Ep 447 - Cheon Jeong Gung and International Headquarters Part 1

Cheon Jeong Gung and ​the International Headquarters 82-7-12-40 - January 15, 2022

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(Response to sharing) Please raise your children well with hoondokhae. hoondokhae is one of the most beautiful things. Through hoondokhae you can share many things. (Children) need to have a habit from a young age. If they are already old and you ask them to join hoondokhae, it is already too late. But when they join from a young age, it becomes very natural, naturally sharing this and that. 

For my family one of the things (I am) most grateful for is setting up the hoondokhae tradition. We learned so many things from Father’s word and Divine Principle, and they shared (and we had) questions and answers. They reported about school life. It is heartistic communication and give and take action. The most incredible blessing is the hoondok tradition.♦ 

I am truly happy every morning to see my beloved brothers and sisters. How beautiful the tradition of hoondokhae is. Space and time don’t matter; everyone comes together to listen to God’s word and learn together centering on our True Parents’ word. It is one of the most beautiful traditions. As long as we keep this kind of hoondok tradition, I think surely Heavenly Parent will bless us and guide us. Our second generation and third generation blessed children can grow up very well in this kind of environment. 

Today I’d like to talk again about  “Cheon Jeong Gung and the International Headquarters” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

I declare that it is now time for all of you to unite with True Mother with one mind and one body, no matter what, and to take action and live up to your beliefs, moving as a single organization. The providential history that began from Korea is the mainstream. Haven't I said that this will grow to become a great current that will sweep across the five oceans and six continents and that all life will be resurrected in its wake? We must enthusiastically take action in making that a reality. To accomplish this, you should all learn from the good examples that you heard in the reports from each region today and make an effort to achieve similar things. You should hold Hoondokhae every morning and offer devotion in your families and at church. Only then will you mobilize the spirit world. Now you have nothing to fear. You are not alone. The spirit world is working through you in a comprehensive way. You should be grateful for these busy but happy times when you can actually feel this happening, and accordingly take action. Otherwise, you and your descendants will be left in bitter sorrow. (2014.10.27, Cheon Jeong Gung)​

If you want to become a great current and race toward the vast ocean, all the smaller currents along the way must combine. Through the Cheon Jeong Won and through the mission headquarters centered here in Cheon Jeong Gung, we are globally one! All organizations must become financially independent. To achieve this you must make an effort. You must invest devotions. Now I am trying to appoint young people for the sake of our future generations. From now, the age group will continue to become younger. This is necessary for the sake of our future. You have to raise your successor. That is why after True Father's Seonghwa, the first thing I did was reinvigorate the education of second generation members. Take the history of Christianity, for example. It took more than 300 years for Christianity to be recognized by Rome. We have to be different. We have to achieve the same feat while True Parents are still on earth. In order to do that, all organizations and everything must become united and become one in heart and body as we harvest results. ​(2014.10.27, Cheon Jeong Gung)​

In True Mother’s HoonDok words that we read today, she said something very important. We will break it down into a few parts. 

First, we must become a single organization centered on True Mother, and no branches can be tolerated. She said that all the smaller currents must combine. Here, she is saying that any group of the Children or spiritual group cannot be formed. 

She has emphasized this many times in the past. 

Second is to follow the good examples of each region of the world and put it into practice in your own region. 

Third is to do Hoondokhae every morning and offer devotion in your families and at church. If we do not offer hoondok JeongSeong, the spirit world cannot be mobilized. True Mother is emphasizing that Heavenly fortune will always (come) to every family that does hoondokhae. 

If we do not do hoondokhae in our families, we cannot protect our families from the secular world. Just like Moses’ mother, we must educate our children about the chosen people.

Can you imagine how Moses’ mother educated him in the uneasy(?) environment (of Egypt). Education is really important, especially in that kind of difficult environment in Egypt. Moses’s mother, in the nanny position, was continually teaching and guiding Moses. Then Moses became one of the important central figures for God’s providence. 

Even though the secular world is so terrible with a Chapter Two environment, how can we win over such a secular environment? Only through education. What kind of education? Hoondok education. This is an important point. 

 Because people are always dominated by the environment, if we do not educate our children centered on the Word, they will become secular. Satan is brainwashing us and our children twenty-four seven through the culture of sexual immorality everywhere. 

