Ep 427 - Holy Wedding and a New Resolution Part 2

Holy Wedding and a New Resolution #62 - December 26, 2021

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Today I’d like to talk about  “Holy Wedding and a new resolution” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

The 2,000-year history was one of searching for the only begotten daughter of God. For 6,000 arduous years, Heaven went through hardships while anxiously searching for True Parents, searching for Heaven's only begotten daughter. On that day in 1960, heaven and earth rejoiced, all creation rejoiced. The moment God had impatiently awaited had arrived. Yet, what was the reality at that time? The prince and princess of Heaven had to begin from the lowest of all positions. ​(2014.07.01, Cheon Jeong Gung) ​

Isn't it God's Will to send the Lord of the Second Advent to this earth, and to fulfill the original purpose of creation in its entirety through him? Hence, the Lord of the Second Advent is the True Parent of humanity who comes with the mission to guide all humanity to God. I am sure you have all come to know, through the Word and through historical facts, that God had to follow a course of indescribable suffering in various ways until He could announce the name of True Parents on this earth. The Messiah or the True Parent who comes to save humanity is the one entrusted with the mission of building the kingdom of heaven, which is God's purpose of creation and which must be established on earth first, so it is termed the kingdom of heaven on earth.​ (1986.08.20, Belvedere Training Center) ​

Heaven will absolutely remember whatever conditions we make. This is why when I met Father I already understood what would be essential to my mission. Since I was born and grew up in the environment that God had prepared, I knew what I had to do and the mission I needed to accomplish. I met True Father when I was 17 years old, and I made the resolution, “I will complete Heaven's work of restoration through indemnity in my lifetime. I will finish it. And then I will begin a new era.” That is what I thought to myself when I got married to True Father at the age of 17. And that is how I have lived my life.​ (2012.12.25, Cheon Jeong Gung) ​

Our True Mother’s resolution is so strong and so clear. She really wants to complete heaven’s work of restoration through indemnity during her lifetime. She said, “I will finish it. No matter what, I will finish it.” 

Today, along with True Mother’s words, let’s learn about the seven-year course after True Parents’ Holy Wedding.

The Seven-Year Course After True Parents’ Holy Wedding​

<Chambumo Gyeong, P. 88> True Parents’ Holy Wedding was performed on the foundation of 14 years of indemnity. The following seven years was the period in which True Parents’  family had to set a condition to be free from Satan’s invasion and complete the foundation of the original family that could enter the realm of God ’s direct dominion.​

At the Holy Wedding, True Parents’  family went beyond the completion level of the growth stage. During the following seven years they had to go through the completion stage while fighting against and prevailing over attacks from the spiritual world and the physical world. At the same time, that seven-year course was the period during which True Mother had to set the indemnity condition of absolute obedience​ to God ’s Will and during which she was responsible to become absolutely one with True Father. ​

For True Father, this seven-year course was the period to raise True Mother to the standard of perfection and thus establish the foundation of a partnership centered on God ’s Will. In short, it was the period in which True Father and True Mother had to unite as one in faith and love, as well as substantially in body.​

It was also the period during which the blessed families had to go through their first seven-year course. True Parents led their family and the blessed families as they pioneered the seven year course of the completion stage, a path never before trod in human history. Finally they prevailed.​

As True Parents went through this seven-year course of internal indemnity, they instituted Parents ’ Day, Children’s Day and the Day of All things to recover what had been lost due to the Human Fall. The ensuing proclamation of God ’s Day on January 1, 1968 completed this foundation of victory.​

The course that True Parents had to follow after their marriage was a path of completion that no one had ever taken in the history of mankind.

The 7-year course that True Parents followed after their holy marriage was the course that Adam and Eve had to follow after they got married.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE​: Section 2 - Universal Prime Energy and Life​ - Universal Prime Energy, Give and Take Action and the Four Position Foundation

♦ God, the creator of all things, is the absolute reality, eternal, self-existent and transcendent of time and space.

The fundamental energy of God’s being is also eternal, self-existent and absolute.

♦ It is the origin of all energies and forces that allow created beings to exist.

♦ We call this fundamental energy Universal Prime Energy. 

I would like to explain a little bit more. This is not True Father’s word.

