Ep 851 - The Blessing And Eternal Life Part 6

The Blessing and Eternal Life - February 23, 2023

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PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony Sachiyo Hashimoto

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  Key Points

  • God created humans as eternal object partners of true love more precious than himself whom he could relate to forever.

  • Our minds never grow old.

  • Because his love is absolute and he has lost his object of true love, God has had almost hopeless sorrow with no one to comfort him.

  • It is only the blessed couples who know God’s miserable situation who can comfort and console him and recognize him. This is the case even in the spiritual world.

  • To restore the reversal of dominion, our mind must retake dominion over our body. 

  • To do this we must master our four physical desires and establish a vertical order centered on our own conscience by putting God first and training under an Abel to fulfill the Foundations of Faith and Substance.

  • People who anger easily lack dominion over their body, are arrogant, self-centered, intolerant and secretive, and complain and blame others. They pay indemnity for their anger, often become ill and confused and die earlier.

  • We may get angry when the other person doesn't do what we want, when things we don't like happen, when the other person talks about our weaknesses or mistakes, and when the other person doesn't listen to us or when we are ignored. 

  • To handle anger we should take a deep breath, acknowledge our anger, take a break, think from the other person’s perspective, communicate, meditate, avoid brooding on the past, be compassionate and keep a gratitude journal.

  • After we get angry, we will regret it and pay indemnity.

  • In place of anger, we need to be really patient and choose the best way to use natural surrender. Then we need to have an exemplary lifestyle that others can emulate.

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files.

I am so happy to see each of your faces!

Today I’d like to talk about “The Blessing and Eternal Life” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 2.

<This speech was given by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon between February 23 and April 16 at True Family Values Movement hoondok rallies for the study of True Parents' words in Japan and the United States.>

Do you want eternal life or not? Of course you want eternal life. When something is precious to you, would you take it with you if you had to flee somewhere, or would you leave it behind? You would take it with you. You want to speak proudly about it and continue to speak proudly about it for days. You would want to leave it for your descendants when you die. You would want it to remain forever. It is the same with God. If God is an absolute eternal being, then the object partner whom God loves also lives eternally. That's why people want to live eternally. You need to understand this clearly. This is why God, who is an absolute being, seeks beloved sons and daughters who have the value of eternal life.

Because God created us, we resemble God. Because God is eternal, we also have eternal natures, so our minds never get old. This is why people have eternal life in order to be beings with the value of God's masterpiece of creation. Human beings are to be the lords of creation. This is where their spirit becomes apparent. They are beings with a spiritual side. When we say that people are the lords of creation, it means they have a spirit. As spiritual beings, they have eternal life. Let us discover the truth of eternal life. God is a being of wisdom. If God had not established the concept of love, God would have been very lonely, not feeling joy or anger, happiness or sadness. As a consequence, since God's love is absolute, its loss through the Fall led Him to experience indescribable misery and almost hopeless sorrow throughout history. No one has ever understood this; no one has been able to fully comfort God.

True love wants the other person to be “better than me.” This is the incredible nature of true love. My object partner should be better than I am; my wife or husband and children should be better than I am. This kind of nature comes from where? God has this same kind of nature. That’s true. So, each human being should be better than God. That is God’s wish.

 If God had created human beings as objects of true love, He would have wanted human beings to become more precious than God Himself. 

That is why God is an amazing God. He has the qualification to become the parent of all humankind – because he has that kind of precious heart.

And He wants to be with his object forever. 

Therefore, if God is the Absolute One who lives eternally, the object partner He loves must also (must) live eternally. In that sense, it follows that human beings, who were created as eternal children of God, must also live eternally. 

Because God created us as his masterpieces, we resemble God. Because God is eternal, we also have eternal natures, so our minds never get old. 

That is why when we enter the spiritual world and we want to see our great great great grandfather, (we imagine) he will look very old, more than 100 years old and a long beard. It is not like that. When we want to see him, he will appear as a very young guy. It is not only our mind that does not become old, (in the spiritual world) we have the best face (as a) young (person) we had on earth.

This is why people have eternal life, (that is,) in order to be beings with the value of God's masterpiece of creation. 

If God had not established the concept of love, God would have been very lonely, not feeling joy or anger, happiness or sadness. 

As a consequence, since God's love is absolute, its loss through the Fall led Him to experience indescribable misery and almost hopeless sorrow throughout history. No one has ever understood this; no one has been able to fully comfort God. 

The most pitiful person in this world is (is the one for whom) there is no object partner to love even if we want to love. Think of all the diseases humans have as diseases caused by the loss of a child whom God loves. If God has depression, can there be people with depression more than God? Is there anyone who has suffered enough to have a heart disease over a fallen human being who is more than God? If there is stress, is there more stress than God (has)?

