Ep 932- Let Us Bring God Back to America Part 2

Let Us Bring God Back to America - May 15 2023

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PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony, Sun Mi Muyongo

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Key Points

·    Today, the human family is divided and in the throes of war on every level.

·    Problems are happening all around the world, such as killing one’s own parents, territorial wars, religious wars, racial wars, problems of divorce and of youth going astray, free sex, and environmental problems. Actually, the root cause of these problems lies in the loss of true family values.

·    Since the Fall of Adam and Eve started in the family, all problems in the Last Days also lie in the family.

·    Family is the front line.

·    True Parents answered Heaven's call to come and devote their lives to restoring America’s moral and spiritual roots in order to revive this great nation.

·    Therefore, we need to resemble True Parents and fulfill our roles as doctors and firefighters in this diseased and corrupt society.

·    In Korea, the divorce rate is worse even than in America.

·    Korea, Japan and America, three major nations, have a great influence on the rest of the world.

·    Therefore, we need to go back, and center more than ever on family values.

·    The Last Days is when the satanic sovereignty is liquidated and we enter the ideal world of creation under God’s sovereignty.

·   If there is no trinity in our life of faith, the mind will not be established vertically.

·   Our life will drift horizontally.

·    In the family, the trinity is the parent, couple, and children. If they center this on God, it becomes the four position foundation.

·    If relationships are bad, we sink and become tired.

·    One who always serves Abel while practicing a life of faith does not become tired.

·    If we have a mindset of serving, the words of the Principle will flow into our hearts.

·    Just like coming across water because we go out searching for water in the desert because we are thirsty, we should live a life of always being heartistically thirsty.

·    That’s why we need to create God’s Kingdom of Heaven centering on longing heart.

·    Where to begin? We need to begin with the nearest person.

·    If we do what God tells us to do and do not do what God tells us “do not do,” God will guide us and take responsibility. This is the law of the universe.

·    Just as God is a Trinity, we must live a life of the trinity resembling God in the physical world as well.

·    God’s Kingdom of Heaven begins from there.

·    That’s why we need to have good relationships centered on two or three people.

·    That is the life of the Trinity.

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. ♦

Today I’d like to talk about “Let Us Bring God Back to America, from True Mother’s Anthology 2”.

<This speech was read by Sun Jin Moon on behalf of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon at the true Family Values Ministry 20th Anniversary Awards Banquet, held on December 5, 2015 at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Chicago, USA.>169-171

Let Us Bring God Back to America

Today, the human family is divided and in the throes of war on every level. We are fighting with every living being and creation, arming ourselves against eco-wars, religious wars, territorial wars, political wars, racial wars, and community shootings, making our backyards and hometowns into battlegrounds. When we witness these heinous crimes against the human family, we are heartbroken and can empathize with the devastating pain of God's heart. Anyone can see that the world we live in today is not an ideal world where we all live in peace and harmony with our global brothers and sisters as one family under God.

I believe that the root cause of these problems lies in the loss of true family values. The United States was blessed by our Heavenly Parent with the ideal vision and mission of establishing not only one nation under God, but also one family under God. Today, this ideal is still alive, even though the erosion of family values is threatening the very foundation of this nation. Divorce rates exceeding 50 percent are directly undermining the sanctity of marriage and the family; unprecedentedly liberal attitudes about sex among teenagers and free sex among young people are seriously shaking the core values of this nation.

Aware and concerned about this sad reality, Reverend Moon answered Heaven's call to come and heal an ailing America. In 1971, he left his homeland and family to come to America. Throughout his life, he devoted himself to restoring America’s moral and spiritual roots in order to revive this great nation. As he toured the US from shore to shore, Reverend Moon boldly proclaimed that, “God has sent me in the role of a doctor, in the role of a firefighter. That is why I have come to America.”

Problems that are happening all around the world, such as killing one’s own parents, territorial wars, religious wars, racial wars, problems of divorce and of youth going astray, free sex, and environmental problems. Actually, the root cause of these problems lies in the loss of true family values.

