Ep 539 - Universal Peace Academy (UPA) Part 2

Universal Peace Academy (UPA)​ 174-19-14-40-539 - April 17, 2022 - Easter

PDF Printable Text and Images + Taishi Minosoko's CARP Testimony

Yesterday, I was very happy to see True Mother in good health at the blessing ceremony. Once again, congratulations to all of you who have been blessed this time.

Did you see my dancing yesterday? I was so excited to see our beautiful True Mother, and I was so sad I could not see many of our North American newly Blessed couples. I did see some of them. I enjoyed seeing some of them, having a meal together and talking with them. It was a great time yesterday!

Today I’d like to talk about “Universal Peace Academy (UPA)” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

You must know the reason I created the Universal Peace Academy (UPA). The great Indian poet Tagore praised Korea. What did he see and feel to make him say what he said? He said, “And that lamp [of Korea] is waiting to be lit again, for the illumination of the East.” He knew of Heaven's providence. Korea can shine its light only through the coming of the true owner, the Messiah of the Second Advent. Other than that, what does Korea have to be proud of in its history? The fact that you have attended and worked with True Parents in this day and age is a tremendous blessing to your descendants and ancestors. You should not receive that blessing and just keep it for yourselves. You need to broaden your focus, so that your neighbors can also become peaceful and happy thanks to you. Living in this age, it is our mission to bring all the world's people back to God, who has opened Cheon Il Guk for us, as its citizens. From now on, there cannot be any failures in your lives. Success is the only destination of our path. I hope that you will promise to become victors in front of Heaven and of all humankind. (2013.03.22, Cheon Jeong Gung)​

I wholeheartedly welcome you, the 43 students of the Universal Peace Academy. For three years, beginning from today, you will be able to experience the truth, and so many other things. Through this experience, your lives will come to fulfill the mission of serving as beacons to all of humanity. The great Indian poet Tagore wrote a beautiful poem about Korea. He praised Korea, saying that it will become a lamp for all people, which will appear to illuminate the East, and thus the world. Such a history is being written today through you. God and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind blessed Korea as the homeland of God. But simply saying it is in this position is not enough. The current leaders and people in charge have a mission to carry out.​

I have said that Korea must become God's homeland by 2020. Do you think that will come about just by saying it? You need to endeavor to make that happen. You need to move. You, who were reborn through the Truth and the Word, need to become beacons to the world. The students who have enrolled in this academy today will have their names recorded on the first page of history. How long Heaven and humankind have waited for this day! I hope you will understand this fact, study hard and live earnestly. Heaven will help you. You must not become indebted to God or to humankind. Your youth and passion will serve as a catalyst and as pillars in the construction of Cheon Il Guk. Our goal has now become clear. We must endeavor to complete this providence until we breathe our last, and achieve it at all costs. You have been established in the position of the first fruits of the work of constructing Cheon Il Guk. (2013.03.04, Sunhak Universal Peace Graduate University)​

The first reason True Mother had for creating UPA was to raise important leaders who can revive our church.

Now, there is no leader(?) in any country or on any continent. True Mother was concerned about this, so she established UPA and guides it directly. 

The second reason (for creating UPA) was to train future leaders through UPA and set them up as central leaders in the establishment of Cheon Il Guk. 

True Mother said to UPA students that they should become leaders on the mission of becoming a lamp to humankind. She also asked them to become catalysts and pillars in the construction of Cheon Il Guk, and leaders who bear the first fruits in the construction of Cheon Il Guk.

Also True Mother said to UPA students, “The great Indian poet Tagore wrote a beautiful poem about Korea. He praised Korea, saying that it will become a lamp for all people, which will appear to illuminate the East, and thus the world. Such a history is being written today through UPA.” 

How much attention True Mother pays to UPA, the Korean dream! How can we establish the … cheon il guk in Korea? How can her … dream come true? She said that such a history is being written today through UPA. 

True Mother is putting a tremendous amount of effort into nurturing future leaders.

Do you understand True Mother’s heart and my heart, how much we are investing in our future leaders in order to nurture our second generation and third generation blessed children?

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: Principle of Creation 30​ - God’s Third Blessing: Perfection of Dominion​ - Completion of Dominion and Life

Let’s study Father’s word.

