Ep 814 - The Providential History Of Salvation From The Viewpoint Of The Principle Part 1

The Providential History of Salvation from the Viewpoint of the Principle - January 17, 2023

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 Key Points

  • During the turbulent, confused and war-torn era of indemnity in the 20th century, the messiah came to teach about God and his providence and to cleanse the world of ignorance and chaos and return it to God’s bosom. 

  • That global sacrifice will bear fruit in the Era After the Coming of Heaven in the 21st century with the establishment of Cheon Il Guk during which the Kingdom of God will be founded substantially if we unite with True Parents.

  • As the elder son nation, America will play a key role in this era.

  • Because humankind fell to the level of the servant of servants, True Parents have had to fight with Satan and walk the eight stages of restoration through indemnity: restoration of heart and blood lineage internally from the level of servant of servants to that of God and of the environment externally from the individual through the family, tribe, nation, world and cosmos to God. 

  • They then could proclaim Heavenly Parentism.

  • We can inherit True Parents’ victorious course by completing Heavenly Tribal Messiahship.

  • The Bible tells us to pray always, be meek and humble, and always go the path of sacrifice and service in order to overcome constant horizontal satanic attacks, to dominate our body, and to connect vertically to God and his “unimaginable strength.”

  • If we do this unceasingly for at least five years we can develop good habits.

  • To avoid an empty, habitual, horizontal life we need to long for God and his word, focus our heart on each task or mission as God-given, and serve and bring joy to those around us. Then our hearts will come alive.

  • In formation-stage rebirth we like attending Sunday service and going to church and are diligent about attending the service. In growth-stage rebirth we gain energy and joyful new life from the word and feel that the pastor is speaking directly to us. 

  • Real rebirth is manifested in part by how well we treat others, especially inferiors.

  • We need to pass through a “thorough indemnity course” in order to “experience the true meaning of rebirth.”

  • Rebirth means practicing filial piety in the three generations of the family so that all family members can experience rebirth. 

  • Rebirth begins by experiencing True Parents through the love of our exemplary parents. 

  • A reborn person has no conflict and harmonizes with those around him. He truly loves God centered on filial heart.

  • Kyungbei and greetings are important family practices.

  • In order to go beyond habitual, dry prayer, True Father said we should pray about God’s course of suffering in Adam’s, Jesus’ and True Parents’ families. This will stimulate our heart and inspire tears.

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files.

Today I’d like to talk about “The True Family and I” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 2. This is a new chapter.

<This speech was given by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon between July 20 and October 29 on a speaking tour for Koreans residing in the United States.> Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, today I sincerely thank God that you and I can meet as we face this era of great, historic change. God is the absolute One, the unique, unchanging, and eternal One. His Will is the same. If the human beings Adam and Eve had become one body under the love of God, everything would have been complete and ideal. God's origin, purpose and process of creation are absolute, as well as cause, effect and direction. The human ancestors Adam and Eve entered into chaos after they fell due to their ignorance. This ignorance and chaos expanded from the individual level to the levels of family, nation and world. It has been the task of religion and God’s providence of salvation to liberate us from this sphere of the Fall. In the Last Days, the Messiah comes and teaches clearly the absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal cause, direction and effect, from God's viewpoint. He will cleanse the world of ignorance and chaos and return it to the original bosom of God. This is the completion of the Will of God.

If this does not happen, then in the Last Days all religions, systems of thought, “-isms” and nations will pass away. Humankind is now facing the twenty-first century, and will enter the new historic era of the third millennium in just a few years. At this important moment, I would like to deliver this speech on the View of the Principle of the Providential History of Salvation, so that we can resolve to prepare ourselves for the new era. To bring about completion and the ideal relationship between God and humankind, centering on true love, God required that human beings fulfill a condition of responsibility in order to attain unity with Him. Therefore, God needed to give the commandment to the first ancestors. In other words, God knew that they were in the growth period, on the way to reaching physical and spiritual maturity, so He established the commandment as the condition for His children to inherit the most precious thing, true love.

