Ep 498 - Compiling The Cheon ll Guk Scriptures Part 2

Compiling the Cheon Il Guk Scriptures​​ 133-18-13-40 - March 7, 2022

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(Response to sharing) We have a great plan to do something for the Unification Theological Seminary. We really want to create a beautiful place for young people. This is our hope. Dr. Ward and our UTS team are working very hard.♦

How was yesterday, Sunday? I hope you all had a great time.

Today I’d like to talk again about “Compiling the Cheon Il Guk Scriptures​” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

God is love. True Father, too, covered the entire world with a great umbrella of love. True Father's every word and every achievement is like a rough gemstone. It is a jewel. I want to make that jewel into the best there is, so I can always keep it close to me and carry it about with me lovingly. That is why I am going to take the first step and put True Father's words in order, and make them into a jewel from which you will never wish to part. I am doing this work with the hope that, when the last day of your life arrives, you will go to the spirit world with this jewel held to your bosom. Cheon Seong Gyeong will be perfected right before Foundation Day. There are some jewels that are very expensive. Once I have cut and polished that rough gemstone, it will come to have the highest value. No one will be able to change it. No one will be able to meddle with it. It will be eternal. It will last forever. (2012.01.09, Cheon Jeong Gung)​

Let's say there is a rough stone. No matter how precious it is, it has to be cut and polished to make it shine brightly. Right after True Father's Seonghwa, I tried to find a book compiling all of his accomplishments and achievements that I could place in his wonjeon, but with no success. In a word, True Father's words are like a rough gemstone, which has not been refined yet. If I, too, leave it as it is, who will cut and polish it? Neither our children nor you will be able to do that. I am doing this work to glorify Heaven, and also because I hope for True Father’s words to be preserved eternally. I am doing it so that no one, not even a famous person, can come forward in the future and try to meddle with these words. It is a task that only I can do. (2012.01.07, Cheon Jeong Gung)​

We can see our True Mother’s beautiful motivation to take care of True Father’s word.

True Father's every word and every achievement is like a rough gemstone. It is a jewel.  

I want to make that jewel into the best there is, so I can always keep it close to me and carry it about with me lovingly.

No one will be able to change it. No one will be able to meddle with it. It will be eternal. It will last forever. 

Mother is the one who knows how precious True Father’s word is.

I am doing this work to glorify Heaven, and also because I hope for True Father’s words to be preserved eternally. 

I am doing it so that no one, not even a famous person, can come forward in the future and try to meddle with these words. It is a task that only I can do. 

Only Mother can do this. Nobody else can do this. Who (else) could handle this issue? That is why we need to thank God that Mother is still alive and can arrange this properly. 

Fortunately, True Mother is preparing to give (cut?) True Father's words like rough gemstones into a jewel. Only True Mother has the authority to do this.

We need to unite with Mother’s direction. Mother’s motivation is very pure, very clear. Can you imagine? There are (over) 600 volumes. How can we read each one? Before we die we cannot do that. That is why Mother has chosen the essential content of Father’s word. Let’s support True Mother’s effort 

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE​: Principle of Creation 23 - Individual Perfection is the Perfection of Filial Piety

God's First Blessing: Individual Perfection

• The key to God's first blessing is the perfection of individual character. 

• An individual's mind and body are discrete projections and object partners of God's dual characteristics. In order for an individual to perfect his character, he must form a four position foundation within himself whereby his mind and body become one through give and take action with God as their center.

• Such individuals become the temples of God (1 Cor. 3:16), achieve complete oneness with Him (John 14:20), and acquire a divine nature. They experience the Heart of God as if it were their own. Hence, they understand His Will and live fully attuned to it.

• When a person abides in the state of individual perfection, he lives as the substantial object partner to his mind. Because the center of his mind is God, he also lives as the substantial object partner to God. 

• Both the mind and God feel joy as they experience their internal nature and external form through the stimulation which their object partners give them.

