Ep 610 - Why We Should Witness Part 3

childlrenWhy We Should Witness - June 27, 2022

PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony Jose Rafael Sanchez

(Response to prayer) Let’s inherit our True Mother’s desperation. If we inherit True Mother’s desperation, we can be serious about our mission. If we are really a son or daughter of True Mother, let’s have the same heart of desperation.

(Response to sharing) Yesterday we had a Sunday Service in the Clifton Church. Some (members) are saying that they feel very comfortable to bring new guests to our Clifton Church. I think our members have changed their attitude and changed the structure of the Sunday Service format. The church atmosphere has become much better and quite warm. I have great hope.

(Response to second sharing) In your dream your head was cut off. That means that your old self was crucified and (that) you began your new life. That is the meaning. You have crucified your old self. Through your jeongseong and hoondokhae conditions, you are really beginning a new life. This is a very powerful dream actually. You need to interpret it very well.♦

Yesterday, we had a Sunday School Graduation and Accelerate Program Graduation during the Sunday Service at the Clifton Church. It was a beautiful ceremony.

 We expressed our appreciation to Soin, the Sunday School Director, and (to) Sunday School teachers for their hard work. 

(With a) cake cutting, we all celebrated the Sunday School Graduation. 

 Then, we had an Accelerate Leadership Training Program graduation ceremony. 

President Naokimi gave congratulatory remarks, and three people who graduated from the program gave the testimonies. 

Then, all people who graduated from the Accelerate program received certificates. 

 Then, I gave a special message and emphasized the importance of Heart Education. 

According to Father we need to (provide) our children heart education more than 70%, rather than on the intellect. Outside people are very focused on the intellectual area and on their major, their job, what to eat and drink and what to wear. But Father said our education needs to focus more than 70% centering on heart education. (Focusing on the) intellectual area, (on) their major centered on their job and workplace, that is not the principled way. I really re-emphasized the importance of heart education. 

I am the president of the “Hugging Federation for World Peace.” I really embraced each of them on behalf of God and True Parents. They are children of God; we are brothers and sisters.

Today I’d like to talk about “Why we should witness” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

We need to witness to as many people as possible and show True Father’s glory and prestige to the world. What is truly important is the number of people we can call our members, not just the number of people that come to Sunday service. We need to continue giving Divine Principle lectures in our churches. People need to be reborn through the teachings. Where individuals, families, tribes, peoples and nations practice true love, that is where we will find Cheon Il Guk. That is the kingdom of heaven on earth. When this happens, each and every individual will find peace in his or her own heart. 

I had a dream in the early days, right after Father and I were married. In the dream, I was holding a child's hand, carrying a package and walking along on a dangerous path along the edge of a cliff. I couldn't see what was in front of me, but I succeeded in following this path without falling over the edge of the cliff. At the end of the path, I reached a bright light. I believe that time is now. Let us all work hard so that on Foundation Day many people will come flocking here, like the tide coming in, whether they are eminent members of society or ordinary people. Let's make it a day on which large groups of people come flowing in like clouds. This is why we need many capable people. (2012.10.01, Cheon Jeong Gung) 

True mother said that we need to witness to as many people as possible and show True Father's glory and prestige to the world. Increasing membership is an important task. 

True Parents’ external glory and prestige are being revealed through numerous rallies and foundations. Now, what's important is actual prestige that nobody can deny. That is securing the number of how many people follow True Parents. The task we have to overcome now is how to secure the majority. 

We have accomplished everything externally. However, without an actual foundation of members, we cannot go in front of the world and reveal True Parents’ prestige. Quality and quantity are equally important at the same time. 

It is True Parents’ dream to make a day on which large groups of people come flocking in like clouds or flowing into our church just as the tide rushes in at the blink of an eye.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Principle of Creation 53 - The Realm of God’s Direct Dominion

• What is the realm of God's direct dominion? 

• Human beings abide in the realm of direct dominion when, as subject partners and object partners, they unite in the love of God to form a four position foundation and become one in heart with God. In this realm they freely and fully share love and beauty according to the will of the subject partner, thus realizing the purpose of goodness. 

• The realm of direct dominion is the realm of perfection.

