Ep 664 - The Unity of the World and Humankind Responsibility Part 2

The Unity of the World and Humankind's Responsibility - August 20, 2022

PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony Pastor Yvonne

Key Points

  • The unification of the Korean Peninsula will not be brought about through political negotiations, nor through commercial trade. Unification is possible only through heavenly fortune and God’s True Love.

  • Heavenly fortune always comes to unity.

  • Even enemies come to those who possess true love that can move and touch their heart.

  • In order to win the secular world, you have to have more skills and abilities and more achievements than secular people do.

  • Money fortune always follows true love.

  • North and South Korea can only be unified through true love and unity, not economic or political power.

  • Love God more than we love True Parents. ​

  • “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” means you need to (be willing to) die for God.

  • What is the best way to separate from Satan? You need to put God as your top priority. 

  • The fall is when the subject becomes the object and the object becomes the subject, In this way it is easy to lose one’s original nature.​ 

  • The heart should always be the subject.

  • The mistake we make in our life of faith is that we try to teach others first without showing them through practice.

  • If you live a life that moves people, the spirit world will surely help you and you will become a person it can trust.​

  • One who is really living for the sake of others is spiritually so sensitive. He can immediately catch what people need. 

  • Our original nature can be freed when we do everything voluntarily, happily and gratefully beyond rituals, systems, and conditions.​

  • We set conditions in our life of faith in order to go beyond those conditions and gain freedom.

  • The formation stage is a life of conditions. In the growth stage, the other 50% is a volunteer heart. The completion stage has no conditions because you heartistically follow God’s word beyond the law. Your heart is stimulated and “wells up.”

I miss all of you. I realize that America is my home. Who are my real brothers and sisters? You are. I really feel that I have a longing heart to see American brothers and sisters. Thank you so much for your incredible jeongseong and support. Even though I can not join you live, you are really attending without a change of heart. I really appreciate all of you. Thank you so much!

Today I’d like to talk about “The Unity of the World and Humankind's Responsibility ” from True Mother’s Anthology 2.” 

The purpose of our North Korean visit was not to establish joint ventures or to seek ways to make money. Neither did we go there hoping to visit our hometowns or to meet our relatives. We went in accordance with the Will of God, carrying with us God's heart of true love that seeks always to give unconditionally. Our purpose was to testify to the commandments of Heaven, so that the leaders of that society could realize what they must do in order to open the floodgates for true unification. Reverend Moon was received in North Korea as a state guest of the highest order, yet he did not rest comfortably for even one night. Every night during our stay, he spent his time in fervent prayer offering God a foundation of devotions and calling on Heaven for help in establishing the conditions for reunification. Unification of the Korean peninsula will not be brought about solely through political negotiations or commercial trade. Unification is possible only through Heavenly fortune and God's true love. This is because reunification is connected directly to the providence of God as a necessary step toward global unity. 

Today is a historic occasion in which women leaders have gathered from around the world. I would not want to detract from this occasion by merely giving a few words of ceremonial greeting. Instead, I want to deliver a declaration emphasizing the teachings of Reverend Moon, which are rooted in the heart of God that transcends past, present and future. My words today are a declaration before heaven and earth, with history as my witness. The concepts I am going to speak about may seem unfamiliar to some of you, but the heavenly truths that they deal with are something that all women today need to understand. We live in a diseased world whose destruction is inevitable. Every day we hear the ugly sounds of its final death rattle. We can trace the origin of this disease to our first ancestors, who lost their position in paradise. Our first ancestors contracted a serious disease. In religious terms, this event is referred to as the human Fall. History began in a diseased state. Satan and this diseased state have been the central focus of human history. The tragedy of human history is that it originated with Satan, the lord of evil who took a position against God's ideal of creation, and with the marriage of Adam and Eve, who had become separated from God through the Fall.

True Mother said, “The purpose of our North Korean visit was to go in accordance with the Will of God, carrying with us God's heart of true love that seeks always to give unconditionally. Our purpose was to testify to the commandments of Heaven, so that the leaders of that society could realize what they must do in order to open the floodgates for true unification.” 