• Accordingly, when a person realizes God's first blessing, he becomes God's good object partner to inspire Him with joy. Sharing all the feelings of God as his own, he would never commit any sinful acts that would cause God grief. This means he would never fall.

Through today and tomorrow’s hoondokhae, the words about filial piety that I would like to give you are not directly True Father’s words, but I have arranged some content centered on True Father’s words about how filial piety influences our families, society, nation and world.   

First, Where There is Filial Piety, the Family Will Come Alive ​

Filial piety emerges from the family. The absolutely unchanging human relation is the relationship between the parent and child. From the viewpoint of the Biblical principles, the parents are “God’s representative” and children are God’s “gift” to the parents. When this parent-child relationship is properly created under a relationship of love and respect through the ethics of “filial piety” that family can enjoy a harmonious and stable life. In other words, a relationship should be established where the parents bestow love to the children and the children revere their parents through filial piety. Conflict between generations will disappear in a family where the children revere the parents and where the parents nurture their children with the proper education, and it can be transformed into a place like heaven. ​

When the culture of filial piety is settled between parents and children, the generational gap disappears. According to TF’s words, since Heaven is the world of heart, there is no generation gap.  

The reason you feel a generation gap is because there is no peaceful communication of the heart. ​

In the world of the heart, children know all that parents know; parents know all that children know; the husband knows everything that the wife knows; the wife knows everything that the husband knows. That is the world of the heart. There is no generational gap at all. Many people say that we are a different generation. Your thought and thinking are different. Recently what young people are thinking (is different). That is the fallen world. But in the world of the kingdom of heaven, there is no generation gap because people heartistically communicate with each other. Between grandparents and grandchildren, between husband and wife, between brothers and sisters (there is) always heartistic communication. That is the world of the kingdom of heaven. As filial sons and daughters you need to report to your mother and father. “Oh, my father and mother, you need to know this.” You really need this kind of heartistic communication. Where there is filial piety, the family becomes alive. This is very important. 

My personal testimony is that I am grateful that God gave me the opportunity to serve my father-in-law. My mother-in-law has passed away. Every morning he attends morning  hoondokhae. He joins us (even though he is) a 90-year-old man. He absolutely takes care of morning hoondokhae. He takes care of small jobs. He always washes dishes and this and that. He is in the position of God in our family. My wife and I serve him. All our children serve their grandparents. This is really beautiful. In the family I came to understand when we attend the grandparents figure, the family becomes really peaceful with a beautiful atmosphere.

As long as we have the tradition of filial piety, the family surely will come alive. I would like to encourage our second generation or third generation who are going to start family or have already started family, for at least a few years, to live together with your father and mother. Your children will automatically learn what the world of the heart is. They will really understand what grandparental love and heart are. If as sons and daughters, you have that kind of filial heart to serve your own parents, then you will have no need to educate your children. Children only learn what they see, not what their parents talk about. This is very clear. Where there is filial piety, the family will come alive.

Second, Where There is Filial Piety, the Church Will Come Alive ​

When filial piety is observed and there is peace within the family, struggles and conflict between believers at a church arising from jealousy will disappear. Struggle and strife originate from self-centeredness. People raised within a Biblical and principled family order are rooted in the heart of always thinking about the familial community, and that is extended to the church community. That is how the church, a fruit of altruism, can return to its original form. A church that believes and follows True Parents who carry out the filial piety of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience to the words of God, the Heavenly Father, can naturally grow and mature. ​

When the individual and family that practice filial piety become the center, that church will also become a church of filial piety and definitely multiply and develop. Therefore, where there is filial piety, the church will come alive. 

If everyone practices filial piety with their own parents, then when they come to church when they see their central figure, Abel, they practice the same kind of heart, the same filial piety toward their own Abel. They treat any elder at the church like their own grandparents or parents. That is why where there is filial piety, the church will come alive.

