Ep 487 - Oceania Part 2

Oceania 122-7-13-40 - February 24, 2022

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I just received good news from Heavenly Honey. She said, “Now 80 GPA missionaries are overseas serving nine nations for the sake of the world.” This is really great news. 

I received a lot of great feedback from all over the world because many of our young second generation GPA missionaries are serving the world. This is impacting the entire world. Can you imagine if we really send more GPA members, say someday 30,000 or 40,000 serving the world, no one will be able to deny that America is fulfilling an incredible role as the elder son nation. Someday we need to break through. 

What I believe is that our heavenly dream always comes true. As long as we have a heavenly vision and a heavenly dream, it will definitely come true. That is why, brothers and sisters, if we unite together and pray, our prayer becomes our vision, and our vision definitely will come true.

Today I’d like to talk about  “Oceania” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

In the farming villages of Korea, the New Community Movement was begun together with the enlightenment movement. You should take an interest in how the Korean Church was able to grow in the beginning time centering on True Father. The Solomon Islands is a country that is in a situation similar to that of Korea in the early days of the church. You should take that time, when church services were held with spirit and truth centering on True Father, as an example, and endeavor to make the flames of revival rise up in this country. One of the harmful consequences of today's material civilization age is that it destroys nature and causes pollution. Your country should nurture and cherish its God-given natural beauty. It should be more active in advocating the nature preservation movement. That is why you need to carry out a nationwide awareness movement centering on True Parents' teachings. (2006.08.18, Honiara, Solomon Islands)​

For Palau to be able to compete with bigger nations and join ranks with them, it needs to propagate the Divine Principle teachings. You may not know in detail about the heart of God when He created the world, or about the many stories behind how True Parents came to this earth and laid their victorious foundation to restore fallen humanity. Once you learn of them, you cannot help but love the Word, and love True Parents who are the center of the Word. With such a loving heart, you need to love your country of Palau. The Christians who oppose you do not truly love this country. Henceforth, you need to practice true love centering on the Word, thus taking the lead in making Palau a nation that can be beloved by God. (2006.08.19, Koror, Palau)​

Continuing from yesterday, we will have time to study "The Future of Humankind Is Rooted in the Future of the Pacific Rim Region." Yesterday I already spoke to you about how much True Father paid attention to the Oceania providence. Let’s study Father’s word.

The Future of Humankind Is Rooted ​in the Future of the Pacific Rim Region​

What exactly should be the role of America and the United Nations? Hawaii in the Pacific and Norfolk on the Atlantic bridge East and West, link North and South, and represent the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and all the great oceans of the world. With the support and protection of the American continent, the Korean Peninsula should protect and defend the Pacific Rim region by bringing together all the island nations of the Pacific. I say this because the future of humankind lies in the preservation of the Pacific Rim region centering on Korea, Japan and the United States.​

When I was the continental director of Oceania, I visited the island nations of Oceania, and almost all the small island nations were ruled by China. All economic powers were owned by the Chinese. I was so surprised to see this.

Regarding the fact that not only the economic sphere, but the maritime areas would also be controlled by the Chinese as well, True Father emphasized that the United States should take the lead in checking this and that (the nations of) Oceania should all unite and be vigilant against these powerful powers. 

America had paid little attention to these small island nations in Oceania. True Father worried a lot about this and said that we must protect the Pacific region no matter what happens. 

When Father established UPF in each nation in Oceania and used his private jet (to visit the islands?), he told me many things about the importance of the providence of the Pacific Rim region.

True Father's warning was correct. There is already a very tense situation between China and the United States, mainly in the Pacific region. True Father anticipated this for a long time. 

​Ladies and gentlemen, I ask that you closely analyze the current state of affairs in the world.​

Although the days of communism are gone, even now powerful nations such as China and Russia are constantly on the lookout for opportunities to aggressively pursue their own interests with the powerless and small island nations. Regardless of what nation it may be, no small island nation by itself can deal with these powerful surrounding nations and their economic, political or even military ambitions. Those nations are so powerful that, if they wanted to, they could dominate any of the smaller nations in a single day, without shedding blood.​

Only when peace and security are settled in the Pacific Rim can peace for all humankind be guaranteed. As I have mentioned, the small island nations by themselves will not be able to stop the incredible tsunami of powerful nations moving into the region. The time has come, therefore, for all these small island nations in the Pacific Rim sphere to unite as one and build the homeland of the new civilization. The small island nations dispersed in both the northern and southern regions of the Pacific, on either side of the equator, as well as Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, the Solomon Islands, Australia, New Zealand and other countries, should become as one country and form one union to sustain peace throughout the Pacific Rim civilization. This will secure peace and stability for all people. ​