In the Last Days, the Messiah comes to this world, which entered chaos after falling into ignorance (because of) Adam and Eve, and teaches clearly (about) the absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal cause, direction and effect, from God's viewpoint. He will cleanse the world of ignorance and chaos and return it to the original bosom of God. This is the completion of the Will of God. 

Therefore, the twentieth century, the most important period during which the Messiah came to and stayed on this earth, ushered in an era of great turbulence unimaginable to the entire world. This period (made) the greatest global sacrifice in history due to World War 1 and 2, and with the emergence of communism and democracy, the world faced unimaginable confusion of ideologies. And this battle is still not over.

Now, after passing through the great turbulence of the 20th century, starting from the year 2000, the beginning of the 21st century, we will enter the age of fruition in which Heaven’s new providence will be settled and firmly established. The Era Before the Coming of Heaven, which was the era of indemnity, has passed, and the era of Cheon Il Guk has (been) launched along with the Era After the Coming of Heaven. 

When we look from the perspective of Heaven’s Providence, this period of the 21st century from the years 2000 to 2100 is an amazing age (during which) the era of Cheon Il Guk is established and the kingdom of God will be founded substantially when we just become one with the True Parents, who came as the Messiah. 

We have already passed 22 years in this 21st century. From now on, what kind of world will unfold in the remaining 80 years before the 21st century comes? That depends entirely on our responsibility and effort. 

At the center of this 21st century, the elder son, America, should become the owner and attend the True Parents. In that sense, you have no idea how important the responsibility of America is. 

Of course, the father and mother nations are important, but now is the era of the children. The responsibility of the elder son, America, is really critically important. That is why you and I need to completely unite together to support our fatherland, Korea, and our motherland, Japan, and to support our True Mother. In the end we need to accomplish God’s dream, which is the substantial Cheon Il Guk on the earth.

 LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Human Fall 17: Activities of Satan in the Human World

• Satan cannot perpetrate his evil activity unless he first finds an object partner with whom he can form a common base and engage in give and take action.

• Satan's object partners are evil spirits in the spirit world. The object partners to these evil spirits are the spirit selves of evil people on earth, and the vehicles through which these evil spirit selves act are their physical selves.

• Accordingly, the power of Satan is conveyed through evil spirits and is manifested in the activities of earthly people.

• For example, Satan entered Judas Iscariot (Luke 22:3), and Jesus once called Peter "Satan." (Matt. 16:23)

• In the Bible, the spirits of evil men on earth are called "angels" of the devil. (Matt. 25:41)

• The Kingdom of Heaven on earth is a restored world in which Satan can no longer instigate any activity. To realize this world it is necessary for all humanity to eliminate their common base with Satan, restore their common base with God, and engage in give-and-take action with Him.

• However, God granted human beings and angels freedom, therefore, He cannot restore them by force. Human beings must uphold the Word of God on their own free will and by fulfilling their responsibility, which would then bring Satan to voluntary submission. We can only be restored to the original ideal purposed by God at the creation through this process.

Let’s study Father’s word.

The Stage Where Satan’s Activities Take Place: Human Bodies

 <143-238> If we can strike Satan, what happens? If the sunlight and the light of spring comes, our minds must follow them, so that those who have the original mind can go to God without anyone’s guidance. On the day when they go to God, the satanic world will completely collapse. Since fallen people are under the dominion of Satan, Satan can play the role of the king in this fallen world, which led to the multiplication and fall of 4 billion people. They became the fallen children and fell to the level of servant of servants and 7 stages. We should indemnify this. Although we have to reverse this and go up, we cannot do it at once. We must return to our original position step by step.

Due to the fall of Adam and Eve, human beings and all creation became Satan’s possessions. That is why Satan is playing the role of a king in this world today. Satan, the archangel Lucifer, was originally a servant. But since human beings fell to the position of being under the dominion of this kind of servant, they fell to the position of servant of servants.

That is why God must go through the 8 stages of restoration through indemnity, starting from the servant of the servants, and then servant, adopted child, stepchild, child and mother, father and God through True Parents. 

