Ep 442 - Spreading the Word and Practicing True Love Part 2

Spreading the Word and Practicing True Love #77 2-12-40 - January 10, 2022

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Today I’d like to talk about  “Spreading the Word and practicing true love” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

When the movement to practice true love according to True Parents' teachings begins in this nation and spreads to all the world, then naturally we can realize one global kingdom of heaven centered on God, which is what God and humanity have been waiting for. In order for this to happen you have to do your best in the face of adversity. As tribal messiahs, there is no problem in blessing 430 couples. Why is that difficult? True Parents are waiting for the seven billion people of humankind. These are people who have lost their parents like orphans and you are simply letting them know about their parents. This is the path that will make you a proud ancestor of Cheon Il Guk. You will become filial and loyal sons and daughters.​

You must work together with True Parents in this era so that your name can be remembered in history. How can you just sit and wait when you think about the seven billion people who depend on you? You must get up. You must go forward. You must make noise. Each person must do his best and complete his responsibility as a tribal messiah. You must heal the anguish and pain of Heavenly Parent, True Parents and Jesus Christ and you must become proud filial and loyal sons and daughters in your life on earth and in the eternal world. (2014.12.21, South Point Hotel, Las Vegas)​

You just saw on the screen a short video about the life of a monarch butterfly, which is only about three to four centimeters in length. The size of its brain is about the same as the tip of a needle. Yet, a new butterfly born as a larva flies to the very place where other butterflies in its lineage had gone and died. Isn't this profound and mysterious? Human beings use a compass and what they have learned in order to find their way. How could this tiny being with a brain the size of a dot—I mean smaller than what you'd get if you prick something with a needle—navigate to safety and multiply? When we observe these things, we know for a fact that compared to Mother Nature we have led truly shameful lives. You are people whom Father remembered when he was alive. That is why he said that he would place you in the position of Cheon Il Guk owners in the new era. Think about this. A king cannot exist without his subjects. ​

As you carry out your responsibilities as a national messiah or a tribal messiah, you have to raise people, your subjects. You have to witness. Only then can you fulfill your given responsibilities. A person who fails to fulfill his responsibilities is without a future. Do you want to live in that way and exit without leaving behind a name or a legacy? It should not be that way. I personally enjoy watching nature documentaries. I have watched many. I heard the other day that there is a certain bird that lives in Alaska called the longbill. When preparing for the winter, the longbill flies non-stop for ten days to Australia. It prepares to fly like that. Who taught it to do this? So many things in nature put us to shame. Have we ever strenuously made an effort, like this bird, for ten days, without eating or sleeping, for the sake of restoring our neighbors, our tribe or our nation? Even this bird, which cannot speak, exerts itself in this way to multiply its own kind. What can we say for human beings who were created as the lords of creation? ​(2014.11.12, Cheon Jeong Gung)​

By giving examples of the monarch butterfly and the longbill inhabiting Alaska, True Mother is emphasizing that we humans must fulfill our heavenly tribal messiahship mission, which is our responsibility to find God, our eternal home. Today we are going to learn about monarch butterflies.

I researched this. Let’s study together.

About the monarch butterfly​

The monarch butterfly is one of the most recognizable and well studied butterflies on the planet. Its orange wings are laced with black lines and bordered with white dots. Famous for their seasonal migration, millions of monarchs migrate from the United States and Canada south to California and Mexico for the winter.​

In the east, only monarchs that emerge in late summer or early fall make the annual migration south for the winter. As the days get shorter and the weather cooler, they know it’s time to abandon their breeding grounds in the northern U.S. and Canada and head south to the mountains of central Mexico, where it’s warmer. Some migrate up to 3,000 miles.​

There, they huddle together on oyamel fir trees to wait out the winter. Once the days start growing longer again, they begin to move back north, stopping somewhere along the route to lay eggs. Then the new generation continues farther north and stops to lay eggs. The process may repeat over four or five generations before the monarchs have reached Canada again.​

Western monarchs head to the California coast for the winter, stopping at one of several hundred known spots along the coast to wait out the cold. When spring comes, they disperse across California and other western states.​

How do monarchs make such a long journey? They use the sun to stay on course, but they also have a magnetic compass to help them navigate on cloudy days. A special gene for highly efficient muscles gives them an advantage for long-distance flight.​

Even the insignificant insect created by God can fly thousands of miles toward its home and dwelling place. They use the sun to stay on course, but they also have a magnetic compass to help them navigate on cloudy days. They overcome many difficult environments and weather without anyone teaching them to find their habitat and breeding ground. They instinctively have their own GPS to know where they are going. 

