Ep 675 - Women Will Play a Leading Role in the Ideal World Part 2

Women Will Play a Leading Role in  the Ideal World - August 31, 2022

PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony Dieter Jesper and Nina Olivera

  Key Points

  • When you enter the mysterious state of love filled with ecstasy and you laugh, everything in the world of creation and even God Himself will harmonize with you. Because we cannot enter this state, we can see how distant we are from the world of God's heart.

  • The Unification Church not only honors the invisible God but our ancestors and parents who stand in the position of the visible God.

  • When True Father visited Heaven, he found that the traditions there were the same as the Korean vertical tradition of attending parents and honoring ancestors.

  • Honoring ancestors is not the same as worshiping them.

  • Heaven will always protect the family that is in harmony. 

  • Family harmony begins with the couple becoming one.

  • Unity belongs to God.

  • If husband and wife create beautiful harmony and unity, children will automatically follow their father and mother.

  • In order to give and receive with others well, we must become people who know how to observe the other partner well, know his circumstances, and know how to cry and rejoice with him. Think, “What is the thing he needs the most?”

  • A person who makes an effort to go the way of his original nature is someone who always reflects on his own life.

  • Before going to sleep, we should reflect on our life: “Whom did we touch or hurt? What are we grateful for?” In this way our spirit body will gradually become refined and grow.

  • The more you love your enemy, the faster your fallen nature is removed. Understand him, forgive him, and reconcile with him.

  • To fix your personality, accept that part of the other person you can’t fit well with, even fighting with yourself with tears. 

  • God gives amazing love and grace to those who know that the other person and I have a bond of heart connected to Heavenly Father and strive to improve amicably.

  • One who knows the Principle and God’s love needs to be humble, embracing the object partner, talking (kindly) to him and really unite together. He needs to voluntarily follow you.

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files.

I came to Alaska as you know. We are very excited (about) not only catching fish, but (because) we can learn our True Parents’ beautiful legacy here. I receive so much inspiration from heaven. Maybe someday I’d like to share what I have received, some inspiration and revelation from heaven. We can follow our True Parents’ beautiful legacy and tradition.

Today I’d like to talk about “Women Will Play a Leading Role in  the Ideal World (1)” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 2.

God originally created the object partner of His love in order to feel joy. To make a work of art, sculptors work through the night. They pour the energy of their youth into their creative work. Where does this heart stem from? Wouldn’t that heart resemble God, who created the object partner of His love in order to taste joy? When you look at the world, you can see that the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom and even human beings all exist in pairs. Why do they all exist in pairs? It is so that they can interact with each other. In the mineral kingdom positive ions and negative ions interact. If you bring together two elements randomly, they will not always fuse together. If their properties are not complementary, not even God can make them react. On the other hand, if their properties are complementary, then not even God can keep them apart. It is apparent that God created even the interactions in the mineral kingdom as a model of the ideal process of creation through love, though on a lower level. 

For this reason, centering on the essence of true love, the heart of God, the heart of humankind, all created things and even the animal kingdom are bound to communicate with one another. When you enter such a state of mind, you can communicate even with a rock. The problem is that you have not yet been able to enter such a state. When you enter the deep land of mystery, everything in nature is your friend. When you enter the state of love filled with ecstasy and you laugh, everything in the world of creation and even God Himself will harmonize with you. Ladies and gentlemen, don't you have a husband or a wife whom you love? How much do you love them?  

Would you exchange your beloved wife for money? Would there be a wife who would exchange her husband, whom she truly loves, for all of heaven and earth? When you come to think of it, men were born because of women, and women were born because of men. It was all because of true love, which is living for the sake of others. God created and empowered men and women in order to realize the ideal of love through the harmony of yin and yang. Only true men and women can be united in true love and, based on true love, God and human beings can unite. 

Why does everything in the world exist in a pair system? It is because the subject partner and object partner can interact with each other in order to realize true love. In that respect, man was born because of woman, and woman was born because of man. All of this is ultimately because of true love that lives for the sake of others. 

Centering on the essence of true love, not only the heart of God and the heart of humankind, but all created things and even the animal kingdom are bound to communicate with one another. When you enter such a state of mind, you can communicate even with a rock. The problem is that you have not yet been able to enter such a state.

When you enter the deep land of mystery, everything in nature is your friend. When you enter the state of love filled with ecstasy and you laugh, everything in the world of creation and even God Himself will harmonize with you.  

