Ep 662 - The Way The Women's Federation for Peace in Asia Should Go Part 2

The Way the Women's Federation for Peace in Asia Should Go - August 18, 2022

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Key Points

  • There are three facets of women’s love: we must become mothers whom our children can trust, wives whom our husbands can trust as they trust God (absolute fidelity), and women whom parents and the nation can trust as they trust God (chastity).

  • Women must treasure and preserve their chastity. Women who keep their chastity have spiritual authority. Chastity ultimately appears as a capability of true love.

  • Women must fulfill three great missions: that of the mother, wife and daughter.

  • Father said that it would be childish to go on the path of faith without an absolute conviction in God’s Will, the Divine Principle and the Blessing, also such a conviction that God is alive and my parent and that I am his irreplaceable child.

  • The absolute belief that God and True Parents are always with you and the absolute belief that “I am living together with the True Parents” should become the axis of our life course.

  • God works according to our ancestors’ lineage of goodness and their merits.

  • Even if I was born with an unfavorable lineage, my destiny and the future of my descendants are determined by how I have cleared my fallen nature while living on earth and formed a relationship with God. 

  • My ancestors have passed on their fallen nature to me, and I have passed it to my children unless I have cleared it.

  • Even if the external lineage is changed through the Blessing, we must pay a lot of indemnity and sacrifice to change the internal lineage.

  • I must take responsibility for all my ancestors’ wrongdoings and indemnify them. I cannot accuse my ancestors or my descendants will accuse me.

  • I have entered the way of God’s will and received the Blessing owing to my ancestors’ merits.

  • We, who have received the Blessing, become the eternal ancestors to our ancestors and our descendants.

  • God has greater interest in the people who are suffering in the Satanic realm (including hell), more than (in) the people who are already in the realm of God’s dominion.

  • God always has the greatest interest in people who try to save and witness to secular people. 

  • I need to witness until I die in order to liberate God and all humankind.

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files.

I just came out of my room. Today I have a chance to join Morning Devotion live. I am so excited to participate again!

Our True Mother looks very healthy and strong. True Father’s tenth Seonghwa anniversary went very well. Tomorrow morning we will participate in a victory celebration. So we have another chance to meet True Mother again. 

Thank you for your incredible support and devotion and jeongseong. I have a longing heart for each of you. Sooner or later I will go back to America and see you in person.

Today I’d like to talk about “The True Love Movement Bringing Salvation to Asia and the World” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 2.

I have shed so many tears as I supported my husband. The course I have followed as a wife believing in and supporting a man as he experienced incredible suffering in order to go the way of God's Will, while also being the mother of thirteen children, has not been easy. The reason God created humankind is that He absolutely needs a partner whom He can love. In human society parents want their children to become greater than themselves. This is because when God created human beings, He installed in them the root of an embracing heart of true love. It is because of true love from God that we naturally desire that our object partners be better than ourselves. True love originates in the absolute love of God. In love there is the right of inheritance and the bond of oneness, through which the concept of eternal life is established. A family and society that practice true love will develop and will never perish. Today, I think that we must consider the following three facets of love for opening a new era of virtue and value, which will establish world peace through the practice of true love. 

First, we must become mothers whom our children can trust as they trust God. Mother's love is sacrificial. Therefore with this sacrificial mother's love we must be able to revive the lives of people who are dying from corruption and who are afflicted with sin. 

Second, we must become wives whom our husbands can trust as they trust God. The key to this is absolute fidelity towards our husbands. A wife's fidelity is a distinctive virtue. My husband, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, has discovered that the disobedience of God's commandment by the first human ancestors, eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, was a sexual sin that destroyed the order of love and lineage. I cannot but proclaim that this Unification Principle, which will save mankind from the swamp of immorality and corruption, is the gospel of gospels. 

