Ep 484 - South and Central America Part 4

South & Central America 119-4-13-40 - February 21, 2022

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Today I’d like to talk about “South and Central America” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

For you to restore Peru, you need to witness to many college students. Then you need to train them to become leaders who can work for our future as well as for the future of this country. The fastest shortcut would be to cleanse them of all the wrong social customs they have observed until now, and to educate them. When they graduate from college, they will be old enough to get married. And when they are thus blessed, they will form true families, which in turn will purify the society. What could be better than that? You need to prioritize witnessing to college students, so that your second generation can also settle down. (2006.08.09, Lima, Peru)​

For Chile to develop and grow, CARP must become more active. You are at an appropriate age to be nurtured to become the future leaders of this country or the leaders of the church. The world today is encumbered with many problems. There are grave domestic problems and drug problems. AIDS is also a problem. In addition, there are also serious juvenile problems. The responsibility of college students is important. During your time in college, you should study harder than others and set an example in front of them in all aspects, including the way you act. You should create a trend where other students your age wish to befriend you and work together with you, and thus you can save them all. Your CARP activities are also important for the future of our Church. Student activities need the same kind of support as other witnessing activities. All members of the Church should come together and embrace the students, just as the mother embraces both Cain and Abel. Since the Church is in the position of the mother, it should help out CARP as well.​

True Mother clearly emphasized that all members of the church should come together and embrace the students (at the) CARP center. Mother embraces both Cain and Abel. Many Japanese missionaries and members are helping CARP activities. I really appreciate that.

We cannot but say that the world has reached its end. It has done everything it wanted to do, and now it is at a dead-end and sinking into the mire to the very bottom. Those people who are intelligent and righteous realize the truth right away when they hear these words. What you do think? You think that Africa is poorer than South America, don't you? The fact is that a governor in Africa was so moved by our work that he donated 30,000 dollars, and he said he will send those around him to us and asked us to educate them all. If you work hard, you will also meet righteous people like him in this country, too. The hope of this country, and our hope as well, is to educate the college students and send them out into the world. The college students should witness to their parents.​

If you work hard, you will also meet righteous people like him in this country. Yes. If we really invest our effort and jeongseong and work hard, definitely Heavenly Parent will send righteous people and John the Baptists. Why don’t John the Baptists or righteous people appear in front of me? It means I have not focused on God’s will very seriously. A perfect plus can create a perfect minus. To the extent that I commit to God’s will, the object partner will appear in front of me. When you do righteous things for the sake of God’s will and your activities move heaven, heaven will mobilize such great and righteous people, John the Baptist figures, to help your activities. We cannot blame anyone. If we really work hard, the spiritual world will prepare everything for us.

You need to fulfill the mission of tribal messiahs today. Henceforth, things will change depending on your own actions. Now you can feel what you harvest in your heart. You are not working alone; the entire spirit world has been mobilized to cooperate with you. What do we have to fear, when we know that God is on our side? From now on, the more you reveal True Parents, the higher your position will be elevated. You need to educate others. If you educate them with the heart that they are your own brothers and sisters, they will all follow you regardless of who they may be. Those in charge need to do their best. The question of whether this country can present its name to God or not can only be answered by you. (2006.08.10, Santiago, Chile)​

True Mother greatly emphasizes developing and growing CARP. I also want to follow True Mother’s Will and concentrate on the American CARP movement this year. 

In order for our Unification movement to survive, CARP must survive. In order for CARP to survive, our 2nd generation must survive. 

Now, from an external aspect, our American movement has been recognized by many world leaders as our UPF is doing its best to restore the environment. 

Internally, the spiritual resurrection movement is actively taking place through Morning Devotion in America. Now, we are sending support to many all over the world beyond North America. 

So what's next? From now on, the most important thing is to actively engage in witnessing activities centered on young people. 

If many young people are restored in North America through CARP and youth activities, it will give great hope to the world. Above all, True Mother will be very pleased.

Dear brothers and sisters, let's do our very best and let America become the champion in every way and lead the world. First of all, let UPF help the providence of Heavenly Unified Korea by becoming a model for the whole world with regard to restoration of the environment. 

Secondly, through Morning Devotion, let's cause a great spiritual resurrection and a great revival movement and bless many people by witnessing through the ACLC and Ethnic Group movements. 

