Ep 841 - The Providential History Of Salvation From The Viewpoint of The Principle Part 5

The Providential History of Salvation from the Viewpoint of the Principle - February 13, 2023

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PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony Pauline Garay

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  Key Points

  • All beings in the universe were created for one another, and all parts of nature, including our physical five senses and all of our organs, were created for the sake of our object partner. 

  • All of the organs in our physical body are instruments of love. Nothing was created for its own sake.

  • Specifically a man’s and a woman’s sexual organs are designed to fit together and to create God's true love, life and lineage. They belong to one’s partner.

  • If we live by the universal principle of living for the sake of others, we will prosper.

  • The courses of restoration and true love that we must follow after joining the church are: the Holy Wine, Blessing and Indemnity Stick Ceremonies, 40 Day Separation and 3-day ceremony, 4 Great Realms of Heart and 3 Great Kingships, and HTM and CheonBo Won registration.

  • Then we must restore the nation, the world and heaven leaving no one in hell, and finally liberate and comfort God.

  • While we fallen people cannot compare to True Father, a man of love, heart and original nature unrelated to the Fall, we should become people of heart who are spiritually sensitive, and possess paranormal abilities capable of foreseeing the future by clearing away our fallen nature. 

  • To become such people we should upgrade our filial heart, our love and our jeongseong and become spiritually sensitive so we feel and own the sorrow, pain and joy of others.

  • Love runs through everything. True Love is the means to see even through the heart of God.

  • While we still have our physical body, we must bring our spirit self to bear fruit by living a life centered on the spirit, not on the flesh.

  • When our spirit self comes into fruition and reaches perfection, we become a person with paranormal abilities. 

  • Then we need to find others searching for true love and model a family of filial piety and attendance which lives for others.

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files.

How was yesterday? Yesterday was Sunday. I had a beautiful time in the New Jersey Church. Naokimi gave a beautiful sermon. I was touched by him. Many people say his sermons are no longer intellectual, but very heartistic and emotional. Many people are inspired. He delivers his sermons very well, very “heart touching.”

Today I’d like to talk about “The Providential History of Salvation from the Viewpoint of the Principle” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 2.

<This speech was given by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon between July 20 and October 29 on a speaking tour for Koreans residing in the United States.> 

Consider our five senses. Did God create my eyes to look at my eyes? He created my eyes, nose, ears, mouth and hands for the sake of my object partners. The force that mobilizes and focuses all five senses is true love. God created our eyes, nose, ears, mouth and hands for true love, that is, as instruments for relationships of true love. God created nothing just for myself. On the contrary, a person who claims that what belongs to others is “mine” is called a thief. If someone takes what belongs to others for personal use, isn't that person a thief? Therefore any man who uses his body, including his five senses, for himself alone is a thief, because they actually exist for the sake of a woman. 

What is the difference between a man and a woman? Their bodies are different, including their reproductive organs. Then for whom is a man's reproductive organ absolutely necessary? A man's reproductive organ exists for the sake of a woman. The human reproductive organs are shaped as concave and convex. Why are they shaped that way? Both could be pointed or both could be flat. Why are they shaped differently? Each is for the sake of the other. A woman absolutely needs what is part of a man's body, and a man absolutely needs what is part of a woman's body. Until now, we did not consider the fact that a woman's reproductive organ absolutely belongs to a man, and a man's reproductive organ belongs to a woman. By owning each other's reproductive organs, man and woman come to know true love.

All beings in the universe were created to exist for the sake of one another. All of nature, including our physical five senses, was created for the sake of our object partner. We should think that our eyes were created to look at our object partner a lot with eyes of love. 

We should think that our ears were created to listen a lot to our object partner's voice of love. We should think that our mouths were created to convey many words of love to our object partner. We should think that our hands were created as a means to convey (much) love (to) our object partner. 

We should think that our hands were created to cook, write letters of love, and encourage others. We should think that our arms were created to play the role of giving many hugs and protecting our object partners. 

