Ep 722 - God, Women and World Peace Part 6

God, Women and World Peace - October 17, 2022

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Key Points

  • In order to save today’s youth from the fall, we need to instill into them just how beautiful and joyful a life of living for the sake of others is as well as a vision for the purpose and values of a true life.

  • Adam was to have become the tree of life, and Eve was to have become the tree of goodness after perfection.

  • We, too, need to become the same. Then at the top of the growth stage, we should receive the Blessing, become trees of love as a couple, reproduce children to reach the tree of true lineage, and finally create a tribe.

  • In order to grow and to avoid the spiritual and physical fall, we need to value, love and obey the Word.

  • In order for the couple to perfect love, their hearts must always well up for their partner. A healthy couple always feels new, fresh, and delicious to each other.

  • As family peacemaker, the mother should always check whether she is really in harmony with each and every family member. 

  • The husband should always check if he really regards his wife as God, the Mother.

  • The people I meet and all the things I deal with are all sent from heaven for bonding with my eternal heart for my growth.

  • Faith should go beyond faith and hope to reach sincerity, love and a “welling  heart.” Faith is just the first stage.

  • Heart, or shimjeong, is the affectionate impulse that cannot help but live for the sake of others, cannot help but give, and cannot help but love.

  • In restoration, God works from the external to the internal to the heart. The purpose of the external is to restore the internal, and that of the internal is to restore the heart.

  • The ultimate purpose and conclusion of restoration – like that of creation and life – is to make joy well up from the heart like a spring, and to bear fruits of love.

  • Among families, there are “external families,” “internal families,” and “true families.” True families are families who are always affectionate and live by longing.

  • We need to resemble the model of True Parents’ couple and become heartistic couples who long for each other and are inseparable.

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files.

How was yesterday Sunday. Was it good for you?

Yesterday, we had two Sunday services at the Clifton Church. One was the regular service and the other one was a Young family service with children. It was very beautiful. This was the first time, but there was a very good response. 

At the first service we gave certificates to the members who completed reading 1 hour EDP, 3 hour EDP, and 12 hour EDP 100 times and this month 25 members received the certificates. Also, Karen Beebe gave a tearful reflection after reading the one-hour Exposition of the Divine Principle 100 Times.

I gave a sermon about “What kind of church the Heavenly Parent and True Parents want the Cheon Il Guk Church to be.” Where should our Cheon Il Guk church go from now on. We are not a Christian church; we are not Buddhist. Centering on the Completed Testament Era and the era of the Cheon Il Guk, where should we go? I talked about important things yesterday. 

Then, we had a special Young family Service. Crescentia gave the sermon, and they had a great experience with their young kids.

Yesterday, in the first and second worship services, I think more than 500 members of the family gathered. It was very beautiful.

After the services, we had lunch with some young families, and they shared their experiences about the services.

Today I’d like to talk about “God, Women and World Peace” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 2.

<This was an invitational address delivered on September 7, 1993  at the United Nations Headquarters in New York> It is not by chance that selfish individualism has become the dominant way of life in these Last Days. People feel increasingly alienated from those around them and bear little sense of responsibility for the well-being of their country, community, or even their own family. Rising divorce statistics indicate that husbands and wives feel little responsibility toward their marriage; parents do not take proper responsibility for their children; and individuals, devoid of any sense of human dignity, reject accountability for their own lives.

The United States and many other countries of the world have seen such phenomena, beginning with the youth movement of the 1960s. Idealistic youth rejected the materialism around them in order to seek love and peace, although in the process they also abandoned morality and responsibility. Unable to attain the true love they sought, many disillusioned young people resorted to drug use and free sex, leading to self-destruction, including suicide. Of all these, what pains God most is free sex. A world of free sex is absolutely contrary to the Will of God and the ideal of the family. Love comes from the stimulation of unblemished emotion, however free sex is totally devoid of purity or true emotion.

People living in the last days today bear little sense of responsibility for the well-being of their country, community, or even their own family.

Rising divorce statistics indicate that husbands and wives feel little responsibility toward their marriage. Parents do not take proper responsibility for their children; and individuals, devoid of any sense of human dignity, reject accountability for their own lives.

The basic attribute of fallen human beings is not taking responsibility (for) others, and if there is some wrongdoing, they try to shift responsibility (for it) to others. 

However, one important attribute of true love is that it tries to take responsibility for the other person and protect (him) no matter what the situation, and it also tries to raise them up.

This is an important point. Fallen man does not have a sense of responsibility.

However, false love and fallen nature will never take responsibility for the other when difficult or unfavorable situations arise. Also, it does not protect others but tries to take advantage of them. 