What I am saying to you is that you have the responsibility to protect and save the oceanic realm, which is a lifeline on which humanity’s future depends, from the environmental destruction and conflicts that are worsening by the day, and to shield the natural resources for the sake of peace in the future.​

True Father is speaking clearly. He said that if this Pacific Rim was not protected from the neighboring powers of China and the Soviet Union, it would have a huge impact on the unification of North and South Korea centered on the Korean Peninsula.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: Principles of Creation 21​ - Pair System and Our Daily Life

The Reason All Beings Are Composed of Dual Characteristics

 • For any being to exist, energy is required, and energy can be produced only through give and take action. However, nothing can reciprocate without a partner. Hence, a being must contain dual characteristics, a subject partner and an object partner, which can engage in give and take action.

• For anything to have an eternal nature it must move in a circle. Give and take action between a subject partner and an object partner is necessary for any circular motion. This is true even for God; having dual characteristics allows Him to live eternally. In order for God's creation to resemble His eternal nature, it likewise must be composed of dual characteristics.

Based on “The Reason All Beings Exist in A Pair System​,” let’s study Father’s word directly.

The Reason All Beings Exist in A Pair System​

< 218-324>All things exist in a pair system under a subject-object partner relationship in order to be in constant harmony and harmonious union in all directions—north, south, east, west, top, bottom, front, back, right and left—within a realm of love centered on God. All things in the mineral, plant, animal and human world exist under a pair system. ​

Then why do all beings exist in a pair system? It is because love reaches all places. A pair becomes as one and connects to the ideal realm of a common denominator. While doing so, they live and exist for each other, and create the universe as they multiply. Do you understand? You have to understand the principle of why all beings exist in a pair system. ​

The Mystery of the Universe​

<218-324> What is the most mysterious thing in the universe? What was the first concept that God conceived when He created? It was love. God created the universe from the concept of love. That is why, all existing beings must form a common base centering on love. Consequently, an environment cannot be made without a reciprocal realm between the subject and object partner. There is always a response within a reciprocal realm; that realm of response is not only found in the family but also leads to the tribe, nation and world. ​

The Reason All Beings ​are Composed of Dual Characteristics​

1. In order to exist​

a. For any being to exist, energy is required.​

b. Energy can be produced only through give and take action.​

c. A being must contain dual characteristics, a subject partner and an object partner, which can engage in give and take action.​

I exist because my object exists and because my subject exists. I exist because of my partner. In order to exist, the relationship between subject and object is absolute. Where there is a subject, there is an object. And where there is an object, there is a subject. The existence of God and me is absolute from the point of view that the subject and object must exist together. The relationships between husband and wife, and man and woman, and man and all things are absolute. Therefore, my object partner is like God. It is an inseparable relationship. This is an incredible discovery by our True Parents. 

The reason all things are composed of dual characteristics is in order to exist. You cannot exist alone. Definitely there are subject and object partners. How can you multiply and grow without your object partner, without your wife, without your husband? It is impossible. 

Therefore, where there is God, there should be his object partner, human beings. God existing alone does not make any sense. He needs to have an object partner. It is an inseparable relationship. Who is God’s object partner? Human beings. Human beings cannot exist alone. He needs to have a subject partner. Who is the subject partner of human beings? He is God. Like mind and body, like man and woman, they need to exist together as a subject partner and an object partner. This is incredible Divine Principle. There is a subject partner and an object partner. They need to exist together. Otherwise, nothing can exist. That is the reason all things are composed of dual characteristics. 

2. In order to have eternal nature​

a. For anything to have an eternal nature it must move in a circle.​

b. Give and take action between a subject partner and an object partner is necessary for any circular motion.​

c. Consequently, we must be composed of dual characteristics. ​

Where there is a subject partner and an object partner, they need to have give and take and they must move in a circle. As long as there is a subject partner and an object partner moving in a circle, then they continuously move around, and it becomes circular movement. 

2. In order to love​

This is the final goal.

a. The reason subject and object partners exist is to manifest and realize love.  ​

This is a really beautiful reason why all beings are composed of dual characteristics, in order to realize love. To realize love, you cannot do it by yourself. You absolutely need your object partner.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: The Path to Become a True Mother (2)

Of course, men (should also learn how) to become a true father. Let’s study more.