As we study True Parents' words, we come to realize how far apart the world that God longs for is from the world where fallen human beings currently reside. If we look at this, we can see how (distant) we (are) from the world of God's heart because we have fallen. 

Wow! This is so sorrowful, so sad. Because of the fall we cannot yet reach that standard, that state. (Sigh!) We still have far to go! 

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Principle of Creation 63 - Heaven and Hell (2)

• It is not God who decides whether a person's spirit enters heaven or hell upon his death; it is decided by the spirit himself.

• Humans are created so that once they reach perfection they will fully breathe the love of God. Those who committed sinful deeds while on earth become crippled spirits who are incapable of fully breathing in the love of God. They find it agonizing to stand before God, the center of true love, and choose to dwell in hell of their own will.

• Since the human spirit can grow only in the soil of the physical self, the multiplication of human spirits takes place at the same time that the multiplication of physical selves occurs: during earthly life.

Let’s study Father’s word.

Establish the Tradition  of Honoring your Ancestors 

   <220-222> The Unification Church allows the honoring of ancestors. Do you understand? (Yes). Did Christianity allow you to perform a memorial service for the repose of your ancestors? (No). The Unification Church should carry on and establish this tradition. This is not a secular tradition. This becomes the royal domain for eternally serving the traditional blood relatives in the realm of tribal messiahs who are succeeding in the genealogical generations by serving the Heavenly Parent, the Heavenly Kingdom and the heavenly ancestors. Do you understand? You, your mother, father, family and tribe can go directly to heaven only after having lived in such a nation).

The Unification Church allows the honoring of ancestors. Why is that? If Adam and Eve had not fallen, their place and position would be that of the invisible God’s substantial object partners. For Adam and Eve's descendants to serve Adam and Eve would mean they were in the position of honoring God.  

The Unification Church not only honors the invisible God, we must also honor our ancestors and parents who stand in the position of the visible God. This is not a secular tradition.  

According to Father’s sharing, when he visited the spiritual world, he visited each corner of the spiritual world . When he entered the Kingdom of Heaven, he was so surprised. Most of the traditions there were almost the same as Korean traditions. (There was) the vertical tradition of attending parents and honoring the ancestors. It was a very beautiful tradition. He came to realize that God really chose Korea as a chosen nation and trained it for such a long time over the last 5,000 years of history. 

Centering on God’s blood lineage, we must serve the Heavenly Parent, Heavenly Kingdom, and heavenly ancestors, and go further to find and establish the heavenly tribe, kingdom, and world. Father said that your mother, father, family and tribe can go directly to heaven only after having lived in such a nation and world. 

We really follow True Parents’ guidance. Adam and Eve were the representatives of God. In our family our parents are the representatives of God. Serving our own parents is like serving Heavenly Parent. 

Honoring ancestors is not the same as worshiping them. (Honoring them) is a very beautiful tradition.

 All is Well if there is Harmony in the Family 

<220-222> When you go to the other world, thousands of generations of your ancestors will all be gathered there. Do you think some of them will have ended up in hell? Some generations of your ancestors went to hell, while others went to different places. They are all staying at different levels. Those who lived serving others go to heaven. So you can be an example of the saying, “All is well if there is harmony in the family.” If you live for the sake of your family and take care of your grandparents just three times, they will realize that they were in the wrong.  

When one’s family is happy and harmonious, all goes well. Kapa mangsa seo(?) Father loved that kind of Korean proverb.

When the family is in harmony, Heaven will always protect that family. Just as the fall of man began with the mistake of Adam’s family, all problems arise (in) family. (In) Adam’s family, Noah’s family, Abraham’s family, Jesus’ family – everything became a problem in the family. The family is the issue.

Although the saints of the past generations have reached what level they have reached on an individual basis – saints reached a certain standard or state – however historically, none of the saints have achieved harmony through family standards. No one is talking about family harmony and happiness. 

We should know well that family harmony first begins with the couple becoming one

This is our issue. In your family and mine, the main issue is how to create beautiful harmony. Heaven will always protect a family if there is unity in the family. No protection means we really need to reflect: there is no unity in the family. If there is no harmony between the husband and wife, this creates all kinds of problems. Children go their own way. So do the husband and wife. Parents go their own way. 

