Ep 888 - God's Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful Ideal World 1 Part 7

God's Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful Ideal World I

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PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony Cheng Va Vue

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Dr. Chung Sik Yong, April 1, 2023

Key Points

  • Despite 60 – now 78 – years of effort, the UN has been unable to bring world peace because the way to realize world peace must come from Heaven.

  • Peace among nations can only come when those entrusted with the task have resolved the Cain-Abel relationship between their own mind and body. 

  • True Parents have already created all external organizations – particularly FFWPU as the parent UN, UPF as the Able UN, WFWP as the women’s Abel UN, and YSP as the child UN – that can realize world peace. Now, all that remains is practice.

  • True Parents have, for the first time in history, established the position of Adam and of the owners of true love, and received and manifested God's anointing as the True Parents of humanity. 

  • On that foundation, on January 13, 2001, they liberated Heavenly Parent in the Enthronement Ceremony for the Kingship of God. 

  • This was the greatest blessing humanity has ever received.

  • The Divine Principle, the eight great textbooks, and now the 21 volumes that will condense the 600 volumes of True Father’s speeches “can lead us to new glory in the new garden at the end of the world.” The deadline to complete this project is May 5.

  • Another current project is six volumes of True Mother’s speeches.

  • In the Last Days all fields and thought originating in the fall will end.

  • We should be the person who is unchangingly loyal to God in order to establish God’s nation and God’s righteousness on earth.

  • We have True Parents, heaven’s sovereignty and heavenly ideology. To establish the Cheon Il Guk nation, all that remains is to secure the majority. To do this our No. 1 priority and God’s No. 1 wish is for us to witness to find this majority.

  • We need to accomplish this while True Mother is still on earth.

  • TF: In order for any human being to overcome the end of the world, he must go through three tests on the individual, family, tribal, national levels, and so on.

  • They are material things and sexual immorality, then Cain and Abel as true siblings, and then as a true couple. We also have to overcome tests with True Father, True Mother and true children. In our life of faith we need to overcome all of these tests.

  • On the world level, the three great tests are the three world wars.

  • A righteous person is someone who keeps his first motive and determination until the end in any circumstances and then brings results.

  • God’s commandments are given when He thinks, “That person is old enough to realize the commandment, and he must really live that way.”

  • God had a greater hope that Adam and Eve would succeed than worry that they would fail.

  • Restoration is only possible because God has the belief and hope that we will succeed. That expectation is greater than His expectation that we will fail.

  • God only gives commandments to those who are trustworthy, listen to him, respect him and have a foundation of faith and a heartistic relationship with him.

  • God has faith in our original mind and infinite potential, and has “high expectations” that we will fulfill our portion of responsibility.

  • When parents look at their children, positive concepts are greater than negative concepts. 

  • When we believe in others and encourage them, they gain strength and do their best. 

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files.

Today is already April 1st. Oh my goodness! And it is the 888th day since the beginning of Morning Devotion. In principle, this number 8 means a restart. And the number 8 stands for strength as well. But this number 8 goes in 3 times. I would like to accept this meaning that from today, April 1st, the amazing work of God's new Holy Spirit and miracles in the unification movement of the United States will begin. 

I think this time period is very crucial and important. True Mother has given us an incredible special grace. Let’s really reflect on ourself and go forward. 

I think we need to really pray for the Chung Won Gung opening ceremony.

Yesterday, I had breakfast with three families. They are Tyndol & Irmgard Baynes. Tyndol is a wonderful singer, and Irmgard always unites with her husband. She came back recently from her home country, Germany. They are a beautiful couple.

Here are Manuel & Chiyoe Liba. Manuel is a man of the ocean. I would suggest that you need to love Chiyoe more than the ocean. Then she will be very happy about that.

Here are Desmond & Beryl Green and their son, Joel. Yesterday I met Joel for the first time. The Green couple really help me and always welcome me after Morning Devotion. Thank you very much. 

Today I’d like to talk about “God's Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful Ideal World I” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 2.

 <This speech was given by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon between October 3 and October 14, 2005 during a speaking tour in Japan to mark the launch of the Universal Peace Federation.>

Who can untie this ancient knot of Cain and Abel? It has been tightened for thousands of years and grows ever more tangled. Do you think the United Nations can do it? The UN at its founding proclaimed a movement for world peace, and for sixty years it has dedicated itself to this task; yet world peace still remains far distant. Peace among nations can never come when those entrusted with the task have not resolved the Cain-Abel relationship between their own mind and body. Therefore, the time has come to launch an Abel-type UN that will set its course according to God's Will. 