Lastly, let's become North America that gives hope to this country, this people, and the world by witnessing to many young people through our youth movement, especially CARP, YSP, GPA and YCLC. There is such a spiritual movement happening all over America right now, and I have no doubt that God's amazing work will happen this year. 

So, every morning, I proclaim my 7 great mottos, believing that our dreams will come true:

1. It comes true as we think about it.  

2. It comes true as we dream. 

3. It comes true as we believe. 

4. It comes true as we offer prayer and devotion. 

5. It comes true as we declare. In other words, it comes true as I speak. 

6. It comes true as we prepare. 

7. It comes true as we take action. 

Every morning I remind myself. Whatever I say will surely come true. Always so far wherever whenever I set up my dream and goal, I realized that everything comes true. We need that kind of beautiful slogan and (we need to) repeat it again and again and remind ourselves. Then we can get spiritual strength and power to go forward.

 LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE​: Principle of Creation 19​ - Living For The Sake Of Others

Again let’s study the content of the EDP:

Center of the Universe​

● Considering the purpose of existence of the individual embodiments of truth that make up the material universe at different levels, we can surmise: energy exists in order to form particles, particles exist to form atoms, atoms to form molecules, molecules to form matter, and matter exists for the creation of all the individual entities in the universe.​

● The activity of matter is for the purpose of constructing the universe.​

● What is the purpose of the universe? What is its center?​

> It is none other than human beings. ​

> This is why God, after creating human beings, commanded them to have dominion over the universe.​

Human beings have dominion ​over the universe​.

Yesterday I spoke about why you must live for the sake of others. This is because love, joy and happiness only come from the object partner. There is no other way. I will never be able to create it on my own. There is no choice according to the law of the universe . We need to live for the sake of others. Only through living for the sake of others can I gain love, joy  and happiness. This guidance is quite powerful, and we can apply it to our daily lives. 

Let’s study more about Father’s word.

The Path to the Kingdom of Heaven and Hell​

<77-290>When you live for the sake of others, the obvious conclusion will be reached on whether you can go to heaven or hell. Let us say that you lived for fifty years. When you look back on your life and you find that you lived for your own sake more than half of the time, you cannot go to heaven. I discovered that in this case you will be unable. However, if a person lives more than half of the time for the sake of others beyond himself, and further for the sake of humanity and for the sake of heaven and earth, that person shall surely enter the kingdom of heaven. Try dying to see if that is true. (Applause)  ​

In our lifetime, the age of 1 to 20 is the period in which we are indebted to our parents. If I go to the spirit world after living 100 years, I have to set a standard that I have lived for the will of God for more than half of my 100 years. 

However, if you exclude the 20 years of being taken care of by your parents and the time you sleep, it means that you have to set the standard for living for the will of God and the whole for two-thirds of the day.

Therefore, we must build the track record of love that we lived for the Will every day. If that is the case, some members will ask if this means that you should live a life of a full-time member for the sake of the church. 

So what should I do? It means that whether I work in society, in the church, or in the government, I have to live my life to the best of my ability, thinking that what I do is God's will. 

It doesn’t matter whether I work for the government, church or society or somewhere else. God is everywhere. We need to strongly think that what I am doing is God’s will. Those who are directly involved in church work, do you think that is really (exclusively) for the sake of God’s will? I don’t think so. God is everywhere. That is why, no matter where you work, you need to think that this is God’s will. That is why you need to fulfill your portion of responsibility in your current workplace centering on God. 

Living with God for 24 hours a day is devotion. Devotion is not just doing public work in the church.

Some people may have regrets that they are just focused on their job to make money for  their family. Making money is very important. You need to survive for your family. But your thinking is important, what you are doing. Absolutely you need to believe in that. Absolutely you need to understand that what you are doing is God’s will. That is why you need to invite God all the time into whatever you are doing. Where there is God, that is a public mission. Where there is no God, that is not a public mission because God is a public being. Even though you are a full time member but you cannot feel God, then you are not a full time member.  Full time means I am working with God, I am living with God 24 hours a day. That is really the public life and public mission. 

The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Where People ​Try Hard To Let Others Be Indebted To Them​

What kind of place is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth? If there is a place on earth where people do their best not to become indebted to others, but instead, try hard to let others be indebted to them, that place is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Then, what kind of place is the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world? The Kingdom of Heaven is not a place for people with debts. The Kingdom of Heaven I know does not have people like that. Those who, during their life on earth, worked to let their nation, humanity, and God be indebted to them are the ones who can go to the Kingdom of Heaven. ​

When I was young, there is one thing I was constantly taught by my physical parents. It was to never be indebted to anyone. So the words of my physical parents became the motto of our family, even now. 