We need to raise up and nurture (our children in) filial piety. Then our family and the church will come alive. This is a beautiful heartistic culture based on filial heart and piety.

Third, Where There is Filial Piety, Education Will Come Alive​

A filial child cannot inhale bond or butane gas or recklessly harm his body by smoking, drinking or abusing drugs. A filial child does not behave irrationally but revere his teacher and fulfills his duty according to what he learned. In the end, this leads to the proper establishment of the true relationship between a teacher and disciple rather than that between an instructor and student, realizing whole-person education rather than simply knowledge education. ​

One who truly loves his father and mother as a filial son, when he comes to school, treats his teachers as his own parents. This is really interesting. One who has truly become a filial son and daughter and goes to his workplace treats his boss as his own parent. That is why filial heart and filial piety are fundamental issues. 

In Chinese, the character for “education” means cultivating filial piety to parents. Therefore, the final purpose of any education is to ultimately educate about filial piety.  

(No matter) what (type of) education -- computer, math, literature, whatever -- what is the real meaning of education? The final point is filial piety. In the end, all school subjects and majors must have the conclusion that we must have filial piety towards God and parents. 

I love this Chinese character, kyo-yu(?hyo-yu?), education. Education without filial piety is not education. This is vertical alignment. Love God centered on filial piety. Love your parents, your teacher, your boss, your Abel based on filial piety. That is why this filial heart and piety is a fundamental point. With filial piety, education comes alive. Why has our education become very horizontal, very humanistic and finally disastrous. (It is) because of a lack of education about filial piety.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: Righteousness to Love Even Enemies​​

1. Nowadays, there are many people of faith who pray about the Bible, and although they believe in an afterlife, they neglect their relationships with others. If one were to receive the Holy Spirit while having a dislike for relationships, it is all too easy to see the sins of others and succumb to slander and arrogance. Upon learning another’s shortcomings and secrets, he would be unable to embrace and respect that person and the relationship would weaken. When building relationships within our given environment, we must strive for harmony with the same spirit Jesus had on the cross. Then we will gain an amazing life force and an unimaginable power of hope. However, most spiritual people find it difficult to be humble. ​

Our Unification Movement is not like any other religious groups that believes in order to go to Heaven. Our Unification Movement is not like that. We in the Unification Church emphasize that before going to Heaven, we need to become people of Heaven. 

Our purpose is not to enter the Heaven that is already realized but to BUILD the Kingdom of heaven. 

So, building the heaven for individuals, heaven for the family, and heaven for the nation is ultimately done through interpersonal relationships. 

The course of the providence of restoration is removing fallen nature through the Cain-Abel relationship and becoming a true couple, true siblings and true parents. 

Therefore, we have to form good relationships in our given environment. Of course, in forming good relationships, there are many difficulties. 

When building relationships within our given environment, we should strive for harmony with the same spirit Jesus had on the cross. We should go on seeing Jesus and TPs as models who loved even their enemies. 

Jesus is really great! Many religions are focused on how to enter the kingdom of heaven; we are only passing through this earthly world. They are not very serious about (life on earth). Their final goal is how to enter the kingdom of heaven. 

Our movement guidance is different. First of all, you need to be a man of the kingdom of heaven. You need to have individual perfection, then family perfection, then dominion over (the creation). The first, second and third blessings all have to do with human relationships. Without proper relationships, how can you become people of the kingdom of heaven? How can you establish the ideal family? Everything relates to relationships. 

Throughout human history we know that. The foundation of faith and foundation of substance are all about relationship. The foundation of faith is about the relationship between God and me. What is the foundation of substance? The relationship between Cain and Abel, between brothers and sisters. Without the foundation of substance we cannot invite the messiah (to come). Am I correct? Why did Jesus give the key to the kingdom of heaven to his main disciple, Peter? Because we need to build the kingdom of heaven on earth. That is why Father’s guidance is amazing! You need to treat your brothers and sisters as God. You need to even love your enemies. 

