Ep 537 - Education of the Third Generation Members in Hawaii Part 2

Education of the Third Generation Members in Hawaii​ 172-17-14-40-537 - April 15, 2022 - Good Friday

PDF Printable Text and Images + Takayo Campus Witnessing Testimony #7

I greet you from Korea. 

 Yesterday I arrived in Korea. Thank you so much for your jeongseong, love, and prayers for the North American leaders and me. I was so happy that I did not need the quarantine period due to Corona.

I am so happy; I will soon see our American brothers and sisters.

Today I’d like to talk about “Education of the third generation members in Hawaii” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

Hawaii is an unsoiled, pollution-free and beautiful kingdom of heaven on earth. At five o'clock in the morning, I go out for a walk though it is still a little dark. Birds respond to you with songs, beautiful flowers bloom in profusion, and mango trees bent over under the weight of their fruit abound. In the Kona region, avocados grow. This is a precious fruit, rich in protein. It was the first time I had seen that avocados grew on such big trees. I have heard that the soil of Kona region is best suited for growing trees like avocados. That is why I recently planted an avocado tree in Queen Garden. True Father liked bananas very much. In the beginning time, it was not easy to find a banana. I thought that bananas grew in the shape of a fan. When I saw a banana tree, however, I observed that it bears fruit in spiraling layers.​

There were 140. Banana flowers are very big, and as the petals fall, one by one, they are replaced by the fruit, which grows in a line that spirals around seven times, and there were 140 in total. They had somewhat ripened, so I instructed that the banana bunch be cut down. I had it hung up, and when it ripened and yellow, I peeled one and tasted it. It did not taste like the bananas I had eaten in Korea. It was so good. The peel was very thin, and the flesh was so chewy and sweet. And it was so big that someone with a small mouth would have had to cut it in half lengthwise to eat it. As you can see, Hawaii is a place with an interesting natural environment. I wish to show such an environment to our second and third generation members. I wish to educate them here. You all have children, don't you? Is there any child among them whom you can present before heaven and earth with pride? If you have such children, our future will indeed be bright! (2013.07.20, Cheon Jeong Gung)​

True Parents offered a lot of jeongseong for and investment in Hawaii. 

True Parents started proclaiming the Pacific Rim providence in Hawaii, and they went to Hawaii and offered jeongseong before they met Kim Il-sung in North Korea. 

In addition, True Parents made Hawaii a model area to protect the God-given natural environment. 

It is a place where not only international leaders but also many blessed children went to receive training, and it is also the place where a school was established to nurture the children of island nations for the ocean providence. 

I believe that it is very important to go to Hawaii where True Parents offered jeongseong at least once in our lifetime and follow in their footsteps. 

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: Principle of Creation 30​ - God’s Third Blessing: Perfection of Dominion​ - Completion of Dominion and Life

Let’s study Father’s word.

Evaluation of Characteristic Standard​

<46-83> Through what is the characteristic standard evaluated when standing in front of everyone? It is evaluated through the actions when you are hungry. When you are in a hungry plight and say, ‘Oh my, I’m hungry’ stating you are hungry and acting rashly, then it doesn’t matter if you are a country’s ruler, or its spiritual leader, that person, as a leader, has zero points. However, no matter how low and ignorant a person is, if that person can control and conquer the problem of eating, then even if that person is in prison, he will become the boss of all prisoners. ​

How would you evaluate a person's personality? You can evaluate him by looking at his behavior when he is very hungry. 

True Father said, “When you are in a hungry plight and say, ‘Oh my, I’m hungry,’ stating you are hungry and acting rashly, then it doesn’t matter if you are a country’s ruler, or its spiritual leader, that person, as a leader, has zero points.” 

Therefore, if you can't control your desire to eat, you can never become a person of character. If you cannot control your desire to eat, you cannot control your sexual desire, material desire, or desire to sleep. The dominion of the body begins with the dominion of eating. 

No matter how ignorant a person is, if he can control himself and overcome the problem of eating, he becomes a man of true character. 

The fact that True Father gave away food at Heungnam Prison is truly extraordinary. True Father said that working at Heungnam Prison is like doing hard labor after a seven-day fast. 

