Ep 489 - Let Us Resemble True Parents Part 2

Let Us Resemble True Parents 124-9-13-40 - February 26, 2022

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Dear North American family members, as you are well aware, war broke out between Ukraine and the Soviet Union. Please pray for the safety and peace of our family members. Yesterday I got news from Michael Balcomb and our Ukraine national leader that our members are safe. Let’s seriously pray for their safety. I think Mother is very concerned about that situation. Please pray for peace to be re-established in that area as soon as possible.

Today I’d like to talk about  “Let us resemble True Parents” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

I hope that you empower yourselves as much as you can with the Divine Principle. I hope that you can be unchanging in a world of heart that is firmly connected, not in a master–servant relationship, but in a father–son relationship. When you are suffering, please think about True Father. True Father is concerned about the situation surrounding you, prays for you and is cooperating with you. You should feel safe and secure in your hearts knowing that True Father is here and marches forward despite any adversity or difficulty. You must become children who can convey truth and love to every corner of the world. The path to becoming a true child that can receive the love of True Father is to understand his heart and to become one in heart with him.(1967.08.03, Tokyo Church, Japan)​

This speech was in the Tokyo Church in 1967. I don’t know yet, but maybe Mother went their and delivered her speech to the people. 

She said that your relationship with true parents is not a master-servant relationship, but a parent-child relationship. Therefore, live with the heart of a parent-child relationship.

You should think about your relationship with True Parents and think about what True Parents are like when you face the most difficulty and suffering, and you can overcome them.

This is because True Father always cares for us in the background and prays for us.

Be confident that true parents are always with us.

The way to receive True Parents’ love is to understand and inherit True Parents’ heart

How much Mother testifies about True Father, who he is! This is a powerful and beautiful testimony about True Father from True Mother.

In 1995, the year motto contained the phrase, “Inherit the True Parents' realm of victory.” This means that True Parents were victorious. True Parents have realized the goal that they came to the earth to fulfill. Therefore, the child has to inherit the victory of the parents. What will you do? True Parents' victory is not ordinary or easy. These days I am living life in a constant state of tension and urgency. For example, we have to walk and make our way through places surrounded by cliffs. Even then, we must survive. The more I see the will of God expanding and being realized, the more my heart is like that. ​

Mother is talking about the year 1995. The year’s motto contained the phrase, “Inherit the True Parents' realm of victory.” So today, let’s learn (from) “The way that you are able to inherit True parents heart” from TF’s word. 

The Way That You Are Able To Inherit True Parents Heart​

<1-205> You should cry, longing for the True Parents who are in the position of God’s substance. You should always want to see True Parents. You should want to serve True Parents even by making them a bowl of rice or by giving them a glass of water. You should always have such a sincere heart. Your heart should over­flow with tears.​

In feeling this way, if you unite in heart centering on me and breathe together with me, you will come to understand the standard of my charac­ter, my past and my circumstances dur­ing the early days, which are the foun­dation of that standard. You will also be able to inherit and receive those things. (38-75, 1971.1.1)​

This is very internal guidance.

True Father said, “You should cry, longing for the True Parents who are in the position of God’s substance. You should always want to see  and long for True Parents.”

Have you ever cried at least once because you missed God? How many times have you cried because you missed True Parents? Have you ever cried because you missed your physical parents? Or have you, at least once in your life, cried because you miss and long for someone?

If we have never cried because we miss and long for someone, we have not yet resurrected our emotional world. We still have a long way (to go) to enter the world of the heart. The world of the heart is, in a word, the world of longing. To know how much I really love True Parents, I can see how much I long for True Parents in my heart.  

When you miss someone, you become one in heart with that person and you can inherit everything about that person. 

Therefore, the best way for fallen humans to get rid of their fallen nature is longing for their original parents. More than this fallen world, long for the original world and miss the original person. 

You Should Long For Your Parents Rather Than Your Spouse​

That is how you receive salvation in the Completed Testament Age. Before longing for worldly things, you must long for the True Parents. That is the responsibility of the children. Does the one who longs for his wife first qualify as a son? The child grows up in the parents’ nest and thinks its parents are the number one favored people. This is the principle. Even If you receive the Blessing in the future, you must make relations with your spouse only after making relations with his or her parents. Before anything, you must long for parents. you should feel that without parents there is no night or day or world and that your own existence has no value.​

(You should) miss your parents before your beloved spouse. You should long for your parents who are connected vertically rather than your horizontal object partner. 