Third, we should become women, fellow citizens, whom the nation can trust as it trusts God. The thing that women must treasure and preserve is their chastity. What a daughter can do to make her parents happy is keep her chastity. Where can we find the peace of the family, society, and nation? Where does the peace of Asia and the world start from? Centering on what will it be established? It is not realized by the actions of politicians or economists. Nor is it realized by international meetings and interchanges. We have to realize the fact that the bud of peace sprouts from the family where love dwells. In particular we, the Korean chapter of the Women's Federation for Peace in Asia, a gathering of such families bound together by true love, have to constructively pursue efforts for the unification of the North and the South, to link this divided peninsula by the true love of God. I will move on from the Women’s Federation for Peace in Asia, to organize the Women's Federation for World Peace, bringing together the women of the six continents of the world who share our determination. Let us all devote our constructive efforts for this holy task. Finally, the purpose of this national rally here today is to mark the establishment of the Family Federation for World Peace, with the commitment to make God's ideals blossom throughout the world. I will conclude my speech by wishing that God's blessing be present in your families. Thank you very much. 

True Mother said, “Women must consider the following three facets of love for opening a new era of virtue and value, which will establish world peace through the practice of true love.” The first is that we must become mothers whom our children can trust

She said that in order to do that, we should be a model through a mother’s sacrifice. An attribute of true love is that it always requires sacrifice. There can be no love without sacrifice. Everything falls apart because many people want to easily obtain love without a cost and sacrifice. To possess love, you must pay the price of sacrifice. Are you all mothers who are recognized and respected by your children? 

Second, you must become wives whom your husbands can trust as they trust God. The key to this is absolute fidelity towards our husbands. Are you all really wives who can be respected by your husbands? No matter how foolish the husband is, if you are a wife who can take responsibility, protect, and raise that foolish husband, then you are truly an excellent wife. 

Third, we should become women, fellow citizens, whom the nation can trust as it trusts God, and the thing that women must treasure and preserve is their chastity. When women keep their chastity, there is a spiritual authority as women. Chastity ultimately appears as a capability of true love. Once again, she said that women must fulfill women’s three great missions: the mission of the mother, mission of the wife, and mission of the daughter. In the end, the reason why the ideal of God was broken is because the Eve woman did not fulfill these three great missions. 

Are you all mothers who are recognized and respected by your children? Are you all really wives who can be respected by your husbands? Are you really doing your daughter's mission in front of your parents, family, and country by keeping your chastity as a daughter? 

True Mother’s question is really important. That is why I am saying that now is really the era of the woman. Your role as a woman is very important and critical. If the woman is alive in the family, then all the family members can see great hope. If in your nation, the woman is really alive, then you can see great hope for tomorrow for your nation and the world.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Principle of Creation 63 - Heaven and Hell (2)

• It is not God who decides whether a person's spirit enters heaven or hell upon his death; it is decided by the spirit himself.

• Humans are created so that once they reach perfection they will fully breathe the love of God. Those who committed sinful deeds while on earth become crippled spirits who are incapable of fully breathing in the love of God. They find it agonizing to stand before God, the center of true love, and choose to dwell in hell of their own will.

• Since the human spirit can grow only in the soil of the physical self, the multiplication of human spirits takes place at the same time that the multiplication of physical selves occurs: during earthly life.

Father’s word:

The Absolute Principle Based on the Word 

 <46-74> How crucial is it to become one with God’s Will? Do you have absolute faith centering on God’s Will? Even if the wind blows and a storm rages, even if I die and fall to ruin, I need to have absolute faith. I need to be able to say, “Even if I am wrong, the principle is right. The principle is certain.” You need to have absolute conviction. How childish it would be for you to even imagine Heaven when your faith cannot even stay consistent from morning to night 

Do you all have absolute conviction in God’s Will? Even if I am wrong, do you have absolute conviction that the Principle is certain? 

Do you have absolute conviction that God is alive? And do you have absolute conviction that God is really my Parent? And do you have conviction that God loves me more than Himself? Do I have absolute conviction that I am an irreplaceable son or daughter of God? 

