Ep 793 - The Ideal Home and World Peace Part 6

The Ideal Home and World Peace - December 27, 2022

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Key Points

  • The only and final solution to the immorality that is flooding our society with free sex and other decadent trends is the True Parents who will educate all humankind and model the true love that brings Satan to surrender, model the true couple and the ideal family. Then they will realize a world of peace and love in the physical world.

  • We need to convey to the world the news of the coming of True Parents. We also need to model ideal families and teach the Divine Principle clearly to everyone.

  • Witnessing the power of unprincipled love on today’s youth, we can grasp its potential to have derailed immature Adam and Eve.

  • The filial piety and heart of those who are one with God’s true love can overcome all temptations and unprincipled love.

  • In order to achieve God's purpose of creation and our purpose of life, the power of the Principle and the power of love must be in harmony. First of all, we need to establish a clear standard based on the principle, and then to move the other person with love.

  • We must love God with all our heart, mind and soul. With such a fi li al heart we can overcome and solve any problem.

  • We should read hoondokhae prayerfully – aware of God and True Pa rents’ heart behind each word. We should highlight phrases that touch us as if new, and make them our keywords for the whole day.

  • The more we “chew” and meditate on our keywords, the deeper and more delicious they become.

  • We should not just read hoondokhae conditionally but with our heart and with all our sincerity.

  • While reading, we should think about what it is that God wants to tell us behind these words.

  • Hold on to the word all day.

  • In order for my spirit body to obtain life elements, I must continuously be inspired and moved by the Word.

  • Our longing for the word should become stronger than our hunger for food.

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files.

Wow! Australian weather is very hot. Maybe your weather is different, right? Very cold.

Brothers and sisters, please take care of your health.

Today I’d like to talk about “The Ideal Home and World Peace” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 2.

<This speech was given at the 2nd International Convention of the Women's Federation for World Peace, held on August 23, 1995, at Hotel Lotte World, Seoul, Korea > Women leaders, how can we create order out of this chaotic world? Humanity has made tireless efforts to create a moral society, a society that would allow an individual to live in dignity as a man or woman, a society that would guarantee a bright future under the true value system. However, immorality is flooding our society with free sex and other decadent trends that go against heavenly law. The AIDS epidemic is not simply a disease, it is a serious problem directly linked to humanity's descendants and our survival as a species. These problems are not being fundamentally resolved at school by teachers, or by any government policy, or even by parents at home. Everything has been tried. The experiment is over. Humanity's attempt at a cure is no longer the solution.

Even if one is not religious, the situation is so desperate that we must seek the solution from God that will save the world and save humanity. To accomplish this, God sends the Messiah. The Messiah comes as the True Parents, because the Messiah must cure this immoral society from what caused it to go against God's Will. Because the human ancestors, Adam and Eve, did not become true parents, the Messiah must come as the True Parents to take the place of Adam and Eve and become the origin of true love, true life and true lineage. The True Parents will educate humanity by being the example of true persons, the true husband and wife and the true parents who can make Satan surrender. Together, the True Parents must create the model of an ideal family and the world of peace and love on this earth. This is the essence of God's dispensation of salvation. 

Immorality is flooding our society with free sex and other decadent trends that go against heavenly law. The AIDS epidemic is not simply a disease, it is a serious problem directly linked to humanity's descendants and our survival as a species. 

These problems are not being fundamentally resolved at school by teachers, or by any government policy, or even by parents at home. Everything has been tried. The experiment is over. Humanity's attempt at a cure is no longer the solution. 

Since Adam and Eve for more than 6,000 years, (people) have tried all kinds of methods and techniques. What is the outcome? They could not solve any problems. That is why the idea (the solution?) needs to come from somewhere else, not from (fallen) human beings. So far, no ideas from human beings (have provided) a solution. That is why (the) ideas, the solutions, need to come from heaven. This is the conclusion.

For the past 6,000 years, the human world has tried to mobilize all ways possible (for) man to resolve problems, but it was impossible. They came to a conclusion that they cannot find a way to resolve them without the Messiah who comes from God. 

