Ep 821 - The Providential History Of Salvation From The Viewpoint Of The Principle Part 8

The Providential History of Salvation from the Viewpoint of the Principle - January 24, 2023

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  Key Points

  • The most important task of the providence of salvation is the re-creation of the seed and the birth of the original child that becomes the True Parent who will cleanse the false blood lineage and fulfill the ideal of creation.

  • He is the true olive tree to whom we, the wild olive trees, need to be engrafted through the Blessing and to receive God’s blood lineage.

  • The condition for us to be born again through the Blessing is to completely deny our body.

  • Because neither God nor Satan has a body, in order to eradicate evil the Messiah with both spirit and body must attain perfection and become a model of true love and a mediator who liberates God and humankind and brings Satan to natural surrender.

  • Because humans cannot distinguish between true, sacrificial, giving love and false self-centered love, they are in the midway position of moral confusion and stagnation.

  • Humans choose good or evil by the conditions they make.

  • Good and evil is determined by our motivation, whether it is for the sake of others or for ourself. 

  • God worries about the pitiful, barren-spirited, insincere people without tears who have no spirit and no heartistic exchange with God and who cannot raise filial children nor win Cain’s heart. They can neither grow nor atone for sins.

  • When parents shed a lot of tears in front of their children, without much education the children just become obedient.

  • A pastor’s tears can help members to mature and the church to grow. 

  • In Satan’s dominion there is no way to remove our fallen nature without tears.

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files.

Today, I'm going to record two episodes of Morning Devotion on the 24th and 25th of January, as I'm leaving for America. I ask for your understanding.

Today I’d like to talk about “The Providential History of Salvation from the Viewpoint of the Principle” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 2.

 <This speech was given by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon between July 20 and October 29 on a speaking tour for Koreans residing in the United States.> Ladies and gentlemen! How great God's pain must have been when, due to the Fall of humankind, our human ancestors destroyed His ideal of true love! People were to have been the sons and daughters of God, yet they do not know God as their original Parent. Yet even though His sons and daughters serve Satan, God has worked for the providence of salvation. Because He is an absolute Being, and the ideal of creation is also absolute, He has carried out the providence of salvation even amid great sadness. God's providence of salvation is the providence of restoration, which means to recover the lost purpose of creation, centered on true love. The providence of salvation is also the providence of re-creation.

Based on this understanding, the root of the providence of salvation is the re-creation of the seed of the original child, the person who will fulfill the ideal of creation. That which God abhors, the life and lineage that began with the false love of the adulterer Satan, must be cleansed. The essence of the providence is the task of setting up the birth of the True Parent, the Savior united with the true love, life and lineage of God. Since the ancestors of humankind failed to fulfill their responsibility, inherited the immoral lineage of Satan, and came under the dominion of Satan, God could not directly intervene and return human beings to their original position. Furthermore, God can neither unconditionally accept humankind, who chose to go to the side of the evil archangel, nor punish them. Rather, God uses the strategy of placing a central figure on the side of the good archangel. Then, by being struck first, that figure fulfills an indemnity condition to recover what was lost. Satan strikes first and as a result, must take the losing position. The First World War, Second World War and Third World War, the Cold War, are good examples of this. That is, the side that struck first lost.

The root of the providence of salvation is the re-creation of the seed of the original child, the person who will fulfill the ideal of creation. That which God abhors, the life and lineage that began with the false love of the adulterer Satan, must be cleansed. The essence of the providence is the task of setting up the birth of the True Parent, the Savior united with the true love, life and lineage of God. 

God’s providence of restoration is ultimately the restoration of the blood lineage. Therefore, to cleanse Satan’s lineage, we have to meet the Messiah who directly comes with God’s lineage. 

The Bible compares fallen people to wild olive trees and Jesus, who appeared with God’s lineage, as the true olive tree. This means that unless we, the wild olive trees, are engrafted to the true olive tree, we cannot cut off the false lineage of Satan. 

That work of engrafting is the Blessing ceremony by True Parents. But in order for the wild olive trees to be engrafted, we must set a condition to cut off the entire body. This means that we, who have fallen nature, need to completely deny ourselves and be newly born again by the true olive tree. 

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Human Fall 19: The Works of Good Spirits and Evil Spirits

• We use "good spirits" as a general term for God, spirits on the side of God, and good angels.

• The general term for Satan and spirits on his side is "evil spirits." 

• The works of good spirits and evil spirits have a similar appearance at the outset but pursue contrary purposes.

• Over time, the works of good spirits will increase a person's sense of peace and righteousness and even improves his health. On the contrary, the works of evil spirits, will gradually lead to an increase in anxiety, fear and selfishness and cause his health to deteriorate.

Based on this Exposition of the Divine Principle content, let’s study Father’s word.

Who Will be Able to End the Battle Between the Good God and the Evil God?