God, the Absolute Being who Exists Eternally through Universal Prime Energy​

God, who transcends time and space, exists eternally. In the Old Testament, we can read, "And God said to Moses, 'I AM WHO I AM'"  (Exodus 3:14) God is an eternal being who exists on His own. No being can exist without power. This means that God, as such a being, possesses the fundamental power that allows him to exist, and that His power is eternal, self-existing and absolute. In the Divine Principle, this power is called Universal Prime Energy. ​

Universal Prime Energy Is the Fundamental ​power That Enables the Creation to Exist​

At the same time, Universal Prime Energy is also the origin of the power that generates the energy that enables all of the created world to exist. For example, the earth where we live could not exist without energy. The origin of the energy that enables the earth to exist is also Universal Prime Energy. This enormous world rotates every day. The earth continues to rotate at the speed of 447 meters per second. ​

   And, the earth also revolves around the sun once a year at the speed of 29.8 kilometers per second, which is almost 30 times as fast as speeding bullet. However, the speed of the earth's revolution around the sun is not always the same. The reason for this is that when the earth is closer to the sun it moves faster, and when it is further away from the sun it moves more slowly. ​

   Despite these variations, the time required each year to make one revolution around the sun is precisely 365.2422 days. This is really amazing. What would happen if the time required for rotation and revolution changed by even as little as 0.1 seconds per year? In ten years this would be an increase of one second; in 100 years it would be an increase of ten seconds; in 1000 years, one minute and 40 seconds, and eventually, it would disturb the balance of the solar system, tearing it apart. ​

Then, what does, God's Universal Prime Energy consist of? It is God's love and God's heart. The origin of the power that can move the universe is precisely the power of God's love and God's heart. Universal Prime Energy consists of love and heart, which means that the external expression of love and heart is Universal Prime Energy. ​

Our fundamental energy comes from God. God also needs to exist; to exist, he needs energy. Human beings also need energy to exist: going, coming, eating, sleeping, whatever we do. Without power and energy, we cannot do anything. All power and energy come from universal prime energy. Now I am delivering God’s word to you; this is also universal prime energy. Also, when you listen to Morning Devotion; you are using universal prime energy. When we are using technology, electricity, everything; this also is universal prime energy. 

Therefore, the greatest power in this world is the power of love and heart.​

Nothing is impossible in what we do, because when we give and receive with God, we inherit unimaginable love and power of heart.​

When you give and receive with God, the inner power of eternal love appears as an unimaginable Universal Prime Energy on the outside.​

What is the biggest Universal Prime Energy? It is the Universal Prime Energy of true love. If you have this Universal Prime Energy of true love, you can occupy the whole world and even God.

That is why we need to know the content of Universal Prime Energy. It is heart and love. That’s why as long as we relate to Heavenly Parent, we can get that kind of incredible energy from God’s universal prime energy, which is really the energy of love, the energy of heart.

When I learned about universal prime energy, it looked like difficult terminology; we could not understand it. But I understood that it was important(?). The content of universal prime energy is heart and love. Whenever we use energy and power, we call it universal prime energy. As human beings, as all things, in order to exist we need to have energy. We call it universal prime energy. Also, God needs energy to exist; we (also) call that universal prime energy.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: M​oses and his Faith Journey - God is Trying to Self-Motivate You

1. God’s task to establish His family is eternal and unchanging. Only now is God’s symbolic providence becoming clear to us. 

In the old testament era and new testament era God guided us about many things through a symbolic providence. (The meaning of) this symbolic providence is becoming more and more clear to us. Now it substantially appears. Yesterday I already spoke about it. 

What did it mean that Moses was saved through his son’s circumcision? In the four-position foundation between Moses, his wife Zipporah, and their son, there was a condition that allowed Satan to interfere if any one person was not separated from evil. ​

Why did Zipporah, Moses’ wife, need to do that kind of condition, the condition of circumcision? Moses had conditions for Satan to invade him. 

2. If something happens in your household, the person who has the most responsibility will feel as if everything was his fault spiritually. 

Whenever anything happens to our children in my family, I always reflect whether I made a mistake or not. All indemnity and punishment go to our children. I don’t blame my children or my wife. Maybe it was my jeongseong or disunity between my wife and myself or my disunity with Heavenly Parent. Or maybe my determination was not strong enough. I always have that kind of reflection. 

When the parents fail to fulfill their responsibility, the children must always pay the indemnity for their failure. Therefore, Moses, who was about to die, was saved by Zipporah when she circumcised their son. Of course, there are situations in which the child received indemnity because of their parents, but there are also situations when they become sacrifices for the sake of the greater Will of God. ​

Let’s say there is a greater purpose, some sacrificial case. As a parent I always need to reflect on myself, that it is because of me -- because of disunity between my wife and me, because I did not make clear unity between Heavenly Parent and myself. If I do that(?), we never  lose. Even though it may be a case of sacrificing for the greater will of God, but I always reflect about it based on my life of faith. That is an important and beautiful attitude.

3. Although God commanded Moses to write the Exodus by passing on His Word and showing him miracles, Moses was determined not to go. He refused many times. But when Moses became determined to leave, once again God gave Moses trials of faiths. The reason for this was because Moses made that determination based on God’s miracles, not by his own volition.