Therefore, through prayer and sincere devotion, we need to find the Messiah sent by God. If there is no messiah, there is no hope at all. That is none other than True Parents. 

True Parents will teach all mankind and show the model of true love that brings Satan to surrender and the model for a true couple. They will create a model ideal family and realize a world of peace and world of love in the physical world. This is the basis of the Providence of Salvation. 

We really need to thank God that we have met the messiah. We have obtained salvation through the messiah. Now our job is to spread (this news) to the world. The messiah has come. We need to teach the Divine Principle very clearly, and also we need to (model) the ideal family. We already have the solution; we need to really convey the message about the messiah to the world. 

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Human Fall 14 - The Power of Love, the Power of the Principle and God’s Commandment

• Human beings are created through the Principle, and they are meant to live according to the way of the Principle.

• Therefore, it cannot be that the force inherent in the Principle would induce a person to deviate from the way of the Principle and cause him to fall.

• This may be compared to a train which cannot run off track unless aside from a breakdown in the track or locomotive, some outside force stronger than the train’s forward momentum collides with it and pushes it in a different direction.

• Similarly, the force inherent in the Principle guides human beings’ growth in the proper direction. But if some stronger force from a different direction and with an unprincipled purpose collides with them, they will surely fall.

• The force stronger than the force of the Principle is none other than the power of love.

• While human beings are in the state of immaturity, it is possible that the power of unprincipled love can induce them to fall.

• Without God’s love, there is no way to establish the true four position foundation, which is the purpose for which we were created; hence, love is truly the source and wellspring of our life and happiness.

• Although God created human beings based on the Principle, He governs us through love. Accordingly, in order for love to fulfill its proper role, its power must be stronger than the power of the Principle.

• If the power of love were weaker than the power of the Principle, human beings would pursue the Principle more than the love of God. For this reason, Jesus tried to raise his disciples with the truth, but it was his love that saved them.

Let’s summarize this content.

 The Power of Love Is Stronger Than the Power of Principle

 Likewise although the train has its power to run on the track,  some outside force stronger than the train’s forward momentum collides with it and pushes it in a different direction. It is the same when a person has some outside force stronger than the power of the principle which makes him grow, collides with (him) and pushes (him off track) and makes him fall.

 Then what could be the force stronger than the power of the Principle that Adam and Eve was supposed to live (by)? That is the power of love. Thus while human beings are in the state of immaturity, it is possible that the power of unprincipled love (can) induce them to fall. 

Looking at the fall of today's youth, we can see how strong the power of unprincipled love is. Looking at the fall of today's youth, we can guess that the fall of Adam and Eve in their immature period had many possibilities (/was entirely possible?). 

The Reason why God Created the Power of  Love Stronger Than the Power of the Principle

• Firstly, love is the origin of happiness and life. According to the principle, God’s love is the subject of all loves flowing within the four position foundation, which is established when its members have completed the three object purpose through their love for each other. 

> Therefore without love, there is no completion of the four position foundation. Even though there are four positions, there would be no meaning in them without love. And the three object purpose can be fulfilled when the love towards three objects goes to each object. Therefore, without the power of love, life and happiness cannot exist.

> Thus, the power of love is stronger than life. That’s why people seek for love taking risks of their lives. We often observe some young couples in newspaper these days those who killed themselves after being opposed  by their parents. This tells that the love is more precious than life.     

No matter how strong the power of unprincipled love is, no one can overcome the filial heart of humans who have become one with God's true love

That is why in order to overcome unprincipled love, we need to connect with God. When we unite with God’s true love centered on our hyojeong, our filial piety, we can overcome unprincipled love. That is why filial piety and heart are so important. The filial heart always listens to parents. Then any temptation or problem (that) comes, we always put our parents first; we always put God first. This is the power of hyojeong.