We need to believe what Father is talking about: When the family is in harmony, even the cosmos will always protect that family. If there is unity in the family but no protection, then God does not exist. This does not make any sense. Where there is unity, unity belongs to God. That’s why God has no choice but to protect that family no matter what. 

How can we create beautiful harmony, especially between husband and wife? The key is the relationship between husband and wife. If you create beautiful harmony and unity, children automatically follow their father and mother. This is an incredible principle. 

We cannot blame society, the school, the secular world; these problems come from the couple. That’s why when I see my children’s fallen nature, I cannot ignore that. Their fallen nature is my fallen nature. Their problems are my problems. 

So, harmony in the family is the key.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: When Will My Fallen Nature be Liquidated?

Always Train Yourself to Stand 

in the Object Partner’s Position 

1. When parents converse with their children, they must talk from the children’s position centered on children. This is because you should do that in order to be some support for the children’s heart. Therefore, in our life of faith, we must become people who know how to observe the object partner well in order to become a plus to the object partner’s heart,  centering on them. However, if I speak centered on myself irrespective of the object partner, I will make many mistakes. If I do not understand the other person’s heart, it is better not to speak at all. In our lifetime, while relating to people around us, do not try to dominate them but try to find out about their circumstances. I need to train myself so that when I meet a sad object partner, I must know how to be sad, and when I meet a pitiable person, I must know how to regard them with pity and feel sorry for them. Try to understand what kind of circumstances they have, and then talk to them from the position of their heart. That is why we should know a person right away and form a reciprocal relationship.  

The reason we make many mistakes in relationships is because we speak centered on ourselves without considering the object partner’s position. That is why in order to form good human relationships, you need to always focus on living for the sake of the other person. 

In order to give and receive with others well, we must become people who know how to observe the other partner well to become a plus to the other person. Do not try to dominate them as the subject partner, you have to try to know about the object partner’s circumstance really well. That is why we need to know how to cry together with one who cries and rejoice together with one who rejoices.  

I need to train myself so that when I meet a sad object partner, I must know how to be sad, and when I meet a pitiable person, I must know how to regard them with pity, and feel sorry for them. 

How can I help the other person? How can I give them strength? You need to always figure out the other person’s circumstances while observing them and thinking, “What is the thing they need the most?” 

 You Must Always Live a Life of Reflecting on Your Life of Faith 

2. If I try to talk with my object partner a lot, I will come to reflect and realize why I failed, why I was ill-treated, why I was rejected, and why I was ignored. When that happens, while reflecting on your own life and saying “Oh, If I had done is this way, this kind of result almost wouldn’t have happened,” you will grow. Our life of faith always requires reflecting on our life. What I reflect on and realize is to reflect on where I fell and not fall there again. People who always reflect on their lives in this way will gradually become refined. All fallen human beings have an angular nature and speak harshly. Since your own fallen nature keeps popping out, when you encounter a personality opposite to yourself, you should try to get along with them. 

A person who makes an effort to go the way of their original nature is someone who always reflects on their own life. In particular, after ending the day’s daily routine and before going to sleep, we should reflect on our life since waking up in the morning until going to bed in the evening. 

How many people did I touch today? What was I grateful for today? Did I hurt somebody today or make a mistake in something I said? If you reflect on yourself like this, your spirit body will gradually become refined and grow very well. 

That’s why no matter how tired you are, before going to bed and sleeping always reflect about yourself: “What have I done today? How much did I touch people’s hearts? Did I hurt somebody or not?” Always reflect centering on a principled way, centering on your original mind. Then you need to resolve, “I don’t want to make any more mistakes.” You need to have that kind of beautiful reflection all the time. That is why before you go to bed if you reflect about yourself very well, then you (will be able to) sleep very well and everything (will be) clear spiritually. When you wake up, your mind (will be) brighter and clearer because you settled down before sleeping. 

All fallen human beings have an angular nature and speak harshly. Since our own fallen nature keeps popping out without even realizing it, any time our anger can come out. We can be upset with somebody any time. Sometimes we may have no intention to talk with that guy in a bad way, but sometimes no one knows. You really don’t remember(?) what happened centered on your own fallen nature. 

When you encounter a personality opposite to yourself, you should try to get along with them. 

If you meet someone you really cannot unite with, make an effort to be closer to each other: “How can I have a better heartistic relationship with that person?” 

When Will my Fallen Nature be Liquidated?  

