Ep 596 - Tasks To Fulfill For The Secure Settlement Of Cheon ll Guk Part 1

Tasks to Fulfill for the Secure Settlement of Cheon Il Guk - June 13, 2022

PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony GPA members from main GPA program

How was yesterday’s Sunday Service?

(Sharing photos) Yesterday, we had a special Sunday service centering on welcoming new members at the Clifton Church. It was a really beautiful event. All of our members were inspired to see new members coming and joining. This is really incredible!

First we celebrated June Birthdays. The members whose birthday are in June received flowers and a special benediction based on True Parents’ tradition. It was really beautiful. And our Clifton church band really did a great job by lifting up the entire atmosphere. I think everything is improving in our Clifton Church.

 Then, a total of eight new members were welcomed and each new member and his spiritual children shared about their journey before joining the church.

I gave welcoming remarks with the title of “Five Great Elements of Guidance Given to Members’ centering on True Parents’ words.” It was very short, about 12 minutes. Naokimi said it was a record! It was shorter than any other time.

After the service, we had lunch together with the new members and shared their stories one by one. We had a heartistic time with them.

Our family members are actively participating in the New Life Campaign. Now the number of new members will exceed 12 and reach 21. Our goal by early next year is to have 3 to 12 people, 12 to 21 people, 21 to 43 people, 43 to 72 people, 72 to 124 people. Our goal is to witness first; our second goal is to witness; our third goal is to witness. Now everywhere ACLC and UPF and Yayam, everybody is really focused on witnessing. I am happy to see such a beautiful environment everywhere!

Today I’d like to talk about the  “Tasks to fulfill for the secure settlement of Cheon Il Guk” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

You need to be proud of True Parents. Now is the time when the people who are connected to us should actually come to church. Those people need to receive education. You need to help them know that church is a place worthy of appreciation where their families can be saved. It does not matter how much worldly fame someone has; that is temporary. However, within True Parents' ideology, whatever results one had and whatever responsibilities one fulfilled, those are eternal. Those who have this kind of qualification can become true owners, become pioneers. That is the path to becoming filial children and loyal subjects of our Heavenly Parent.

We must focus all our attention on that. The church needs to grow in order to restore the nation. The growth of the church means that we need more families that are blessed. When we have them, ours can become a good nation, God’s homeland. It should become a nation where Satan cannot exist, and cannot enter through the cracks. The politicians cannot solve everything, not even the North–South problems that we are facing. They have everything. Why can't they use those resources? You must find ways to teach others about True Parents 24 hours a day, whether you are awake or asleep. Only on that path can you, your family, your nation and the world live. (2015.09.17, Cheon Jeong Gung) 

True Mother said, “Within True Parents' ideology, whatever results one had and whatever responsibilities one fulfilled, those are eternal. Those who have this kind of qualification can become true owners, become pioneers. That is the path to becoming filial children and loyal subjects of our Heavenly Parent.” 

The only way that can subjugate God, True Parents, and even Satan, is only capabilities and results centered on the Will. There is no one to accuse before capabilities and results. However, it is not about self-centered capabilities and achievements. More than anything else, it must be the ability and achievements centered on God, True Parents, and the will. 

True Mother goes on, “The church needs to grow in order to restore the nation. The growth of the church means that we need more families that are blessed. When we have them, ours can become a good nation, God’s homeland.”

Now our movement’s battle is how to substantially find and establish Cheon Il Guk. Actually, we have all the tools and content to establish Cheon Il Guk. We have God and True Parents. We also have the Divine Principle, the eternal truth that can save all people. Not only that, we also have the authority to give the blessing that can save all humankind. 

If there is one think we lack, it is that we are short on the number (number of people for)  realizing Cheon Il Guk. In other words, it is the inability to secure the majority. From now on, if we just secure the majority, we can realize Cheon Il Guk without a doubt. 

In other words, securing the majority is increasing membership which is witnessing. If members increase and the majority is secured, Cheon Il Guk will automatically be realized.  

We have everything already. We have God and True Parents, the eternal truth and the Blessing. The only thing remaining is how to secure the majority. This is our final task. How can we increase our membership? How can we give more Blessings and let them know who God and True Parents are, and let them really be involved in establishing the substantial Cheon Il Guk?

What is God’s greatest concern? From now on it is the majority. How can we get the majority? If (we have) just 10% of the population in our nation, we can reach the entire nation and influence everybody. 10% is the number of tithing. Then we can handle everything. 

How can we increase the membership to the majority?

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Principle of Creation 53 - The Realm of God’s Direct Dominion

• What is the realm of God's direct dominion? 

• Human beings abide in the realm of direct dominion when, as subject partners and object partners, they unite in the love of God to form a four position foundation and become one in heart with God. In this realm they freely and fully share love and beauty according to the will of the subject partner, thus realizing the purpose of goodness. 

• The realm of direct dominion is the realm of perfection.

• What is the meaning of God's direct dominion over human beings?

• Once Adam and Eve had perfected themselves as individuals centered on God, they were to live together as one, forming the four position foundation in their family. Living in oneness with God's Heart, they would have led a life of goodness, sharing the fullness of love and beauty with Adam as the head of the family.

