Ep 751 - World Peace and the Role of Women 2 Part 6

World Peace and the Role of Women II - November 15, 2022

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PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony Inju Min

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Key Points

  • Women are not men's assistants or objects of protection, but are independent people who represent a different part of God and who complement and make men whole. Men and women are precious objects of each other’s love and exist to perfect each other and fulfill God’s purpose of creation.

  • To one’s spouse: “I was born to serve and love you. I can do anything for your happiness and joy.”

  • Always stand in the position of Abel which is God's position, be governed by the Principle and report to, discuss, consult with and ask God in order to receive confirmation and become heartistically one with him. Avoid the self-centered Cain position prone to be invaded and owned by Satan.

  • Though we are likely to fall, God trusts us rather than doubting and worrying about us, so we feel loved, loyal and even willing to risk our lives for him. In the same way, we should trust our objects so that they feel the same way.

  • God has absolute faith that, although human beings have fallen, someday everyone will return to His bosom.

  • Our responsibility is mind-body, family and Cain-Abel harmony, self-denial, obedience and determination to proclaim the word; God’s responsibility is our happiness, heavenly fortune and harvesting the fruit of our witnessing.

  • In the family, harmony comes if we serve first, then speak.

  • God protects a harmonious family.

  • God tells us, “Avoid conflicts. Unite with each other. Forgive and love each other.” If we do this, God will show us the Kingdom of Heaven. 

  • God says, “If you only sow seeds, I will make you prosperous.”

  • Heaven begins with the family; now is the time to value it most.

  • Since hell began with the couple of Adam and Eve, restoration and heaven must begin centering on the married couple in the family.

  • The kingdom of heaven begins with the blessed couple who becomes one and gives birth to good children.

  • Those who humbly serve Heaven become the owners of the earth.

  • Now, in the age of love the North Korean Communist Party will fall and the era of North and South Korea reunification centering on True Mother will surely come.

  • The unification of North and South Korea must be achieved through the power of true love.

  • When family members are able to resolve conflicts and unite, then God is responsible for their happiness. His heavenly fortune resides in such a family.

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files.

Just now I was really happy to see our Heavenly USA team. I really want to take care of them. We have a plan to have a picnic with them together.

Today I’d like to talk about “World Peace and the Role of Women II” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 2.

<This speech was given at the 10th anniversary celebration of the founding of the Women's Federation for World Peace, held on April 10, 2002 at the Little Angels Performing Arts Center> Distinguished guests, leaders of women's organizations, and members of the Women's Federation for World Peace: Today, as I stand here before you, I am filled with many deep emotions. In particular, I feel a deep sense of gratitude to God, who has guided our federation with true love for the ten years that have passed since it was founded. My husband, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, and I jointly founded the Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP) with the purpose that it would proclaim the arrival of the era of women and function as a pivotal organization for the women's peace movement. This federation was not founded simply as one among the many women’s organizations that already exist. Rather, the first and foremost characteristic of WFWP is that it was founded for the providential purpose of realizing God’s ideal world, a world centered on the ideal of true parents.

Distinguished guests, leaders of women's organizations, and members of the Women's Federation for World Peace: Today, as I stand here before you, I am filled with many deep emotions. In particular, I feel a deep sense of gratitude to God, who has guided our federation with true love for the ten years that have passed since it was founded. My husband, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, and I jointly founded the Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP) with the purpose that it would proclaim the arrival of the era of women and function as a pivotal organization for the women's peace movement. This federation was not founded simply as one among the many women’s organizations that already exist. Rather, the first and foremost characteristic of WFWP is that it was founded for the providential purpose of realizing God’s ideal world, a world centered on the ideal of true parents.

The Women's Federation for World Peace was established with providential (purpose) to realize the world of the ideal of creation centered on True Parents’ ideal. 

Therefore, the Women's Federation for World Peace does not have the characteristics of existing women's movements, such as the movement for women's rights, gender equality, and women's labor, which are external, political and confrontational in nature to recover women’s rights, and (which) exist chiefly to influence men.

Women are not men's assistants or objects of protection, but are independent people representing a different part of God who make men whole

Centering on the ideal of true love, women are the precious object partners of men's love. Men and women were created to exist for each other. 

