Ep 566 - The Organization Of CheonJi SunHak Won Part 1

The Organization of CheonJi SunHak Won - May 14, 2022

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(Response to sharing) You spoke about the God of suffeirng. Even though in the beginning it is not easy, why do I keep on speaking about the suffering of God? We need to understand this. So I speak about this not just once or twice. I have been speaking about it for nearly one week. We need to deeply connect to Heavenly Father’s suffering. Then whenever we deal with our (own) suffering, we can very much relate to God’s heart.♦

This morning is very beautiful. How about you? Today I have so much power and energy. Since I woke up very early in the morning, I had so much heartistic communication with God.

Today I’d like to talk about “The Organization of the CheonJi SunHak Won” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

Since creating the CheongPyeong complex, True Parents have had a dream. It is for the citizens of Cheon Il Guk who will come in the future. Now you are living together with True Parents, but one day our earthly lives will come to an end. There is something that I want to complete during my lifetime. I want to be able to say, “This is what one united world with Heavenly Parent and True Parents at its center looks like,” and show it to people. In doing this, the visual aspect is very important. At CheonJi SunHak Won, True Parents' life courses and their achievements, and the life that the citizens of Cheon Il Guk must lead in order to come close to True Parents will be depicted.

True Parents should have the top status in the world. If they do not, it will make Heavenly Parent feel sad and disappointed. We will make the main hall of CheonJi SunHak Won a place unlike any other in the world, a place that everybody feels they must come and see. I am telling you that my heart desires to create a new image, a new environment. What kind of heart should you have to participate in this? You should have a heart of gratitude in every situation. You are very lucky to be here with me at this time. We have to quickly make a place where we can say, “This is what the future Cheon Il Guk, the kingdom of heaven on earth, looks like! Come and join us!” (2016.05.06, CheongShim International Youth Center)

The CheonJi SunHak Won that True Mother is talking about is now called Cheonwon Gung.

Don’t be confused. Cheonwon Gung. Cheonjeong Gung is True Parents’ residence. Cheonwon Gung is the main (building?) True Mother is building currently centered on the Cheonil Temple.

Yesterday, we talked about True Mother's dream about the Hyojeong Cheonwon Complex. We have to offer a lot of prayer and devotion so that True Mother's dream of the Hyojeong Cheonwon Complex centered on the Cheonil Temple can come true. Finally, the completed Cheon Il Temple will be dedicated on May 5, next year, on True Parents' 63rd wedding anniversary.

This is really exciting. I encourage each one of you if possible to participate in this incredible, beautiful dedication ceremony.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: Principle of Creation 49 - The Three Ordered Stages of Growth

• The universe unfolds and manifests God’s original internal nature and original external form based on mathematical principles. Hence, we can infer that one aspect of God’s nature is mathematical.

• God is the one absolute reality in whom the dual characteristics interact in harmony; therefore, He is a Being of the number 3.

• All created beings, having been conceived in the likeness of God, manifest their existence, movement and growth through a course of 3 st ages.

Divine Principle speaks about the three ordered stages of growth.

1. God is a Being of the Number Three: Internal Nature (Sung Sang), External Form (Hyung Sang) and a Harmonized Being.

2. Process of the Number Three

a. Aspects of Existence: the natural world, matter, plants and animals are made up of the number three.

b. Movement: The four-position foundation, which is the purpose of God’s creation, is perfected through the three-stage process of God, Adam and Eve, and multiplication of children. Also, in order to build a four-position foundation and move circularly, we must act in the three stages of origin, division and union, fulfilling the three-object purpose and passing through three points. And for an object to be fixed, it must be supported by at least three points.

c. Growing Period: the three stages of formation, growth and perfection.

• Accordingly, everything reaches perfection by passing through three ordered stages of growth: the formation stage, the growth stage and the completion stage.

• Many things appear in threes in the natural world. The natural world contains three kingdoms: mineral, plant and animal. Matter exists in three states: gas, liquid and solid.

• Most plants are composed of three parts: roots, branches or stems, and leaves. Animals consist of head, body and limbs.

• Human beings could not fulfill the purpose of their existence because they fell without completing the 3 stages of the growing period. Hence, in their renewed efforts to realize their purpose, they must pass through these 3 stages.

• When did the first human ancestors fall? They fell during their growing period, when they were still immature.

• If human beings fell after they had attained perfection, then there would be no basis for the belief in the omnipotence of God. If human beings fell after they had become perfect embodiments of goodness, then goodness itself would be imperfect. Accordingly, we would be forced to conclude that as the source of goodness, God is also imperfect.

Our first ancestors fell during their growing period when they were still immature.