The Position That Can Receive God’s Love​

<79-204> All possessions have to be offered to God. Next, we have to offer our body to God through True Parents. We also have to offer our minds through True Parents in order for God’s love to begin. You have to receive God’s love through such a process. My possessions, body, and mind have to enter God’s realm of love in order for us to enter the position that can receive God’s love. Therefore you must offer all of your possessions, all of your body, and all of your mind and go search for God. When receiving your possessions, your body, and your mind back from God, only then do you become a completed person. ​

Due to the Fall of man, all things have become Satan’s possessions. Wealth, our bodies became Satan’s possessions. That is why we need to go and bring them back. We have to change all rights of ownership. My eyes, my nose, my mouth, my ears, and the functions of my whole body are being used for myself and for Satan. All of these things must be converted into (a different type of) ownership so that they belong to God.

Also, we have to change the blood lineage through the Blessing. At the same time we have to change the right of ownership of our belongings. Next, I must change my heart and possess God’s heart. Everything must be offered. 

Has your blood lineage been changed? Has your right of ownership been changed? Has your heart been changed? 

Therefore, we have to make three major transitions in our lives. 

Father always talks about this. Without exception any fallen human needs to go through three major transitions in their lives. 

First, we have to change our lineage through blessings, The Blessing means changing our blood lineage from a satanic blood lineage to God’s blood lineage. Then our blood lineage belongs to God. 

Second, we have to change ownership through a Total Living Offering, At one time Father really emphasized this. Every blessed family needed to offer the Total Living Offering. This is a condition to change the ownership. I did it; my entire family did offer a certain amount of money. 

Once Father has said something, even though he has passed away, his word is truth. We need to absolutely follow it. That is why I emphasize that you need to study what the Total Living Offering means.

First of all, we need to change our blood lineage. Based on that, we need to change ownership through the Total Living Offering. 

And finally we have to change our hearts. The reason we are blessed and cannot change our mind is because we have not had the experience of changing ownership. 

If we really have that kind of experience of a change of ownership based on the Blessing situation …

Because I still have the idea of ​​my own in my mind... As long as the idea of ​​possessions that belong to me remains, the change of heart reaches its limit. It is very limited.

So we need to (take) three steps(?). First of all, I need to change the blood lineage through the Blessing. Second, I need to change ownership through the Total Living Offering. Third, I need to change my heart.

In order to change my heart, I need to cultivate my heart. In order to change my heart, I need to completely deny myself. I do not belong to Satan; I belong to God. My property does not belong to me. My children do not belong to me. My eyes, ears and nose and mouth do not belong to me. (I need to) completely deny (myself). I am God’s belonging. My property (belongs to God). If we have that kind of absolute denial and change our mindset, then based on that foundation, I can finally cultivate my heart, I can have an experience of changing my heart. 

What is my own concept? My body, my mind, my money, my property, my family, my children, my things, my wife and my parents are my enemies because everything belongs to God. Treating them as my own belongings, that is the concept of God’s enemy(?). We have to be careful about that. Without understanding (this) how can we become the owner of all things? There is a clear order about how I can change myself.

The Person With Love Can Possess Infinitely​

<79-204> When looking at my relationship with material objects, my relationship with heaven, and asking what kind of person I am, I will say I’m the 2nd owner. God is the first owner and I’m the second owner. The objects of a company do not belong to the company’s president. The president is the 2nd owner. Because God is the 1st owner of that company, even the president of the company has to work with a shim jeong that can inspire others. The problem is not whether the salary is high or low. It is how much love I am investing. We require the conscience of an owner who can work even without receiving salary. As long as you have love, it is in your possession infinitely. Even if you don’t have a single cent, you can possess it infinitely. ​

For me this is incredible guidance from True Father. He is talking about what real, true ownership is. It is very clear here. 

When looking at my relationship with material objects, my relationship with heaven, and asking what kind of person I am, God is the first owner, and I am the second owner as the second creator.

The objects of a company do not belong to the company’s president. The president is the 2nd owner. The objects of a company belong to God, the 1st owner. And if I am a member of the company, then I am the 3rd owner. 

Therefore, you have to work with the heart to touch the heart of the company president. The problem is not whether the salary is high or low. It is how much love I invest for the company as the 3rd owner. 

Father said it does not matter whether you have a high or low salary; this company belongs to God. I am the owner. This mindset is important. It does not matter whether it is 5 p.m. or not. Normally people finish (work) at 5 p.m. and go back (home). 