The purpose of a man's existence is for the perfection of a woman, and the purpose of a woman's existence is for the perfection of a man. The two purposes of existence of men and women are to achieve the perfection of their counterparts and God’s purpose of creation. 

Wow! Our Divine Principle is so clear!

Therefore, women in the family should think that they were born for their husband. And men should think that they were born for their wife. 

“I was born for you. I can do anything for your happiness and joy. How can I assert myself if I was born for you? We have to think about how I can please you. I was born to serve and love you.” If a couple lives with this kind of heart and mindset, they will surely become an ideal couple. 

“I was born for my wife. Then how can I assert myself? I cannot do that.”

The wife tells her husband, “I was born for you. I can do anything for your happiness and joy.” Wow! They cooperate with each other and serve each other. Surely they can create an ideal family and couple. 

If I were born for my own sake, then definitely I can insist on my own opinion. But if I was born for you, how can I share my own thinking and opinion first? That cannot be done.


The Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil(1)

• The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil signifies the love of Eve. 

• As a tree multiplies by its fruit, Eve should have borne good children through her godly love. Instead, she bore evil children through her satanic love.

• Eve was to reach full maturity only after going through a period of growth, in which it was possible for her to bear either good fruit or evil fruit through her love. 

• This is why Eve's love is symbolized by the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and why Eve is symbolized by the tree.

• Eve was to have eaten the fruit of goodness by consummating her God-centered love. Then she would have received the essence of God's divinity and multiplied a good lineage.

• However, she ate of the fruit of evil by consummating her evil love centered on Satan. Hence, she received the essence of his evil nature and multiplied an evil lineage from which our sinful society descended.

• Accordingly, Eve's eating the fruit denotes that she consummated a satanic love relationship with the angel which bound her in blood ties to him.

Let’s study Father’s word.

The Path the UC Should go to Avoid Perishing

    <71-245> How should the Unification Church go in order to avoid perishing? We should take the path of Abel according to the Cain-Abel principle. Since Abel is in Adam’s position, he must discuss everything that happens to him with God in the position of unfallen Adam. He must directly report to God that, ‘The archangel told me to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God, our heavenly father, shall I eat it or not?’ Then once  heavenly law flows from the top to the bottom, the bottom position should go up, not to the side. The principle is to go back from the bottom to the top; God is responsible for it once it is reported. That’s why God answers the question once he is asked. But if one just does whatever he or she likes, he or she is to be dominated in the realm of the indirect dominion based on accomplishments through the Principle. Isn’t it true?

Father said:

1. According to the Cain and Abel principle, always stand in the position of Abel.

> Abel's position is to stand in God's position.

> If you stand in a self-centered position, you will surely become Cain. 

Abel’s position always thinks of others first, “you first. I am next. I am the last.” This is centering on God’s position which is Abel’s position. This mindset and attitude is very humble: “You first. God first. My parents first. My wife first. My husband first. My children first. Even though I am in the position of Abel, my Cain is my God.” Always put others first. This is Abel’s position.

If you stand in a self-centered position, you will surely become Cain.

> If you become self-centered, conditions are made for Satan to invade.

If you become self-centered, Satan immediately invades. Then you become completely confused. When Satan invades you, automatically all kinds of fallen nature comes out: complaining, blaming, dissatisfaction, something like that. That means you are very self-centered.

2. Always stand in a position in which you are governed by the realm of dominion by the Principle.

That is why your environment is very important. Are you now living in the realm of God’s dominion or not? When you are under the realm of God’s dominion, you can be protected.

3. If you want to stand in Abel's position, work while discussing with God no matter what happens.

> Abel's position is to ask God first and receive answers.

Anyone in Abel’s position does not decide by himself at all. Any struggle, situation, problems, always ask God (about it) first. If your heart is very sincere, then God will teach you through dreams and a higher Abel.

> It is Abel's responsibility to ask and God's responsibility to give an answer.

That is why when Father started his mission, his No. 1 slogan was, “Ask! Ask God.” Even though he knew that this was the way of the Principle, he wanted to get confirmation by asking God. 