The course of these 8 stages is, in a word, the course of restoration of heart from the heart of the servant of servants to the heart of God. If we look from the perspective of the blood lineage, it is the course of restoration of the blood lineage. And the external 8 stage course is the course of restoration of the environment. That is the horizontal 8 stages that starts from the individual and goes to family, tribe, nation, world, cosmos, and reaches God. 

But the fact that True Parents came to this earth, fought against Satan, overcame the 8 stages both vertically and horizontally, and proclaimed Heavenly Parentism is amazing.

Now, True Parents said that we, who must follow True Parents, can inherit True Parents’ victorious course of 8 stages by simply completing the Heavenly Tribal Messiah mission, so this is such an amazing blessing. 

The Mind is at a Vertical Position

 <200-226> You have to pray without rest. Satan can work through your body 24 hours a day. However, since God stands in the vertical position, God works only through your mind. Satan can move in all directions, so God cannot oppose Satan’s activities. The mind is only in a vertical position, not in a horizontal foundation. Can the vertical foundation expand to the horizontal foundation? If so, it would be an accident. In such an environment, the weak body can be easily pulled along. When I tell you to offer devotions in the vertical position and receive energy, you will receive several times more energy from your body than mind. By doing so, you can keep yourselves steady and controlled as you like, and then you have to make it a habit to continue to do it for 5 years.

If we look at the Bible 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, it says, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Why does the Bible say to pray without ceasing? It is because the devil works through human beings 24 hours a day. Satan does not rest for even a moment. Even as we sleep, he sends evil spirits and gives we evil dreams. 

Since God is a vertical being, He can work only when we are in a vertical position. But since Satan is horizontal, he is always moving 360 degrees in all four directions to come and attack us. Therefore, it is not easy for fallen people to win against Satan. That is why almost everyone is being defeated (through) Satan’s activities.

Our mind must always go towards the vertical. Our mind always needs to be in the vertical position connected with God. This vertical position cannot compromise with the horizontal position. So, since it is easy for our physical bodies to be controlled by the environment and be pulled along, fallen people need to offer devotion in the vertical position and receive energy from God. 

If we set our minds on the vertical line and offer sincere devotion, unimaginable strength that is hundreds of times stronger will come to us. With this kind of energy, we need to bring our body to surrender. To bring our body to surrender is completely impossible through humanistic power or efforts. That is why the Bible tells us to pray without ceasing, be meek and humble, and always go the path of sacrificing service.

Therefore, in order for us to defeat Satan, our mind needs to be supplemented with energy from God and the spirit world, which are vertically connected. Then, through that energy, when we train our (mind) to dominate the physical body for at least 5 years, it turns into good habits. 

It takes five years to create good habits. We cannot overcome with our own human power. We need to borrow power from the spiritual world. 

How do we borrow power from heaven? That is jeongseong. We always need to study God’s word and, as the Bible says, pray unceasingly and meditate all the time on God’s word. Then we can receive strength and power from heaven. If we do not set up our heart and mind vertically, we cannot gain strength.

Why do we easily lose power? Why are we easily exhausted? When we wake up, why do we have no more power? We can only get power if our heart and mind and conscience connect to Heavenly God. Very strange, right? If our heart connects to heaven, then immediately we can receive an incredible source of energy from heaven. That is why our life (needs to) always relate to heaven. We need to remember what our origin is. Who is it? If our conscience and spirit mind do not connect to the origin, (we have) no more power. We easily lose (power). Sometimes we think about God and meditate on God’s word and pray, then we can feel God’s power. 

But through our daily life, (if) we do not know how to apply the Divine Principle, (we) easily lose power and become horizontal, never think about God and don’t appreciate him and forget him. 

“Where did I lose (God)?” (It is because) our heart is not connected to God vertically. 

