Ep 567 - The Organization Of CheonJi SunHak Won (Cheonwongung) Part 2

The Organization of CheonJi SunHak Won (Cheonwongung) - May 15, 2022 - 61st Anniversary of the 36-Couples Blessing

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Today is a beautiful Sunday. I plan to deliver a sermon 3 times: Morning Devotion, Clifton Church and the inauguration ceremony in New Jersey of the Korean KEA church. So I will convey God’s message three times. It is going to be a very busy day, but I am so happy to see my brothers and sisters in person in Clifton and in the KEA church in New Jersey. I am always so excited to see my beloved brothers and sisters physically in person, not just online. In the name of God and True Parents we can see each other and have heartistic communication. We are true brothers and sisters. How beautiful it is!

Today I’d like to talk about “The Organization of CheonJi SunHak Won (Cheonwongung)” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

Later True Mother gave (it) the title Cheonwon Gung.

True Parents have begun a new era, the era of Cheon Il Guk. We are taking the path of preparing for the settlement of Cheon Il Guk on earth. I am preparing to create a system centered in Korea, centered in CheongPyeong, that is greater than that of Vatican City. True Parents have upheld Heaven's Will and have lived their entire lives living for the sake of others by practicing true love to save humanity. I am making plans to build CheonJi SunHak Won, where all of True Parents' achievements can be viewed in one place, and I am collecting all the necessary staff and resources that will be needed to design and build it.

Once the CheonJi SunHak Won is completed, there will be an endless line of people coming from around the world to visit it. It will be a historical and cultural center representing the Cheon Il Guk era and True Parents, which people will only be able to see by coming to Korea. It will surely be added to UNESCO’s registry of cultural heritage sites. I am working on these plans every day. At the same time we are developing the HyoJeong Cultural Center, which will stand at the center of the culture of heart revolution. The arts are an essential element in peoples' lives as they pursue joy, freedom, peace, and unity. It is important that people have the opportunity to express themselves through creative outlets such as art and music.

Throughout history there have been many famous artists. There have been many wonderful artists, especially in the Christian cultural sphere, but unfortunately none of them understood Heavenly Parent's dream. To put it simply, their art contained more darkness than hope. One example you might have seen is Michelangelo's The Last Judgment. Artists in this age should create works that portray life in the restored garden of Eden, attending True Parents and Heavenly Parent. Is there any greater happiness than the life of a citizen of Cheon Il Guk? Ahead of us there is nothing but hope. (2016.06.06, East Garden)

What is True Mother’s ideal of the CheonIl SunHak Won, which is the Cheonwongung? Mother said:

1. Create a system and building that is better than the Catholic Vatican.

2. Make it possible to see the achievements of True Parents at a glance.

3. Make it a historical and cultural building that expresses and symbolizes True Parents.

4. Make it a building that UNESCO wants to preserve forever.

5. Make it the best building of arts which contains the joy, freedom, peace, and unity that people pursue.

6. Make it the building of the Hyojeong Cultural Center, which is the center of the revolution of the culture of heart.

7. Make it become a building that portrays life in the restored Garden of Eden, attending TP and HP.

Here Mother is talking about her ideal of the CheonIl SunHak Won, which is the Cheongwongung. She is investing so much heart! She wants to make a model place which (will be the) substantial Cheonil Guk. In the future we can extend our Cheonil Guk to the tribal level, people’s level, ethnic level, national level and worldwide level. That is why Mother asked me to select one area and really focus (on it) just as Mother is focused on the Cheonwongung, to make a model.

Please support your sub-regional leader to create one great model that everyone will come to see and appreciate and be grateful for: a kind of substantial Cheonil Guk, substantial Kingdom of Heaven centering on your area.

I really want to follow and unite with Mother’s direction to create a model church in the Clifton Church and in New Jersey with our Korean church.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: Principle of Creation 49 - The Three Ordered Stages of Growth

• The universe unfolds and manifests God’s original internal nature and original external form based on mathematical principles. Hence, we can infer that one aspect of God’s nature is mathematical.

• God is the one absolute reality in whom the dual characteristics interact in harmony; therefore, He is a Being of the number 3.

• All created beings, having been conceived in the likeness of God, manifest their existence, movement and growth through a course of 3 st ages.

• Accordingly, everything reaches perfection by passing through three ordered stages of growth: the formation stage, the growth stage and the completion stage.

• Many things appear in threes in the natural world. The natural world contains three kingdoms: mineral, plant and animal. Matter exists in three states: gas, liquid and solid.

• Most plants are composed of three parts: roots, branches or stems, and leaves. Animals consist of head, body and limbs.

• Human beings could not fulfill the purpose of their existence because they fell without completing the 3 stages of the growing period. Hence, in their renewed efforts to realize their purpose, they must pass through these 3 stages.

