Ep 783 - Women as the Turning Point for Peace Part 5

Women as the Turning Point for Peace - December 17, 2022

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Key Points

  • Today humanity must become one family under God based on true love with God at the center. 

  • This is a historic time of a great cosmic revolution in which we must unite the spiritual and physical worlds, create God’s longed for kingdom of heaven, and show people how much what we are doing has changed our lives. 

  • We have to live by checking whether the momentary consciousness, thoughts, and actions that we have are for God or for ourself. Filial piety thinks of the parents first. 

  • We should always practice self-denial.

  • In order to live for the sake of others, we always need to deny ourself and think of others first.

  • When you truly live for, sacrifice, give to, help and invest in others, incredible joy and happiness come to you.

  • “The Awareness of Oneself” of the Archangel caused the original sin, human fallen nature, disconnection from God, free sex, homo-sexuality, extreme individualism, privacy, ignorance, and dulling of the spiritual senses.

  • The archangel failed to recognize his position according to the order of perfection and dominated humankind in violation of the order and purpose of creation.

  • In the Kingdom of Heaven everything is open and there is no privacy because people love and trust each other and have nothing to hide.

  • The world of heart is the world of longing. Heaven is a place where people who miss each other always gather.

  • When people who miss the church and members gather, that place is heaven.

  • TF: The most pitiful person in this world is the one who has no longing. The most forlorn person is a person who has no one to miss, and no one to miss them.

  • An owner of true love is a person who comes to church, not out of a sense of duty, but with longing in his heart to serve and attend someone. He greets first, gives first, and sacrifices first and creates relationships with people whom he longs for.

  • We need to create an environment of longing for the closest people first.

  • In the formation stage, we act out of a sense of duty or habitually, conditionally, and as a ritual while in the growth stage, we take responsibility with a sense of ownership. 

  • However, in the completion stage we are motivated by God’s heart and often sheds tears while experiencing the heart of God and True Parents. We are sincere, active and spontaneous.

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files.

I came to the (San Francisco) Bay Area and have already met with the Kevin Thompson couple. We had a very nice meeting just now. 

Today I’d like to talk about “Women as the Turning Point for Peace” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 2.

<This speech was given at the Women's Federation for World Peace USA Turning Point Assembly for the Abel Women's UN, held on October 27, 2012 at the M Resort in Las Vegas> 

In order to do so, WFWP should go beyond the level of a women's NGO, bring together governments, organizations and individuals across the world and move forward. A unified international effort under the ideal of the Abel Women’s UN (Global Women's Peace Network) is absolutely necessary to bring this about. It is, in fact, God's absolute decree. Today, as we usher in an age of universal and historic revolutionary change, I would like to give my sincere congratulations and encouragement to you on this, the opening of the United States Assembly for the Abel Women's UN, which is being held in order that women, who make up half the world's population, can be aware of their historic mission, and that we can expand the scope of our activities to all regions of the world.

Beloved women leaders who are working for peace! What is the path that humankind should take today? In the end, the problems afflicting humanity can only be resolved through the ideology of one family under God. This is the teaching of true love with God at the center that my husband and I, the True Parents, received from Heaven and have championed and taught throughout our lives. These ideals alone represent the path that will lead humanity to a world of everlasting peace and happiness. This is a historic time of a great cosmic revolution in which we must change history, unite the spiritual and physical worlds and create the ideal kingdom of heaven that God has longed for since the beginning of time. We can no longer postpone or delay it. Heaven has already proclaimed that the thirteenth day of the first lunar calendar month in 2013 will be Foundation Day.

WFWP should go beyond the level of a women's NGO, bring together governments, organizations and individuals across the world and move forward. A unified international effort under the ideal of the Abel Women’s UN (Global Women's Peace Network) is absolutely necessary to bring this about. It is, in fact, God's absolute decree.