That is why we really need to appreciate our origin. When our (mind) is connected to the origin, we always (receive) strength. So, (we should) not forget the origin. When we connect to the origin, which is God, which is God’s heart, we always (receive) power. We cannot live(?) and survive for even 3 or 4 minutes without God’s help. If God did not provide air, who can survive? It is even externally like that. We (would) not (be able to) survive for even a few minutes. 

How about spiritually? Spiritual power is more important. Without connecting to God, without connecting to our origin, we cannot survive.

That is why the object partner without relating to the subject partner cannot survive. Without God we cannot survive. We easily become exhausted and tired and (have) complaints. 

That is why we always need to connect with God vertically. When our mind becomes vertical, we can get strength and power. This is very important. That is why Father talks about living with God for 24 hours (a day). How often do we think about God? When we feel pain, how much do we think about God’s pain? Every moment in everything, we need to relate to God. Then we can get strength. 

When I look at brothers and sisters, (I see that) they do not know how to apply the Divine Principle to their daily lives. Morning Devotion is Morning Devotion, and our job is our job. They are completely separate. How can we relate to our job and our work and with the people, our relationships? That is why we easily lose power. 

What is important is how to apply God’s word to our daily life, even (to) our emotion and heart. This is very important. 

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: The “Rebirth” that Unificationists Talk About 

The Consequences of Habitual Faith Without Heart

 1. As we have attended church until now, there are many times when we just attend habitually. If we do not go to church, our hearts feel somewhat sorry, so if we at least go to church and attend service and come back, we feel something comforting in our heart. If we make a mistake, it’s easy to just wake up, get up, eat, go to work and repeat the same things over and over again, like our habitual daily life, without anything new or stimulating to the heart. Such habits easily makes us hypocrites that deceive ourselves that have nothing to do with our heart. Habits and actions that are unrelated to the heart make us hypocrites, and repetition of such lifestyle lead us to spiritual death. That is why we always have to live from the mind and centered on the heart. If we live a life that does not come from the mind, we become pitiful people. 

Observing Sunday is also important. However, we should not be stuck in that. To observe Sundays well and like going to church is called rebirth of the formation stage level. If some unbeliever hears the Word and quits drinking, smoking, and doing drugs and wants to go to service when it is Sunday, then this is rebirth of the formation stage. 

If (we) fallen people do not put our minds on the vertical standard, it will not be connected to God, we immediately lose strength, flow horizontally, immediately get stuck in habits, and our heart always feels something is lacking and empty. 

If we make a mistake, it’s easy to just live a life of waking up, getting up, eating, going to work and repeating the same things over and over again, like our habitual daily life, without anything new or stimulating to the heart. 

Then how can we escape from this habitual daily life and live a renewed life? First, it is to put our minds vertically on the perpendicular line and always long for God and long for His Word. 

Second, when we focus on some task or mission, always place that center and point in the heart. Our heart is always new and never habitual. It is like feeling new when we wake up in the morning and see living things. 

If we just focus on external work and mission, we easily lose the most important heart. These things called habits easily makes us hypocrites that deceive ourselves that have nothing to do with our heart. 

Habits and actions that are unrelated to the heart makes us hypocrites, and repetition of such a lifestyle lead us to spiritual death. Therefore, in order for our lives to put the center at the heart, we need to think of our given tasks as a will that God gave to us, serve the people around us well, and make an effort to make them happy no matter what. 

And in order to bring joy to the people closest to us, if we make an effort to always give and always serve them, our hearts will come alive immediately and become fresh. 

What We Are Mistaken About (Concerning) Rebirth

2. Next is rebirth of the growth stage level. Here, you gain strength after hearing the Word. There are still much fallen nature you need to clear, but since you live being stimulated by the Word, you experience your mind being joyful. This is rebirth of faith. Rebirth of the formation stage just likes going to Sunday service. Next, rebirth of faith experiences a new life through the Word. The pastor’s words sounds like they are speaking to you, and you relate with all those words, receive grace, and are joyful. In Christian churches, they would call such cases as receiving the Holy Spirit, but the works of the Holy Spirit does not happen to just anybody. Many people mistakenly think of reborn people as those who were just baptized and drank wine. 