We must think that our feet were created to go to meet someone we love. Similarly, our sexual organs were also created to create God's true love, true life, and true lineage. 

All of the organs in our physical bodies are instruments of love created to exist for the sake of our object partner. Nothing was created for its own sake. 

The human reproductive organs are shaped as concave and convex. Why are they shaped that way? Why are they shaped differently? Each is for the sake of the other. 

A woman absolutely needs what is part of a man's body, and a man absolutely needs what is part of a woman's body. Until now, we did not consider the fact that a woman's reproductive organ absolutely belongs to a man, and a man's reproductive organ belongs to a woman. 

This is a revolutionary proclamation. Everything exists for the sake of others. “I was born to live for the sake of others.” God also (has the) same kind of principle: unconditionally living and sacrificing for the sake of others. Just now Monica Lewis was talking about that. Unconditional giving, sacrifice and investment for the sake of others. God has that kind of character of true love. Everything exists for the sake of others. That is why anything that lives only for its own sake is completely against heavenly law.

That’s why when we follow heavenly law, which is the principle of living for the sake of others, I am telling you guaranteed, our life will prosper. (We are) grateful for everything, joyful about everything. We can (receive) incredible benefit from the universe. We need to follow the universal principle of living for the sake of others. Right? All our physical five senses are not only for us, but for the sake of others. 

The principle of living for the sake of others is very powerful. Any politician with this concept, how beautiful that is! There are 54 nations in Africa and 50 states in America. (What if each state) helped one nation in Africa? Within six or seven years we could liberate Africa. If the American president had that kind of mindset of living for the sake of others... Now Turkey has had an earthquake. If our entire nation were to help them, they could easily recover. This kind of mindset of living for the sake of others, this is a very powerful philosophy and principle. Father’s guidance is incredible!


• First is the original sin. This sin originated with the spiritual and physical fall of our first human ancestors. It is ingrained in our lineage and is the root of all sins.

• Second is hereditary sin. This is sin which one inherits from one’s ancestors on account of their connection through lineage.

Father’s word.

The Meaning of the Holy Wine Ceremony

 <113-300> The engagement and the blessing means that you enter to the position of Adam and Eve. We have to attend the engagement ceremony in the age of restoration. By doing so, we can enter the position of Adam and Eve. Then, the next is the ceremony of conditional indemnity. Since we inherited the Satan’s blood, we have to attend the ceremony to remove it. That ceremony is the holy wine ceremony. Do you understand? “Yes.” From the view point of the Principle, it is impossible for us to attend the blessing ceremony before God with the trace of lineage of Satanic world. Do you understand? “Yes.” For that reason, the holy wine ceremony is the ceremony to remove lineage from the Satanic world and all sins until now: hereditary sin, historical sins, individual sins and so on.

The holy wine contains 21 kinds of things. All of them were purified. This you do not know. You have to know that those things were created by establishing victorious conditions through my confrontations and battles among the spiritual world, Satan and God. You have to realize the tremendous value of drinking a cup of holy wine. When you believe in it and drink it, you can stand on the foundation of such a victorious condition. Then you can sever the lineage of the Satanic world and sins that your ancestors committed and all of the connections which are intertwined with your ancestors. 

After attending the holy wine ceremony, good spirits can return and help you. This is because good spirits correspond to the angelic world. In the Garden of Eden, the principle is that angels were supposed to support Adam and Eve automatically. Therefore, you would become restored elder brothers in the position of unfallen Adam and Eve. Then, since your good ancestors in the spirit world are in the position of archangels, they can return and help you. Originally, unfallen archangels were supposed to support Adam and Eve. Do you understand? You have to know it clearly.

The Course of Restoration Through Indemnity 

and the Course of True Love that Everyone Must Follow

We already know this, but I have rearranged it and will explain it to you.

1. Entering the Church

We need to join the church. We need to understand the Divine Principle and True Parents and commit to join the Unification Movement and follow True Parents.