Do you have your own GPS to find God and your eternal home? Our GPS is God’s positioning system. Normally we speak about GPS as the Global Positioning System. Our GPS is God’s Positioning System. God is our GPS, and True Parents are our GPS. 

What about us fallen humans? Until now, no one in history has suggested how we should find our eternal homeland. However, our True Parents are providing us with GPS. They showed us and taught us how to go to our eternal hometown in heaven, which no one has ever been to. That is the mission of heavenly tribal messiahship. True Parents say that if we take all responsibility for heavenly tribal messiah’s mission, we can find and build the Cheon il guk of God, and we can build the kingdom of heaven on earth, the eternal homeland God desires.

We can learn good things today from True Mother’s speech and also from the good example of the Monarch Butterfly insect.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: Principle of Creation 9 - Life of Give and Take Action 

Let’s read again the EDP content. 

• Through the agency of universal prime energy, the subject and object elements of every entity form a common base and enter into interaction. This interaction, in turn, generates all the forces the entity needs for existence, multiplication, and action. 

• The interaction generating these forces through this process is called give and take action.

Based on this EDP content about give-and-take action, let’s study Father’s word in detail.

Don’t Boast While Giving​

< 50-309> A long time ago there was a woman who opposed the Unification Church. She opposed the church no matter what. Cutting open her stomach or her head would not be enough to satisfy her. However, her friend said, ‘as she opposed the Unification Church, she fell short of her tuition fee and couldn’t go to school.’ Therefore I paid for her children’s school without anyone knowing. If you establish such ties with people, God cannot help but see it and like such a person. Isn’t that right? Therefore it is wrong to boast while giving. A parental heart of giving and feeling sorry, a heart of definitely giving better things in the future and yet still feeling ashamed, a person with such a heart will never perish. This is my life philosophy. ​

Father is always talking about true love.

True love is giving for the sake of the enemy without his knowing it, even if he is my enemy. When giving to your enemies, give without boasting. God will absolutely make sure that those who can give to their enemies with a shameful heart will never perish. 

True love is to take in even the enemy and pray to God to please bless him. Giving to somebody you want to give to is something anybody can do. But try giving to the person who is difficult to love. Trying giving to someone who despises me, is jealous of me, and hates me. Try giving to those who always persecute me. 

That is not an easy job, but Father says we need to do it.

The more I give for my enemies, the more my love container grows. Also, the level of my love increases and the quality of my love gradually changes. 

This is important guidance by True Parents. 

Know that when I truly love my enemy and give for him, my blood lineage changes. Without loving my enemies, there will never be a way for my lineage to change. When I love my enemies, there is a great transformation from the false blood lineage to true blood lineage. Since a self-centered person has a narrow heart, he can never forgive or love his enemies. 

Why can’t I love my enemies? Because the container of my love is very small. You cannot love. That is why your container should be big enough to embrace even your enemies.

Fallen lineage thinks that if the enemy apologizes to me first, then I forgive them. It shows that I have not yet cleared the satanic lineage and that I am self-centered. The mindset of trying to receive an apology from the other person first is the result of proving to myself that I am of Satan’s blood lineage. 

You must know that true love is natural, involuntary surrender. Forced submission is not true surrender. 

True Love is what? Natural surrender, not by hitting, not by power, not by money. That is why God’s providence is always delayed and delayed. It takes a long time because the kingdom of heaven is what? The kingdom of heaven is only by true love. You cannot push someone and then (have them) surrender by force. 

What is often a challenge in my life of faith -- this is my true confession -- is first, to do the things I hate to do the most. The second is meeting the person I hate the most. Third, I keep wanting to meet people I cannot really love. When I overcome the things I hate to do, my character will really change, my blood lineage will change. By doing so, I believe that wherever  I go, I become harmonious and a peacemaker. 

