Ep 861 - The Path of Life for All Humankind Part 2

The Path of Life for All Humankind - March 5, 2023

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PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony Jing An-Lin

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  Key Points

  • We long for love, and so does God. So, if we always think of and long for God and comfort him even in adversity, then He has no choice but to come to us and dwell with us.

  • If we create and cultivate a longing heart, automatically we can build the Kingdom of Heaven.

  • Fallen people can find freedom through absolute faith in and love for God, obedience to his word, self-denial, and loving our enemy.

  • When we really overcome and love our enemy, then we can be liberated and find peace. 

  • To find freedom we must not give freedom to our self-indulgent body but take strict control of it with self-denial.

  • The purpose of God’s creation of man is joy and happiness which we can obtain through living for the sake of others, particularly voluntary service in and beyond our family.

  • From an early age, serving others should be a habit. 

  • Volunteers have good mental health and grow fast spiritually.

  • Service is the seed of righteousness. A public life of service is a righteous life.

  • Whatever our current situation we should invest wholly and lovingly in it, knowing that this is God’s will for us at this time. 

  • We must think that this time was given by God for our spirit self to bear fruit.  

  • There is nothing temporary in our lives. All moments are connected to eternity.

  • If we truly love God, think about him every minute, every second, all the time, he has no choice but to come to us and dwell with us.

  • To keep love and joy in our life, we must voluntarily serve others and serve the world.

  • Our original nature rejoices most when we build a record of love through continuous service and building strong reciprocal relationships.

  • Volunteers are positive in all aspects and have very good mental health. 

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files.

 Pogoshipoyo! Pogoshipoyo means “I miss you.”

Yesterday, I had breakfast meeting with five NJ church members in my room. All of them are Filipinos. You know Elena Bahian. Also, Neil & Josephine Gimay, Monime(?), and also Geralda Shiroshita. It was a beautiful meeting. Filipinos like to talk so much! I very much enjoyed being with them.

Today I’d like to talk about “The Path of Life for All Humankind” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 2.

<This speech was given by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon between February 23 and April 16 at True Family Values Movement hoondok rallies for the study of True Parents' words in Japan and the United States.>

What then is this common content or purpose? It is something we cannot arrive at through human effort alone. This is because human effort cannot control the fundamental origin of life. This content is something that directs the motivation, course and even final destination of each person's life. From this perspective, this common content can only be true love. Human beings are born in love and are destined to go the path of love. People even die for love. This shows that love is more valuable than life itself. Moreover, we see that love precedes life. That is why people willingly offer even their lives for the sake of love. Love is eternal. If we look at novels, poems and other works of literature, we see how authors set unchanging and eternal love as the ideal. Clearly, human beings are not satisfied with momentary or finite love. Our desire is for love that is eternal.

Love has the power to disarm God completely. Even God is vulnerable to love. Almighty God cannot resist breaking into a big smile when smelling the fragrance of love from human beings. God enjoys love stories, too. Yet how much more pleasing it is when love is actually practiced! Each organ in our body was created for the sake of love. For example, the eyes were obviously created for the purpose of sight. To see what? The eyes were created specifically to look for love, which is the common theme among all beings. The nose was made to smell, specifically to smell the fragrance of love. Similarly, our ears were created to hear the sounds of love. Among all the sounds we hear, the one sound that we never get tired of hearing is the sound of someone saying, “I love you.” This is as true for senior citizens as it is for young people.

The common pursuit of God, human beings, and all things and all beings is true love. In that sense, human beings were born out of love and must walk the path of love. And even when we die, we must die for love. 

Therefore, when we look at our lives, we can see that love is more valuable than life itself. Moreover, we see that love precedes life. That is why people willingly offer even their lives for the sake of love. 

Love has the power to disarm God completely. Even God is vulnerable to love. Almighty God cannot resist breaking into a big smile when smelling the fragrance of love from human beings. 

Then, in what kind of place does love stay? Any being wants to find a place where someone thinks of them more, cares for them more, and comforts them more. That is what love is. It is the same with God. Where does God want to go when looking down on this planet? If someone thinks of God more and longs for God more, God will surely want to dwell with that person. 

How much do we think of God? How much do we long for God? Everyone always thinks of and longs for the person they love more. In that respect, the way to invite God is simple. 

Bush’s wife, Hanna’s mother, confessed to Hanna, “Every minute I think about you.” Wow! That testimony is so beautiful! Love is like that. Love always thinks about someone all the time. Misses him. Longs for him. Thinks about him. 

Recently my fifth grandchild came out. I think about him. That means I love him. I long for him. If we truly love God, if we think about God every minute, every second, all the time, he has no choice. He needs to come to us. If someone thinks about us more, someone longs for us more, our heart definitely will go there, won’t it?