• When did the first human ancestors fall? They fell during their growing period, when they were still immature.

• If human beings fell after they had attained perfection, then there would be no basis for the belief in the omnipotence of God. If human beings fell after they had become perfect embodiments of goodness, then goodness itself would be imperfect. Accordingly, we would be forced to conclude that as the source of goodness, God is also imperfect.

• God’s warning in Gen. 2:17 that they w ould die if they ate of the fruit shows that they were still in a state of immaturity.

• The first humans fell at the top of the growth stage.

Based on this Divine Principle guidance, let’s study directly from Father Moon’s words.

All Things Are Made Up of Three Stages

<39-166> There are seven holes in the human face. As for stages, there are three stages. This means that all four directions are included. That is because it is the way of the harmony of heaven and earth. In other words, the way of all things in heaven and on earth is that they follow the law of three stages and have the nature of four directions and thus fulfill the completion of the number seven. This is how it is. Let’s look at the neck. For what does the neck move freely back and forth? Does it go back and forth for the nose? The neck goes back and forth for the eyes. The eyes symbolize God. Therefore, in all living things the eyes form first. Ladies and gentlemen, you knew that, right? “Yes!” The eyes of human beings are central, like the eyes of the universe. Just as the neck moves back and forth because of the eyes, the universe moves back and forth because of God. I’m telling you that the eyes are the intelligence agency.

I told you that all things are made up of three stages. The eyes are also made up of three stages. At the rim is the white of the eye, next is the iris, and in the middle is the pupil. The black pupil is important so it is in the middle. How marvelous is this? The most valuable thing is in the middle. Then in the second stage, where is precious? The nose is precious. This symbolizes a person. And the face symbolizes the universe. What is the center of the universe? It is God. The next is people, and people need to be thick like this nose. Notice that there are two nostrils. However, on the inside, they are joined as one. The nostrils symbolize man and woman, and just as the inside of the nostrils are one, people should also become one like that. Just as it is good for your nose when you breathe in and you breathe out, man and woman need to become one.

The mouth symbolizes all things. The mouth is to eat many foods. Through the mouth, the relationship between the mind and body is formed. Also, all words come out through the mouth. In the Unification Church, we express God as the subject partner of the dual characteristics. When babies are born, they are born holding their hands tight, but why is that? It is in accordance to the logic of heaven and earth. On the hand, the thumb has two knuckles so it symbolizes God, who has dual characteristics, and the other four fingers signify the four seasons and the twelve months. Thus, the logic of heaven and earth is held tightly in one’s hand as one is born. When people say “You’re number one,” they hold up their thumb, right? That is because the thumb symbolizes God and because God is the greatest.

Father said:

1. The three stages of the face (mouth, nose, and eyes) symbolize the three stages of the law of heaven and earth.

The mouth is like the formation stage; the nose is like the growth stage; and the eyes are like the completion stage. This is very interesting. Father explains why.

2. The face symbolizes the universe.

Our face is very round, right?

3. The seven holes on the face (two eyes, two nostrils, two ear holes, and mouth) signify the perfection of the universe.

4. Eyes symbolize God.

5. The nose symbolizes humans.

6. The mouth symbolizes all things.

7. The two human nostrils symbolize male and female.

8. When two human nostrils meet at one place, it means that a man and a woman must become one.

9. The two thumbs up symbolize God’s dual characteristics, and it says that God is the best. In that sense, the thumb has the best meaning.

10. The 12 segments of the remaining four fingers without the thumb symbolize the 4 seasons and 12 months.

Wow! Our father is incredible! How can he make such an explanation? He is the champion of truth, right?

We need to really appreciate our entire body and the function(?) of each part. Your eyes symbolize God. The mouth symbolizes all things. The nose? When we see each person’s nose, we can see that person’s character.

When we see your mouth, we know the fortune of your material blessings. Through your eyes we can know if you are a pure guy or not. We can study: if the eyes are strange, through faith we can guess who you are, your character, your internal situation.

Our entire face symbolizes the universe. It is really great reading(?).

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: Let's Voluntarily go to the Place of Suffering

1. If we think that God's gift is contained in the bundle of suffering, we must seek suffering today. We need to find out where the bundle of suffering has fallen. I must have the heart to own the bundle of pain that others hate. This is the step towards finding the true course of restoration. You have to visit a sorrowful home, visit a poor home, and visit a home of a patient with an incurable disease. And we must discover the circumstances of God there. Isn't there God's circumstances in the suffering? Isn't the love of God contained in the suffering? This is undeniably true. Today, if we consider True Parents' circumstances, we should bear the cross of True Parents together and become filial sons and daughters who take responsibility for True Parents' wishes. In other words, we want to become partners in solving True Parents' burden of suffering.