Without loving your enemies you can not remove your fallen nature. God gave me enemies and asked me to remove my fallen nature. That is why enemies are a gift. Everyone has enemies. You need to overcome and remove your fallen nature by loving your enemy. That is why (the Bible speaks of) the righteousness to love your enemy. Loving someone you can love is not love. If you love someone who is really difficult to love and keep your faith, that we call righteousness. Even serving and loving your enemies (is righteousness). That is righteousness. That was Jesus’ great point.

2.  Jesus embraced others even after seeing their faults. Jesus had the power of the Prince of Heaven, yet he affectionately washed his disciples’ feet, showed them the best example, and never condemned their sins. Most people would rather be served than step down and serve others. However, parents go to the lowest position and act as servants in an effort to raise their children to be better people than they. We may live in a fallen world, but this imagery of a parent’s love for their children reflects God’s heart. ​

It is the same between husband and wife. Say, for example, that there is a husband who wishes his wife to be better than he even after seeing her faults. Or that there is a wife who attends her husband as so even if she does not respect him. That couple will inevitably change because they are each creating the other. ​

If you want to have a good relationship, like Jesus, you have to embrace the faults of others. 

If fallen man sees someone’s fault, he becomes distant. Fallen man cannot forget someone (else)’s faults. They remember it in their heart and mind forever. Even though you have your own faults, you cannot forget someone else’s faults. 

And while Jesus himself affectionately washed his disciples’ feet, (he) showed them the best example and never condemned their sins. 

I love him so much! Jesus showed the model. He said, “I came to serve, not to be served.” He was God’s only begotten son. He came from God’s royal family, but he was living together with sinners. He washed his disciples’ feet and showed a great example. Even though Jesus lived that way, why didn’t those who followed him show that kind of exemplary life? He loved everybody. He was a champion of building great relationships with anyone. It did not matter if they were sinners or not sinners, or politicians or religious men, he loved everybody. 

Jesus served people with the heart of a parent in the body of a servant. 

When the other person's shortcomings begin to show, it is difficult to respect and serve the other person. 

When you see the other person's shortcomings, you should try to take responsibility as a parent. 

When you see someone’s faults and weak points and shortcomings, then you are really determined(?) with tears to be responsible. When you see your spouse’s shortcomings and weak points, you need to be determined in tears, “I want to be responsible. I want to raise up my wife and my children. I want to raise up someone when I see their weak points.” 

This kind of responsible heart comes from the parental heart. You should take responsibility as a parent: “I am determined to raise the other person to be excellent. I can embrace the other person.” For husband and wife, when the husband sees his wife as better than he is, even after seeing her faults or problems, (he can) strongly resolve: “I want to be responsible for my wife’s faults. I want to raise her up. I want to help her. She should be better than I am.” If a husband and wife are like that, how much it can change the family atmosphere!

Matt. 10:36: Your worst enemies will be the members of your own family.

3.  However, the people of today’s fallen world are failing at building strong relationships wherever they go. The result is discord between husband and wife, siblings becoming enemies and strife between members of society. Even in church, there are many cases of fellow members becoming enemies with one another. This is all caused by the fallen lineage we are descendants of. That is why Jesus said, “A man’s foes will be those of his own household.” He wanted us to know that wherever we went the cause of conflict was none other than ourselves. It is easy to appear as a good believer on the outside. But those who have real faith should trigger sincerity in other peoples’ hearts. 

4.  The important thing in relationships is to trigger one’s truth through his original heart. The driving force from which the power of love emerges and revives human beings’ original minds must take place through relationships. It cannot occur through some law or consciousness. The act of moving and inspiring an enemy is only possible by being reborn with the ideology of the cross through Jesus Christ. A thousand years have passed since Jesus died on the cross, but the fact that the church is dividing and flights amongst itself is proof that we are in the latter days. Now, the conclusion of Book 66 of the New Testament is that we should trust less in earthly people, search for Heaven as our original minds desire, and prepare candle lights to welcome the bridegroom, Jesus, for whom we await. ​

To be victorious in relationships, we must inherit Jesus’ Crucifixion Thought. When you look at the other person's mistakes, you should think that “I will bear the cross for them.” 