True Father was called a saint in prison because he gave food even in Heungnam Prison. 

Are you good at controlling your desire to eat? This is our big task. We should know well that the dominion of all things begins with the dominion of eating. 

It is not easy to control eating, right? I truly confess that I have not overcome this kind of desire. I always try to eat, try to have more to eat, try to have more nice, delicious food. This is really not simple. That is why I decided that I will only have two meals a day. Otherwise my stomach will grow and grow and grow. As a leader I need to show a good example. Father said if you cannot control your desire to eat, you cannot control your sexual desire, even your material desire. So dominion of all things begins with controlling the desire to eat. 

Are you controlling your desire to eat? It is not easy. It is not a simple matter.

Our True Parents went through all such trials and overcame in Heungnam Prison. Many people in Heungnam Prison called him truly a saint because he had spiritual dignity. One who can control the desire to eat has spiritual dignity. If you cannot overcome the desire to eat, you have zero points for character. That is why no matter what, I need to maintain spiritual dignity by controlling the desire to eat.

Material is the Enemy​

<46-83> Material is the enemy in front of me. If you own wealth before conquering this problem, you cannot go the righteous way. You cannot go the original path. I am the person who finished such training in the twenties. Therefore, if heaven commands, I can throw away my children, everything, then pack up and leave without regrets. The Unification Church began in this way.​

If you are dominated by material things, you will not be able to do much on the path of Heaven’s Will. You must be liberated from money.

If one is dominated by money, Heaven cannot do great things because he is still in the dominion of the archangel. 

However, it is a surprising fact that controlling money is not about wanting to own more, but (about) controlling money by giving. Don't forget the surprising fact that money is governed by giving.

After realizing this truth, I realized how to manage money and how to receive material blessings. I don't even know how much freedom I gained while realizing and putting this truth into practice. I now realize that the temptation of money will never stand in my way. Do you want to be free from money? then give it first. Know the truth that money is governed and blessed by giving.

If you dominate material things, you will receive blessings. On the other hand, if you cannot dominate material, you should know that it becomes an enemy, Father said. 

Solution to the 3 Great Problems​

<51-288> What kind of problem will arise in the future? Materialistic problems, character problems, and heartistic problems; these three will become the problem. What is the fall? It is the problem related to material, character, and shimjeong. Do you understand?「Yes」Then, what must be done? You must value church matters more seriously than your own matters. You must subordinate yourself to the things that are more important than your own things. Do you understand? 「Yes」​

For humans to reach the position of the hero or heroine who can rule all things, they must overcome the three great problems. 

They are materialistic problems, character problems, and heartistic problems. 

First, how do you deal with material? Public first or private first? Do your actions match your words? It is whether you treat the material as God's or not.

The second is character problems. It is about whether or not you can think of others first and give even when you are the hungriest. 

When you are very hungry, do you still want to give to others first or not? (In this way) we can know your character. 

Third is heartistic problems. It is whether you long for physical desires more or God’s heart more.

… This is a real … issue: the solution to the three great problems.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: One-on-One ​DP Education​ (last in the series)

God and One-on-One Meetings​

[God's Will and the World P.41] When we go into a secret room and pray centered on our global connection and God, one-on-one encounters occur. There are many people, but the position becomes one-on-one when giving orders through one person. We need to explore and pioneer such deep places. A leader who can remain in history cannot do so in an ordinary position. Only those who can have the content of life can remain until the end, and even if they collapse, they will be the last to collapse.​

God has four attributes: eternity, unchangeability, absoluteness, and uniqueness. One of the great attributes of God is uniqueness.

God is unique in dealing with each and every one of all things and with each human being.

Simply put, God is the God of personal touch who is omnipresent and comes to any being at the same time with uniqueness.

Therefore, what we need to know is that God is a God of personal touch. God loves each and every one of us without exception.

He loves each item among all things. That is his uniqueness. We call him omnipresent because he is everywhere. He can have personal touch with each item and each human being, even souls in the spiritual world. He approaches each item among all things and each human being with his uniqueness which is personal touch. 