Do you have absolute conviction of True Parents? Even if the world collapses, do you have absolute conviction that True Parents are my eternal parents, Savior, and Messiah? And do you have absolute conviction that the Blessing that True Parents gave is really eternal salvation? 

Do you have absolute conviction in the Divine Principle? Do you really have conviction that the Principle is absolute and eternal? Father said that it would be childish to go on the path of faith without these convictions. 

When you have belief and faith, then you can have hope. Why are you so tired? Why is your life unstable? What is the main reason? Because you do not have faith. If you do, then hope definitely follows. Where there is hope, you invest everything and in the end you can bring the results of true love.

Our life course is what? The course of faith and hope and love.

Uniting with True Parents and the Principle 

 <31-74>The main issue is whether you can look at yourself and say that you have become a prince of victory or not. You must be able to say in front of that heart that you are united, that even if someone tries to tear you apart, they cannot tear you apart. In other word, you need to be the axis in your life course with the principle that God and True Parents are always with you. Only when you become a person that can hold out for tens of thousands of years without being shaken, can heaven on earth and in the spirit world be connected. Soon you will become the masters of heaven. For the first time, the doors of heaven on earth and in the spirit world can be opened 

The main issue is whether you can look at yourself in your life of faith and say that you have become a prince of victory or not. To become a prince of victory in faith, first, you must ask if you are united in heart with God that even if someone tries to tear you apart, they cannot tear you apart. 

In other words, the absolute belief that God and True Parents are always with you and the absolute belief that “I am living together with the True Parents” should become the axis of our life course

Such absolute faith and conviction (allow us to) become the masters of Heaven and masters of the earth. Here is where the doors of heaven on earth and in the spirit world can be opened. Therefore, the basis of faith is belief. Belief is important. If you have belief, there will be hope no matter how difficult the circumstances.

If I can't find hope in my faith, it means I don't have faith. Do you really believe in God? Then there is hope. Do you really believe in True Parents? And do you believe that God sent True Parents? Then there is hope. Do you really believe in (yourself) as a son or daughter of God? Then you have the hope that you can do everything. Do you really want to have hope? Then believe first. Believe it, but absolutely believe it. 

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: When do we Gain the Motivation to Begin the Will?

God Works According to our Ancestors’ Lineage of Goodness and Their Merits 

1. When do we gain the motivation to begin the will? God connects with descendants on the foundation of ancestors’ merits and substantial results of goodness and living for the sake of the whole that they have accumulated until now. The original nature of such descendants leans towards longing for God without even realizing it. When such descendants are unable to find a subject partner of heart owing to God, something feels lonely and lacking. So when descendants of those ancestors make effort to find truth in order to find a subject partner of heart, without realizing it, they have a chance to meet the Will and there, they gain the motivation to start off in the Will. This is not because their descendants are righteous people, but it is like unconditional grace from heaven given to them based on the expectations of the ancestors' good works. In this way, when we see that God is working the Providence for humans, He will work the Providence according to the result of the good lineage of the ancestors. 

One thing we cannot deny is that all people born on this earth were born with their ancestors’ lineage and relationship. Therefore, when anyone is born, what kind of ancestral background they are born with is important. If there are many good merits from my ancestors, I am born with a good lineage, and if my ancestors committed a lot of sins, I am born with an evil lineage. 

Therefore, you can guess what kind of ancestors your ancestors were by looking at your own blood lineage. By looking at my lineage, I can know what kind of sins my ancestors committed and what kind of good results they established. Even if I was born with an unfavorable lineage, my destiny and the future of my descendants are determined by how I cleared my fallen nature while living on earth and formed a relationship with God

In conclusion, when we are born, we should be born with very good lineage and when we die, we should set many good results and leave behind a good lineage for our descendants. In this way, when you see that God is working behind the Providence for human beings, He will work the providence according to the result of the good lineage of the ancestors. When I see my own children’s fallen nature, I really repent a lot because they have inherited my fallen nature

And also my ancestors have passed on that fallen nature to me.

