Ep 526 - The Need For Environmental Protection Part 2

The Need for Environmental Protection​ 161-6-14-40-526 - April 4, 2022

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I truly miss all of you. 

Yesterday, I had a great time with our brothers and sisters.  I attended a Sunday Service at the Clifton Church in New Jersey. President Naokimi shared the 2022 National Goal and I shared several important points after listening to testimonies from 2 members.​

It was a very nice time, a beautiful community. I was happy to see them in person physically. They are really very beautiful people. The atmosphere was so warm. I feel a small kingdom of heaven is there.

(We took a) group photo.

And then, I had a lunch meeting with the ministry team leaders of the Clifton Church.​

Naokimi loves sushi and sashimi so much! Anyone who wants a visit by Naokimi, just prepare sushi and sashimi. He can be there anytime!

I visited the CARP center and blessed it as a Youth Center.​

I really (was happy to) see new people who just joined our Church.

Today I’d like to talk about “The Need for Environmental Protection​” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

We must once again establish the environment that Heavenly Parent desired to see at the outset. Today, people are causing many environmental problems all over the world. The Earth is diseased. That is why I will work to protect a health planet Earth and create a natural environment that will provide healthy nutrients for the peoples of the future.​

In order to survive, we must consume the necessary nutrients. We must eat to live. The food we eat should be derived from crops that have been cultivated in the cleanest and healthiest manner. As it stands today, people around the world in the food-production industry generally make it their priority to find ways to increase their profits, rather than being motivated to maintain the health of their fellow human beings. For example, they inject cows with hormones so that they will grow larger and produce more beef, but the hormones have an effect on the people who consume the beef. Producers seem not to be concerned about this. They think solely of their own interests.​

That is why, especially on the restored lands of Africa, we can protect the health of all people through scientific and optimal methods of planting crops or raising cattle on their vast lands. In order to establish one great human family under True Parents—a healthy human family—we must develop nations prepared to accomplish this both internally and externally. South America also has plenty of land. We have been raising cattle on our land in South America. We should not only raise cattle on South America's vast open spaces, but plant medicinal herbs, wholesome vegetables, or fruit trees for the sake of our health. We can then advance toward protecting the health of all people on earth. (2016.07.20, Cheon Jeong Gung)​

True Mother always warns humankind with a very serious mind about environmental pollution and destruction because she wants to create a healthy planet. 

Therefore True Mother has a strong determination to create and protect a healthy planet. She is also thinking about creating a natural environment that can provide true nutrients to humans. 

For example, she is looking for ways to grow clean crops, and to grow crops and raise livestock in the most scientific and ideal way on African soil. 

Mother really wants to protect the earthly world, (and is concerned) how we can keep God’s original standard. We really need to educate everybody in the philosophy of True Parents, living for the sake of others. Practicing the philosophy of living for the sake of others is the way we can protect nature and bring (the world) back to God’s original nature.

Let’s continue to study Father’s word.

<Cheon Seong Gyeong, P. 658> Do you want to follow the life of True Parents who, with God’s love, have been trying to liberate the realm of nature that has been in distress? Or do you want to live a closed life in the city, polluting the air, destroying the environment and blocking your children’s emotional growth? Since I love nature so much, and all Unification Church members love to follow me, it is possible for us to build an ideal kingdom in harmony with nature. ​

So I am going to build a museum and have every type of creation exhibited there. I will prepare specimens and put them on display. I will create a farm for the fruits of the sea, where you feel you are in nature just by looking at it. I will begin a movement to create museums in each town as a symbol of love for animals. Then the town with the most species can become a world-renowned tourist spot. I will also gather many species of plants and trees to put on display.​

<Cheon Seong Gyeong, P. 659> In an ideal world there would be no corruption or inequality and no Fall. Such a world comes about only when true love is practiced. The practice of true love is a prerequisite. ​

Our movement is historic in building a community of true love among people of different races and traditions. The world is facing a serious environmental crisis. Environmental pollution and the destruction of nature are insults to the beautiful holy world created by God. People without true love use the natural world for their own selfish purposes. One of the serious results of the Fall is that, because Adam and Eve failed to inherit God’s true love, people have been unable to love one another, love animals and love the land. All of creation is longing for people’s true love.​

Nature is in the realm that has been in distress for not having met its true master due to the fall of man. Humans must liberate the three great realms while living on earth. 