2. Commitment Ceremony (Holy Wine Ceremony) 

Or engagement ceremony. This is a condition to remove every kind of sin, including original sin. Without going through the Holy Wine ceremony, there is no way for us to remove our original sin without exception.

3. Blessing Ceremony

We need to receive the benediction from our True Father and True Mother’s Blessing Ceremony.

4. Indemnity Stick Ceremony

without exception we need to go through this.

5. 40 Day Separation

6. 3-day ceremony

Then we can start our family life between husband and wife.

And then we need to complete the ...

7. 4 Great Realms of Heart and 3 Great Kingships

These are the purpose of God’s creation: how we can experience God’s heart. Without experiencing God’s heart, we cannot become a perfect being and establish an ideal family. The main content is to establish an ideal family.

To experience the Four Great Realms of Heart we need to have three generations, right? After that we meed the ...

8. Completion of Heavenly Tribal Messiah 

Vertically we need to liberate 430 (generations of) ancestors and bless them. Horizontally we need to give the Blessing to 430 couples.

After we complete Heavenly Tribal Messiah, we need to register in the CheonBo Won.

9. Realm of the Royal Family/Registration of CheonBo Won

Registration is official recognition that we are citizens of heaven. Then we enter the realm of the royal family. Without completing Heavenly Tribal Messiahship, we cannot complete the realm of the royal family. In order to experience the realm of the royal family, we need to register in the CheonBo Won. Registering in the CheonBo Won means we are officially recognized as a heavenly citizen and we directly enter the Kingdom of Heaven and become part of God’s royal family. God’s royal family means God’s heavenly citizens.

But we are not finished yet. We have already entered the tribal level. Finally we need to participate in the restoration of the nation. 

10. Restoration of the Nation

Anyone who has completed the CheonBo Won mission needs to participate to build one nation, one sovereignty, one people, which is the Cheon Il Guk nation. Everyone needs to participate in this. If we complete the CheonBo Won mission and die, our mission is not yet complete. We will need to come down again to participate in establishing God’s Kingdom of Heaven on Earth centering on one nation. 

If we have already established God’s nation centering on Korea, there is still some responsibility left. We need to join the restoration of the world.

11. Restoration of the World

This is our next course, but this is still not enough. We need to join in the ...

12. Restoration of Heaven

... between the spiritual and physical world. No one must be left in hell. This is complete liberation of the cosmos, the spiritual world and the earthly world.

Then finally ...

13. Liberation of God

This is our course. Where are you now? When Adam ate the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, God was looking for him: “Hey Adam, where are you now?” 

We are descendants of Adam and Eve. God is asking each of us, “Where are you now?” Did we receive the Blessing? Did we receive the Blessing? Complete the 40-day separation? Complete the Four Great Realms of Heart? Did you complete Heavenly Tribal Messiahship?” Then what is next? 

God is asking us as the elder son nation to (help establish) Father’s nation. How can we restore the Korean peninsula and have it become Cheon Il Guk? Not only that. As the elder son nation we have to be responsible for 200 younger-brother-and-sister nations. We need to lead them to connect to the mother and father nations. That is the important responsibility of the elder son nation. So, we need to contribute something for the restoration of the world.

 Not only that, we need to help liberate the spiritual world and finally liberate and comfort God with nobody (left) in hell, everybody saved. 

This is the course of our life, the course of true love that everyone must follow.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: Become People Who Resemble True Father and Have Paranormal Abilities

Paranormal means supernatural. It is not something strange. Father’s autobiographies mention his paranormal abilities. The Japanese word is Shintoriyoku.

Let’s study what it means. 