We can learn a lot from the Bible about what kind of providence of lineage God has worked in order for Jesus to be born without original sin. God's providence of restoration is ultimately the providence of restoring the lineage. Even if the external lineage is changed through the Blessing, we must pay a lot of indemnity and sacrifice to change the internal lineage. We must overcome any path of penance with gratitude.

From that perspective, our task is how much we can make my lineage more pure while living on earth.

When Do we Gain the Motivation to Begin the Will? 

2. Descendants of ancestors with good blood lineage are pulled towards an environment where they can connect to the Will without realizing it. No matter what difficult circumstances come, for descendants with good ancestry and achievements of their ancestors, God entrusts them with a certain task and gives them an opportunity to connect with God’s Will. Therefore, at that time, descendants can receive righteousness if they hold on to the bond with heaven on top of their ancestors’ merits and preserve their own hearts. However, even when given such opportunities and motivations, most people have young faiths, so even when they receive precious things, they do not realize it is precious, so they lose they lose its value without realizing it. In some cases, such good ancestors are the motivation for obtaining the motivation and opportunity to set off the Will, and some people go through a lot of hardship and suffering to hear the Principle and meet the motivation and opportunity to set off for the Will. 

In the end, the important thing is when I am born with some ancestors’ lineage, I must take responsibility over all my ancestors’ wrongdoings and indemnify them. I cannot accuse my ancestors. If I accuse my ancestors, my descendants will also accuse me someday. It is my destiny to take responsibility over my ancestors, save them, and love them, and it must become one motivation to begin the Will. 

No matter what kind of evil lineage my ancestors had, I need the attitude and motivation of faith that I will be responsible for everything and clear them. Our ancestors have never met True parents. They have never heard the Divine Principle. And they have not experienced receiving the Blessing and clearing the original sin. Therefore, I, who have met True Parents, should become a new ancestor to my ancestors and descendants. 

One thing we cannot deny is the fact that I have entered the way of God’s will and received the Blessing owing to my ancestors’ merits. We must be grateful to our ancestors as well as God and True Parents about this point. Even if I do not really know the motivation and beginning of my entering the way of the Will, do not forget the fact that it is connected to my ancestors’ merits. 

In the end, we, who have received the Blessing, become the eternal ancestors to our ancestors who passed away and our descendants. That is why the bible says that the first will be last and the last will be first. Our ancestors were born before us, but in the end, they become our descendants. 

 Motivation and Reasons for Beginning the Will May Be Different as we go 

3. Some people are faced with deception or injustice by others until they have a motive and reason to meet the Will. There are people who are pessimistic about life and tried to commit suicide but repented after hearing the Word, while others have good ancestors, so they have an opportunity to set off for the Will without much difficulty. Today, our 2nd and 3rd generation of blessed families are born to parents who have known the will, so they do not know how precious the Principle is, and it is difficult to feel how precious their parents are. There are people who met such good parents and were born in a good environment, while others, who were sad because they became orphans without parents, find it very difficult to meet the Will and find the motive to begin the Will. People whose motives are formed because of their blood lineage or good environment and those who find their own motives after paying a lot of indemnity have a very different attitude. 

God Has Greater Interest in one Lost Sheep 

4. Since God is the Parent of all mankind, He has greater interest in the people who are suffering in the Satanic realm more than the people who already know His Will and are in the realm of God’s dominion, and He wishes for those in the Satan realm to be liberated. God’s Word in the Bible about cherishing one sheep more than the other ninety-nine sheep is applied here. The sheep in the master’s bosom are in the shepherd's dominion, but the one lost sheep is very sad and hungry, so it wanders and weeps somewhere. When one lost sheep meets its master, the level of being touched by its master is very high. Considering this, it means that one lost sheep is more precious than the ninety-nine sheep in the dominion of the master. From that perspective, we should know that rather than our blessed families, God has greater interest in secular people who are still wandering without knowing the Will. In this way, God is One who deals centered on the heart. 