God eagerly anticipated that someone would come and resolve these tragedies, yet no such person appeared on earth. God waited and waited, looking for anyone who would take on the role of the True Parent. If someone had come forward, I am certain that God would have appeared in his dreams, carried the sun and moon to him, and showered forth lightning of joy and thunder of ecstasy from the heavens. In this sense, it is a miracle of miracles that for the first time in history a man has succeeded in establishing the position of Adam, securing the position of the owner of true love, and received God's anointing as the True Parent of humanity. 

It is an amazing fact that his lifetime coincides with yours, and that you and he breathe the same air. My husband gained victory in the position of the horizontal True Parent, who comes to rescue fallen humanity. On that foundation, on January 13, 2001, we dedicated to Heaven the Enthronement Ceremony for the Kingship of God. Through that ceremony we liberated and released God, the vertical True Parent who has taken responsibility for the Providence of Restoration. In all of history, this was the highest and greatest blessing humanity has ever received. This victory was absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. Through this absolute providential victory, God's body and mind are completely liberated!

At its founding, the United Nations proclaimed a movement for world peace, and for sixty years it has dedicated itself to this task; yet world peace still remains far distant. Then what is the main reason the UN has been unable to fulfill this responsibility?

Peace among nations can never come when those entrusted with the task have not resolved the Cain-Abel relationship between their own mind and body. Therefore, the way to realize world peace must come from Heaven, not from fallen human beings, Father said. In that sense, we need to know that UPF is the Abel-type UN that set its course according to God's Will. And centering on Women’s Federation, True Parents established the Women’s Abel UN.

We should know that Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, the initiators of UPF, the Abel UN, are the ones who have, for the first time in history, succeeded in establishing the position of Adam, securing the position of the owners of true love, and received and manifested God's anointing as the True Parents of humanity. True Parents have already created all external organizations that can realize world peace. Now, all that remains is practice. 

And on that foundation, on January 13, 2001, they dedicated to Heaven the Enthronement Ceremony for the Kingship of God. Through that ceremony they liberated and released God, the vertical True Parent who has taken responsibility for the Providence of Restoration.

In all of history, this was the highest and greatest blessing humanity has ever received. This victory was absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal.

We must know for sure that UPF, a male Abel UN, WFWP, a female UN, FFWPU (Family Federation), the role of parent UN, and YSP, which should play the role of child UN, are organizations with the most basic 4 position foundation in realizing world peace. 

There are many organizations but these are the four main organizations as the Four Position Foundation in realizing world peace. Father often spoke about the parental UN and that Family Federation should (play) that role. YSP should carry on the mission of the role of the child UN. In the family the Four Position Foundation is very important. In order to create world peace we need to work based on these four basic organizations.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: Chapter 3 Eschatology and Human History 1 - Introduction

• We dwell in ignorance of history, uncertain about its origin, the direction in which it is heading, and its final destination.

• Concerning eschatology, or the doctrine of the Last Days, many Christians believe literally what is written in the Bible: “The heavens and the elements will melt with fire” (II Pet. 3:12); “The sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light and the stars will fall from heaven” (Matt. 24:29); and “The dead in Christ will rise…to meet the Lord in the air” (I Thess. 4:16-17).

• However, we must ask whether these events will take place literally or whether the verses are symbolic.

• To address this issue, we should first under stand such fundamental matters as the purpose of God’s creation, the meaning of the Human Fall, and the goal of the providence of restoration.

Let’s study Father’s word.

Only Heavenly Ideology can Lead Us to New Glory at the End of the World

 <3-110> At the end of the world, religion, science, and philosophy, whatever kind of thought they are, unless they can make a relationship with heavenly ideology, heavenly law will cause them to perish. When Jesus met John the Baptist, even though John was smarter than Jesus intellectually, Jesus told John to follow him. That was because John was self-centered but Jesus had the eternal heavenly ideology. You need to know that only heavenly ideology can lead us to the new glory in the new garden at the end of the world.

The heavenly ideology here refers to Divine Principle that True Parents revealed as the fundamental truth and True Parents’ words. Later on, True Parents organized this heavenly ideology as the Eight Great Textbooks. And now, True Mother is working on condensing the 620 volumes of True Father’s speeches into 21 volumes. 

