Ep 412 - True Parents Comforted the Heart of God and Emerged Triumphant

True Parents Comforted the Heart of God and Emerged Triumphant #47 - Dec. 11, 2021

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Wow! Just now I looked outside. There is such beautiful rain! It is cleaning up everything out here. Today is a beautiful Saturday. 

Today I’d like to talk about “True Parents Comforted the Heart of God and Emerged Triumphant” from True Mother Hak Ja Han Moon: An Anthology, Book 1

All people were meant to have parents centered on God, but they have come to have false parents instead. Unification Church members have learned through the Divine Principle about God's miserable situation. He is unable to take do-minion over humankind as long as they have false parents. ​

Throughout the thousands of years of human history, there has not been one person who understood the grieved and anguished heart of God and tried to comfort Him. In the course of God's providence, many prophets came forward to uphold God's Will, but they all ended up failing. In light of this, God's heart must indeed be in indescribable agony. He pinned His hopes on each of them in turn, but whenever they failed and stood in the position of having to pass on the mission of achieving His Will to the next generation, the anguish God must have felt in His heart would have been beyond words. Not even the prophets, howev-er, understood this painful heart of God. (2006.07.01, Amman, Jordan)​

True Mother said, “Throughout the thousands of years of human history, there has not been one person who understood the grieved and anguished heart of God and tried to comfort Him.” After knowing God’s will and joining the Unification Church I am most grateful to True Parents. First, True Parents taught me that God exists and that God is my parent. Secondly, True Parents taught me how much God loves me. Thirdly, True Parents taught me how sorrowful God is because of the fall of man. 

How can I comfort God? When I wake up and open my eyes, I always think about how to become a filial son who relieves the cross of God. I think about how to become a son who sheds endless and hot tears to comfort God as True Parents do. In this way True Parents are my eternal great parents and my eternal great teacher. I am so grateful to True Parents! I came to understand the identity of God. At the same time I have come to understand what my own identity is. It is really incredible. Wow! Now I came to know who God is, what God’s heart is. It is incredible to me. I have learned really great lessons from True Parents. I am eternally grateful to True Parents because God does exist, he is my father, he is my parent. I came to understand his reality. It is really incredible. 

True Parents said that the beginning of our life begins the day we accept God as our parent. He said that a life that does not accept God as “my parent” has absolutely nothing to do with my life (with God?) Then my spiritual growth would be impossible forever. For example, if it has been one year since you accepted God as your parent, if you turn 60 years old, your spiritual age is just one year. That is why your life begins when you come to understand God, when you accept that God is your parent.

Christians are just looking up at the sky, waiting to receive the Lord coming on the clouds. You, however, have been fortunate enough to meet True Parents. You have no idea how difficult it has been for True Parents' names to become known around the world as they are today. True Father has had to go to prison six times, and overcome innumerable life-or-death crises. In the course of human history until now, True Parents are the people who have known better than anyone else about God's heart and circumstances, and who have proclaimed and worked in order to perfectly achieve His Will, no matter what indemnity they have had to pay. (2006.08.09, Lima, Peru)​

The history of the Unification Church had to start out from the lowest place, like a wilderness course. In spite of the difficult environment where nothing was prepared, True Father strove to develop Korea in earnest so that it could join the ranks of the advanced nations. In the early days, the members of the Unification Church consisted mainly of women and middle and high school students. This small number of people took the lead in reviving Korea according to True Father's will, through the New Mind, New Life Campaign and the New Commu-nity Movement. As they propagated the teaching of the Divine Principle, they also devoted themselves to restoring the polluted rivers and denuded mountain-sides.​

Korea today has joined the ranks of advanced nations and is exporting many kinds of goods to the rest of the world. The one who paved the foundation to make this possible from the bottommost place was True Father. In the 1950s and 1960s, nobody could have imagined that Korea would become involved in the machinery industry. It was a time when there was no foundation of any kind. However, at that time True Father began to make preparations and train engineers. Anyone who starts a business desires to gain something from it. In short, they desire to make money. True Father, however, did not ask for anything in return; he invested everything solely for the will of the providence. (2006.07.2 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)​

Right after the Second World War, God prepared the foundation on which the Lord of the Second Advent could come and achieve His Will. If Korea at the time had upheld God's great Will and prepared the ground to attend True Father, it would not have been divided into North and South. You may have learned from the Divine Principle that the difficult course of indemnity was begun because human beings failed to fulfill their five percent responsibility. This being the case, True Father had no choice but to start out from the bottommost part of hell. Though many prophets and martyrs have come and gone in the course of history, the only person who fulfilled the Will during his life on earth was True Father. Moreover, True Father was able to perform the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship and the Cheon Jeong Gung Entrance Ceremony and Coronation Ceremony of True Parents, the King and Queen of Cosmic Peace— something that could not even be imagined in the fallen world. ​(2006.06.20,Dushanbe, Kazakhstan)​

We can see how much True Mother appreciates True Father’s achievements. You can see that she really appreciates True Father’s achievements, effort and contribution, not just for Korea, but for the sake of the world. I really appreciate True Mother’s appreciation of True Father.


God is: 

• The subject and harmonious union of original internal nature and original external form. 

• The harmonious union of original masculinity and original femininity.

• The subject partner having qualities of internal nature and masculinity towards the universe.

Who is God?

1. God is my eternal parent.​

2. God is the subject of the Three Great Subjects thought ​

3. God is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal.​

4. God is a God of love.​

5. God is a God of heart.​

6. God is the Word.​

7. God is dual characteristics.​

8. God is the original absolute Sex.​

9. God is a being of character.​

10. God is the origin of Principle, law and order.​​

Today I would like to talk about “God is the origin of Principle, law and order.​​”

10. God Is the Origin of Principle, Law and Order​

<162-172> Today, in the Christian church,  they say, "Heavenly Father, our all knowing, all powerful Father," but even the all knowing, all powerful God is all knowing and all powerful upon a foundation of principle.  He is not all knowing and all powerful on a foundation that is without principles.  He is not a God who can just do whatever He wants.  As an eternal Being, if he has established laws, then His laws are eternal.  ​

This is incredible content. 

Many people think that because God is all-knowing and all-powerful, he curses evil people, or if he chooses, judges whether or not people be killed or saved. Because God is omnipotent, people think that God can do whatever he wants. 

However, what we need to know is that God is a God of principles, laws, and order. That is, He is the God of the Principle of Creation. God is a God who cannot do anything if He deviates from the Principle of Creation. You should know that in a way he is an incompetent God who can do nothing apart from the Principles of Creation. 

The reason God cannot intervene even when he sees Satan's evil deeds and human errors is that evil was not created by Him. If God unconditionally intervenes in evil deeds, then it establishes the logic that God created evil. 

