Ep 486 - Oceania Part 1

Oceania 121-6-13-40 - February 23, 2022

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Today, the Youth Ministry (section) deals with very important sermons, so the time may be longer than usual. Please understand. 

Today I’d like to talk about  “Oceania” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

New Zealand needs to fulfill the mission of the mother nation in Oceania. It has the responsibility to unite with Australia and support and help the island nations, and also to educate them. That is the mother’s mission. Until now, New Zealand has been asleep. Now, however, it needs to soar. You have the Word, and our foundation laid down worldwide is also solid. All you need to do is to convey what you have heard and seen to others. You have plenty of teaching materials. You now need to stand in the position of children who have reached maturity, and return all that you have received from your Parents for free. You need to determine yourselves anew. ​(2006.08.14, Auckland, New Zealand)​

Today Mother's words were the words that came to New Zealand when I was the continental Director of Oceania.

True Mother said that New Zealand should (fulfill) the mother's mission. On the other hand, Australia, as a continent, is in a position to fulfill the mission of the Father's country. The remaining 12 island nations of Oceania can be seen as (in) the position of their child nations.

At that time, True Father emphasized that the Oceania continent should be the center of the providence of the Pacific. He said that Oceania must become one with the United States, the country of the elder son, the Philippines, Taiwan, the country of daughters in Asia, and Japan, the mother country, and eventually become one with Korea, the third Israeli nation.

I passed through Israel and the Middle East region before coming to Australia. The ambassadors for peace took the lead there in making the Universal Peace Federation Rally Tour to Return to the Original Fatherland and Hometown a great success. I left that region after achieving such wonderful results, but war broke out shortly afterward. When I think about that, the ambassadors for peace come to my mind and my heart aches for them. The only way to resolve all world problems and to cross over the walls of religion, race and culture is to receive True Parents. You blessed families are the people who should enlighten others and make them aware of this fact. You too should feel responsible for the crisis in the Middle East. You have the responsibility to make as many people as possible in your regions and countries aware of True Parents. Consider the fact that, in this day and age when we are discussing happiness, hope and peace centering on True Parents, there are people who are dying without knowing anything about that. With a sense of responsibility, you need to take the lead in establishing them on the side of the providence. ​(2006.08.15, Sydney, Australia)​

I was Continental Director of the Oceania Continent from 2003 to 2008. I gave a report on Oceania activities at the Cheon Il Guk Leaders Meeting in February 2005.

At that time, True Father heard my report and gave the following words to the leaders of Oceania. Let me summarize it. If you read these words, you will realize how important the providence of Oceania is.

Make Oceania One Country​

<Summary of speech given at the Closing Ceremony for Cheon Il Guk Leaders on February 17, 2005 at the Cheongpyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center>​

1. Australia and New Zealand should be the center of the island countries in Oceania to make all island nations into one country. Otherwise, you never know when it will become bait for a powerful country.​

Father really worried about this. He spoke to me personally about it. How much influence mainland China can exert on a small island nation in Oceania. He asked me to protect all small island nations. That is why Australia and New Zealand, as the father and mother nations, need to protect the ocean (nations?). 

2. Oceania has a population of only 40 million. True Father is determined to help. You must hurry and unite.​

3. If Oceania becomes one, the road for the unification of North and South Korea can be opened. True Parents will make an active effort behind the scenes. The center of providence is Korea. If Oceania is united, the reunification of Korea will not be a problem. The next step is to be able to unite the 37 countries in Asia.​

4. When Asia becomes one, there is no problem for Africa to become one, and when Africa becomes one, there is no problem for North and South America to become one.​

In 1992, True Father came to Australia. And the slogan that came down to the Oceania continent was, “The Unified World Begins from Oceania.”

I would like to speak more about the importance of the Pacific Rim tomorrow at Hoondok Hae.

 LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: Principles of Creation 21​ - Pair System and Our Daily Life

Human Beings as the External Center of the Universe

• The diverse things of creation enter into mutual relationships with a common purpose when human beings discover the source and nature of matter, 

• And when human beings identify and classify plants and animals of the water, land and air, and all the stars in the sky.

Human Beings Stand As The Center Of ​The Created Universe In Terms Of Its External Form ​

• Human beings are the center that allows the diverse things in creation to enter into mutual relationships with a common purpose.​

1. Human beings must discover the source and nature of matter, ​

2. They must identify and classify plants and animals of the water, land and air, and all the stars in the sky. ​

Because the purpose of God's creation of all things was to create a museum of love for humans, humans grow by giving and receiving all things as teaching material for love. 