True Father is also teaching us something very important. Never be indebted to others but be a person whom others are indebted to. If you are indebted, he teaches us to pay it back in double, triple, or tenfold. 

When life is born, you have to live a life where you have others be indebted to you in love. Heaven is the world where everyone tries to give to others and pay off the debt of love. If you ask someone for a plus, you have to do it, and never make it a minus. 

Just as parents have children be indebted to them for a lifetime, we should also live having people around us be indebted to us. 

A true Abel is a person who has those who follow him have debts of shimjeong (heart) that they owe him. We must go further and have our country be indebted to me, the world be indebted to me, True Parents be indebted to me and even God be indebted to me. Then, God will be so grateful towards me that He will shed tears of gratitude. 

“Hey, Dr. Ward. Thank you so much. I am so indebted to you!” “Hey, Angelika. I am so much indebted to you.” God will shed tears. He is so indebted to you. That is our job. That is why Father says here that the kingdom of heaven is where people try hard to have people be indebted to them. Of course, our attitude is very important. Even when someone gives you something and you are indebted -- of course, you need to pay it back -- you really need to appreciate it, and happily and joyfully return more than you received. 

(You may feel) “Oh, I don’t want to receive from you because Father said, ‘Don’t be indebted.’” But when someone gives to you, accept happily and joyfully and be determined to return more than you received. This is a beautiful attitude.

<77-290>   Thus, a true person is one who lives for the sake of others. Therefore, the Bible considers arrogance its enemy. I am saying don’t be arrogant. Be humble. Didn’t Christianity advocate its key ideology through the Bible to live for the sake of others, to elevate oneself from the lowest position for the sake of God and humankind? You cannot deny this. ​

Father always talks about arrogance.

Arrogance is the vanguard of destruction. If you are self-centered, you will inevitably have an arrogant mind. All human beings become arrogant if they live apart from the center of God without serving Him. If you keep away from God, you will surely become arrogance, if you stay away from Abel, you will surely become arrogance. If you stay away from your parents, you will inevitably become arrogant.

Those who do not serve God also do not serve Abel in their life of faith. An arrogant person has no center or Abel in their heart. 

A person who has a filial heart towards their parents is always humble in front of them. Those who serve Abel are always humble before Abel. An arrogant person is always self-centered and does not know how to serve others. 

The bible says we need to consider arrogant … enemy(?). Father says not to be arrogant; we always need to be humble. In order to be humble, we need to deny ourselves: “I belong to God. I am not mine.” We need to have that mindset and attitude.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY​: The Inability to Realize ​the Ideal of the Family  was God’s Han​

We have learned that Han means bitter heart, sorrowful heart. When I prepared this content I feel (that) we understand what are really God’s wishes. Let’s study thoroughly today’s content.

1.  When people go through the servant’s course and adopted son’s course, they must receive the Blessing and enter the family. When we establish a family and enter the realm of completion, we must relieve God’s resentment. Until now, God has been unable to realize a true family centered on the true couple. The inability to realize a couple which serves the husband as God and serves the wife as God was God’s han (bitter heart). Before God created Adam and Eve, He just existed as the intangible bride and groom. However, He wanted to become  the substance of tangible love. That is why He created Adam and Eve and wanted to become the tangible bride and groom centered on the ideal of love.  ​

God's Han is that He was unable to realize an ideal family centered on His lineage. 

Therefore, our course of receiving the Blessing, realizing the couple, and becoming true parents is the process of relieving God’s han. No one has gone down this path in history. 

God's han is that He has never had a couple who serves their husband like God and their wife like God. 

That is why when we treat our spouse as God, this is the way to relieve God’s han. God has never seen couples do that since Adam and Eve fell. He has never seen any couple treat each other as God. That is why in our family after receiving the blessing we need to treat our spouse as God. Then God’s resentful feeling, his han, is all released. God has never seen this kind of couple. Until now God has only seen couples who fight and are in conflict with each other because of the fall of our human ancestors. If we are in conflict and fight with each other even after receiving the Blessing from True Parents, God is even more sorrowful. How long Heavenly Father has been searching for such a couple through the Blessing. 