In the words of True Parents, they said that involvement in Noah's judgment or any evil was done through an angel according to the Principle of Restoration through Indemnity, not directly by God himself. 

I was so surprised to hear from Father that Noah’s judgment, this and that, all kinds of judgment, actually God did not deal with that directly. God utilized the angels. … Restoration of human beings needed to go through the course of indemnity. 

Since God's laws are eternal and unchanging and absolute, even if human beings become fickle and commit evil deeds midway, God cannot change His principles according to the circumstances. If God's principles change according to the circumstances of good and evil, then God's principles are not eternal, absolute and unchanging.

Even if the archangel becomes an enemy among enemies to God who let the Fall happen, God’s love must not change before or after the Fall of the archangel. What if the archangel's betrayal changes His eternal Principle of Creation? Then God cannot be the absolute, unique, unchanging, eternal God. 

God’s principle is really amazing!

    <162-172> And he cannot disregard the laws he has established and just do whatever He wants. This is the surprising thing about God's authority.  Even if He wants to adapt it, or go around His laws, He cannot.  When there is a commonly held view, where the common opinion coincides with principles of true, once the absolute God establishes it as a principle, all the people will follow, and the entire universe will follow. ​

God has absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience to the principles of creation that He created. 

God absolutely believes in his creation principles and true love. God also is absolutely loving and never changes. And he obeys his own creation principle and the principle of true love.

God first shows us the life of practice, looks at us, and tells us to resemble Him. 

This is very important. He absolutely believes in his principle of creation. If he created his own principle but did not believe in it, who would believe in it? He has obedience. He obeys his principle of creation. If he did not obey his own principle of creation, even though he created it, then who would obey it? Who would follow God? 

That is why once God created the principle of creation, he himself shows the model. He absolutely believes in his principle. No matter what, he decided, he created the principle, no matter what, “My love will never change.” Once he decided, his principle is eternal, unchanging. “No matter what, I cannot change, even though you betray me. even though you don’t like me, even though you hate me, even though you fall.” God’s principle (is) unchanging, no matter what, “(even) if you betray me.” If God says, “I betray you,” then he is not an eternal God. If he changes according to the environment, then God’s principle is not eternal. God decided, “I need to love anyone (everyone)” according to the principle of true love. The archangel betrayed him and Adam betrayed him, then Eve betrayed him, and all human beings betrayed him, accused him. His principle is, no matter what, unchanging. “No matter what, I need to love human beings. Even though the archangel became Satan and betrayed me and misused Adam and Eve, according to the principle, no matter what, I need to love him.” 

Wow! God’s principle, God’s love is what? Unchanging. Unchanging! If he changes his mind according to our attitude, according to the circumstances, then he is a changeable God. Then his principle is not eternal, not unchanging. Wow! This is really amazing guidance by Father. He always shows the model first. 

Jesus talked about the two greatest commandments that humans must practice, and in loving God, he told us to love Him with all our heart, all our mind, and all our soul. 

Many people say, “Oh, God is selfish. Why does he ask all of humankind to love him first? But Father clearly explained to us that after God created human beings, God himself loved each and every one of them with all his heart, with all his mind and with all his soul. He showed it first. That is why Jesus said God showed it first, he practiced it first. So, we need to love God in the same way. A true parent puts this in practice first and then looks at the children and tells them to do the same. 

If God had not shown the example first, how could he have asked human beings to love him? That is why Jesus clearly talked about the two greatest commandments. 

<211-132> When Adam and Eve reached perfection and entered the kingdom of heaven, Satan, as the archangel, should have followed them into the kingdom of heaven.  After the archangel received God's love, and then received love from Adam and Eve, the principle is that the archangels should go to heaven together is one of the principles of the creation. From the middle, Satan made a mistake but he said, "I was once a servant, and now am a traitor, but the principle says that in order to enter heaven, you, who are the lord, act according to natural law, on the foundation of substantial tradition.​

Oh, my God! Satan's accusation against God is, "Even though I have fallen and become Satan, according to your Principle of Creation, shouldn't you love me forever because your principle is unchanging. You need to love me unchangingly. Even though I betrayed you, you are an unchanging God. That’s why before the fall, after the fall, you need to love me.” Satan accuses God using God’s principle. ““I can be fickle, but you can't be fickle, can you? Even though I betray you, because you are an unchanging God, you cannot betray me. Even if I hate you, you cannot hate me according to your principle of true love.”

“In the end, don’t you have to love the fallen Adam (regardless of) the circumstances, love him to the point of betrayal and take him to Heaven?” Satan slanders God in this way, and God has no choice but to helplessly agree.

That is the reason God cannot judge the archangel. 

His job is what? He needs to restore him. He needs to restore Adam and Eve no matter what. Because of his principle of true love and because of his principle of creation, he (Satan) is protected by that principle. He (God) cannot do anything. The only key(?) he can handle (is) within the principles of love and creation.

<211-132> On the basis of the principles You have established, You must love both the perfected Adam and the archangel, in order to enter heaven, and even you cannot abandon this principle, isn't that right?" The answer was, "What you said is right." Satan was caught and defeated while saying, "Even though this has happened to me, can't God be the same as me?"​

True love does not force the other to surrender. If he is forced, it is not complete surrender, so you have to wait and wait and wait and be patient. 

Since Heaven is a complete and perfect world, God’s world of creation is complete only when each and every person, even Satan, is saved. 

Let’s say God has saved all humankind, but he does not want to save Satan because “You are the main guy who betrayed me. You are the one who made me suffer the most. I cannot forgive you.” Then God’s salvation would not be complete yet. In God’s world there is no hatred, no enemy. If God had enemies, God’s world would not yet be a perfected world. That is why when he has completely restored all fallen human beings, (he must) include Satan and forgive him. Then God’s creation is total salvation. Then one will not be able to find any evil, any enemy, any hatred. 

Wow! That is why we say that God is a perfect God. Wow! I really admire that Father discovered this principle. Can you imagine that? Many people do not know that God is the origin of the principle of love and order(?). Many people do not know about that. “God is omnipotent and omniscient. He can do whatever he wants. God’s nature cannot deal with evil because he does not have an evil nature. 

That is the reason why God cannot intervene in my evil actions. Sometimes I connect to good; sometimes I connect to evil. As long as I completely separate good and evil and I serve God, then God can intervene and deal with me. But if always my heart is mixed -- sometimes connecting to God, sometimes connecting to Satan -- and I do not yet distinguish between good and evil, God cannot do anything. This is the reason God cannot intervene with me, why God cannot help me. (It is) because God can only deal with a good condition. If there is an evil condition, God cannot do anything because evil belongs to Satan. 