There were three women who took care of Father. They attended him. He already knew the principled way, but he did not (take the) initiative. He asked God, “Father, is it sure?” How did he know God’s answer? These three women always received revelations from God. Then father (felt), “Oh, I got proof. Then all three women ... agreed and received inspiration. Only then did he take initiative. Even though Father was the messiah, in the beginning thoroughly asked God, “Is it sure, Father?” He always got confirmation. 

When he was young, 16 or 17, always he asked and got a confirmation through inspiration or revelation and prayer. With this confirmation he (took) initiative. This was Father’s attitude. This was self-denial.

> The purpose of reporting, discussing, and consulting is to become one with the subject heartistically. 

What is the fall? No report. Your report is your portion of responsibility. What was Adam’s portion of responsibility? When the archangel tempted Adam and Eve, he should have asked Heavenly Parent, “The archangel is tempting me. What should I do?” If he had asked, God would have protected him. But Adam and Eve never asked. They only listened to the archangel and decided by themselves to eat the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil without asking God. No reporting, discussing or consulting is the fall. Everything you decide by yourself is the fall. That is why reporting, discussing and consulting are very important. If you don’t have that kind of habit with your Abel, with your wife or husband, with your parents, you are a very dangerous guy. You have very much the potential to fall. 

That is why Father said that the path the Unification Church should go on to avoid perishing is reporting, discussing and consulting. 

> The Fall creates heartistic distance.

Adam and Eve were closer to the archangel than to God. They had a heartistic distance (from God). If there is heartistic distance (from a person), one does not go to him to discuss, report and consult.

> If there is a heartistic distance, Satan will surely come and interfere and act as the owner. 

God Is the One who Tries to Trust Humankind

<72-306> When you ask me, ‘What is God like?,’ I will answer, ‘God is the one who tries to trust humankind.’ When Adam and Eve were growing within the realm of dominion based on accomplishments through the Principle, they were told not to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That was because God trusted humankind. God could believe in or doubt his children. But God chose to trust them. For whom did God create all things? Of course for  God himself, but also this whole world was created for humankind. Then next, Adam and Eve who knew nothing were given eternal love. God tried to give the most precious love to them.

God tries to trust humankind. This is very important.

1. Although God commanded human beings not to eat of the forbidden fruit, he believed that they would keep that commandment.

He trusted them.

2. Although God's command entails the human portion of responsibility, God placed more weight on the areas of trust than on the areas that could be questioned.

... Do you doubt more than trust? If you doubt more than trust, then you are an evil guy. No matter what, if you trust more than doubt, you are a good guy.

3. God believed in Adam and Eve, who knew nothing, and gave them eternal love.

4. God's heart to believe in humanity took precedence over a heart of concern for them.

Wow! God’s heart is beautiful!

5. Therefore, we, too, must have a heart to believe in any evil object partner in human relationships rather than a mind of doubt. This is God’s heart. 

Even though that guy cheated you one time, two times, even ten times, still you want to trust that guy. Your original mind is very good. ... You still believe (in him). 

If God did not trust human beings, it would be impossible to restore them. If God doubted human beings 100%, how could he restore them? Even though human beings cheat him and disbelieve in him, he still trusts his original mind. “Your original mind is good. As long as your original mind is good, someday you will become my son.” Wow! That is God’s absolute faith.

6. Of course, everyone has the potential to fall. But you have to believe that you are more likely to reach completion.

7. The providence of restoration cannot begin unless God’s heart to believe in human beings is stronger than his heart of doubt.

8. Therefore, we too must resemble God and believe in our object partner no matter how inadequate they are. 

Fallen man cannot trust anyone. Some leaders told me, “Dr. Yong, you cannot trust any guy, OK? Even though they are unificationists.” Then I thought to myself, “Even though you cheat me, you do not believe in my, I need to still trust as God trusts me. Even though you deceive me, (I) still trust, still believe.”

Father is really an amazing man teaching this way!

9. If the subject believes in the object, the object will risk their life and be loyal to the subject to fulfill their responsibility. In this way, the power of trust and belief is great and causes works and miracles.

... all the time. Trust really brings miracles. Trust gives you incredible strength!

10. Therefore, rather than worrying and doubting my Cain-type partner and children, I should first believe and trust in them.

