Ep 556 - Seonghwa Students Part 1

Seonghwa Students​ 191-36-14-40-556 - May 4, 2022

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This morning I woke up too early, about 1 a.m. I tried to sleep more, but I could not sleep. I think I have many things to do, and I think the spiritual world is pushing me to prepare more. 

I am seriously thinking how we can really break through in witnessing and how we can raise our future generations. Mother asked me to focus on one church and (to create) a model. That is why I am really putting my jeongseong and effort and devotion (into) how to make a model for all of America and, at the same time, for the sake of the world. 

Tomorrow I will share more details about Mother’s visit to America. She gave a very short speech. I will explain it tomorrow morning.

Today I’d like to talk about the “Seonghwa Students​” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

I think in America we call the Seonghwa Students the Yayam group. Can I say that? Let’s study Mother’s word regarding the Seonghwa Students.

I am trying to bring blessed children from around the world to Korea. I am determined to greatly expand our environment centered on second and third generation members. In the near future, I am planning to show the world to exemplary middle and high school students who are striving to become future leaders. Summer vacations for Korean middle and high schools are usually short, so I am planning to hold two-week long workshops where students can be educated to have them realize the importance of Korea. I would like to help them realize how grateful they should be to Heaven for being born as second and third generation members and that they should dedicate their lives to Heaven in return. Then, as the days and years pass, only hope will remain. (2013.07.20, Cheon Jeong Gung)​

I am proud of all of you, Seonghwa students. You are the dream of our Heavenly Parent and the lamps of hope that can illuminate the dreams of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. The Israelites knew of God's blessings. The hope of the Israelites was to meet their true Lord and become true olive trees. Heaven tried to realize that dream but people in those days were not aware of God's providence. All blessed children and Seonghwa students who attend True Parents are the true olive trees to the seven billion people in the world. However, how will you realize Heavenly Parent's dream on your own? You must let the many wild olive trees in the world know about True Parents. ​

You must confidently reveal that you are True Parents' children in school and any other place that you may be. This is witnessing. As students, you should rank first in your school. You must recognize that there are people out there in the world who are looking at you. Therefore, you should study hard, grow well and become prominent figures. When you stand in a position where together you can achieve the ideal that True Parents are pursuing, what do you think people of the world will say about you? You will then become victors. I hope you will grow up well and enjoy good health throughout your lives. (2013.08.03, World Jamboree Camp, Goseong, Gangwondo, Korea)​

True Mother said, “I am trying to bring blessed children from around the world to Korea. In the near future, I am planning to show the world(?) to exemplary middle and high school students who are striving to become future leaders.” 

Blessed families should save money for their blessed children from the time they are babies and make sure that they go to Cheongpyeong, Korea, at least once to attend a workshop and see True Mother before receiving the Blessing. 

This is very important. According to my experience in Asia, the best way to raise our Yayam Seonghwa students (?is for them to see Cheongpyeong and True Mother.) … Once they come to Cheongpyeong, most of them are (very) impressed by the Cheongpyeong foundation. They also connect spiritually to heaven. At the end of the workshop they meet Mother. Wow! Many of them have a life-changing experience. That is why my conclusion is that the best way to witness to our second generation or third generation is to let them see True Mother. They can connect to True Mother vertically and spiritually. This has a great impact. 

(In the past) Mother would come to us (in the Cheongpyeong) workshop?) and deliver her beautiful message. Sometimes she bought some gifts for (the participants). It was really incredible and beautiful! 

You need to save money and educate (your children): “You need to go to Korea. You need to see True Mother. Do you know who your real mother is? Your real mother is True Mother. Do you know who your real father and mother are? True Parents. 

One time Jeong Jin Nim(?) brought a baby named Shin Ji(?Bi?). True Mother met her. Since she was a small child; she was very shy to see Mother. Mother said to Jeong Jin Nim, “You need to educate(?) her well and always show her photos of True Mother and True Father. Who are they? They are True Parents. You always need to teach your child, Shin Bi(?) nim who True Mother and True Father are. Do you know how my mother, Daemonim, raised me? (She was in the) position of a nanny.” 

This is really important. Blessed families seldom teach this kind of thing (to their children). Of course, (they teach that) True Parents are great, but when (children) are quite young, (we should) show (them) the photos (of True Parents) all the time (and explain) who True Father, True Mother, True Parents are. They are your real Father and Mother. Always teach them. Children are very curious to know who True Father is, who True Mother is. Then you need to have an opportunity to bring them to Cheong Pyeong. Before they come, they already should have a longing heart to see True Mother. 

I think our blessed families need to have this kind of education. This time (as a result of) Mother’s guidance, I am thinking that I really need to educate my grandchildren in such a way. 

