Ep 799 - The True Family and I Part 4

The True Family and I - January 2, 2023

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PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony Yeon Sun Tariq

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Key Points

• The body is the base of Hell and the conscience is the base of the Heavenly Kingdom. The body is dragging the mind down. 

• In order to strengthen the power of conscience, we must vertically align ourselves with God through much prayer and sincere devotion and by being stimulated by God's Word.

• True Father's three mottos were: before you seek to master the universe, you must master yourself; inquire and act; and act according to the command.

• Father always asked God. Then he needed to wait until he received confirmation from heaven. Only then would he act.

• There were always three women assisting Father. They received revelations from heaven directly and would confirm God’s response.

• Even though we know we are in line with the Principle, we should always ask God or our spouse or Abel, then wait for an answer, and only then act.

• By giving and receiving with God 24-hours a day, we are becoming one in heart with him.

• We must live a life of asking God 24 hours a day.

• God wants to stay with us for 24 hours (a day).

• The purpose of holy salt is to separate any filthy object from Satan's dominion, to recreate it as Heaven’s object and to make it a holy object blessed by God.

• When there is no holy salt, you must blow on an object three times to sanctify it.

• Saltiness is the taste of jeongseong, so salt symbolizes jeongsong and attendance.

• A mother’s jeongseong can resolve “angular,” difficult problems in the family. 

• When the mother’s heart is settled and she is doing incredible jeongseong, the family becomes peaceful.

• Through woman’s jeongseong, the husband becomes restored from the archangel position to Adam’s position.

• Candles symbolize sacrifice and jeongsong because the candle consumes itself in order to offer light. 

• The candle symbolizes our physical body, and the candlelight symbolizes our spirit self. When our physical body sacrifices itself and offers jeongseong, our spirit self becomes light that illuminates the surroundings.

• If we live with sacrifice and jeongseong all the time, we will grow ourself and brighten our surroundings like a burning candle.

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files.

Did you have a good time welcoming the New Year? Tomorrow we are going to offer New Year’s greetings to True Parents. I am so excited to see True Mother, even though we will join by zoom. We will hear True Mother’s word and some greetings from each continent. 

Today I’d like to talk about “The True Family and I” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 2.

<This speech was given by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon between September 14 and October 26, 1995 during speaking tours to Japanese cities and Korean universities. > The present era is the era of the realm of individualism, of free sex, of children denying parents and parents denying children, and the era of denying the couple. Through homosexuality and lesbianism, an attempt is being made to completely destroy the family ideal. The Messiah at the Second Coming intends to establish this ideal in order to change hell on earth into the kingdom of heaven on earth. The Messiah, as the True Parent, desires the unity of mind and body, the unity of husband and wife, and the unity of children. There are basic questions that need to be resolved on a worldwide level. These include: what came first, matter or spirit? Which is correct, the materialist theory or the idealist theory? Which comes first, reality or concept? Is the theory of evolution accurate or is the theory of creation correct?

Let us work toward the answers by way of an example. When we observe the animal kingdom, we discover that in an embryo, the eyes are one of the earliest parts to develop. If we were talking only of matter, would those eyes know of the existence of the sun prior to the animal's birth? If they were pure matter, the eyes would not be aware. However something or someone possessed the awareness that the eyes were going to see sunlight. Someone knew. Not only that; the face, being purely matter, would have no awareness that the atmosphere existed, and yet eyelids form in the womb, to assure that the dust in the air will not damage the eyes. The eyes, being purely matter, would not know that steam and other forms of heat would dry the eyes and damage them. Someone knew, however, and arranged for the eyelids to blink, to lubricate and protect the eyes. The original matter itself was not aware, yet there was someone who knew everything before it happened, before we were born.

The present era is the era of the realm of individualism, of free sex, of children denying parents and parents denying children, and the era of denying the couple. The Messiah at the Second Coming intends to establish this ideal in order to change hell on earth into the kingdom of heaven on earth. 