In the end, human beings can know that the world of all material things is the center and that all things exist for the sake of true love.

• The common purpose of creation is realized when matter is assimilated into the human body as physiological elements, and when the things of creation participate in the construction of a comfortable living environment for people. In these and other ways, human beings stand as the center of the created universe in terms of its external form.

• What the created universe gives to human beings:​

1. Matter is assimilated into the human body as elements essential for people to maintain their physiological functions;​

2. It participates in the construction of a comfortable living environment for people. ​

In other words, the individual entities in the universe create an environment and serve as a house for human beings. 

Human Beings as the Internal Center of the Universe

• In addition, people relate to the universe from their position as the internal center. Here we consider mental or spiritual relationships. The human body, though consisting of matter, fully responds physiologically to the emotion, intellect and will of the human mind. This demonstrates that matter has within itself elements which resonate with emotion, intellect and will - elements which constitute the internal nature of matter.

• This is the reason all things in the universe respond to human emotion, intellect and will.

• We become intoxicated with the beauty of the natural world and experience the rapture of mystical union. We experience this because we are the center of the internal natures of all things in the natural world.

Through our intellect, emotion and will, we can resonate with that of matter. Therefore, when we relate with matter, our intellect, emotion and will should give and take with that the intellect, emotion and will of matter based on heart and in a spiritual way. ​

Human beings respond to God’s intellect, emotion and will. All things in the universe in turn respond to human beings’ intellect, emotion and will.  ​

Therefore we must maintain a heart-based relationship with creation where we converse and feel it through our intellect, emotion and will. ​

Looking at True Father's life, he always had a heartfelt conversation with all things. True Father always communicated with all things emotionally as if they had personalities. 

Through our intellect, emotion and will, we can resonate with those of matter. 

That is why Father can talk with all things and have give and take with all things. Father treats each thing like a human being. He heartistically and emotionally has good give and take with all things. That is why we need to have good give and take with all things very well as True Father (did). 

• Human beings are thus created as the center of the universe, and the place where God and human beings become completely one is the center of the cosmos.

We must become intoxicated with the beauty of the natural world and experience the rapture of mystical union. ​

We must also experience the rapture of mystical union in our relationship of becoming completely one with God. ​

Therefore, rather than dominating creation, we should relate to it with a heart of attending, supporting and serving creation. ​

Father said that fortune comes to those who attend the creation very well. For example, money follows those who appreciate it. In the same way financial fortune follows those who appreciate and take care of the creation. When we take care of each item of all things, we relate very well emotionally and heartistically with it; then we can learn so many things from all things.

Based on this content I would like to talk about our relationship to things. I will summarize what Father said about it. This is a very important attitude. I learned from and was inspired by how he treats all things. He said:

Relationship to Things​ (How You Treat Material Things)​ 

1. Treat all things as holy ​items.

> Things in this material world, Church things, etc, things I come into contact with... ​

That is why when you deal with any item among material things in your house or workplace or anywhere, you need to treat all things as God’s holy items. 

2. Think of things as high, noble, sacred.

Because things are created by God, everything is God’s art.  ​

3. Think that I am touching things that God already has touched. ​

God created all things. He has touched all things one by one.

For example, when we go to Pusan, … holy ground and Cheong Pyeong everywhere, wherever Father created holy grounds, we need to think about Father: “Wow! He touched this and that, this rock and this stone and this tree. We feel holy about that. That is why Father said, “Do not think I touched (this, and so) I am the one who created that holy ground.” 

You need to think that I am touching things that God has already touched. Heavenly Father is greater than any other being, greater than Jesus, greater than Father, greater than Mother, greater than anything. That is why when we treat material things with this kind of attitude, “I am touching the things that God has already touched,” then how holy, noble and sacred each thing is. 

Father said that these kinds of human beings (who feel this way about all things) are perfect. They are men of true love. When we look at the mountains and ocean, the sun and moon, we need to treat all things as holy things. “God already touched these. I am now touching them,” “True Father already touched each of these things that I am now touching.” 

With this kind of mindset and attitude, how can we commit sin? 

Also, Father said, natural(?) things want to be touched in a holy way by someone like me. All things have waited 6,000 years for true owners. So far, no human beings have appreciated all things as God’s holy creation. That is a problem. Fallen man does not appreciate (them in this way). Now everywhere there are global warming and all kinds of (other) problems. One of the main reasons for this is that fallen man does not know how to protect nature, how to love all things. If we really have this concept about how we can treat things as God’s holy items, if we have that kind of mindset and attitude and serve and protect nature, then how much the natural environment and the universe can appreciate human beings. We need to correct that, the value of all things.