Aware and concerned about this sad reality, True Parents answered Heaven's call to come and devote their lives for restoring America’s moral and spiritual roots in order to revive this great nation. As they toured the US, they boldly proclaimed that, “God has sent us in the role of a doctor, in the role of a firefighter. That is why we have come to America.”

The conclusion of True Parents’ words is that all problems can be resolved if we just restore true family values. In the end, the root cause of these problems lies in the family. Since the Fall of Adam and Eve started in the family, all problems in the Last Days also lie in the family. 

I always emphasize through Morning Devotion that family is the frontline. So, since losing the family is losing the frontline defense, you end up losing everything. Therefore, we need to resemble True Parents and fulfill our roles as doctors and firefighters in this diseased and corrupt society.

True Mother talked about the divorce rate, right? Actually, in Korea now it is worse than America and any other countries. It is so shameful, for Korea the chosen nation to have such a serious situation. I worry that Korea, Japan and America, these 3 major nations, can influence the entire world. So how can we promote the family values? We need to go back, centering on family values. This is really a key issue.


The Last Days

The Meaning of the Last Days

·     The Last Days is the time, when, with the advent of the Messiah as the turning point, the evil world under satanic sovereignty is replaced by the ideal world under God’s sovereignty.

·     Hell on earth will be transformed into the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Since the Last Days is the time when the world is transformed from satanic sovereignty into God’s sovereignty and from Hell on earth into the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, it is a time of the great turning point. Then who will become the central figures of this great turning point?

The central figures of that great turning point is none other than our True Parents, who came as the Messiah. Therefore, if we do not welcome and become one with True Parents, we will never be able to welcome the great turning point.

·   Therefore, it will not be a day of fear when the world will be destroyed by global catastrophes, as many Christians have believed. In fact, it will be a day of joy, when the cherished hope of humankind, the desire of the ages, will be realized.

The Significance of the Last Days

1)   The Last Days means that the evil world has ended and God’s new world of the ideal of creation has begun.

2)   The Last Days is when the satanic sovereignty is liquidated and we enter the ideal world of creation under God’s sovereignty.

3)   The Last Days is the time when Hell on earth is transformed into the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

4)   The Last Days is not a time of fear, but the time of joy when the ideal of creation is realized.

So based on this content, we need to think about it more deeply.

»      Did I overcome the Last Days on an individual level?

The last days is when Satan’s sovereignty is completely overcome, and we enter God’s direct dominion. So that means, have we overcome the last days on an individual level? If we overcome on the individual level, that means overcoming mind and body. If mind and body are still struggling, that means we have not yet overcome the last days on an individual level.

»      Did I overcome the Last Days on a family level?

Did you experience the 4 Great Realms of Heart and 3 Great Kingships? If not, that means the family has still not overcome the Last Days on a family level.

»      Did I overcome the Last Days on a tribal level?

Did you complete a tribal messiah mission, and finally did you restore Cheon Bo Won or not?

»      Did I overcome the Last Days on a national level?

That means did we restore one Nation, one Sovereignty, One People? If not, we are still living in the Last Days.

»      Did I overcome the Last Days on a world level?

It means to completely liberate all mankind. Everybody believing in God. Everybody believing in True Parents as the Messiah. Knowing the Divine Principle very well.

»      Did I overcome the Last Days on a cosmic level?

That means not just liberate all mankind, but also the Spiritual World, any spirit, liberated completely.

We need to understand the significance of the Last Days. We are talking about the era of the Cheon Il Guk, when we think of the individual level, the family level, the tribal level, national level, worldwide level. We still need to adjust, and overcome.

The Meaning of the Last Days

1)   The Last Days is the time when Cheon Ill Guk is realized, as well as a day of joy which humanity has cherished as a hope since the creation of the world was realized.