That is why God is the most miserable, pitiful being.

Who recognizes God’s loneliness and miserable situation? We are the only ones who know God, True Parents, the meaning of the Blessing and God’s han. It is only the blessed couples who can comfort and console him and recognize him. Even in the spiritual world they do not know at all about God’s will, his han and sorrowful situation. Can you imagine? How many can comfort and console God? Only our blessed families. Even our blessed families do not console and recognize him. How miserable God is! That is why we need to be filial sons and daughters for God and our True Parents.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Human Fall 24: The Primary Characteristics of 

the Fallen Nature

3. The third is reversing dominion. The angel, who was supposed to come under the dominion of human beings, instead dominated Eve. Then Eve, who was supposed to come under the dominion of Adam, dominated him instead.

4. The fourth is multiplying the criminal act. The Archangel spread his sin to Eve, and Eve to Adam.

3. Reversing Dominion

1. The angel, who was supposed to come under the dominion of human beings, instead dominated Eve. Then Eve, who was supposed to come under the dominion of Adam, dominated him instead. This disruption of the proper order has borne bitter fruit. Human society is thrown out of order by people.

2. Who leave their proper position and then reverse the order of dominion. These repeated occurrences are rooted in this primary characteristic of the fallen nature.

3. The order between the subject and the object is reversed. 

4. In order to overcome reversing dominion, you have to cherish the relationship of master and servant as your own life. 

5. You cannot be conceited. You cannot run ahead of Abel. You have to live a life of faith, going through Abel. You have to impress Abel.

6. In order to reverse dominion, you have to have results that you impressed Abel. You have to be recognized by Abel.

Since the Fall was the reverse of dominion, we must train and overcome this. The Fall is when the order of body and mind is reversed. 

Mind is the subject; the body is the object. That is why the body must absolutely follow the mind. If our mind follows the body, that is the fall. Heavenly order is very clear: subject partner and object partner. If the subject becomes the object and the object becomes the subject, that is the fall. The body is in the position of the object partner, and the mind should be the subject. If the body controls the mind, that is the fall. That is why in heavenly order it is very clear which is subject and which is the object. Who is God? He is our subject partner, and we are his object partner. That is why to put human beings as the subject partner is the fall. (If we) don’t care about God and ignore him and put ourself first, that is the fall. 

Heavenly order is very clear. We need to understand the meaning of reversing dominion.

Therefore, we must let the mind rule the body. It is very difficult for us humans to restore subjectivity unless we train ourselves to control our bodies. So first, we have to train ourself to overcome the four major desires of our body. 

Can we control our four main physical desires? Sleeping, eating, material and sexual desires? For me eating(?) and sleeping desires are quite okay. Even (with) material desire I don’t have much problem. Sexual desire should be okay.

But for me (one thing is) challenging. I can still not overcome eating desire. Of course, I try to manage my body well, but this is a really hard one. Eating desire is a hard one. I am always dominated by eating desire. I struggle so much always. Really eating desire controls me. 

Overcoming sexual desires took a long time but it was manageable. But with eating desire, I have to fight (at) every meal. Even though I seldom have dinner, I still struggle. 

How about you? I think you are better than I am! I am still struggling to overcome eating desires. Our body should be the object.

Next, we must establish a vertical order centered on our own conscience. If we want to establish a vertical order, we must always put God first.

Because God is subject, I am the object, God is the creator, I am his child, then I cannot be his subject. 

The Fall is when man puts himself before God. (When) God becomes secondary, then we will get incredible punishment. Disaster. Heavenly disorder. 

We should always put God first, respect and love him more than anything else. Then we will receive heavenly blessings guaranteed.

Recently when I do exercises, I listen to the Old Testament (starting with) Genesis. Wow! I can see how much God hates adulterous beings and believing in other Gods. 

Next, we must train under the guidance of Abel. We should always report to Abel, consult with him, and live a life of receiving Abel's permission. 

This is very important training, the Foundation of Faith and Foundation of Substance. We need to do training, attend our Abel and be recognized by him. He should say, “You are a really good Cain.” We need that kind of recognition. We need to have very clear order: we need to respect Abel. Of course, Abel needs to embrace Cain.

That is why we need to go through the Foundation of Faith and Foundation of Substance. 

We cannot be conceited. We cannot run ahead of Abel. We have to live a life of faith, going through Abel. We have to impress Abel. 

We need to move Abel’s heart.

7. This primary characteristic of the fallen nature causes a state of uncontrolled anger. Do you know how many people who ruin their life that they have only once by a single uncontrolled anger are? Even Moses, who led the Israelites, could not enter the land of Canaan even though he was right in front of the land. 