And today, not only the youth, but many people are unable to attain the true love and happiness they have sought and try to fill that gap in some way. Many young people today resort to drug addiction, free sex, and material things. 

True happiness is being heartistically satisfied because one’s heart is internally joyful through a life of living for the sake of others, but because people of the world try to find joy in external things, they try to satisfy themselves through alcohol, smoking, money, and sex.

Therefore, in order to save today’s youth, we need to instill into them just how beautiful a life of living for the sake of others is as well as a vision for the purpose and values of a true life.

In order to save today’s youth, we need to instill (in them) a clear vision of the world, humankind, and their own view of life. The reason young people go down the path of the Fall is because there is no vision in them. 

That is why, as senior people, we have to be responsible for young people. How can we give them a clear vision? How can we teach them the purpose of their life? This is an important mission. Otherwise, if they do not have a clear vision and goal, then they go a horizontal way, looking for free sex and drugs or something like that. 

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Fall - 4. The Tree of Life 

• God did not create Adam to be alone; He also created Eve to be Adam's spouse 

• Just as there was a tree in the Garden of Eden which symbolized a perfect man, there should also have been a tree which represented a woman who has fully realized the ideal of creation.

• Standing beside the tree of life, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil mentioned in Gen. 2:9 was this tree.

A man is to become the tree of life and a woman is to become the tree of goodness after perfection

But  the man became the tree of death and the woman became the tree of evilness due to the fall. 

Becoming a tree of good or a tree of evil is Eve’s portion of responsibility.

As a man, becoming a tree of life or a tree of death is Adam’s portion of responsibility. 

We, who are in the same position as Adam and Eve, each have to grow into a tree of good and a tree of life until the top of the growth stage, receive the Blessing from True Parents and become trees of love as a couple, and reproduce children to reach the tree of true lineage.

Look at this slide. We can grow to the top of the growth stage, Adam as a tree of life, and Eve as a Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. We need to meet the messiah at the top of the growth stage. Then when we receive the Blessing as a husband and wife, we enter the completion stage. That is why the husband and wife starting family means they start as a tree of love. Love is for a pair, not one. If they become a pair as husband and wife, they produce a lineage and become a tree of lineage.

(The course to) the top of the growth stage is an individual course as Adam and Eve growing separately. After starting the family course, they become the tree of love and produce their own blood lineage and multiply to their tribe. You need to restore your entire tribe centered of 430 couples. Wow! We need to multiply a true blood lineage, not just in our family, but also in our tribe. This is our course: individual course, family course and tribal course.

 • The tree of the knowledge of good and evil represents the ideal woman, perfected Eve.

• The Bible refers to Jesus using the metaphors of a vine (John 15:5) and a branch (Isa. 11:1). Likewise, to give us a hint about the secret of the human Fall, God provided the symbolism of two trees to represent perfected Adam and Eve.

Let’s study Father’s word.

The Origin of the Betrayer Arose From the Disbelief of God’s Words

    <3-159> When Adam and Eve fell, all the conditions that occurred between the archangel were betrayal centering upon God’s words. The promised word that all the fruits in the Garden of Eden were allowed to be eaten except the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was betrayed. In other words, through the Archangel who said that once eating it, one can open his/her eyes and become like God, another different ideology appeared in one nation and one realm of ideology. Then what is the origin of the betrayer? It occurred through the words.

The Fallen Process of 3 Stages

“When Adam and Eve fell, all the conditions that occurred between the archangel were betrayal centering upon God’s words.”

1. The disbelief of God’s words means: If I distrust the Word, Satan's words and sexual immorality tempt me. 

If I mistrust God’s word, Satan immediately attacks. Satan brainwashes us with his words: “You need to eat! It is fantastic!” That is why the disbelief of God’s word gives Satan a chance to attend. In the beginning (what matters is) how much I trust and believe in God’s word.

2. Spiritual Fall: 

If you do not believe in God’s word, you start to have an experience of the spiritual fall. 

There are countless spiritual declines centered on sexual immorality.

You see pornography and all kinds of websites connected to the spiritual fall, strange thinking, Chapter Two thinking. Then you commit a lot of sin and (experience) spiritual decline. When you experience the spiritual fall again and again, then finally this creates the:

3. Physical Fall: When spiritual sexual immorality is repeated again and again, Satan gives me an environment in which I can actually fall.

The physical fall does not happen all of a sudden. Anyone who has committed the physical fall, already before that has committed so much spiritual fall. In order to prevent the fall, (we need to) really deal with the spiritual fall: pornography, Chapter Two thinking, sexual this and that. To prevent the physical fall, you need to settle the spiritual fall. 