“You give me a low salary. I don’t want to work (for such a low salary). I need to find a better company.” That is the spirit of a servant. Who has ownership? A high or low salary does not matter. We need to invest everything (because) this is God’s property. This is God’s company. If you invest a lot as the owner, your salary will certainly increase. And you can move your company’s president. 

What is the servant? “You do not pay much; I don’t want to work (for you). I only work according to the time.” This is the servant’s spirit. Father said it cannot be like this. 

You need a spirit of ownership that allows you to work even if you don't get paid because “I am the third owner of the company.” As I am the third owner of the company, I have to love the company regardless of the boss and salary.

They don’t matter. Once I commit (to be) here, this is my company and God’s company. I need to love this company more than anyone else.

This company represents my family. It represents God and my nation. I need to invest my whole heart. If every member of the company is like this, wow!

How do we treat our nation? If we have this kind of ownership, how much we can change our society and nation. 

Who owns this country and the world? The country and the world belong to God. In one country, God is the owner, and in the second, the people of that country are the second owner. A country does not belong to a president, not to a certain person.

Who is the real owner of America? Whoever loves this nation more than anyone else -- like God, like True Parents. Then that person is the owner. Even though I am Korean -- I was born in Korea, and my family lives in Australia -- since I came to America, I love America; I love this nation more than George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. I invest my utmost jeongseong. I wake up early in the morning and invest jeongseong and invest my whole day in order to love this nation. Centering on God’s point of view, who is the owner? Color does not matter. Where one is born doesn’t matter. This is true ownership. We need to educate our young people like that. What do you think? Do you agree with me?

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: How do You Set the Standard for Victory?​

1. Those who believe are the ones who overcome everything. This is because they think “Since True Parents, the subject of my belief, were victorious, I, too, can be victorious.” It is also because True parents, the center of my belief, have dominion over Satan. That is why I can also dominate Satan. Until now, the reason I kept my life of faith was the reason I have kept my life of faith until today is because I was able to overcome myself. If I can come to the place my heart desires to go and worship together, then I have won. Also, we have won because we are living in the realm of dominion of True Parents who were victorious. However, no matter how much you live among the victorious crowd, you cannot become a victor if you are not actually like the victor in heart and in character in all your beliefs and thoughts.​

Those who believe are the ones who overcome everything. Those who have absolute faith are victorious because they believe that they can be victorious because True Parents were victorious.

Absolute faith means self-denial. If I deny myself, I experience that God comes to me and intervenes with my every move. 

I say, “I am not mine. I don’t belong to me. I belong to God.” Once you completely deny yourself with that kind of absolute faith, then who needs to handle you? God has no other choice. He needs to intervene with you. He needs to lead(?) you in everything. That is why absolute faith means complete self-denial.

If we deny ourself, we do not see every waking moment in a humanistic way. Thinking of my thoughts as Heaven’s thoughts, I always experience heaven's presence and work on me. 

Also, those who believe are those who have gratitude for everything. Because they win in everything, they always feel grateful in front of heaven. In a life of faith, there is no one who can win over a person who is grateful for everything. 

Those who win all the time are those who are always grateful. That is why no one can win over someone who is grateful for everything.

And since True Parents, who are the center of my faith, have dominion over Satan, I must live with the belief that I can also have dominion over Satan. 

Because True Parents have already won, I can also win.

However, no matter how much you live among the victorious crowd, you cannot become a victor if you are not actually like the victor in heart and in character in all your beliefs and thoughts. 

2. If I do not have the same quality elements as a victor, I am not a victor. Even as Peter followed the Lord, he often made Lord worry. This is because even while following the Lord, he did not have the same quality elements as him. Now, as the Age of Children, we have entered an age in which God can establish True Parents on this earth and call all people of the world His children, but that does not mean that all people can become children of God. To become a child of God, we must set the standard for victory. Then, how to set the standard for victory and with what standard we live a victorious life are (both) important in our lives. ​

If I do not have the same quality elements as a victor, I am not a victor. Even as Peter followed the Lord, he often made the Lord worry because he did not have the same quality elements as Jesus. 

In order to have the same quality elements as True Parents, who overcame everything, my circumstances, wishes, and heart must be the same as (those of) True Parents. When the Lord is in pain, I must also be in pain, and when the Lord sheds tears, I need to also be in a position in which I can shed tears. 

If you follow the Lord and do not have the same quality elements as the Lord, you are not yet the Lord's children. In order to have the same quality elements as the Lord, we must always think from the Lord’s position and constantly deny ourselves. 