First, we must liberate the realm of nature that has been in distress. We must return nature to its original state created by God. Therefore, we must first achieve the environmental realm of Heaven. 

Second, we must liberate the realm of humans that has been in distress. Third, the realm of God that has been in distress must be liberated. 

The world is facing a serious environmental crisis. Environmental pollution and damage to nature are like insulting the beautiful and sacred world God created. 

A person without true love only sees the natural world as a mere selfish exploit. All things are looking forward to the true love of humans.

Beautiful guidance by True Parents.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE​: Principle of Creation 29 - Family Completion is the Completion ​of the Realm of the Royal Family

Today is our second session.

The Person Who Can Enter Heaven​

<236-204, 1992.11.8>Those who will enter heaven must first pass through the gates as God’s princes and princesses, as the beloved children of God’s lineage and the royal descendants of His kingdom. Where is heaven? It is the place where the royal descendants and members of this royal family enter. Lineal and collateral descendants of exemplary sibling’s love will become one, form exemplary tribes and nations on earth, and with the dignity of a heavenly royal family they will live and pass on naturally to a place called heaven. ​

You need to read (what Father is talking about) several times to understand it. Otherwise, you cannot understand what he is talking about.

Who can enter the kingdom of heaven? 

Father said you have to be a direct child of God. These words say that your lineage must be converted by receiving the blessing. Anyone who receives the blessing will receive the gift of becoming a direct child of God.

Anyone who receives the blessing will become God’s direct child. When you pass away, you go directly to the realm of heaven. It is not exactly the kingdom of heaven because we have not yet fulfilled many conditions. But it is (nonetheless) the realm of heaven. Anyone receiving the Blessing. This is an incredible gift given by our True Parents. 

Secondly, you have to be a royal descendant of the kingdom of heaven. You should go through the gates of princes and princesses before God. This means that everyone must go through the process of becoming a citizen of Cheon Il Guk by being registered in CheonBoWon and acquiring the realm of the royal family of God. 

You have to live with honor in the place where you have formed an exemplary tribe and nation on earth. Here, an exemplary tribe should be (that of) a person who has fulfilled the HTM mission centering on their own tribe. And the place where the nation is formed is the standard of finding and establishing Cheon Il Guk.

True Parents have already declared the cheon il guk. The era of cheon il guk has already started. Exemplary tribe means you have to fulfill your heavenly tribal messiahship mission.

This is the way you can live with honor in the place where you have formed an exemplary tribe and nation on earth.

Heaven Can Only Be Entered ​After Restoring the 4 Great Realms​

<253-322, 1994.1.30> You cannot enter the heavenly kingdom without having loved the world. You should love the world as your own and love all of humankind as your own family. Unless you feel the pain and suffering of the world in the same way that God does, you cannot become the princes or princesses of the heavenly realm. That’s who God is. You need to be able to stand in the position of the princes and princesses of that kind of Father. You need to accomplish restoration of the right of the eldest son, the right of the parent and the right of kingship. After that, you can restore the realm of the royal family. ​

First, the inner condition for entering the kingdom of heaven: you cannot enter heaven without loving the world. You need to stand in a position where you can love the world as your own, the people of the world as your family, and feel their pain as your pain instead of God. 

I really reflect on this content. Do I have that kind of heart and mind? When the whole world feels pain, can I feel it as my own pain or not? Those who enter the kingdom of heaven have that kind of heart. When you see the Ukraine situation, what do you feel? Can you feel the pain? Or not? Does the world become my own issues or not? Those who are miserable in the world, can you feel the same kind of concern and feel their difficulties? Father asked what the inner condition for entering the kingdom of heaven is. You need to have a kind of heart. “All humankind, really they are my family members, my own brothers and sisters.” Do you feel that? This is the inner condition for entering the kingdom of heaven. 

