Ep 655 - The True Love Movement Bringing Salvation to Asia and the World Part 3

The True Love Movement Bringing Salvation to Asia and the World - August 11, 2022

PDF Printable Text and Slides + Testimony Shojin Scharf

Key Points

  1. Four attributes of true love: it seeks to live for the sake of others because true love only comes from the object partner, it seeks to give first and to return more than it receives, it absolutely requires sacrifice, and it even seeks to digest enemies.

  2. The speed of the spiritual power of God’s and human beings’ love is a thousand times faster than the speed of light. 

  3. The spirit world is a world of love, and there are levels and an order of love. Everything exists there according to the order of love. The important thing is how I can raise the level of my love while I am living in the physical world.  We need to cultivate our heart and remove our fallen nature through self-denial and serving, loving and attending people.

  4. We easily lose our original selves when we do our given responsibilities habitually or out of duty or conditionally or unwillingly.

  5. You can only create happiness with a voluntary heart.

  6. Think, “God gave me this job, and through this job God wants to give me incredible joy and happiness.”

  7. Greet the moment because you long for it. 

  8. In order to have a joyful, gracious, and heartistic life, the moment or time cannot become the subject. In order for your heart to be subject, you need thorough preparation. Then you will have a longing heart. 

  9. A person who always prepares ahead and lives with longing can have foreboding and premonition about things that are approaching, and they are always guided by Heaven through its revelations.

  10. If you have a heart of longing and love for God and True Parents, you can always overcome death.

  11. If you give and receive with people with a heart bonded with Heaven, you are able to have foreboding and premonition about events that are about to happen. You know about good things before they happen and you know about trouble that is about to come and you can avoid it. Even if you do encounter trouble, you can take responsibility with joy and digest it. Your heart can recognize heavenly fortune.

  12. When we greet the moment, we must greet it with a longing heart and a heart that prepares before the moment comes.

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files.

Today is the day I am going to Korea. So I decided to record the morning devotion in advance. I will need to do this a few times. Thank you for your understanding.

Today I’d like to talk about “The True Love Movement Bringing Salvation to Asia and the World” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 2.

There is an old saying to the effect, “When one's family is harmonious, all goes well.” What this means is that the family is the basis of peace. And the most important factor in forming such a family is true love. The word love has various meanings. However, I'm speaking here about true love, which refers to the absolute love centered on God. In other words, true love is to love even someone who seems impossible to love, and thus, in true love you have no choice except to love even your enemies. Furthermore, true love is the sacrificial love of even giving one's own life for others. Therefore, in true love the antagonisms and conflicts among individuals and among societies or nations are completely transcended and dispersed. With true love we can achieve true peace. True love is the motive and power behind creation, reproduction and development. To put it another way, physical energy, once it is invested, is consumed and finished. In the case of true love, however, the more you invest, the greater it grows, and it comes back to you with even more than you gave. 

Only in true love can the idea of eternal life become a reality. Families and societies that practice true love never come to ruin; they continue to grow. Only in true love can the idea of eternal life become a reality. Families and societies that practice true love never come to ruin; they continue to grow. In this regard, the teaching of my husband, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, to live for the sake of others, is the basic guiding principle in the construction of a peaceful world. The origin of such true love is God, and God created humankind to realize this true love. When God created human beings, why did God create them as man and woman, each to become the object partner of the other? It was because of true love. It was so that, in the midst of that true love, the husband could share love with his wife and the wife with her husband. When the husband and wife share horizontal love with each other in this way, they come to possess the love of God, the origin of husband and wife. Simply put, through the horizontal love between a man and a woman, human beings can form the connection of love with God vertically.

The origin of true love is God. Then what is the attribute of true love that True Mother speaks of? One attribute of true love is that it seeks to live for the sake of others. Then why does true love have to live for the sake of its object partner? It is because true love only comes from the object partner. Love, joy, and happiness cannot be created alone. God is no exception as well. Love, joy, and happiness can only be obtained when one lives for the sake of ones object partner. 