2)   The world before Foundation Day is the Age before the Coming of Heaven, and the world after Foundation Day is the Age after the Coming of Heaven. Therefore, the Last Days represents the time when the Age before the Coming of Heaven is closed and the Age after the Coming of Heaven opens.

3)   Both on the individual level and the family level, each individual and family must liquidate the age of the Last Days which is centered on Satan, and must be new persons and new families, that is, the individuals and families of the Age of Cheon Ill Guk.

The Reason for Human History to Come to an End

1)   The three great blessings God gave to our human ancestors were not realized centered on God due to their sin. They were fulfilled in a non-principled way with Satan at the center. Therefore, human history became a sinful history.

2)   That is the reason why human history comes to an end. If it had developed from a history of goodness, there would have been no need for the Last Days. However, it has developed from the sinful history. Accordingly, human history must inevitably come to an end.

3)   Therefore, human history which started from evil must be led to the original world by God’s providence of restoration.


One Who Serves Abel Does Not Become Tired

A Person with Good Faith and a Person Who Inherits Heavenly Fortune

1. If you always live a life of serving, your faith will deepen. The common point about people with good faith is that they absolutely have an Abel of faith to serve. If we live a life centered on our original nature, we unknowingly try to form a heartistic bond with a good Abel figure. And the more we like our Abel, the cleaner our hearts become. Since we have such a mindset, the words of the Principle flow into our hearts. On the contrary, people without an Abel figure do not know where to center their lives on a daily basis. Since the mind of people without an Abel easily drifts away, even if they hear the Word, they feel distant from it.  That is why we emphasize that the focus of our life of faith is “have a heart of yearning”, “have a longing heart”, and “always live a life of heartistically thirsting”. If you are thirsty in the desert and walk, longing for water, you saunter to where there is water without even realizing it yourself. If you go out searching for water in the desert because you are thirsty, you will come across water. What kind of person does God’s heavenly fortune guide? If one is always sincere, honest, and offers jeongseong, heavenly fortune will guide that person. Therefore, God will have direct dominion over us if we just have the right mindset. Yet many people do not know how to inherit this heavenly fortune.

Common Points of People with Good Faith

1)  They have good human relationships, including with God and True Parents, all the time.

2)  They absolutely have an Abel of faith to serve. Someone who is better than them.

»     They unknowingly try to form a heartistic bond with a good Abel figure. They automatically rush to Abel.

When I relate to my spiritual father Reverend Yohan Lee, I just miss him and long for him. Without seeing him every day I feel like my heart is really unstable. It is important for people of good faith to have an Abel to serve, someone better than them. Sometimes it is hard to find an Abel figure. You need to ask you heart, ask your conscience, do I have a longing for someone or not. If you do not have an Abel figure, you do not have a longing heart. Sometimes even though you have been in the church and are older you have not found somebody. Maybe you can’t find an Abel figure, but long for your spiritual children, or somebody in your area. Find somebody. Because the Kingdom of Heaven is the goal of the heart.

3)  The more they like their Abel, the cleaner their hearts become, and atonement happens.

That’s why when you serve your Abel with your longing heart, and unite with your Abel and try to get along with your Abel very well, slowly and gradually you can remove your sins. This is really incredible.

4)  Since they have a mindset of serving, the words of the Principle flow into their hearts.

I love God’s words. But when you really respect your Abel, whatever he says, you love to hear. When you love True Father very much, whatever he says, you like it. You need to have that kind of relationship. Accept his word or not, that is secondary. When you build a good relationship with your Abel, then you can digest everything, understand everything. This kind of mindset and longing heart is very important. When we have that kind of mindset, the word of the Principle will flow into our hearts.

Common Points of People Without an Abel and Their Countermeasures

1)   They do not know where to center their lives on a daily basis.

This is really dangerous. Without a longing heart, without an Abel figure, our life of faith is very dry.

2)   Since their minds easily drift away, even if they hear the Word, they feel distant from it.

