Ep 557 - Seonghwa Students Part 2

Seonghwa Students​ 192-37-14-40-557 + Willet’s Testimony - May 5, 2022

PDF Printable Text and Images

Wow! My other name is (now) Dr. Cheonil Guk! Thank you so much, (Maria) Kiely! You gave me a new title. I really need to be a Dr. Cheonil Guk!

Today I was supposed to deliver True Mother’s message (from Las Vegas), but the translation is not ready yet. Probably I will share (it) tomorrow (in) Morning Devotion. 

Today I’d like to talk about the “Seonghwa Students​” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1 again.

Following True Parents' Holy Wedding in 1960, blessed families emerged. You all are second-generation members right? You all are the “pure water” born through True Parents. You also have responsibilities. You must enlighten the 7.4 billion people in the world who have not recognized the True Parents. They must not die miserably without even knowing that True Parents were here or learning about Heaven's blessing and grace, even though they lived at the same time as True Parents. We must let them know quickly so that they can live with gratitude that they could live at this time in attendance to Heaven before their lives are over. To enter the kingdom of heaven when we die, we must first live in the kingdom of heaven on earth. It is important to join in with God’s providence here on the earth. That is why, for a long time I have thought about how to convey this hopeful news to those in many fields. The work to create the environment for witnessing is not easy. All of you are at least 17 years old. I was that age when I resolved to go forward in the position of a True Parent. I have followed that path unwaveringly for the past fifty years. You must work hard, and try to resemble me in your determination. (2017.01.06, Cheon Jeong Gung)​

No matter how difficult or poor your circumstances are, you still have responsibilities. If I asked you to imagine the kingdom of heaven on earth, what kind of picture would you paint in your mind? You must first be able to express it through the deep joy within your heart and through your body. You can express it through dance, song or through art. This does not only convey your own emotions but is an exercise in which emotions can be shared. True Parents' dream is to make that kind of world. True Parents are working to engage with all 7.3 billion people of the world. Is it possible for True Parents to do this by themselves? You must work to expand True Parents' dream. Therefore, as soon as possible, we must create the kingdom of heaven on earth, the realization of Heavenly Parent's dream, True Parents’ dream—your dream. There are many obstacles until that can happen. However, while I am still here, while you are here, we can do it!​

You are still in the growing stage and must study more and experience many things. That is why you should spread the dreams you are working toward even more widely. These dreams are not for yourself alone, but for the settlement of Cheon Il Guk, with which we have been blessed. This is the kingdom of heaven on earth. Many well-known artists and musicians have emerged from the Christian cultural sphere. If you visit the Vatican, you can see works of art by Michelangelo. Artists of that caliber emerged. In our time, in Cheon Il Guk, you who were born as pure water can become people who create works even greater than that. I am giving you the opportunity to display fully the talents you were born with, so do not waste your energy with complaints, but participate in this workshop with happy and grateful hearts. I hope that through the talents you were born with, and in connection with my plans, you will paint a grand picture as you look far ahead to the future. I have great faith in all of you. (2017.01.06, Cheon Jeong Gung)​

True Mother said, “To enter the kingdom of heaven when we die, we must first live in the kingdom of heaven on earth. It is important to join in with God’s providence here on the earth.” 

As Jesus ascended into heaven, he gave the key to the gate of the kingdom of heaven to his disciple, Peter. That means make a model kingdom of heaven on earth. In other words, create a Kingdom of heaven that shows. 

I often share with you that God is alive. True Parents are our eternal Savior. And the principle is the eternal truth of mankind. Now, all that is left is to create a kingdom of heaven that shows …

So, … I am going to start in earnest to create such a church that shows, a Kingdom of heaven that shows. We must create individuals (who) show God's living and work, families that show, churches that show, and nations that show. No theory is great if you don't show it. 

Those who see us become individuals who can say that they have seen the kingdom of heaven; those who see our family (will) say they have seen the kingdom of heaven; and those who see our church must … (will) say that they have seen the kingdom of heaven. This time, True Mother looked at me and asked me so earnestly to build such a model church. 

I discussed (it) with Naokimi and finally made up my mind to choose one church. That is the Clifton Church. I will really try to make (it) a model or exemplary church. I think True Mother has an urgent heart to show such a model church. I think Naokimi will support me. We can work together. I want to focus very much and focus on the Clifton Church.

So far, we have shown what an online holy community is through morning devotion. I think now is the time to build a church that can show practically for such spiritual expectations and where God is alive and working. 

True Mother said, “As soon as possible, we must create the kingdom of heaven on earth, the realization of Heavenly Parent's dream, True Parents’ dream — your dream.” 