 True Father Who Had Paranormal Abilities

1. Since he was young, True Father was said to have some natural paranormal ability. True Father was sensitive in all aspects, and whoever he dealt with, whatever environment he faced, he knew about the situation’s top and bottom, front and back, and left and right. It is even said that since he was twelve years-old, when villagers got married, he looked into their future and worried a lot. He had a lot of incredible paranormal power, such as knowing beforehand if someone in the village was about to die. Even when eating meals, Father had conversations with the food. We eat food without knowing whether the food is sorrowful or delighted since we eat with eating desire. Each time True Father talked with his food, since he always ate while reflecting, “how much of a public life have I lived? How much did I do my best today with all my devotion?” his food was always delighted. As mentioned in True Father’s autobiography, when he saw bride and groom candidates, he spiritually knew whether they had maintained their chastity.

There was one time when this happened. A fourth-year law student at Koyreo University participated in an engagement ceremony where True Father does the matching. That time, Father looked at him and said, “So you are the descendant of a surrogate woman 400 years ago.” 

Then, that young man responded, “I don’t know”, and he went back home and asked his father, but the father said he didn’t know either. So that young man went to search at place with genealogical records, and sure enough, 400 years ago, among his ancestors, there was the name of a surrogate woman. In this way, True Father was not only seeing through the spirit world, he also clearly knew the past of the ancestors behind that person. 

In Korea, if you turn over a genealogy, you can find out the history of the ancestors behind a person. You may be able to know through the genealogy of your closest ancestors, but the fall related to Adam and Eve only relies on records of the Bible. Even Korea’s genealogy records become faint if you go beyond 400-500 years, so it is difficult to know about the history of ancestors beyond that time. However, True Father knows clearly about all the history since Adam and Eve. 

True Father’s Proclamation of the Principle

2. We have heard through True Father’s Words about his testimony that before proclaiming the Principle in the physical world, he proclaimed the Principle in front of the four great saints and providential central figures in the spirit world. However, when True Father proclaimed the Principle in the spirit world, there was someone who was also spiritually present. 

After the Korean War, there was a period of military rule. At that time, there was a woman called Kim Soon-cheol, who was the wife of the minister of economy. This person was someone who had many very spiritual experiences, and she later joined the Unification Church and was reported in the newspaper. 

One day, Kim Soon-cheol was said to have spiritually attended a great gathering with the saints of the spirit world. She said that in that gathering, one young man was presenting some kind of truth in front of the four great saints and many central figures of the providence throughout the generations, but all the saints opposed him and even Jesus did not agree and severely opposed him. So, there was great chaos. But at the very end, God appeared at the spot and gave Father’s proclamation of the Principle His seal of approval. This woman called Kim Soon-cheon had this spiritual experience and testified about how True Father had gone through the process of proclaiming the Principle in the spirit world first and then began to proclaim the Word of the Principle on earth. At that time, Kim Soon-cheol testified that she was very surprised to realize that the person she met in the spirit world and True Father were the same person. 

Become People Who Resemble True Father and Have Paranormal Abilities

3. Since we do not have such spiritual experiences, we did not know that True Father had a hostile gathering with saints in the spirit world in order to proclaim the Principle. The reason I am talking about this is because we should also become people who have paranormal abilities like True Father. Of course, we cannot even compare to True Father, but it means that we should always live centered on God and True Parents, be spiritually sensitive, and possess paranormal abilities capable of foreseeing the future.

It is mentioned in Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong (Messages of Peace), but True Father told us to “cleanse the lives of having blind eyes that look fine outwardly.” Those words tell us to open the eyes of our spirits. True Father said that we have now entered an age of having to open our eyes spiritually. What are you all worried about now? Are you worried about your fleshly life? Or are you more worried about your spiritual life? That is why we must open the eyes of our minds. And we must have eyes of our hearts. We cannot just go on living day by day apathetically. 

How did True Father become a person with supernatural powers? It is not because True Father has the spiritual power different from other people. True Father is a man of original nature unrelated to the Fall, a man of love, and a man of heart.

Of course, we, the descendants of the Fall, cannot even compare to True Father, but we should always live centered on God and True Parents, be spiritually sensitive, and possess paranormal abilities capable of foreseeing the future. 