The path humanity must take today can only be resolved through the ideology of one family under God. This is the teaching of true love with God at the center. These ideals alone represent the path that will lead humanity to a world of everlasting peace and happiness. 

This is a historic time of a great cosmic revolution in which we must change history, unite the spiritual and physical worlds and create the ideal kingdom of heaven that God has longed for since the beginning of time. 

Our Unification Church has everything. We also have the principle that can unite God, True Parents, and the Divine Principle. And True Parents showed that model. Now, if there is anything left, we, who follow True Parents, must create a model that can be demonstrated in practice.

So now the secular world has no more vision and hope to solve the worldwide issues. How fortunate we are! We already know God and True Parents very clearly. We have the eternal truth, which is the Divine Principle. We can teach them the Divine Principle and the principle of true love. 

What is the most important thing from now on? (It is) not just teaching, guiding and declaring. We must create a model that can be demonstrated in practice. That is why WFWP needs to show how to become a true woman, a true mother, a true wife and a true woman leader. This is the point. Everybody can be glad(?) and insist on their own opinion. 

What is the difference between the outside world and our movement? We need to demonstrate, to show the model. Without creating the model, it does not make any sense. Any outside people who come in the beginning are very inspired to hear the principle of true love. However, as time passes, if you and they have the same standard and there is not much difference – even though you already know God and True Parents and the Divine Principle – “What is the difference between you and me?” – secular people will surely accuse us. 

From now on what should we focus on? Not just teaching. It is time to show. “Since I joined and became a member of WFWP, how much did I change and become a true wife, true mother, true sister, a woman (capable of) leading the family and society?” Everybody is looking for that. We need to know that if we do not change and only declare the Divine Principle and the principle of true love, it does not make sense. Now it is time to show how much what we are doing has changed our life. That is why Mother emphasizes this point. (We should) not just teach about our values and principles; it is time to show how much what we are doing has changed our lives.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Human Fall 11 - The Spiritual Fall 1

• Lucifer wanted to grasp the same central position in human society as he enjoyed in the angelic world, as the channel of God’s love. This was why he seduced Eve, and this was the motivation of the spiritual fall.

• Lucifer, who left his proper position due to his excessive desire, and Eve, who wanted to open her eyes and become like God before the time was ripe, formed a common base and began give and take action. The power of the unprincipled love generated by their give and take led them to consummate an illicit sexual relationship on the spiritual plane.

Based on this content:

“The Awareness of Oneself” and “The Awareness of the Other” 

 Lucifer fell from the instant thoughts and acts of self-centeredness. He only sought immediate gain for himself which can be described as ‘The instant thoughts of self-centeredness’ and this made him fall. 

The motivation of the fall arose from “the awareness of oneself” The opposite of this is called “The awareness of the other.” “the awareness of the other” is thoroughly centered on the “object.” “The awareness of oneself” is only living on self-centeredness without any consideration for others although he is saying he lives for the sake of others. “The awareness of oneself” takes its own way to do for the good of others according to its own way of thinking, which is the way of Satan, the very Lucifer and it is also non-principled.

I have to live by checking whether the momentary consciousness, thoughts, and actions that I have are for God or for myself

Filial piety thinks of the parents first. Fallen nature has the attribute of thinking of oneself first when faced with a situation. However, filial piety thinks of the parents first. Others first always.

Therefore, you should always practice self-denial. After all, the training of faith is the training of self-denial. 

What is the main Divine Principle teaching? Think of others first, serve others first. When you think of, serve, give to and sacrifice for others first, incredible benefit comes to you. You feel, “Wow! This is true happiness.” Many people don’t know the way to gain happiness and joy. They think they need to live for their own sake. They don’t know the universal principle: when you truly live for, sacrifice, give to, help, invest in others, incredible joy and happiness come to you

In order to live for the sake of others, we always need to deny ourself and think of others first. As a human being, think of God first. As a child, think of parents first. However, the archangel always thinks centered on the awareness of his own self.