If we always think of and long for God, and in any adversity think of and long for God's adversity, then He has no choice but to go to that kind of person. Heaven is a world where loved ones live together. People living in hell have no longing and (have) only themselves. So, whoever is the most pitiful person in this world is a person who has no longing. A person with longing always has a heart that wants to love people.

Today is Sunday. My heart is already jumping because I can go to see the New Jersey Church to our beloved brothers and sisters. Seeing our brothers and sisters ... is so joyful. I have not seen them for more than one week. I go there, see them, hug them, shake hands with them, we talk with each other. How beautiful! The Kingdom of Heaven should be like that. We need to long for somebody. We long for our mother and father, for our own children. It is the same. We need to long for each other. That is the Kingdom of Heaven. We need to build that kind of Kingdom of Heaven in our church. Not just lip service. We (need to) really long for each other. If we create and cultivate that kind of longing heart, automatically we can build the Kingdom of Heaven.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Human Fall 26: The Meaning of Freedom from the Viewpoint of the Principle #1

Freedom and the Human Fall

• What is the meaning of true freedom? In light of the Principle, three characteristics of freedom stand out. First, there is no freedom outside the Principle.

• Freedom requires both free will and the free actions pursuant to that will.

• Free will and free actions have the relationship of internal nature and external form, and perfect freedom is achieved when they are in harmony.

• Therefore, there cannot be any free action without free will, nor can free will be complete without free actions to accompany it.

• Free actions are generated by free will, and free will is an expression of the mind.

• The mind of an original, sinless person cannot operate outside of God’s words, that is, the Principle.

• It will never express free will or generate free action apart from the Principle.

• Undoubtedly, the freedom of a true person never deviates from the Principle.

• There is no freedom without responsibility. 

• Human beings, created according to the Principle, can reach perfection only by fulfilling their responsibility based on their free will. 

• Accordingly, a person pursuing the purpose of creation as prompted by his free will ceaselessly strives to carry out his portion of responsibility.

• There is no freedom without responsibility. 

• There is no freedom without accomplishment. 

• When human beings exercise freedom and carry out their responsibility, they strive to accomplish results which complete the purpose of creation and bring joy to God. 

• Free will ceaselessly pursues concrete results through free actions.

Let’s study Father’s word.

We can Find Freedom by Believing in and Loving God

 <72-94> Human beings fell while they didn’t listen to God’s words and acted freely in the garden of Eden. Accordingly, to listen to God’s words is the way to find the freedom. Since human beings lost the freedom being unfaithful, they can find the freedom by believing in God completely. It is not just to find something. You have to believe in God. This is the view of faith. Because we didn’t believe in God and love Him, we fell. So it’s two points, believing in God and loving Him. When America seeks God’s love, it will last for eternity; this is how I see it. You have to know it. We have to believe in God and love Him for the eternal freedom. Isn’t it the restoration? The same is true for indemnity and the Principle. 

We Can Get Freedom Only When we Forsake the Freedom of the Satanic World

 <72-94> Since all of you are seeds of disbelief and God’s enemies, you have to deny yourself and believe in God and love Him. Otherwise, there is no way to receive salvation. There is no way to return to the kingdom of heaven. When you believe in God bodies want, or as their minds want? Where are they trying to go? What happens when we do as our bodies want? It will be ruined. It will be different from going along the path in the world of mind. Is it true or not? “It is true” That is the way that America was ruined. Everything will become like beasts. We should find the eternal place by establishing the internal ideal and the internal view of ideology; that is true and plain, and believing in God and loving Him. The freedom of the Satanic world doesn’t work. We can get the freedom only when we forsake it. 

How can humans, who lost their freedom through the Fall, regain it? In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve disbelieved God's Word and acted freely, leading to the Fall. 

Therefore, in order to regain freedom, we must find, hear, and recover the Word of God. And since we lost our freedom because we disbelieved, we must absolutely believe in God. We must find freedom through absolute faith in God. 

The freedom that was lost cannot be found without faith and the Word. But it can never be found by just looking. We must absolutely believe in God. And it does not end at the level of faith, but we must love God. 

That is why we must believe in the Word of God and love God for eternal freedom. This is the course of human restoration. 

The true freedom of man is only freedom in the truth, freedom in true love, and freedom in God. That's why the Bible says in John 8:32, "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." 

Therefore, there is freedom in absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience to God. 

When we really believe in and love and are obedient to God absolutely, we can feel freedom. Right?

I have experienced that. When I deny my self absolutely, have complete self-denial, I can feel free. 