• What will the world be like when the natural world abides under the direct dominion of human beings? 

• When a fully mature person relates with the diverse things in nature as his object partners, they come together to form a four position foundation. People who are in total resonance with God's Heart will lead the natural world in the free-flowing sharing of love and beauty, and the entire universe will realize goodness. In such a manner, human beings will exercise direct dominion over all things.

The Period of Transformation of the Family

<271-18> Because this is the time for the transformation of the family, all the families in the Satanic world are collapsing. Even the nations cannot prevent this. The problem lies in how well you manage your family. You can not solve this kind of family problems with money. The problem is that the individuals, families, tribes, nations and world have no center. There is no hope remaining. These problems cannot be solved with political, economic, diplomatic or military power. The family has been completely destroyed. The time of the Last Days is centered on the Second Advent. The Messiah has come to bring a center for each individual, family, tribe, nation and for the cosmos. Everything has been destroyed, so it is time to go back to the family to be connected. 

Because now is the time of the Last Days and the time of the transformation of the family, all the families in the Satanic world are collapsing. 

Even the nations cannot prevent this problem of (the decline of) the family, and these problems cannot be solved with political, economic, diplomatic or military power. All families are broken. There is no hope remaining. The family has been completely destroyed. 

Our Unification Church has proclaimed and begun Cheon Il Guk, but because we have not been able to find and establish one nation, we are heavily influenced by the world and our blessed families are facing a crisis as well. This is a big issue.

Now is past the age of individual salvation and it is the age of family salvation. This time is really the Last Days. This is the period of Great Transformation. Therefore, we must all focus on family salvation rather than individual salvation and save the family. When the movement for saving the family is settled, tribes are saved, the nation is saved, and the world is saved. 

When I meet with our blessed families, almost without exception, they have their children's problems. This is the pain we all go through as we go through a great transition. Therefore, we should feel their pain as our own pain. We must think together and pray together. We are running a New Life campaign right now as you know. 

Even if your blessed children are the 2nd or 3rd generation, if they are not connected with the church, you should make them the object of witnessing. If your child listens to the Word and registers with the church, he or she will be added to the new family member list. 

You must be a spiritual parent, not just a physical parent, before your children. From now on, when your child joins the church and registers, the headquarters will welcome them as new family members. 

Now that we are in a period of great transformation, there are many side effects that come with it. So, no matter what, let's not criticize the children who have lost their relationship with the church. We need to encourage each other and embrace our pain. In some families, even if all children receive blessings and are connected with God's will, let's not judge the children of blessed families who do not yet have such standards. And never give up. 

If you judge some blessed family children – “Why are your children like that? Why didn’t your children receive the Blessing?” – then you will be judged.

If our community's thoughts change and our community's heart and level of love are upgraded, I'm sure they will come back. All of our blessed families should know the fact that they have a common destiny. All of us who have received the blessings of True Parents are of one blood and (are) brothers and sisters. Some family problems are mine, our community's problems, and God's and True Parents' problems. 

That is why the more I understand our families’ situations... – when I meet each family, I feel so much pain – I ask God, “Their pain should be my pain. Their problems should be my problems.” 

We have a common destiny. We (have) inherited God’s and True Parents’ blood lineage. We are the same brothers and sisters. 

I feel that as a leader if I do not have a generous heart, if I don’t accept the current reality, (then I may feel that) they will have nothing to do with me; they are not my own brothers and sisters; they are not the same as God’s blood lineage. 

We need to really change our mindset and thought. We have the same destiny.

Father says that this is a period of great transformation for the family. (This is) not just in the secular world. Even inside our church family it is the same. 

That’s why True Parents say that our great mission is what? How to find one nation, one sovereignty and one people. Then God will directly handle that nation. Everything will be governed by heavenly law. Then nobody will commit sin. That is True Parents’ wish. That is why before establishing God’s substantial Cheon Il Guk, even our blessed families are easily affected by the secular world. (That is) because it is the period of great transformation of the family. 

In that kind of atmosphere and terrible situation, no matter what, we need to be stronger and more connected to each other and really feel (other’s) pain as my own pain. If we create such a beautiful community and cry together and share their pain together and embrace each other, that is heart culture, isn’t it? 