Only goodness belongs to God, so that is why he can only deal with good. Without separation from evil, God cannot do anything. Separation between good and evil is my portion of responsibility. As long as I separate good and evil, God can directly come to me. This is an amazing principle.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: Joseph’s Course - The Trials and Tribulations of ​Joseph Sold to Egypt​

Genesis 37:12-13, 37:18-22​: 12 Now his brothers had gone to graze their father’s flocks near Shechem, ​

13 and Israel said to Joseph, “As you know, your brothers are grazing the flocks near Shechem. Come, I am going to send you to them.”  “Very well,” he replied.​

18 But they saw him in the distance, and before he reached them, they plotted to kill him.​

19 “Here comes that dreamer!” they said to each other. 

20 “Come now, let’s kill him and throw him into one of these cisterns and say that a ferocious animal devoured him. Then we’ll see what comes of his dreams.”​

21 When Reuben heard this, he tried to rescue him from their hands. “Let’s not take his life,” he said. ​

22 “Don’t shed any blood. Throw him into this cistern here in the wilderness, but don’t lay a hand on him.” Reuben said this to rescue him from them and take him back to his father.​

Genesis ​37:23-27​: 23 So when Joseph came to his brothers, they stripped him of his robe—the ornate robe he was wearing— ​

24 and they took him and threw him into the cistern. The cistern was empty; there was no water in it.​

25 As they sat down to eat their meal, they looked up and saw a caravan of Ishmaelites coming from Gilead. Their camels were loaded with spices, balm and myrrh, and they were on their way to take them down to Egypt.​

26 Judah said to his brothers, “What will we gain if we kill our brother and cover up his blood? ​

27 Come, let’s sell him to the Ishmaelites and not lay our hands on him; after all, he is our brother, our own flesh and blood.” His brothers agreed.​

Genesis ​37:28-32​: 28 So when the Midianite merchants came by, his brothers pulled Joseph up out of the cistern and sold him for twenty shekels of silver to the Ishmaelites, who took him to Egypt.​

29 When Reuben returned to the cistern and saw that Joseph was not there, he tore his clothes. 

30 He went back to his brothers and said, “The boy isn’t there! Where can I turn now?”​

31 Then they got Joseph’s robe, slaughtered a goat and dipped the robe in the blood. ​

32 They took the ornate robe back to their father and said, “We found this. Examine it to see whether it is your son’s robe.”​

Genesis ​37:33-36​: 33 He recognized it and said, “It is my son’s robe! Some ferocious animal has devoured him. Joseph has surely been torn to pieces.”​

34 Then Jacob tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and mourned for his son for many days. ​

35 All his sons and daughters came to comfort him, but he refused to be comforted. “No,” he said, “I will continue to mourn until I join my son in the grave.” So his father wept for him.​

36 Meanwhile, the Midianites sold Joseph in Egypt to Potiphar, one of Pharaoh’s officials, the captain of the guard.​

Wow! This is an incredible Bible story. We can learn many things from Joseph’s course.

1. Joseph was led by an Egyptian merchant, Ishmael, and was fortunate enough to enter the house of Potiphar, the leader of Pharaoh's guards. When a person is sincere, his character is revealed in his actions and attitude. If a person has a good character, wherever he goes, he meets a benefactor.​ Joseph was like that.

2. Children who grow up being loved by their parents at home receive praise and recognition from their teachers even when they go to school. Also, even after graduating from school and entering the workplace, they will receive recognition from superiors and get a good position. Even if they are someone with good skills, means, or external abilities, they will not last long if their character and personality do not follow. Therefore, we must know that a person's character and personality are the determining factors in everything in our life of faith. If a person is sincere, the spirit world helps them wherever they go.​

Joseph is a very, very, very sincere guy. Father says that sincerity always moves people. (It) moves people! He was born from such a good blood lineage, from Rachel and Jacob. Rachel went through all kinds of suffering. She finally repented and repented and repented. When she finally had total repentance, she delivered a wonderful blood lineage. Because Joseph came from that kind of background, his character and personality was wonderful, very, very sincere. That is why he was immediately recognized by people. 

In my life of faith I have really learned that sincerity is so important. If someone looks at you or does not look at you, someone judges you, whatever, it does not matter. (What matters is) how I can become a sincere person to my own self. Even if God looks at me or does not look at me does not matter. I need to be sincere to my own self. Always sincere. (I cannot) commit sin whether people look at me or not. It does not matter. Sincerity. Good personality means what? Really sincere.

3. Wherever Joseph went, fortune followed because his interpersonal relationship in that place was very good. He unexpectedly entered Potiphar’s house. If you look at how the merchants introduced Joseph to Potiphar, who goes in and out of the Palace, they could never (could have) introduced just anyone. ​

4. Joseph’s being in the house of Potiphar, who went in and out the Palace, opened the way for him to go straight ahead. According to the Bible, Potiphar was very satisfied when he saw Joseph's ability to manage his affairs. Potiphar regarded Joseph as his own son and rejoiced greatly.​

You can see Joseph’s attitude and his sincerity. He could go anywhere and really move people. 

5. In Potiphar’s point of view, since Joseph did his job like an owner, he couldn’t help but like Joseph very much. So Potiphar gave Joseph the responsibilities as an official and secretary.​

6. Potiphar's wife also came to like Joseph, who had won trust from her own husband. Not only because of how responsible he was, but also because of his character and how great he was. That is why Joseph was tempted by Potiphar’s wife. Although it is not specifically mentioned in the Bible, you can assume that her temptation did not just happen once or twice. However, it can be seen that Joseph had always avoided it.​

I really respect Joseph, how he was able to overcome such sexual temptation. He had a certain mindset, and his level of morality was very, very high; even though he did not know the Divine Principle, he learned from his mother; he learned from his father, Jacob. His mother had gone through all kinds of suffering and finally overcame her fallen nature. (So) Joseph was from a different level of lineage. That is why he could overcome temptation from Potiphar’s wife. He was really amazing! He could not be influenced (?). He overcame; he kept his dignity. It was not a simple matter. It was a great environment. Whatever he wanted to do, he could do it. Wow! Joseph became a chosen guy because he overcame Chapter Two and temptation. He had a really different level of morality.

That is why whatever we do, if you are a good guy, a sincere guy, you can get some trials or tribulations from somebody at any time. Especially how do you overcome Chapter Two horizontal temptation? … He had a different blood lineage, a different quality of blood lineage. That’s why, when we deliver our children, we need to produce that kind of good quality child. 

Evil human beings, fallen human beings cannot overcome their environment, cannot overcome the Chapter Two environment. When you were born and were growing up, if you overcame Chapter Two you were already at a different level of blood lineage. As a father and a mother, if you overcome Chapter Two, then based on that kind of heart level you produce your children, I am telling you, your children will have a different quality of blood lineage. A different quality of blood lineage! 