Therefore, if you know that the attribute of God’s true love is that it comes from the object partner, human beings cannot help but live for the sake of someone. The next attribute of true love is that it seeks to give first. And if it receives, it seeks to return more than it received. Since true love has the attribute of returning more than it received, it gradually grows bigger. Here, true love has the concept of eternal life because the more you give and receive, the bigger it gets and it continues to give and receive over eternity. 

That’s why when you give and give, more and more love is returned. As you continually give and receive it becomes bigger and bigger and finally connects to eternity. How beautiful! True love is really amazing!

Thirdly, one of the greatest attribute of true love is that it absolutely requires sacrifice

When I learned this from Father Moon and Mother Moon, that true love requires sacrifice, in the beginning I was so surprised. I thought true love was simply good and that we could (simply) obtain it. However, to gain true love you need to pay the price which is sacrifice. That is why True Father says that true love always requires sacrifice.

Love without sacrifice is not love. Without parents’ sacrifice for children, children can never grow. 

When a mother delivers a baby, how much pain she has to go through. If (her) baby wakes up a 1 o’clock then the mother also needs to wake up at that time – midnight, 2 o’clock, 3 o’clock. The mother’s entire life is completely sacrificed for the sake of the children. This is why True Father says true love always requires sacrifice. Love without sacrifice is not love. This is an amazing attribute of true love. 

This nature comes from where? It comes from God. God did not just create human beings. In order to create human beings and practice true love, God had to sacrifice so much. Incredible sacrifice! 

Without sacrifice just trying to get some kind of happiness and joy from human beings, God would not have the qualification to be a parent. That is why I am telling you that God is the champion of true love. He sacrificed for each human being more than anyone else. That is why he is the king of true love. 

This is because in order to live for the sake of children, parents continuously and voluntarily have the heart to sacrifice.

When I learned from True Father and True Mother that true love requires sacrifice, my concept of true love completely 180 degrees changed. How great true love is!

Fourth, true love has the attribute of seeking to even digest enemies. Therefore, if you possess God’s true love, you cannot help but to love even enemies. Jesus showed the greatest example of this. True love is a love that forgives and forgets, forgives and forgets and endlessly embraces and lives for the sake of others.

I really totally admire Jesus’ quality of true love. How could he have forgiven his enemies in such a miserable and terrible situation?

That is why if you are possessed by true love, you can digest and embrace and forgive everything. Why can’t I forgive and sacrifice for others? Because the quality of your true love is a low level. If you are completely possessed by true love – which God has – I am telling you, your life will completely change. (You will become) like Jesus, like True Father and True Mother.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Principle of Creation 62 - Heaven and Hell (1)

• It is not God who decides whether a person's spirit enters heaven or hell upon his death; it is decided by the spirit himself.

• Humans are created so that once they reach perfection they will fully breathe the love of God. Those who committed sinful deeds while on earth become crippled spirits who are incapable of fully breathing in the love of God. They find it agonizing to stand before God, the center of true love, and choose to dwell in hell of their own will.

• Since the human spirit can grow only in the soil of the physical self, the multiplication of human spirits takes place at the same time that the multiplication of physical selves occurs: during earthly life.

Father’s word.

 The Spirit World 

<91-162> Consider this. Trying to make a living here is troublesome, right? You need an automobile factory, a fertilizer factory, a clothing factory and a factory that makes food, among other things, correct? You are all in an uproar at home because of food, right? None of these things exist in the spirit world. You do not need cars or planes. It is a place where you can travel millions of miles in just a split second. Spiritual power is faster than the speed of light. God created the light of the sun that travels 300 million meters in just one second. Lightning is the same, isn’t it? Light all travels at the same speed. 

 The Speed of the Power of Original Love 

 <217-131> However, the power of God’s original love, the power of life, is thousands of times faster than that. If you want to see someone, no matter how many millions of miles away they may be, they will appear before you. Even though Heaven is a very big place, if you think about the person that you love, the moment that you prepare your heart, that person will appear before you. How wonderful must that be! If they have already appeared before you, you can understand which level of spirit world you are in, can’t you? You will say, “I must be in this level.” You can understand how high or low you are. No matter how close of a friend they are, as long as you have a high level of Heaven’s love, they will greet you as soon as they appear. Even your mother, even your great ancestors, will appear before you. It is that kind of a world. 