That is why since I have met more of our community members in the Clifton Church, I feel so much pain. I came to know more the reality of each family, wow! Each family, each parent bears a very heavy cross. How much they cry for their children! Sometimes they feel limited to embrace them. Sometimes they are frustrated. “What can I do? How can (we) live with that(?)?” I can feel our members’ painful heart. They know God, True Parents, the value of the Divine Principle, the value of our children. Sometimes they feel very limited to help(?) them. 

I know your situation as well. We need to know that this is the time of transition of the family. When we share (with) and encourage each other and feel the same heart, I think our community will become a beautiful community and gradually get better and better. 

That is why we are doing national-level and continental-level Morning Devotion, and we are trying to change our environment. 

One thing I would like to encourage you (about): never give up (on) your children. Definitely they will come back some day. That is why if you just worry about your children more than (to have) hope and vision, that is a problem. Your worry (will) conquer(?) them. That is why you need to appeal to their original mind. Even though they do not say anything, their original mind is really searching for God. They know somehow that they need to connect to the church and God’s will and to love and respect (their) parents. Their original mind knows (this) very well. 

That’s why we need to appeal to their original mind through our jeongseong and prayer. If you have too many negative concepts (about) your own children, it (will be) impossible for them to come back. Do not give up. God never, ever gives up on his children. 

Why don’t you resemble God and our True Parents? True love never gives up. As long as we never give up and continually pray for and serve them, love and embrace them, our children will surely come back. That is what I believe and what I have experienced so far.

The Tribal Messiah and the One Way

 Millions of tribal messiahs are appearing. Even from one country, thousands of tribal messiahs can appear. As each family is connected, it automatically becomes one with the nation. This is the one way. This is where Satan cannot remain. From the point of view of the Principle, Satan cannot be in this place. Only God can be there, which means that the ideal of God will be restored. 

We have now welcomed an age when millions of tribal messiahs are appearing on top of True Parents’ victorious foundation, Father said. 

Even from one country, thousands of tribal messiahs can appear. When families complete their tribal messiah missions, they automatically become one with the nation. This is the one way. This is where Satan cannot remain. 

The only way for millions of tribal messiahs to appear in America is for the Christian realm to unite centered on our Family Federation. 

That is why the mission of ACLC is very import nat. 

From now on, not only the pastors of ACLC have the 40-day separation and 3-day ceremony, but all members of their churches have to go through that process and (they need to) guide them to fulfill the Heavenly Tribal Messiah mission. I definitely think that time will come soon. 

I really want to create such a model church in Clifton. I plan to meet with each ACLC minister and (will seek to) convince them to study more Divine Principle one-on-one and (encourage) them to teach the Divine Principle to their own congregation through one-on-one Divine Principle-style lectures. All their congregation will get to know who True Parents are and what the Blessing is. 

If ACLC ministers really accept True Parents’ identity and confess that Father and Mother are the messiah, then they will surely testify to their members and educate them to really believe in True Parents. 

We did not reach that level. That is why we are stuck on the way. We need to really teach them through the Divine Principle.

 TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: Our Life Course is a Training Course to Recover the 4 Great Realms of Heart 

1. In our lives, we celebrate days, such as anniversaries and foundation days. We also remember the day we were born or the day we started school. Remembering these days focuses on looking back on what motives I lived for. Celebrating one’s day of birth is a confirmation of how warmhearted and close my parents and I were. From a parent’s perspective, it is how much more value they have in the standard of celebrating and rejoicing when their children were born. When we celebrate the founding day, we can think of the meaning and motive of the founding and try to recover how faithfully the meaning and motive of the founding have matured in each other's relationship over the years.

In our lives, we celebrate days, such as anniversaries and foundation days. Remembering these days focuses on looking back on what motives we lived for. 

(The) celebration of one’s day of birth should become a day of reflecting on how warmhearted and close my parents and I were. Just because it is my birthday, rather than hoping people will remember and wish me a happy birthday, I should reflect on how much I have lived with filial piety towards my parents. 

