Ep 606 - Life As Owners Of Cheon ll Guk Part 4

Life as Owners of Cheon Il Guk - June 23, 2022

PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony Rebecca Calix

Today I’d like to talk about the “Life as Owners of Cheon Il Guk” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

You can now see the path we are walking most clearly. You need to know what a great blessing it is for you to live and carry out your responsibility here. Therefore, you should live each and every day with gratitude. You have more things to be grateful about. I began the story of the Swiss soldiers. When the French revolution broke out in the eighteenth century, Louis XVI of France asked Switzerland to send soldiers to guard him because he could not trust his own people. At the time, Switzerland was a poor country because it was situated in the mountains. Most men from mountainous regions are strong. 

Swiss soldiers thus came to guard the palace of the French king. They fulfilled their responsibility to the end and not one of them deserted their post. They became famous for doing so at that time. The money they earned while doing this helped Switzerland to become the wealthy and powerful nation it is today. The people guard the Vatican today are also Swiss Guards. This is a historical fact. After 6,000 years, the history of Cheon Il Guk, which can make God's dreams come true, is now unfolding and developing in front of us, thanks to True Parents. You are the key people attending True Parents in this era of Cheon Il Guk. No matter in what environment you may be, you need to move forward with an indomitable spirit. (2016.06.01, Cheon Jeong Gung) 

True Mother said that you need to know what a great blessing it is for you to live while attending her and carrying out your responsibilities here. She said you should live each and every day with gratitude. 

When the French Revolution broke out in the 18th century, Swiss soldiers entered France and protected the French royal palace by fulfilling their responsibilities without a single person running away until the end. 

True Mother is urging us who live with True Parents in the era of Cheon Il Guk to become people who, like the Swiss soldiers, fulfill our responsibilities to the end with an indomitable spirit in any environment. 

Again, we are living together with True Mother in a golden age that will never come again in the face of eternal history. In particular, the second 7-year course of Cheon Il Guk is more important than ever. 

That is why every second, every moment, every hour, every day we (need to) seriously pay attention to God’s will. I think then we will not have any regret, and we can really work together with True Mother.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Principle of Creation 53 - The Realm of God’s Direct Dominion

• What is the realm of God's direct dominion? 

• Human beings abide in the realm of direct dominion when, as subject partners and object partners, they unite in the love of God to form a four position foundation and become one in heart with God. In this realm they freely and fully share love and beauty according to the will of the subject partner, thus realizing the purpose of goodness. 

• The realm of direct dominion is the realm of perfection.

• What will the world be like when the natural world abides under the direct dominion of human beings? 

• When a fully mature person relates with the diverse things in nature as his object partners, they come together to form a four position foundation. People who are in total resonance with God's Heart will lead the natural world in the free-flowing sharing of love and beauty, and the entire universe will realize goodness. In such a manner, human beings will exercise direct dominion over all things.

The Indirect Realm, the Realm of the Bride and the Direct Realm, the Realm of Adam 

<271-11> During the Second World War, centered on the religious realm of the bride, Christianity went beyond the realm of the indirect dominion to receive the messiah at the national level and unite the world. This was England, the United States and France. During the war, these three countries become united and made the indirect realm of the bride and the direct realm of the groom into one by becoming one with the Messiah, and this could be connected to the realm of God's direct dominion, to the True Parents. By completing the portion of responsibility, as we often say in the Unification Church, you can connect these realms by entering the position of the Blessing. This has been the course of the providence until now. 

Christianity is the religious realm of the bride that God prepared for 2,000 years after the crucifixion of Jesus. Receiving the Messiah is realized on top of establishing the foundation of faith and the foundation of substance, which is God's indirect dominion. 

If we had become one with True Father centering on England, the United States, and France of the Christian sphere, the central nations that won victory in the Second World War, the world would be unified through the seven-year course from 1945 to 1952 and could directly enter the realm of Adam the bridegroom under God’s direct dominion. 

However, because this failed, True Father went to Heungnam Prison in North Korea and suffered to restore everything through indemnity. If Christianity and the Messiah had become one, world unification would have been simple. 

We would have already entered God’s direct dominion, not just on the national level, but already on the worldwide level. 

However, we lost that foundation. 

In that sense, it is very important to become one with the ACLC in America, which represents all Christianity and religions, in order to rebuild America. 

The role of ACLC is a very important mission. All religions (need to) unite together centered on ACLC. ACLC needs to educate all religions (in order to) let them enter into God’s direct dominion. Any religions that do not receive the Blessing are still under God’s indirect dominion and the realm of the archangel.