3)   Then where must they center their lives on?

»     They must have a heart of always respecting and yearning for Abel.

»     They must have a heart of heartistically longing for Abel.

Let us say you cannot find your Abel. Then you need to find an object partner. Someone you can love and have a longing heart for. If we cannot create that kind of long heart among our brothers and sisters in our daily life, then we are spiritually dead.

»     Just like coming across water because you go out searching for water in the desert because you are thirsty, live a life of always being heartistically thirsty.

4)   God’s heavenly fortune guides one who is always sincere, honest, and offers jeongseong.

5)   God will have direct dominion over us if we just have the right mindset.

Life of the Trinity and the Vertical Relationship

2. Jesus says, “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them” (Matthew 18:20). If a minimum of three people give and receive well in this way, their life of faith will take root. If there is no trinity in my life of faith, the mind will not be established vertically. Then, my life will drift horizontally. So, whether it’s your work life or church life, you should create a trinity in your given place and give and receive well. Do you understand? Just as God is a Trinity, we must live a life of the trinity resembling God in the physical world as well.

In the family, the trinity is the parent, couple, and children. If they center this on God, it becomes the four position foundation. The heart that serves parents is vertical. The couple that serves the parents has no dangers because God protects such filial children. A family that makes the children into filial children always thrives. Then where do I gain this vertical heart? I must form the subject and object partner relationships well for my vertical conscience to be established. God and True Parents are the subject partners of my conscience. That is why the Bible says, “believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.” If I do not set a vertical relationship between the subject partner and object partner, my conscience will not be set straight.

Life of the Trinity

1)   If there is no trinity in my life of faith, the mind will not be established vertically.

»     My life will drift horizontally.

»     If a minimum of three people give and receive well, their life of faith will take root. At least three people to have give and take with, heartistically. To have a heart of longing for each other. Then your life of faith will take root.

»     “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them” (Matt. 18:20)

Where there is a trinity relationship, Jesus is there, God is there, spiritual world is there. Where two are three people are gathered together, there shouldn’t just be an external relationship, but there needs to be a heartistic relationship, an inseparable relationship. God’s Kingdom of Heaven begins where two or three people are gathered together centering on longing heart.

2)   Whether it’s your work life or church life, you should create a trinity in your given place and give and receive well.

When you go to your workplace, where there are no church members, you need to have a heartistic relationship with your colleagues or your neighbor. Even though they do not believe in God or True Parents, you need to build that kind of trinity relationship, heartistic relationship. Then they will serve you, love you, feel like you are part of their family.

3)   Just as God exists as the Trinity, we must live a life of the trinity resembling God in the physical world as well.

»      In the family, the trinity is the parent, couple, and children. If they center this on God, it becomes the four position foundation.

In the family trinity, fundamentally it is your parents, your spouse, your children. If you build that kind of trinity relationship in your family, you can build that kind of trinity relationship in your workplace, in your current situation.

Life of the Trinity and the Vertical Relationship

1)   The heart that serves parents is vertical.

»     The couple that serves the parents has no dangers because God protects such a filial couple.

Any children who love their and serve their parents well, God surely will surely protect that filial child.

»     A family that makes the children into filial children will always thrive.

»     God and True Parents are the subject partners of our conscience.

»     The Bible says, “believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.” 

»     If we do not set a vertical relationship between the subject partner and object partner, our conscience will not be set straight.

You need to have a heartistic relationship, not just only an external relationship.

One Who Serves Abel Does Not Become Tired

3. One who always serves Abel while practicing a life of faith does not become tired. How can I become tired when there is someone I long for? Who becomes tired? People who have no one to long for become tired. Just look at people who quit attending church. Why do people quit even after walking the way of God’s Will? If their relationship with Abel is bad and their couple relationship is bad, they lose the will to attend church. If relationships are bad, you sink and become tired. So, to practice a good life of faith, you must love your church more than your own family, investing in it with attachment. The purpose of attending church is to multiply love through offering sincere devotion for others and living for the sake of others. However, if I attend church centering on myself, it is like attending to take advantage of the church. People who come, trying to use the church, will not come for long and leave in the middle. I must try to serve the church and serve the people who come to church. God will guide me only when I live a life for the sake of the church.