The Messiah, as the True Parent, desires the unity of mind and body, the unity of husband and wife, and the unity of children. Looking at our minds and bodies, we did not know that human beings have a divergence between two worlds, where the body is the base of Hell and the conscience is the base of the Heavenly Kingdom

When we look at ourselves in this position, the body is dragging the mind (down). Throughout history, the body has led the mind freely. If the conscience becomes strong, the world can stand before Heaven because it will naturally return to Heaven.  

Then, how can we strengthen the power of conscience? In order to strengthen the power of conscience, we must vertically align ourselves with God. In order for fallen human beings to align vertically with God, much prayer and sincere devotion are required, and our conscience must be stimulated through God's Word all the time. 

This is the conclusion. In order to overcome all the terrible situations in the present era, we need to really think how we can obey our conscience, how we can really realize the power of the conscience. We always need to have a clear alignment with God vertically and to have the stimulation of God’s word. 

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Human Fall 15 - Why God set up the Commandment as an Object of Faith

• God's second blessing was to be fulfilled when Adam and Eve entered God's direct dominion of love, by joining as true husband and wife and bearing and raising children in God's love.

• Indeed, the Principle mandates that human beings eat of the fruit once they reach full maturity of character.

• Accordingly, God's commandment, “Do not eat of the fruit," was binding upon Adam and Eve only while they were immature.

• Why did God nurture the faith of Adam and Eve by giving them the commandment, "Do not eat of the fruit"?

• In their immature state, Adam and Eve could not be directly governed by God through love. Because the power of love is stronger than the power of the Principle, God foresaw that if they ever formed a common base with the Archangel, there was a possibility that they could succumb to the power of deviant, unprincipled love and fall.

• It was not only to prevent their fall that God gave immature human beings the commandment. God also wanted them to enjoy dominion over the natural world by inheriting His creative nature. In order to inherit this creatorship, human beings should perfect themselves through their faith in the Word as their own portion of responsibility.

• Furthermore, God gave the commandment not to the Archangel but only to the human beings. God wished to exalt the dignity of human beings as bestowed by the Principle of Creation, which entitled them to stand as God's children and govern even the angels.

Based on this Exposition of the Divine Principle content, let’s study Father’s word.

The Actions That had to be Taken by Adam and Eve When There was Seduction from the Archangel

  <3-208> Eve would not have fallen if she could have been able  to discuss what she heard from the archangel with  Adam in the garden of Eden. And also if she were able to discuss that with God, she would have never fallen. However Eve had fallen from the mistake that she did not discuss with Adam and God after hearing seducing remarks. The archangel who denied the commandment of the heavenly law, “Do not eat of the fruit,” approached  Eve saying that  “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.“(Gen3:5). There are many Satanic activities  ongoing these days still unrevealed

Must be Able to Judge Between God’s Activities and Satan’s Activities

  <3-208>  That’s why you must be able to judge all things happening  around you these days. Like a farmer should be aware of how to distinguish between grain and empty heads of grain in  the time of harvest, you must be able to judge between God’s activities and Satan’s activities. If Adam and Eve could have realized that they are responsible for all things, keeping God’s commandment: “Do not eat of the fruit.” deep in their mind and thinking that the words are inseparably one with them with unchanging resolution, they would never have fallen.

True Father's Three Mottos <27-11, 1969.12.22>

One of the reasons Adam and Eve fell was because they did something without asking God. Do you know True Father’s three mottos? After he met Jesus and received revelations from God, he (created) three mottos which he practiced from a young age. (They are:)

1. Before you seek to master the universe, you must master yourself.

2. Inquire and act. 

3. Act according to the Command.

One of the reasons Adam and Eve fell was, firstly, their lack of self-control, and secondly, when they were tempted by the archangel, they made self-centered decisions without asking God. Then thirdly, Adam and Eve did not act according to God's command when they ate (the fruit of the tree of) good and evil; they made their own decisions. 

That is why True Father never acted from his childhood until God commanded him. 

In Yo Han Lee’s testimony, True Father already knew the Divine Principle very clearly. Whatever he did was according to the Divine Principle. He had no need to ask because he had already created conditions for his unity with God, but he knew that he needed to get confirmation from God. He had to ask God. 

How did Father take action? According to Yo Han Lee, when Father had an inspiration, he asked God. Of course, he could hear an answer from God directly, but at the same time there were always three women assisting Father. They received revelations from heaven directly. Then Father received a confirmation right(?). Then Father started to take action.