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: Principle of Creation 46. The Process of the Creation of the Universe - Was it Created? Or Did it Evolve?


Genesis Chapter 1: Creation of the Universe (Period of time: six days

First Day Second Day Third Day Fourth Day Fifth Day Sixth Day

Light Waters below & Land, ocean & Sun, moon & stars Fish & birds Mammals & humankind

above the firmament plants


• According to the account of the creation of the universe in Genesis, Chapter One, amidst the primordial state of chaos, void and darkness, God created light. God next separated the waters below the firmament from the waters above it.

• He then divided the land from the ocean, created plants, fish, birds, mammals, etc., and finally made humankind. All this took a period of six “days.”

• From this account, we can surmise that the process of creating the universe took a period of time represented by six days.

• Considering that the account of the creation of the universe recorded in the Bible nearly coincides with the findings of modern scientific research, we are reassured that this biblical record must be a revelation from God. 

• The universe did not suddenly spring forth complete without regard to the flow of time. In fact, its origin and development took an enormous length of time.

• Hence, the biblical period of 6 days for the completion of the universe is not to be reckoned by the number of literal sunrises and sunsets. It symbolizes 6 ordered periods of time in the creation process.

Based on this EDP content, let’s study Father’s word more in detail, talking about the creation and evolution.

Logic or Evolution and Law of Dynamics​

<37-16> How can you make one thing into two? You need to give plus energy to one in order for it to become two. Who does that extra energy come from? If a being derives energy, does it develop? There is no such principle. If there is no added power from a third being, then it wouldn't grow bigger. As time goes by, one's energy is consumed. In electric energy, there is a thing called input and output. Is there ever a time when the output is the same as the input? Does the inputted electricity become bigger or smaller? It absolutely only becomes smaller.​

The Evolution Theory and Law of Energy​

How does progress occur in the evolution theory? Evolution theory is the opposite of the law of input and output. Where in the world can you find this principle? In the theory of evolution, the amoeba came from the environment naturally, and as it became bigger it evolved into a monkey, and then later evolved into a human being. According to evolution, does energy become bigger or smaller? (It becomes bigger)). However, according to the law of energy, if the input is the same as the output, then it will absolutely not become bigger. It just becomes smaller. Energy can only be consumed. From this perspective, energy arises from action. If there is no action, then energy cannot arise. However, do they deny this principle? Energy came from something smaller and eventually became bigger? We should end this kind of reasoning.​

The law of (thermo)dynamics and the law of love are different. The law of dynamics is that the output is less than the input. It gradually gets used up. In order to develop into a larger dimension, some third force must be added to it. This is because the law of dynamics causes consumption of energy. Then, to progress to a higher level on a higher dimension, a third force must be added, but what is it? It is the power of love.

In the law of love, the output is much bigger than the input. Then where did the third power come from? It came from the power of God's love.

We cannot deny that this third power comes from where? From God’s creation, God’s love.

Comparison of Monkey and Man​

 <39-332> Let's compare human beings and monkeys. Monkeys only moan, eat, and reproduce. Do monkeys cry when they miss their hometown parents? The root of human and monkeys are different. Do monkeys worry about their siblings, or do they die for the sake of their parents? How about human beings? Do you or don't you? (We do). Our seed is different. Do monkeys gather and talk about what their ancestors did and can they debate whether God exists or not? (No). Do they even think whether there is a spiritual world? Do they dream that this world has to become a flower garden of love and that the universe has to become a peaceful and united world? People who say such monkeys evolved into human beings are in the same group as dogs or pigs. The human being’s seed is different. ​

Human beings did not come from monkeys. The seeds of monkeys and humans are different. Do you think that monkeys and humans can reproduce when they interbreed? They never can. If an elephant and a lion interbreed, do you think a third being will come into existence? The seeds of elephants and lions are very different. 

When God originally made creation, he created monkeys as monkeys and humans as humans. The seeds are different. The items of all creation are very unique beings that resemble God's individual truth bodies. 

Tomorrow we will study more interesting content about creation and evolution.

 TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: Blessed Families ​Should Take on God's Pain​

1. Jesus came to this earth, saw the saints in the Old Testament era, and told them to take up their cross and follow him. This was his great commission. However, our True Parents made the great commission to take up the cross of Heaven and serve and follow Heaven. Considering that our ideology is different from that of Jesus, True Parents worry if our families are taking responsibility. However, everyone got lost in their own worries. This is a big problem. Before starting the family, when people did their missions, they said that it is okay to starve or sleep late, and they went out and worked hard. But once they started a family, everyone became worried about their own families. This is like the people of Israel who saw Moses’ miracles and excitedly left for Canaan at first, but while they lived in the wilderness, they were hungry, so they all focused on their hunger. Forgetting the gifts they received through the ten plagues and their hopes of reaching the land of Canaan flowing with milk and honey, they became failures.​

In the New Testament era, Jesus said that the great commission was to take up one’s cross and follow him.