Reasons for Becoming Tired or Not in a Life of Faith

1)   How can I become tired when there is someone I long for?

»     Who becomes tired? People who have no one to long for become tired. 

We long for our grandchildren, we long for our spouse, we long for our parents we long for our brothers and sisters, and we can feel the Kingdom of Heaven. Why are we tired? If we are tired, it means we do not have any person we long for. That means we don’t have love.

2)   If our relationship with Abel is bad and our couple relationship is bad, we lose the will to attend church.

Those who don’t have a longing heart have no hope. They become more selfish, more stubborn. 

3)   If relationships are bad, we sink and become tired.

If someone recognizes us, someone praises us, someone loves us, wow, that is the Kingdom of Heaven. Why is a couple so tired? Because they don’t have that kind of heartistic relationship.

4)   To not become tired in my life of faith, I must love my church more than my own family, investing in it with attachment.

It means, we need to multiply.

5)    If I offer sincere devotion for others and live for the sake of others, I will multiply love and never get tired.

If you have spiritual children, it means you to have to have give and take and have an inseparable relationship, really feel the Kingdom of Heaven. Why are you tired? Because you don’t have an object partner. You don’t have a subject partner as your Abel. Your relationships are not so good. That is why you are so tired.

6)   People without multiplication of love will surely become tired. 

7)   People who come, trying to use the church, will not come for long and leave in the middle.

If we don’t have someone we are longing for then surely we will leave the church.

8)   I must try to serve the church and serve the people who come to church. I will surely experience God guiding me.

How Does God Take Responsibility Over Me?

4. Therefore, you must know the path you are going to take, and you must judge it centering on your own heart and conscience. You must do what you are told to do well and not do what you are told not to do in order to receive God's guidance.  If I do not do what God tells me “do not do,” God will guide me and take responsibility. If I straighten out my mindset to live according to God’s Word, Heaven will take responsibility over me. Therefore, if I always think only about God’s Word and try to live according to His Will, God will always lead me. Having idle talk and daydreaming are things secular people do. God does not intervene with such horizontal and humanistic people.

Actually, you will realize that the way to receive God’s guidance and protection is simple. It is to do what you are told to do well and not do what you are told not to do.

If I do not do what God tells me “do not do,” God will guide me and take responsibility. This is the law of the universe. God gave Adam and Eve the commandment “do not eat that fruit”. Other fruit you can eat. If Adam and Eve had followed the commandments, “do not do it”, and “do it”, if they had followed Heavenly Parent’s laws, they would not have had any problems. The reason we cannot receive God’s guidance is because we do not obey what God tells us to do or not to do, which God gave us through revelations, but act centered on ourselves.

So, if we straighten out our mindset to live according to God’s Word, Heaven will take responsibility over us. The problem is that fallen man’s mindset is all wrong, so Heaven cannot help us even if He wants to.

Therefore, if we always think only about God’s Word and try to live according to His will, God will guide us, but He does not intervene with horizontal and humanistic people. ​

Today we learned very important things. If we have a longing heart with somebody, God’s Kingdom of Heaven begins from there. That’s why we need to create God’s Kingdom of Heaven centering on a longing heart. Where to begin? We need to begin with the nearest person. In our home, with our wife, our husband, our children, with our parents. In our working place, with who sits down next to us at the table. We need to have that kind of internal and heartistic relationship. God’s Kingdom of Heaven begins from there. That’s why we need to have good relationships centered on two or three people. That is the life of the Trinity.

Thank you so much.

(Living Testimony, Sun Mi Muyongo, GPA in Korea 2023)¨

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated.

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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