Why could my children not overcome Chapter Two? Because before having my children as a father, as a mother we could not overcome Chapter Two. Our children just inherited (this) from us. How can I blame my children for not overcoming Chapter Two? The important thing is how I can overcome Chapter Two. If you overcome Chapter Two, your blood lineage will become very holy. You will love God and you will have a different quality of child.

7. One day, Potiphar's wife grabbed him by his cloak, and Joseph left it in her hand and ran out of the house. Potiphar’s wife became so disappointed when she was rejected by Joseph, she framed him. Sadly, her husband listened to his wife and became angry and put Joseph in prison. ​

8. If Potiphar did not listen to his wife and trusted Joseph until the end, he would not be in prison, and you might even imagine that God  would not have provided an opportunity for Joseph to enter the Palace after staying at Potiphar’s house and meet the Pharaoh in person and enter the palace.​

9. What we can see from Joseph's course is that if we are distrusted by a prepared John the Baptist, we will go down the path of suffering, and on the contrary, if we are believed in by the John the Baptist, we will go to the path of glory. The same is true of Jesus’ course. If the prepared Judaism and John the Baptist had accepted Jesus, the course of Jesus would have been a course of glory. However, on the contrary, he was not accepted, so he became the Lord of suffering and went the way of the cross.​

10. The path of restoration through indemnity does not mean that you can follow a righteous path even if you distinguish good and evil. The problem is that Satan must be subjugated naturally. Through central figures, we learn that in unraveling the bonds, we overcome through difficult environments rather than good ones.​

11. Joseph's course did not necessarily mean he had to go to prison. However, it was that Joseph could rather become better through injustice and suffering. Ordinary people are more likely to become more evil when they are subjected to injustice and hardship. But the more a righteous person enters the place of suffering, the more his true worth shines like a jewel. Therefore, the hardships and trials that come to me should be considered as a channel through which God comes to me and a period to make me grow.​

12. It should be well known that in fallen man, there is no growth without suffering. I need to know that suffering and hardships are the way God comes to me, and they are also the way for me to find God. I must know that the purpose of suffering and hardship is to raise the level of the heart and build a closer parent-child relationship with God.​

This is really an amazing lesson from Joseph’s course. I want to produce that kind of child like Joseph! Wow! He overcame Chapter Two temptations. Secondly, he is very, very, very sincere. Thirdly, his relationship was incredible with everyone, serving people like a servant. Even though he was in prison, he had no complaint. He was so busy serving people. Everyone related to him. He accepted that kind of suffering with a grateful heart. 

The way of suffering is the way to meet God. For fallen men, after we left God, suffering and hardship were the channel to meet (him). They were the channels (through which) God wanted to see me. That’s why we need to appreciate any trials, any tribulations and any hardships. Through those I can elevate my heart and cultivate my heart and reach a higher moral dimension.♦

The Lord of the Second Advent & True Father's indemnity course #45

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Today I’d like to talk about  “God's providence and our portion of responsibility” from True Mother Hak Ja Han Moon : An Anthology, Book 1.

Among today's humankind, has there ever been anyone who knew about God's heart and circumstances and wished to liberate Him? Though Heaven continued to educate the people of Israel, they failed to accept Jesus, with the result that they had to wander around for many years.​

However, Jesus' death on the cross set the condition by which the foundation of Christianity could be laid on this earth, so the history of Christianity continued for 2,000 years, and the foundation to receive the Lord of the Second Advent was finally prepared by 1945. However, those who were prepared failed to connect to True Father.​

For a person to stand as the lord of a nation, there must be citizens. Similarly, in realizing God's providence, the people who are following Him need to fulfill their responsibility. However, when True Father came, his followers failed to fulfill their responsibility, leaving him no choice but to begin again from the bottommost part of hell. (2006.07.19, Nairobi, Kenya)​

True Father was called by Heaven at the age of 16 to begin working for the providence. It is true that Heaven prepared the environment surrounding True Father, and also built a protective fence around him. True Father's great uncle was a Christian pastor. At the time, Korea was under Japanese rule and the people who were taking part in the independence movement against Japan were Christians. True Father also knew when Korea would regain independence. The people who had received spiritual revelations from Heaven knew when Korea would be liberated. Under such circumstances, Heaven chose a central figure and made preparations, but the forces on Cain's side were just too strong and the ideal imagined by those on True Father's side were very different from reality, so he received much persecution. Even after Korea was liberated, it could not gain complete independence and, torn between America and the Soviet Union, it was divided contrary to its wishes into North and South. At that time, True Father still had to embrace the whole country, and so after staying a while in the South he went up to the North to lay his foundation. There, he was persecuted and imprisoned. (2006.05.04, Miami, USA)​

When Father was 16, he received his mission from Jesus and assumed the role of the only begotten son. This was when Father had to fulfill his responsibilities at the growth stage, during which Adam and Eve should have looked only to-ward God with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience under God's realm of protection. During that time, Adam and Eve looked toward themselves instead, which led to the Fall. Father also had to pay indemnity for all the responsibilities that Jesus, the only begotten son, had not been able to fulfill, which was why Heaven told Father, who was in South Korea, to go to North Korea.​

True Parents' position, reestablished by Heaven in the fallen world, could not come about without indemnity.​

Consequently Father went to prison. In the prison, Father was in a situation in which he was to have been executed the following day. Heaven could not ignore this, which is why Heaven worked through the UN Forces in order to make it possible for Father to return to South Korea. The historic work of the UN Forces would not have been possible without Heaven's help. If Russia had voted against it there would have been no way for it to happen. However, Heaven moved the UN to vote in favor of sending troops.​

True Father fulfilled the restoration through indemnity that Jesus had not been able to achieve in his 33-year life course. True Father wrote Wolli Wonbon, the first version of the Divine Principle, in Beom-il Dong during the hardships of the refugee period. That is why we have the Exposition of the Divine Principle today. The only begotten son of God must find the Word. ​(2016.08.01, CheongPyeongTraining Center)​

Based on True Mother’s guidance, I have found some content related to Father’s word. So let’s study Father’s (Mother’s?) word.

Christianity’s Opposition and True Father’s Heungnam Course​

<222-46>  After World War II, if the Christian cultural sphere and Christianity had accepted President Moon, the unification of all countries would have been achieved in 1953. It was what God had promised. I have that kind of skill. However, due to the opposition of Christianity, Reverend Moon was driven out into the wilderness. History has lost all the foundations up to now. That's not all. You may not know the feelings of Reverend Moon, who went to the Heungnam Prison in shackles. No one knew that Reverend Moon was the one who came to seek the true liberation of mankind through the great providence of the historical God.​

If the prepared Christians had understood and accepted True Father, his public life course would have started from 1945. During the 7-year course from 1945 to 1952, True Father and Christianity were united to achieve total world global unification. From 1953, the 7-year public course of the Messiah ended in victory, so that the kingdom of heaven on earth could begin in full-scale. 