True Father said that when you go to the spiritual world, the thing that is faster than the speed of light is spiritual power. He said that the spiritual power of human being’s love has the fastest speed. Father said that the power of God’s original love, the power of life, is thousands of times faster than light. Therefore, no matter how far away someone is, if you call them with a heart of wanting to see them, they will instantly appear before you. 

Secondly, the spirit world is a world of love, and there are levels and an order of love. He said that if you meet each other in the spirit world, you can immediately tell what level of love the other person has. Therefore, no matter how close of a friend they are, as long as you have a higher level of Heaven’s love, they will greet you as soon as they appear. Even if they are my parents or ancestors, if my level of love is higher, they will lower their heads first and greet me. 

Wow! The spiritual world is the world of love. (There) everything exists according to the order of love.

The important thing is how can I raise the level of my love while I am living in the physical world? The level and quality of Jesus’ love was so high that he embraced and loved even the enemies that killed him. What about the level of your love? Can your level of love embrace your enemies? Is your level of love a level which family, tribe, nation, and world can enter or not? 

Since fallen peoples’ love is full of envy, jealously, and hatred, it is very difficult (for them) to accept the other person. And forgiving is very difficult. Easily getting angry, easily criticizing, easily feeling envy and jealousy, and being unable to forgive the other person is proof that a person’s level of love is still very low. 

That’s why we need to cultivate our heart and love. We need to reach Jesus’ level of heart: true love can even digest one’s enemies. 

How can we reach such a high quality of love? We need to cultivate our heart and remove our fallen nature through serving, loving and attending people. Without loving Cain, there is no way to remove our fallen nature. We really need to have a lot of training. Otherwise we will have a lot of trouble in the spiritual world after we die. Really we need to improve the quality of our true love. 

For you and me this is really challenging. We cannot even love our own spouse. I cannot love my husband or wife. I easily get angry with my children. I easily have a rebellious heart toward my Abel. This is fallen nature. How can we improve? How can we have a better quality of true love? That is the issue. There is no other way but to train (ourselves) through serving and serving and humbling ourselves. We really need to deny ourselves. Otherwise there is no way to cultivate our heart. Then we can have a great quality of true love.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: The Right Attitude a Person who Greets the Moment Must Have 

When Do you Lose Your Original Self? 

1. We today must live always checking ourselves in our course of faith. It is easy to lose your original self when life becomes a daily routine, such as waking up on time in the morning because you have no choice but to go to work, eating because it is mealtime, or adjusting to work hours because it is work time. If you go to worship service because it is Sunday or watch Morning Devotion out of duty because it is 6 a.m., it becomes easy to participate out of duty. When you participate not because your heart becomes the motive and you want to, but you do it conditionally or out of responsibility, you easily lose your original self of heart. When our life becomes a habit, condition or duty, since there are many cases where you lose your heart, it is easy to become hypocritical. And when you get used to those habits, you are like a dead person. 

When do we lose our original selves? We easily lose our original selves when we do our given responsibilities habitually or out of duty or condition or unwillingly. Then how can we not lose our original selves and live a life full of will? Heart needs to become the motivation. And it must come from a voluntary heart. 

If there is no voluntary heart, no heartistic motivation, then everything is wasting time (and) in everything you need to pay indemnity. I realized that if there is no happy, voluntary heart, no great motivation to do something with happiness and joy, you need to pay indemnity. If you do something reluctantly (out of a sense of) duty, then you need to pay indemnity. 

Our original mind always requires a voluntary, happy, joful heart. Appreciation is very important because God created human beings in order to feel joy.

How can you feel joy? Can you feel joy when you do whatever you do because of duty or responsibility or condition? You cannot feel joy.

God’s purpose of creation is what? Create joy and happiness. In order to create joy and happiness, you cannot do it reluctantly and conditionally. There is only one way. You can only create happiness with a voluntary heart. This is a very important point. 

Otherwise if you do (what you do out of a sense of) duty or do it reluctantly, you will need to pay the price. You just waste your time.