The Consequences of “The Awareness of Oneself” of the Archangel

• Humankind born as descendant of the fallen Adam and Eve is to have the elements of “the awareness of oneself” by the blood lineage inherited from Lucifer. The consequences of “the awareness of oneself” of the archangel caused the original sin and the fallen natures of humankind and they are darkening this world.

• Correctly, “the awareness of oneself” disconnected the relationship with God. The consequences of “the awareness of oneself” of Lucifer:

1. Free sex, homo-sexuality

2. Extreme individualism

> Originally, humankind was created to live for the sake of others, not for one’s own self.

The “awareness of oneself” disconnected our relationship with God. We always think of our own self first, right? The nature of true love is to always think of others first. 

What is the consequence of the awareness of oneself? Think of our own self first, of anything that will create some happiness for my own sake. (We) can do it freely. Free sex is centered on what? Is it centering on yourself or on God? You need to see who is your center. Free sex means no center. 

Who is the center? Is it centered on your own self. That is the issue. Same sexuality is centered on what? God or you? Why do you enjoy same-sex marriage? Why do you enjoy free sex. It is centered on what? The consequence of the awareness of oneself is always centered on free action, free sex, always extreme individualism. We need to be aware of that. 

3. Privacy 

> Before the fall, Adam and Eve had never had secrets from each other. There was no need to have them. 

> The start of privacy was “the awareness of oneself” of the archangel. If he had been considerate of others first, he would have never hidden and come out with an excuse like ‘privacy’ with his wrong thoughts and deeds.

4. Fell into ignorance

> The spiritual senses got interrupted.

5. Caused the original sin as well as fallen natures to humankind

> The archangel had to recognize his position according to the order of perfection, but he tried to have dominion over humankind according to the order of creation.

> When seeing the order of creation, the mere creatures were created first for the sake of the bigger creatures which would be created later. Eventually, all things were created for the sake of human beings. 

We often speak of privacy. Father said in the Kingdom of Heaven there is no privacy. Everything is open publicly. No privacy. It is crystal clear. Everything is public. (People) enjoy each other so much. 

Sometimes we talk too much about our own privacy. This motivation of privacy comes from where. Before the fall Adam and Eve never had a secret from each other. (But) because of the fall (there were) so many secrets. They could not share together because they could not trust each other. 

The Kingdom of Heaven does not allow any privacy because we love each other. Your inside heart(?) and external things are the same. There is no difference. Internal things and external things are the same. That is why it is open everywhere. There is no shame (for) anything. But the fall created privacy, ones own secrets. This is the issue. 

Because of the fall, because of the awareness of oneself, our spiritual sense were interrupted and blocked.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: For What Purpose Do You Come to Church?

1. When you come to church, you need someone you miss to give you strength. When you go to church, you feel happy when you can meet people you want to see. If there is no one you miss or want to meet at church, you will hate going to church. People who come to church without someone they miss are likely to become spectators even when they do come to church. True Father called such members Cain members. Even if one comes to church, if there is no one they miss and no one they are close to, that person is like a sightseer. For what purpose do you come to church? Formation level believers come just to keep the holy Lord’s day. They have no longing for the church and people, but they come with a sense of duty to keep the holy day. However, growth level believers come because they miss the church. They come because there is someone they want to see. An owner is a person who comes to church with longing in his heart to serve and attend someone. The owner of the church is a person who comes with a heart of wanting to serve and attend the church.

Heaven is the world of heart. The world of heart is, in a word, the world of longing. Heaven is a place where people who miss each other always gather. From that point of view, is our family a family of longing? 

When your children go out, as a parent do you long for them? When your father and mother went out and did not come back for more than a month, did you long for your parents? How about our church? Is our church a church of longing?

When you come to church, you need someone you miss to give you strength. When you go to church, you feel happy when you can meet people you want to see. When people who miss the church gather, that place is heaven. If there is no one you miss or want to meet at church, you will hate going to church. 