4. Think that material things want to be touched in a holy way by someone like ‘me’ ​

> All things have waited all through history (6,000 years) for true owners ​

“When can a true owner appear and touch me?” When you look at all trees and plants and each item of all things, you need to think that they are waiting for me. Then in the name of God and True Parents touch each thing one by one, each plant and animal and tree. 

5. Think that these things feel a sense of glory when being touched by me​

Even though they will not say anything, they can feel, “I feel so much glory and happiness because my true owner appeared and touched me.”

> Treat all things with a heart of attendance & service, and a mind of earnest jeongseong. Father said that all things are the 3rd parents. ​

(There is) Heavenly Parent and True Parents, and then all things are third parents. Why do we need to treat all things as parents? Because all things provide everything (for us): air, food, whatever we need. That is why we need to treat all things as the third parents.

6. The reason why items once belonging to famous people are highly valued​:

> Due to a standard of sacred value ​

> Jesus’ robe, Father’s clothes from Heung Nam​

Can we buy them? We cannot. They have so much value! We cannot buy them. Why? True Father was the messiah. Jesus was our messiah, our father. If someone possesses a holy item or if someone kept True Father’s clothes from Heungnam Prison, can you imagine in 1,000 or 5,000 years how could we determine the value of these clothes?

Father teaches us not just about Father’s clothes or Jesus robe, (but) when we treat each item of all things like that, wow! How much God appreciates it.

7. Why should we treat all things as holy?  ​

> Because of the natural movement of my heart​

> Where the mind goes, material things follow​.

The more I love and think about, am concerned about and love all things, (the more) all things, all materials will return everything to me. 

Father teaches us: 

8. When sitting on a chair.... ​

Do not just sit on the chair. Think:

> “I am sitting on the best seat in the entire world for God.”​

“Please Heavenly Father sit down first, then I will sit down on behalf of God and True Parents. That is why I am looking for the best seat though there are many seats.” It is a kind of attendance; how beautiful this attitude is! Right?

> When riding in a car, when receiving things ​

Let God and True Parents go in first, and let them sit down first. This kind of mindset and attitude is real attendance. We learn this from our True Parents. No one (else) has ever taught us in such detail how to deal with material things. I cannot deny that the True Parents are the messiah. They are great teachers, great True Parents. 

Since I have learned this from True Parents, I have really had to reflect about myself: how can I deal with all things and materials. When I use some dishes for food, I think about them as holy items.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY​: God's Will and the Women's Mission

Even though I am talking about women’s mission, I think it relates to each man as well. So, please listen carefully to what I am sharing with you.

1. You may know the saying, “While I was still searching but not finding-I found one upright man among a thousand, but not one upright woman among them all” (Ecclesiastes 7:28). You may know that God told 'Abram' to change his name to 'Abraham', which means 'Father of many nations' (Genesis 17:5), and told his wife 'Sarai' to change her name to 'Sarah’, which means 'Mother of many nations'. Even when God sees one woman, He wants her to be a true mother. God searched for one woman, centering on the purpose of creation that God had set for all women to become true mothers.​

Not just Abraham’s wife, Sarah… 

When God created human beings, he did not create several men and women at once, but created one man and one woman. This shows that He was trying to achieve His ideal of creation by setting them up as ideal models for the True Couple and True Parents. 

We can know that the words “While I was still searching but not finding,  I found one upright man among a thousand, but not one upright woman among them all” (Ecclesiastes 7:28) implies that although God first sent the only Messiah as the begotten Son of God, He will someday send the only begotten Daughter and realize His Will. 

The reason that Abram was renamed Abraham and Sarai was renamed Sarah was to make them models as the father and mother of many nations. What we can understand from this is that God's purpose in creating Adam and Eve was to make them the father of all people and the mother of all people. 

Likewise, we can know that when God sees a woman, He wants her to become a true mother. Therefore, it can be seen that God searched for one woman, centering on the purpose of creation that He set for all women to become true mothers. All men should become true fathers. 

We are talking about True Parents, right? What is the purpose of God’s creation? It is True Parents. Let Adam and Eve become True Parents. In order to become True Parents, we need to start from infancy, right? Children become brothers and sisters, and finally they become a couple, husband and wife, give birth to a baby and what is the final goal? Become parents. The final goal is to become true parents. God’s purpose of creation is what? True Parents. 

What does the fall mean? We lost True Parents. What does restoration mean? Restoration means to restore True Parents. It is very clear. (This is) not (only about) True Father and True Mother becoming True Father and True Mother. 