Jesus died on the cross for the enemies who wanted to kill him. 

To be victorious in the family and Cain and Abel relationship, one must bear the cross of the other.

In the family, the wife must carry her husband's cross, her own parent's cross, and her children's cross.

I cannot give my cross and my family's cross to others. I  need to go with joy and gratitude, thinking that it is my destiny to carry the cross of my family. 

It means I have to be responsible for that.

Jesus carried the cross of sinners, and True Parents went further to carry the cross of humankind and the cross of God. This is amazing! ​Our True Parents carry God’s cross all the time.

Not just your family’s cross, you need to bear the nation’s cross and (that of) the world -- even Heavenly Father, sorrowful God’s cross. Wow! The Unification Church’s teaching is very high level, not easy to reach. We need to listen to this again and again, over and over. We are supposed to go this way.

Romans 8:5-6 (NKJV): For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. 6 For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

5.  In Romans Chapter 8, it says to become like Christ—in control of the flesh by living according to the mind. You must be victorious in the mind’s struggle over your physical body. God cannot do this for us. It is our responsibility. We must be able to build a common base with God by obeying His command of “Do not…!” Only then can the Holy Spirit and God take responsibility for our feeble minds. God will take responsibility for your mind, so you must take responsibility for your body. If you let your body take control of your mind then God cannot relate to you. The Jewish people used the Ten Commandments centering on their bodies. Today, many believers use the Christian Church in the same manner. ​

One of the most difficult things in our life of faith is to take up the cross of the physical body. The fight to dominate the body is the most difficult to win. Right? Everybody struggles every day, right?

No one can help me in the cross of dominating my physical body. Without absolute obedience to God's Word, the dominion of the flesh is impossible. 

Therefore, since a fallen man has a weak mind, he needs the help of God and the Holy Spirit. Without being possessed by the holy Spirit and God’s word, it is impossible to overcome your physical desires. It is impossible. That is why you need to crucify your physical desires. 

He should always be stimulated by the Word as he prays and meditates on the Word, and has to obey the Word thoroughly before going.  

​Without studying God’s word, without being stimulated by God’s word, it is impossible to overcome our flesh. You know this; I know this very well. That is why we always need to get strength and power from God’s word. God’s word is God;s love. We need to love God’s word. Then we can subjugate our physical body.

6.  Therefore, you can have a successful life of faith if you can command both your mind and body. Three individuals in the Old Testament, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, are considered the top examples and ancestors of faith. Without knowing what would come, these individuals departed for Canaan without question on God’s command. Today, our minds also need to depart on an adventure of obedience to our mind’s commands. For Abraham, that adventure was to hand his beloved wife over to the enemy and to sacrifice the only son he ever had in one hundred years. Abraham overcame both. In other words, he valued his relationship with God more than that with his wife or son. Next, Isaac had absolute obedience to his father’s command to offer himself as a sacrifice. In this, he regarded his father’s actions as one with God’s command. ​

God set the example through the central figures of the providence of restoration. What the central figures of the providence of restoration have in common is that they have absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience to God's will. 

They all valued their relationship with God as (their) life. Second, in the relationship between Cain and Abel, both were victorious. And they loved their enemies.

No matter how modern the world is today, the lessons God showed through the central figures in the providence of restoration are the typical course and model course that we should follow. 

That is why God showed us central figures of the providence of restoration very clearly. They are our model. Noah absolutely obeyed God’s commandment. Abraham left his hometown. He obeyed God to offer and kill his son. It was absolute obedience without any negotiation. They put God as their top priority. 

