Ep 651 - Responsibilities Of The Blessed Families For The Firm Settlement Of Cheon Il Guk Part 7

Responsibilities of Blessed Families for the Firm Settlement of Cheon Il Guk - August 7, 2022

PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony Testimony Max & Paula Tsugata

Key Points

  1. The indemnity your descendants will have to pay will be less depending on how much you fulfill in your family.

  2. When you empty your mind, Heaven comes to your empty mind and works.

  3. God cannot do anything without the human body.

  4. Our 5% portion of responsibility is self denial. This is the most difficult (discipline). If we deny ourself completely, our mind becomes empty and we have space for God to enter. Our body becomes God’s temple. Then God does everything.

  5. The more people who have a heart-to-heart relationship with you while on earth, the more extensive the environment of your activities will be in the spirit world, and you will be able to travel widely.

  6. While on earth, do a lot of witnessing and build up many relationships of love. 

  7. Wealth in the spirit world is proportional to the achievements of establishing spiritual children. 

  8. God's desire is to give birth to new children of His lineage who have not existed until now and to have them flourish through the Blessing on this earth. 

  9. The more you raise spiritual children, the wider your heart will be, and the quality of your love will rise. Witnessing is the best training to raise your spirit and remove your fallen nature.

  10. The period of laying the foundation of faith and the foundation of substance is a training process for the multiplication of the children of God's lineage.

  11. If you have a really honest heart with desperation to meet God’s and True Parents’ heart, you will discover God’s prepared people.

  12. Children born from parents who matured their love through the foundation of faith and the foundation of substance are born with an abundant original nature of love. They are born with a strong desire to be filial to their parents and to dedicate their lives to the will of God.

  13. Deal with people as people of original nature, not fallen people.

  14. Set an example for others without judgment rather than insisting on your own standard. Guide them to do things from the heart, and hide your standards and achievements. You need to adjust to your object partner and make a good reciprocal base with him. 

  15. You need to acknowledge the value of others with a humble heart, and subdue others by serving them with a lot of patience and without any conditions. 

Here it is Sunday evening (in Australia). Your time is a little different. We had a beautiful family service at our home. Our two daughters-in-law are pregnant. I blessed them and prayed for them. We had a beautiful hoondokhae with family members. I really appreciate that Heavenly Parent and True Parents gave us such wonderful family members! We are four generations living together. Thank you for your support and jeongseong for my family.

Today I’d like to talk about “Responsibilities of Blessed Families for the Firm Settlement of Cheon Il Guk” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

You have received a lot of guidance from True Father. You have heard everything you needed to do to go forth as blessed families. Now all that remains is to see whether you fulfill your responsibility. There is no doubt that if you fulfill your responsibility, your tribe and your descendants will be able to live in a free and happy world. Depending on how you create the environment around you, you can advance the restoration of the nation and world. Now it is time to transform your beliefs into action. A new era has been ushered in. The indemnity your descendants will have to pay will be less depending on how much of True Father's words you fulfill in your surroundings or in your family. If you fail in your responsibility, your descendants will naturally have to pay indemnity. 

True Parents cannot interfere with your life. Since they showed you the example, you should live in that way. You try to live according to True Father's words but there are a group of pitiable people who distort this and live centered on themselves. I hope you can become wise people. I am now preparing everything you need on your path so that you can take the highway to where the tradition is completely established. If you follow this path and fulfill your given responsibility, we can certainly create a free, peaceful, and unified world—a united world where we attend our Heavenly Parent. (2013.08.15, Cheon Jeong Gung) 

Now, a new era has opened on the victorious foundation of True Parents. True Mother says, “There is no doubt that if you fulfill your responsibility, your tribe and your descendants will be able to live in a free and happy world.” True Mother emphasizes, “The indemnity your descendants will have to pay will be less depending on how much you fulfill in your family.” 

Up to now, True Parents have shown us all the model courses. Now, in this wonderful new era, the time has come when we must fulfill our responsibilities. It is a time that if you absolutely believe that God and True Parents have prepared 95% or more for my victory and obey and practice it, the amazing work of the Holy Spirit from Heaven will come. 

Do not think that the responsibility given to you is to be done alone. If you go forward believing that Heaven will do everything for you, then Heaven will work for you. Therefore, you must empty your mind. When you empty your mind, Heaven comes to your empty mind and works

As you act for heaven’s will, remember that you are not alone. Do not forget that you are God’s co-workers in accomplishing his will. God’s responsibility is 95%, and you are responsible for 5%. If you become one with God, who has 95% responsibility, heaven does the rest. Your 5% is emptying your mind and lending your body to God. Then God does the rest. God cannot do anything without the human body. In order to accomplish his will, God needs humans as co-workers, as co-creators. That’s why in order to fulfill God’s will, do not think that you are alone. We are co-workers. God needs us, and we need God. God needs our body and soul. 