As the eternal parent of all, God comes as the irreplaceable parent in this universe, and He loves the object partner of any existence as a parent. So I also like the ministry of Personal touch.

Therefore, when witnessing, one-on-one witnessing should give a person an unforgettable personal touch experience. Just as a mother gives birth to babies one by one, witnessing must be done with utmost sincerity.

How can I create an unforgettable memory for each of my spiritual children? What is the best way? That is (through a) one-on-one strategy.

Method to Apply One-on-One DP Education​

1. Why one-on-one education? In the Old and New Testaments, God always met a central figure one-on-one when establishing them. When setting up Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses, God called them one-on-one and gave them the word. When the central figures of Providence raised their successors, they all raised them one-on-one. Such was the relationship between Abraham and Isaac, Isaac and Jacob, Jacob and Joseph, and Moses and Joshua.​

It is also through your spiritual parents that God has called you personally. And he has raised you both physically and spiritually.

We need to know that God called us personally. That is why Father said God gives an opportunity to each human being. It does not matter if he is an evil guy or a good guy. At least a minimum of three times throughout their whole life without exception God gives an opportunity for them to come back to his bosom.

2. Jesus also trained his 12 disciples, starting with his first 3 disciples, one on one. The apostle Paul, who persecuted Jesus the most, also had one-on-one contact with Jesus and received a calling. True Father also received Heaven’s Will from Jesus on a one-to-one basis for a long period of time. One-on-one education or counseling has the greatest effect. One-on-one education is intensive education and nurturing so that the personality and life of a person can be fundamentally changed by the teacher and student giving and receiving one-on-one and sharing their lives.​

When it comes to nurturing people, educating each person seems like a waste of time, but it is absolutely not. Think that the destiny of the country and the world depend on that one person. Each individual should be nurtured in the spirit of representing the entire universe. 

Imagine that by saving this one person, I can save a thousand followers.

No one knows what value and ability a person has. That is why we need to think that by saving this one person we can save a thousand, even ten thousand, followers.

3. One person's amazing life change has a tremendous impact that makes a series of changes in the people around him. It is clear that no matter how many lectures you give to the public, you cannot get better results than giving a one-on-one lecture. Most successful churches these days follow this one-on-one or small group teaching method.​

4. Even in business, one-on-one marketing strategies for consumers are successful. One-on-one marketing companies are also succeeding in the world. ​

Actually the one-on-one strategy is God’s strategy through personal touch. I love the concept of personal touch. One of my main ministries is personal touch.

True Father said that if you save one life and join the church, you should rejoice more than when you gain a nation or the world. Then he said that such individuals and churches would never perish because each human is more precious than the nation, world and cosmos. If we treat each soul with this mindset and attitude, we can actually save many people. 

The value of one human life cannot be (ex)changed even by giving the universe.

5. There are many cases in which our church members get tired easily while living their life of faith. It is because we often do not encounter God in our lives. Where will we feel the presence of God? The principle teaches that subject and object must give and receive well. The subject is happy when they meet the object, and the object always gets strength when they meet the subject they yearn for. One of the greatest joys in the life of faith is when we create a new life. The teacher feels joy when the person being taught is moved, and the person being taught feels joy as they encounter the new truth and see their own life changing.​

Where will we always feel the presence of God? Give your best interest to the goals that God cares best about. Then you will surely meet God. That is the way to create new life, that is, to save the soul.

6. Just as parents always receive comfort and strength when they look at their children, believers feel the greatest joy when creating new life. Every week in the church we attend, when a new life bears testimony and we hear their message of how they were moved, the atmosphere of the church is completely renewed. As such, when the spirits of many people are saved through one-on-one education, the church will come to life. ​

In any church, where witnessing is the top priority, God is always present and the atmosphere of the church is overflowing with the Holy Spirit all the time.

7. Raising new members one-on-one is not just to save new members. I myself will be resurrected even more by meeting and teaching my witnessing guests. God's greatest concern is the return of His lifeless children. Therefore, if anyone struggles to save a spirit, know that God always works and gives strength to him in the nearest place. God's interest and mine align when it comes to saving lives. The dead cannot save life. Those who have life save lives. ​

Do you have life? You always need to ask yourself this question. Those who have life must reproduce life.​

Life gives birth to life. If you are dead, you cannot give birth to life. 