 The Necessity for Tribal Messiahs 

 The problem now is that True Parents are in the realm of God's direct dominion, as well as True Parent's family, but the Satanic world is still in God's indirect dominion. The way that nations can be connected to God's direct dominion is by carrying out the responsibility of the tribal messiah. This is why tribal messiah activity is absolutely necessary. 

The purpose of fulfilling the responsibility of the tribal messiah is to seek the kingdom of God. If all the blessed families fulfill their responsibility, eventually a nation will be liberated from Satan and achieve Cheon Il Guk, which can be linked to God’s direct dominion that is on the world standard. 

Therefore, in order to restore the nation and build Cheon Il Guk, a tribal messiah is absolutely necessary. The tribal messiah connects to God’s direct sovereignty at the national level. 

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: Leadership Ability and What the Church Should Focus on 

1. A leader in the era of Cheon Il Guk must have the ability to impress and mobilize the spirit world. Without the power of love to mobilize the spirit world, one cannot do fundamental ministry. To do pastoral ministry in a way that the spiritual world can't help, and in a humanistic way is to deviate. Any other way of ministering is deviation. Therefore, you need to know who you are. You need to practice while knowing whether the method you currently use is truly permanent and whether it can be justified by God. Punctures will develop from using a humanistic method for a while. At first, you may think that the popular or humanistic method works well, but anything that is not welcomed by the spirit world will not last long. 

A leader in the era of Cheon Il Guk must be someone who can move and mobilize the spirit world. There are limits to human power. Therefore, humans can never win unless they cooperate with the spirit world. 

Then, the task is how to become someone with the ability to mobilize the spirit world. 

How can we move the spiritual world. This is our job. We need to focus on that.

If pastors and their members do not focus on mobilizing the spiritual world, humanistic methods and means are certainly limited. You must understand that this is the essence of ministry. 

Ministry always needs to focus on the spiritual world. How can we move the spiritual world? It means how we can move heaven and let the spiritual world come down. They will have no choice but to help earthly people. We need to invest a lot of jeongseong to move the spiritual world and heaven.

Therefore, pastors and church members should check whether (their) current method is really permanent and can be justified by God, then put it into practice. 

The humanistic method will get punctured after a while. Anything that is not welcomed by the spirit world will not last long. Therefore, pastors and church members should think about which methods are supported by God and the spirit world. 

If one just uses humanistic methods, this does not work at all. (We should ask if) this project, this idea, this event, this motivation is really welcomed by the spiritual world or not. You need to think about that. 

Without God, without the spiritual world, without the ancestors, only (using) humanistic ideas does not work at all. What is the main point, the essence of ministry? How can I move the spiritual world, how can I move God so that God and the Holy Spirit come down and really support the earthly world. That should be our ability. Cheon Il Guk leadership is what? The ability to mobilize the spiritual world. 

2. At first, you can gather people through horizontal human relationships and hold an event that can be sparklingly popular. A ministry focused on entertainment, music, or propaganda does not last long. They are like bubbles. So, we must go forward focusing on the fundamental. We really need to check whether the things we want to do are supported by the spirit world as well. We need to nurture church members that the spirit world can really rely on. A church built on the rock can only be achieved by members who have hope and can nurture them from the spirit world. Otherwise, it is like a church built on sand. If the members of our Unification church had received specialized education such as pastoral ministry and member education and grasped the basics, they would have grown a lot. However, because we were too busy externally with our activities, we all missed the opportunity. 

In order to mobilize the spirit world, the first thing to be careful about is not to conduct service or events centered on people-centered popularity and interest. The second is that although music and praise – Chanyang(?) – have a great influence on (the) service, it should not be the main thing. 

A ministry focused on entertainment, music, or propaganda does not last long. Always focus on the essence where spirit world and God can cooperate. 

Centering on God’s point of view, the spiritual point of view, centering on heaven’s point of view, how can we let them come down to help us. Then we need to focus on God’s and the spiritual world’s interest, how the Holy Spirit and all of our ancestors can come down to help us. If we just focus on what people like, which (method) is more popular – they love music and entertainment, so we focus on it – it does not work at all. 

Many people say music is very important. I know music is very important. Music creates some certain area, but that is not the main thing. We really need to focus on what God and the spiritual world like. How can we let them pay more attention to our church and our activities. We always need to think that way. Otherwise even the Unification Church cannot last.

We should always check whether the things our members and our church really want to do is supported by the spirit world as well. (Ours) must become a church that the spirit world can truly rely on, and we must nurture such members. 

Only members who have hope and can nurture them in the spirit world can build the church on rock. Otherwise, it is like a church built on sand. 