 <136-219> Who will be able to end the battle between the good God and the evil god? Neither God nor Satan can do that. Then who can? “True Man” Who is a true man? Without a master of love who initiates and leads with true love and whom all humanity can follow, the battle between God and Satan cannot end. Unless we are freed from this conflict, peace will remain an impossible dream in this world and in history. The word “ideal” is just an abstract and sentimental term, so God sends someone who substantiates true love. Our main belief is in the coming of the Messiah or Savior. The Savior does not just save people but also liberates God. He is the one who punishes evil. The Savior is overall in charge of setting God free and terminating evil. 

Who will be able to end the battle between the good God and the evil god? Neither God nor Satan can do that. If it were something the invisible God could end by Himself, then there would have been no need for God’s providence to wait so long.

The end of the battle between the good God and evil god can come about only through the Messiah who came as the true man. God and Satan are polar opposites. Since God and Satan have a relationship like water and oil, they cannot compromise with each other. 

And since people are beings that have both spirit and body simultaneously, a person with perfect spirit and body must appear and show the model course of true love. Because Satan and God are invisible beings, they can save people only through invisible, intangible things. Someone with a physical body like human beings must come and show the model while teaching how to cleanse fallen nature. Therefore, human beings need a being who has perfect spirit and body. 

That being is none other than the Savior, the Messiah, who comes as the mediator. The Savior comes to this earth and liberates God and even brings Satan to natural surrender and completely terminates evil. 

Distinction Between Good Spirits and Evil Spirits 

 <141-110> Then, what is true love and false love? You have to know this. What do true and false mean? Social disorder occurs because we don’t know their true meanings. The ignorance of such issues also leads to the deterioration of morality. What is evil? Evil is when you only center yourself. Do you understand? You must know this. Throughout world history, evil spirits and good spirits have been fighting. You must completely know the reason they fight. I cannot tell you the reason right here. In their fight, there are people who stand on the evil side and are attracted to Satan’s side, while there are people who stand on the good side and are attracted to God’s side. The point is how the two sides differ. Those who take everything centered on themselves have characteristics of evil Satan. That is why it is said that they are on the evil side. Conversely, those who sacrifice for the whole and try to give are on the good side. Do you understand?

What are true love and false love? Because we don’t know their true meaning, social disorder occurs and moral notions stagnate and degenerate. 

Evil spirits are those who take everything centered on themselves. That is because they resemble the characteristics of evil Satan. 

Conversely, those who sacrifice for the whole and try to give are good spirits. 

In their fight, there are people who stand on the evil side and are attracted to Satan’s side, while there are people who stand on the good side and are attracted to God’s side. 

Human beings are always in the midway position. When we create good conditions, God can claim (them). But whenever human beings create evil conditions, Satan can claim them. That is why it is up to human beings. So, human beings are always in the midway position. 

What kind of conditions do we create? When they are good, God can claim them. That is why we always need to make good conditions through jeongseong, prayer, helping others, giving for the sake of others. Then God can claim. 

So, don’t make any evil conditions that Satan can claim. It is up to us. 

How do we distinguish good and evil spirits? It is (a matter of) our own motivation. If our motivation is for the sake of others, then God (will) claim that. But whenever any condition is for my own sake, then Satan can claim it. (With) human beings (neither) God nor Satan can do much. It is up to human beings, what kind of conditions we make. This is the important point. 

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: Our Spirit Selves Feed on Tears and Grow

This is important but high level content. This is our goal. We need to seriously think about this.

1. If a believer does not have tears, they become someone that God worries about the most. There cannot not be any tears in the course on the path of restoration while fighting Satan. Someone who does not have any tears on the course of faith becomes a pitiful person. If the pastor of a church does not have any tears, there is no more development in that church. In the family, if parents do not have any tears, it is like they gave up raising their children as filial sons and daughters. If Abel does not have any tears, they cannot bring Cain to submission. If a believer does not have any tears, heartistic exchange with God is impossible. A person without tears is prone to their spirit becoming barren. 

2. They are always habitual, formal, and they do not have longing for people. That is why True Parents said that one of the things believers should fear the most is one who has no tears. A person without tears is like a person who only has a physical body and no spirit self. Our spirit selves feed on tears and grow. There must be tears for atonement to happen. Do you know why we feel exhausted after coming home from church? It is because I could find neither sincerity nor tears within me. If you just conceptually attend church for decades, you wither and become exhausted. A conceptual and habitual life of faith has no tears and cannot move the heart. 

Let me explain more in detail.

What Consequences Do People Without Tears Bring?

1. People without tears are those that God worries about the most. 

2. People who do not have any tears on the course of faith become pitiful people. 

3. If parents do not have tears, it is like they gave up raising their children as filial sons and daughters. 

1. People without tears are those that God worries about the most. . 

> Because there cannot not be any tears in the course on the path of restoration while fighting Satan.

> Because when we fight with Satan, we can never win by human efforts. 

> Because to borrow God’s power and stand in a position where God can sympathize with us, a lot of sincere devotion and tears are needed.