The beautiful Cheonil Temple is currently being built in Cheongpyeong, Korea. Wow! So much is developing about the Cheonil Temple, and it is expected that the building will open in May next year. It is to become such a sacred place where Heavenly Parent can settle down forever, which cannot be compared to the temple built by Solomon.

Senior blessed couples need to pray to God, “Heavenly Father, before going to the spiritual world, even though I am sick and really getting old, I want to see the Cheonil temple. At (the) least I will go there and kneel down and pray. How much effort True Mother has made.” You need to have that kind of wish. 

We witness for people to meet True Mother, who is the substantial being of the Holy Spirit, and to show them our global foundation. We need to invite our young children to visit Cheongpyeong, Korea and have them experience things they will never forget in their lifetime. 

Also, True Mother said, “All blessed children and Seonghwa students are the true olive trees. However, how will you realize Heavenly Parent’s dream on your own? You must let the many wild olive trees in the world know about True Parents.” 

It is the responsibility of the Abel world to move the Cain world. Therefore, when the youth of the world get witnessed to, our blessed children of the Abel realm can grow very well.

According to True Father, if you move Cain, Abel will grow and multiply automatically. In the church where Cain is subdued with true love by Abel, the history of the restoration of the children of the Abel realm who have been far away in the meantime are sure to come back.

Therefore, if we want to save the blessed children today, we have to first revive the young people of the Cain realm. Then, the unimaginable history of all the blessed children who have had a long-standing relationship with each other will come back to God without(?) knowing. 

That is why I strongly recommend to our first generation to take care of your second generation and third generation. … Let them connect to the True Parents. (If) our movement creates the environment of witnessing to many outside young people, who are the Cain-type, (our) young children will come back to our church. Then the church atmosphere will be so different, very warm with the spirit of true love. I am telling you, whenever we create that kind of environment, (then) all our second generation and third generation, all blessed families, will automatically come back. That’s why we (need to) really create that kind of environment of witnessing.

Our church have to show the substantial achievements of Cain returning to the church. Then, the work of God coming to the church will take place, resurrection will take place, and countless lives will be reborn. The church is revived and the blessed families who died are brought to life again. So, I hope that all of our American family members will succeed in breaking through (with) three spiritual children.

I emphasize again to you, beloved family members, let's join the New Life witnessing campaign without leaving any exceptions.

About Kayako Bowman, at such an age (she) goes out and witnesses, Wow! Now something is going on in our American movement! I deeply appreciate (this). I go everywhere(?). Everyone now has the witnessing spirit. 

Yesterday I met (with) Joshua and Miilhan. They want to educate all the blessed families in the Manhattan Church. Right after Sunday service they teach them how to witness. Everybody goes out from the church and focuses on witnessing. Already the Manhattan Church is creating that kind of witnessing environment. Not only the Manhattan church, everywhere I feel that. This is really incredible! Another time has come now. America can really revive now. Let’s join the New Life witnessing campaign without any exceptions. 

Once the new lives of 300 new guests, new people across the United States, are broken through, the amazing work of God's Holy Spirit will take place everywhere. We need to witness to survive. God will come to you only when you witness. Only when we witness (does) our spirit body comes to life. You can experience the heart of God only by witnessing. Only by witnessing can God's sorrowful heart be liberated. 

True Mother said: “You must confidently reveal that you are True Parents' children in school and any other place where you may be. This is witnessing. As students, you should rank first in your school.” 

In order to become Seonghwa students who can show the world(?word?), you need achievements that children of the secular world can see and follow. The first is to rank first in your studies. Of course, not everybody can rank first, but you (should) really try to do your best to study well. The second is to rank first in faith. The third is to rank first in witnessing. In other words, you must establish the results of true love. 

We have to be a number 1 champion of faith, a number 1 champion of studies, a number 1 champion of witnessing.

If our first-generations doesn't witness, all the growing second-generation will die. Witnessing is a mission. Witnessing is our responsibility. Witnessing is the great command of God and True Parents. Only living life reproduces life. If the first generation is alive, the second generation will come to life. Let our first generation witness for our children.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: Principle of Creation 46. The Process of the Creation of the Universe - Was it Created? Or Did it Evolve?


Genesis Chapter 1: Creation of the Universe (Period of time: six days

First Day Second Day Third Day Fourth Day Fifth Day Sixth Day

Light Waters below & Land, ocean & Sun, moon & stars Fish & birds Mammals & humankind

above the firmament plants


• According to the account of the creation of the universe in Genesis, Chapter One, amidst the primordial state of chaos, void and darkness, God created light. God next separated the waters below the firmament from the waters above it.