Therefore, I must empty my mind. I need to deny myself. If I deny myself, God will find the space to come and help me, using my body. God needs my body. That’s why I need to treat my body as God’s temple and belonging. That is why our 5% portion of responsibility is self denial. Self-denial is the most difficult.

Why do central figure’s fail? Why do our senior blessed couples fail? Because the most difficult thing is what? Not money or material or other issues. It is not easy to deny our own self. This is the most difficult. 

However, if we deny yourself completely, our mind becomes empty and we have space. We can invite God (into our mind). Then God conquers(?) my soul and body. My body becomes God’s temple. Then God will do everything. That is why I realized what is my 5% portion of responsibility? That is self-denial. I must deny myself. I belong to God. Then God does everything.

The problem is we are very much insist on our own thoughts and ideas and experience. Then God finds no space to come in. That is the issue. Yesterday I spoke about that.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Principle of Creation 60 - The Development, Perfection, and Features of the Spirit Self 

• It is not God who decides whether a person's spirit enters heaven or hell upon his death; it is decided by the spirit himself.

• Humans are created so that once they reach perfection they will fully breathe the love of God. Those who committed sinful deeds while on earth become crippled spirits who are incapable of fully breathing in the love of God. They find it agonizing to stand before God, the center of true love, and choose to dwell in hell of their own will.

• Since the human spirit can grow only in the soil of the physical self, the multiplication of human spirits takes place at the same time that the multiplication of physical selves occurs: during earthly life.

Let’s study Father’s word.

Heaven is Connected by the Bridge of Love and Heart

 <April 5,1992> Heaven is a world without limits, but even Heaven needs to be connected by a bridge of love and heart. Therefore, if you have a lot of spiritual children around the world, spirit world becomes wide and free for you. Everything will want to be connected to you. If you have a lot of disciples, when you go to the spirit world, the amount of object partners you had will be the basis for enormous activity. The basis for my work is the fact that I can communicate with all of spirit world. If I didn’t have this connection, I would be driven into a corner and it would be very difficult to do any work. Do you understand? (Yes.) That’s why I can’t sleep well at night, and I have no time to rest.

Find the People of the Kingdom of Heaven 

 <April 5,1992> If you go to that country, it will be no big deal to earn your living and raise your children. That’s why we need to find the people of the Kingdom of Heaven. Then you can take ownership of the Kingdom of Heaven. Do you understand? We need to reform the world and the 5 billion people on the earth. If we quickly restore the world, all of the spirits in the spirit world can quickly become resurrected. If we take the birthright back from Satan and restore it to Adam, the archangel will come to follow Adam. Isn’t that right? If we follow the path of absolute obedience, God’s love will come together with Adam’s love, and we can naturally enter Heaven in this way.

Heaven is an infinite world, but True Father says that the more people who have a heart-to-heart relationship with you while on earth, the more extensive the environment of your activities will be in the spirit world, and you will be able to travel widely

That is why, while you are living on earth, you need achievements of doing activities and building relationships of love around the world. Then, it will become a stage that can connect anywhere in the spirit world, centered on your achievements and relationships of love on earth. Therefore, while on earth, do a lot of witnessing and build up many relationships of love

What can you be proud of when you go to the spiritual world? It is your achievements while traveling around the world to save humankind. In that sense, I do not know(?) how beautiful it is to become a missionary to go out into the world. When a person who has been a world missionary and has been active all over the earth goes to the spiritual realm, the entire spiritual world becomes the stage of his activity. What is more blessed than this? 

True Father says that if you go to the spirit world, it will be no big deal to earn your living and raise your children. That's why he’s asking you to find and build up a lot of citizens of the kingdom of heaven while you're on earth. He said that it will become yours in the kingdom of heaven. The wealth in the spirit world is proportional to the achievements of establishing spiritual children

That’s why I was very happy. When I was young, I really wanted to become a missionary. I traveled here and there and traveled all over the world everywhere. My family suffered so much. We moved here and there more than 13 times internationally. 

Even though we went through that kind of incredible suffering, when I think about my life, I am so grateful to God that I could meet all kinds of people, nationalities and races. It was really an incredible experience actually.

Finally I came to America. I have started to realize that America is the center of the world. God gave me (the mission) to serve the world. I don’t know what my next mission will be. 

In the beginning I hesitated (about) what I could do. But I came to realize how much our True Parents have invested for the sake of America. They spent more than half of their life in America. I need to inherit True Parents’ missionary and pioneering spirit. I will unite and work together with American brothers and sisters. I really want to raise up America. I really want to show True Mother, “Mother, America is now changing. Now the American people have the determination to witness. The second generation and third generation are coming back. Many ACLC ministers are determined not only to do 43 days but to become CheonBo families.” I really want to show such a great hope to True Mother. 