We know it through experience, but if we believe in God, there is freedom. 

If we just believe in ourself, we cannot find freedom. What is true freedom? When we believe in, listen to, obey and love God, we can find true freedom. 

If we love God, there is freedom. Obedience to God's Word brings freedom all the time. 

And if we don't love our enemies, we feel severe conflict. However, if we really love our enemy, we can find true freedom and peace there. 

When we struggle with somebody and he becomes our enemy, even though we try to love him, our capacity of love is not sufficient to embrace him, then how about our heart? It is really uneasy.

But when we truly love our enemy and have no hatred, then finally we can find peace and freedom

That is why we can only settle down through love. If we cannot love someone, then we feel anxiety. But when we really overcome and really love our enemy, then we can be liberated and we can find peace in our heart. 

Since all fallen people are seeds of disbelief and God’s enemies, they have to deny themselves and believe in God and love Him. 

When we truly love God’s word, attending Morning Devotion or reading God’s word – the Cheon Seong Gyeong or Chambumo Gyeong or whatever – when we find the right content, we can really feel peace and automatically feel freedom, right? Really, God’s word always gives freedom and peace. 

Otherwise, there is no way to receive salvation. Therefore, the freedom of nature can be enjoyed through the way of truly loving God. 

Fallen human beings with the seed of distrust go the path of self-indulgence if they give their bodies freedom. Therefore, we should not give our body freedom. It is very dangerous. If we do what our body tells us to do, we will surely go the way of death. That is why we need to control (ourself). 

We should not give freedom to our body. When we give our body freedom, we will have a disaster.

 We will become the same as a beast, Father said. In order for our soul to be free, we must not give our body freedom. We must take strict control of our body. 

If we give too much freedom to our body, we will become like an animal. Without God’s word our mind will follow our body. That will become really terrible. That is why our mind always has to strictly control our body. Otherwise, we want to sleep more, we want to eat more, have more sex, we want to be more free. Our body’s desires are really incredible! That is why Father said that we should not give our body freedom, that we need to control it well. When we control our body very well, we can find true freedom.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: How to Keep Love and Joy

You can discover a top secret: how to keep love and joy.

1. To keep love and joy in my life, I must serve others. You must do this voluntarily, not do it because someone told you to serve. God sees me as righteous only when I volunteer. Those who serve their neighbors, country, and world are righteous people. So, from a young age, you must make the life of volunteering heaven a habit for others. Only when you have such achievements of service can you experience what a life of true happiness and joy is. 

You must also want to do public work from a young age. Doing public work does not interfere with my studies. If you volunteer for others or live a public life, you can be more attached to studying because you are mentally stable. A person who volunteers will be good at being responsible based on their intellect. Those who are in debt are slower in developing their responsibility from their intellect Those who serve grow fast spiritually. Studying alone does not help the individual. In order for one's heart to settle, it must be consecrated through service. To do so, you must have a spirit of service.

The purpose of God's creation of man is joy and happiness. Then, how can we create joy and happiness in our environment? Of course, by living a life of true love by giving and receiving well between parents, children, and siblings within the family is the way to create joy. 

Next, to keep love and joy in our life, we must serve. How can we keep our love and joy continuously? This is the secret. Serve others. Always serve. Always give. As long as we serve someone, I am telling you, we can maintain our spirit all the time. This is the power of serving. Just by serving our self we cannot get strength and power. However, if we serve others and (maintain) the spirit of serving, then guaranteed, we know how to keep our love and joy. 

(It should be) voluntary service, not forcing ourself to serve. 

We should always do something to help others. In other words, living for the sake of others must become a habit. Going beyond one's own family and serving others is what pleases one's true heart the most. 

We must serve in the family, we must serve our country, and we must serve the world. From an early age, serving others should be a habit. Only when we have such a track record of service can we experience what a life of true happiness and joy is. 

How can we create joy and happiness? ... One time I learned from Father’s word. We need to think about the world, how to serve the world, how to serve all humankind. Since that time I have prayed for the sake of the world. How can we serve the world? How can we serve 200 nations? How can we send missionaries from America to 200 nations? When I think about such ideas, my heart is so inspired. 

When I think how I can make others happy, my heart is so joyful. Our original nature thinks of others: how can we help them? How can we serve them? How can we give more to them? When we think this way, our original mind is really stimulated.

How can we keep love and joy? Keep serving no matter what. As long as we keep the spirit of serving others, serving our nation, serving the world, serving God, serving our neighbors – as long as we keep that kind of serving spirit, I am telling you, we can maintain our spirit all the time.

Therefore, make a plan to do volunteer work for the sake of others with our family. Try to make plans during the summer or winter vacation and go overseas: The Dominican Republic or somewhere and serve. Even the Leda project.