However, it is different for us who live in the Cheon Il Guk era. In the formation stage, you must take up your cross and follow. In the growth stage, you have to carry the crosses of your family, neighbors, and ancestors and follow. However, in the completion stage, we have to carry the cross of Heavenly Parent and True Parents and follow them. This is True Parents' Great Commission to the blessed families. 

From now on, the worries that our families must take responsibility for are True Parents' worries. True Parents' worries should become my worries, and True Parents' heavy cross should become my heavy cross. 

However, many blessed families fell into their own worries. Before starting a family, members devoted themselves and ran ahead only knowing the Will. However, after starting a family, everyone is all dominated by their own family worries and cannot get out of them. 

This is like the Israelites who saw Moses’ miracles and excitedly left for Canaan at first, but while they lived in the wilderness, there was nothing to eat and drink, so they became tired and forgot about God’s grace and miracles. 

The secret to the Israelites not getting tired on their journey in the wilderness was that if they had a greater will and dream than Moses to enter Canaan, then they could have overcome any difficulties. 

Therefore, to achieve the kingdom of heaven, to build the kingdom of heaven on this earth, our dream must be bigger and stronger than that of True Parents. 

Our passion should be much stronger than that of True Parents. Children have a stronger desire than their parents. As (their) children and owners of cheon il guk, our dream needs to be bigger and stronger than (that) of True Parents.

 Only then can everyone become filial sons and filial daughters and overcome any difficulties. 

2. What is the current state of your mind while following the Unification Church? Just like people who have lost hope for the Will and pride in meeting True Parents, there are many people who have gotten lost in all their own concerns and worries and became insignificant. This is the time to end our suffering and take on God's suffering. It's time to take on God’s suffering in the position you're in. However, many people return to their original self-centered position when their suffering is over. This is just like people who came to Jesus and were healed, and then went back to their homes disregarding Jesus. They always think about the reality they are in before God’s Will. Some people, even those who followed the Will diligently before starting a family, fell into focusing on their own family’s circumstances after having a family and they start work at a secular job saying that they will not suffer anymore.​

What is the current state of your mind while following the Unification Movement? As the years go by, does your heart of gratitude grow more and more? Do you really see a bright future? Are you more concerned about True Parents’ Will than about yourself and your family? 

If you are more worried about yourself and your family, you will get tired along the way. You will have no vision for the future as you become insignificant. Since we have followed God’s Will so far, we just go the way of the Will while saying that we will keep our loyalty. However, simply obeying or following True Parents is not enough.

But the strange thing is that if I am more concerned about God’s Will and try to bear His cross, my worries, pains, and trials will disappear. If you worry about God’s and True Parents’ Will, you will have the strength to overcome your own worries. This is a really surprising fact. 

Many people don’t know this secret. In my 46 or 47 years of experience since I joined the Unification Movement, this is my real experience about that. Whenever I really console God’s heart, comfort his heart, whenever I face some difficult issues individually, (on the) family level or in our church, as a continental director, when I face certain issues and problems and worries and then think about God’s will, God’s worries, God’s dream and God’s heart, (then) my worries, my problems are nothing. Whenever I face any problems and think about God’s pain and worries, his wishes, the amazing thing is that incredible strength and power come to me. I can solve any problem. This is a really surprising fact. 

When you live for the sake of others, the stimulation of joy that comes from the other person is tremendous. When you help somebody and try to live for the sake of others and give to others, then you can feel that incredible joy, incredible energy comes from heaven, from the universe. 

Similarly, if you try to take up the cross of God and True Parents and are concerned about the will, amazing power that you are not aware of comes from the spirit world. ​

3. Many church members are saying that they will no longer work hard for the sake of the Will. Like this, saying they won't suffer is the same as saying they will stop believing. In the family-centered era, we must take on the pain of our parents. The removal of original sin is possible only when a family is established. Original sin is not a sin committed alone. Therefore, God's suffering can be relieved only through a couple-centered family. There is no removal of original sin except through the couple. What is original sin? Original sin is God’s pain. Individual sin is one's own cross, ancestral sin is the cross of one’s lineage, and original sin is the cross of God. Only when original sin is removed can God's suffering be resolved. So, on our path, the time comes when we have to relieve God's pain after we have finished indemnifying our suffering. That time has come, but people keep thinking about other things.​

Saying we won't suffer is the same as saying we will stop having faith. The era of Cheon Il Guk is a family-centered era. In the family-centered Cheon Il Guk era, we have to take responsibility for True Parents’ suffering. 