The truth is, don't expect someone to remember you on your birthday, but rather write a thank you note to your parents and give them a bouquet of flowers. This is Hyojeong. Has anyone ever given a gift to their parents on their birthday? The way of the world is completely upside down. We must always teach the tradition of filial piety to our children. 

Or when we commemorate a founding day, we should think about the meaning and motive of the founding and reflect on how much we have progressed in the meaning and motive over the years and whether we are going on the path as God desires. 

2. When we say that we are commemorating something today, we cannot help but think of True Parents because when we were born, we were people who had no choice but to live without even knowing the purpose of life. We had a desire to live, but we did not know the motive and purpose on how to live. However, we came to know through True Parents. We came to know clearly about the relationship between God and human beings, and we realized that due to the Fall, the 4 Great Realms of Heart — parent’s love, conjugal love, sibling’s love, and children’s love — were lost. That is why we knew that if it weren’t for True Parents, there would be no way to form a parent-child relationship. Many people have pursued their own ideas and ideologies, but today we know that we cannot revive and preserve our hearts without a relationship with True Parents. 

When we say that we are commemorating something today, we cannot help but think of True Parents. If it weren’t for God’s Will and True Parents, we today would not know the purpose of life and (would) be people who have no choice but to live (in ignorance?). 

Through True Parents, we came to know clearly about the relationship between God and human beings, and we realized that due to the Fall, the 4 Great Realms of Heart and Love — parent’s love, conjugal love, sibling’s love, and children’s love — were lost. 

That is why we know that if it weren’t for True Parents, there would be no way to form a parent-child relationship. 

Try to reflect on what kind of benefits and grace you have received through True Parents until now. We today know that we cannot revive and preserve our hearts without a relationship with True Parents. 

Sometimes I reflect, since I joined the Unification Church and met True Parents, what kind of benefit have I received? If I had not gotten to know God and True Parents, if I (had not) learned the Divine Principle, what kind of person would I (have) be(come)? O my goodness! Really horrible! I really appreciate True Parents. Because of them, how much my heart and mind have changed! I try to appreciate more and more our True Parents’ great effort and hard work.

Although True Parents are undoubtedly the Messiah and savior, even if they weren’t the messiah and savior, I must think about how good I have become and how much I have come to know about God through True Parents. True Parents are beings (whom) we can never forget in our lives. No matter what someone says, True Parents are my eternal parents, my eternal teachers, and masters to me. 

I would like to confess to you I have really received so much benefit. Because of them I have really learned about the Four Great Realms of Heart with 4 generations living together, and I have a beautiful wife and children and grandchildren. If I had married with an outside woman, I would have had no idea what to do. I have so many things for which I am so grateful to our True Parents.

 3. More specifically, I knew that I could recover my original self through these three stages: foundation of faith, foundation of substance, and foundation for the messiah. That is why there is no doubt if we think of our life course as a training course to recover the 4 Great Realms of Heart. We are proud that we are connected with True Parents, and we cannot forget the motives and bond we have with True Parents. We cannot forget the fact that we are participating in the environmental sphere of Cheon Il Guk, which True Parents want to train and educate us. This is something we should be most joyful of. 

We have to go through the foundation for the Messiah, specifically through the foundation of faith and the foundation of substance, following the model course that True Parents walked, and eventually we must regain our original self. 

There is no doubt (that) we (should) think of our life course today as a training course to recover the 4 Great Realms of Heart and Love. 

We are proud that we are connected with True Parents, and we cannot forget the motives and bond we have with True Parents. 

Even if you forget everything else, if you just think about what kind of benefits and grace you received through True Parents and the Principle, we are ones who must return filial piety to our True Parents. 

Try to understand what True Parents have given to you through your lives. 

Our life course is a training course to recover the 4 Great Realms of Heart and Love through our True Parents. 

LIVING TESTIMONY: I’m a Living Testimony for Whom Anything is Possible

(Testimony of Jose Rafael Sanchez.)♦

(Response to sharing) Everybody has an original mind. It knows. If parents first change their attitude, our children will surely respond very well. Our own (job?) as first generation is how we can change ourselves, our attitude, thinking and behavior. Then surely we can influence our second generation and third generation.♦

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as PDF files at the top of this text. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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