People who do not have filial piety towards their parents have a limit to their marital love. This world values ​​horizontal things more than vertical things. 

The world thinks of their opponent (spouse) before their parents. Then they think of their children, and then their parents. 

However, the heavenly world is a place that longs for the vertical world first. You must first miss your parents, then you must miss your partner, and then you must love your children.

You need to always long for Heavenly Parent, long for your True Parents, long for your physical father and mother. As long as you have that kind of filial heart, longing heart for the vertical situation first, then such a person automatically can love his spouse very well and can relate to anyone very well. That is why we have to set up that kind of vertical standard first. Before longing for your spouse and children, how much do you long for your own parents? If you don’t have that kind of vertical filial heart, there will surely be a limit of loving your spouse, your brothers and sisters and your own children. That is why we always need to think about how we can set up that kind of vertical standard. When we inherit that kind of vertical heart and love from Heavenly Parent, we don’t need to worry about creating a horizontal standard. As long as I set up the vertical standard, I don’t need to worry about the horizontal standard. 

Longing Heart and Inheriting Heart​

A heart of love and adoration for your parents should dominate your daily life. After that, you can be a son and daughter of Heaven. After going through that course of life, you can welcome your spouse as your husband or wife. Without going through the course, how can you welcome your husband or wife? First of all, you really need to long for the parents. My motivation for life is True Parents. My entire hope is True Parents, all my ideal and the base of my happiness is True Parents. Unless you attend the True Parents with this standard, you cannot find salvation. Have you attended the True Parents like that?​

A heart of love and adoration for your parents should dominate your daily life. 

Always I am full of longing for our True Parents. Then you are real sons and daughters of True Parents, right? How much do you love and long for your spouse? I miss and long for my grandchildren. That means within the longing heart there is love; we truly have that kind of heart.

Since True Father passed away, whenever I think about him, tears come down. I miss him so much! I long for him so much! I really miss him!

Father said that if he stays and lives at the top of Mt. Everest, will you come up and greet him (there)? I think many people would try to climb up to the top of Everest to see True Father. 

I long for him. I think you and I have the same kind of feeling, right?

We are really fortunate that we have True Mother. How serious she is to restore one nation, one sovereignty, one people. … To become one with True Mother means -- if there is no longing, why are we talking about oneness? -- if there is a longing heart for True Mother, then we don’t need to worry about how to become one and unite together. What is the content of unity and oneness? Definitely there is a longing heart. Longing is the key to inheriting God’s heart and True Parents’ heart. 

That is why first of all, you really need to long for the parents. My motivation for life is True Parents. My entire hope is True Parents; all my ideal and the base of my happiness is True Parents. 

Filial piety never leaves its longing for parents. 

Let Us Resemble True Parents​

From now on, we must live our daily life, putting Father's teachings into practice. Until now, you only thought it in your head and said that you would practice it but from now on you have to become people who can practice it with the actions of your body. Therefore, you cannot say that you were not able to accomplish your responsibility because of someone else. You should come to the conclusion that everything is your responsibility, that you must work harder and that you were lacking. True Father is the one who has lived like this on the front line. (1995.09.17, Osaka, Japan)​

 LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE​: The Purpose of Creation

This is new content. Let’s study the EDP content first.

1. The Purpose of the Creation of the Universe

• According to Genesis 1:4-31, after God completed each day of creation, He saw that it was good. 

•  This suggests that God wanted His creations to be object partners embodying goodness, 

• That He might take delight in them.

In Gen. 1 after God created each stage of all things, his experience was that it was good. 

• Gen. 1:4,10,18,21,25  After God completed each day of creation, “He saw that it was good." 

Finally God created human beings, and his experience was more interesting.

• Gen. 1:31 “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. …

Someone commented that Father said “good” means double God. You continuously praise God: “God, God, God, God!” and become good. How do you become a good person? You need to often call on God: “God, God, God.” Double God, triple God -- it becomes good. It was very good. 

“... And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.”

God’s purpose in creation was to obtain joy in the end. Of course, God was happy to create all things, but when he created his children, he was so happy that he expressed it as “very good.” 

If God’s purpose in creation is joy, then the purpose of our life should also be joy. However, because of the fall of man, God became a God of sorrow, not of joy. Therefore, we must first release God's sorrow and comfort him. That is the way to please God.

Joy to God

• How can the creation give God the greatest joy? 