Each human being without exception, what is our final goal? It is to become true parents. In order to become True Parents one has to start from infancy, become brothers and sisters, then teenagers, nearly 20-years-old, restore the Blessing as a couple, husband and wife, and deliver and care for and nurture a baby, and finally become father and mother, true parents. That is our final course. That’s why when Heavenly Father looks at each human being -- boy or girl, it  doesn’t matter -- his strong wish is what? Let them become True Parents.

2.  If you think about the position of God who created everything, you can see that God is in a position where He is obliged to restore one man, Adam, and one woman, Eve, because he lost them due to the fall of the first human ancestors. In the genealogy of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, the names of four women, 'Tamar', 'Rahab', 'Ruth', and ‘Bathsheba’ appear. Through this you can see that women are needed to change the blood lineage of sin to the pure blood lineage of Heaven. That is why it took 4,000 years since the fall of Adam and Eve to find one woman, Mary, the mother of Jesus.​

3. According to the Old Testament, Tamar was a woman who became pregnant after she slept with her father-in-law Judah (Genesis 38:24), and Rahab was a prostitute who hid Israel's spies and helped the Israelites who were wandering in the wilderness to enter the land of Canaan. A woman (Genesis 49:10), Ruth, was a foreigner who seduced Boaz for the sake of her deceased husband’s descendants (Ruth 3), and Bathsheba, Uriah’s wife, was a woman who committed adultery with David and later became Solomon’s mother ( Chapter 11), What these four women have in common is that they married together with abnormal and irrational encounters with men and women. Why do these sinners appear in the genealogy of Christ? ​

What do you think? Many people, especially Chrristians, cannot answer this. In the genealogy of Jesus, the four women 'Tamar,' Rahab,' 'Ruth' and ‘Bathsheba' all look like women of adultery from a worldly point of view. Four chapter two women, how did they connect to Jesus’ blood lineage?

However, if we look from the principle point of view, these four women are very important characters for the restoration of the lineage of God's providence. Ultimately, the restoration of lineage cannot be achieved without a woman. 

God's providence of restoration was ultimately the providence of lineage restoration. The purpose of the providence of restoration of lineage was to purify Satan's lineage, which was defiled by the fall of man, and to send the only begotten son and only begotten daughter to restore all mankind through True Parents. 

We need to know that True Parents came to this earth and gave us rebirth today through the unimaginable indemnity and lineage restoration that only God knows. We must not judge the providence of True Parents carelessly, think humanistically, or misunderstand God's providence and principles without knowing it well. 

Do not simply judge True Parents. Do not think simply about Jesus’ blood lineage line. This is top secret. True Father said the Bible is amazing because everything is very honest. Jesus’ blood lineage background: there are four or five Chapter Two women. Why did they become Jesus’ ancestors and blood line? We came to understand that because Adam and Eve acquired(?) Satan’s blood lineage, in order to purify it, there are all kinds of processes. (There is a) need to restore the elder sonship, parentship, women area -- we cannot imagine. Some kinds of providence are only known by God and True Parents. No one knows them. Without knowing that background clearly and simply judging and judging -- Father’s Chapter Two and all kinds of  misunderstandings … I am telling you, brothers and sisters, you have to be careful! 

We love the Divine Principle. No one can deny it is the eternal truth. How can we deny the Principle of Creation? How can we deny the reality of the Fall of Man? How can we deny the Principles of Restoration? True Parents have clearly spoken about this. Through these (restorational) processes … how much indemnity True Father had to pay. He had to go through all kinds of paths and processes in order to restore the blood lineage. 

Without knowing clearly, and simply misunderstanding True Parents and thinking about them humanistically, this is really fallen nature; this is really Satan! That’s why you have to be careful. Look at the Bible history; we need to focus and learn from True Parents. The Principle of Creation is amazing. The Fall of Man and the Principles of Restoration are also amazing. We need to focus on what we have already learned. That is enough to go forward. 

4. Through the words of the Principle, you may be well aware of the fact that God lost his one son because of Eve and suffered many things because of women. If you are born as a woman, it is already decided that you become a mother. God's providence of restoration has consistently descended through families of amazing faith like Noah's family, Abraham's family, Isaac's family, Jacob's family, and Joseph's family. Seeing this, we know that God has a Will of wanting to produce as many children of goodness as the stars in the sky and the sand on the earth through good families. ​

The lesson God shows through the providence of restoration is that God's providence is the providence that has been seeking true children, true siblings, true couples, and true parents. 

The four greatest truths are true parents, true couple, true siblings, and true children. 