I really want to go to Leda. Many brothers and sisters are working (there) very hard.

If we volunteer for others or live a public life, we can be more attached to studying because we are mentally stable. 

Volunteers are positive in all aspects and have very good mental health. People who depend on others are very slow to develop their own original nature. 

Those who serve grow fast spiritually. How can we grow our spirit very fast? Serve. 

Studying alone does not help the individual. In order for one's heart to settle, it must be consecrated through service. To do so, we must have a spirit of service. 

How much have we been volunteering? Volunteer work makes one's heart so happy. This is the secret to maintaining joy and happiness.

What Kind of Person Does Heaven Cooperate With?

2. Those who ignore reality have a bad future. You must be realistic. If you remain steady with reality, the future is guaranteed because there is no gap. You have to focus on reality and do your best, but if you are indifferent to it and only hope for your own wishes, you become a fantasist and a scarecrow. For those who are not faithful to reality, their wishes will not come true no matter how thorough their view of purpose is. Heaven will not cooperating. Those who have only their own greed and desires centered on their own self cannot fulfill their will. 

So we have to be attached to the reality that we are in. We must go through our course of life while accumulating achievements with a sincere and loving heart. As a student, if you are always indebted to your parents or teachers, your future is not good. People who only take care of themselves are unlucky. If we have no attachments and are indifferent to the reality even while there is a lot of work to do, and if there is no performance of love even though it is a position where you can serve others in reality, we will be unlucky and have no future. Heaven won't help. We must to know that. 

One of the reasons things go wrong with us is because we live ignoring reality. We have to do our best in the present reality given to us. We have to do our best with our truth and sincerity. True Father did his utmost best in his reality. 

In order to do our best in reality, we must have an attachment to what we do as God's will. Look at what True Father did in Heungnam Prison. True Father said that he had no intention of leaving, thinking that there was indemnity to be paid in the Hungnam prison. 

He never complained. “My destiny is to spend time in Heungnam prison serving. ... I need to find why God put me here to pay indemnity.” He accepted reality like that.

Many Korean youths are very passive and have no spontaneity because they think of it as a temporary period when they are serving in the military for three years, which is mandatory in the country. As a result, many accidents happened. 

Because they did not have a voluntary heart, they were very passive. That is why many accidents happened.

If we think of everything as temporary, time will feel boring and bring a negative impact to our life. There is nothing temporary in our lives. Those who ignore reality or think that time is just passing by have a bad future. 

Therefore, we must stick to reality. We must think that the time given to us was given by God for our spirit self to bear fruit. The present time is connected with eternity. Every second is connected to eternity. 

There is no (time that is) temporary.

The moment we think it's temporary, we are reduced to a meaningless existence. We must think that the work given to us at that time is the will of God. 

If we have no attachments and are indifferent to the reality even while there is a lot of work to do, and if there is no performance of love even though it is a position in which we can serve others in reality, we will be unlucky and have no future. Heaven won't help. 

The Law of Give and Receive is Absolute

3. Our lives must be registered before God and become filial children whom God can remember. To do so, you must know how to create joy in the reality given to you. And the joy you own should not be taken away by circumstances. So how can you keep your joy alive? It is to build a track record through continuous service. Our original nature rejoices most when we serve others. When we live for others, joy automatically created. We must live a life of giving and receiving joy through service. It doesn't work on one side. By relying on the laws of giving and receiving, I can maintain my joy and live a life centered on my original nature. This give and receive action and its law are absolute. Giving and receiving gives strength. It is not God's will to not give and receive. What is God's will? That is to give and receive well wherever you go. If you are in a reciprocal relationship with the person you are giving and receiving, and if you give and receive well, Heaven will rule your life. ‘If you do not give and receive, I will not give and receive to you.’ This is the law of heaven. 

In conclusion, how can we keep our joy and happiness alive? We must build a record of love through continuous service. 

Our original nature rejoices most when we serve others. When we live for others, joy is automatically created. Those who have felt joy through service cannot help but live for others. Therefore, we must know how to create joy. 

Joy doesn't work from just one side. By relying on the laws of giving and receiving, we can maintain our joy and live a life centered on our original nature. This give and receive action and its law are absolute. 

If we (have a) reciprocal relationship with the person we are giving and receiving with, and if we give and receive well, Heaven will rule our life. 

How can we create and maintain joy and happiness? Serve. When we have a spirit of serving, we can maintain our happy life. Our original mind receives incredible stimulation when we try to serve others.

(Testimony Jing An-Lin, Member in Queens, Cheonshim Won 7 Day Workshop)♦

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. 

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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