• God created human beings as the final step of creation in the likeness of His internal nature and external form, with sensibility to all feelings and emotions, and blessed them to "be fruitful and multiply...and have dominion...over every living thing” (Gen. 1:28).

• Had Adam and Eve obeyed the divine mandate of fulfilling these three great blessings and built the Kingdom of Heaven, God would have felt the greatest joy as His sons and daughters rejoiced in the world of His ideal.

The Purpose of God's Creation and Purpose of the Universe

• God's three great blessings can be fulfilled only when the four position foundation, which is the fundamental foundation of creation, has been established.

• The three great blessings are fulfilled when the whole creation, including human beings, completes the four position foundation with God as the center. This is the Kingdom of Heaven, where ultimate goodness is realized and God feels the greatest joy. This is, in fact, the very purpose for which God created the universe. 

• Therefore, the ultimate purpose of the universe, with human beings at its center, is to return joy to God.

From today I would like to continue to speak about the First Blessing, the Second Blessing, and the Third Blessing: how to apply the three blessings to our daily life. 

God's Purpose of Creation and ​the Purpose of Human Beings' Existence​

1. God’s purpose of creation is in feeling joy by seeing human beings; the purpose of existence of the universe is in returning joy to God.  ​

2. Therefore, we must think of how we can bring joy to God. ​

3. What is important is how we can move God’s heart and leave a lasting impression that will never be forgotten​.

What is the purpose of God’s creation? Joy. That is why our daily life should be how to create joy for God. That is our purpose of life. That is the purpose of God’s creation. As God’s filial sons and daughters day and night (we should) think how to create joy and happiness for God. When we make God happy, that becomes the purpose of our life.

4. Father said that he was curious to see God’s response when he goes to the spirit world. (Reunion between father and son after 6 thousand years)​

Maybe I told you once that one of True Father’s wishes was that when he dies and arrives in the spiritual world, he wants an unimaginable reunion with Heavenly Father, (one) which no one could imagine.

Imagine that God, sitting on a throne above a thousand steps, hears the news that True Father has arrived in the spiritual world. On hearing this, he forgets to put on his socks and shoes and descends (the stairs) so fast that he stumbles and falls. As soon as God sees True Father a hundred meters ahead, he runs at the highest speed and hugs True Father’s neck and cries and cries and weeps. Imagine a parent and child meeting for the first time after 6,000 years hugging each other and weeping for a long time … not (just) for a day or two.

What will God’s response be when you arrive in the spiritual world? Just imagine that while we are on the earth, before going to the spiritual world, we must create a track record that (will) eventually(?) impress even God. You must prepare as a gift the achievements and hardships you have lived for the sake of God’s will, sacrifices you have made for God’s will, and achievements of loving … for God’s will. What gifts are you preparing for God?

Life is really very short. Someday we will need to go to the spiritual world. What will God’s and True Father’s response be to you? Will he just say, “Thank you for your hard work”? What kind of response (will he give)? (Will it be like) True Father’s wish?(?) 

True Father showed that model. Of course, because of the fall we cannot speak about creating joy and happiness. Instead, how can we really comfort and console him? …

5. What will God’s response be when you meet Him in the spirit world? ​

Life is very short. You and I are doing morning devotion every day, right? (We are) creating a spiritual atmosphere and foundation. When Heavenly Father and our True Father in the spiritual world look at this, how happy they will are. (When they see) the entire American leadership and membership, including the affiliated organizations really working together, putting our jeongseong together, I think not just True Father needs to help the North American providence; God has no choice but needs to come down to help us.

6. The fruits of your blood, sweat and tears shed for the sake of God’s will is all that remains. ​

From tomorrow I would like to share more details regarding the 3 blessings.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: The Path of Becoming True Mother (4)​ - Lessons from Rachel (2)

I would like to continue to share more lessons from Rachel.

1. When we hear the Principle before anyone else and are full of hope, saying, “No matter what anyone says, I have found the way I should go!” we should be able to think about how much I really know the worries of many people who are wandering. You can say that you did not know when you first joined the church and your faith was young, but after years pass since joining the church, you must realize it. After you have heard the Principle, you must feel sorry for those who have not heard it, have compassion on them with love, and give them hope. If you rejoice on your own, you are committing a great sin to those who will follow you. We should know this well through Leah and Rachel.​

You shouldn't just be happy that you heard the Principle, and then met God and True Parents.

You must return the grace you received from heaven with grace for those who do not yet know the principle. You should give hope to those who don't know the principle.