8. There are people who cannot control their anger and fight for their lives and murder somebody and, at last, deplore in prisons for the rest of their life. You don’t know how important to control your anger in your daily life is. 

9. The uncontrollable anger lurks in the background of the breakdown of a lot of families by divorce. A husband gets angry at his wife, and vice versa. That is the way to cause the collapse of the family. 

10. When parents get angry at their children, they run away from home and can become anti social delinquents.

11. That is why people leave from those who get angry a lot. For that reason, the most vulnerable to the uncontrollable anger are themselves. You have to remove the fallen nature of the uncontrollable anger completely and have the mindset that you always obediently submit to the providence of heaven. 

To overcome reversing dominion is to overcome uncontrollable anger during training. In other words, it is to control our anger. So today, I want to study how to manage anger in Youth Ministry. Today we are studying particularly how to manage our anger.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: How to Manage Your Anger

What are the Consequences of Getting Angry?

1. One of the main characteristics of the archangel's fallen nature if hot-bloodedness.

2. Being angry or hot-blooded with others proves that you are representing Cain. 

Cain is always easily angry. Who is Abel? He is more patient, seldom angry.

3. A person who is easily offended is still at the spiritual level (of) the formation stage.

Their spiritual level is very low.

4. Those who get angry easily will never accomplish mind and body unity at all.

5. Common characteristics of hot-blooded people:

What kind of persons are they?

> They are self-centered. 

Those who are self-centered are easily angered. 

> They are always arrogant.

Those who are arrogant are always easily angry. 

> The container of their heart is so narrow that no one can fill it.

They have no tolerance.

> They cannot love their enemies.

Those who get angry easily, it is impossible for them to love their enemy.

> They blame others for their own mistakes.

Those who are angry always blame others.

> They have a lot of complaints.

These are the common characteristics of hot-blooded people.

6. You must know that anyone who gets angry must pay indemnity.

Look at Moses.

> When Cain's uncontrollable anger killed Abel, what indemnity conditions did his descendants have to pay?

Can you imagine that? Cain killed Abel because of his uncontrollable anger. If Cain had controlled his anger at that time, then God’s providence would already have been finished.

> The result of Moses striking the rock twice due to his uncontrollable anger brought about an indirect cause of Jesus dying on the cross.

He could not enter Canaan, even though he was a great central figure. Because of his anger he could not enter Canaan and he became an indirect cause of Jesus dying on the cross. We learned this from the Divine Principle, right?

7. People who get angry easily will betray their will and eventually become the culprit of the discord of their family.

8. Getting angry is a shortcut to making yourself physically and mentally ill. 

Those who are often angry and cannot control their emotions normally die early. 

It also reduces brain function and shortens lifespan.

Situations in Which I get Angry

1. When the other person doesn't do what I want

2. When things I don't like happen

3. When the other person talks about my weaknesses or mistakes

4. When the other person doesn't listen to me or when I am ignored. 

What My Heart Shows when I am Angry

1. I have a heart that draws expectations and desires of the other person, and I hope that the person will follow those expectations. 

2. I have a heart that cannot accept a situation that I dislike, and that I do not want to adapt.

3. I have a heart that wants to protect and hide myself and my pride when talking about my weaknesses.

4. I have a heart that does not want to be ignored.

How to Handle Anger

 1. Take a Deep Breath

> When I am swayed and dragged around by the feeling of anger, I often hurt others with my negative mind and harsh words. The moment I get angry, it hurts the other person too, and when I get angry, it hurts me even more. Take a few deep breaths when you're angry. When you are angry, the situation is usually difficult and it is difficult to control your emotions, so you avoid your heart. 

2. Acknowledge the Anger

> In the moment of anger, you have to acknowledge your heart and emotions as they are so you can escape from that heart. Don't try to avoid the fact that you are angry, but acknowledge the level of your mind. 

3. Take a Break from the Situation

> In an angry situation, it is difficult to act according to one's reason. In angry situations, the heart beats and it is often difficult to judge rationally. If you express your anger or get irritated right away in a situation, you will never get the desired result. When you get angry and look back over time, everyone blames themselves for getting upset at that time.

Anyone who gets angry 100% surely regrets it. “Why was I angry with my wife, my children, my Cain?” Surely we will regret it 100%. 

> Take a moment to step away from the angry situation. This will calm your mind and allow you to think rationally again. And the feeling of anger softens a little, and you can judge how to act in that situation for it to be beneficial in the long run.