Why should we voluntarily go to the place of suffering? Why? It is because the gift of God is contained in the bundle of suffering.

Therefore, do not hate suffering, but try to possess it, and find the message God wants to convey to you in it.

I need to know that the pain that comes to me definitely has a message from God to me.

Where there is suffering and pain, there is God’s message. Sometimes a person needs to go through suffering for individual reasons, because of his own individual sin. God asks you to pay more(?) indemnity. You need to reflect on that.

Some pain comes from my ancestors’ sins. I am a resultant being(?) from my ancestors. I need to pay indemnity (for their sin).

Sometimes without knowing the reason, suffering comes to me. We need to know God’s message. We need to pay the indemnity on behalf of our ancestors.

There are many reasons. Some pain comes to you to let you know (about) God’s pain. It lets you ... understand(?) God’s and True Parents’ heart.

Where there is suffering and pain, you need to catch God’s message. When you have suffering and pain, do not complain. “Why did this kind of suffering come to me, to my family? What happened to my child, my wife? Why all of a sudden did she become sick and die? Why did my child become disabled? Now my entire life I need to serve my child. Oh my goodness! What kind of destiny do I have?”

Many people are dissatisfied and complain: “I am an unfortunate guy! Why did God give me this kind of suffering? Oh, my God! Life is terrible! My friends and other people are doing very well and are fortunate. They have a house and a car and live in such a beautiful way. Why does this kind of pain and suffering come to me?”

God’s message is there. You need to know God’s message. Why is he giving you this suffering? Because of your own individual sin? Because of your ancestors’ sin? In order to let you know about God’s pain? Because you need to pay indemnity on behalf of your ancestors? You do not know. That is why you need to kneel down and you need to know the meaning of this suffering. “What is your message going to be to me?”

Why try to avoid your suffering? “Get away, suffering!” Then I am telling you, more suffering will come to your life of faith.

We need to know that in suffering is God’s message to me. When we come to understand the right meaning of our suffering and pain, when we understand the right way to understand the suffering and pain, in the end we are so thankful: “Heavenly God, thank you so much. You asked me to realize this point. Thank God!” Then tears and tears (come down).

If you cannot find the message of God while you suffering, then I am telling you, you will (suffer) more stress; you will struggle more. That is why when you realize it, when you experience it, you can release your suffering and pain. Wow!

Then you will overcome all suffering and pain, and your spiritual growth will be very fast.

In any suffering and pain there is meaning related to you, to God, to your ancestors. ...

Because God's circumstances and heart exist where there is pain and suffering, Father said, we need to visit a sorrowful home, visit a poor home, and visit a home of a patient with an incurable disease.

Do you know why Jesus is so great? When he saw people with an incurable disease and disabled people, he would cry. Why were they in such a state? Because of ancestors? Their sins? There were many reasons.

God is the parent of human beings. When God looks at this person with an incurable disease or at a disabled child, as a parent how pained God heart is!

How did Jesus (discover) God’s painful heart? When Jesus visited a poor home and the home of a patient, when he visited so many (unfortunate) people, he could feel that God’s sorrowful heart was there (with them).

As the parent of human kind, when Heavenly Father looked at this kind of situation, how he cried for each disabled child and people with incurable diseases! How much he cried as a parent!

Jesus key point is that he discovered God’s sorrowful heart. He was full of sympathy. With a parental heart, he thought about God’s sorrowful heart and prayed for him and they were cured. It was not because he performed miracles, but because of his sympathy and his heart and love on behalf of God’s heart. This is how he brought miracles and cured people. It was because of his quality of heart and love that he cured people. He did not just borrow power from the spiritual world . It was because he was full of love. He was really concerned.

Again I am telling you (that) there must be a message from God to me in the pain, and there must be God's love as well.

That is why whenever there is pain, ... (ask), “Heavenly Father, what does it mean?”

If you do not understand, then there is only one way. Kneel down and pray about it. “ Heavenly Father, this pain, this suffering, these unbearable things, how can I deal with them? Do you want to talk to me about this unbearable situation? Heavenly Father, let me know. Is it because I committed sins? Because of Chapter Two problems? Because of my father? My mother? My ancestors? Let me know your heart. Please, Heavenly God, tell me your message.”

2. Whenever each of us has a difficulty, we must accept that it is a message that True Parents have experienced. Those who have overcome pain will sympathize with what I am saying to you now. You will admit that the central figures of the history of faith were some great contributors. If you treat the suffering you face as suffering from heaven, would there be any complaints or resentment? Would you care? Knowing the value of the bundle of suffering, I can't deny it, and I can't judge it with self-centeredness. Now, through suffering, we establish a relationship of love with our Heavenly Parent. We are the ones who still have a path left to go on the path of suffering. I have to go this path of suffering for myself, I have to go for my family, I have to go for my tribe, and I have to go for my people.