Now the history committee is working so hard. They are going to complete this before May 5. Then according to True Mother’s direction they will translate this first into English and eventually (into) several languages. These 21 volumes will be the essence of True Parents’ word from the 620 volumes. Also, they are creating another six books centering on True Mother’s word. Mother said it is difficult to read 620 volumes of True Father’s speeches, so they have chosen the essence. Some content was repeated again and again. Now in Korea many professors and top leaders are connected to this (project) to create the 21 volumes. Sooner or later we will be able to get this sort of benefit from True Mother.

The Person who Fulfills the Mission of the Representative of God

 <3-125> Everybody on earth is saying in unison that this time is the Last Days. In other words, this is the end of the world which heralds the historical end, the scientific end, the ethical and religious end. Then, what do you have to do in this situation? You should be the person who is loyal to God in order to establish God’s nation and God’s righteousness on earth like Jesus said, ‘Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.’ So, you should be able to show yourself off to all creation and be the person who fulfills the mission of the representative of God.

In the Last Days when True Parents emerge as the Second Coming, all fields that were centered on fallen human beings will meet the Last Days. That is the end of history that began with the Fall and the start of a new heaven and new earth. 

It is also a time when current ideologies and philosophies and all fields that came from the Fall must eventually come to an end, such as the historical end, the scientific end, the ethical and religious end.

Then, what do we, who are facing these times of the global Last Days, have to do? Just as Jesus said, “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.”

To do that, we should be the person who is unchangingly loyal to God in order to establish God’s nation and God’s righteousness on earth.

Therefore, finding and establishing the substantial Cheon Il Guk centering on True Parents is the most urgent matter. To find and establish Cheon Il Guk, we need to secure the majority, and on that foundation, we need to establish Heaven’s sovereignty centering on True Parents’ Principle and Words. 

We have heaven’s sovereignty. Whenever we secure the majority, it will be no problem to create God’s substantial Cheon Il Guk. God’s No. 1 wish is to secure the majority. That is why we need to witness. We need to create many citizens of heaven. Now all that remains is to secure the majority. If we secure the majority, we already have heaven’s sovereignty centered on True Parents’ Principle and words. 

When we secure the majority, then anytime we can secure God’s nation. The land is no problem if we have a secular(?) majority. ... Now while True Mother is on the earth, we need to secure the majority. This is the only way we can establish God’s substantial Cheon Il Guk. We need to focus on witnessing. The number one goal is to focus on witnessing. Nos 2, 3, 4 and 5 and 6 are witnessing. We have everything else. Now we have one more thing to do: to secure the majority.

The End of the World and the Three Great Tests

 <3-242> When ten people want to become one, there are always three disrupters. They hate and complain for no reason. Therefore, you should be tested more than three times. Since this phenomenon happens at the end of the world, there are bound to be such three great tests on the level of the individual, family, society, nation and world. Therefore, at the end of the world, all humankind will be tested through three great tests from God and Satan. That is none other than World War , World War , and World War . The same is true of individuals. 

To graduate from the end of the world, we should be tested more than three times. As we meet the end of the world, such tests will expand from the level of the individual, family, society, nation, and world, and there will be three great tests at each level. If we look at the three great tests on the world-level, it is none other than World War I, World War II, and World War III.

Among True Father’s Words, he even says in the Way of God’s Will “I have gone through Satan's trial, but I have never been through the trials of true brothers and sisters, true parents and true children. Since you have gone through those three trials, you are better than me in that respect.” 

True Father said that in order for any human being to overcome the end of the world, they must go through 3 tests on the individual level, 3 tests on the family level, 3 tests on the tribal level, 3 tests on the national level, and so on. 

Satan’s first test will come through material things and sexual immorality. 

Many people give up because they cannot overcome the test of material things and sexual immorality. They choose what to eat, what to drink and what to wear and can not overcome the test of material things. Then it is not easy to overcome sexual immorality. (A person) may be very handsome or beautiful and have a promising future, but cannot overcome sexual immorality.

 Next, there is the test of Cain and Abel as the test of true siblings.

“I love God and True Parents, but I cannot overcome my Abel.” Then a person fights with his Abel and finally leaves the church. This is the issue. We need to overcome the test of Cain and Abel as the test of the true siblings.