Then what are the next conditions? You must restore the 4 Great Realms. That is the restoration of the right of the eldest son, restoration of the right of the parent, restoration of the right of kingship, and restoration of the realm of the royal family. True Parents proclaimed Cheon Il Guk, having already accomplished the restoration of the right of the eldest son, restoration of the right of the parent, and restoration of the right of kingship. On top of the victory of these three  great realms, anyone who completes the HTM mission is entitled to enter the realm of the royal family. 

Already True Parents have completed this. They already have a victory. In order to inherit that victory we are just focused on the last one: how to fulfill heavenly tribal messiahship. That is for entering the realm of the royal family.

Conclusion of the Whole Providence of Restoration​

<246-146, 1993.4.7> Without the restoration of the right of the eldest son, there can be no restoration of the parents. Since the original siblings were lost, we can rise to the position of parents only on the foundation of having found the original siblings again. Restoration is done by going the reverse way. Once the parents are found again, the parents, Adam and Eve, become the king. With the right of kingship centered on the tribe, a collateral relation by blood emerges and a single clan is formed whereby the realm of the royal family is established. This is the entire conclusion of the providence of restoration. Because this is the traditional conclusion, everyone needs to follow this path. Only then can we become the sons and daughters of True Parents. ​

In conclusion, the overall conclusion of the providence of restoration is that everyone must complete the realm of the royal family. 

The position to acquire the realm of the royal family is the position to complete Heavenly Tribal Messiahship centered on one's tribe. 

True Parents found and established the right of the eldest son, the right of the parent, and the right of kingship, but creating the realm of the royal family is the responsibility of all families. This is to fulfill the HTM mission. 

Without fulfilling the heavenly tribal messiahship mission, we cannot enter the realm of the royal family. That is why as a blessed family we need to experience the four great realms of heart. Secondly, we need to experience the three great kingships. What is the final mission? To fulfill the heavenly tribal messiahship mission, then enter God’s royal family.

The conclusion is simple. When we fulfill our heavenly tribal messiahship mission, that is the royal family. God is our greatest king. Internally we call him Heavenly Parents, but externally he is the greatest king. He is the ruler of the cosmos. He is the king of kings, the greatest king. We are in the position of the prince and princess. That is why we originally come from God’s royal blood lineage. Even though you have received the Blessing, you have not yet entered God’s royal Family without fulfilling heavenly tribal messiahship. Then you need to register in the CheonBoWon. I am really concerned; you need to hurry and complete the heavenly tribal messiahship mission. Go church to church, or on the street offer the holy wine. Then select among the 430 who can really become members, at least a minimum of 43 couples. Let them really become members. Then register in CheonBoWon. Then you can get the citizenship of heaven. That is the condition to enter the royal family. Are you clear about that. I studied a lot, and that is the conclusion.

​TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY​: Why we Can't Relate to the Whole​

Yesterday I talked about the Relationship Between One Person and the Whole 

We must know that in our life of faith, since I represent the whole, the existence of “me” must become a being that is absolutely needed by the whole. 

Therefore, I must become a being that is indispensable in front of the whole. It is the fact that I am the kind of being who does not matter if they are there or not.  We have to be an indispensable person because we relate to the whole. Am I indispensable to everyone or not?

We are such a precious being, not a useless being. We have to be an indispensable being to anyone. “I do not need you. You have nothing to do with me.” Then I have no value. We really need to know that we have our own value. One person connected to the whole. “I am the representative of the whole.” Yesterday I emphasized this again and again.

In the family within the 4 position foundation, I am “me” who exists for the sake of the whole family. Furthermore, it is the fact that I am an indispensable being that is absolutely necessary to my society, nation and world. 

I can never sin if I know that I am for the whole. I stumble because I think that I am only for myself.

If you treat yourself as the representative of the whole, you never will commit sin. You are not alone. Yesterday we said Father said we have 20,000 to 30,000 ancestors following each Unification Church member. That is why you are not alone at all. You are the representative of your ancestors as well. Treating yourself as alone is a sin. You are the representative of the whole.

I should know that I represent my family, my tribe, my nation, the world, and the cosmos. 