If Heavenly Father asks us to go -- “Yes, I will go.” Then there is no need to pay indemnity. When God asked Moses to do something, he refused and refused -- several times he refused God’s orders. But when he finally saw three miracles, he had the confidence and conviction from God and was determined to go. (His hesitation) is the reason Satan invaded his faith. If in the beginning when God asked him to go, he had gone, then there would have been no need to pay indemnity. This is very important, I am going to tell you now how important it is. 

In other words, Moses should have been able to make his determination without the three miracles, yet instead he did so because of God. God had to establish the position of Moses making his own choice to follow such a path which God could then interact with. ​

If when God asked him to go, he had absolutely followed and gone, that would have been great. However, even though God pushed him and pushed him and he refused many times, finally after the miracles, he was determined to go. That is why God is telling him that he needs to take ownership. “When I say something, (just) go. … (otherwise) you cannot become co-creator.” God and human beings need to be co-creator. Even though God (gives us an) order, we need to accept it voluntarily and happily. This is not just because of God’s order. “I voluntarily take ownership.” This attitude and mindset are really important in our life of faith.

4. Therefore, you should not think that the path of restoration through indemnity is driven by someone passively. Although we know how great our Divine Principle is, we must know that if we go without joy and voluntarily and reluctantly, there will be unspeakable suffering and pain, and that the providence and the course of indemnity will be extended. Since heaven is a world of love and joy, it is impossible to create joy and love without a willing heart and motivation.​

If there is no willing heart and motivation, we always need to pay indemnity. Also, your own individual providence will be delayed. Therefore, whatever we do, we need to do it willingly, happily, joyfully. Then we can pay indemnity quickly, or we will not need to pay indemnity (at all). 

Why does God ask us to do (what we do) with that kind of willing heart and motivation? Why? Because love only can be produced by a willing heart, willing motivation. Love and joy cannot be produced by force. 

5. Therefore, it is very important to go on the path of will with a happy and grateful heart with the owner's spirit. If you are happy and grateful, you can win in all life. You can be the owner of love. Then, the course of indemnity will be completed sooner, and the providence will be accelerated. Then, as you go on the will, it is important whether you force yourself to go as a blessed family with a sense of duty and responsibility, or whether you go with a spirit of ownership and gratitude and joy. Our responsibility is to go if we give thanks under any circumstances.​

6. We can avoid getting trapped in trials of faith on the path of the providence of restoration if we understand the reason behind God’s providence which gives then takes away or tells us to go then prevents us from leaving. 

It looks as if God is changeable, sometimes he goes this way, sometimes he gives trials, But sometimes we misunderstand God.

When we receive a command from True Parents, we may deny them by questioning, “Who told you to command me so?” 

“Who asked us to fulfill the CheonBo Won mission? Did True Mother really tell us to do that? Did True Father say that? When did True Father say that?” We always question and doubt.  

If we are in a position to obey True Parents’ command, often we keep changing our minds, going this way then that, before finally deciding to obey them. ​

7. Something like this can even happen between the most affectionate of couples. If your husband tells you to do something, your preconceived notions blind you. This is not only true for human relationships but also with your relationship with God. God cannot work directly in our lives because too often we judge Him or His commands with our own preconceived notions. You judge based on the preconceived notion you already have thinking, “I can’t do this anymore. This work is so unrealistic.” ​

What are you talking about I cannot do. “ Each of us human beings has these kinds of preconceived notions. Preconception really disturbs our life of faith because I judge God, I judge people, I judge my Abel, I judge my own spouse, and judge my church according to my own preconceived notions. Then God does not work. God has different ideas. He has his own thinking, but I already have preconceived notions, so how can God intervene? He cannot do anything. 

8. “Preconceived notions” are always a problem. But everyone has them. Our preconceived notions come from the level of our intellect and our experiences, so we regularly use these notions to evaluate everything around us. If we simply think that the task today will go the same way as it had before, we are bound to cause disharmony. Therefore, whenever you are faced with a task or situation, we must first think about how God would see it. We must completely deny our personal feelings and think from the point of view of God or Abel. You should have the resolve to carry out your task for the sake of the Abel-figure you are attending no matter what happens. ​

When I attended Rev. Yo Han Lee, (I thought) “Rev. Yo Han Lee likes this or that.” One week later I gave him the same thing because “he likes it.” He said, “No.” He scolded me. “Why didn’t you ask me?” Oh my goodness. He loves it. He likes it.” I had preconceptions, and I treated him with my preconceptions. He was very upset. 

One funny story: when I did the 50-state tour, our Japanese sisters really liked(?) to serve me. “Oh, Dr. Yong, what kind of food do you like, this and that?” “Oh, Dr. Yong likes salmon.” Everywhere I went I was served salmon! It was kind of a “Fifty-State Salmon Tour.” Then “How come you don’t like it?” Love is always fresh. Do not think it is the same as yesterday. 