True Mother also said that the unification of the Korean Peninsula will not be brought about through political negotiations, nor through commercial trade. Unification is possible only through heavenly fortune. Mother emphasized this very much. Unification is only possible through heavenly fortune and God’s true love

So, when does heavenly fortune come? Heavenly fortune always comes to unity. Where there is heavenly fortune, there is unity. Where there is unity, there is heavenly fortune. That’s why unity is the key. Where there is unity between mind and body, definitely God will come down. If there is unity between husband and wife, definitely God will come. Where there is unity between Cain and Abel, God will really guide them where to go. Even incredible financial blessing will come. 

How can we create unity? This is the important point. Unity is the key.

Secondly -- this is a very important matter Mother speaks about -- even enemies come to those who possess true love that can move and touch their heart. First, you need unity. Secondly, you have to have true love with which you can even embrace your enemies and touch their heart. This is the key point.

The secret to Jacob’s subjugating Esau was that he invested all his absolute faith and love and wisdom along with everything materially. True Parents also gave (us) a lot of help by laying the economic foundation to save North Korea with true love for the unification of North and South Korea. 

Now, in order to win the secular world, you have to have more skills and abilities and more achievements than they do. Here, actual achievements refer to economic strength. And skills and abilities refer to true love that can love and embrace even enemies. 

The key is true love. As much true love as you have, (that much) financial blessing always comes. For me in my 47 years of experience since I joined the Unification Church, (I have found that) as much true love as you have, you can digest and embrace your enemies. Then you don’t need to worry about financial fortune. It will definitely come because money fortune always follows true love. This is really a universal principle. 

“Why don’t I have money? Why is it financially so difficult? Why is the church so financially poor?” Before you complain about this, you need to check, “How much true love do I have?” Where there is true love, material blessings automatically will follow. Where there are flowers or honey, bees and butterflies automatically will go there. Many people do not know this universal principle. 

Jesus died on the cross, and he forgave his enemies. Then the Christian foundation expanded so quickly everywhere. It was not because of money. Money is a secondary matter. 

Who really understands who Jesus is? What is his love? He offered everything that he had. This is the power of true love.

For those who can love and embrace even their enemies, the Heavenly fortune will surely come down and the spirit world will help them wherever they go. Therefore, if we want to unify North and South Korea, first we need to check whether we have Unity or not in our movement, whether we really have unity or not. Do we really have unity with God? Do we really have unity with Mother, with True Parents? Do we really have unity among brothers and sisters? This is the key point. 

And the second thing we need to check is whether we really love North Korea and have true love that we can embrace. 

Father’s conclusion is what? How can we unify North and South Korea? Do Unification Church members have enough true love to embrace and educate the South Korean people, including political leaders? We cannot unify North and South Korea with economic power. Of course, money is needed, but what is the priority? We need to know this. (Where there is) definitely the Holy Spirit will come down. (To the extent) I conquer my physical body, definitely (to that extent) God will come down. This is an unchanging principle. No one can deny it. 

Living Divine Principle : The Principle of Creation 63 - Heaven and Hell (2) 

• It is not God who decides whether a person's spirit enters heaven or hell upon his death; it is decided by the spirit himself. 

• Humans are created so that once they reach perfection they will fully breathe the love of God. Those who committed sinful deeds while on earth become crippled spirits who are incapable of fully breathing in the love of God. They find it agonizing to stand before God, the center of true love, and choose to dwell in hell of their own will. 

• Since the human spirit can grow only in the soil of the physical self, the multiplication of human spirits takes place at the same time that the multiplication of physical selves occurs: during earthly life. 

Let’s study Father’s word.

The Standard to go to Heaven​

<41-299> What is the standard by which you can go to heaven? It is to love God more than your own son. If you cannot love God, you cannot escape the authority of Satan. This is why you cannot go to heaven if you do not love God more than your own husband or wife. Fallen humankind has escaped the pit of the authority of satanic love; but they have not completely come out yet. That is why you must love God more than your mother or father​

What is the standard for going to heaven? It is to love God more than your children, more than your wife or husband, and more than your parents. So also in the Bible, Matthew 22:37-39, Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”​True Father said that unless we love God more, we can never escape the authority of Satan. He said that unless we love the invisible God more than our physical parents and children, we cannot overcome the authority of Satan. He told us to love God more than we love True Parents. ​

Father is really amazing. Christians say Jesus is God. God is an invisible being. Jesus is the son of God. There is real confusion about this issue. That is why Father says our top priority is that God is first. Second is our True Parents. True Parents cannot be number one. We need to know that. God is our creator. Jesus is the messiah, God’s son. … The Bible says you need to love God more than anything else: “Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Other things are secondary. That is why even True Father educates us: “You need to love God more than me. Otherwise, you cannot love me, nor your husband or wife, nor your neighbor.” People are confused about this.

