Ep 535 - Hyo-Jin Nim And Heung-Jin Nim Set A Good Example Part 3

Hyo-Jin Nim and Heung-Jin Nim Set a Good Example​ 170-15-14-40-535 - April 13, 2022

PDF Printable Text and Images + Takayo’s Campus Witnessing Testimony #5

Dear brothers and sisters, today I am going to Korea right after Morning Devotion. While I am in Korea, I will be recording several episodes of Hoondok's Word for you according to my busy schedule. We ask for your prayers and devotion while the North American leaders are in Korea. We are very excited to see True Mother on your behalf.

Today I’d like to talk about “Hyo-jin nim and Heung-jin nim set a good example​” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

Knowing that it takes manpower and effort to bring people to accept the Word, Hyo-jin wondered time and again, “Isn't there a way to save people effectively, all at once, almost as if they are caught in a whirlwind?” That is why he began doing heavy metal music, which was quite a contemporary style. Thinking to himself, “I will change the hearts of people through this music, and thus guide them to the Church,” he created more than 10,000 songs in three years. That was an impossible feat for a human being. He both wrote and composed all the songs. That being the case, night and day lost meaning for him. His days became irregular. His physical rhythm changed completely. A person's physical body has limits, and if you continue to use up your energy, you need to replenish it, don't you? His character was just like True Father’s. The lyrics of Hyo-jin's songs reveal his filial heart. Also, because he studied in Korea, his vertical standard stood tall and straight. From now on, I will establish the tradition.​

I hope you will become the Top Guns whom I can remember in my heart. Henceforth, the life of a church leader must be stainless. It must be transparent. Their words should suit their actions, and they must put their words into practice. What I am saying is that their words should carry weight. They must not say words that a leader would not say, just because they are “upset” or “angry.” Since you are blessed families, I am sure you have raised children. When you are educating them, you start out by using the polite form of speech for their education even though you are adults, don't you? You thus teach them to use polite speech first. This is similar to that. I hope you will become virtuous leaders. This is the true and truthful model. By following it, you should create a culture such that, when someone says, “So-and-so of Top Gun is on the way. Soand- so is coming', you are welcomed with loud applause. And I have not forgotten how hard you have worked. You are greatly blessed to meet True Mother. (2015.03.18, Cheon Jeong Gung)​

Hyo-jin's portrait should be placed in the Jeong Shim Won at the CheongPyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center. Hyo-jin and Heung-jin stand in the position of the restored elder son and younger son, that is, Cain and Abel. Until now, Heung-jin was at the center of the spirit world as its commander-in-chief, but from now on Hyo-jin stands in the position of attending True Parents as the elder son. Hyo-jin's portrait should be placed on the right side of the portrait of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind in Jeong Shim Won, and Heung-jin's portrait should be placed on the left side and Daemonim's portrait on the right side of his portrait. Hyo-jin passed away on March 17, 2008, and True Father bestowed on him the title, “Shim Cheon Gae Bang Won Choong Hyo Gae Mun Ju.” “Shim Cheon Gae Bang Won” means a garden that can open the deep, wide, high and infinite spirit world, and “Choong Hyo Gae Mun Ju” signifies becoming the owner of liberation and freedom who will not be stopped anywhere, be it the physical world, the spirit world, all nations or all ages—because he is the representative of a family of filial piety and loyalty that attends Heaven based on the original standard. (2015.08.27, Cheon Jeong Gung)​

True Mother said, “Hyo-jin created more than 10,000 songs in three years. That was an impossible feat for a human being. He both wrote and composed all the songs. The lyrics of Hyo-jin's songs reveal his filial heart. Also, because he studied in Korea, his vertical standard stood tall and straight. From now on, I will establish the tradition.” 

True Mother while she is on the earth wants to make everything clear and make sure of our tradition.