3. In order to establish the standard of victory, we must first not lose the first motivation when we were resurrected after hearing the Word for the first time. Each individual has a motive for being resurrected through the Word. The Bible compares the motive of this resurrection to a lamp. We are people who have lamps because of the Word. We are the people who kindled the fire of new life in my heart through the Word, which had never existed until this day. At first, we came without knowing it and listened to the Word, and as we received strength from the Word, a fire was ignited. So we had a light on in our hearts that at first we were told that we were crazy. After realizing that we should live according to the Word, our lives have changed, our values have changed, and the fire has been ignited. ​

4. Once a fire is ignited, do not put it out. Without this fire, the standard of victory will be blurred and you will not know what a victorious life is. Without that fire, in other words, if you lose the first motivation for resurrection, you will not be able to distinguish whether you are a victor or a failure. Then who lights the fire? It is not something I light but something that God lights. Then how and through whom does He light the fire? At first, He gives me the Word through my Abel or my spiritual parent who witnessed to me. When I receive guidance from them and offer devotion together with them, a force from heaven came in my heart, and I gained the power to transcend the thoughts and environment that I lived in up to this day, and faith began.​

5. Therefore, the most important thing in the life of faith is that we should not lose the motivation of the first resurrection, which moved me and brought me to tears after hearing the Word, and that we must win in all our lives with this standard. A person who always lives victoriously has a standard of victory, so no matter what situation they are in, they can distinguish where they stand and what is good and what is evil. Because there is such a center of faith, we value every moment of the time in relation to heaven as life. Because of that standard of victory, even while dealing with wealth, I try to use it in accordance with God’s will. Because there is such a center of the Word, I try to build a relationship with God through the life and time given to me. Only then can the fire continue to burn in my heart. ​

In order to establish a standard of victory, we have to first not forget about the motive of when we first heard the word and were resurrected. 

You should not change the mind (that) was touched by and made a determination when you first heard the Word. Even if you are in any difficult environment, you need to be careful not to let that first mind be dominated by the environment and lower the standard of the spirit. 

The person who maintains their first motive and determination when they first heard the Word is someone whose spirit still has a lamp burning. 

The lantern is easily turned off when the wind blows. So a protective film is required to keep the lantern on. The person who can protect my lantern should always be an Abel figure whom I love and respect. 

Secondly, it is witnessing to a Cain figure who can protect me and creating a foundation. Those who were supposed to protect Jesus failed to protect him, so he died on the cross.

In order to keep the lamp (burning) how do we do it? The most important thing is, after you are inspired by God’s word, you need to find your heartistic Abel figure who can really support you and protect you. You are very inspired and you want to do something on your own. When you have some kinds of persecution and difficulties and trials, surely your spirit will come down. That is why you always need to have a heartistic Abel near you. This is very important. How can children be protected without parents? Our life of faith is the same. You need to have a heartistic Abel surrounding you all the time. That is the way to keep our first motivation, our first determination. 

Secondly, you need to find a Cain figure who can protect you. That is why you always need to have an object partner who respects you and follows you. You need continually to multiply your Cain figures who really love you and follow you.

No matter what environment, even in the place of death, you can always be victorious if you make a Cain who is willing to die on behalf of me.

Once a spirit’s fire goes out, everything becomes pitch-dark, really dark, so you cannot distinguish good and evil and you do not know where to go. Then, if you hold on tightly to the Abel who represents Heaven and follow them, you can set up the lantern and standard of victory for your spirit. 

And to establish the standard of victory, you must live a life of gratitude for everything. Secondly, you always need to live serving others and giving to others and making them indebted to you. 

Third, when you have some standard of being victorious, you must challenge yourself with a heart to set a new record for a greater victory. You need the spirit of challenge and belief that, “Since I won yesterday, I can win today, since I won today, I can win tomorrow, since I was victorious this year, I can bring even greater victory next year.”

This kind of mindset -- always going forward, always challenging, “I have to be better. I need to bring better results -- such a positive mindset always goes forward without giving up.

If you try to just maintain your life of faith,you will become exhausted on the way. In the life of faith, you must always bring benefits every day. To do that, you must give to others all the time.

For example, when our GPA members were active, they acted as if they would give their lives for God's will. They were so excited, so inspired. They said, “I will give my life to God, to True Parents.” 