I spoke about this a long time ago, but I would like to remind you again. In the olden(?) days of the Unification Church, one time Father went out to Pusan. An elderly woman asked him a question: “Now I am getting old and soon I will go to the spiritual world. Father, I have a question. What must I do to get to heaven?” At that time, True Father answered, “Choose what you hate the most and do it. And love the person you hate the most until you like him.” 

In the kingdom of heaven there is no hatred. If you hate something, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Even though someone (were to) put you in the kingdom of heaven by force, as long as you hate something, you (would be) immediately kicked out because the kingdom of heaven does not allow any fallen nature, any hatred, any jealousy, any problem issues. The kingdom of heaven is the world of perfection. It does not allow any evil, any fallen nature, any enemy. That is why if you cannot love your enemy or do not like something, you are not fit for the kingdom of heaven. That’s why while we are on the earth we need to remove our fallen nature. 

The Taden family was just talking about this. Whatever I don’t like to do, when I challenge myself and overcome it, I really feel incredible joy and happiness. 

I don’t have many enemies, if I don’t like someone, I purposely call him, visit him and talk to him until our relationship improves. 

Why is True Father the champion of true love? He forgave his enemy Kim Il Sung. He forgot those who really persecuted him. Even Jesus forgave the Roman soldier who killed him. They are champions of true love. They even digest their enemies. True love can even digest our enemies. That is why the more I love my enemies -- this is a true story that really changed my blood lineage, a complete experience of transformation. If you (do something that you) like to do, if you love it, you cannot change your character. That is why if you have difficulty with somebody, your Abel, your leadership, or your Cain, you need to love them. Otherwise, your fallen nature still remains in your mind. As long as fallen nature remains in your mind, how can you become a champion of peace makers? You cannot do it. 

How can we be like our beloved True Father and True Mother and our beloved Jesus? I really love Jesus because his quality of true love is amazing. When he died on the cross, bleeding and bleeding from head to hands to legs and from his chest, in such a critical situation, he loved his enemy. His quality of love is really amazing! Because of his quality of love, later on (after the resurrection) he was able to call together all his scattered disciples. His love for his disciples was unchanging. During the past 2,000 years Christianity grew so fast not because of his theory (theology), not just because of his cross, but because of the quality of Jesus' love. He did not have any enemies. 

Why are True Parents so great? It is the same as Jesus: because of their quality of love -- digesting, embracing not just individual enemies, not just national enemies, but worldwide-level enemies, even forgiving Satan. This is really amazing. 

Remember when we truly love our enemy, it changes our blood lineage. This is very important. 

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: What Kind of Age Are We Living in Now?​

1. The present age is a fruitful period, which must not be a time when we (only) believe in God but a time when God trusts in us. 

In the past we needed to believe in God and Jesus, believe in something. This era has gone away. Now is the time God wants to believe in us and trust in us. Now is the Cheon il guk era. As the owner of Cheon il guk, if I become the owner, that means God trusts in me. He believes in me. If I believe in God and Jesus and True Parents, that is a kind of formation stage like the old testament era. That was a different time.

At this time, True Parents were victorious in the battle with Satan, overcame the age of indemnity and entered the era of Cheon Il Guk. 

That is why every morning we pledge we are owners of Cheon il guk. That means God trusts in us because we are owners. Even though we … recite Family Pledge every day, how much do we realize this point? 

So, this is the age to establish a true family and settle true love centered on the culture of heart. Therefore, the most important thing is to inherit the heart of the central figures of the Providence of Restoration, Jesus, and True Parents. 

That is why when we love all central figures throughout human history, we need to inherit (from them), not just judge why (a central figure) could not establish the foundation of faith, why he failed at the foundation of substance, why he deserved(?) this and that. Of course, we can judge them, but the most important thing is that we learn through their failures or their successful conditions how to inherit their heart. We need to inherit from Adam and Eve. After their fall, how much they regreted (what they did)! How painful their heart was! Then (in realizing this) we cannot repeat the same problem they had. We need to inherit Cain’s heart in Adam’s family. When I truly understand his heart, then I will not kill my Abel, I cannot become a murderer any more. No matter what, I need to love my Cain. No matter what, I need to love my Abel. 