Hyo-jin nim’s portrait should be placed in the Jeong Shim Won at the CheongPyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center. Hyo-jin and Heung-jin stand in the position of the restored elder son and younger son, that is, Cain and Abel. Until now, Heung-jin was at the center of the spirit world as its commander-in-chief, but from now on Hyo-jin stands in the position of attending True Parents as the elder son. Hyo-jin's portrait should be placed on the right side of the portrait of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind in Jeong Shim Won, and Heung-jin's portrait should be placed on the left side and Daemonim's portrait on the right side of his portrait. 

I think this kind of arrangement is really important. We know that Hyo Jin Nim is our eternal elder brother, and our Heung-jin nim is in our representative younger brother’s position. True Mother has already set up a clear standard centered on our Jeong Shim Won.

While True Mother is still on this earth, this is how clearly she organized the order of the True Family.

Since Mother set up this goal, everybody needs to follow this arrangement. It does not matter if you are a first son or a second son or a third son. We need to adjust based on our True Mother’s arrangement. Let’s thank(?) our True Mother.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: Principle of Creation 30​ - God’s Third Blessing: Perfection of Dominion​ - Completion of Dominion and Life

Let’s study True Father’s word.

Route of Fortune and ​Misfortune Through Materials​

<3-127> Through what does the enemy come to find us? It comes through materialistic conditions. However, God’s blessing also comes through materials. You have to know clearly that through materials both God and our enemies come to us at the same time and you have to become a person who can establish a firm central faith through materials.

A Complete Plus Creates a Complete Minus​

No matter what it is, when you establish a center, an objective existence naturally comes into existence. Because it is the principle of the universe that if a complete plus exists, a complete minus will naturally come into being, you must erect a standard, a principled center of faith on this earth. You must know clearly that because Jesus knew this principle, he shouted out, “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.” 

While we live our lives of faith, we must find and establish a clear core of faith and one standard. For example, in order to establish a standard for having dominion over creation, you must first establish the 1st and 2nd blessings. 

First, establish the standard of becoming filial sons and daughters and next, the standard of receiving the Blessing and becoming husband and wife. If you expect the 3rd blessing before realizing these standards, material things will bring wrath, that means, they will bring disaster. Secular people today try to realize the 3rd blessing first. They try to earn money first. Their No. 1 is how to make money first. Then the 1st and 2nd blessings are secondary. This is the wrong concept and standard. 

If I have a character of dominating the body with a filial heart, material blessings are meant to come automatically.

Therefore, before we worry about what to eat, what to drink, what to wear, (let’s focus on) the first blessing. 

The first thing we must focus on is struggling to seek God’s nation and His righteousness. Jesus knew such a principle and spoke clearly (about it). If this order is not established and becomes reversed, you will only pay indemnity for the rest of your life, and you will go to the spirit world after only suffering.

That is why our first goal is to focus on how to become a true self, a true son or daughter, a filial son or daughter. How can I have that kind of true personality? This is the first target. Secondly, after receiving the Blessing and creating beautiful unity between husband and wife, if we set up that condition, then Father said according to universal law surely Heavenly Father has to bless your couple and you as an individual and your entire family. 

This is heavenly order. First is to be fruitful, then multiply, then finally we can have dominion over all things. There is a clear order: first, second and third blessing. We can only achieve dominion through completion of the first and second blessings.

Who is the Owner of One’s Material Possessions​?

<23-334> What you should understand is that the things which you have owned so far, your material possessions, are not really your own; you are temporarily managing them. The things that you manage well should be offered to God through the True Parents. In other words, unless they go through the process of belonging to the True Parents and God, they cannot be yours. This you should clearly understand. ​

What is the principled view of materials? It is that the things which you have owned so far, your material possessions, are not really your own; you are temporarily managing them. You should clearly understand that you are the manager, not the owner. 