When human beings clear away their fallen nature and become human beings of original nature that God can dwell in, anyone can become a person with paranormal abilities like True Parents. Then, what should we do specifically to become a person with paranormal abilities like True Father? 

In a word, we should upgrade our love. We need to improve the quality of our love. To upgrade the quality of love, we must upgrade our filial heart (to) love God more than anyone else.

And we must upgrade our jeongsong more than anyone else and be spiritually sensitive. Love runs through everything. True love is meant to see through even the heart of God. 

When we meet someone who is sad, we feel sad, when we meet someone who is suffering, we feel the pain, and when we meet someone who is happy, we feel joy. Therefore, we must open our spiritual eyes. We must not have blind eyes. 

Many people misunderstand. We are not talking about strange powers. (It is) spiritual sensitivity. When we reach a certain level of heart and love, we know that a person’s pain is our pain. We can feel that. We can feel God’s sorrow as our sorrow. We can feel that God’s tears are our tears. We can have a connection heart to heart. Father conquered God’s heart. That is why he could see everything through God’s eyes.

Paranormal means spiritually sensitive. Our quality of love reaches a certain level. We can understand that our nation’s pain is our pain, national problems are our problems. 

Fallen man does not care about others. He does not care about the nation, about the world, about all humankind. He does not understand his partner’s heart and suffering.

How can we upgrade our level of love, our quality of love and reach a certain level (at which) we can understand God’s heart and sorrow and True Parents’ wish, and our spouse’s concern and our children’s problems – any issues – as our own issues. How can we do that? Only through love. Love runs through everything. True Love is the means to see even through the heart of God.

Live a Life of Bringing the Spirit Self to Fruition

4. How do you intend to live the rest of your life? We must bring our spirit selves to fruition while we are using our physical bodies. That is why we Unification Church members must become people with paranormal abilities. From now on, we must really have paranormal abilities. All Unificationists must have paranormal abilities to know who is sad and know how to comfort them or if someone was having conflicts, go to that person and know how to resolve them through the Word. Everyone in the world is thirsting for true love right now. We need to find those people and know how to help them so that they can live lives of true love. Until now, we have heard the Word numerous times and struggled to put them into practice as best as we could.

But the way to guide them is simple. You can teach them to live serving. You can teach them to live for the sake of others. Teach them to live for the sake of something greater. Does the family exist for my sake? Do I have to exist for the sake of the family? People who live for the sake of others cannot assert themselves. If you assert yourself, you are just like people of the secular world. First, we blessed families need to become models of a life of living for the sake of others and a life of attendance within the family. You can teach them that in their own families, all family members should be filial to each other. Family is the place where we leave the positions of the father, mother, husband, wife, and children and gather to be filial to one another. This is how we should meet with being filial and teach those around us.

We are now living in the era of bringing love into fruition. Therefore, while we are using our physical bodies, we must bring our spirit selves to fruition. In order for our spirit selves to bear fruit, we must live a life centered on the spirit, not on the flesh. 

When our spirit selves come into fruition and reach the stage of perfection, everyone becomes a person with paranormal abilities. As the Bible says, those who have paranormal abilities rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn. 

Therefore, we must have paranormal abilities to know who is sad and know how to comfort them or if someone was having conflicts, go to that person and know how to resolve (their issues) through the Word. 

Everyone in the world is thirsting for true love right now. We need to find those people and know how to help them so that they can live lives of true love. But the way to guide them is simple. We can teach them to live serving (others). We can teach them to live for the sake of others. Teach them to live for the sake of something greater. We just have to teach them not to assert themselves. 

This creates harmony, peace and unity.

First, we blessed families need to become models of a life of living for the sake of others and a life of attendance within the family. We can teach them that in their own families, all family members should be filial to each other. 

Family is the place where we leave the positions of the father, mother, husband, wife, and children and gather to be filial to one another. This is how we should meet with being filial and teach those around us. 

Today I talked about “Become People Who Resemble True Father and Have Paranormal Abilities.” 

(Pauline Garay, first year GPA, in Peru)♦

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. 

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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