 3. You also see that there are many people who missed the opportunity. There would be many regrets looking back. One regrets thinking, “If I had known about this, I should have done it that way.” It would have been nice if we had studied hard on at least the Principle, but we couldn't do that. In order to become a leader in the Unification Church and be a good witnesser, you must know the Principle well. You must read the Principle enough to memorize it. When a new guest arrives, you need to make sure you can occupy a place in his heart. Once any guest comes to me, I must have the ability to teach and lecture so that I can undoubtedly refine them and make them members. Otherwise, if the focus of ministry is centered on the helpless elderly or weak people, you will not be able to show your abilities. This is not saying to ignore the elderly. It's about where to focus. 

In order to become a Unification Church leader and (be) good at witnessing, you must know the Principle well. 

That is why I keep on emphasizing reading the One-Hour Divine Principle 100 times, the Three-Hour (EDP) 30 times and the Twelve-Hour EDP 21 times. Without knowing the truth, without being stimulated by God’s word, you cannot do anything. You need to read the Divine Principle over and over so that the word becomes your life. That is why you must read the Principle enough to memorize it. When a new guest arrives, you need to make sure you can occupy a place in his heart. 

That is why our preparation is important. You need to read and read and discuss what (the reading) means. You need to have that kind of commitment and a lot of preparation. 

Then when you meet a guest, let God talk. Your jeongseong (will have been) enough; your preparation (will have been) enough. Let God use your mouth. You need to become God’s instrument. Completely deny yourself and let God talk.

But before meeting a guest, we need preparation. We need to read and meditate on the Divine Principle a lot. Then when we meet a guest, we completely forget ourself. Deny yourself. Let God talk. Then so many miracles can happen.

We must have the ability to teach and lecture any guest so that we can make them members. 

Then, how can we mobilize the spirit world? First, we must offer prayer and jeongseong so that the spirit world and God cannot help but feel sympathy and be moved. 

How can we mobilize the spiritual world? Your jeongseong needs to reach a certain standard. Then God and the spiritual world will have no choice. “I need to help this guy, this church, this nation.”

If all American members are doing Morning Devotion, reading the EDP, and trying to witness, if we all have that kind of spirit and jeongseong, the spiritual world and God have no choice but to come down to help us. Only the power of jeongseong can move the spiritual world.

In the end, Father says “Utmost sincerity moves Heaven and the spirit world.” That is why even though I cannot guide (you) properly each morning in Morning Devotion, (if) we come together and offer our jeongesong as brothers and sisters with utmost sincerity, we can finally move heaven. That is why we are doing a national level jeongseong condition. It is really important. If we do a national-level jeongseong condition, we can move our entire nation. 

 Without the foundation of jeongseong and prayer, it is difficult to create a foundation for the spirit world to work. That is why the American church has offered early morning jeongseong every day for over 600 days. 

It is not easy to attend Morning Devotion every day without missing a single day, right? Many have already given up. Many are not very interested. I don’t know. But many (others) are more and more stimulated. Many people give up on the way. But keep going with your utmost sincerity. Then some day substantial results will surely appear. Jeongseong means without missing a single day. 

(If) you do it consistently, God will be really moved. Once God is touched by our heart and jeongseong, then the spiritual world does everything.

Second, focus on the salvation of spirits, which is the greatest concern of God and the spirit world. That is witnessing. If the church members and pastors strive hard to save even one spirit, the spirit world will surely help. 

In order to witness to new spirits, you must become a person crazy about the Principle and the Word. That is why our American church continues to emphasize reading the 1-hour Divine Principle Lecture Manual 100 times. Only the word of the Principle can save spirits. There is no other way. 

Third, treat the new guests like a king and like God. Think that restoring them is more joyful than restoring a nation. We need to create a heaven where newly joined members can meet and show the living God. 

Now I am really excited. Our Clifton Church members are working hard day and night and witnessing. Not only Clifton, I can feel that the entire American nation (is doing that). 

Next month we will have another new member welcoming ceremony. We will have about 12 new guests. We are really excited to increase the membership. 

God’s greatest concern is what? Salvation. That is why we need to have the same focal point. God’s focal point is salvation, and ours should (also) be salvation, which is witnessing. If everybody pays attention to salvation, which is witnessing, as long as we have the same mindset and unity centering on salvation, surely the whole spiritual world and all of our ancestors’ spirits will come down and help us.

LIVING TESTIMONY: I’m a Living Testimony for Whom Anything is Possible

(Testimony of Rebecca Calix)

Spiritual world really does exist. That is why if we are very serious, the spiritual world definitely will give (us) answers. Why do the spiritual world and our ancestors not respond? (Because) my seriousness is not (sufficient). 

If I am really serious, then the spiritual world can help us. Your mother was desperate, so Jesus appeared (to her) and directly spoke to her in her dream. How can we really have that kind of desperate spirit, how can we move God and heaven? That is the key to mobilizing the spiritual world.♦

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as PDF files at the top of this text. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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