God has greater interest in the people who are suffering in the Satanic realm, more than (in) the people who are already in the realm of God’s dominion, and He wishes for those in the Satanic realm to be liberated because God is the Parent of all humankind. 

The ninety-nine sheep in the master’s bosom are in the shepherd’s dominion, but the one lost sheep is very sad and hungry, so it wanders and weeps somewhere, so the master’s heart goes more towards that lost sheep. Therefore, the important thing is knowing where God’s heart lies. 

In that sense, the truth is that God has greater interest in the secular people who have not received salvation yet, rather than (in) our Blessed families. Not only that, the truth is that God has greater interest in His children who are suffering in Hell rather than (in) those in Heaven.

We need to know where God’s han is. We need to always remember that he is the parent of all humankind.

That is why God always has the greatest interest in people who try to save and witness to secular people. If you think of one lost sheep as God’s lost sheep, take interest and save them, God will be moved and the level of your heart and spirit will be upgraded. 

From that perspective, we should know that rather than our blessed families, God has greater interest in secular people who are still wandering without knowing God’s Will. Therefore, we must see where God’s interest currently lies. 

 I deeply appreciate Father. He discovered the fundamental truth which is what? The relationship between God and me is parent and child relationship.

Again I would like to emphasize that God has the concept of total salvation. We have the Cheonbo Won. We are guaranteed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. However, where is God’s concern? It is with those who are not in the Cheonbo Won yet, with those who do not yet know God, those who have not yet received the blessing. Heavenly Father is more for his lost sheep. Where are God’s lost sheep? The parental heart is... there. The Kingdom of Heaven is already under God’s direct dominion, but hell is Satan’s direct dominion.

That is why God’s concern and interest is more in hell than in the Kingdom of Heaven. Wow! I really appreciate Father. Father discovered that God is the God of all humankind. 

That is why I am not very interested in entering the Kingdom of Heaven. Since I know the Divine Principle, how can I liberate hell? Because God’s concern is there. God’s heart is there. His real wishes are there. That is why witnessing is really critical. Do you want o to receive love? You need to focus on God’s greatest wish. His greatest wish is what? To save people which is witnessing. We need to know this.

That’s why as long as I am alive and breathing, I need to witness until I die. That should be our motivation to go forward, to liberate God, to liberate all humankind. Through this way automatically I can (reach) individual perfection, I can establish family perfection, I can do the Heavenly Tribal Messiah mission, and I can help with the establishment of Cheon Il Guk on the earth. 

Sooner or later I can go back to America and participate live.♦

(Response to sharing) True Parents gave us a very important role and mission as the Heavenly Tribal Messiah. Messiah means savior and position of True Parents. When True Parents blessed us as a Heavenly Tribal Messiah, that means we are the eternal ancestor of our descendants, not only our descendants but of our ancestors. That is an incredible title. God blessed Abraham to become the ancestor of the Israelis. But that is the Old Testament Era. That is not related to eternity. True Parents came as the savior and messiah of all humankind, and he asked us to inherit True Parents’ mission, to liberate our ancestors. We need to become eternal messiahs. How great this is!

That is why when we liberate and bless our ancestors, according to Father when we enter the spiritual world, all of our ancestors will tell us, “I am so grateful to you.” Everybody will bow down to us saying, “You are truly our eternal ancestor. You are truly our messiah and true parents of our tribe.” Wow! What a great blessing it is.

(Response to second sharing) If you really have absolute conviction with God, you can create your object partner. He or she will also have that kind of object partner. If you do not have absolute conviction toward God and True Parents and the Divine Principle, then there is a limitation in witnessing to your spiritual children. That’s why Father says, “An absolute plus can create an absolute minus.” If you really believe God with absolute conviction, you can create and (powerfully) influence your spiritual child, and he or she will believe in God with that (same) absolute conviction. That is why your faith is really important.♦

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. 

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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