However, because the prepared Christianity and the people who stood on behalf of John the Baptist did not fulfill their responsibilities, True Father had to restart God’s providence, so he went to North Korea, which was a communist regime at the time, and paid indemnity from Heungnam Prison, the lowest prison of all prisons. 

You need to know that because John the Baptist figure could not fulfill his portion of responsibility, God lost his entire foundation. The messiah needed to start from the bottom of bottoms. Jesus (situation) was like that. All the central figures were like that. That’s why the role of John the Baptist is really incredibly important. 

Through Heungnam Prison, True Father paid all the indemnity for the failure of the prepared Christians. And from Beomnaetgol in Busan, instead of Christianity, he established the Unification Church and prepared the 7-year course again, and with the Holy Wedding in 1960, God’s Providence actually began.

Wow! If prepared Christianity and the John the Baptist (figure) had united with Father -- can you imagine? -- Father said in 1953 already the entire world (would have) accepted True Parents, already the kingdom of heaven would have already begun. Wow! That is really an incredible situation. 

North and South Korea Reunification and God’s Will​

God must not kill Kim Il-sung. To liberate Kim Il-sung, We need to know that there is God's providence and love to liberate the 2 billion people connected to the 36 countries of North Korea. North and South Korea must be unified. Just as the body and mind are fighting and the enemy of Satan and God are fighting, false parents and True Parents are fighting. How far did Reverend Moon come from the current follower (referring to the person who is at the bottom)? The only person who can guide the direction of the future world beyond the free world and the communist world is now only Reverend Moon. How do you unify North and South Korea? You can't do it with your fists, you have to know God's will. okay?(1991.10.27 (Sun), Shinyang Park Hotel, Gwangju, Korea)​

There are times when I personally think about God's providence based on True Father's birth. This is not official. This is my personal view of the providence. It could be wrong. 

We want to see the years from 1920 to 1960, when True Father was born, as God’s formation providential period, and from 1960 to 2000 as God’s growth providential period, and from 2000 to 2040 as the completion providential period that must completely and substantially settle God's providence. 

From 1920 to 1960 is forty years, like formation, and from 1960 to 2000 is the providential growth period, and from 2000 to 2040, the last 40 years, is the completion stage. 

In that sense, I think that the remaining 20 years from now on will be a period in which the world will be unified centered on True Mother, and heaven on earth and in heaven will be realized in full-scale.

In 2040, True Father will be 120 years old and True Mother will be 97 years old. I wonder how great it would be if a heavenly unified Korea could really be achieved by 2027 or before, when the 2nd 7-year Cheon Il-guk course ends, and further, (whether) it will be possible to reach the stage of world unification by 2040. 

True Father often said that he had to live until he was 120 years old. But sometimes it was said that if you go to the spiritual realm early, you can settle God's providence at an early stage. 

I often think of how great it would be if True Mother could fulfill the life of True Father who did not live to the age of 120 and did not achieve North and South Korea reunification and world unification. It is True Mother's earnest wish that she will live a healthy life until the age of 120, and that her promise to God will be fulfilled and her firm determination to complete all providences in Mother’s (Father’s?) life according to True Mother's words.

That’s why we really, really need to pray for our True Mother’s health, that she becomes very strong. What she promised to heaven (is that) she wants to “settle down” (resolve) -- everything within her own generation. She doesn’t want to see any more evil sovereignty(? disobedience?). That is True Mother’s strong determination. I think True Father supports True Mother and the entire spiritual world supports True Mother. That is why we really (need to) unite together and support True Mother. She should not just live until 120, she has to have a healthy body. (By the time) she passes away, the entire world needs to recognize her identity, and God will welcome her happily. Wow! This is our utmost wish. 

 Living Divine Principle​: God is the Word

​God is: 

• The subject and harmonious union of original internal nature and original external form. 

• The harmonious union of original masculinity and original femininity.

• The subject partner having qualities of internal nature and masculinity towards the universe.

1. God is my eternal parent.​

2. God is the subject of the Three Great Subjects thought ​

3. God is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal.​

4. God is a God of love.​

5. God is a God of heart.​

6. God is the Word.​

7. God is dual characteristics.​

8. God is the original absolute Sex.​

9. God is a being of character.​

10. God is the origin of Principle, law and order.​

Recently I have been talking about who God is: “God is my eternal parent; God is the subject of the Three Great Subjects thought; God is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal; God is a God of love; God is a God of heart.” Today I would like to focus on “God is the word.” Very important content. 

6. God is the Word​

   <3-323> Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life," and today, these meaning of these words intimately show us  God's words, show us God's true self and God's life. ​

   God's love is surely expressed through His words. What is it that people finally wish to find through the Word? They want to find Jesus again. It is not enough to just have the Word. They need to attend Jesus directly. ​

True Father said that God's love must be revealed through the Word.

I really appreciate True Father’s expression. Again God’s love is expressed through his word. This is an incredible declaration and guidance. 

 How do we know that God exists? How do I know how much God loves me? How can I know God's dreams and visions for me? How can we know God's heart toward mankind? And how can we know what God wants of humankind? He said that all of these things are expressed through God's words. Through God’s words!

And he said that we cannot possess only the Words we wish he would speak. He said that first, we must possess the Word, and then serve the True Parents, the substance of the incarnated Word. 

Therefore, the purpose of our study of the Word is to meet the Messiah and God. You must know that reading the principle is to read the heart, mind, and love of God.

    <3-323> But because there is no substantial being that they can attend instead of the Word, people continue to long for such a being. You must know that the course of history has been spent seeking for a person who is the  incarnation of God's Word. If such a person exists who can become one with God's word, through that person, the entire earth can be moved. ​

The formation stage of our faith is to know God through the Word and to know the existence of the Messiah. 

The growth stage is to become one with the Messiah, who is the substance of the Word, and to actually serve the Messiah in my living environment. 

We do not simply believe in and worship the vague God, but the desire of human beings, His children, is to live and serve together with True Parents, who are the Messiah.

John 14:6: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (This is a confident statement that he is the Messiah. Outside people would think he’s arrogant.)​

Jesus said he was the truth. This means that Jesus is the incarnation of the word of God substantiated. It is an amazing revolutionary expression. I really love Jesus’ declaration. He really had the qualification to be the messiah. He very clearly and boldly proclaimed that “I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” When Jewish people heard this, they said, “Wow! This guy is really an arrogant guy. How can he speak like that?” Because of this proclamation, many Christians do not know how to work together with other religions. They think only Christians, only Jesus is the way, only Jesus is the truth, only Jesus is the life. Sometimes they misuse these words. Then their mind is very, very narrow, and they ignore other religions. We need to understand that messiah came, not just for certain religions; he came for the sake of the world.