When the Israelites were circumcised, they thought they were descendants of Abraham and the chosen people. While retaining their fallen nature, they treated the Gentiles like dogs, claiming to be the descendants of Abraham and the chosen people of Heaven. Like this, believers today are the same. One believer said, “I thought I was reborn because my family was Christian since my grandfather and I went to church diligently from a young age.”

(A person with) rebirth of the formation stage just likes going to Sunday service. But after going through rebirth of the formation stage, of observing Sundays well and liking going to church, we need to experience the next level of rebirth of the growth stage level. 

Rebirth of the growth stage hears the Word and gains energy in our own mind. Rebirth of faith experiences a new life through the Word. The pastor’s words sound as if they are being spoken to us, and we relate with all those words, receive grace, and are joyful. 

We need to have a proper understanding of the meaning of rebirth. Some Christians experience rebirth through the works of the Holy Spirit. However, although they say that they received the Holy Spirit, such works of the Holy Spirit do not happen to just anybody. 

The problem is the case of many people mistakenly thinking of reborn people as those who were just baptized and drank wine. When the Israelites were circumcised, they thought they were descendants of Abraham and the chosen people. 

While retaining their fallen nature, they treated the Gentiles like dogs, claiming to be the descendants of Abraham and the chosen people of Heaven. 

Like this, believers today are the same. There are cases where they mistakenly think of themselves as being reborn just by believing in Jesus, practicing the faith of the family’s ancestors, and going to church.

The “Rebirth” that Unificationists Talk About 

 3. Many believers mistakenly believe that if they drink wine after being baptized, they will be reborn. In the early days of the Unification Church, we emphasized “indemnity course” more than the term “rebirth.” As we members went through the indemnity course and received the Blessing, we have heard the importance of rebirth, resurrection, and eternal life. 

Then what is (the) rebirth of our Unification Church today? It means a life of practicing filial piety in the realm of three generations and making the family be born again. It means a life of being filial to my parents, serving my spouse just as I was filial to my parents, and again, serving my children just as I was filial, and realizing a harmonious family. Rebirth starts from here. In a word, a reborn person is someone without conflicts. And a reborn person always has many tears.

In the early days of the Unification Church, we emphasized “indemnity course” more than the term “rebirth.” After we members went through the indemnity course and received the Blessing, we have heard the importance of rebirth, resurrection, and eternal life. Unless we go through a thorough indemnity course, no one can experience the true meaning of rebirth. 

The rebirth that the Unification Church talks about today means a life of practicing filial piety and making the entire family be born again through the three generations in the family. Rebirth of the 3 generations means a life of being filial to our parents, serving our spouse just as we were filial to our parents, and again, serving our children just as we were filial, and realizing a harmonious family. 

Based on this content I have had to reflect on my family since I came to my home, serving my father-in-law and my wife, children and grandchildren.... Am I really a person of rebirth or not? One who has had an experience of rebirth always creates beautiful harmony and unity. Wherever he goes, he always creates beautiful unity and harmony and becomes the center (of harmony?). Why? He is the one who really practices the real meaning of filial piety. He not only serves God centering on filial piety. This is the vertical standard. 

With this kind of filial piety, I should have the same mindset, the same attitude, toward my wife, my children and father-in-law. Do I have that kind of real experience of rebirth or not? This is very important. 

Even if we are inspired by God, if we come back home and our attitude is the same as before and we are still struggling between husband and wife and parents and children, that does not make any sense.

In the end we need to have a real experience in the most important place, in our family. If we experience that kind of rebirth in our family, we can change our workplace, and we can go to church and create a beautiful environment. If we cannot do it in our family, if we do not have an experience of rebirth in our family, it does not make any sense. 

So, (in order) to experience God's presence at home, to attend one's parents is like attending Heavenly Parent, and even though one has never lived together with True Parents, one learns and experiences what True Parents' life was like through one's parents. From there, rebirth begins. 