I really had some experience with this. When I entered UTS, Yo Han Lee continually emphasized self denial: You are not your own; you belong to God. Even when you deal with any material (things), they do not belong to you. For example, when I bought a book or a notebook, normally Korean people wrote down their own name (in it). But I did not write down my own name. I just wrote “Manager Yong Chung Sik,” not owner. I was really brainwashed by Rev. Yo Han Lee! Even True Father spoke about this so much.

Then who is the owner? The owner is God. I need to know that I am keeping God's possessions only for a while and then (need to) return them to heaven. 

True Father said that we must manage the materials of our own fields well and then they should be offered to God through the True Parents. 

In other words, you must clearly know that unless they go through the process of belonging to the True Parents and God, they cannot be yours. 

Then how should you manage them? The possessions entrusted to me should not be destroyed, but should be well protected and managed. And it has to create a plus, not just be maintained. It is to multiply and return it to heaven. 

We need to understand clearly who the owner of possessions is. “My body does not belong to me. My mind does not belong to me. My possessions do not belong to me. Everything belongs to heaven, Everything is True Parents’. Everything is public. We need to have this clear concept. If we already know this principle, attitude and concept, we can love everything very well. We can treat everything publicly. 

Distinction Between Private Objects and Public Objects​

<23-334> You must absolutely orderly distinguish between the public objects of the Unification Church and private objects. By passing through such a process and clarifying the standard of private and public things, you must know how to live centered on a stable principle. However, generally speaking, it has become the opposite way round. You are treating private objects preciously, while neglecting public objects. You must absolutely not do this. You have to know how to value public objects.​

For fallen man, private objects come first and public objects come later. Even in handling objects, because they think of private objects as more important than public objects, they cannot go beyond their own notions of possession and are ultimately judged without overcoming their fallen nature. 

A clear distinction needs to be made between public and private objects. And private things should be treated as public things and valued. 

I have to think that someday, even private objects that I use should be offered before Heaven.

After he listened to morning devotion, one of our members said, “Before going to the spiritual world, I want to be like a tourist guide(?) I don’t want to leave even a single penny. I want to offer everything to heaven.” 

I was so moved by his testimony. He clearly understood that everything he possessed belonged to God, not to him. That kind of attitude (is) a public concept: “God is my owner.” We need to have that kind of attitude (which) we have learned from True Parents. Even though you have your own private possessions, you need to think, “This belongs to God. Someday I need to return this all to Heavenly Parent, to all humankind.” We need to have that kind of beautiful attitude and concept. Then you (will have) already overcome the problems of the growth stage. Already you (will have) overcome material things. Then you can become the owner of all things.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: One-on-One ​DP Education​

Read the Principle Every Day​

Church leaders must read the words of the Principle at least ten pages a day. All of you eat meals, right? You eat three meals a day, right? [yes] If you eat three meals a day, then likewise you have to do spiritual breathing together. Ladies and gentlemen, do you fully understand the Principle words? There is I who has been fighting hard to walk the course of restoration through practice centering on those words of the principle. If you want to know more about the deep valley of heart that flows at the core of my existence, then you have to implant your roots there very, very deeply. ​

In order to become a large branch, you have to develop a relationship with the fluids from the root and absorb them. Those branches that do not do this will become desiccated and then eventually die and fall off. Do you understand? It is very serious. Accordingly, you have to pray and exert yourself everyday. (46-171)​

Unification church members must always read the words, listen to the words, and practice the word. You should plan and systematically read all the hoondok textbooks for the rest of your life. Just as you have to eat three meals a day, you also need to set a standard for hoondok and to think more seriously about it than eating and to read. 

And you have to pray and offer jeongseong every day. No matter how busy you are, hoondok and prayer and jeongseong must always be done repeatedly. It is like our spirits breathing. 

Next, know that we believers have an external mission and an internal mission. Your external mission is to work hard in the position you are in. Internally, everyone has a common mission, and that is witnessing. Witnessing must begin with the closest person whom I give and receive with. Witnessing is the way to save spirits. There is nothing more valuable than this. 