When you wake up and see the plants and trees growing, they are always fresh. They are not the same as yesterday. They are always fresh.

That is why True Father told some blessed wives, “You need to have a good relationship with your mother-in-law.” Even though you make(?) the same things again and again every morning -- you know how many family members there are, how much rice you need to cook for family members -- “You need to ask your mother-in-law how much rice you need to cook today. Most of the time the mother-in-law will answer how much (and it is the same amount), but sometimes it is different. That’s why love always needs to get confirmation. 

Love is fresh. But if you have pre-conceptions, your life is already fixed. “My wife is like that. My husband is like that. My Abel is like that. True Mother is like that.” If you have fixed your preconceptions, that is why there is struggle between husband and wife. “It seems like I know my wife, my husband, my Abel” but I always make mistakes because of preconceptions. This is a problem. How can we overcome it? We always need to ask, even though (the situation is) the same. Always ask. This is important to make harmony. 

9. Since love is always a new experience -- very fresh -- we should confirm our central figure’s intentions. “These are my thoughts, but what is my central figure’s heart?” You may have done something a certain way last time, but you should always confirm how you will go about it today. You should always face the day with a new interest and a new mindset. To think that something will be the same as it has been in the past is not love; it is a habit and a preconceived notion. ​

That is why our habitual life has already become a habit. Then preconceived notions really become a problem. God cannot intervene. People are focused on tradition, tradition, tradition. When you focus on tradition, just participating with no fresh heart just because of duty and responsibility, because it is Unification Church tradition, then there is no fresh heart. In traditional faith and the faith of following tradition, there is no fresh heart. Also, preconceived notions really disturb our life of faith. That is why we always need to ask, even though it is the same thing. Even one hundred times, one thousand times, you need to ask. This is very important. 

10. Preconceived notions do not generate joy, they generate disharmony and conflict. Preconceived notions do not bring life but death. Therefore, even in our relationship with Heaven, you should foremost confirm your relationship with Him. Once you do so, you must stand in the position to take on a task not because Heaven told you so, but because you want to with a joyful heart. ​

11. When you come because someone told you so, and then you are disrespected with comments like, “Who told you to be here?” you will not complain because you are there because you want to be. However, those who are there because they think they had no choice will complain as soon as someone tells them to stop. ​

12. There are two ways to react to something being forced upon you: voluntarily or out of a sense of obligation. If you enter a task that was forced with a sense of obligation you will feel resentment and discontent as soon as you are ill-treated by another. However, if you enter the task voluntarily, you will not feel resentment or discontent even if you are ill-treated. If you don’t resent or complain to the person who is mistreating you, the next stage is naturally becoming close with that person. If another person sees you changing your mind, but that person does not resent you or complain about you, you will think, “I can really trust this person.” ​

13. This is why God tested Moses by telling him to “Go.” Moses possessed the right attitude by making his own decision to go even in the face of death. 

Later on, he made up his mind.

Moses did not go to Egypt because God commanded him to. God wanted to make the condition for him. That is why he needed to pay indemnity.  

He stood in the position of having gone voluntarily. Moses participated in God’s providence with a sense of ownership. ​

14. God told Moses to go because he had a strong sense of patriotism. 

Why did Moses deny and deny and refuse many times? He really wanted to confirm. He really wanted conviction… motivation. He would willing and happily go. However, he wanted to get conviction. Why did God need to use him? He had a strong conviction. He had a strong sense of patriotism. 

All God did was give Moses conviction through witnessing miracles when Moses doubted the possibility of his task. The problem that needed to be solved was to have Moses stand in the position of having chosen this path of his own volition. Love always demands spontaneity. The demand for spontaneity generates joy and happiness. Coercion can never create joy or happiness. 

We cannot enter the kingdom of heaven by force. We cannot enter the kingdom of heaven by duty or responsibility. We need to have spontaneity(?) of heart, spontaneity(?) of heart and love. The kingdom of heaven is what? The world of joy and happiness. (We can) only create joy and happiness with a volunteer attitude … That’s why, no matter what, sometimes unwillingly we need to go; however, we are really thinking, “How can I appreciate?” How can I be grateful all the time in any situation. If we have this kind of gratitude and volunteer with a joyful heart, we can overcome any trials, any problems. …

What is the kingdom of heaven? It is joy and happiness. Joy and happiness can only be produced by taking ownership (with a) volunteer heart, joyful heart, grateful heart.

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words are tagged with a “(?)” and phrases with an ellipsis “ ...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the powerpoint slides from this speech are available as pdf files at the top of this text and at text.morndev.com & yong.hoondok.com. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com.♦

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