If the Fall Happened after Perfection

1. We could not believe in God’s omnipotence.

2. If a perfected being of goodness could fall, then goodness itself would be imperfect.

3. We would have to conclude that God, the Subject Partner of goodness, is Himself imperfect.

> Human beings had not yet attained perfection so when we look at God from the viewpoint that He needed to complete His purpose of creation, He was still in a state of imperfection.

> This is because love is perfected through one’s partner.

(Until) Adam and Eve become perfect, God’s completion is not yet complete, right? (This is) because love can only be perfected through the object partner. This is really an incredible explanation by the Divine Principle.

• God’s warning in Gen. 2:17 that they w ould die if they ate of the fruit shows that they were still in a state of immaturity.

• The first humans fell at the top of the growth stage.

The first humans fell at the top of the growth stage. The Bible does not (speak about) this very clearly. Father is the one who discovered that Adam and Eve fell at the top of the growth stage.

The Completion Level of the Growth Stage

> We consider the formation stage as 33.3%, the growth stage as 33.3% and the completion stage as 33.3%, then the completion level of the growth stage is 66.6% (about 70%)

> If we see the period of individual perfection, the numbers 21 to 24, as the perfection period, the completion level of the growth stage can be seen as the period of ages 16 to 18. We see the age of Adam and Eve’s Fall as the age that Father selected Mother, thus age 16-17.

> When human beings are physically age 16-18, they must all overcome temptations like Adam and Eve. Therefore, we have to actively guide them to overcome this time period well. How they overcome this time period is important. If you miss out on educating your children during this time period, then you have missed out on their entire lives.

That is why when our children become teenagers, we need to raise them very well and teach them from infancy. I continually (speak with them) about what is Chapter Two, how we need to keep purity day and night.

Moses’ mother in the nanny position educated Moses: “You are a chosen guy. You are different, ok? You are not an Egyptian. You are a central figure.” Even in difficult circumstances she educated Moses. This is a great example of mother and son cooperation.

What is the main problem in our blessed families? I think the mother did not fulfill her role properly because children spend more time with their mother than with their father. Children’s education depends very much on the mother. If the mother does not educate children properly from a young age – the importance of purity, the importance of the matching and blessing – the children all leave. Adam and Eve’s time was very important.

What is our portion of responsibility? When Adam and Eve reach 16 to 18 years old, definitely temptation will come. Adam and Eve grew up to 16 to 18 years old; at that time period. Plus and minus; they automatically feel each other. How do they overcome? That is Adam and Eve’s portion of responsibility. They cannot blame the archangel.

Definitely that kind of temptation will come. That is why God gave a warning: “You need to overcome.”

When they overcome and God blesses them, they can become the second creator. If you control sexual desire, you can become the owner of true love. That is our portion of responsibility to overcome.

Not only that.

> And when human beings get to the stage of going beyond the completion level of the growth stage, they have to overcome the spiritual temptations that Adam and Eve were faced with.

When we join our church, when some who are very religious and invest their heart and want to grow properly reach the top of the growth stage, even religious leaders, those who are very faithful, even our members who grow and reach the top of the growth stage, some when they reach 30, 40 or 50 years old, definitely not just physically but spiritually many temptations will come (to them).

I had the experience to hear many testimonies. Even religious leaders, when they reach the top of the growth stage, receive a revelation: “You are the lord.”

Then they think they are like Jesus and completely misunderstand.

When you reach this level, many temptations from women (will come to you). You need to overcome this. If you do not overcome this, you cannot enter the completion stage. Wow! We learn many things from the Divine Principle.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: Suffering is God’s Revelation and Blessing

I will talk about God’s suffering for one or two more days. Then we can go to a different topic.

1. Think that suffering is a blessing sent to me from God. Suffering contains God’s revelation. God puts His treasures in the bundle of suffering that Satan hates and throws it to us. Therefore, the person who embraces suffering in his heart and digests it receives the revelation of His hidden secret that God wants to convey. Since Satan is false, he hates suffering and fears death. However, suffering is God’s revelation. Suffering is God’s voice. Suffering is God’s gift. The secret of pain is wrapped in a cloth and thrown at us with, “Here! You take it,” and the people of the world who belong to Satan say, “I don’t want it,” and they all fall in surprise.

Think that suffering is a blessing sent to you from God. In the history of God’s Providence of Restoration, all the central figures met God in the midst of suffering.

The reason why suffering is a blessing is because if you handle it well, it is an opportunity to meet God through it.

Therefore, suffering contains God's secret. God’s method of giving fallen man blessings is by wrapping His treasures in a wrapping cloth of suffering and throwing it at us.

In suffering, there is God’s revelation, God’s message.

You need to catch it. You need to understand why this suffering comes to you. It is God’s message. You need to know that and not just avoid it.

In suffering, you can hear God’s voice. Therefore, suffering is a gift sent to me from God.