Blessed families, while raising their children, should be physical parents, but (also) spiritual parents. They must witness to each of their children and make them their own spiritual children. Most of our blessed families are suffering from failure to do this mission properly.

When you deal with your children, yes, they come from the parents' womb. Physically they belong to you; physically they are your own children. Father recommends that you need to be spiritual parents of your children as well, not just physical parents. You need to witness to them. 

Of course, their blood lineage is different. They are second generation pure water from a pure blood lineage, but they do not know the Divine Principle. Your main job with your children is to be their spiritual parent. You need to teach them one by one our Divine Principle and True Parents’ life course over and over again and again. 

Most of our Blessed families are doing a great job as physical parents, but most of them could not fulfill their job as the spiritual parents. 

I always reflect about myself. I have 3 kids and 3 grandchildren. Am I doing very well as a spiritual parent? As a spiritual grandparent? Or not? Not just feeding them, not just taking care of them physically, externally, materially. The most important job is how can I become a spiritual parent to my own children and spiritual grandparent to my grandchildren? This is an important mission. If we only become physical parents and do not take care of them spiritually, then what will happen? Our future will not really be clear (and) will no longer be promising.

The members of the Unification Church all do not understand the Principle; you are ignorant about the Principle. At the same time that you equip yourself with the Principle, you have to do witnessing. At the same time that you equip yourself with the words, you should always stress the necessity of the Principle. You cannot live an experience of the heart alone. You have to do witnessing. How? What do you do witnessing with? You have to recite the Divine Principle book to the extent that you can memorize the whole thing. Knowing what is in what page, and everything. . . . (96-318)​

No one can ever achieve perfection alone. The existence of “me” can be completed only when I form a common base. 

I need to make a reciprocal base with somebody. I cannot complete it by myself. Know that I am completed through an object partner. First, the word and common base must be established. Second, through jeongseong and prayer, we need to achieve a common base with God. 

Next, we must witness through relationships. Sympathy (experience) of the heart cannot be achieved alone. The best way to show sympathy is to witness to people.

You can experience the heart of God the fastest while practicing witnessing. Experiencing God’s heart is impossible without witnessing. 

This is very clear. Father said experiencing God’s heart is impossible without witnessing. 

When I take care of and raise my Cain, through serving them, loving them, sacrificing for them, I need to remove all my fallen nature in order to raise my spiritual children.

That is why when I raise my spiritual children, this is the best way to become spiritual parents, to inherit God’s heart and to raise my spirituality. Without witnessing and only focusing on your job, job, job, just focusing on what to eat, what to drink, what to wear, without witnessing there is no way to raise my spirituality. Loving Cain and sacrificing for him is the best way to understand God’s heart. 

We must meet God while loving Cain, whom we cannot love. And by offering sincere devotion of tears and jeongseong for Cain, we can experience God's heart. 

​When you learn the Principle, when you begin from the Principle of Creation and learn about the Fall and the Principles of Restoration, you are not learning about someone else's affairs. You have to learn while being in the position where it becomes one with your flesh and bone. In other words, when you learn about Adam's family, you have to become Adam, and when you learn about Noah, you have to become Noah, and when you team about Abraham, you have to be Abraham.​

Because they failed as the substantial bodies of resurrection, you have to feel the pain of repeating the sacrifice, and you have to know how to listen to the lecture while experiencing the sorrow of God. For this reason, God is also in the position like that of the Cain God right now. Therefore, we have to make sure that because of us, God can become the Abel God and the Abel Adam. (66-25)​

While studying the central figures of the Age of Restoration, do not view them as people who only existed in history and then disappeared. You need to be able to see their standpoint from your own standpoint. 

If there is something they took responsibility for, I will inherit their heart and jeongseong, and if there is something they were unable to take responsibility for, I need the determination to take responsibility to do it.

More importantly, we must be able to understand God’s sorrow and pity in dealing with each and every one of the central figures. 