Even though Father is a perfect man, even though he had created unity with God, he always asked. How humble he is! He always asked. Then he needed to wait until he received confirmation from heaven. That is why he never failed. 

This is an important point in our life of faith. Why can’t we develop? Why can’t we communicate with God? Because we decide everything by ourself. This is an issue.

We should not just ask when we're in trouble. We must live a life of asking God 24 hours a day. ‘God, what should I do in a case like this?’ ‘God, someone asks me this question. If it were God, how would you answer?”

I really love Father’s attitude about asking God. When I wake up early in the morning (and ask,) “Father, what should I do this morning? What kind of content should I deliver?” Even though I had already prepared it, (I asked), “Do you want (me) to prepare something more? Why don’t you intervene while I am giving the sermon. I will open my heart. Please give me your inspiration, your word through my mouth. I want to completely deny myself. Heavenly Father, I want to be your body.” Then afterwards I pray and prepare Morning Devotion. “Heavenly Father, today I want to wear a necktie. Which necktie do you recommend? A blue necktie? Or a red one? Or a white one?” ... my conscience tells me, “This one.” 

Even in small things, (we should) wait for a while. Even though God is invisible, (we should) ask our conscience and treat our conscience as God. Before taking action, (we should) just think for a while. “Heavenly Father, what shall I do? Heavenly Father, someone asked me this question. I don’t know how to answer. According to my understanding, I should give this answer. Is this correct?  Is it the same as your (answer)? Please tell me,” and then (we should) wait for a while. 

We (should) have this kind of habit to always ask God or our Abel, even though we are correct and principled. Perhaps we are a principled type always doing (things) without asking God or our Abel and deciding everything by ourself, even though we may (usually) go the principled way, someday surely (our actions) will become habitual and we will make a mistake. 

If we can’t find Abel, (we should) always treat our wife or husband as Abel, and always ask, “What shall I do? Darling, what kind of food do you want this morning.” Ask everything. Even though it is sure our husband will answer something like that, always ask. This is a very important habit.

When the archangel tempted Eve, her portion of responsibility was to ask God, “Heavenly God, you told me not to eat the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, but this snake archangel came to me (and said,) “Have this fruit.” Heavenly Father, what should I do?” That was her portion of responsibility. But without asking God, she decided to make her own decision. She completely ignored and betrayed God. 

That is why we really need to educate our children. “You are already 20+ or 30+, why are you still asking me?” This is a really foolish parent. We should not think like that. (We should) ask, even though we are going the right way. Still ask and have give-and-take. This is heartistic communication. (We should) not just report for reporting (sake). Why should we report? Because heartistic communication is very important. We may already be an adult. Whatever we want, we go our own way. If we educate our children in this way, there is no heartistic communication. Why did Adam and Eve fall? Because of heartistic distance. We should always ask, receive an answer from our father and mother, from our Abel. If we have that kind of relationship, we cannot fall. That was Adam and Eve’s problem. 

True Father did not want to repeat the same problem.  Anyone who wants to decide by themselves, this is very dangerous. This kind of person never grows up. His life of faith never (develops). We should ask our wife, our husband, even our children. We need to have that kind of heartistic communication. Inquire, then act. ... 

To ask and to report to God is also to not alienate Him. God wants to stay with us for 24 hours (a day).

Why did God create us? God (would not) say, “Whatever you want, you decide by yourself.” Why does God ask us to have that kind of life of faith: asking, seeking, inquiring and acting? Why? He wants to have a heartistic relationship. Heavenly Father wants to stay with us 24 hours (a day). Our conscience stays with us for 24 hours (a day): ask and answer, ask and answer, give-and-take action. This is very important. We should not make decisions on our own. 

Even though our conscience says this and that, we need to substantially ask our Abel, our husband, our wife, our church leader, our respected leader. Anyone who (always) decides by himself, his life of faith never (develops). 

In addition by giving and receiving 24-hours a day with God, we are becoming one in heart. 

Therefore, the problem in a life of faith is that fallen human beings always make decisions and act based on themselves. That is the issue. 