3. Fallen nature is liquidated when you make effort to give and receive well with the person you clash with. In particular, we remove fallen nature through the Cain and Abel relationship. If your personalities go well together, there is no need to remove fallen nature. When I am in a conflict with someone with a personality I cannot get along with, I think to myself, “Hey, I clash with that person. But that person has such a personality and does that kind of thing. I can't even take on the challenge, but they are very different from me.” Even if I have a lot of trouble with the other person, when I try to understand that person, forgive them, and reconcile with them by knowing that I have no choice but to be in harmony with them, my fallen nature is removed.  

Fallen nature is liquidated when you make an effort to give and receive well with the person you clash with. In short, the more you love your enemy, the faster your fallen nature is removed. As long as you do not love your enemy, there is no way to remove your fallen nature. 

If your personalities go well together and you become one, there is no need to remove fallen nature. Father said that just as there are 4 seasons and 12 months, there are mainly four categories of people and more specifically, 12 categories of people in human nature. 

Even if I have a lot of trouble with the other person, when I try to understand that person, forgive them, and reconcile with them by knowing that I have no choice but to be in harmony with them, my fallen nature is removed. 

What is the best way to remove your fallen nature? You need to love your enemy. In your family when you really love your wife, that is the best way to remove your fallen nature. “I really cannot love someone.” But when you try to unite with that person, try to reconcile with him and forgive him, and accept some difference between you both, that is the way to remove your fallen nature. 

If you have many enemies, that means you are still far from growing up. One thing we need to appreciate (is) when there is an enemy beside us, that means in this way we can remove our fallen nature. 

  Human Relationships with the Potential to Develop 

4. If I often have conflicts in relationships, my personality is angular and becomes a wound. Dealing with what makes us not get along as if we do get along is like dual attitudes. However, trying to create harmony with the other person and fixing some part of my own personality is not dual attitudes. First, when I don’t get along with the other person, I have to accept the part that doesn’t fit well. Otherwise, there is no way I can go anywhere to fix my personality. So I'm fighting with myself. Sometimes I have tears because I don't get along with the other person. Those who try to become one with the other person and shed tears while struggling to get rid of their own fallen nature are those who have the potential to develop. Therefore, our life of faith should focus on the relationship of our hearts with our Heavenly Father, and we should invest our whole heart in improving it amicably even if there is a disagreement between brothers and sisters.

When I don’t get along with the other person, I have to accept the part that doesn’t fit well. I should acknowledge the other person and my differences and take pains to figure out how to become one with them. Otherwise, there is no way I can go anywhere to fix my personality.  

Since I try to give and receive with someone who I do not get along with, there are many times when I fight myself. At times, there are tears, a lot of tears, because I cannot get along with the other person. This is especially true between couples. Then, do not give up because you cannot get along but you should shed tears while trying to become one and strive to remove your fallen nature. Such a person is someone with the potential to develop. 

That’s why when you try to unite with someone but it is really difficult to unite with him, you need a lot of tears: “Heavenly Father, why can’t I love that person? Why can’t I love my husband? Why can’t I love my wife? My children? My Abel?” That is why you need to kneel down and pray a lot with tears. If you make that kind of effort and have that kind of heart and mindset, that kind of behavior, God will surely bless you. You are trying to be a good person. 

No matter if you have conflicts horizontally with the other person, God gives amazing love and grace to those who know that the other person and I have a bond of heart connected to Heavenly Father and strive to improve amicably.  

How can you make unity? It is not simple, right? We really need to remove our fallen nature. Of course, sometimes because of fallen nature we think, “I am right, you are wrong. I am better than you.” We always point out, “You are wrong, I am right.” There are always problems. 

How can we really reflect about ourself? Even though you (may be) right, even though your spouse may be wrong, in that situation, you (should) have a parental heart and accept the object partner (and) embrace him. Love is the world of the volunteer(?). He needs to voluntarily surrender, not by pushing or power or talk. ... He needs to voluntarily follow you and accept you. That is the world of true love. That is why one who knows the Principle and God’s love needs to be humble, embracing him and talking to him and really unite together. This is really the way to remove our fallen nature.

Today here in Alaska is the second day for us to go out fishing. Then we will come back and discuss the future and our plan. 

LIVING TESTIMONY: I’m a Living Testimony for Whom Anything is Possible

(Testimony of Dieter Jesper and Tina, Camp Cohoes)♦

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. 

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.comShop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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