Ep 634 - Noble Families of Cheon Ill Guk Part 6

Noble Families of Cheon Il Guk - July 21, 2022

PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony of Kyoho Jones

Key Points

  1. Without exception in order to be reborn internally and spiritually, everybody needs to go through the process of repentance. 

  2. God’s sorrowful heart should be my sorrowful heart, his tears, my tears, his pain, my pain. Then I will be able to see the Kingdom of God and see God substantially.

  3. A person with a lifestyle and attitude that frequently searches, adjusts and prays can know when the best time to heartistically communicate with God is.

  4. Faith begins from believing in God, that God is my father, that I am his child. Hope begins when I think that the task entrusted to me is a God-given responsibility, and faithfully carry out that responsibility. Love begins when I meet True Parents, receive the blessing, and go on the path of the love of the original creation that Adam and Eve have never been through. 

  5. Faith, hope, and love are inseparable. Each virtue contains the other two. 

  6. The purpose of establishing a vertical relationship (foundation of faith) is to expand the relationship horizontally (foundation of substance). It is necessary to win the path of love by achieving harmony in the vertical and horizontal relationships.

Yesterday I tested negative. I’ll test again this morning. Don’t worry. I should be ok. 

Today I’d like to talk about “Noble Families of Cheon Il Guk” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

You were reborn as blessed families through True Parents. You need to feel the tremendous value of this in your daily lives. I know that you have worked hard up until today in many respects in order to contribute to providential history. I am grateful to you. However, you must not be satisfied with that. We must release all the bitter resentment that was caused by fallen humankind in order to truly liberate our Heavenly Parent. Fallen human beings have indemnity conditions that they have to establish. I know you have worked hard with dedication for many decades. That is not enough. This spirit of loyalty must be passed on to the next generation. Even that is not enough. 

How can we comfort our Heavenly Parent who has been in pain for 6,000 years? We know that path through True Parents. True Parents are the parents of humankind so they are compelled to think about all the people of this world. I don't know to what extent you feel this reality. The Lord at the Second Advent and the True Parents are not simply the king of one nation. They are the king of kings. They are the true owner of humankind. You have to become citizens of Cheon Il Guk who can be obedient and submit to them. Have the blessed families who were the first to be blessed, made effort to accomplish God's Will from a position of unity with True Parents? (2014.11.30, Cheon Jeong Gung) 

True Mother said, “You were reborn as blessed families through True Parents. You need to feel the tremendous value of this in your daily lives.” 

Through True Parents, we have gone through the process of meeting True Parents, removing our original sin, and being reborn. Whether it’s the Holy Wine Ceremony or 3-day ceremony, it is the process of being reborn externally and conditionally. However, more important that this is that we have to go through the process of being reborn internally. If anybody does not go through this process of internal rebirth, you cannot enter the course of completion. 

Jesus said that if you are not really born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God. John 3:3, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” 

The proof of being born again is that, as Jesus said, if you are born again, you will surely see the kingdom of God. Then, if you are really born again, can you really see the kingdom of God? Can you really see God? Do you really see as people (and) as children of God? Do you really see True Parents as the savior of all people? Does my partner really look like God? Do my children really look like children of God? If we can't see these, it means that we are not yet reborn. 

Then why can't I see the kingdom of God and feel God in my heart? 

This is a big question. This is one of my main prayer content (points). Why can’t I see the Kingdom of God and feel God in my heart? 

Because the veil of sin is hidden within me. In other words, because I have a lot of sins and am full of fallen nature. 

So what should I do? The first thing I need to do is realize that I am a sinner. In order to realize that I am a descendant of the fall and return to God and be born again, I must first repent. All human beings, without exception, cannot experience the process of rebirth unless they thoroughly undergo the process of repentance. In order to be born again, it is impossible on our own, so we must repent and be born again through prayer and devotion with the help of the Holy Spirit. 

The reason we do not recognize God and shed tears even while knowing God's pitiful circumstances and heart is because we do not have the experience of being born again through the process of repentance. 