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: Do the Mission of Salt and Candlelight

The Purpose of Holy Salt and the Mission of Salt

1. Everyone knows about holy salt. The purpose of holy salt is to sanctify Satan's objects as Heaven’s objects. All creation is under Satan's dominion and is tainted. Therefore, the purpose of using holy salt is to establish the condition of recreating it as God’s belonging again. Holy salt is sprinkled on all things with the belief that you receive it again from God. Therefore, sanctifying with holy salt means that only the things that have been blessed by God’s hand of blessing are used. If you sanctify rice, water, vegetables, side dishes, etc., all of them will become blessed items through God's hand of blessing. Similarly, we must consecrate our lineage.

What is meant by salt that is salty? Salt has a salty taste. It also prevents spoilage. In a word, salt speaks of the taste of my jeongseong. In the family, if a wife's jeongseong is utmost, it is like sanctifying the entire family with the salty taste of her jeongseong. Therefore, the woman in the family really has to be a champion of jeongseong.

The purpose of holy salt is to separate the filthy object from Satan's dominion and recreate them as Heaven’s objects. Another meaning is to make it a holy object blessed by God through His hand

Therefore, you must always use holy salt, and when there is no holy salt, you must blow three times through your mouth to consecrate. How can you use the filthy thing without sanctifying the thing that Satan had control over? Similarly, we must consecrate our lineage.

Using salt has a meaning of sanctify, but in a word, salt speaks of the taste of jeongseong. In the family, if a wife's jeongseong is utmost, it is like sanctifying the entire family with the salty taste of her jeongseong. 

This is my personal story. My wife is very strict about using holy salt. Sometimes I feel it is too much. This means that any object produced in the Satanic realm cannot be used without being sanctified. In that way everyone in my family uses holy salt very well.

Just a few days ago I bought ice cream for my three-year-old grandson. I did not have a napkin. On the table there was a napkin which I used to clean my grandson’s mouth. (Afterwards) I had such a (strong) guilty feeling. How come I was not prepared (beforehand). This grandson is not my grandson; he is God’s child, God’s prince. Before (going to) sleep, I really repented. 

Heavenly Father really hates our using Satan’s materials, Satan’s products. That is why Father asks us to use holy salt all the time. This is very important because we are not our own. We belong to God. As God’s belonging, how can we use Satan’s materials? I really appreciate Father asking us to use holy salt or at least making the condition of blowing three times (on objects). Then we need to pray. 

We need to teach our children from childhood to always use holy salt because we belong to God. We want to use God’s materials through using holy salt. Even though this is simple, (we should) not think this is conditional. Centering on God’s point of view, he does not want his children to use any of Satan’s materials, any rice, any food, any side dish. That is why we need to treat ourself as a holy person. Because we are a son or daughter of God, we need to treat (ourself) as God’s belonging. Heavenly Father really loves this kind of attitude. He wants to feed us with his food, his product, not Satan’s (food or) product. This kind of attitude is really important. 

A Woman’s Role in the Family Is the Mission of Salt

2. When a woman becomes a champion of jeongseong in the family, the family is peaceful, and her rugged, angular character and stubbornness are all pickled as if they were salted. When making kimchi, if you pickle it with salt, even the stiff cabbage leaves will quickly become brittle and pickled. So, in the family, the mother pickles her husband and children like they are pickled radish or Chinese cabbage. Women got married to enter their husbands’ family and play the role of salt. Men are stiff and stubborn, like radishes and cabbages before being salted. Can we live without salt in our daily lives? Salt gives food a salty taste and prevents spoilage. All of you who came to the husband's house after receiving the blessing are those who came to play the role of salt. Salt symbolizes sincere devotion. No one can live without sincere devotion. And there is nothing that cannot be done with your sincere devotion.

What happens when a woman becomes a champion of jeongsong? When a woman becomes a champion of jeongseong in the family, the family is peaceful, and her rugged, angular character and stubbornness are all pickled as if they were salted. So, in the family, the mother pickles her husband and children like they are pickled radish or Chinese cabbage. 