1. Our Unificationist women can grow their own spirit through caring for young kids at Sunday School at the church. We must strive to become subject partners who are pure and clean like children. You have to train yourself while supervising the children and being supervised by them. Don't take care of children out of a sense of duty, but try these things coming from your original mind. If you don't do such training properly, even if you build a family next, you will not be able to supervise your Adam (husband) and Adam will not be able to properly supervise you.​

When it comes to growing your spirit, Sunday school is a really good training course, 

I personally had this experience. When I was a pioneer, I started with Sunday school.

The more your level of faith grows, the more your level of heart grows, and the more your love grows, the more you grow an interest in young children and the youth. 

A person who can do well in Sunday school ministry can also do well in adult ministry. A person who can listen to children well can also listen to adults well. 

The revival of early Christianity in Korea always began in Sunday school. This is because if you can capture the hearts of children, you can capture the hearts of adults, too. 

2. Many people start with Sunday School first when they go out to pioneer witness. If you can't minister to children properly, you can't even minister to adults. Not only that, we must serve the elderly well and become a person who they are attracted to. Both of these experiences are needed. If you lead Sunday School students well, their parents will follow with joy. According to True Father’s words, if you grab each end, the middle will follow. When you become someone who can attract children and the elderly, the youth and adults in the middle can easily follow.​

A church with a well-run Sunday School must grow. Our blessed families must first raise the growing 2nd and 3rd generation through Sunday School.

I need to check the system of Sunday School in America.

On Sundays, we need to build a church where children want to go to church. On Sundays, we need to build a church where children really miss their Sunday School teachers.

Children want to go to church because they miss and have a longing heart for their Sunday school teacher. We need to create that kind of environment. A minister who has no interest in Sunday School, I am telling you, has no interest in any human soul. That pastor has no more hope. Any pastor who has no concern for Sunday school, his church has no more hope. … In order for any church, any center to develop well, you need to pay attention to kindergarten and Sunday School very well. They are our future and our hope. We need to seriously think about this. 

If our second generation has already become adults in their 20s, 30s and 40s and we try to arrange an educational program for them, it is already too late. We need to begin from Sunday school: how to protect them, guide them and educate them. This is very important in order to develop our movement and our church. 

State leaders, ministers, center leaders and CARP leaders need to pay attention to Sunday school. If you do not pay attention to Sunday school, I am telling you, your church will never grow. Anyone who is not concerned about Sunday school for young children, as a parental figure in your church, if you do not take care of your own children well, what are you talking about, your ministry … We need to run our Sunday school system very well.

3. When you guide students or children, do not have the attitude that you are the teacher who teaches them, but first try to earn their trust. This will be a great way for inexperienced pioneers to naturally attract people. Until you start a family, think of the whole process as a training period to train yourself. Rather than guiding the children you are in charge of, your original mind must have a desire to be guided by and attracted to children. If you yourself are attracted to a child, that child will be attracted to you.​

4. Children don't listen to adults because they try to guide children without actually being attracted to them. If you try to dominate someone without being attracted to them first, that person will dislike you. This is because their heart is not ready. The path of resurrection that we must walk is not a path we are being dragged along reluctantly. It is a path that we take ownership of voluntarily and with autonomy. Doing it out of necessity is like derailing. It is also not good to do religious ceremonies out of a sense of duty because they are unavoidable. Even when we learn the Word and perform ceremonies, we must do it voluntarily. And we have to be proactive.​

If I want to do everything voluntarily and with joy, I have to move my heart. By putting my heart and sincerity first, my voluntary mind springs up.

That is why human beings, including you and me, can't grow up very well. Because we do everything out of a sense of duty. Without investing our heart and sincerity, our mind never springs up. Whatever we do while investing our utmost sincerity and heart, (we can) participate (in it) voluntarily with joy. Without investing our heart and sincerity, we just waste our time. Whatever we do, what is our weapon? Investing our heart and utmost sincerity. Whenever we invest our heart and sincerity, our heart is so joyful and we have great motivation to go forward with a voluntary and joyful heart. 