4. Thinking from the Other Person's Perspective

In the end, we live in a world where we live with other people, so we should always be able to consider the other person's point of view. When we are considerate of others and consider their position, we can discover “life.” Because the other person thinks from their own point of view, you need to know that it is not the same as your own. If you take it for granted that the other person should be considerate of your position, you can't help but get angry. However, if you first consider and understand the other person's position, there is no need to be 'angry' unnecessarily. You can regain the leisure of your life.

5. Communicate

> If you keep in your thoughts in an angry situation, you will blame others and the situation will often get worse. When you talk to the other person, talk about your heart honestly, and listen to the other person's story, the situation in which the other person had to do so is understood, misunderstandings are resolved, and anger disappears in many cases.

6. Meditate

> If you look back on yourself through meditation that cultivates the heart and throw away the thoughts that made you angry, you will change into a positive mind that accepts the situation and understand the other person even when you are angry.

7. Don't Waste Your Time and Emotions on the Past

> Of course, there can be situations where you can be angry because of the other person's fault. But think carefully. “What will I gain if I get angry in this situation?” If you get angry, you will buy the other person's hatred. Or you can buy the other person's grudge. And once the emotion of anger is expressed, it takes a long time to subside. Then you will waste time that could have developed yourself as much as that time. After all, there is no benefit from being angry. There are only negative effects. Our time and feelings are precious. We don't even have enough emotions to pour out to our loved ones; expressing negative emotions is just 'emotional waste'. Therefore, even if you can't get rid of negative thoughts, one way is to bury them for a while for a bigger purpose. It's because we have a lot of things to do, and we don't have enough time to spend on such things. The greatest victory is to win against our hearts. 

We need to control that kind of anger.

8. Heart of Compassion

Have a heart of compassion toward the other person and consider the other person's fault as my own. Reflect on what I was angry with about to present such conditions.

It is not easy to get this kind of heart of compassion. There is only one way. We need to upgrade our level of love, of our heart. Then finally we can have that level of compassion and treat that person’s faults as our own faults, their sins as our own sins. This is a different dimension of spirit. 

Jesus forgave his enemy instead of being angry with hm. He had a heart of compassion with him. 

In order to settle our anger, we really need to upgrade our level of love, embracing, hugging, understanding, praying for that person, and treating his sin as our own sin. 

Without growing our spirit and upgrading our filial piety and heart and love, it is impossible to gain a heart of compassion. That is why we need to train and to witness. Witnessing is training in how to love people. 

This last point is very important. Everybody can do it. We practice it every morning. This really can help us.

9. Write a Journal of Gratitude

If you write down and read your feelings honestly and every day about situations where you get angry, you will see yourself objectively and try to fix your angry self. When you write a gratitude diary, your negative feelings of anger change into grateful feelings and you realize how meaningless it is to be angry. So, if you write a gratitude journal every day, you let your mind cover the negative mind. The more you write in a gratitude journal, the more you will be grateful and free from angry feelings and emotions.

This is really practical. When we have a grateful heart, it becomes more positive and tries to understand. We focus on positive points centering on gratitude. We need to focus on how we can be more grateful to God, to our wife and husband and children. This (is a) kind of positive mindset. 

Every day I use a hyojeong gratitude diary. 

It helps us so much when we think, “How can I be more grateful?” If we conquer with a heart of gratitude, we can overcome any negativity, any bad feeling, our emotions, our anger, because we focus on gratitude. This is very powerful.

Of course, I share many things, but these last two points are very important: a heart of compassion and writing a journal of hyojeong gratitude. It is very powerful. 

When I see True Father, he is easily angry. True Mother also. But their anger is always centering on parental heart in order to educate. (By contrast,) fallen man is always deceiving(?) and has a bad attitude.

Of course, sometimes we should be angry if we have waited and waited patiently but still cannot get it(?) and are continuously ignored, then we may need to educate sometimes and (may) need (anger?). But if possible we really need to try our best (to use) natural surrender. 

How to handle anger is one of our tasks.

Advice on Anger From the Bible

Ephesians 4:26 “In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,"

Colossians 3:19 “Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.”

Ecclesiastes 7:9 “Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.”

Proverbs 22:24 “Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person, do not associate with one easily angered,”

Proverbs 14:17 “A quick-tempered person does foolish things, and the one who devises evil schemes is hated.”

Proverbs 29:22 “An angry person stirs up conflict, and a hot-tempered person commits many sins..”

My final advice: When we get angry, we surely need to pay indemnity and 100%, 120% we will surely regret (it). That is why we should not do useless things and no matter what, we need to be really patient and choose the best way to use natural surrender. Then we need to have an exemplary lifestyle. We need to show (it) and let them follow even though it takes time.

Today we learned how to manage our anger.

(Testimony Sachiyo Hashimoto, Witnessing to Young People, Indiana Family Church)♦

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. 

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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