Original sin is not a sin committed alone. The removal of original sin is externally done by the conditions of drinking holy wine and having the three-day ceremony, but internally, it is done when the blessed couple takes responsibility for God's suffering. Original sin is the sin of worrying and hurting God’s heart, so it is removed when a couple comforts God's pain. 

Individual sin is liquidated by taking up the cross by oneself. Ancestral sin is the cross of your lineage. And original sin is cleared when the couple takes the cross of God in His place. Only then will God's pain be resolved. 

In conclusion, the cross that our blessed families must carry is the cross carried on behalf of True Parents. This is the cross demanded by the era of Cheon Il Guk.

Since I met True Mother in Las Vegas, she sincerely expressed her heart. “Yong, really make a model church, an exemplary church to show the world, show the nation, show the people. (We should) not just talk about it externally. We need to show where God’s kingdom of heaven is, where God is. 

We are not talking about the invisible God. We need to show God is really a living God. We need to show God through our church, our individual and our family. Those were really True Mother’s incredible wishes. 

I think you and I need to work very hard to show (this) in response to our True Mother’s great wishes. Our sub-regional and state leaders need to be responsible for at least one church. Let’s have really good competition. Let’s invite God into our church, into our family, into our own individual (life). We can tell outside people, “You know, God is here. His kingdom of heaven is here.” We need to show. It is time to show God’s kingdom of heaven through our daily life, through individuals and families and through our churches.

LIVING TESTIMONY​: I’m a Living Testimony that Anything is Possible

Today let's take the time to hear Sun Willet’s couple’s living testimony again. This is her final testimony. Let’s listen to her beautiful testimony.

(Testimony of Sun Willet’s couple.)

When I met the Sun Willet couple, one of their top secrets -- of course I hear many reports from other brothers and sisters about how they introduce the 40 days devotion and blessing -- but why has the Sun Willet’s couple (been able to bring) almost 100 couples through the 43-day condition? What is their top secret? 

First, they have absolute conviction and faith. That is why Father said, “A perfect plus can create a perfect minus.” They are full of confidence: “I am the one who really conveys God’s blessing to anyone. Anyone who listens to me will surely get the blessing.” They have no doubt, They really have confidence. That is why they go to city mayors’ houses and governors’ houses -- every where without any hesitation. I really admire their spirit. They have absolute faith and conviction. 

This is the point. Even if you have wonderful content and you know all the material to show, why do you not have results? Because you don’t have that kind of absolute faith and confidence. One who conveys and delivers this kind of message and blessing, wow! How much do I rely on God? How much confidence do I have in the Blessing and holy wine? Surely they will change their life. They will surely (receive) God’s incredible blessing. … (They are confident that) True Parents will really bless them (the couple). That is their secret.

Do not just learn theory from them. Do not only learn how to do it, just skin(?) method. This situation did not come all of a sudden. They have practiced (this for) a long time.

I am amazed by their faith. 

When I hear the Sun Willets’ testimony, I totally admire them. That is what I felt when I met the couple. Thank you so much, Sun Willet couple. You gave us a beautiful testimony!♦ 

(Response to sharing) I think whenever you (are with) your neighbor or somebody (else), (think) how can I help, how can I serve them, how can I live for them? When you think about that, incredible results will come to you. Furthermore, even though we are unworthy people, as a child -- even though we have limitations, and our spirituality is not so great -- as a child how can I help God, how can I bear his cross? Just think about that. So far, no one thinks about how to help God, how to release God’s resentment. But as a child, when you think about how I can bear God’s cross and help him and comfort him and make joy (for him), already that motivation itself, I am telling you, incredible vision will come to you (about) how to help God and how to release his han and bitter heart. That is why one who lives for the sake of others always feels incredible joy and happiness. This is amazing guidance from True Father. 

(Response to sharing) When I go everywhere in our entire American movement (brothers and sisters) really want to do something. They really want to break through (in) witnessing. I really appreciate all of you. Let’s revive ourselves; let’s revive our families; let’s revive our church and really create a substantial and real kingdom of heaven on earth, especially based on our (local) place (where we are).♦

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the powerpoint slides from this speech are available as pdf files at the top of this text and at text.morndev.com & yong.hoondok.com. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through January 2, 2022 are available as five paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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