In order to prevent the spiritual fall, go back: How much do you believe in and obey God’s word. If you do not obey God’s word and connect to the spiritual fall, you will automatically connect to the physical fall. You need to understand this. 

“Therefore  what is the origin of the betrayer? It occurred through the words”

Therefore, since the disbelief of God’s words was the Fall, we need to value the Word as much as we value our own life. 

If I do not believe in, love and obey the Word, I can fall at any time and I can never grow my faith.

All disbelief happens from disobeying the Word. That is why Adam and Eve should have absolutely obeyed the Words: “Do not eat.” 

Therefore, Father said, what is the origin of the betrayal? It occurred through the word, not believing in God’s word. That was the betrayal.

That’s why in order to prevent the physical and spiritual fall, you need to go back to the origin. You (need to) absolutely believe in God’s word. Without studying God’s word, there is no way to deal with the spiritual and then the physical fall. 

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: The Order of Restoration: External – Internal – Truth (Heart)

1. Live Checking Your Heart

The husband and wife are people who have come to the final stop of love. So, the husband and wife must each check how much their heart for their partner wells up within them. As a couple, how much do you cherish each other? When dealing with children, do you just treat them habitually? You must always live checking the attitude of your heart. You must look back on yourself. When dealing with my husband and children after starting family, does my heart really well up like a spring? Do I just prepare meals and tell them to eat, simply as a mother and wife? Am I really in harmony with each and every family member, centering on the bond of the heart blessed by Heaven within me? As women put on makeup and change clothes, how much do I really resemble True Mother? How much do husbands really regard their wives as God the Mother? Our mindset is very important.

A Blessed couple are people who have come to the final stop of love of having to perfect love in the end. In order for the couple to perfect love, their hearts must always well up for their partner. That is why a husband and wife should each check how much their heart wells up for their own spouse. 

The thing that becomes the biggest problem for couples is that they do not always deal with each other newly and heartistically but they deal with each other habitually, externally, and that is how problems arise. Just as food tastes good if you are a healthy guy, even if you eat it every day, a healthy couple always feels new, fresh, and delicious (to each other) even if they always see each other. Such a couple is truly a living couple.

Therefore, after starting family and dealing with your husband and children, you need to check your own heart. Does my heart really well up like a spring about my spouse? Or do I just prepare meals and tell them to eat, simply as a mother and wife?

The position of the wife and mother is as the peacemaker in the family. Check yourself on whether you are really in harmony with each and every family member, centering on the bond of the heart blessed by Heaven. As women put on makeup and change clothes, how much do you really resemble True Mother?

How much do husbands really regard their wives as God the Mother? Our mindset is very important. 

2. The Reason We Emphasize Faith

I will come to realize that I am the substance of love that resembles God’s original nature. No matter what I do or who I deal with, I cannot leave myself out. This is because everything is related to me. Because of that, I cannot ignore the people who relate to me.  “Me and others, others and me.” We are people who live forming such close relationships. Furthermore, couples have the closest relationship. You should always keep in mind that the value of the couple is very precious. In the world of faith, if you emphasize faith, it easily becomes a mere concept. Therefore, we must go beyond the level of faith and live with the heart that wells up from within. The reason we emphasize faith is because our faith does not just end with faith, but that faith becomes our sincerity and heart so that we can see the fruits of love.

I will come to realize that all the people I meet and all the things I deal with are all for bonding with my eternal heart (for) my growth. Therefore, do not think that all the people you meet are simply bonds that come and go, but think of them as people whom Heaven has prepared and sent to you to form eternal bonds with.

Because of that, I cannot ignore the people who relate to me. “Me and others, others and me.” We are people who live forming such close relationships. Furthermore, the bond of husband and wife has the closest bond and (is the most) precious relationship. 

In the world of faith, if you emphasize faith, it easily becomes a mere concept and you cannot go up to the level of heart. Therefore, go past the level of faith. How to make a “welling heart” come up within you  must become the key point.

The reason we emphasize faith is because our faith does not just end with faith, but that faith becomes our sincerity and heart so that we can reach the level of seeing the fruits of love.

We are fallen people: we do not know whether God and the spiritual world exist or not. For example, why does fallen man need faith according to the Divine Principle? Christianity also emphasizes faith. Fallen man begins from the first step of faith: believe in God. When we believe in God, in the beginning it is only a concept. But when you practice faith and belief, then gradually you not only believe in God, but faith is (no longer ) just a concept. You (realize that) this is reality. God exists. “I can feel God! Oh my God!” He is not just a concept of faith. “I am really a child of God.” 