In my family even a two-year old baby -- before having a meal we always prayed together -- sometimes the children did not say, “Aju.” Then their mother did not give them food. Children needed to say “Aju.” That became very natural. Every morning we had hoondokhae. Whenever we had a meal, all babies and family members were together. It is a beautiful tradition given by True Parents. 

How can we protect our children if we do not educate our children through hoondokhae for even one hour a day in the family? If the Unification Church does not establish the tradition of hoondokhae in the family, all of our children will become sacrifices to Satan. This is why I do Morning Devotion without missing even one day.

I don’t want to miss one day. My commitment is six or seven years. As long as I am in America, I really want to keep this beautiful morning hoondokhae. Our children join, family members join together. If we establish this kind of morning hoondokhae tradition for the next six or seven years, our family will have the confidence to do hoondok tradition in their family. If we stabilize this hoondokhae on the national and continental level, then later on the whole world will follow this hoondok tradition. Then nobody (will be able to) destroy (it). I am telling you, this is the only way we can protect our second generation, our first generation, our blessed families. That is why I emphasize again and again the importance of hoondokhae. 

Fourth, all organizations must become financially independent. It means that without a vision, goal, and determination to become independent, it will become an organization that will be indebted for the rest of life. 

In other words, she is telling all organizations to have a sense of ownership. An owner is not indebted to anyone. If an organization is still indebted, it will be difficult to escape from the state of a servant. 

That is why UPF, WFWP, UTS, many organizations need to have a lot of money. They are not making money. They need to spend money for the sake of PR. All our Family Federation members, including Ambassadors for Peace, ACLC ministers (should) donate and have a mission mind to support UPF, WFWP. Then without worrying about financial things, they can continuously multiply … . 

One day I want to create that kind of foundation and not rely on Korea or someone else. Then within America and our own continent, how can we find the financial resources and support them? That is why we need to find righteous people. And we need to also (offer) a lot of support to our UTS educational institution. Most of outside educational institutions cannot make money. They need to have a lot of support. In Korea famous public and private schools, how do they manage? Of course, they receive tuition fees from students, but many great righteous people donate to the school and university. That is the way they survive and multiply. That is why righteous people really need to invest something for the sake of our education. 

Fifth, True Mother said that she would focus on raising the future generation, centering on the second generation. That is why after True Father’s Seonghwa, the first thing she did was emphasize the importance of the education of the second generation. 

Currently, in North America, centered on the Blessed Family Department, all of the wives of sub-regional directors are directly being involved in the education, matching and Blessing of the second generation. This is a very good phenomenon. 

Our national leader’s wife is directly involved, and my wife also is involved. I am very focused on that. I am looking for our elders(?) to become matching supporters. Already 3 or 4 couples have completed (?). I want to challenge them again and again. As the continental director, if you do not do second generation education and matching and Blessing, who else can do it? I am the one who has to be that model. 

 From now on, we must establish the education of the blessed children and call those out in the secular world back into the arms of God without letting them be dragged out again. I’m certain this will happen soon.

Finally, True Mother said that we must make sure we make actual achievements while True Parents are still on earth. These words mean building the substantial Cheon Il Guk while True Mother is still on earth. 

​​LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: Principle of Creation 9 - Life of Give and Take Action 

• Through the agency of universal prime energy, the subject and object elements of every entity form a common base and enter into interaction. This interaction, in turn, generates all the forces the entity needs for existence, multiplication, and action. 

• The interaction generating these forces through this process is called give and take action.

Let’s study Father’s word related to give-and-take action.

The Reason the Universe is Circular​

<94-12> Everyone, why is the universe circular? Why? When giving and receiving force become opposites they become a straight line, collide and disappear. Do you understand? 「yes」 Therefore for it not to clash it becomes circular. The more perfect and giving it is, the more circular it becomes. In order to completely receive it has to be circular. This is the principle of the universe. More complete means more circular. A straight motion becomes exhausted and dwindles away. ​

The universe is round because it performs a give and take action. Therefore I like the Korean word ‘won-man’ (圓滿). The Chinese character for ‘won’ means round. Thus a person who is ‘won-man’ has a round character and is a man of noble character. ‘Won-man’ means a filled up circle. Do you want to become a big circle? Or a small circle? 「A big circle」 ​

Why is the universe circular? It is because a straight motion clashes. For it not to clash, it must become circular. A straight motion becomes exhausted. 