People who come to church without someone they miss are likely to become spectators even when they do come to church. True Father called such members Cain members. Even if one comes to church, if there is no one he misses and no one he is close to, that person is like a tourist. People who are full of longing to go to church and meet members rather than staying at home, (that) is the original church. 

That is why Father said if you come to church because you need to come, (but you come) without a longing heart, you are a tourist. You are not above the formation stage. 

How can we cultivate our heart? If you don’t have a longing heart, then you have to find “Where did I lose it?” The Kingdom of Heaven is the world of the longing heart. 

(If you say,) “Church, Sunday service, duty, I need to go,” and you come to church, but you are not inspired, then why did you go to church? “Because I can see my spiritual children. Because I can see my Abel. Do you know how much I miss him? He is coming; I want to see him, touch him, hug him, greet him.” If you don’t have that kind of person to long for, Father said, you are just an onlooker.

For what purpose do you come to church? Formation level believers come just to keep the holy Lord’s day. They have no longing heart for the church and people, but they come with a sense of duty to keep the holy day. 

Formation stage, growth stage, Foundation of Faith and Foundation of Substance, then finally we need to enter the foundation of heart. When you build a Foundation of Faith, that means you have someone to long for. I have that kind of Abel. That is formation stage. 

Whatis the growth stage? It is the Foundation of Substance? “Many people miss me. My spiritual children miss me, so many followers. They really want to see me, want to have a good meeting with me.” If you have such followers, spiritual children or any members, you are already at the growth stage.

Then what is the completion stage? It is the foundation of heart. You truly long for God, True Parents and you understand God and True Parents’ heart. You really wnat to console him, comfort him. You miss True Father who is already gone. When you think of him, tears come down. If Father were still alive, if he were on the top of Mt. Everest, you would want to see him up there. With such a longing heart, as a child what is the most important thing? How much youmiss Father. How much you miss True Mother who is in Korea. When can I see True Mother again? When can I have the opportunity? True Mother is getting old. 

As a child that kind of longing heart is everything.

When you come to church, do you have people who miss you? When you go back home, do you have a longing heart to see your grandchildren, your wife or husband and your parents.  

When you leave home and go to your workplace, “I really miss my staff, members, my boss. I really miss them.” On the way home, “I really miss my family members.” And then you have Sunday: “Oh, I have a longing heart to see my members, my spiritual children, my Abel.” That is a member of Cheon Il Guk. Do you have that kind of longing heart or not? You don’t have (it); then we need to begin from the beginning.

However, growth level believers come because they miss the church. They come because there is someone they want to see. An owner is a person who comes to church with longing in his heart to serve and attend someone. 

I love the concept of Rev. Yo Han Lee. What does faith mean? Faith means to have a heartistic relationship, an inseparable relationship. That’s it! When you have a heartistic relationship, automatically you can have a longing heart. 

Do I Have a Cain-Type Faith or an Abel-Type Faith?

2. A person who comes to church without longing or a heart to serve is a Cain-type member. A Cain-type church member comes to church only conceptually and habitually. True Father said that the most pitiful person in this world is a person who has no longing. This is because, in a word, a person without longing is deprived of love and heart. The most forlorn person is a person who has no one to miss, and no one to miss them. True Father said that when such a person goes to the spirit world, he becomes a man poor in love and always lives in a lonely and dark place. A person who has love always overflows with longing in their heart.

Wherever I go, I settle my heart quickly if I create relationships of longing and friendship with people around me. If I am the owner of love, I must first create relationships that I long for from my surroundings. It is a servant’s faith to want others to welcome, hope for, and acknowledge me. However, the owner of true love is the one who greets first, gives first, and sacrifices first.

The Bible tells the parable of the 10 virgins. The five wise virgins prepared lamps and enough oil to meet the bridegroom. However, the five foolish virgins only prepared lamps, but not the oil. 