Therefore you should know that one person represents the whole, not just one being. The perfection of Adam represents the perfection of the whole of mankind and the perfection of the universe as a whole. 

When he (Adam) failed, all humankind failed. The entire universe was damaged.

Today I’d like to talk about “why we can't relate to the whole.” 

 1. An unnecessary existence has nothing to do with the whole. Therefore, fallen people usually ignore their individual selves. They easily feel inferior centered on themselves. They think things like, “Well, what would someone like me do!?” “Why don’t I have anything properly?” “What can a being like me do!?” Like this, they admit that they are unnecessary and despise themselves. In this way, they think that they are unnecessary to others, so they cannot relate to the whole and often become pessimistic about themselves. A person who is often pessimistic is someone who ignores the smallest things and can see themself as good-for-nothing. In poor countries, people think highly of others who did things around the world, or received a doctorate from a foreign country. People who sincerely studied step by step in their own country are simply despised. People value others who got a degree in a foreign country and wrote a doctoral thesis abroad.​

An unnecessary existence has nothing to do with the whole. Most people who feel they are unnecessary ignore themselves and feel inferior. 

Because they think they are unnecessary to others, they cannot relate to the whole and often become pessimistic about themselves. 

A person who is often pessimistic is one who ignores the smallest task given to them. 

They do not value their own responsibilities and easily compare themselves with others and become pessimistic. Such a person is, in a word, someone who lacks sincerity. 

People who feel that they are unnecessary are those who compare themselves to others when something goes wrong, blame the environment or their parents, and view others as higher. 

You need to know your own value. You need to be an indispensable person. You are a necessary person. You are not an unnecessary person.

​2. Am I playing a necessary role within my sphere of affiliation? How do I relate with the whole? Indeed, it seems that one makes a lot of mistakes because they focus too much on external conditions rather than on how much heartistic foundation they are building in their field. Treat each person as a whole and build good relationships. As the saying goes, you can't cross the threshold and will make mistakes if you build a bad relationship, most people make a mistake because they can’t overcome the last moment. A person who finds the process of ordeals tiring will eventually become a person who cannot trust even Heaven. The people around them also cannot trust them.​

A person who cannot relate to the whole, is easily pessimistic about himself and ignores himself, makes a lot of mistakes because he focuses too much on external conditions. 

Of course, I need to treat myself as a whole, but I need to go further and treat each person I relate to as a whole and build relationships well. 

Even when tests and trials come, those who find the process of an ordeal tiring are those who are not sincere in their given reality. 

They feel the ordeal is long because they are not loyal to reality and are easily caught up in fantasy.

No matter how difficult the reality we face, those who think that this is God’s Will, that this is the destiny that we must bear, and have victory every day will eventually overcome everything. 

When True Father entered Heungnam Prison, he did not blame anyone at all. He served the surrounding prisoners and gave them food, and worked harder than they. Therefore, the people around them testified that Rev. Moon was like a person born for Heungnam Prison. 

He came to the earth as the messiah with so many things to do. But when he came to Heung Nam, that was God’s will. “Now my job is serving the prisoners.” He worked harder than anyone else because “This is God’s will. I need to pay the indemnity in Heungnam Prison willingly, happily, voluntarily. I need to do it.” He never felt bored. 

Even in prison environments such as Heungnam Prison, True Father loved his environment, loved people, and was faithful to his assigned responsibilities. 

He received an award from the communist leaders because he worked harder than any of the others. He never complained.

What is God’s will? What I am doing at the present moment is God’s will. … Those who are involved full time doing fundraising or witnessing or visiting Christian churches, do you think this is God’s will? What you are doing currently in your workplace or studying in school, you need to think this is God’s will. If you come back home and relate to your brothers and sisters or to your own children, take care of your own parents; you need to think that this is God’s will. This is Father’s attitude. That is why he never missed anyone. He related to everyone and served them. “You are the representative of the whole.”

Father said he lived day to day without thinking it was tiring in Heungnam Prison. Those who feel tired (that) means there is something wrong

When Father goes to the ocean, True Mother testifies, (it seems as if) he was meant for the ocean like a fisherman. He is completely concentrated on fishing. When he goes to a factory to check something there, he is like the boss of that factory. 