5.  You have to live life willing to do anything with your heart and always discover new values. You should always experience a new life of living with joy. The true path of heart is always new because it is not a habitual path. Isn't it always new to live and play with children? You can see young children playing with new thoughts and emotions every day. Every day you will see children who are always in the same environment playing with a more active mind.​

6. God has the most interest in the heart of human beings. We have no idea how much God is ceaselessly working behind the scene to make human beings heartistically feel on their own that He is our parent. For example, how desperately does a mother of an autistic child wish for her child to feel and respond to the mother’s love while raising the child? How can the heart, labor, and devotion of God, who is the parent to grow the fallen human spirit, be compared to the parents of autistic children? Therefore, to become a true mother, you must make a lot of effort to learn the world of God's heart while guiding the Sunday school students.​

7. While living a life of faith, there will be cases when I think that I am a sinner and strongly feel that God does not love or have interest in a sinner like me. However, this is a very wrong thinking and hurts God very much. ​

No matter how great a sin I have committed, I need to know that God is there wherever and whenever and that He cares deeply for me. God never gives up on me under any circumstances. Today, God is looking for opportunities to enter into my heart. Therefore, if I try to understand God’s heart  and wishes and adjust to the cycle of His heart, anyone can feel the love and heart of Heavenly Parents. ​

The reason why we need to lead Sunday School is to know the heart of God. Only through that training can you become a mother who can raise a husband and children well.​

When I prepared this content, I was overwhelmed. My tears came down.

Imagine a mother with an autistic child who is completely closed. Let's imagine that there is a mother who wants to communicate with her child with autism by all means and methods in order to convey her heart. Just think about how that mother feels.

Imagine that there is a God who struggles every moment to deliver His heart to each and every fallen human being whose situation is more serious than autism due to the human fall. 

But how much God would be pleased if the cycle of our heart, in which we struggle to find God, and the cycle of God’s heart, in which God struggles to find his lost child coincide with each other, and communication takes place! 

All of us, fallen humans, are autistic patients who can't feel God's struggles to communicate with us, and (who) have completely shut the door of our hearts.

Therefore, the course of faith is a (course of) training that opens the door of our hearts through various trainings. In the end, it is a course to find a way to give and receive with God heartistically.

That is why God is knocking and knocking and trying to find an opportunity to communicate with each human being. That is his effort. He is my parent, your parent. 

Every second, every minute he knocks on our heart and tries to find a way to communicate with me heartistically. He tries to convince me that “I am your father. You are my son, my daughter, my girl.” Because of the human fall we have completely closed our heart and mind. Even though God comes to me so many times, every second, every minute, we don’t know how to focus on the cycle of God’s heart. That is why Father says if we live centering on our original nature which is our original mind (asking) what is the best way to reach heaven, and struggle and struggle to remove our fallen nature, if we can find (out) what our original nature is and how to live properly, if we (can) focus on the cycle of our heart and God is really searching for human beings centered on that kind of cycle of his heart, then meet together, then finally we can communicate between God and human beings. Then how happy God will be about that!

What is the purpose of life? To cultivate our heart. Through cultivating our heart, (we can) finally find God: “Our God, how much he loves me.” We need to recognize that he is searching for human beings. What is the best way to meet that kind of God? Father suggests, “You need to live always centered on your original nature and spirit mind, not focused on your physical mind.” 

One of the best ways to cultivate our heart is to love children. You need to participate in Sunday school. You need to learn how to communicate with them. Sometimes you can control them; sometimes they control you. You have give and take emotionally and heartistically. This is one of the best ways to cultivate your heart. Then after starting family, you will know how to serve your husband and serve your children well, too.

What is the main purpose of our life of faith? To really cultivate our heart.♦

(Response to sharing) We really need to focus on Sunday school in order to take care of our second generation and third generation. If we do not do that, we will not be able to find much hope for our church. If you do not pay attention to the second generation and third generation and only want to take care of older people, God is not there. As long as you do not take care of your own second generation and third generation, how can God come there? As a minister for our blessed families(?) if you do not concentrate on our kids and do not have a proper system of Sunday school, that church will definitely be a disaster and will never have any hope to be better. That is why we need to love and pay attention to our future generation. This is a really important job and our portion of responsibility. 

(Response to second sharing) I had a beautiful experience when I was a pioneer and initiated Sunday school and I tutored(?) kids (in their studies). Elementary school kids came to my church in the afternoon. I taught them Divine Principle and (helped with) their own studies. Later on the school teacher came to our church (and asked), “Why are all of our kids talking about you and about your church? What has happened? I want to see you. After finishing school, all of our students want to go to your church. What happened? I came here in order to see you.”

I had such a beautiful, powerful experience guiding our young kids.

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “ ...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the powerpoint slides from this speech are available as pdf files at the top of this text and at text.morndev.com & yong.hoondok.com. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com.♦

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