Therefore, whatever you do, if you do it without your heart, it is easy to become hypocritical and do it habitually. Therefore, whatever you do, you should do it voluntarily out of your heart. If our daily life becomes a habit and we do things out of a sense of duty, my spirit becomes dry and dies. Doing it passively cannot create joy and happiness. 

That is why I always encourage you whatever you do – human beings, fallen man easily is involved by habit and duty – you need to think, “This job was given to me by God. What I am doing is God’s will.” Do not think that this is your own will. “God gave me this job.” Wherever you are working – outside or inside the church does not matter – you need to think, “God gave me this job. And through this job God wants to give me incredible joy and happiness.” That’s why you need to change your mindset and heart. You need to participate with a voluntary and happy heart. Then the atmosphere will completely change. This is God’s will. 

If parents or Abel or someone orders me, do not think that way. You need to take ownership happily and joyfully. 

 The Attitude to Greet the Moment 

2. To achieve some goal, it cannot be a life that greets the moment habitually. A person who greets the moment out of habit is like a dead person. You must greet the moment coming from your heart. In other words, when you greet the moment, you should greet it because you long for it. The secret to health is not eating because it is mealtime but because you want to eat. How can I tell if my faith is alive? “I long for the members,” “I long for Sunday service,” “Now that I’ve met you, I’m so delighted,” “I really long for singing songs of praise with members who are bonded in heart,” “I cherish the time of praying together with my brothers in sisters with one heart.” This kind of thinking is the attitude that God can relate with. 

A person who moves to greet the moment out of habit is like a dead person. When he eats because it is mealtime and goes to work because it is time to work, since the time and moment become the subject, they are dragged around, so they lose joy. That is why you should greet the moment coming from your heart. In other words, when you greet the moment, you greet it because you long for it. 

In order to have a joyful, gracious, and heartistic life, the moment or time cannot become the subject. Then what should become the subject? My heart should become the subject. When heart becomes the subject, longing will surely accompany it and a willing heart and joy will come out. 

For example, when children go to school and say “I don’t want to go to school,” then they are already subjugated by the environment. What should they do?

Before you go to school, you need to thoroughly prepare your homework and study more... Have a happy heart. Prepare your heart. “I have a longing heart to see my classmates and teacher.” Then your heart becomes the subject. 

But “Because it is time for school, I need to go, no matter what.” Then school time and class time is subjugating you. Your heart just follows. You heart is subjugated by the time. That is the problem. Your heart should be the subject. 

How can I tell if my faith is alive or dead? When I try to do something or meet someone, check whether or not there is longing in my heart. Meeting them without longing is already proof that I am living habitually. Longing will surely accompany where the heart wants to be. Then there will be the heart that always wants to serve the other person and see them as precious. 

When the time comes, do not greet the moment because it came, but you should wait with a heart of longing before it comes and then go and greet it. It is like waiting for spring with a heart of longing during the winter. If you greet the moment because it comes, it is already too late. Before the time comes, you should wait for it with a heart of thorough preparation, heart of longing, and a heart of deep attachment. Then, you become the owner of the approaching moment. But people who greet the moment because it comes are dominated by the moment and become slaves to it. 

That’s why you need to win the sun. For me (this means to) wake up early in the morning. The sun never wakes up earlier than I do. Before meeting the sun, I wake up early, kneel down and pray and study and meditate and prepare Morning Devotion full of a longing heart. 

In order to control the time, you need a lot of preparation and really bring out your longing heart. Then you can have Morning Devotion time and then when you see the sun, it will greet you: “Wow! You are truly my owner. I need to bow down to you.”...

Does the moment control you or does your heart control the moment in time? Which one is the subject? Our heart needs to be the subject. In order for your heart to be subject, you need... thorough preparation. Then you will have a longing heart. 

Before going to school, “I am so excited to see my classmates.” Before attending Sunday service, “I am so excited to see my spiritual son and spiritual daughter, my spiritual parents, my Abel, my members! It is so exciting!” You have a longing heart. Then your heart is alive. 

If attending Sunday service is a duty, “No matter what, even though I don’t like it, I need to go,” that kind of faith is conditional faith, formation stage. 

The completion stage always has a longing heart and thorough preparation. Then our heart becomes subject. 