I need to inherit the same thing from Noah: his loyalty, his contribution for 120 years -- not just one day, one month, ten years -- 120 years! He was so dedicated! How can we inherit that kind of contribution, that kind of heart. His heart should be my heart. His dedication should be my dedication. 

Even Abraham absolutely obeyed God and left his home, even offered Isaac; his obedience (was amazing)! Isaac, the same thing. Even Jacob, how he loved his Cain, Esau! When Jacob met Esau, how did he make him surrender? Of course, he sent material (possessions), properties, that was one thing; but when Jacob saw his older brother, Esau, he said, “When I see you, it is like seeing God.” Jacob is really incredible! Even though you are in Abel position, can you love your Cain, “Seeing you is like seeing God”? How can we inherit Jacob’s wisdom and heart? And Joseph, loving his brothers who had sold him, embracing them and loving them.

How can we inherit Moses’ and Jesus’ heart, all central figures' hearts, True Father’s heart, True Mother’s heart, our Heung-jin nim’s heart. These then become my heart. The final issue is heart, how to restore my heart. The most important thing is to inherit the heart of central figures of the providence of restoration, (that) of Jesus and True Parents. 

We must inherit how they had a heart for God and love for humankind. However, some people may ask, “How can we inherit their hearts and establish a culture of heart, since True Parents and Jesus have different standards from us?”​

2. Jesus and True Parents were actually humans just like us, so we need to know that the path they fought on, overcoming the limits of the flesh, is no different from ours.  If there is one thing that’s different, it is that they lived by offering their lives with the heart of “those who seek to die shall live, and those who seek to live shall die” for the sake of God’s will. We are fallen human beings. Actually, we have always been living dominated by the environment. If others look down on me, my feelings get hurt, and if others consider me good, I am pleased. 

In this way … (we get) easily angry, easily upset, easily happy. This is fallen nature. 

(As a result) we are controlled by the environment.​

3. True Parents lived on the basis of the absolute Word in any situation. They are people who represented only Heaven, regardless of any death that came upon them. The road was difficult because they lived with only one heart and did not know how to compromise with evil. Of course, we and secular people go through a lot of hardship along the way, but our suffering and True Parents’ suffering are different in dimension and quality. A person who struggles just to live is not the same as a person who suffers without changing their heart for the sake of God's will. Even if it is rough and difficult, a course of life that continues with a single, unchanging heart develops regardless of surrounding people. Even if there is a course of repeating failures along the way, once you make up your mind, you hold on to it and go (all) out, so no matter what you do, you will surely succeed in the end.​

4. In Jesus’ time, the faith of all people was not faith in Jesus, but faith to heal their own diseases. It was not their faith to live for Jesus and share his circumstances and wishes. Their faith was believing that Jesus had the power, so they went to seek Jesus and asked to receive care from his power. Therefore, it was a faith that did not connect with Jesus heartistically. Jesus and the people who came to him had different circumstances and wishes, so how can we say that their faith was toward heaven?  The words “Your faith has healed you” meant that even if Jesus ignored them, their belief that their diseases will surely be healed through Jesus might change, so God granted their wishes. In the spirit world, even if a wish is self-centered, if it does not change and it becomes so deep in the heart that it becomes a Han, that wish will be fulfilled.  ​

We need to know that. Belief in Jesus, centering on one’s own wishes, (has) nothing to do with Jesus’ heart. How much did they understand Jesus’ mission? Jesus' circumstances? How much do they (grasp) Jesus’ heart? … Even though Jesus healed so many people, no one understood Jesus’ heart and wishes. 

5. The parable of the widow and judge in Luke Chapter 18 is a parable with the same meaning.  Every day, the widow kept coming to the judge and begged him to get revenge on the enemy, and the judge thought “I should listen to your words so that you will not keep bothering me” and sent the widow away. The Bible says that the judge is a man who neither feared God nor regarded man. If you begged and prayed unchangingly to even this person, your will could be fulfilled. But now, the Era of Cheon Il Guk is different. It is not the era of “your faith has saved you.” This is the time when God acknowledges us, saying, “My faith and your faith are the same, so you are My child.”​

“You are my God. You are co-creator. Your wish is my wish. Your heart is my heart. My heart is your heart.” Complete oneness and unity between God and me, between True Parents and me, between you and me. This era cannot be compared to the new testament era. 