True Parents say -- and also True Parents can say and declare, “I am the way, the truth, the life, the love, the blood lineage and the absolute sex. No one comes to the Father except through True Parents.” Father very clearly spoke about this. He actually said more than Jesus. Jesus only said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” He did not talk about love. He did not talk about lineage. He did not talk about absolute sex. 

Comparison between Jesus and True Parents: Jesus could not talk about love, blood lineage, and absolute sex because he could not form a family.​ 

You cannot talk about love without experiencing love. You cannot marry? Then how can you know conjugal love? If you do not marry and do not produce children, how can you know parental love. That’s why Jesus could not talk about (parental love) because he could not form a family.

The way: Path to completion, providence, and the formula course. ​

What does “the way” mean? “I am the way. I am the way.” What does “the way” mean? The path to completion. How we can become complete. What is God’s providence? What is our direction? What is the formula course? Where to go? What to do? What is the formation stage? What is the growth stage? What is the completion stage? The messiah comes to the earth to seriously(?) human beings. What is our direction? Where to go? Where is our vision? This is a very important mission as the messiah. 

The Truth: Eternal truth, Eight Major Textbooks. ​

“I am the truth.” What does the truth mean? This is the eternal truth which is the Divine Principle. Later on Father talks about eight major textbooks. “I am the truth.” These are not just textbooks. This is the eternal truth. Jesus could not reveal God’s eternal truth, everything. That’s why Jesus said, “I want to say more truth later on.”  

The Life: True life, salvation.​

True Parents are the life. We came from fallen life. Through meeting the messiah we gained true life which is true salvation. 

The lineage: Change the lineage through the blessing​

“I am the true lineage.” What does lineage mean? Changing the lineage through the Blessing. Through the Blessing we can have a transformational experience from the fallen blood lineage to God’s blood lineage. We can change our DNA from Satanic DNA to God’s DNA. 

The Absolute sex: Only the Messiah brought the sinless baby seed.​

Father says, “I am the absolute sex.” What does absolute sex mean? This is a very important point. We came from God’s love organ. Only the messiah brought the sinless baby seed. That is why only True Parents inherited God’s absolute sex. Therefore as a fallen man we need to be born again. Absolute sex should be our absolute hometown, our eternal birthplace. That’s why through the Blessing we need to really inherit absolute sex. Before marriage we need to keep absolute purity. After marriage we need to keep absolute fidelity. That’s why True Father really completes his (Jesus’) word. Not only “I am the way, truth and life.” He added, “I am the love, I am the blood lineage and absolute sex. It is very very clear. 

Gospel of John, chapter 1​

1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was fully God.​

2. The Word was with God in the beginning. ​

3. All things were created by him, and apart from him not one thing was created. ​

4. In him was life, and the life was the light of mankind.​

5. And the light shines on in the darkness, but the darkness has not mastered it.​

How did God create humans? It is said that God created man and all things with the word. And the Bible says that the word of God is fully God. 

And he (John?) said that the word of God contains life. Therefore, those who truly believe and accept the word of God will change the word into life, and the word will create new life.

That’s why God’s word is so powerful. God word has life. Life! Giving your life! That’s why as long as God’s word is alive in your heart, it will change your life. You can have a transformation experience because God word contains life. That’s why when you accept God’s word and it becomes alive in your heart, it really works to change your life. You can have a transformational experience. We can understand that God’s word can create new life. 

He also said that the Word is light. It means that wherever the Word shines, darkness is conquered. It means that hope will come to those who were in darkness. Darkness never wins over light. In this way, we do not know how important the Word of God is!

God is (the) word. 

God’s word is his love​. I love Father’s expression, God’s word is love. That’s why the more you read, the more you receive God’s love because God’s word itself is love. You can have a lot of spiritual food which is God’s love. I challenged one guy who completed the eight textbooks 100 times. I asked, “What is your conclusion? After reading each of the eight great textbooks 100 times, what is your conclusion?” He realized that God’s word is His love. Therefore the more he reads God’s word, (the more) he can receive a lot of God’s love. That’s why even though (he is reading) the same words, same expressions over and over again, when he thinks that God’s word is love, like when we are having a meal -- breakfast, lunch and dinner -- even though it is the same kimchi, same fruit, same bread, same rice, but when you are happy, it is always delicious. God’s word is delicious. God’s word is so delicious because his word is his love.

Secondly, God’s word is his heart.​ The heart is much deeper than love.

God’s word is his life​. I was just now talking about God’s word having life. That is why anyone visiting God’s word, anyone accepting God word can create new life. God’s word can change everything. Even though you are a fallen person, when you believe in God’s word, it creates new life within your mind, within yourself. 

God‘s word is his light.​ Light can come from any damus(? direction?) If you are possessed by God’s word, your own negativity, your own difficult situation can be conquered by God’s word. That’s why God’s word is a light.

God's love is surely expressed through His words.

The Teaching of Rev. Moon of the Unification ​church Is the Truth for the Salvation of the World​

   <201-339>   “People of the entire world must pay attention now. The teaching of Rev. Moon of the Unification Church is the truth for the salvation of the world. They are words of true love and true life, which are needed eternally for humanity . If the Savior is coming to save the world, he should not judge humanity with a rod of iron. You cannot make even one person give in by hitting him or her.” 

The way the Second Advent saves the world is not a weapon, nor any coercion, nor any instrument. No one human being can be subdued by nature if it is forced. True love has the attributes of true freedom, peace, and happiness that are not bound by anyone. True love begins and bears fruit with voluntary motivation by giving thanks for all things with joy.

So, how will the Second Advent save humankind? The first level is the Word, the second level is blessing, and the third level is love and heart. 

That’s why in order to revive yourself, you need to love the word. Secondly, you need to receive the Blessing, and you need to transform yourself. Thirdly, you need to enter the world of heart and love. 

My Final Words for Humankind ​

“True Parents have already prepared the last words I will give to humankind. These have been prepared based on my triumphs over six or seven life-or-death situations, including six periods of unjust imprisonment. I am leaving behind eight textbooks and teaching materials for humankind to use for all eternity. Altogether, these are published in almost a thousand volumes.”​

(During) this seven years course, we have already read True Mother’s memoir. Now we are studying the Divine Principle. After finishing the Divine Principle, we can read True Father’s autobiography, (then) Cheon Seong Gyeong, Wow! Wow! Seven year course. We have enough material to study. How powerful it is!