What is the meaning of God’s direct dominion over human beings? It means forming the Four Position Foundation in the family. 

God’s direct dominion over human beings does not mean individual perfection, but family perfection. If Adam and Eve had established the foundation of completing individual perfection and realizing a family, human beings would already have been given the qualification to have dominion over the creation.  

• What will the world be like when the natural world abides under the direct dominion of human beings? 

• When a fully mature person relates with the diverse things in nature as his object partners, they come together to form a four position foundation. People who are in total resonance with God's Heart will lead the natural world in the free-flowing sharing of love and beauty, and the entire universe will realize goodness. In such a manner, human beings will exercise direct dominion over all things.

The Door to the Realm of God's Direct Dominion 

<164-276> Without making heaven and earth completely centered on love, the door connecting the realm of dominion based on accomplishments through the Principle and the realm of God's direct dominion cannot be opened.  Without true love, there is no way to open it. Isn't that right? With false love, there is a barrier between the spirit world and the physical world, but with marriage, the power of true love will make it possible for them to be linked together.  

The realm of perfection means the perfection of shimjeong, that is, the perfection of love. It is not simply physical perfection through adolescence. The way of opening the door from the realm of indirect dominion to the realm of direct dominion is only possible through love.  

However, love cannot happen with Adam alone. The couple must open that door together. Therefore, the door to the realm of direct dominion is opened through the gateway called marriage through the Blessing. 

The Formula to Enter Heaven

   <149-318, 1986.12.21> By completing the portion of responsibility, the realm of God's direct dominion and indirect dominion, as well as the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and the Kingdom of Heaven in Heaven can be connected. Without this, everything is futile. We should love our families, the whole universe and God by becoming the embodiment of love by completing the portion of responsibility. Only that kind of person can enter heaven. That is the formula for entering heaven.  

After marrying, if you cannot become the embodiment of love, you can never enter the realm of God’s direct dominion. 

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: The Minister with Capabilities 

1. People who minister well improve their life of faith by treating their object partners well and sympathizing with tears. So, members who receive grace from the minister respect them with all their heart and if the church is in a financially difficult situation, they support financially without anyone knowing. If the minister has difficulties in the church, members who try to take responsibility over that must appear. If such members are created, he is a completion stage minister. The minister who is unable to do this is at a standstill, a state where there is no movement. When he holds onto that object partner, he loses it, and when he loses it, he grabs it again. When the object hears the Principle, they come out at first, but when something difficult happens, they go away.

That is why the minister’s job is very important. What is the key(?) position of the minister? You are the representative of God and True Parents 

People who minister well bring change to the members’ life of faith, make them grow, and always touch their hearts with tears. Members who hear the Word and receive grace from the minister respect them and seek to obey them and take the initiative and help with church matters.

If a minister becomes a model and his words have grace in them, financial blessings will always follow automatically. 

That is why a minister does not have to worry about financial issues. If you take care of the members very well, God will sympathize with you and take responsibility for you. It is up to you. Do not blame the members. Why don’t they give tithing? Why don’t they support more? 

A perfect plus can create a perfect minus. If you are really crazy for the sake of God’s will as a minister, someone will appear who will be crazy to support you. Father already uses this principle. A perfect plus can create a perfect minus. 

Depending on the influence of the minister’s jeongseong and word, financial blessings in proportion to that will come. Material blessings will always follow the place where there is jeongseong, love and grace.

Heart touching by the word and financial blessings are always proportionate. Where there is grace and love, wealth automatically follows. 

When the minister becomes a model, members who take responsibility for the church’s difficulties are bound to appear. Such a minister is one who (has) surpassed the formation stage and reached the completion stage.  

The key is how and where the minister leads the lambs. Lambs follow the shepherd's lead. 

We need to know about that. I want to raise our second generation very well. In the future they can become the leaders, powerful ministers to lead our members. That is why now we are going to have ongoing education, the Accelerate Program here and there. Now we are continuously creating such educational programs to raise up young leaders. 

 2. Many ministers are unable to instill into their object partners the preciousness in having a relationship with God. When they know that the relationship between themselves and God is precious, it's not about their own circumstances, it's not about their own job. If the members of the church come to know and realize God’s will right away, you need to establish a sense of value about what circumstances might stop them. In fact, when you hear the Principle, what is more valuable than the Principle? In other words, is there anything that can change more than the parent-child relationship between God and me? No matter if you have a secular lover, once you know the will, you are bound to cut ties.

Among the minister’s duties, the most important thing is teaching the members the parent-child relationship between them and God and how important it is. 

This is the most important thing. Let them clearly understand their relationship with God. This is everything. This is fundamental truth. How can we help our brothers and sisters to experience that God is working through them? How can they meet God? How can they have a heartistic relationship with God? That is everything. 

That is why you must always instill into the members that by regarding their relationship with God, our Father, as life, they can change their lives, and their lives will become abundant, and all problems will be resolved.