When we love God (in this way), then we can treat our husband or wife as God. This vertical alignment standard comes from where? I need to put God as my top priority. Am I correct or not? This is very important content. If we praise human beings too much, this is a big problem. 

We need to know very clearly that God is Number One. Even True Father says “You need to love God more than me.” He is very clear about this point. 

Life Sacrificed for Heaven​

 <37-250> I’m sure you want to go to heaven; but if you do not sacrifice your life, you absolutely cannot go. Try going to heaven. Are there any people there who did not sacrifice their lives? This is the essence of our faith​

In loving God, the Bible says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” These words are telling you to lay down your life for the love of God. It means you need to (be willing to) die for God. With all your heart, soul and mind means you prepare to die in order to love God. Especially fallen men, if you do not prepare to die for God, how can you separate from Satan? It is impossible. What is the best way to separate from Satan? You need to put God as your top priority. Love the lord your God with all your soul means “I need to die” because we love our own self, our own money, our own material, our own self, our own family first. This is Satan. 

What is our priority? We always need to know about that. 

Today’s Youth Ministry​: A Person with Original Nature of Love

A ​Person with Original Nature of Love​

1. A person with original nature of love is harmonious wherever they go and full of will in everything. They hardly become frustrated because of somebody or have conflicts in relationships. How, then, do they become like that? It is because a person with love of their original nature of love always live forming a reciprocal relationship with Heaven. No matter if they go to prison, have a disease, and no matter what situation, a person who attaches themselves to and thinks of their Father is a person of original nature. And a person with original nature of love always lives evoking the heart. They never treat themselves as their own. No matter what insurmountable trials and difficulties come, a person of original nature does not lose their original selves. On the contrary, when a person who lives according to the environment takes a certain responsibility, they are dominated by it and just become a worker. It should become work for me, but instead I become someone who exists because of work, and things will happen where the host and guest are reversed. My original self should become the subject, the work cannot become the subject. ​

If I take on any responsibility, will my work become the subject, or will my heart become the subject? When the subject becomes the object and the object becomes the subject, it is easy to lose one’s original nature.

What is the fall? The subject becomes the object, and the object becomes the subject. Satan should have been the object partner of Adam and Eve. He cannot be the subject partner. That is why when the subject partner becomes the object partner and the object partner becomes the subject partner, this is the fall. Does your job become subject or your heart? Which one? Why did we lose our original self? Because my work, my job became the subject, and my heart became the object. That is the fall. This is disorder. Why did we lose our original nature? It was because of something like that. 

Therefore, the heart should always be the subject. In order for the heart to become the subject, the heart must be evoked. And joy and gratitude must follow.​

The ​Way ​we Easily Lose our Original Selves​

2. In the early day of the church, True Father directly guided the Korean members and had many concern. In a word, True Father said that many members do not properly know the taste of faith. Why is that? It is because when we take over some responsibility, we lose ourselves. And we also try to teach the other person before we put it into practice ourselves. For example, just because we heard the Principle, we first try to teach the Principle to others without even trying to practice it. This is because our faith is still like that of a young child. People whose faith is still young first try to teach others and persuade them. Since they first try to teach and persuade, they lose their original selves. When our Unification Church members meet Christians who believe the Bible literally, while saying that their theories are wrong, we try to unconditionally teach the Principle. We blow our own trumpet over what we know, saying things such as “Do you think the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge and Good and Evil is a literal fruit?” “Is the Lord really coming in the clouds?” “Will there really be judgement of fire in the Last Days?” “will the dead really rise from their graves?”​

The mistake we make in our life of faith is that we try to teach others first without trying to show them through practice. If you try to teach without putting it into practice, the spirit world does not respond at all. It will not help you at all because you are only speaking, not practicing. That is an issue. Without practicing, without changing, without a transformational experience for your heart and only teaching first what you learned from the Divine Principle is the problem. Why can’t we break through in witnessing? Why can’t we increase our church membership? This is the main reason. Since I know the Divine Principle, how much did I change? How different a person have I become? How much have I developed my character? 