11. If the heart of doubting the object is greater than the heart of trust, the object partner feels lack of love and goes down Cain’s path.

12. God has absolute faith that, although human beings have fallen, someday everyone will return to His bosom.

“Even though you disbelieve in me, someday definitely you will come to me.” We call this God’s jjak sarang.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: God’s Purpose of Creation Begins in the Family

God’s Portion of Responsibility and Man's Portion of Responsibility

Just as God could not intervene in the reconciliation between Cain and Abel, He cannot intervene in the reconciliation between human beings. Reconciliation is human responsibility. The same is true in the family. God says to us, “My beloved children, be at peace with each other. Then I will make you happy.” We practice obedience to the Word, and God is responsible for the happiness that comes from obedience. Without obedience, God cannot make us happy. Therefore, humans must be good at 1% of obedience. The Principle says we have to do 5%. The same is true when we witness. God says to us, “Spread the Principle. Then I will take responsibility for the witnessing results.” “Just proclaim these words. I will take care of the rest and bear fruit.” God would have requested the same of True Father. “Proclaim that the Lord of the Second Coming has come to the earth. Then I will do the harvesting.” True Parents also came and sowed seeds like this. Witnessing is sowing seeds.

Harmony between mind and body, harmony between husband and wife, harmony between parents and children, and harmony between Cain and Abel is human responsibility. God can never interfere in this field.

Did Heavenly Father (intervene) when Cain killed Abel? He could not because harmony, making unity, is the human portion of responsibility.

Then what is God's responsibility? When human beings are harmonious, God gives us happiness and heavenly fortune on top of that foundation.

Therefore, our responsibility is to deny ourselves and obey the Word. On the other hand, God is responsible for the happiness that comes from our obedience. 

The same is true when we witness. Think that obeying the command to witness and leaving home with determination is our portion of responsibility, and the rest is God's portion of responsibility. Do not worry. Therefore, do not think that you are spreading the word, but think that God is speaking through you, through “my mouth,” and strongly and boldly proclaim God and True Parents. 

God still tells us today, “Just proclaim these words. I will take care of the rest and bear fruit.”

Human Beings are Responsible for Harmony

We must proclaim the Principle. We must declare to everyone that the Lord of the Second Coming has come. Then God will take care of harvesting the results. The same is true in the family. If we know that we should be in harmony with our family, but don’t practice it, our family will fall apart. When the environment deteriorates because the family is not harmonious, the family collapses. No matter how well I know the Principle and the Word, and no matter how I have never had a fight externally, if there is internal conflict and the environment is bad, the family will collapse. The responsibility for harmony rests with humans, not with God. If you set the condition of obedience that can lead to harmony, God does the rest. God protects that family.

We must proclaim the Principle. We must declare to everyone that True Parents have come. Then you must believe that God will take care of harvesting the results. 

True Father and True Mother are our original parents. What is the greatest gospel of gospels? “Finally our Father and Mother have come! They have come!” We are orphans. We are searching for our real father and mother. What is our job and our portion of responsibility? We need to declare to everyone that True Parents have come. There is hope, vision, ... That is our job. 

Our next responsibility is to realize harmony in the family. In order to have peace in the family, I have to serve first. If serving comes before words, it will surely lead to harmony. Otherwise, if you try to be served rather than to serve, your family will surely collapse. 

Why do some families have so many problems? Because (family members) try to get more and be served by others. (They have) this kind of mindset.

Again, the responsibility for harmony rests with humans, not with God. If you set the condition of obedience that can lead to harmony, God does the rest. God protects that family

Now is the Era to Value the Family

God is ultimately responsible for the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven. So God tells us, “Only avoid conflicts. Unite with each other. Forgive and love each other.” If we do this, God will show us the Kingdom of Heaven. God says, “If you only sow seeds, I will make you prosperous.” The parable of the farmer has the same meaning as making a family happy. God said, “If you have a conflict with others, you will be unhappy. Unhappiness is because of you, not me.” Now is the time when families are the most valuable. We couldn't do that in the age of indemnity. Before True Parents began the providence, it was an era in which everyone focused on individual salvation and had individual faith. So, many people believed that they would go to Heaven by individually going the Way and training themselves. However, that was a big delusion. We came to know that the Kingdom of Heaven begins in the family only after True Parents received the Holy Marriage Blessing and the couples that have been blessed by True Parents start families. But religions until today didn’t know this.