For example, regarding the cross of Jesus, everyone sheds tears with sympathy for Jesus, “Oh, he died miserably. Oh my God, he is my lord! He is such a sorrowful guy!” Many people sympathize with Jesus.

However, no one sheds tears while holding onto the heart of God who was crying behind the scenes at the cross of Jesus. 

When Heavenly Father looked at Jesus’ crucified on the cross, what was his heart? No one thought about God’s heart and situation at that time. That is why when we study the central figures in the Divine Principle, we need to know not just that that person (either) failed or fulfilled their goal and created a foundation of faith or foundation of substance, but centering on God’s point of view, how was God at that time? 

When he was dealing with Noah, his wife and his children, how was Noah’s (God’s?) heart? After Adam and Eve fell, how was God’s heart. In dealing with Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel, we always need to think centering on God’s point of view. That is why, as Father said, while Part One of the Divine Principle is very important, Part Two is more important because in Part Two we know how Heavenly Father guided human beings and we truly understand God’s situation. In Part two we truly understand God’s suffering and sorrowful heart.

In order to find God, look at the work He has done in history. In order to find the living and moving God, you have to study the Principle. I have come to the earth so that you can do such study of the Principle. Those of you who at times see me in their dreams, raise your hand. You are supposed to see one hundred percent. You must see one hundred percent, and when you face difficulties, I will coach you in everything. (60-169)​

As I read the principle, I will read the mind and heart of God. As I read the principle, I can meet God who is living and working. As I read the principle, I can hear the voice of God who comes to me and appeals to me. 

Therefore, the Word is the life and love of God. And it is the element and food of our eternal life. 

One-on-One DP Education Application Method ​

1. Prepare two textbooks and while the witnessing guest reads first, they will come to recognize the basic content of the Word. And after the guest reads, then the person teaching explains more in detail. ​

2. Since guests in the introduction course may become bored or lose interest if you read too much or explain too long, you need to adjust well. ​

3. Then when do you pause reading and look at diagrams and add explanations? The lecturer may pause the reading according to a paragraph or pause according to a figure or diagram, or you may pause according to interrelated parts. For example, if you read about the Four Position Foundation, you can pause at that point and show the diagram of the Four Position Foundation and explain it so that the image remains in their head. ​

4. Depending on the intellectual level of the guest, there may be some subjects that they do not understand, no matter how much you read and show and explain the charts. In such cases, it is important to lead inductively through dialogue and questions. ​

5. Some guests interrupt the progress by asking too many questions during the explanation of the lecture. In that case, it is better to act wisely. During the lecture, it is good to have the questions first written on paper and then have a Q & A session after one lecture. ​

6. In a country with diverse ethnic groups, such as America, heartistic exchanges between instructors and trainees may not be smooth due to language barriers. In such a case, it is a good idea to have an interpreter for each language and explain it well. ​

7. It is impossible to save one life without utmost effort, investment, and passion. When a trainee does not understand English well but a member does their best to translate, I am so moved and grateful. ​

8. Whenever there is a video corresponding to the end of each chapter of the DP, it is more effective to screen it according to the content. For example, after teaching the Fall of Man, it would be good to show a video about the purity movement or the Blessing movement. ​

9. For example, when you teach about Restoration, if you show various interreligious activities, such as ACLC centered on clergy or the Jerusalem Peace Walk, it will increase the effectiveness by proving that it is not just a theory, but we are working on the field in reality. ​

​Now it is time to invite Takayo again, who is (engaged in) exemplary CARP activity at Columbia University in New York, and to have time to study together about campus witnessing and one-on-one DP witnessing methods.​

(Takayo’s Campus Witnessing Testimony #5)

Thank you, Takayo, for your beautiful explanation! God bless you!

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “ ...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the powerpoint slides from this speech are available as pdf files at the top of this text and at text.morndev.com & yong.hoondok.com. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through January 2, 2022 are available as five paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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