If You Set up the Hoondokhae Study Tradition in Your Family….​

I repeat again and again, Father said…

1. Satan will find no room to move.​

2. It is possible to eradicate the satanic lineage.​ There is no way(?) to eradicate the satanic lineage (except) through God’s word. (?) The more you read, the more you can remove Satanic blood lineage. 

3. Your family is aligned with God as at high noon, where no shadow is cast​. 90 degrees. Very clear alignment. No shadows. God directly intervenes with you when you set up the Hoondokhae Tradition. That’s why I am really grateful to True Parents. Because of True Parents we set up the Hoondokhae tradition in our family, when our children were very young, That’s why everybody now naturally joins morning devotion and shares their reflection and are inspired by God’s word all the time. That’s why don’t be late. Even though you are late, please set up Hoondokhae in your family. 

4. Your family can create a world where people in the spirit world and the earthly world can both attend True Parents at the same time​.

5. Your family will receive God’s blessings​ Because of Hoondokhae, I’m telling you, I protected my three children from the fallen world. They keep purity, and all my three children received the Blessing because of Hoondokhae. Because of Hoondokhae I have three grandchildren now who join Hoondokhae together. Because of Hoondokhae we four generations come together, living together. I really, really appreciate the tradition of Hoondokhae.

6. The world will automatically become the heavenly kingdom on earth and in the eternal spirit world, fulfilling the vision of “one family under God.” How to create one family under God? Very simple. Through setting up tradition in your family. Now everything is based on the family level. The era of the church will be gone. The era of the megachurch will be gone. Now everything is based on family. Family!

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: Jacob’s Course - Restoration of All Things and Restoration of Love Seen Through the Providence of Restoration (2)​​

Maybe this is the last of the (Jacob Course) series.

Today, continuing from yesterday, we will study the Restoration of All Things and Restoration of Love seen through the Providence of Restoration. 

First, let's look at what the Bible says about this.

Genesis​ 30:25-43, 31:1-10 : Jacob’s Flocks Increase​

25 After Rachel gave birth to Joseph, Jacob said to Laban, “Send me on my way so I can go back to my own homeland. ​

26 Give me my wives and children, for whom I have served you, and I will be on my way. You know how much work I’ve done for you.” ​

27 But Laban said to him, “If I have found favor in your eyes, please stay. I have learned by divination that the Lord has blessed me because of you.” ​

28 He added, “Name your wages, and I will pay them.”​

29 Jacob said to him, “You know how I have worked for you and how your livestock has fared under my care. ​

30 The little you had before I came has increased greatly, and the Lord has blessed you wherever I have been. But now, when may I do something for my own household?”​

​31 “What shall I give you?” he asked. ​

“Don’t give me anything,” Jacob replied. “But if you will do this one thing for me, I will go on tending your flocks and watching over them: ​

32 Let me go through all your flocks today and remove from them every speckled or spotted sheep, every dark-colored lamb and every spotted or speckled goat. They will be my wages. ​

33 And my honesty will testify for me in the future, whenever you check on the wages you have paid me. Any goat in my possession that is not speckled or spotted, or any lamb that is not dark-colored, will be considered stolen.” ​

34 “Agreed,” said Laban. “Let it be as you have said.”​

35 That same day he removed all the male goats that were streaked or spotted, and all the speckled or spotted female goats (all that had white on them) and all the dark-colored lambs, and he placed them in the care of his sons. ​

36 Then he put a three-day journey between himself and Jacob, while Jacob continued to tend the rest of Laban’s flocks.​

37 Jacob, however, took fresh-cut branches from poplar, almond and plane trees and made white stripes on them by peeling the bark and exposing the white inner wood of the branches. ​

38 Then he placed the peeled branches in all the watering troughs, so that they would be directly in front of the flocks when they came to drink. When the flocks were in heat and came to drink, ​

39 they mated in front of the branches. And they bore young that were streaked or speckled or spotted. ​

40 Jacob set apart the young of the flock by themselves, but made the rest face the streaked and dark-colored animals that belonged to Laban. Thus he made separate flocks for himself and did not put them with Laban’s animals. ​

41 Whenever the stronger females were in heat, Jacob would place the branches in the troughs in front of the animals so they would mate near the branches, ​

42 but if the animals were weak, he would not place them there. So the weak animals went to Laban and the strong ones to Jacob. ​

43 In this way the man grew exceedingly prosperous and came to own large flocks, and female and male servants, and camels and donkeys.​

We can see how God was with Jacob. What should we learn? Let’s study. 

Genesis 31:1-10​

1 Jacob heard that Laban’s sons were saying, “Jacob has taken everything our father owned and has gained all this wealth from what belonged to our father.” ​

2 And Jacob noticed that Laban’s attitude toward him was not what it had been. ​

3 Then the Lord said to Jacob, “Go back to the land of your fathers and to your relatives, and I will be with you.” ​

4 So Jacob sent word to Rachel and Leah to come out to the fields where his flocks were. ​

5 He said to them, “I see that your father’s attitude toward me is not what it was before, but the God of my father has been with me. ​

6 You know that I’ve worked for your father with all my strength, ​

7 yet your father has cheated me by changing my wages ten times. However, God has not allowed him to harm me. ​

8 If he said, ‘The speckled ones will be your wages,’ then all the flocks gave birth to speckled young; and if he said, ‘The streaked ones will be your wages,’ then all the flocks bore streaked young. ​

9 So God has taken away your father’s livestock and has given them to me. ​

10 “In breeding season I once had a dream in which I looked up and saw that the male goats mating with the flock were streaked, speckled or spotted.​

1. Before Jacob restored all things, he subjugated Laban and others around him through service and love. On the foundation of Jacob's love and dedication, God blessed Jacob and his wealth began to increase day by day.​

2. Laban used Jacob and deceived him 10 times to increase his wealth. However, when Jacob passed the indemnity period with devoted efforts and sacrifices, heaven began to bless him. Secular people try to take advantage of someone if they are generous or loyal to them.​

3.  Most secular people think that the money they earn is their own, but they also think that the other person’s money is also all their own. They rarely care about others or live for others.​

4. As Jacob was with God, even if Laban took away his wealth by various tricks, spotted sheep continued to be born because God worked centered on Jacob.​

5. Laban is a representative of secular people in the world. When Laban discussed with Jacob, he first didn’t make such guarantees as, "I'll do this for you.“ "I will do this." People who want to use others always hide their identity.​

6. Laban was always calculating in his relationship with Jacob. Laban told Jacob, "You're now starting to make a living, so what should I do with the wages?" However, Laban did not distribute the wealth to Jacob even though his wealth increased a lot. How moved would Jacob have been if Laban had distributed as much wealth as he had gotten in autumn? Even though Laban was indebted to Jacob, he deceived him 10 times considering wages.​