Without exception in order to be reborn internally and spiritually, everybody needs to go through the process of repentance. One who thoroughly goes through the process of repentance will have an experience of rebirth. Just now Jesus said, if we thoroughly go through the process of repentance and realize we are the sinner of sinners and the (heir?) of the fall and truly and sincerely pray about it, everybody will experience rebirth. Then you can see the Kingdom of God and feel God’s sorrowful heart. You can feel someone’s painful heart. 

I confess to you that I have not really reached that kind of level. How can I experience rebirth more? That means I did not properly and seriously and thoroughly go through the process of repentance. 

(In an) evil environment and circumstance without (going through the) process of repentance, it is impossible to be reborn again. That is why Jesus’ first words were, “You need to repent. The Kingdom of God is at hand.” Even John the Baptist’s first words were – he cried out – “You need to repent.”

This is very powerful. Repentance. I really want to feel God’s sorrowful heart. His sorrowful heart should be my sorrowful heart. His tears should be my tears; his pain should be my pain. Then I can see the Kingdom of God. Then I can see God substantially.

You and I, we are the ones who really need to reach (understand?) the real meaning of real rebirth. We need to think about that.

 LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Principle of Creation 60 - The Development, Perfection, and Features of the Spirit Self 

• A spirit in the formation stage of life is called a form spirit; in the growth stage, a life spirit; and in the completion stage, a divine spirit 

• A spirit fully matures as a divine spirit when the person's spirit self and physical self unite through perfect give and take action centered on God and form the four position foundation. A divine spirit can accurately feel and perceive every reality in the spirit world.

• As these spiritual realities resonate through the physical self and manifest themselves as physiological phenomena, they can be recognized through the five senses.

• People of divine spirit, who thus resonate with the spirit world, build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. When they shed their physical bodies, they will make a smooth transition into the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world. For this reason, the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven will be realized only after the Kingdom of Heaven on earth has been established.

• All the sensibilities of a spirit are cultivated through the reciprocal relationship with the physical self during earthly life.

• Therefore, only when a person reaches perfection and is totally immersed in the love of God while on earth can he fully delight in the love of God as a spirit after his death.

• All the qualities of the spirit self are developed while it abides in the physical self: Sinful conduct during earthly life aggravates evil and ugliness in the spirit of a fallen person, while the redemption of sins granted during earthly life opens the way for his spirit to become good. 

• This was the reason Jesus had to come to the earth in the flesh to save sinful humanity, We must lead a good life while we are on the earth.

• In Matthew 16:19, Jesus gave the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven to Peter, who remained on the earth, and in Matthew 18:18, he said, "Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven," because the primary objective of the providence of restoration must be carried out on earth.

Father’s word:

Through a Life of Prayer you Must Know how to Keep Time

 <76-125> The formation of the four seasons occurs within the span of a single day. Within one day. You must know that what you feel in your hearts will not be the same forever. According to the season, it is spring. It would be good to know that it is the start of spring, but you do not know this. You also don’t know when it is winter. Through first hand experiences and a life of prayer, you must know how to distinguish between the times by saying, “Oh! I am encountering this kind of time right now.

That is why you need to know what time it is providentially. You need to know God’s providential time. There are 7.9 billion people (on the earth). How many of them really know God’s timetable? Just Unificationists? Only some of them know God’s timetable. How fortunate we are! At the same time, our portion of responsibility is really great: to save all humankind. Wow! True Mother mentioned many times, “We are living in God’s golden time period.”

The Door Of The Heart, Seek Guidance

<76-125> This is why the most important thing is searching for zero degree. Zero degree. How do you find Zero degree? Isn’t the question of how to adjust the doors of the heart the most important thing in a life of faith? This is how you should think. This is why you must always pay attention to when the door of your heart is open and how you can adjust to the door of heaven’s heart. 

This is something that you must always prepare. There is the chance that this time is the right time for the door of your heart. If you are a student, the time when you are studying might be that kind of time, or maybe the time when I am forgetting about the world and just play is exactly that kind of time. A lifestyle and attitude that frequently searches and adjusts to that kind of time is necessary. In fact, it is needed repeatedly. 