However, after graduating from GPA, they go back to their families and lose their first love and first motivation, and their hearts are extinguished. This is because the home and church should provide an environment to protect them, but that is not the case.

Is what I am saying true?

They need to be more active and lit up in the home and in the church than in the environment in which they were active. But the environment doesn't (inspire that mindset). They need Abel to protect and care for them at all times to keep the fire of their lives going. They cannot stand alone. The light can be turned off at any time. 

Next, we need to guide them so that they can continue to love their Cain. Let them do the exercise that loves people so that they can bring a plus to their souls where they are. Changing is evil. Then what is good? It doesn't change at all. Not only (this), it is to reproduce all the time. 

GPA members are more important after they graduate than when they are active. Let them have a relationship with heartistic Abel all the time. Next, we need to give them a management system and mission so that they can continue to work for the will even after graduating from the GPA. What does it mean if you don't give missions to people who have graduated from the Military Academy? 

Our children are not yet able to stand alone. 

Let me summarize:

How do You Set the Standard for Victory?​

1. In order to set the standard for victory, you have to take the victor as a model and inherit all his heart and know-how. ​

> Those who win always give and receive with those who win. On the other hand, a person who fails always communicates with the person who fails.​

What kind of Abel do you have? What kind of person are you dealing with? What kind of person are you having give and take with? This is important. If you want to be a victorious person, you need to find a winner. You need a model figure. That is why God’s providence always shows a central figure who goes through a model formula course. You need to have an Abel figure who can become a standard (for you), who wins all the time. If you want to win all the time, you need an Abel figure who always wins. 

> You should have the same quality elements as a victor. ​

> The circumstances, heart and wishes of the victor must be the same.​

To become like True Parents, their circumstances (become) my circumstances, their heart (becomes) my heart, their wishes are my wishes. You need to have the same mindset (as they do). You need to have the same quality elements (as they have).

> A victorious person always respect and serve with Abel who is more victorious than he is

If you do not have respect for an Abel figure, if you respect nobody and only rely on yourself, you are in danger all the time. You can fail any time. You need to have an Abel figure who always wins and overcomes. This is very important in our life of faith. I am telling you again: those who win always give and take with those who win. Those who are victorious always definitely have a victorious Abel.

2. How do you set a standard of victory? You have to live a life where you can win in everything every day, every moment, every second, every year, every month. ​

> If you win, you advance and develop, but if you lose, you will always retreat. ​

To win is my absolute course. Not losing.

> If you are defeated, your spirit will be extinguished and you will not be able to distinguish between good and evil, and you will inevitably become a part of the polluted world.​

That is why you need to win. You have to be a winner. That is the only way I can go forward. This is the only way I can maintain my spirit. Does your mind win? Or your body? Your mind and heart need to win over your body. If you lose to your body -- eating desire, sleeping desire, material desire -- if your body wins, surely you will retreat. You will easily become a part of the polluted world.

​3. You have to always make a profit, and you have to live a life that always reproduces. ​

> Don't be satisfied with today's victory just because you've won, you have to challenge yourself to a new goal and try another new record. ​

I am making a new record every day. Today is how many days of Morning Devotion? Tomorrow I will gain one more day of victory. And the day after tomorrow I will gain one more victory. Every day I make a new record. Today’s life should be better than (that of) yesterday. Tomorrow’s life should be more than (that of) today. We have to be a winner no matter what. We need to make an effort. We cannot lose.

> You have to create a second me and a third me in your own environment. ​

True Father needed to create a second Rev. Moon and a third Rev. Moon. You need to create another guy. I need to create a second and a third Dr. Yong. And they (will be) better than I am. This is the way to set a standard for victory. 

> The good is always constant, growing and developing. But evil always changes, retreats, and does not sustain the first motive. ​

Today’s guidance is really amazing! You need to give me a lot of donations! I give you top secrets every day! I love you, my brothers and sisters!

Living Testimony​: I’m a Living Testimony that Anything is Possible.

Today, Let's take the time to hear a living testimony of his witnessing from Taishi Minosoko. His spiritual daughter is Michelle Beia from Texas. ​He is the Dallas CARP leader, 2nd generation. Let’s welcome him. Thank you very much!

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis ...."" First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the powerpoint slides from this speech are available as pdf files at the top of this text and at text.morndev.com & yong.hoondok.com. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through January 2, 2022 are available as five paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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