Again, I need to know that God has a clear message through my pain and difficulties, and I need to know what message God is sending behind my suffering. Historically, all the central figures of the Providence have succeeded in dealing with the suffering that came to them and met God. If I handle the pain that comes to me well, I will become a great contributor to the work of God's providence of restoration.

Noah followed HF’s commandment. He obeyed for 120 years. (He endured) incredible suffering and hardship. Abraham needed to leave his hometown and offer his Isaac. Jacob needed to go through his 21-year course. Joseph ... (endured) miserable prison life. Jesus needed to be crucified, and our True Father needed to endure a prison course more(?) than six times. All central figures met God through suffering. How were they successful? They treated any suffering that came to them very well. They lifted(?) it up to God. “This suffering is not only for me.” They treated their suffering as God’s suffering. Moses went through the difficult wilderness course. How could they endure(?) suffering?

We are fallen men, right? We came from a fallen lineage. As fallen men in order to go back to God’s bosom, it is not a simple matter. We lost God. We lost our parents. (We) children are wandering here and there. Definitely there is suffering, a painful course. We lost God and our own parents. We are orphans.

We want to go back to God’s bosom. When you don’t feel suffering, that means you are far from God. I am not only talking about physical suffering. (It is) spiritual suffering. Because of fallen nature, though we are trying to be close to God, there are many obstacles. Satan disturbs me. The evil environment disturbs me.

You are great people of your life of faith. Everything is suffering. You are struggling to overcome fallen nature. I want to love people, but my fallen nature really disturbs me.

We lost God and our own parents. In order to go back to God and Heavenly Parent, everything is suffering and pain... That is why when you overcome it well, this is the shortcut to meet God and build a heartuistic relationship with God.

Therefore, if you judge the pain, suffering and difficulties you face with your own self-centeredness, you will stumble.

Ultimately, through suffering, we form a relationship of love and a relationship of parent-and-child with our heavenly parent.

When Abraham offered his own son Isaac, he really wanted to kill him. At that moment God intervened: “Abraham, stop it!” That was the moment (Abraham) built a parent-child relationship with God.

God said, “I am the God of Abraham, of Isaac. I belong to you. Do you know, I am your father; you are my son.”

When we overcome suffering well, this is the way to build a parent-child relationship with God.

3. Therefore, as a way to deal with suffering, I said, first, to know the value of suffering, and secondly, to know it as God's revelation. That doesn't mean you can take on God's pain right away. Even if you know who the Lord is, can you come into contact with the suffering of the Lord as long as you do not find the value of it by properly taking responsibility for suffering in your daily life? If you don't find that value properly, they can't be compatible with each other. What did you say is behind the pain? There is joy. After bitterness, there is a sweet taste. When it is bitter and spicy, it becomes sweet afterwards. Just as bitter and sweet go together in this way, love is hidden behind suffering. Unspeakable joy is hidden. That is why believers today can rejoice despite suffering. If you really work hard, you will have a grateful heart, a proud heart, and a happy heart. The love earned through hardship has remained as a traditional value that shines through all time.

What is behind suffering?

Behind suffering, there is definitely a gift prepared for me by God, and there is joy. Just as there is a sweet taste (after) bitterness, there is definitely God’s love hidden behind suffering.

If you truly suffer properly, you will have a heart of gratitude all the time.

Why did God give me this suffering and pain? After you overcome, everybody ... (will) say that you have the heart of incredible gratitude to God, a heart of pride, and a heart of joy.

Where there is suffering, there is God’s message.♦

(Response to sharing) Most suffering comes from my family, from my spouse, from my own parents, from my own brothers and sisters, from my own children. That is the greatest internal suffering. That is why any external (problem) – a motorcycle accident, any business collapse – those are external.

But internal suffering is really family suffering. Sometimes it makes us cry. When we try to overcome sometimes it is like the hell of hells. “How can I get out? I know the meaning of the Divine Principle, I know God and True Parents. Heavenly Father, how can I overcome the suffering that comes from my spouse, my children, my family?”

Many people are going through this kind of suffering. However, no matter what, we have to serve our family. As long as I get rid of my fallen nature, it is much easier to overcome. The conclusion is if I change, if I get rid of my fallen nature, this is the way to more heartisticly communicate with my family members. Sometimes we can realize that that is God’s message.♦

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the powerpoint slides from this speech are available as pdf files at the top of this text and at text.morndev.com & yong.hoondok.com. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through January 2, 2022 are available as five paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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