And after that is the test of the true couple. Everything may be fine. A person may have overcome Cain and Abel relationships, but when he starts family it is very difficult to overcome his spouse. They have different characters, different personalities, different concepts, different fallen natures. They struggle and struggle. The husband may have a Chapter Two problem and the wife some other issue. Finally they divorce even though they have received the Blessing. This is the test of the true couple. 

And then is the test of true parents, the test by True Father and True Mother. “Oh, it is difficult to overcome Father’s style of leadership,” “Oh, I have overcome True Father’s leadership, but True Mother took over from True Father. I cannot accept True Mother’s leadership because of this and that.” My goodness. We need to overcome the test of True Mother. Many senior blessed couples could not overcome the leadership of True Mother. True Father did proclaim that we need to overcome the test of True Parents, True Father and True Mother. 

And lastly, one more thing remains: the test of true children. “OK, I have overcome everything. I love True Parents. I already have a good family.” But many people could not overcome the test of the true children. This is the important thing. We cannot betray God and True Parents because of the test of true children. No matter what, we have to keep going. 

We (absolutely) need to keep going. Father already proclaimed that these tests will surely come to our life of faith. Why did we fail because of true children? God and True Parents are very clear. Even though there are some issues with true children, we need to overcome them. 

True Parents already warned us clearly: we need to overcome (all) these sorts of tests and trials. True Parents taught us about them already. As long as God is an unchanging God, we cannot change. We need to have this kind of faith.


When Did God Give Adam and Eve the Commandment? 

1. What is the thing that makes us ashamed in our life of faith? We become ashamed of ourselves when we lose the motive that we were determined to and fizzle out horizontally. We become ashamed when we are unable to keep our first heart and motive and then fail. When God gave Adam and Eve the commandment, “Do not eat of the fruit,” when do you think He said such thing? 

When God gave Adam and Eve the commandment, they were the Words He gave when Adam and Eve revered God very much and had a heart of respect. God’s commandments are given when He thinks, “That person is old enough to realize the commandment and they must really live that way.” How can He carelessly make a promise to someone He does not even have hope for or thought of? God does not make promises or give commandments to someone who does not have hope for keeping that promise.

Thinking from the perspective of faith, what kind of person do we think of as a righteous person? Like Noah, a righteous person is someone who keeps his first motive and determination to the end in any circumstances and then brings results. 

That is why we call Noah a righteous man.

But the thing we are ashamed of in our life of faith is how we forget the first motive we were determined to (fulfill) and fizzle out horizontally. People dislike those who change, but God also really dislikes them. 

We become ashamed of ourselves when we are unable to keep our first heart and motive and determination and then fail. When God gave Adam and Eve the commandment, “Do not eat of the fruit,” they were unable to keep the first Words God gave until the end. What about us? Are we people who keep their first motive well? Or are we people who are easily dominated by the environment and change often?

When God gave Adam and Eve the commandment, they were the Words He gave when Adam and Eve revered God very much, respected and loved him, and had a heart of respect. 

God’s commandments are given when He thinks, “That person is old enough to realize the commandment, and they must really live that way.” How can He carelessly make a promise to someone He does not even have hope for ... ? If we know that the other (person) is someone who cannot keep promises, how can we make promises with them? 

When Adam and Eve received the commandment from God were they two years old? Ten years old? No. When did God give the commandment to Adam and Eve?

What Kind of Person Does God Make Promises and Give Commandments To?

2. Think about it. We hear many testimonies from members who say that God appears in dreams and encourages those who really long for Sunday service and want to attend. He encourages by saying, “You, never change your attitude of longing for Heaven and Sunday service throughout your life.” Why is that? If that person has the desire, motive, and attachment to live that way, God will make promises and give commandments to them. He cannot make promises or give commandments to people who do not even listen or have a foundation of faith. How can He give commandments to someone who cannot keep promises? 

Even human beings (only) make promises with people who are able to keep promises. There is no one who makes promises with those who cannot keep promises. From that perspective, it is the same with God. The reason God gave Adam and Eve the commandment was because He made promises with great hope.

Rather than expecting Adam and Eve to fail in keeping the Words of the commandment, it is clear that God had greater hope and expectations that they would fulfill it. 