After three, four, five or six generations... time passes. How can they know who True Parents are? We are the one who have directly related to True Parents, and we received the Blessing from True Parents. How can we introduce God and True Parents? It is not easy to teach to our second and third generation and our young people. How can we allow them to have an experience of True Parents and God? Through our exemplary life, our life of rebirth in our family. 

“Wow! Seeing my father, seeing my mother, True Parents (must have been) like that! Invisible God (must be) something like that!”

Without an exemplary life and showing it, it is not easy to teach our children. That is why when I came home I again emphasized the importance of kyungbei and greetings and the important attitude of serving whoever comes and when someone goes away, we need to go out of the door to say, “Bye bye” and even go to the car and say, “Bye bye.” When someone comes, we need to stop everything and come to the door and welcome (them). I reminded them again of these basic things. 

My wife is very happy because Daddy is at home and again reminds (our children) and teaches them, and every morning devotion, I hear their testimonies, struggles and problems and we can share. Wow! Family is very important!

When we talk about rebirth, if we have no experience of rebirth in the family, it does not make any sense. 

How can we be reborn? Through filial piety. When we truly love God centered on filial heart this is the key. Then we can create that kind of environment for our wife or husband and children. I realized the filial heart, filial piety is the key.

In a word, a reborn person is someone who has no conflict and always harmonizes (with) the people around him. It is not that easy to create such a harmonious family. It requires a lot of sacrifice and we always have to shed a lot of tears. 

Without paying the price, it does not make any sense. Leading an exemplary life is really not easy. For me here doing hoondokhae twice with American Morning Devotion and family Morning Devotion, sometimes I am a little tired, but I need to do it. Morning Devotion hoondokhae in the family is very important. Thank God, everybody attended even though some of my children are over 30. I felt very happy. 

But according to True Parents’ standard, we still have far to go. 

I spoke about “The Rebirth Unificationists talk about today.”

(Testimony Tazue Nakaza, GPA Cheon Il Guk missionary, Romania)

(Additional content) Every morning I talk about God’s heart, how to “evoke” our heart, how to (make it) well up. If we wake up and sometimes have a very sleepy spirit, how we can relate to God early in the morning is not a simple matter. Sometimes during the day it is not easy. 

I learned from Father a top secret. Since I have applied (his advice), it has been very effective for me. Father said, in order to develop our prayer more deeply, what should we do? Of course, there are many ways, but he shared us his fundamental way. 

He said, “In order to develop your prayer and in order to connect your heart to Heavenly Father all the time, the best way is to pray centering on Adam’s family, the first family.

“When Heavenly Father saw Eve’s fall, what a painful experience that was for him! When he saw Adam fall... If only Eve had fallen but not Adam, then she could have immediately been restored. 

“Also, Cain killed Abel in God’s first family. So, there was an immorality issue and a murder issue (in the first family). Can you imagine that? God lost all his property. That is why we need to pray for each member of Adam’s family, think about the archangel, about Eve, Adam, Cain and Abel. If Abel had been really humble, how could Cain have killed him? Surely he could have created a Foundation of Substance. Then there would have been no need to wait 1,600 years for Noah. Can you imagine that?... Because of this first instance, God’s pain, han, sorrow and suffering did not(?) stop there.

When we think a lot and meditate about Adam’s family, then we automatically connect to God’s inner heart.” 

Father said when someone makes a joke, he cannot laugh for more than 30 seconds, then he goes back to the origin again. Why? Because God is such a suffering, sorrowful God! 

When I wake up every morning and then (think?) about Adam’s family, tears come down. I think about God’s sorrow centering on Adam’s family. Without connecting to Adam’s family, the original family, the first family, it is difficult to “evoke” our heart and mind. That is why Adam’s family is the key. Everything started from there. God’s vision needed to be accomplished in Adam’s family. The problem was that Adam’s family became a broken family. 

Think about Jesus’ family, about True Parents’ life. This is the way to “evoke” our heart and connect to God’s heart. Then everything becomes very heartistic and no longer habitual. Our heart becomes more sensitive and can console and comfort God’s heart.♦

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. 

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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