What is the purpose of the Blessing? To relieve God’s han, which is God’s bitter heart. After we receive the Blessing, if we respect each other, love each other and care for each other, treating each other as God, then all God’s resentful feeling or han or bitter sorrow -- everything goes away. Who relieves God’s han? Who? Not just anybody. You and I  as husband and wife,we are the ones who really relieve God’s han, which is his bitter heart. That is why when we enter the completion stage, one of our main targets and goals is to release God’s han through serving each other as a couple.

God's han is relieved when couples serve each other like God. When parents raise their children as children of God and raise them as filial sons and daughters, God's han is relieved.

When God sees families in which the father and mother raise the children as their own children centering on their own interest, vision and thinking. … However, after (a couple) receives the Blessing and raises their children as filial sons and daughters centered on God’s will and treats them as God prince and princess, then God’s han can be completely released. That is why the family is the place to release God’s han. 

God's anger and Han are relieved when children serve their parents as God and live a life of hyojeong. 

We must understand that the process of receiving the blessing and entering the completion stage is a period of liberating God from His sorrow and han. 

As a blessed family, we need to look back and check. It is about whether God and True Parents are really releasing their Han through our blessed couple and through our families or not.

What do you think? How about our couple? How about my couple? Is the relationship between husband and wife really releasing God’s han? When Heavenly Father looks at my couple, is he joyful? Thankful? Is God shedding tears because he is so happy to see such a beautiful couple? Wow!

When I prepared this content, I realized how we can release God’s han. Where? Especially (in) the couple -- between husband and wife.

2. Since God has invisible masculine internal nature and invisible feminine internal nature, children that resemble His intangibility must appear on this earth. In the Old Testament Age, God was not called “Father” but called “Jehovah.” And in Exodus, God alone said, “I am who I am.” But Jesus came and called God “Father.” In our church now, we say “Heavenly Parent,” “Father God” and “Mother God.” This is possible because we have established substantial parents on earth. Otherwise, the name cannot come about.​

It was God's wish that He would be called by the title “Heavenly Parent” rather than “Jehovah God” and “God, the Father.”

In the Old Testament Age, the title “Jehovah God” was a name often used by servants when addressing their master. In the New Testament Age, Jesus called God “God, the Father,” which was the title Jesus used until he (would have) established his family. However, in the era of Cheon Il Guk, God came to be called “Heavenly Parent.” This is truly a historic turning point. 

We should really be grateful to True Mother for allowing us to call God “Our Heavenly Parent.” through True Mother. Only then will God's han be relieved.

He wants to be our daddy and our mom. He wants to be our parents. When you go back home, if your father becomes the president of the nation and he returns home, and his children call him, “Oh, my president!” Which would make him happier: calling him “My father” or “My president”? Or “My king?” The most heartistic word is “parent.” “You are my father” or “You are my mom.” Heavenly Father wants that kind of title: “Heavenly Parent.” How heartistic that is! Not only “God,” or “Jehovah God” or “God, the Father.”

I really appreciate Mother settling this. She has officially asked us to call our God “Heavenly Parent,” not “Heavenly Parents.” We need to appreciate True Mother’s guidance.

3.  From this, we can understand the deep meaning as follows. As God restored humankind from the fall of man, we can see that the Old Testament Age was the period of God’s playing the role of a servant. You can see that God was in an age when there was a desire and han to raise a bride and groom on this earth. Then, in the New Testament Age, He wanted to achieve the ideal of the bride and groom centered on Jesus. So we can see that Jesus was not supposed to end his life as a single man. God's ideal of creation was to establish a family with God's love and heart on this earth centered on God's ideal. ​

4.  Human beings were created with the intention of the couple having and perfecting the absolute value of God so that they could achieve the ideal of goodness for each other. However, this could not be accomplished due to the Fall of Adam and Eve, so it left behind God’s han for the family. So, what was the purpose of sending Jesus to earth? Jesus came to a fallen world as the unfallen second Adam, that is, as the unfallen human father, to find the next Eve and fulfill God's ideal of creation. So, God's will in the New Testament Age was for Jesus to complete the ideal of the bride and groom on earth to establish a family. However, the fact that the ideal of a true family could not be achieved because of the cross has become God’s han. It also remained as Jesus’ han. So, until the last moment, Jesus said, “I am the bridegroom and you are the bride,” and struggled to achieve the ideal of the true bride and groom.​

What we need to know again is that (until now?) God has not been able to establish a family. Therefore, we need to understand well that receiving the Blessing from True Parents and creating a family is the way to liberate God's han. 