• He then divided the land from the ocean, created plants, fish, birds, mammals, etc., and finally made humankind. All this took a period of six “days.”

• From this account, we can surmise that the process of creating the universe took a period of time represented by six days.

• Considering that the account of the creation of the universe recorded in the Bible nearly coincides with the findings of modern scientific research, we are reassured that this biblical record must be a revelation from God. 

• The universe did not suddenly spring forth complete without regard to the flow of time. In fact, its origin and development took an enormous length of time.

• Hence, the biblical period of 6 days for the completion of the universe is not to be reckoned by the number of literal sunrises and sunsets. It symbolizes 6 ordered periods of time in the creation process.

Based on this EDP content, let’s study more in detail.

The Change of Values of Creation ​and Evolution Theory​

Did all beings including humans evolve? Or were they created? This is an incredibly important question. Because if God created the whole universe and human beings with a purpose, then we have to live in accordance to God’s will as resultant beings.​

However, if human beings just came into existence by chance, then human beings can live like animals without values or any dignity to life. Therefore it cannot help but be an important matter to elucidate whether humans were created or evolved. Because depending on the answer, the value of life changes. ​

In order to overcome the false evolutionary theory, God the Creator must be recognized in a way that no one can deny in principle. We must also show that God is alive and working in our real life.

We can overcome the theory of evolution only when we show that God is the Creator through principles and theories and through our lives.

The Importance of Proper ​Understanding on the Origin of Life​

There are a lot of people who are influenced by evolution theorists such as Darwin, who live life, which is only given to us once, as they please without any clear values or purpose in life. As a result, people who believe in evolution theory deny the existence of God and live with human centered values, causing confusion in the social order. Consequently, proper understanding on the origin of life is an immensely important problem. Therefore, we must clearly know God’s principle of creation through the principle.​

Although many religions exist now, the world today is becoming increasingly polluted because they do not clearly identify the existence of God and show the living and working God.

Creation is Making ​Something out of Nothing​

Creation is making something out of nothing. And advanced living organisms were created from the lesser organisms. It is the same as forming minerals from a blank state, forming plants from minerals, and creating animals from plants. According to evolutionists, if this world followed evolution, plants have to evolve from minerals, and animals have to evolve from plants. However, this is scientifically impossible. If you look at the law of input and output, there cannot be a bigger output than input. In order for the outcome to become bigger than the input, there has to be a plus from a 3rd power. ​

Creation and Evolution​

Therefore, God created more advanced living organisms through using creative truth as a plus power centering on the existing lesser organism. Accordingly, the evolution theory is an evaluation of scholars based only from the viewpoint of the results and neglecting God's effort and jeongseong for creation. Therefore, the evolution theory is the content of the evaluation of only the resultant phenomena instead of the source. ​

Over the next two or three days, we will learn about evolution and creation, focusing on True Father's words.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: True Parents' Great Commission​

1. How dumbfounded must God feel when He lost Adam and Eve, had to give all things and human beings which He created to Satan and treat fallen humans with love without giving up even now in order to save His children? Most believers only want to be loved by God and only know that He loves us. But why did God choose me, who was so humble, to lead me and treat me with love until now? God has never met a person who wanted to know Heaven’s inner circumstances. The central figures of faith of the providence were called and they remained loyal, but even that often stopped after a certain period of time. It took a long time to find the next central figure of faith. ​

Have you ever thought that God, who created the universe and humans, had dreams and wishes? Have you ever thought that the all-powerful God who can do anything He wants has a dream? 

Why did God choose me, who was the least of all people, to lead me and treat me with love until now? What are the inner circumstances of Heaven?

True Father said that God had never met a person who struggled to know God's circumstances, desires, and heart internally like this. 

After True Father met Jesus at the age of 16, he prayed, negotiating for a one-on-one meeting with God. True Father said that when he was young, he thought God was omnipresent with absolute power to do anything. When he saw the reality of God, he was in great shock. 

So before starting the public Will, True Father seriously inquired of God: “God, do you have a wish for me?” 

God answered him saying, “Become True Parents, liberate all humankind from Satan and bring them into my arms.” True Father said that after knowing God's wish, he held on to God and wept bitterly. 

Since all fallen human beings live in their own self-centered circumstances and desires, it is a fact that no one knew the circumstances, heart, and dreams of God who created them, and no one tried to know.