The way to return the grace you have received in front of heaven is to multiply the grace. If you don’t multiply the grace and blessings that you received, it's like accumulated water that doesn't flow and turns into rotten water.

Therefore, the grace and blessings which you received must multiply. Our job is to multiply God’s blessing, God’s grace that we have received. Otherwise, the grace and blessings you have received will give you trouble. They (will) become a disaster. We need to know why God and True Parents chose us. Their main reason is to multiply his blessings and grace. 

2.  Because Leah's sorrow was so great, it seems that God comforted her by giving her a baby. However, since Leah’s children were given by God from pitied love (sympathy), the children born through her were not of a high spiritual level. However, Rachel had a higher level of love for Jacob than Leah, so if Rachel had fully known Leah’s sorrow, it was God's wish that Rachel give birth to a high-quality child without her going through many trials. It is the parent’s heart to want a woman with great character (excellent blood lineage)  to give birth to children. Since Leah was in such great sorrow, it can be seen that God had Leah have children immediately. ​

Torments (and suffering) coming to me are a gift from God in order to grow myself. If I digest them very well, the quality of my lineage will become different.

The more I love my enemy, the more my angulated personality disappears, and the quality of my lineage really completely changes.

The more my fallen natures are removed, the more babies being high-quality are born. By looking at the nature of my child, I can see how much of my fallen nature I removed before I gave birth to children.

I always reflect about that.

3. Leah gave birth to her children in a low level of heart. You can tell the cause by looking at the results. The children of Leah were envious and jealous of and had conflict with Rachel’s son, Joseph, and they eventually sold him off to Egypt. These results show Leah's lineage. Then, how could Rachel manage the conflict with Leah? When Rachel received love from her husband Jacob, she should have thought about Leah who did not receive love. She should have passed over the love she received from her husband to Leah. Had she done so, Leah would have spoken consoling words with a heart of gratitude. 

4. Because Rachel only thought about her own position, the period of trials lasted for a long time. For this reason, it can be seen that to indemnify this, Joseph was chased away by Leah’s children. Rachel must have wanted to die in her conflict with Leah. Then Jacob said to Rachel, 'It is the Lord's decision,' and he advised Rachel not to be dissatisfied. After receiving Jacob's advice, Rachel prayed and repented before God. God heard Rachel's wish and prayer. So Rachel gave birth to Joseph.​

Children inherit their parents’ fallen nature. The lineage of the child (becomes) different (to the extent that) the parents have removed their fallen natures. 

I always reflect about myself while looking at my three children. The first one is a daughter; the other two are boys. (I am) thinking about the state of my mind and the level of my lineage just before they were born. I really reflect about that. Wow! Had I really removed my fallen nature? Was I more united with my wife? Each child has a different blood lineage, a different quality of blood lineage. Already time has passed. Even now I have regrets; it does not make any sense.(?)

The more parents remove their fallen natures, the more different the level of heart and lineage of their children (becomes).

After a long conflict with Leah, Rachel eventually realized her fault and truly repented, and (then) her lineage completely changed. As a result, a child like Joseph, who has a really good lineage, was born. 

The more I live for the sake of others, the more I give, and the more I love my enemies, the more my blood becomes different when I find God’s torment and suffering in the torment coming to me.

That is why I think through Leah and Rachel’s lesson (we can learn that) when we truly love someone without jealousy and (come to) understand the other’s situation, and though it is not easy, when we really love our own enemy, when we are focused on what we don’t like and try to love and live for others and try to love our enemy, then during that moment there is a process of changing my blood lineage. My blood lineage becomes much better. It is a kind of transformation experience. What is the conclusion? Through all that process of overcoming my fallen nature, what is the outcome? We can have a different quality of child.

Rachel went through all kinds of struggle. In the end she met God and really repented. What was the outcome after really repenting? She gave birth to a wonderful child: Joseph. Joseph forgave his own ten brothers who (had) really hated him and (had) tried to kill him. (Because of) his blood lineage, he forgave them and embraced them and loved them. Where did this high quality of blood lineage come from? (It was because) Rachel really repented, removed her fallen nature and met God. (As a result) she had an experience of the transformation of her blood lineage. 

That is why if any suffering and hardships come (to us), any conflict or trial comes, we need to digest them well. This is the best opportunity to really change our blood lineage. 

We can learn something from Rachel and Leah’s course.

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “ ...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the powerpoint slides from this speech are available as pdf files at the top of this text and at text.morndev.com & yong.hoondok.com. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com.♦

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