Finally, when the Lord came in the middle of the night, only the 5 virgins who had prepared enough oil had a feast to welcome the Lord. What is oil here? Oil is longing for the groom. 

It is saying that if we have an earnest longing for the Lord, in the Last Days the Lord will teach us when He will return. A person who comes to church out of duty without longing and without a heart to serve is a Cain-type member. 

True Father said that the most pitiful person in this world is the one who has no longing. This is because, in a word, a person without longing is deprived of love and heart. 

The most forlorn person is a person who has no one to miss, and no one to miss them. True Father said that when such a person goes to the spirit world, he becomes a man poor in love and always lives in a lonely and dark place. 

A person who has love always overflows with longing in their heart. If I am the owner of love, I must first create relationships that I long for in my surroundings

It is a servant’s faith to want others to welcome, hope for, and acknowledge me. However, the owner of true love is the one who greets first, gives first, and sacrifices first.

When I go back to the New Yorker hotel where I stay, my staff are Ian and Takayoshi. Do they really long for me? Do I long for them more than they long for me? (What is) important is the closest people: how much do they miss me, and how much do I miss them? If we do not create that kind of atmosphere and environment, we do not have a true self. We need to create that kind of environment for the closest people first

Not Evoking the Heart Is Proof of Being False

3. When we worship, do we do it from the heart? Or do we do it out of a sense of duty because it's just a worship service? People who attend a worship service not from the heart, but simply because it is a worship service are idealistic and habitual people. When adults tell children, “Let’s worship,” they follow suit. It's not because they want to worship with their heart, but because their mother says, “Let's do it.” They cannot help but do it.

When you recite the Family Pledge at home, do you do it from the heart? Or, because it is time for the Family Pledge, do you recite it with your mouth since you have no choice? Not doing it from the heart is hypocrisy and proves that I am a false person. What kind of person is a true person? It is a person who always acts from the heart. Then why can’t I evoke my heart? It is because I’m false. A person who does not evoke their heart is proof that they are false.

When our faith is at the formation stage, we practice it out of a sense of duty or habitually, conditionally, and as a ritual. At the same time, when we rise to the growth stage, we try to take responsibility for everything with a sense of ownership

However, in the growth stage, as workers who work hard for the will, they have a sense of responsibility, but their world of heart is not yet completely open. Sometimes they feel the world of God's heart, but it's not often. 

However, when you go up to the completion level of faith, you go beyond the foundation of faith and the foundation of substance and enter into the foundation of heart. True Parents said that people at this foundation of heart experience God's heart, han, shimjung and wishes. And there are many times when they weep, (even) wailing, without realizing it. 

Faith in the completion stage often sheds tears endlessly without even realizing it while experiencing the heart of God and True Parents, and they always live with God's heart as their motivation.

And since this stage of life of faith always sees and works from the perspective of God's heart, one's own heart naturally springs up. That's why they are very active and spontaneous in everything they do

The era of Cheon Il Guk is an era that evokes the heart with the consciousness of an owner. Not acting from the heart is hypocrisy and proves that I am a false person. What kind of person is a true person? He is a person who always acts from the heart

With utmost sincerity.

Then why can’t I evoke my heart? It is because I am false and formal and a hypocrite. A person who does not evoke their heart is proof that they are false. Then, when will the heart be evoked? If I act with utmost sincerity, my heart will be evoked all the time. 

Father’s slogan is what? “Utmost sincerity moves heaven.” When you put (in) your utmost sincerity, always your heart comes out to serve God, serve people, serve your neighbor, serve everybody. Without cultivating that kind of heart, how can we survive in the Kingdom of Heaven? We are training to cultivate our heart (by) serving people, loving them. This is one of the most difficult tasks, (namely,) to “evoke” our heart.

Today I talked again about a longing heart and how to evoke our heart.♦

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. 

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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