What is the best way to gain life? Salvation which is witnessing.

What is Witnessing?​

What I learned from True Father I have summarized; this is my own arrangement. 

1. Witnessing is the way to save my soul.​

Without loving Cain, I cannot save my soul. (Witnessing is) the best way to live for the sake of others.

2. Witnessing is a shortcut to the growth of my spiritual body.​

(That growth comes) through loving Cain, through caring for people, sometimes struggling, overcoming this and that. That is why witnessing is the shortcut to the growth of my spiritual body.

3. Witnessing is the best way to experience God's heart.​

True Father said without the heart to save all humankind, without the heart to save each human being, I am telling you, you will never experience God’s heart.

4. Witnessing opens the way for me to have a parent-child relationship with God.

Through witnessing we know that Heavenly Father has been searching for me until now as a parent. He has been searching for his child. I am a child of God. God is my eternal parent. Through witnessing you understand about (this) relationship of parent and child.

5. Witnessing is the way I become a person of love.​

The more you witness, the more you receive love. That is why finally you can become a champion of true love.

6. Witnessing creates my church as a church with vitality.​

What is the main reason churches develop and grow? They are really focused on new life, which is witnessing. Any church that focuses on witnessing you can see that church has vitality. It is really beautiful.

7. Witnessing becomes a shield that can protect my own children by saving Cain's children.​

That is why Father says people giving birth to babies need to have Cain-side children (first). Without restoring Cain children and only delivering your own children, no one can protect you. That is why Father said witnessing when you produce your spiritual children is the best way to protect your own (physical) children.

8. Witnessing is the first step toward liberating the sorrowful God.​

Everybody says, “Let’s liberate God. Let’s console God. Let’s comfort God.” How? What is the best way to liberate God? You need to save each human being one by one. The more I bring secular world people to God, that is the way to liberate God’s heart.

9. Witnessing is the way for my soul to be the happiest.​

This is my experience. When is my happiest time? When I save people, when they are so moved by me and appreciate God and testify to True Parents as messiah, (when they) say, “I have found the purpose of life.” That is the happiest moment (for me).

10. If you witness, you can always experience the presence of God.​

Anyone who focuses on witnessing, without exception can experience the presence of God.

11. Witnessing is the first step in building the kingdom of heaven.​

How can we create the kingdom of heaven? Through creating cheon il guk citizens. How? Through witnessing.

12. When you witness, you are always overflowing with gratitude and happiness.​

Because you have all kinds of experiences through witnessing, you are always so grateful and thankful. Your life is so exciting. You understand the value of each human being. 

13. Witnessing is the way to love Cain, so it is the fastest way to get rid of your own fallen nature.​

Without loving Cain there is no way to eliminate my fallen nature. We need to love Cain through witnessing. 

14. Witnessing is the shortcut to inherit the heart of God and True Parents.​

Many people say prayer and jeongseong are important. What is the purpose of Jeongseong and prayer? Get out of your home and witness to people. That is the shortcut to inherit the heart of God and True Parents. 

15. Witnessing is the best asset that you can show to God after going to the spirit world​

You cannot bring money. You cannot bring your own property. 

You can only bring the results of true love. What are the results of true love? How much have you saved Cain people? How many spiritual children do you have? That is your eternal asset.

16. When you witness, your soul is always alive, resurrected, and always creates new life.​

17. If you witness, God also gives you amazing material fortunes.​

When you become the champion of witnessing, champion of love, I am telling you, you can get incredible material fortune or blessing. 

What is the Conclusion?​

Witnessing is everything!​

Witnessing will solve all the problems:​ financial problems, Cain and Abel problems, my spiritual growth -- any problem can be solved. 

Therefore witnessing is my savior!​

Today will be the last time for Takayo to testify to her personal witnessing experience.

(Takayo shares her 7th testimony of Campus Witnessing.)

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “ ...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the powerpoint slides from this speech are available as pdf files at the top of this text and at text.morndev.com & yong.hoondok.com. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through January 2, 2022 are available as five paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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