What truth is greater than this?

We must understand that it is God's absolute predestination that we must become true parents, true couples, true brothers and sisters, and true children. God's will is absolute predestination.

To become true parents is my absolute predestination. To become a true couple is my absolute predestination. To become true brothers and sisters is my absolute predestination. To become God’s substantial and filial children is our absolute predestination. How clear this is! True Parents teach us so clearly, so powerfully.

5. From this point of view, we come to the conclusion that we must find the True Parents on earth. It is proven through Noah’s family in the Old Testament. History should have started with good parents who didn’t fall, but due to the Fall, Jehovah God entrusted the mission of restoration through indemnity to people of faith in order to restore through indemnity what started as evil history through evil parents. Therefore, the women of the Unification Movement must first fulfill the mission of giving rebirth to men who are in the position of the archangel from the position of True Father's bride. Men who are in the position of the archangel must be lifted up to the position of adopted son.​

From the point of view of the providence of restoration, men are restored to (the position of) Adam from the archangel’s position, and women start from the position of the Messiah's bride. 

That’s why when we receive the blessing, the woman is in the position of the messiah’s bride, and the man is in the position of the archangel. Even though there is a condition (during the Blessing process), we need to restore this after receiving the Blessing during a certain time period.

Therefore, blessed women must first become one with the Messiah from the position of the bride and groom and from the position of the Messiah's daughter, and fulfill the mission of raising the husband from the position of the archangel to the position of God’s son. 

Therefore, women must faithfully lead their husbands out of the position of Abel. In any blessed family, if the woman in the mother's position does not have faith in that family, there is no more hope for that family.

This is my conviction. In the family if the wife and mother position has no faith, one cannot find any more hope for that family. If the mother does not have faith, she cannot raise the children properly. Man is very external. (He is in) the position of the archangel. The woman’s role is very powerful. If the woman has faith, there is no need to worry about raising the children. Children are very influenced by the mother. Why do children have no faith? Of course, the man also may (cause) a problem, but I think how well the mother raises the children (really matters).

6. Because the women of our movement are in the position of daughters of God, they must spiritually give birth to, serve, and nurture their husbands who are in the position of the archangel. You have to be in a position to respect your partner heartistically and nurture him in such a way that he is drawn from his original mind. You have to raise your partner so that he can go from the position of the archangel to stand as the original husband (Adam). Sometime ago, True Father asked the women, “Do you want to become a daughter of Heaven? Do you want to become a daughter-in-law?” Everyone answered that they wanted to become daughters of Heaven. No one answered that they wanted to become a daughter-in-law. Then True Father said, “Doesn’t a daughter leave her parents and her house? But a daughter-in-law inherits the lineage of that family.”​

7. All women are in the position of God’s daughters, but when they get blessed with the archangel(Husband), they must grow into the position of God’s daughters-in-law. This is our course of restoration. It should be known that all central figures who were providentially chosen in history were raised up wonderfully by their mothers or wives. Therefore, as women of the Unification Movement, for the first few years after joining the church, you must take the course of faith as daughters or the course of indemnity to raise spiritual children. Then the false lineage changes to a true lineage. Also, you have to take responsibility and lead your husbands before God until the day you realize a family and Adam becomes a husband with heartistic subjectivity. ​

Looking at the providence of restoration, there was always a great mother behind a great central figure. Isaac's mother, Jacob's mother, Joseph's mother, Moses' mother, True Mother's mother, Daemonim, True Father's mother, Chungmonim, etc., were all wonderful mothers. 

A woman settles in the family when she takes a position of faith. If the wife does not settle down as a mother in the home, she cannot properly establish her husband or fully raise her children. A mother in the family is the center of love. 

The mother position is the center of love in the family. We need to know this clearly and principly. We need to know how important the role of woman is in the family.

8.  The life before starting a family is the period of training to be a bride as a woman. Therefore, you should think of the course you are taking now as a period of growing your own spirit to become a mother. It is a period of sanctification by purifying your false lineage a lot and raising the level of your lineage before you start your family. 

Why do we need go through the process of restoration, all kinds of hardships and trials and problems? What is the main reason? In order to purify my blood lineage. (Through the process of restoration) the quality of my blood lineage improves from the servant’s level to the adopted son’s (and daughter’s) level to the level of filial sons and daughters. If we really purify our blood lineage, we can become a great wife, great husband, great father and great mother. That is our final goal.

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “ ...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the powerpoint slides from this speech are available as pdf files at the top of this text and at text.morndev.com & yong.hoondok.com. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com.♦

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