In order for the spirit world to work together with us and to mobilize the spirit world, we need to move and touch people. If you live a life that moves people, the spirit world will surely help you and you will become a person they can trust.​

Now ​is not the Age to Proclaim the Word​

3. The current age is not an age to proclaim only the Word because now, even secular people have grown a lot and there has been a change in the dynamics of the Providence of Restoration. Now, we cannot only have the Word. No matter how wonderful the Word it, it will not go through. Now, we should be able to heal the other person's problems and sorrows. And we must have the ability to work harmoniously with anyone. We have to be in harmony in our own area of responsibility. However, those who keep making excuses or blaming others are not people who follow the path of faith. First of all, I have to digest and conquer the responsibility entrusted to me no matter what. I have to have an absolute belief that there is nothing that cannot be conquered in the area I am responsible for. Judging from the fact that God has worked the Providence of Restoration so far, in the Old Testament times, He was locked up in the Law. Keeping the Law gave me peace of mind, comfort, and hope. When people are gathered by the Law, the self-indulgent person is subject to the Law and led to become a good person.​

The present age is not the age of proclaiming only the Word. Now, you should be able to help the other person by first resolving their problems and sorrows. To impress and move others, you need to discover what they need the most. 

If you always live for the sake of the other person, you quickly realize what they need. In addition, you become spiritually so sensitive. ​One who lives for the sake of others knows all the time what a person needs. You immediately catch what they need. But those who just live for their own sake do not know what is going on with their children, their neighbor, with their spouse. You cannot get anything. (You have) no feeling because your life is very centered on yourself. However, one who is really living for sake of others is spiritually so sensitive. He can immediately catch what people need. 

Furthermore, the responsibility entrusted to me must be digested and conquered no matter what. I must have the absolute belief that there is nothing that cannot be conquered in the field I am responsible for. ​

Where I take the heart of a parent that I take responsibility for, protect, and nurture everything on behalf of God, True Parents, and the spirit world, I can bear any responsibility given to me.​

Become People who Gain Freedom ​From the Law of the Word​

4. In the Old Testament times, the chosen people were strictly educated under the Law. Keeping the Law is for becoming oneself who is in harmony with the Law. However, I couldn’t escape the Law because I kept it reluctantly. In fact, setting conditions is to be liberated from those conditions and to find one's original self. The purpose of this is to create an original self that has nothing to do with the Law beyond that condition that requires rituals and institutions. What makes me independent of the Law is not that I do not keep the Law, but that I will go beyond the Law and practice it autonomously. In the Old Testament Age, this was confined to the Law. As said in Romans of the Bible, you must first pass the Law of the Word. Regardless of whether there is a law of the Word or not, I must become a law-keeper myself. Because there is a law, those who keep the law are still under the law. Novice drivers are governed by traffic laws. However, once we get used to it, just as it is natural to obey the traffic law and gain freedom, we set conditions in our life of faith to go beyond those conditions and gain freedom in the life of our original nature.​

John 8:32: “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” So when can our original nature be freed?​

First of all, you have to do everything voluntarily and actively. Second, you should be happy and grateful in any situation. Next, you must work with a point in your heart for everything that goes beyond rituals, systems, and conditions.​

The reason we set conditions in our life of faith is to go beyond those conditions and gain freedom in the life of our original nature. ​

This is very important. However, in order to grow properly the formation stage is a life of conditions. We set up conditions. In the growth stage, the other 50% is a volunteer heart. When you enter the completion stage, there is nothing dealing with conditions because you are so heartistically follow God’s word beyond conditions, beyond the law. It becomes so natural. That is the world of the heart. That is why you need to “evoke” your heart and let it well up. That is the level of condition. 

Today I spoke to you under the title A Person with Original Nature of Love.​

Sooner or later I will be able to see you live. 

LIVING TESTIMONY: I’m. a Living Testimony for Whom Anything is Possible 

(Testimony of Yvonne, ACLC Los Angeles about her experience in Korea)

NOTE: Thistext and the PowerPointslidesfrom thisspeech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com. This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

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