From that perspective, I wonder how much he wanted to celebrate the Marriage Supper of the Lamb while Jesus was on the earth. Jesus’ limitation was that in the end, he had to create a family by having the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, but it was Jesus’ greatest han that he could not fulfill it. 

Think how much God must have wept when He saw Jesus come to this earth and be crucified as a single person without being able to find and set up a bride. Jesus came as God’s begotten son. God prepared for 4,000 years, sent him to earth and asked him to establish an ideal family through marriage. 

Is Jesus a man or woman? He is a man. He needed to marry. He could not produce God’s own blood lineage on earth. Without marriage he passed away. Father said, if Jesus had married, the second coming would not have been necessary. Before he went to the cross, he could not marry. He had to send another person to the earthly world. Jesus must have had such a resentful feeling. He could not marry. He could only have settled God’s prophecy(?) through marriage. That is why Jesus had such a sorrowful heart. Then he went to the spiritual world. 

(When he arrived) Heavenly Father (would have) looked at him and would have said, “Jesus, my son. Why did you come here without marriage? You were supposed to establish God’s blood lineage.” Can you imagine? What was Jesus greatest han? It was not being crucified on the cross. Jesus’ greatest han was that he could not marry. No bride. After he died until True Father settled down, Jesus did not have a spouse. There was no four position foundation. He could not enter the kingdom of heaven even though he was God’s begotten son. According to the structure of the kingdom of heaven, it cannot welcome him without marriage, without the four position foundation -- even though he was the messiah, the savior, our father, and God’s only begotten son. Can you imagine? 

True Father blessing us is incredible. This is the way to relieve God’s han. When we receive the Blessing and when Jesus looks at us, this is the way to comfort Jesus. If you do not receive the Blessing and do not marry …

“Jesus, through our married life, we want to console you and comfort you.” …

Imagine how much Mary, the mother of Jesus, (must have) wept if she knew (when she found out?) how much of a mistake it was for her to not find Jesus’ bride. When Jesus’ mother, Mary, realized through the Principle what God’s wish and Jesus’ han, when she realized this in the spiritual world, how much she must be weeping and crying. 

How precious are our blessed families! We have received the Blessing. This is the way to relieve God’s resentment, sorrow and han.

If we know clearly the purpose of the Blessing and marriage, how can we hate each other and fight each other? How can we dislike each other? We cannot do that. 

My conclusion is that it is a sin to go to the spirit world without receiving the Blessing and not forming a couple. It is the greatest of all sins. 

Without marriage, without forming the family, how can we relieve God’s han? We need to think about the meaning of the blessing centered on God’s point of view, not on me. Why must I marry? Why must I receive the Blessing? In order to release God’s Han. Releasing God’s han is another way to create incredible joy and happiness for God and for our Jesus. 

Marriage is not just for me or for my couple. The main reason to marry is to return joy and happiness to God. At the same time, it is the way to release God’s sorrow and God’s han.♦

(Response to sharing) Someone may say, “Dr. Yong says Father says half your life should be lived for the sake of others, how do I … ?” What Father said is correct. However, those who reflect on your life (and feel that you did not live) very meaningfully and (that you did) not much practice the philosophy of living for the sake of others, what should you do? You may be over 60 or over 70, but it does not matter. Even though you did not much live for the sake of others, the important thing is (from the time) you realize this, you need to practice living for the sake of others. 

The time period -- how long you lived for the sake of others -- is an issue, but the (most) important thing is quality, that is, the quality of our life for the sake of others. For example, when Jesus was crucified on the cross, the right-hand thief, a murderer, a terible guy, really repented and recognized who Jesus was and 100% 180 degrees completely changed, the quality of his repentance which was the quality of his love -- even though for a very short time -- he was the one who entered Paradise right after Jesus. 

The important thing is the quality of your repentance, the quality of your love, how much you really recognize who God is, who True Parents are, even for your own value(?).

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “ ...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the powerpoint slides from this speech are available as pdf files at the top of this text and at text.morndev.com & yong.hoondok.com. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com.♦

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