I was very inspired to hear True Father’s testimony. He thought God was an almighty and omniscient God, so powerful, when he was young. Then after he met Jesus and had a chance to meet God one-on-one, he came to understand (that) God is a miserable, sorrowful God. When he saw the reality of God, (he realized that) he cannot go his own way. That was his strong motivation: “I have to be a filial son. I am the one who has to console and comfort God. I need to save God.” Because he (witnessed) Heavenly Father’s miserable situation, he said, “I could overcome anything – even Heungnam Prison, Sodemon Prison, Danbury Prison, any perse cu tion.” (This was) because of his experience of God’s heart. 

How can we overcome unprincipled love? When we truly understand God’s heart, God’s reality, God’s miserable situation and how much he loves us, then we cannot have give-and-take with anything in a horizontal way. (That is) the power of hyojeong. You need to win God’s true love; that is the best power to overcome any trial or problem.

No matter how strong the power of unprincipled love is, no one can overcome the filial piety of humans who have become one with God's true love.

No matter how strong the horizontal power is, with the true love that comes from the vertical, all temptations and unprincipled love can be overcome.

• Secondly, there’s  creation through principle and dominion through love. 

> Although God created human beings based on the Principle, he must govern us through love. Accordingly, in order for love to fulfill its proper role, its power must be stronger than the power of the Principle.  If the power of love were weaker than the power of the Principle, God could not govern human beings through love; rather, we would pursue the Principle more than the love of God.

> For this reason, Jesus tried to raise his people with the truth, but it was his love that saved them. 

In order to achieve God's purpose of creation and our purpose of life, the power of the Principle and the power of love must be in harmony. First of all, you need to establish a clear standard based on the principle, and the next step is to move the other person with love.

Just now we spoke about filial piety. I really love Jesus’ words. He said what is the first and greatest commandment? We must love God with all our heart, all our mind and all our soul. This is the most important. As long as we keep this first and greatest commandment, everything can be (resolved). If we put God first, that is filial piety, filial heart. “I love God with all my life, with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind” – if we have that kind of filial heart, we can love our neighbor as ourself, we can love everything, we can overcome anything.

What was Adam and Eve’s problem? They did not put God first. They put their own idea, their own thinking first. That was the problem. That is why (concerning) the purpose of restoration, what is the most important (thing)? (It is) to put God first. (That is) the first and the greatest commandment. That is filial heart. 

We are talking about the power of love and the power of the Principle. If we put God as our top priority, we can overcome any issues, any problems.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: Longing for the Word Must Be More Earnest Than Eating

You Must Know How to Taste the Word

1. As we do Hoondokhae, we must know how to taste the Word. For words that touched your heart and moved you in some way, you should draw a red line underneath it so that you can look at them again at any time and be able to meditate on them. We must live with the words we were moved by becoming the keyword of the day and tasting those Words. We must not forget the taste of those words even when sleeping. God and True Parents’ heart and love are surely behind those Words. Therefore, we must know that the Word becomes more internal and deeper according to my spirit and its degree. Formation stage people taste it to the extent of the formation stage level, and growth stage people taste it to the extent of the growth stage level. That is why even if the Words are the same, the taste changes the more you read.  It is the same with taste of food. The taste from when you were little gradually changes as you grow up. We always eat the same meal, but each time we eat, we feel like we are eating for the first time. I've been eating all my life, and every meal is always like the first time. It is the same with those who are healthy in spirit. It is like reading the Word for the first time even though we are always dealing with the same Word. Even though we read the same words, we are moved by something different each time we read them.

Let’s summarize this.

How Do You Live a Principle Life While Tasting Hoondok Words?

1.  Draw a red line underneath Words that touched me so that I can look at them again at any time and meditate on them.

Even though we are doing a lot of hoondokhae, even though we read a lot of content, which content really touches us? Which content can change our life? If some content really touches our heart and mind, (we should) draw a red line underneath the words and then meditate, may 20 minutes, when we are working, then (when we) come back home and go (back) to our workplace. We always need to think, meditate and chew again and again. Any word that touches our heart, we should chew it more and more, and it will become deeper and more delicious, more powerful, and will give us incredible joy actually.

2. Make the Words I was touched by become the keyword of the day.

When we think of keywords, we can remind ourself (about them). As we think about our keyword, we can understand them more deeply and (understand) how to apply them in our daily life.