Although human beings are fallen, do we think that God’s providence would be possible if He didn’t have hope that human beings will realize His dream? If God had negatively thought that it was a fixed truth that all fallen human beings fail, then would He be able to restore human beings? In that sense, God’s expectations that human beings will succeed is greater than His expectations that we will fail. 

Even though we are fallen men, if God thinks, “This guy is impossible! Look at his ancestral background. It would be impossible for him to do this mission” and has more negative thoughts about him than (positive) expectations, then how can he restore human beings? It is impossible.

 We need to know that God is a parent. His expectation that humans will succeed is greater than his expectation that we will fail. This is an amazing point.

As one example, for those who really long for Sunday service and want to attend, God appears in their dreams and encourages them. We have heard many testimonies from such members. 

He encourages (us) by saying, “You, never change your attitude of longing for Heaven and Sunday service throughout your life.” Why is that? If that person has the desire, motive, and attachment to live that way, God will make promises and give commandments to them. 

He cannot make promises or give commandments to people who do not even listen or have a foundation of faith. How can He give commandments to someone who cannot keep promises? 

The Person God Gives Commandments To

3. As Adam and Eve grew up, when they revered and loved God and had a good relationship, God gave them the commandment “Do not eat of the fruit” with hope. Can you make promises to someone who is not willing to listen? Promises are made when there is faith and a heartistic relationship between you and me, so there is a possibility that the other will fulfill that promise. Do you make promises with people you meet for the first time? The time God makes promises and gives commandments is when He sees that a person is quite trustworthy and that they respect God. 

As Adam and Eve grew up, when they revered, respected and loved God and had a good relationship, God gave them the commandment “Do not eat of the fruit” with hope. 

Can we make promises to someone who is not willing to listen? Promises are made when there is faith and a heartistic relationship between you and me, so there is a possibility that the other will fulfill that promise. 

Do we make promises with people we meet for the first time? The time God makes promises and gives commandments is when He sees that a person is quite trustworthy and that they respect God. 

From this principle, although we are fallen human beings, rather than expecting us to fail in our portion of responsibility, God has high expectations that we will fulfill our portion of responsibility. 

If he did not have such expectations of each human being, it would be impossible for him to restore any human being. 

When I think about this, tears come down. Even though I am a fallen man, my God, my Parent, has a high expectation that I will fulfill my portion of responsibility. That is the heart of the parent.

If God has no expectation – “This guy will never fulfill; he will never connect to God” – if God had that kind of negative thought, it would be impossible to restore any human being. 

In that sense, God believes in our original mind. He sees us as having infinite possibilities. It is a truth that when parents look at their children, positive concepts are greater than negative concepts. 

Therefore, when we also believe in others and encourage them, (we) will see them gain more strength and do their best. 

So let’s really have such expectations. Even though many people may have disappointed us, we need to have the same heart as God. Still expect, still trust, still believe. People grow up through being trusted by a leader. “You can do it. You can do it.” Even though one may fail many times, still trust, still give opportunities and encourage them as God does. God trusts our original mind. That is why he can respect any human being.

That is why when we raise our children we have to have more positive than negative thoughts: “He can do it. He can do it.” And we need to tell them, “You can do it.” We need to encourage them. 

We should not teach them in a negative way. “You cannot do that.” This kind of negative guidance to children is really a problem. 

When I see Naokimi – of course, sometimes I don’t agree with him – he wants to do something. He wants to challenge youth(?). I need to deny myself. “Let him do it. Maybe my thinking is wrong.” When I trust him and encourage him, I can see great leadership coming. Our Naokimi has great potential to be a great leader in the future. 

When I see our second generation, I have that kind of hope. Of course, sometimes there will be a little bit of disappointment in them, but I have more great expectation that they can do it. Our second generation, once they are determined, can do more than the first generation. (We need to have) this kind of encouragement, this kind of high expectation (of them). Even though a person may make mistakes, (if) we still have that kind of positive thought and encouragement, when the leader trusts him, the person can die for that Abel. 

Trust is important. Even though a person may cheat us, even though he disappoints us many times, (we need to) still trust, still give (him) opportunities, still encourage (him). This is the way we can bring back our second and third generation who have a distant relationship with our church.

We need to think about God. God has high expectations of us. We need to apply this same principle (to others).

Today I spoke about “When did God give Adam and Eve the commandment.”

(Testimony Cheng Va Vue, Minnesota Family Church, Hmong Community)♦

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. 

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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