We are fighting every moment, every second, every day. Can you imagine. To win over Satan is not simple. We need to borrow power from heaven. That is not easy. We need a lot of tears. We are really struggling how to become a good person, a true self. For that we need a lot of tears.

2. People who do not have any tears on the course of faith become pitiful people. 

> Because on the course of faith, we have to fight about our fallen nature, so a lot of tears and repentance are needed. 

> Just as children grow with the parents’ (abundant) blood, sweat, and tears, if the pastor of a church does not have any tears, there is no more development in that church. 

3. If parents do not have tears, it is like they gave up raising their children as filial sons and daughters.

> Since the children of fallen descendants always resist, when parents shed tears for their children, children become solemn and obedient. 

> Parents’ tears make children repent. 

When I came home, before starting Morning Devotion, I prayed very sincerely with tears. When I had the opening prayer after Family Pledge, tears came down. When the father cries out and sheds tears for God, for all humankind and for the sake of the mission in front of the children, their heart becomes solemn and more obedient. They are ready to hear God’s word. Wow! Tears create such a beautiful and heartistic environment. 

That is why when parents shed a lot of tears in front of (their) children, without much education they just become obedient. 

When a church leader wakes up early every morning and sheds tears for the sake of the members, the church will surely grow. When the church pastor sheds tears, that can alleviate his members’ heart(?) and raise it to a higher dimension.

In Satan’s dominion there is no way to remove our fallen nature without tears. 

4. If Abel does not have any tears, he cannot bring Cain to submission. 

5. If a believer does not have any tears, heartistic exchange with God is impossible.

6. The spirit of a person without tears is prone to become barren. 

4. If Abel does not have any tears, they cannot bring Cain to submission. 

As you know, it is not easy to restore the Cain figure, right? 

> Because the course for Abel to subjugate Cain is the course of natural submission by enduring a lot and shedding blood, sweat, and tears. 

Without Abel’s blood, sweat and tears we cannot restore even one Cain. Cain’s fallen nature is removed and he surrenders naturally to the extent that Abel sheds tears for Cain.

> Cain’s fallen nature is removed and he surrenders naturally to the extent that Abel sheds tears for Cain.

5. If a believer does not have any tears, heartistic exchange with God is impossible.

> God is the God of han, God of sorrow, and God of Pain.

> Therefore, to experience God’s heart, I myself must also go on the path of His han, sorrow, and pain just like God.

6. A person without tears is prone to their spirit becoming barren.

> If anyone experiences God and True Parents’ heart, they cannot stop their tears.

Look at True Father. He is always shedding tears for God and all humankind, for you and for the enemy. That is why we are still surviving – because of True Parents’ sacrifice and tears.

> However, if your life is formal, habitual, and horizontal, your spirit will become barren and lose longing. 

> True Parents said that one of the things that a believer should be most afraid of is the one who has no tears.

7. A person without tears is like a person who only has a physical body and no spirit self. 

8. Our spirit selves feed on tears and grow.

7. A person without tears is like a person who only has a physical body and no spirit self. 

> People who live by the flesh have no tears. They only worry about what to eat, what to drink, and what to wear.

8. Our spirit selves feed on tears and grow.

> Tears for God and True Parents make heartistic exchange with each other happen and form parent-child relationships.

> Tears for God and True Parents are love and filial heart for God and True Parents.

> Our spirit selves grow and mature the fastest through tears of filial heart. 

9. There must be tears for atonement to happen.

10. The reason I feel exhausted after coming home from church is because I could not find neither sincerity nor tears within me. 

9. There must be tears for atonement to happen. 

> Just as a lot of water is needed to wash dirty clothes, to wash dirtied spiritual selves, we cannot just have a teardrop or two.

> My spirit becomes cleaner as much as I shed tears. 

10. The reason I feel exhausted after coming home from church is because I could find neither sincerity nor tears within me. 

> If you meet God, True Parents, and humankind’s pain and sorrow, you cannot not have tears. 

> If you just conceptually attend church for decades, you wither and become exhausted.

> A conceptual and habitual life of faith has no tears and cannot move the heart. 

Today I spoke about shedding tears. The one who has no tears is a dangerous person. Under Satan’s dominion without tears we cannot survive and we cannot remove our fallen nature.

When we look at True Father’s life and Jesus’ life, they always shed tears for people, for their disciples, for the world and for God. We need to resemble our True Parents’ model life.

To the extent (that) we shed tears, our spirit body can grow. 

I really envy Father. Such a filial son! He always had a tearful life, not for himself. He was always shedding tears for God and consoling and comforting him. “Heavenly God, don’t worry. I will be responsible.” Wow! His life was amazing!

Of course, we need to be joyful and thankful, but at the same time we need to know that God is a God of sorrow. That is why we always (need to) think about God’s reality and God’s situation.

(Testimony Maja Czyszczon, Transformation at a GPA workshop)♦

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. 

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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