Why do we need to start from faith and believe and practice? (You come to) have a conviction that “God is my father. I am a child of God.” It becomes a real reality. (You) connect (to God) heartistically.

Therefore, faith must go beyond hope and reach the level of love, that is, the level of heart.  Faith is the first stage in experiencing heart and possessing it. 

Faith is only the beginning stage. What is the final stage? The final stage is heart and love. That is why St. Paul spoke of faith and hope. What was the final one? Love and heart, right? When you really believe in God – faith is the first stage – in the beginning you do not believe in God – when you study the Divine Principle and the Bible (which say that) God exists, when you really believe in God, what happens? You can see hope. “Really God does exist.” When you really pray and invest your jeongseong, you can feel that “Wow! God really exists. He is my father! I am a child of God!” Then you can communicate with him heartistically, internally, spiritually. You cannot deny the reality of God’s existence. Faith is just the first stage. When you practice and practice, you can see hope. “Wow! God really exists!” It is not only reality, you can have a heartistic relationship no one can deny. When you think about God, you can communicate with him. You can feel so much closeness. You can console him. God confesses to you, “I love you, my son, my daughter!”

3. The Order of Restoration: External – Internal – Truth (Heart)

In restoring human beings, God has gone through the process of the three-stage principle of external-internal-truth(heart). The external environment or condition has the purpose of restoring the internal, and the internal has the purpose of restoring the even more internal heart.  The ultimate purpose of all the providences of restoration were to restore the heart, make joy well up like a spring, and  bear fruits of love. The reason we keep external things (rituals, systems, prayer, timekeeping, etc.) is to make us have conviction about what we have. And once you have that conviction, the goal is to try to inspire your heart.

If you look at God’s creation, He first created the environment, and next, the physical body of humans, and finally, the soul of humans. Just as God’s creation was in the order of going from external to internal, the restoration of human beings should also go through the same exact way. 

In restoring human beings, God has gone through the process of the three-stage principle of external-internal-truth (more internal, heart). The external environment or condition has the purpose of restoring the internal, and the internal has the purpose of restoring the even more internal heart.

So, we have to understand that the ultimate purpose of all the providences of restoration was to restore the heart. Heart, or shimjeong, is the affectionate impulse that cannot help but live for the sake of others, cannot help but give, and cannot help but love.

Therefore, the ultimate purpose of restoration is to make joy well up from the heart like a spring, and  bear fruits of love. This is the purpose of life, and from God’s perspective, the purpose of creation

Why do we need faith? What is the final goal of faith? To restore the heart. This is the point.

4. The Order of Restoration: External – Internal – Truth (Heart)

God’s providence of restoration goes through the process of “external-internal-truth(heart).” “Truth (heart)” means genuine, that is, welling up from the heart. However, there are no families of truth around us. There should be true families in the Unification Church, but there are none. There are many external Blessed families. Although such external families are called “blessed families,” they are practically the same as secular families. Still, there are internal families that internally have faith and treat each other respectfully. However, we must not stop at the level of the internal family but reach truth (heart). Even in the Unification Church, there can be three types of families. There are “external( ) families”, “internal( ) families”, and “true( ) families.”  What kind of family are our True Parents? They are people who always long affectionately and live with their heart. Even when Father was in Danbury Prison, he always called True Mother at 5:30 in the morning, and Mother came to visit him, and they shared their longing hearts. 

The conclusion of God’s final restoration is to have the heart well up. However, there are no families of truth around us. In other words, there are no families of heart. 

There should be true families in the Unification Church, but there are none. There are many external Blessed families. But we should not stop at the level of external families but keep going towards true families. 

Even in families, there are “external families,” “internal families,” and “true families.” True families are families that are always affectionate and live by a longing heart. True Parents have shown us such a model. 

You and I try to be true families. Some couples are external families; some are internal families. I think may families are like this middle stage of internal families. But the internal families are not our goal. It is to become true families. 

Therefore, we need to resemble the model of True Parents’ couple and become heartistic couples that long for each other and are inseparable

Today I talked about “The Order of Restoration: External – Internal – Truth  (Heart).” ♦

(Response to sharing) Real ownership always needs to be responsible – not just for good things, but bad things as well. Why is God so great? Even though Adam and Eve fell, God is responsible for the fall. No matter what, without giving up, (he is) continuously giving and loving and investing (in us). How responsible God is! We need to resemble that kind of character of Heavenly Parent.♦

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. 

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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