3. God and True Parents’ heart and love are surely behind those Words, so try to read God and True Parents’ heart and love behind the Words. 

God’s word is God’s love. That is why when we read the Divine Principle, we need to read God’s mind. When we study Adam’s family, we need to read Adam and Eve’ mind, Satan’s mind, God’s mind. When we learn (about) Noah’s family, we need to read Noah’s thoughts and mind. 

We should not (just read in) an external way. This is an important point. God’s word is God’s love. When we only study in an intellectual way, we cannot gain anything. But when we study (with) our heart, we can learn many things. Even though we may read the same things again and again, every time we can gain much energy and power from the word, even though it is the same content (as before).

4. Since the Word becomes more internal and deeper according to my spirit and its degree, offer a lot of jeongseong while dealing with the Word.

The more jeongseong we (invest), the more deeply we understand God’s word. 

That is why I love the early morning time. When I prepare Morning Devotion and think and meditate, I receive so much incredible inspiration. I am so glad! That is why I love the early morning time. It is the best time to meditate and reflect on myself. 

5. Even when eating, just like how each meal is like eating it for the first time ...

If you are a healthy person, even though you have the same kind of meal (again), it is always so tasty, very delicious. 

... when (we are) dealing with God’s Word 

... it should be like that, when dealing with the word ...

...  with my heart and jeongseong, the heart touching content always feels very new.

The Taste of the Word Changes Depending on the Depth of My Spirit and Jeongseong

2. The realization of the Word begins to change depending on the depth of our jeongseong. The deeper jeongseong becomes, even if you always read the same Words, the taste is different. In fact, you will realize that the Words we have dealt with until now were just understood in the head. If you read about Adam and Eve, the conflict between Cain and Abel, the Fall of the human ancestors, and so on, you will have new realizations about things you did not know about until now. You will feel the Words more profoundly. The depth is different. There is more taste in the Words. That is why the Words become food to my soul. Believers should not forget the Word all day. We should live, always holding onto the Word until we go to bed. This is because of the growth of our spirit body. In order for my spirit body to obtain life elements, I must continuously be inspired and moved by the Word. That is why I am telling you not to let go of the Word even for a moment. Arming yourself with the Word, living a life must be more earnest than eating.

The realization of the Word begins to change depending on the depth of our jeongseong. The more you read Hoondokhae with a heart of jeongseong, even if you read the same Words, the taste is different. 

Therefore, when you do Hoondokhae, don’t just do it conditionally but you should read with your heart with all your sincerity. While reading, think about what it is that God wants to tell me behind these words

Even with the Words you’ve known until now, if you re-read the Words with your heart, you will have new realizations about things you did not know about until now. You will feel the Words more profoundly. The depth is different. There is more taste in the Words. That is why the Words become food to my soul. 

Believers should not forget the Word all day

We need to live with God’s word. Again I would like to mention: Believers should not forget the word all day.

Maybe we need to think about God’s word. We should always think about our theme, which is the keyword. 

We should not forget for even a moment. We should live, always holding onto the Word until we go to bed. If we live, holding onto the Word in this way, there is no way our spirit body cannot grow

In order for our spirit body to obtain life elements, we must continuously be inspired and moved by the Word. That is why I am telling you not to let go of the Word even for a moment. Arming ourself with the Word, living a life must be more desperate than eating

Sometimes I try to scold my children. Most of the time they join (us) for morning hoondokhae, but sometimes are missing ... but they never miss eating. Wow! I really reflect (about this). Maybe I was like that! Do I love eating more than (reading) God’s word? They never miss eating, but sometimes they miss hoondokhae. 

What do you think? If we are really created to love God’s word, (then) we are more desperate for God’s word than we are for eating. (Then) God will surely love us and protect us. (Then) we can overcome any challenge and any problem. Why? God’s word is God’s love. God’s word is the solution. When we read God’s word, there is the answer, the solution. We can solve any problem through God’s word. How beautiful that is!

Today I talked about “Longing for the Word Must Be More Earnest Than Eating.” 

(Testimony Cloe Watowei(?), 2nd year GPA captain)♦

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. 

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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