we can surpass Formation Stage.

> Someone who has established a foundation of faith with Abel is someone who has been praised and recognized by Abel. This is when God too believes in us.

5. We must go out setting conditions of faith (and be) determined to absolutely obey. 

In the formation stage we need to follow basic rituals and the basic system.

The Hoondok tradition is very important. We should have the habit of hoondokhae. Also, in the formation stage we need to such conditions as...

... jeongsong condition, fasting condition, bowing condition, ...

We need to bow to heaven, to True Parents, to our own physical parents, sometimes 100 times, even 1,000 times, we need to have that kind of condition. Also, keeping our alignment and ...

... keeping worship on time, etc.)

Beforehand we need to come and prepare our heart. These are important and basic things in our formation stage path of faith. 

6. (We should) cherish Sunday service and go to service because we long for service time. 

... not (out of a sense of) duty or responsibility or (obligation), (but) voluntarily.

By being on time for service, we set conditions that God can trust.

If we cannot attend Sunday service on time, how can God trust us? (If) we cannot even do small things, how can God trust us? 

In the formation stage, ...

> Do we observe Sunday service well? 

> Do we tithe well? 

> Do we go to church because we long for the Word? 

How much do we love(?) God’s word?

> Do we always act after discussing with our Abel? 

If we do whatever we want, we cannot graduate from the formation stage. We always need to discuss with and report and have give-and-take with our Abel. Then we can be recognized by our Abel.

> Do we have an Abel whom we respect and can discuss with?

If we do not have an Abel, we are still Cain. Not having Abel means we are Cain.

7. Sunday is not a day that exists for myself. Sunday is God’s day. 

Sunday is God’s day. When we read the Old Testament and New Testament, how important Sunday is! When (the Israelites) did something wrong on Sunday, they received incredible punishment because Sunday is God’s day. 

> That is why on Sundays, students should study the Word rather than schoolwork and focus on attending service. 

That is why we need to study harder during the study time. Then on Sunday, God’s day, we need to do some good conditions: service for others, attending Sunday service. If our children keep that kind of standard, wow! Their life of faith will become very strong.

8. We should choose Sundays as God’s day and serve and devote it as a day to work only for God.

Of course, we need to do this every moment, every hour for God’s sake, but Sunday we need to really focus.

9. Days when we have service are days when we set conditions in which God can remember us for life.

That is why Sunday is God’s day. We need to do something for others and for the sake of God. Then God can remember us for life.

> People who cherish Sundays like this will spend every day holy like Sunday. 

10. Every day becomes Sunday, and every day becomes Anh Shi Il. 

I don’t know when Ahn Shi Il is, when Sunday is. For me every day is like Sunday; every day is like Ahn Shi Il. That is why when we set a standard that Sunday or Ahn Shi Il is very important, then 365 days become Sunday, become Ahn Shi Il. Not just Sunday. Why do we need Sunday? We need to set up a standard, then multiply it to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Then our life becomes very holy. We can then become a divine spirit. 

Today I talked about “Things We Need to Practice in the Formation Stage Path of Faith.” 

(Testimony Levi and Clair Daugherty, Heavenly USA, Trip to Israel)♦

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. 

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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