In order to match the door of God’s heart and the door of my heart, I have to always adjust the standards of my heart to zero. True Father said that if I adjust my heart to zero degrees, the door of God’s (heart) will be opened. In order to enter the world of God’s heart, you have to know the password to God’s room. It is zero degrees. 

The zero degrees that God requires is 100% complete self-denial. And for the door of God to be opened, there must be a time when it must be opened. Therefore, it is not God that adjusts to me, but I am the one who has to adjust to God. 

That's why True Father said it is necessary to have a lifestyle and attitude that frequently searches and adjusts to that kind of time 24/7. Just as there is a time for the sun to rise and there is a time for the moon to rise, in order to meet God, the door of my heart must adjust to the door of God. 

Any fisherman knows what kind of fish takes the bait and where. A student can know when the best time to study is, and a person who prays can know when the best time to heartistically communicate with God is.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: The Course of Faith, Hope, and Love 

1. Our life is the course of faith, hope, and love. Faith refers to the heart that regards the vertical relationship as life. Hope refers to the drive that comes from the actual achievements that arise when we faithfully carry out our responsibilities in reality. The power of faith comes from valuing vertical relationships and denying yourself. The power of hope comes from one's own achievements accumulated by faithfully fulfilling responsibilities in life. Through this course of faith and hope, you will experience love. We often get people around us or ourselves to think, “I have faith” or “I don’t have faith”, “I have hope” or “I don't have hope,” or “I am active in my work” or “I am not.” However, faith, hope, and love cannot be thought of separately. 

Our life is the course of faith, hope, and love. Faith refers to the heart that regards the vertical relationship as life. Entering faith starts with believing that God is my Father and I am His child. Faith is believing and treating yourself as God’s belonging, God’s sons and daughters. Therefore, if you absolutely believe in this parent-child relationship between God and me and regard it as life, you will gain unimaginable power and energy. If God who created this great universe is my Father, my daddy, I have faith and conviction that there is nothing I cannot do. 

That is why our life begins from faith. Fallen man needs to start from faith. What does faith mean? You need to believe that God does exist. He is your father. You are a child of God. That is the beginning point. That is faith. (It is to) treat yourself as God’s son or daughter and treat God as your own father. 

If you set up and build that kind of incredible relationship between God and you as parent and child, Wow! You can have the faith and conviction that there is nothing you cannot do. It is very powerful. That is faith. Faith begins where? Faith begins from believing in God, that God is my father, that I am his child.

If you are a child of God, how can you commit suicide? How can you commit sin? How can you go here and there horizontally? You cannot do that. 

That is why our life course begins from faith. Faith means to treat me as God’s belonging and treat God as my own daddy.

The next one is what? Hope. Hope is an amazing drive that arises when I think that the task entrusted to me is a God-given responsibility, and faithfully carry out that responsibility. It is thinking that the work I am doing is not my own, but God’s. Also, in relationships, I have to serve all the people I relate to as God. No matter how difficult the situation, if I think that the work given to me is God's will, whatever I am doing in the workplace or with the government, whatever, I need to think that it is God’s will and that it is God's work. It gives value to my work and gives me the drive and desire to do it. This is hope.

You believe in God, that is your faith. Then you relate with your brothers and sisters in your job. You need to think that “God gave me this responsibility.” Do not think, “I am not a full time member. I am working outside. It has nothing to do with God’s will.” Do not think in this way. Whatever you are doing, God gave you this responsibility. This is God’s will. 

When you fulfill your own portion of responsibility given by God faithfully, I am telling you, you can be grateful. That is why hope is an amazing power that arises when I think that the task entrusted to me is a God-given responsibility.

If you faithfully build up the course of faith and hope in this way, you will eventually pursue the ideal of God's love. Finally, the groom and the bride meet each other, receive blessings from God, and realize the ideal of true children, true brothers and sisters, true couple, and true parents. 

So far, in the history of the providence of restoration, everyone has gone through the course of faith and hope, but no one has entered the path of love. Today, (it is) only we (who have) met True Parents, received the blessing, and gone on the path of the love of original creation that Adam and Eve have never been through. 