6. At the time of Jesus, people of the world did not even look at him. So Jesus performed signs and miracles to make them believe in him. It was an age in which people did not want to deal with Jesus, so even if they came centered on their own wishes, Jesus accepted them and showed compassion. Even though they were ill people, when everyone else ignored them, they came to Jesus and begged him to grant even their wishes. So Jesus created a common base with them and said “Your faith has saved you.” Actually, the reason Jesus performed such signs and wonders was to find those whom heaven had prepared. It was to convince the leaders of that time that Jesus was sent by God. ​

Many do not know. Jesus came 2,000 ago not just to show signs and wonders. Because people did not believe in Jesus, he showed signs, performed signs and miracles, why? So that people would believe that he came from God. To show that Jesus was sent by God was the main purpose (of his signs and miracles). Not the miracles and signs and wonders themselves. Many people were thinking the opposite way. We need to know what Jesus’ internal purpose was to perform miracles. 

7. But now the times are different. It is a time when we cannot have a relationship with God as we did in the days of Jesus. The present age is a time when those who are self-centered and seek Heaven with faith for themselves become enemies of God.  It is the age when those who cry “Lord! Lord!” because of their own circumstances and wishes become enemies of God. Self-centered faith is faith of an immature time. Those who come to church centered on their own wishes still have formation stage faith. In other words, it is the faith of a servant. It is like a child dealing with his parents centered on their own wishes. ​

8. Now the Completed Testament Age has passed, and it is the age of the owners of Cheon Il Guk. It is time for us to liberate and comfort God’s Han and True Parents’ Han with the spirit of ownership. The era of Cheon Il Guk is an era in which all blessed families take care of God and True Parents by fulfilling their wishes and comfort them by accomplishing, (thus) liberating their Han. True Parents have shown and taught us everything so far. Now we all know how to become victors in faith and bear fruits of the spirit. All that remains now is putting it into action. ​

God has taught us everything. True Parents have shown us everything. Now only one thing remains. We need to take action. That’s it. Let’s move forward. Let’s practice it and show substantial results. … Where should we go? The direction is very clear. My responsibility is very clear. 2,000 years ago everything was vague, not so clear. But now True Parents have shown everything in detail, shown too much actually. 

We are now living in God’s golden time period. Even though you are 70 years old, from now on the next 6 or 7 years is your golden time period. Babies who were just born, from zero to 82 for the next 7 years (is) your golden time period. Your past does not matter. … The most important time is now and here. How can we really fulfill our portion of responsibility with True Mother centering on the golden time period. In 2022 let’s work harder than in 2021. Let’s make a new record. Let’s work very hard. Let’s make our Heavenly Parent and True Parents happy. That is our important portion of responsibility.♦ 

(Response to sharing) Since I joined our movement, I have seen all kinds of spiritual phenomena here and there. Do you know my conclusion? Anyone who brings spiritual phenomena or cures someone, when we borrow power from the spiritual world, what is the outcome? We need to pay back the price. Any spiritual phenomenon in the end was not so good. Everybody wants to keep their position; they don’t want to come down and become very arrogant.

Look at the Black Heung-jin nim case. (Although) I don’t want to mention the details, even Heung-mo nim, how dedicated she was! But in the end, what was the outcome? Wow! 

What is a true miracle and sign? A true miracle and sign is through God’s word: how much has my life changed, how much have I become a different person, how much fallen nature have I removed? Then I can embrace anyone. I need to change my blood (lineage) through God’s word, not by using external spiritual power. If we use external spiritual power, we need to pay the price. No spiritual phenomena come out … (?as a good spiritual condition?).

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words are tagged with a “(?)” and phrases with an ellipsis “ ...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the powerpoint slides from this speech are available as pdf files at the top of this text and at text.morndev.com & yong.hoondok.com. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com.♦

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