Do you think this modern era is somehow different? God’s principle is always the same. It does not matter (whether it is the) Old testament era, the New testament era, Completed testament era, (or the) era of Cheon il guk. God’s principle is the same. Without absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience there is no way to conquer our physical body, and there is no way to build up our relationship with God. 

All central figures showed the example of loving their enemy. Each of them tried to get victory in the relationships between Cain and Abel. All of them really loved their enemies. Look at the life of Joseph. Look at how Jacob loved his brother, Esau, how Jesus loved his enemies. And how True Father loved his enemies. All Central figures showed us how to overcome our enemies, how to build up a good relationship between Cain and Abel. 

Our main purpose is not to enter the kingdom of heaven. We need to build the kingdom of heaven through relationships. First is the relationship between God and me that I need to recover. That is the foundation of faith. Secondly we need to overcome the relationship between Cain and Abel (the foundation of substance). Without loving my elder brother and younger brother, it is impossible to build God’s kingdom of heaven. Many religious leaders do not know this main point: how to build the kingdom of heaven through relationships. We even need to overcome our enemy; without loving our enemy, there is no way to get rid of our fallen nature. God showed us (this) through central figures. 

7.  In Jacob and Esau’s relationship, Jacob had reason to be frustrated with his older brother, but he served him wisely instead. Jacob faced many injustices throughout the 21-years he worked as a slave for his uncle Laban but his faith never budged as he valued the relationship he formed with Jehovah in Bethel while he was fleeing home. That is why God changed Jacob’s name to Israel. Israel means a victorious person referring to how he struggled and overcame all obstacles by valuing his relationship with Jehovah. Abraham’s name was also changed from Abram. Hence, in the Book of Exodus 3:6, God joyfully said, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.”​

What is the righteousness of righteousness? No matter how much the enemy hates me, it is righteousness to say that I will take responsibility for the enemy, raise them up, and nurture them well. 

Therefore, in the end, we have to be victorious in relationships to become more and more righteous. I am becoming more and more holy. 

Our unification movement sometimes emphasizes vertical faith too much, so we try to value the relationship with True Parents as life, but the horizontal relationship is too cold.

Everyone says, “True Parents, True Parents, True Father, True Mother.” Yes, vertical alignment is alright. Our church lacking point is: our horizontal relationships are really horrible. Very cold. 

Sometimes I visit a center in Korea, “Wow! Is this really the Unification Church? Are we really following the tradition of True Parents? Are we talking about true love and the culture of heart? “I can’t feel you are my brother or sister. I can’t feel beautiful horizontal relationships at the church. (It is) very cold. Even when we have international leaders’ meetings (or) continental level(?), I feel … are we really unificationists? Is the Unification Church principle is only principle(?).” I really feel there is something wrong.

If we truly love True Parents, we must also love our brothers and sisters whom True Parents love. 

Our church is talking about the culture of the heart, but we need to reflect on whether the heart is dry in our group. 

If there is no culture of heart in loving brothers and sisters in the church, no matter how many new members come, they will never be able to settle down. They cannot stay.

That is why the time has come to show that our church is really a church of the kingdom of heaven.

If anyone comes, any new guest comes, “Wow! This atmosphere is so beautiful, so loving. They care for each other. I have never seen the kingdom of heaven, but I came to realize that here is the kingdom of heaven. I have discovered the kingdom of heaven in this church.”

We need to create this kind of environment. We talk “True love! True love! True love!” but our real action is somehow different. This does not make any sense. We already know Jesus showed the example. We already know our True Parents are crazy to love people. Why didn’t we become like this? I need to reflect on that. Maybe I have that kind of nature. 

Let’s create a beautiful environment of heart and love, Then when our new guests come, they can really comfortably settle down. Then our church can surely develop and multiply all the time.

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “ ...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the powerpoint slides from this speech are available as pdf files at the top of this text and at text.morndev.com & yong.hoondok.com. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com.♦

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