2. However, the people of heaven know how to affirm, “Yes, I did wrong, so I have to bear the pain”. The thief on the right cross said, “We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong” (Luke 23:41). Have you not discovered the true identity of the Messiah hidden within the cross of the owner in that heart? When the thief on the right looked at Jesus' suffering through his own suffering and comforted him, didn’t he receive an unexpected blessing from Jesus who said “’You will be with me in paradise”? God threw the eternal secret of this blessing into a cloth called suffering. How long does it take to untie the cloth? It takes the number three. In some cases it may take three days, in others three months, in others three years. In some cases, it may take 30 years.

3. Our True Father is the one who is in charge of the wrapping cloth of pain, and he is the one who alone takes care of the cloth of injustice of the countless saints who have come and gone to Heaven. True Parents solved the problem of untying each wrapping cloth. True Parents are carrying a huge burden of suffering and are untying them from individuals to families, from tribes to nations, and from nations to a global scale. And finally, he took on the bundle of God’s burden and untied it. In the distant future, the day will come when the whole world will cry out loudly and say about True Parents, “Hey, they’re the ones who suffered like that.” That is why True Father said that the Last Days is a day of great lamenting.

4. To give His precious things, God puts them in a bundle of suffering and gives them to us. Some bundles of suffering have to be untied alone. Some bundles of suffering have to be untied by a couple together. It takes several years to untie the bundle of suffering individually, years to untie the bundle together as a couple, and years to untie it as a nation and people. However, most people get tired of untying the burden and throw it away, and eventually die without being able to untie the bundle. Jesus also died on the cross while untying his suffering. So, what he asked for was that you must take up the cross that you must untie and follow him.

You have to go through 8 stages to untie the bundle of suffering. There is still a path to untie the bundle at the individual level, and centered on the couple, the bundle at the family, tribe, people, nation, world, cosmos level, and finally God’s bundle.

In the era of Cheon Il Guk, there is still a course left for all of our members to come together as one, take on the burden of God and True Parents' suffering, and substantially build Cheon Il Guk.

5. When True Parents came to this earth, they untie the countless bundles of indemnity and revealed to us all the secrets of untying. Therefore, if we, too, untie the bundle of our sufferings with True Parents’ secret of untying the bundle of suffering, it will become very easy to untie. Many people try to untie their suffering but then stop and give up. However, the path to untying God’s bundle of suffering is not easy and it seems like it is not working because it’s just sacrifice, investment and service. On the surface, it just seems like loss and that you are losing money, you are losing everything, you are only making sacrifices, but on the inside of the bundle of suffering, there are treasures. So, if you have a heart to suffer loss and sacrifice and work hard, you can find that you become more hopeful.

6. When we decide to untie God’s bag and do our best, we feel that our hearts reach another level. When others see that person, they say he is a failure and accuse him of doing something useless, but he feels more motivated and more valuable, and tries to untie the burden of suffering even more. A person who properly unties the burden of suffering can taste and release something in the pain at that time. And you will also gain invisible power within it. That is why I am saying that God's gift is wrapped in a cloth of suffering from heaven. Look at those who are connected to God through suffering. It can be said that Jacob took a bundle of hardship and untied it for 21 years. It is believed that Joseph had untied his bundle of torment for 30 years. Now can you see why?

Then, how can we untie the bundle of suffering that True Parents taught us?

First of all, do not treat the pain and suffering that comes to you as your own, but think of it as a gift from heaven.

Second, do not try to avoid the pain that comes to you, but fundamentally ask God through prayer and devotion to understand the meaning of God's pain.

You need to find God’s message through your suffering.

Thirdly, it is to know the value of suffering in principle and in faith. Suffering is a blessing. Suffering is a revelation from God. Suffering is a treasure God gives me. It is through suffering that the parent-child relationship with God is established and we becomes one in heart. Suffering is a shortcut to inheriting the heart of God.

Fourth, it is the fact that when I bear the pain of God and True Parents, my pain is ended.

That is why suffering is a great opportunity to meet God and understand his heart.

LIVING TESTIMONY: I am a Living Testimony

Today, we are going to listen to a beautiful and living testimony from Rev. Kevin and Shannon Bordeaux. Let’s welcome them.

(Testimony of Rev. Kevin and Shannon Bordeaux.)

I can tell you that the Divine Principle is the key, the solution. Please have give and take with the Divine Principle. We need to go back to our origin. Why did we join the church? Because of the Divine Principle. We need to continually introduce and convey God’s message which is the Divine Principle to everybody. When we ... neglect studying the Divine Principle, our movement will never grow up.♦

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the powerpoint slides from this speech are available as pdf files at the top of this text and at text.morndev.com & yong.hoondok.com. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through January 2, 2022 are available as five paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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