Salt symbolizes jeongsong and attendance. Women who came to the husband's house after receiving the blessing are those who came to play the role of salt. Just as she salts everything, a women's jeongsong should make sure that all problems with angular character are salted. That is why a mother's jeongsong is really scary. There is nothing that cannot be done with sincere devotion. 

The mother’s position is the position of love.

That is why when the mother’s heart is settled and she is doing incredible jeongseong, the family becomes peaceful.

The husband is very external. That is why in the family the mother’s position is very important. When the mother does jeongseong, everything goes on very well. Whenever mother is doing something, it is so scary. Everything can be done.

The role of the woman is the role of love. How much she can influence all the family members! She is the center of love. The children rely very much on the mother. So does the husband. 

The mother is not just woman. When I think about my mother, even though she is a woman, I do not treat her as a woman. She is my mom. I deeply appreciate my mother. Because of her jeongseong, I am still here. This year(?) she will be 94 years old, but she is still very healthy. I am so happy that she is still alive. 

My first son said, “Oh, I will bring my three children to see their grandmother.” The air fare and (other costs) are so expensive, but he is determined to go see my mother. 

As men, let’s support our wife and mother. It is not that man is subjugated by the husband. It is not like that. The woman is very powerful. She is the center of love. That is why Father said the man’s position is that of the archangel. Through woman’s jeongseong, the husband becomes restored Adam’s position.

What Does Candlelight Symbolize and What Mission Does It Serve?

3. If you offer a lot of jeongseong, that jeongseong turns into light. Where there is no jeongseong, there is no light. The lights we use should also be seen as the light of jeongseong. Just as when a man and a woman become husband and wife, unite through jeongseong and turn into light, positive electricity and negative electricity unite and become light. Candlelight is also a light of jeongseong. A candle burns itself and illuminates its surroundings. Just as a candle cannot light its surroundings unless it burns itself, how can you light your surroundings without sacrificing yourself and without offering jeongseong? 

Candles are the substance of jeongseong. So we light a candle and worship. Many people light candles, but they don’t offer jeongseong themselves. So they just burn the candle, use it up, and throw it away. A lot of candles are lit, but no jeongseong is offered. This is false. What does the candle symbolize? The candle symbolizes my physical body, and the candlelight symbolizes my spirit self. It means that when my physical body sacrifices itself and offers jeongseong, my spirit self becomes light. When the candle goes out, the surroundings are dark. If there is only a candlestick and no candlelight, it is just like a dead body. Therefore, if I live with sacrifice and jeongseong, I will grow myself and brighten my surroundings, just as a candle in a candlestick is lit.

If you offer a lot of jeongseong, that jeongseong turns into light. If you (invest) your jeongsong, that jeongsong becomes light and illuminates the dark places. Just as darkness cannot overpower light, no one can overpower jeongsong. Just as when a man and a woman become husband and wife, unite through jeongseong and turn into light, positive electricity and negative electricity unite and become light. 

Candles are the substance of jeongseong. So we light a candle and worship. Just as a candle cannot light its surroundings unless it burns itself, how can it light its surroundings without sacrificing itself and without jeongsong? Candles are also a symbol of sacrifice and jeongsong.

True Father always asks us to use candles. This is very meaningful.

Just a few days ago we created a new holy candle. We are going to use it. 

A candle sacrifices itself, and it looks like tears coming down. It kind of shows sacrifice, burning itself and (providing) light. Incredible!

What does the candle symbolize? The candle symbolizes our physical body, and the candlelight symbolizes our spirit self.

Our physical body must offer sacrifice. Then the candlelight becomes very bright. Our spirit becomes very bright.

 It means that when our physical body sacrifices itself and offers jeongseong, our spirit self becomes light that illuminates the surroundings

When the candle goes out, the surroundings are dark. A life without jeongsong is as dark as a candle that has been extinguished. If there is only a candlestick and no candlelight, it is just like a dead body. Therefore, if we live with sacrifice and jeongseong all the time, we will grow ourself and brighten our surroundings, just as a candle in a candlestick is lit. 

Today I spoke about the mission of salt and candlelight.

(Testimony Yeon Sun Tariq, Heavenly USA, Choir and Dance Workshop in New Jersey)♦

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. 

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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