However, it is said that the more you give and receive, the larger the circular motion gradually becomes. That is why he said that more complete means more circular. So when we look at God’s creation, the universe is round, the sun is round, the moon is round, the stars are round, and the earth is round. Everything is round.

Therefore, True Father said for us human beings to resemble the character of God and creation and give and take completely, we must have a round character. 

Balls used in sports such as soccer, basketball, baseball and golf are round. But what if they were squares? 

The more fallen nature a person has, the more they keep getting stuck in interpersonal relationships because they only move in a straight line. That is why we must often round our angular areas. For that to happen, we must keep giving and receiving with the person we do not get along well with. We must keep giving and receiving until we give and take well. 

It is the most difficult to (have) give and take between enemies. However, since true love is round, the enemy must also be digested. A man of noble character is a person with a round character. He is someone who gives and takes with others well and gets along. 

A person who struggles with relationships has many corners in their character, so only after working with the person they hate the most and overcoming it can they round their angular character. So in the end, I have to become a champion of true love who can love anyone in this world. 

If you cannot love someone, you are not a round character. You need to love everyone, including your enemy; then you can become a round character.

A round character rolls very well everywhere. If you are not a round character, if your character is like a square, then you hit and hurt so many people. That’s why training, education, listening to God’s word, going to the front line, witnessing and fundraising, what is the purpose of all that? (It is) how to become a round character resembling a globe, like the sun and moon and stars. Everything is round. I want to resemble the universe. God’s guidance is incredible!

The best way to possess a well-integrated character is to always serve with the heart of a parent and body of a servant for the sake of others. 

This is the best way to train. The best way to have a round character is to have the heart of parents and serve people with that heart. Your body should be the body of a servant, always sacrificing, working harder than anyone. If we have that kind of philosophy and attitude, you quickly will become a round character resembling our Heavenly Parent, our True Parents.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY​: Love the Cain in My Family​

1. Among you, there are families that live with 2nd generation daughters-in-law. It would be good if 2nd generation daughters-in-law live together with their parents-in-law and attend them like True Parents. But if she thinks that since she came because of her husband, not to come and serve her parents-in-law, then harmony in the family will not be easy. However, those who became parents-in-law should not treat her like any secular daughter-in-law. When dealing with a 2nd generation daughter-in-law, if you think of her as God entering the home and instead, the parents-in-law live serving her, the daughter-in-law will naturally surrender. This is the way to bring a stubborn daughter-in-law to natural submission.​

“It does not matter that you are my daughter-in-law and are younger than me and you have less experience than me.” The kingdom of heaven does not care about the position: father-in-law, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law. It does not care about your age or your external position. Fallen people always think about the external position. It is not easy for parents to “humble down” their children. (They may say,) “My children, you need to obey me; you need to serve me.” This kind of external position does not matter. We are beyond(?) that kind of position. Even though you are in the position of the parents-in-law, you serve your daughter-in-law very well, treating her as God. “God sent her to my family. I am really, really grateful.” Something like that.

… You know my younger brother. He has an important position in Korea as the chairman of the History Committee. He has studied well about True Parents life course and all the historical material. … He is arranging the historical material professionally. I don’t know if I should say this publicly, but when he received the blessing, his wife is Japanese and he struggled with her about this and that. But he has a good character, and he listened to me and my advice. 

Later on my (other) brother, my sister, my father and mother (all) received the Blessing, but for me whenever I think of my family, what I am most grateful for is my younger brother’s wife. Her name is Hyoko. Wow! When I think about her, my tears come down. Why? She really totally melted my mother’s heart. My mother is very stubborn and strong. Of course, she loves me and loves family members, but she emphasizes tradition. Through Hyoko’s serving of my mother -- no Korean wife can do that much -- I really want to bow down to my younger brother’s wife. She is an amazing lady. I am grateful that “Heavenly Parent, you gave that kind of woman to the Yong family. I am eternally grateful she came to our family.” How much she has changed our environment. My brother and she are totally united, and both of them are serving and taking care of my mother. I am really grateful. Through serving we can win over anyone. 