God tells us, “Only avoid conflicts. Unite with each other. Forgive and love each other.” If we do this, God will show us the Kingdom of Heaven

God says, “If you only sow seeds, I will make you prosperous.” From this point of view, unhappiness is not a result of God's judgment, but an automatic result when I fail to take responsibility. 

Now is the time to value family the most. Existing religions all focus on individual salvation, and believed that one could go to heaven by individually cultivating and training on their own path. 

However, the reality of the spirit world is that heaven begins with the family. Knowing this well, Satan’s ultimate goal is to destroy the family. 

God’s Purpose of Creation Begins in the Family

Since True Parents began the Blessing providence, we have come to realize that the Kingdom of Heaven begins only in the family. God's purpose of creation is to start the Kingdom of Heaven from the family. Because hell started with Adam and Eve’s couple, restoration and heaven must begin with the family centered on the couple. Evil children came from a disharmonious couple. In Adam's family, Cain killed his younger brother. Many evil children came from the blood of Adam and Eve’s disharmony. But now is the time for the evil to disappear. It is a time when self-asserting people will disappear. Now, it is the age in which those who humbly serve Heaven become the owners of earth. Until this day, those who were meek and respectful of others were despised, and those who were evil lived well. Good people were treated as bad people, but now the times must change completely.

God's purpose of creation is for the kingdom of heaven to begin with the family. Where in the family does the kingdom of heaven begin? It starts from the couple. This is news like a thunderbolt from a blue sky if existing religious people and churches know about it.

Since hell began with the couple of Adam and Eve, restoration and heaven must begin centering on the married couple in the family. This is very important.

Evil children come from disharmonious couples. Therefore, unless blessed families receive the Blessing and husband and wife become one, there is no possibility of birthing good children. 

Out of the disharmonious blood of Adam and Eve, the evil child Cain who killed Abel came out. Even today, if a couple is in disharmony, you should know that through an angry lineage, any number of children who commit murder can come out. 

We are continuing all the time an angry lineage. (Children from) an angry lineage can become murderers. An angry lineage can kill so many people, even though not physically, can kill someone’s soul. ... We inherited Cain’s angry lineage. That’s why those who very easily (become) angry become more evil. You need to control your anger. If you cannot, you are (from) Cain’s lineage.

But now is the time for the evil to disappear. It is a time when self-asserting people will disappear. This is because the age of love has arrived in which those who humbly serve Heaven become the owners of earth.

To Become a Family with Heavenly Fortune...

An era will come when evil people will disappear, and only good people will be protected. So, the time will come when all the evil people will collapse. Now, the era will come when the North Korean Communist Party will fall, and North and South Korea will be reunified centering on True Mother. True Parents declared that North and South Korea cannot be reunified with guns. Even in the family, a peaceful family cannot be established by force, power, or fists. When you always deny yourself and are meek and humble, your family will be happy. Therefore, do not assert yourself at home. If there is someone who can assert themselves, it is only God. We just need to obey and accept. Therefore, we must get rid of individual self-assertion in the family. Asserting one's individuality in the family breaks the family. When family members are able to resolve conflicts and unite, God is responsible for their happiness. God’s heavenly fortune resides in such a family.

Now, in the age of love, evil people will disappear and only good people will be protected. Our future may seem vague now, but the North Korean Communist Party will fall and the era of North and South Korea reunification centering on True Mother will surely come.

Just as a peaceful family cannot be established by force, power, or fists, the unification of North and South Korea must also be achieved through the power of true love

In the family, one must always deny oneself and be meek and humble in order to make the family happy. Therefore, you should not assert yourself in the family. All we need to do is to obey and accept God's Word.

Asserting one's individual self in the family breaks the family. When family members are able to resolve conflicts and unite, God is responsible for their happiness. God’s heavenly fortune resides in such a family

Today I talked about “God’s Purpose of Creation Begins in the Family.” 

(Testimony Inju Min, Heavenly USA Team)♦

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. 

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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