Because of the time, because of the job, because of Sunday service, I need to go, I need to do it.” Your faith is still very low level, formation stage.

The Faithful Attitude of Greeting the Moment 

3.The Bible says “light my lamp.” These words mean do not forget about longing. It says that in order to greet the bridegroom, do not turn off the lamp light. To turn on the lamp light, always prepare the oil. To prepare this oil refers to heartistic longing. This is the attitude of a person who greets the moment. A person who lives with longing can have foreboding and premonition, and Heaven will guide them. True Parents have said, “Do not worry about tomorrow. If I just have an eternal life of longing for God and True Parents, I am a victor.” A person who has this relationship of longing for God and the Lord and a relationship of heart is alive even if he dies and will not die even if he lives. If I only have such a heart, I am someone who overcomes death and heaven will dominate and guide me. I can forbode and have premonition. 

Just as the Bible says “light my lamp,” our spirit must always have longing. Faith without light is pitch black. You cannot see in front of yourself or advance ahead. Therefore, if you lose longing in your life of faith, you are dead. 

A person who always prepares ahead and lives with longing can have foreboding and premonition about things that are approaching ahead. And they are always guided by Heaven through its revelations. How can I tell if my spirit is alive or dead? I can tell by seeing if there are any attachment and longing inside of me that wants to save a life. A person with a dead spirit does not have interest in people and does not have any longing for saving dead souls. Such a person is like a dead body, according to Father’s word. 

Do you all love God? Do you really love True Parents? Show me the proof. Then how much of a longing heart do you have for God and True Parents? If you do not, you already have a faith that lives habitually. Habitual faith cannot create joy and happiness. You have faith that just lives out of a sense of duty. 

If I have a heart of longing for God and True Parents, I am alive and my life becomes eternal. A person who has this relationship of longing for God and the Lord and a relationship of heart is alive even if he dies and will not die even if he lives. If you have heart of longing and love for God and True Parents, you can always overcome death. There is nothing to fear. 

 If you Live With Heart, You Will Have Foreboding and Premonition and Know the Moment Well 

4.If you give and receive with people with a heart bonded with Heaven, you are able to have foreboding and premonition about events that are about to happen. When you are walking on some path, if you do not go on it because your heart does not want to, you can avoid trouble. Even if you do encounter trouble, you can take responsibility with joy and digest it. And when you do something that is not right, God will give you a feeling to stop doing it through your heart. That is why if you live with your heart, that heart knows the moment well. And that heart can recognize heavenly fortune. Therefore, the Bible tells us to love God with all our heart, all our mind, and all our soul. Whatever we do, we must do it with all our heart, all our mind, and all our soul. When that happens, you will obtain the way of an eternal spirit your whole life. However, many people miss the moment. At times, even if we say that we have a two-year or three-year public course, it is easy to lose our original self and lose track of time by locking ourselves in that period. 

If you give and receive with people with a heart bonded with Heaven, you are able to have foreboding and premonition about events that are about to happen. You know about good things before they happen and you know about trouble that is about to come and you can avoid it. Even if you do encounter trouble, you can take responsibility with joy and digest it. 

Because the world of the heart is accompanied by longing, if you live with heart, you know the moment well. And heart can recognize heavenly fortune. Therefore, you have to value the bond of heart with God as life. If you really work with longing and a heart that loves God, you can overcome any hardships and always live happily and joyfully. 

If you always live joyfully from your heart, you will obtain the way of an eternal spirit your whole life. However, many people miss the moment. They lose themselves. Therefore, when we greet the moment, we must greet it with a longing heart and a heart that prepares before the moment comes. 

Today I talked about the right attitude a person who greets the moment must have. This is very important guidance. I love this content so much. 

The Kingdom of Heaven is what? The world of heart centering on a longing heart all the time. 

I truly miss each of you. Today I go to Korea and meet with Mother and attend the International Leadership Conference (ILC). There will be leaders from all over the world. Then I will return to America. 

LIVING TESTIMONY: I’m a Living Testimony for Whom Anything is Possible

(Testimony of Shojin Scharf, Sacramento, California)♦

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. 

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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