All problems come from the relationship between God and yourself. If you do not understand God very much, you will not know how to overcome reality and your trials and difficulties. However, if you know God and ... believe in him and your relationship with God is very clear – “No matter what, he loves me. He is my father. I am his child” – if your relationship is very strong and intimate and inseparable, I am telling you, all problems will be resolved.  

When everyone realizes the parent-child relationship between God and themselves and knows it as a lifeline, they can overcome all their circumstances and difficulties.

However, many ministers and people in the Abel position are unable to instill this. They must make all believers experience that God is working in their lives through words and guidance.  

If the members of the church come to know and realize God’s will right away, you need to strongly instill a sense of value about what circumstances or difficulties might stop them. 

Is there anything more precious than the parent-child relationship between God and me? No matter if you have a secular lover and no matter how much temptations there are, once you know the will, you are bound to cut ties and follow God’s will. 

This is a really important point. As a leader I need to show that God is always with me and protects me. Not only that. You need to educate your members very well as an Abel, as a minister, as a father and mother. How can we let our member experience God? Since I came to America I have been continually talking about God’s heart, his sorrow, his relationship with me. These are fundamental things.

 3. In the early days of the church, after knowing about the will, even if senior members had beloved children, they put them in orphanages and left their homes to follow True Parents. If God and True Parents’ wish is more precious than my own circumstance, isn’t it principled to go beyond my own circumstances and follow God’s wish? In the past, all senior members did it this way. When True Parents gave commands, they abandoned their husbands and wives, the people they were about to marry, and their beloved children. They followed the will beyond all their own circumstances. In a secular perspective, they were like crazy people. Then, why did they do that? They did so because the relationship with Father God is most important. They did so because they had to put God’s will first.  

If God and True Parents’ wish is more precious than my own circumstance, isn’t it principled for all people to give up their own circumstances and follow God’s will?  

The reason everyone focuses on their own circumstances and environment is because they put God and His will second. God is not their first priority. 

In our life of faith, if we really regard God’s will as the first priority, everyone will devote themselves for the way of God’s will. Why don’t young people and 2nd generation today follow the will? 

First of all, it is because they do not know God and His will. If you immediately know God, anyone will put God’s will as (their) top priority. 

That is why in the early days of the church, after knowing about the will, even if senior members had beloved children, they put them in orphanages and left their homes to follow True Parents.  

If True Parents gave commands, they abandoned their families, their lovers and people they were about to marry and even abandoned their beloved children. They went beyond all their own circumstances and followed the will.  

Then, the question is today, do I put God’s will first or do I put my circumstances, my job, and my environment first? 

Which one is most important? If you think money is most important, then you will focus on money. If you think your family is number one, then you will focus on your family. If you think God is your top priority, then you will give up everything and focus only on God’s will. What is your top priority?

 4. Even in the frontline of our ministry today, members must become one with the church leader as the center. If you do not thoroughly establish this relationship, you will not be able to become a minister with capability. The minister who makes members throw away all circumstances and make a determination that the way of the will is the path that they will go on is a minister with educational capabilities. Of course, the situation is different now from the past, but the fundamentals cannot be changed. In order for us to pioneer the world and save mankind, many devotees must appear. There can be no results without sacrifice. Our church still has a long way to go. A lot of people still do not know the will. If we are not dedicated, who will save them?

The day before yesterday I attended the GPA graduation. ... I asked them to really devote themselves for the sake of God’s will. I asked them if they really had a good experience with GPA, then they should put God and his will as their top priority.

I joined the church at 17 years old. (At that time) I knew that God is my No. 1– more than my family, more than my father and mother, more than my knowledge. I decided to give up everything and determined to join the Korean UTS. 

Yesterday we had a beautiful ACLC 22nd anniversary meeting. Tomorrow I will show some photos. I really emphasized to the Christian ministers why these days churches are declining. It is because they are compromising with the secular world. They are compromising with money and power, their own job, their own interests. 

You never put God as a top priority. As a minister if you fully dedicate (yourself) and put God as a top priority – if you are crazy to love God -- I am sure God will protect your church. All your congregation will experience that God is alive.

Why are our churches declining? Because we are following the secular world. This is the issue. Our ancestors who came to America and built this beautiful nation put God as a top priority. 

What is your life? Are you putting God as a top priority? He is a miserable guy, our Heavenly Father. He is sorrowful. God invests everything to save his children. He is crazy to save people. As a filial son and daughter, I should be like that. I should put God as a top priority.

Father said, “You need to work harder than God and True Parents.” We need to have such determination as filial sons and daughters. Then our movement will really prosper. 

If we put God as secondary and put our children and family and money first, then even the Unification Church will decline. That is why I strongly encourage our second generation and third generation to devote themselves for the sake of God’s will. Otherwise, who can save eight billion people? We need to fully take ownership. We are now living in the era of Cheon Il Guk and working with Mother. Put God and True Parents first as the first priority. Then our movement will be prosperous and surely can develop. God will protect us.

LIVING TESTIMONY: I’m a Living Testimony for Whom Anything is Possible

(Testimony of GPA sisters from the main GPA program.)♦

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as PDF files at the top of this text. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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