The foundation of love begins with the couple, not alone. That is why you need to meet the messiah and have the experience of being reborn, then go (forward) together with your spouse. That is the course of completion. The husband and wife need to go together.

Today I am talking about the course of faith, hope and love. (They are) all related together and cannot be separated. 

 Side Effects of Overemphasizing the Vertical Relationship

2. In faith, there is faith, hope, and love. Also, in hope, there is faith, hope, and love. And in love, there is faith, hope, and love. Here, they have a close relationship that cannot be separated from each other. But when it comes to faith, since most people only regard the vertical relationship strongly, they become insincere in reality. It is easy for relationships to become discordant and to become irresponsible in one's real life. We can take this as a lesson through the Israelites. The Israelites discriminated against other peoples because of the strong awareness that “we are the chosen people” and “we are Jehovah’s people.” As a result, we know that they were not diligent or sincere, and they did not have the power of virtue in life. 

One thing that is important here is that in faith, there is faith, hope, and love. Also, in hope, there is faith, hope, and love. And in love, there is faith, hope, and love. Here, they have a close, inseparable relationship with each other. 

If I absolutely believe that God is my father, there will be limitless hope and in limitless hope, you will long for the object partner of love. Where my hope goes, I will come to invest and love everything. 

Even in love, which is the path to perfection, there is faith between the subject and the object that trusts each other, there is an infinite hope for the other person, and the desire to love constantly arises. Therefore, faith, hope, and love are inseparable. 

 When You Lose Your Original Self 

3. Because of our faith that regards the vertical relationship as life, we often look down on or ignore others in our given life. And when we realize something, we ignore or discriminate against people who haven’t realized it. We often see cases when I say that I have experienced something especially through a vertical relationship, I often ignore others, so the horizontal relationships become distant. Also, if I received loved, then people are biased because of discrimination against those who are not loved. If you value this vertical relationship too much, you will become insincere, unable to be humble but become arrogant, and discriminate against others in real life. As a result, you will eventually lose your original self. 

In our life of faith, because of our faith that regards the vertical relationship between God and me and True Parents and me as life, at times, we ignore or are indifferent to horizontal relationships. Vertically, I become so focused on following God and True Parents that I often fail to look around. 

If we overemphasize only the vertical relationship in our course of faith, everyone will end up only absolutely valuing True Parents and be unable to horizontally form genuine relationships with brothers and sisters and then become cold-hearted in relationships and the atmosphere in the church will be cold. 

Am I right?

You must understand that the purpose of establishing a vertical relationship with God and True Parents is to expand the relationship of love horizontally through brothers and sisters. The foundation of faith lies in establishing a vertical relationship with God, True Parents, and the Center. The next step is to expand the foundation of that love horizontally through the relationship between brothers and sisters, and that is the foundation of substance. What we need to clearly understand is that the purpose of establishing a vertical relationship is to expand the relationship horizontally. 

However, a phenomenon that occurs frequently in our church is often ignoring or discriminating against our juniors. And when we realize something, we ignore or discriminate against people we who haven’t realized it. 

If you value this vertical relationship too much, you will become insincere, unable to be humble but become arrogant, and discriminate against others in real life. As a result, you will eventually lose your original self. 

That is why the Divine Principle is very clear: Foundation of Faith, then Foundation of Substance then foundation of heart and love. Wow! God is really very clear about this point. We may have a very good relationship with God and True Parents. At the same time we need to build good relationships with (our brothers and sisters?). That is the Foundation of Substance.

The course of our life is the course of faith, hope, and love. The foundation of faith is the vertical relationship, the foundation of substance is the horizontal relationship, and the foundation of heart is the path of love. Therefore, it is necessary to win the path of love by achieving harmony in the vertical and horizontal relationships. 

Wow! Our Divine Principle is very clear. How amazing it is! I really love Father’s guidance. Through the Divine Principle we know how to apply these principles in our life of faith.

I am so sorry my voice is not clear for you..

LIVING TESTIMONY: I’m a Living Testimony for Whom Anything is Possible

(Testimony of Kyoho Jones, DMV)♦

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as PDF files at the top of this text. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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