2. In the meantime, fallen humans and countless nations went through a lot of sorrow and pain. Among them, Korea and the Korean people in particular are descendants of sad ancestors and victimized bloodlines. There is something unknowingly sad in the blood of Koreans. In addition, Koreans have become people full of sorrow through combining the individual’s sorrow caused by the individual, the ancestors’ sorrow caused by the ancestors, and the nation’s sorrow. Traveling around the world, many foreign people have very cheerful faces, whether they have faith or not. I see everyone on the street is lively, smiles a lot when meeting each other, can say “Excuse me,” even when brushing against someone’s body and lives cheerfully. Some people live very cheerfully even in an environment with no faith.​

3. However, Koreans are very different from other people. Many Koreans are serious and depressed. In that respect, the Korean people are more pitiful. Moreover, Korean Unificationists have gone through a sad period of receiving more persecution and opposition than ordinary Koreans. In principle, they have gone past the two sorrows caused by individual sin and ancestral sin. However, our church members just held on to and followed True Parents through these two sorrows, sometimes voluntarily and sometimes forcibly. True Father told us, “Don't think about yourself. Don't think about your family. Hold on to Heavenly Father and let's go together. Now that you know the Principle, it is your responsibility.” Established Christianity had a great commission to take up the cross and follow Jesus, but True Parents’ Principle is to take up the cross of Heaven and relieve Heaven’s resentment.​

Established Christianity's great commission was “Take up your cross and follow me.” 

But True Father told us, “Don't think about yourself. Don't think about your family. Hold on to Heavenly Father and let's go together.” 

Father’s guidance (was a) completely different dimension, a different level of thinking.

4. Also, True Parents say, “Let’s liberate Heaven’s great Han(bitter heart)” and “Let’s take up God’s cross, not our own, and relieve God’s resentment on earth.” These are words for children who have grown tremendously compared to those who received the Great Commission of Jesus. There is a time when parents tell their children not to worry about them, but to study well and receive praise, but once they grow up, that dimension changes. It is true that Jesus made a great commission to the saints in the Old Testament era saying, “Take up your cross and follow me.” However, our True Parents made a great command to take up Heaven’s cross and serve and follow Heaven.​

What is True Parents' Great Commission for us living in this age? 

First, it is, “Let’s liberate Heaven’s great Han (bitter heart)” and “Let’s take up God’s cross, not our own, and relieve God’s han on earth.” 

The great commission in the New Testament era is to take up one's cross and follow Jesus. But now is the Cheon Il Guk era. Times have changed. It's a different dimension. Now is the age of Hyojeong and the age of children. 

For us who are living in the era of Cheon Il Guk, the great commission that True Parents desire for us to accomplish is not only to carry our own cross, but also to carry God’s cross. It means that I must carry the cross of God’s Han’s sorrow that has been caused by the Fall and set Him free. 

What is surprising is that if I have the heart of Hyojeong to carry the cross of God’s Han and sorrow, my cross is nothing. My cross, my family's cross, and my country's cross are nothing. 

If I choose to carry the cross of God, my own cross will become lighter. If I choose to carry the cross of God, I will receive tremendous spiritual energy from Heaven along with the amazing work of the Holy Spirit. This is one of the top secrets to walking the path of Heaven with joy and gratitude. 

This looks (like a) heavier (cross). If I carry God’s cross, the national cross, True Parents’ cross, they look (like a) heavier (burden). But I am telling you True Father said those who have that experience, truly living for the sake of others (may appear) heavier; however, what is the outcome? When you carry another person’s cross, Heavenly Father’s cross and True Parents’ you have more energy, more spiritual power, more strength from heaven. It is easier to overcome your own cross and that of your family and tribe. These (become like) nothing. 

How could True Father, even though he was so tired and worked so hard, carry such a heavy cross? Whenever he bore his cross, he always thought, “This is God’s cross. This is the cross of all humankind.” One who lives for the sake of others, one who bears the cross for the sake of others, even for God and True Parents -- I am telling you a top secret -- can get more energy and more power to overcome his own difficulties, his own cross.

LIVING TESTIMONY​: I’m a Living Testimony that Anything is Possible

Today let's take the time to hear Sun Willet’s couple’s testimony again. We heard her yesterday; we were really inspired. She will share today her method of how to talk to people and convince people (to do) the 43-day condition. 

(Testimony of Sun Willet’s couple.)

Of course, people can drink the holy wine. But are they determined to do the 40-day separation and 3-day ceremony? This is not a simple matter. Today we did not speak about that. Maybe tomorrow for one more day we can (hear the Willet’s testimony). You did an incredible job! You need to (tell us) practically how you convinced them, the way you talked (to them). Everybody would like to know (this). With a little more practice(?preparation?), you can share you conclusion. Thank you for your beautiful sharing.♦

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the powerpoint slides from this speech are available as pdf files at the top of this text and at text.morndev.com & yong.hoondok.com. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through January 2, 2022 are available as five paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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