2. Next, we must have good husband and wife relationships at home.  The couple should first think of themselves as being Cain and their partner as Abel. Since Cain is in a position to receive Abel’s guidance, I should live with a heart to receive guidance from my partner, my spouse, but couples usually do not want to receive guidance from each other. 

They try to subjugate each other. They insist on their opinion first. But according to Father’s guidance, you need to treat each other (as) “I am Cain. My spouse is Abel.” If you are Cain, you need to listen to your Abel, no matter what. That’s why as a husband and wife, you need to think “I am Cain, my spouse is Abel, no matter what.” Even though you (may be) more heartistic, more faithful, it does not matter. Always we need to think, “I am Cain. My spouse is Abel. I need to listen to my spouse because she is in my Abel position.” We need to have that kind of attitude; then the atmosphere will really change. 

It is not easy to have a heart that truly regards the other as one's own leader. So how can you subdue your partner? In serving God in my daily life of faith, I can bring Cain to submission only when my heart of serving the visible Cain is the same as my heart when serving the invisible God. ​

… Heavenly Father is the invisible God. Everybody relates to the invisible God and confesses and cries and exposes everything (to him). Everybody loves the invisible God. However, what is Heavenly Father’s wish? You need to serve your visible God. Who is your visible God? Your spouse is. That is why Heavenly Father thinks, “Why don’t you serve and love your spouse the same as you love me?” He is the invisible(?) God. “How much I love you. I love True Father, True Mother.” They are not around in your family environment. That’s why True Father and True Mother ask us, “Do you really love me? Do you treat your wife like me? Hey wife, do you treat your husband as me, asTrue Father? Hey husband, do you treat your wife as True Mother?” This is our struggle in our life of faith. 

3. Do you know what Jacob said when he met his brother Esau after 21 years? He hugged and kissed his brother Esau, whom he had not seen in 21 years, and said, “I have missed Jehovah God so much for 21 years, but seeing you makes me feel like I have met Jehovah God.” Because of that heart, Esau surrendered to Jacob. So True Father says: If believers today have a love that can treat a visible enemy like a lover he had been waiting for 6,000 years, he could melt not only the enemy but also any Satan. Jesus also lived by this law. He said that he did not come to be served, but to serve.​

…. If Jacob were to have said “Seeing you is like seeing God” only externally, Esau would never have surrendered to Jacob. Because you only say it externally like that, you cannot move Cain’s heart. How can we move Cain’s heart? We need to (invest) our utmost sincerity, not telling a lie. 

4. Didn't Jesus go to the leprosy valley and touch the incurable patients one by one? The great thing about Jesus is that he was not only filial to God, but he also regarded the outcasts as God. When we think of the pitiful course of Jesus who died, it is easy to say “Jesus! You went through so much trouble. I really comfort you! I love you!” Like this, it is actually easy for me to serve an invisible God or an invisible Jesus. However, while calling visible parents “my parent” everyone finds it difficult to serve them as God. Everyone has a heart of longing for God. Everyone has a heart to attend True Parents. When I treat True Parents, I unknowingly become humble and apologetic, but when I treat my subordinates, I do not become that way. I can easily say “you rascal!” but the heart of serving the other person does not come out.​

That’s why Father already said and Jesus said, “You are a hypocrite. If you really love and serve God and put something on the altar and greet God, how about your relationship with your spouse, your family and your neighbor? You need to have the same attitude. When you offer something in front of God, everybody bows down and kyungbeis and fully respects (God).” (This) attitude should apply to our daily life. We need to deal with my spouse in the same way. We need to deal with my children, my neighbors, everyone in that way. Then we are not hypocrites. 

Why am I a hypocrite? My attitude toward God and toward my spouse and children is different. We call that “hypocrite.” All fallen men are hypocrites. Sincerity means what? Our internal and external method(?) are not different. They are the same. Whether someone looks at me or not does not matter. 

Wow! What do you think of True Parents’ guidance? It is so practical. It clearly teaches us how we should manage our life in our family. We need to love our Cain. We need to love our neighbors and family members. We (need to) treat them as God’s representatives. This is the important point.

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “ ...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the powerpoint slides from this speech are available as pdf files at the top of this text and attext.morndev.com &yong.hoondok.com. Audio only is available atanchor.morndev.com,spotify.morndev.com &audio.morndev.com.♦

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