Father is totally concentrated. 

Those around him, the nearest person, he treats them as Godly people.

Not normally(?) loving my Abel, not loving leaders, (not) respecting Christian ministers, he is not like that. 

The nearest person he treats as Godly, heavenly people. That is why he does not waste any moment any  time. Each second is so precious. Even the smallest thing is God’s will. Sleeping, eating, whatever he does, he thinks this is God’s will.

3. People who are pessimistic about themselves and live without relating with the whole become self-indulgent and bring danger. Look at Jacob who suffered for 20 years with the standard he promised to heaven, and Joseph who had a dream and went down the bitter road for 30 years without changing. What would Joseph have thought of his life as he spent 30 years in prison? Suppose we spend 30 years in prison. We would think our life is over—how can anyone expect any hope or pleasure out of it? It's hard to pass 3 years, but isn't it surprising to be able to spend 30 years looking forward to the day of hope with just one dream?​

A person who is pessimistic about himself and cannot relate to the whole becomes self-indulgent and dangerous. 

What was the secret of Jacob's victory while working as a servant for 21 years at the house of Laban, his maternal uncle? He loved the people he worked with more than anyone else did, and he worked harder than his master with the spirit of ownership in the work assigned to him. He was really sincere. 

That is why he completed paying his indemnity for 21 years. -

Look at Joseph. Joseph was imprisoned and did not know when he would come out. He spent a long time in prison (at least 3-5 years). Anyone in that situation would have been pessimistic and thought it was all over for them. 

However, Joseph had a dream that was given to him once by heaven, and although he lived in prison, it did not change at all until he was over 30 years old. As mentioned in the Bible, Joseph received approval from the chief prison guard, and took over his duties. 

Joseph’s attitude was the same as Father’s attitude. He never felt bored. He served each prisoner, took care of them, working very hard. That is why he was trusted so much by the people. That is beautiful.

4. Relationships with people and the relationship I currently have with my work is precious. If you know how precious a relationship is, you should regard it as precious as life and have hope even when you are about to die. If one dies with hope until the end in this way, although they might have failed on this earth, they might be recognized in the spirit world for their amazing work. A person like Jesus became a great meritorious person by standing in a position where he died for the people even when he was on the cross for the Father's will. How amazing is Jesus who overcame death to the end, who thought of his relationship with Heaven when he was called as his life even at a point of failure and disappointment? Even the martyrs did not change their rising and revived hearts from when they were full of heavenly grace, so how much did they cherish their relationship with Heaven? It was truly doing the duty of one person.​

Relationships with people and the work you’re currently doing are important. Like Joseph, if you know how precious your relationships with people around you are, you will regard them as valuable as life and go with hope even when you are about to die. 

All blessings come through relationships. There are no blessings that come from not having a relationship. After all, it was through relationships that Joseph was released from prison and became prime minister. 

Joseph thought that his relationship with work was God's work, and he loved and served each and every one of them, thinking that each person was sent by God. 

The reason we cannot have a relationship with the whole is because we do not have the mind that we represent the whole and the other person represents the whole as well. 

We must not forget that we are beings that represent the whole. 

​We always need to feel, “I am not alone. I represent the whole world, the whole nation, the whole family. If we think like that, we can no longer be a selfish person. 

Today we really learned beautiful things!♦

(Response to sharing) Whenever we recite the family pledge every day, everything is there. This is the essence of the Divine Principle. All the 600 volumes of Father’s speeches, more than 1,000 books, what is the main content? Everything is present in the Family Pledge. Every sentence in each number, when I recite it, I feel so grateful. I know what my mission is. I know what to focus on. Sometimes I could not fulfill and tears come down. Every morning, not just when we recite Family Pledge, when I think about each word, each sentence is so powerful, giving very clear direction about what (we) should do. That is why I really appreciate it that Father gave us such a beautiful Family Pledge.

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “ ...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the powerpoint slides from this speech are available as pdf files at the top of this text and at text.morndev.com & yong.hoondok.com. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through January 2, 2022 are available as five paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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