7. Secular people's minds are always strong because they are greedy for themselves. So Jacob is very unlikely to have a spotted sheep out of hundreds of sheep, but he makes a trade with Laban asking to have the spotted sheep. If a spotted sheep comes out, Jacob asks to own it. There, Laban gives a quick answer.​

8. Jacob had good faith. So God was with him. In order to make spotted sheep be born, Jacob took fresh-cut branches from poplar, almond and plane trees, peeled the bark exposing the white inner wood, and placed them in all the watering troughs, so that they would be directly in front of the flocks when they came to drink. When the flocks came to drink, they mated in front of the branches and bore young that were streaked, speckled or spotted.​

9. The Bible says that Jacob used poplar, almond and plane trees to make more spotted sheep. In the Bible, trees always point to people by analogy.  What we have to learn here is that we have to meaningfully associate everything, such as the clothes we wear and equipment (with God’s will).​

10. A person who chooses a color they like according to their style and uses something according to what they need without linking it to God's will is not living a life linked to God’s will. The clothes I wear, all the lifestyle items I use, etc., should be used as tools for the substance of the Word, giving the meaning of God's will. The poplar tree used by Jacob is a tree that knows spring well; the sycamore tree is a tree that knows summer well; and the peach tree is the first to bloom in spring. It should be seen that all of these are compared to human growth. 

11. These trees are preaching something to us because they are made of the substance of the word of God's will. True Father said that all trees are teaching God's love and that they are materials of love for humans.​

This is important. Even though the Bible is very symbolic, it talks about each tree, each item, everything as relating to God’s will. Whenever we choose any item, any clothes, any instrument, always we need to connect to God’s word meaningfully. Otherwise, life is life, (and) faith is faith. If (we have) that kind of thinking separate from God’s will, then our life of faith never grows because we don’t know how to apply our Divine Principle to our daily lives. “Oh, I love this color necktie.” This is centering on your own point of view. “Oh, today is God’s Day. I need to wear this necktie. Then maybe God loves that one. Wow! Today someone bought this necktie. I need to  appreciate his gift when I wear this necktie. Wow! Today is God’s Day, True Parents’ Day,” Whenever you choose any item, any clothes, whenever you buy any item, everything from one to ten (should) relate to God’s will, relate to God’s word. Without connecting to God’s word, just using (things) for my own purpose, it does not make any sense. That’s why we can learn from the Bible, Jacob’s course.

12. When we wear clothes or choose any color, we have to think about everything in connection with the will. Jacob’s will to have spotted sheep can be thought to mean that he will restore the flocks in Satan’s realm to Heaven’s side. The white sheep symbolize God and the spotted sheep symbolize Satan, but we should see that the spotted sheep were chosen to be restored. ​

13. We entered the Unification Church, but we are all spotted people. Even in the midst of God's will, we doubt, we boast, and we pretend that we entered for the will even though we entered for self-growth.​

14. Therefore, the Bible cited an analogy of wearing sheep’s clothing with the heart of a wolf. It can be seen that the spotted sheep that Jacob mentioned represents us. We are like spotted sheep because we try to become God’s sons and daughters even though we are Satan’s children.​

15. We are not people who live only with food. We are people who have to live with the Words, which is eternal food. We have to wear the Words and think about all the lifestyle items, clothing, and food we come into contact with.​

16. When people eat food and say, "It's delicious," you have to think about how delicious you are to make others happy. This is the way of thinking of a person who lives by the word.​

“Oh, this is delicious, delicious, delicious, delicious, delicious!” We need to think how to become a delicious man, to have that kind of (delicious) taste for anyone. We need to think meaningfully. We need to know how to apply the Bible word and the word of God to our daily life. I learn a lot from Father (about) how to apply (the word). I (also) learn from Yo Han Lee. (For him) every item always connects to God’s word. 

17. Look at all living things. All living things are always fresh. They adapt well according to their environment and are very sincere. As they grow, there is no gap even for a moment. There is no misconception there, and it is only sincerity itself. Therefore, we must live genuinely and sincerely like all things. If you do your best every day in a given environment like all things, you will bloom, grow, and bear fruit according to the season.​

Recently I reflected: I live in New York City. When I crossed over the way (? walk on the street?), people do not keep traffic rules, so I also became like that. Later I reflected that “Oh, I need to change my lifestyle. I cannot be like that. I cannot follow the same way as New York City people.” One day, I decided, no matter what, I will follow the traffic rules. Blue (Green?) light, red light, I need to wait for the red light. I need to be sincere to my person. If I do not keep the rules and just follow the New York City people who ignore the lights and traffic rules, then what will happen. This can become a habit. (Someday when I) go somewhere, I will surely someday make an accident. It does not matter whether people look at me or not. I really (will) keep the rules. 

I have to be sincere to myself. Nobody looks at me in my room. How sincere am I with myself? I don’t have any kind of spiritual pollution(?) or spiritual fall. Every second, every minute I have to be sincere to myself. This kind of sincerity we can learn from all things. All trees and plants are very, very sincere. They know how to have give and take with the sun, how to have give and take with the air, how to have give and take with the environment. Nature teaches us very clearly, How sincere it is! Why can’t we grow spiritually? Because we are not sincere. We are just influenced by the secular environment. 

18. All things are drawn to where love is. This is because all things like people who resemble them. In every moment, all things live true, sincere lives and do their best. Since man is the subject of love and the lord of all things, all things are automatically attracted when they see sincere people.​

19. All things follow where there is love and heart. Therefore, it is natural that heaven blesses you with all things when you become a person of love and heart. If you focus on restoring all things before first restoring love, Heaven’s providence flows backwards. If you become a person of love in accordance with the first and second blessings, then the third blessing, the blessing of all things, is automatically realized.​

That’s why we need to focus on how to restore love. How can I move people? How can I really help and live for the sake of others. If I reach that first and second blessing, the third blessing -- which is the material blessing -- will automatically come to my life. Many people focus on the third blessing: how to increase my property. That is a disorder. First of all you need to restore your love and heart. You (need to) comfort people’s heart. Then the third(?) blessing, which is the material blessing, will come to you automatically.

Today’s content was a little bit long. Because this is the end of Jacob’s course and is very, very important, I am so sorry (that) the content was a little bit longer.♦ 

(Response to sharing) We know that the Divine Principle is wonderful, but we struggle how to convey it to people. We do not know how to express it. According to my experience, we should only convey what really inspires us from God’s word. When you start to share the content that was life-changing for you, even if some people do not understand what you are talking about, but when you are inspired about what you learned and you begin to share what inspires you, God will give you more wisdom about how to convince the person. That is what I learned when I was young.♦

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