If I can unite with American brothers and sisters, I also can see great potential and great ability among our American brothers and sisters. Once you are determined to do something, I could find great potential in America. 

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: Do not Measure the Other Person with the Standards you Set

God’s Desire (Wish)      

1. The important thing is the couple. It is God’s desire to give birth to new children of His lineage who have not existed until now and have them flourish. God intends to multiply the substances of His lineage through Blessed families. In order to give birth to the substances of God’s lineage, you must go through the period of training love. Depending on the environment, when living people have a family, they become a couple at the servant level. Without going through training for parents to dominate the environment, since children inherit their parents’ lineage just as it is, if they make a mistake by chance, the children fall into a pitiable position. Children born from parents who matured their love are born with abundant original nature of love. God's desire is for children to be born with a strong desire to be filial to their parents and to dedicate their lives to God's will. 

God's desire is to give birth to new children of His lineage who have not existed until now and to have them flourish through the Blessing on this earth. In order to give birth to the substances of God’s lineage, you must go through the period of training (in) love. To do this, you need to raise many spiritual children. The more you raise spiritual children, the wider your heart will be, and the quality of your love will rise. 

That is why witnessing is not only to build the Kingdom of Heaven. Actually it is the best training to raise my spirit and remove my fallen nature. The more I witness, the wider my heart becomes. The best way to train myself and cultivate my heart is to love my Cain. I need to do witnessing. 

For me to be frank with you, witnessing is my hobby. I don’t want to do it (out of a sense of) duty or responsibility. To love people is my hobby. We need to think that positive, happy, joyful way.

The period of laying the foundation of faith and the foundation of substance is a training process for the multiplication of the children of God's lineage. Therefore, if parents do not undergo training to manage the environment, because their children inherit their parents' lineage, the children will be in a pitiful position if they make a mistake. Witnessing is the best training for multiplying children of God's lineage. 

Even though my job is busy here taking care of my family, I have met a key VIP. I really want to witness to his religious group one by one. I feel great hope.

Today I met a Moslem lady. She is really helping my family. I did not know that, but my children reported (it to me). Today I met her. Wow! How beautiful she is. She is so open minded! I could not find such a lady in our movement. Her ancestors are really helping her to help our family. 

I can see everywhere that Heavenly Father is trying to find prepared people to connect to our movement, to our brothers and sisters. God is really preparing someone for you actually. That is why if you have a really honest heart with desperation to meet God’s and True Parents’ heart, you will discover God’s prepared people.

Children born from parents who matured their love through the foundation of faith and the foundation of substance are born with abundant original nature of love. Such children are of a different lineage when they are born. They are born with a strong desire to be filial to their parents and to dedicate their lives to the will of God. In order to improve the quality of my lineage and produce higher-quality children, I need to do a lot of training to serve through witnessing. Without witnessing, there is no way to get rid of my fallen nature. 

When Dealing With People, Deal With Them as People of Original Nature

2. To grow your love, you cannot clash in relationships with people and suffer blows. Whenever you deal with people, do not deal with them lineage of the past but with your original nature. The responsibility to preserve the innate nature of love with the value of your original nature lies within yourself. Do not shift responsibilities or make excuses, such as “Because the world is this way, because Abel is not Abel-like, I also have no choice but to be this way, since the other person is this way, I will also treat them that way,” and so on. People who are displeased because of others or complain are almost all people who do not complete their own responsibilities. Can someone who is not trusted by their brothers become someone with subject partner characteristics of the heart? People who are unable to do that easily criticize others. 

To grow your love, you cannot clash in relationships with people and suffer blows. In other words, you must not be dominated by the environment. In order to overcome this, we need to train ourselves to deal with people by original nature

To overcome clashes in human relationships, you must serve Cain a lot and truly love your enemies a lot. If you train to love even your enemies, you can preserve your original nature in any circumstance. 

It is your responsibility to preserve the attributes of love with one's own original value. People who keep blaming others for their own faults, making excuses, shifting responsibility, being offended by others, or complaining are all dominated by the environment. 

No matter how evil the world may be, you must be able to manage your mind well so that your original nature will not be damaged. To do this, we must always hold on to God’s Word and recharge our energy through a life of living for others. 

Do not Measure the Other Person with the Standards you Set 

3. There are people who force the standards they set onto others, but that is ultimately is making bad influence on them. When you treat people strictly, you actually give that person a sense of intimidation or distrust. Even if you have standards that you have practiced, you should hide them and respect the standards of others. Acknowledge the value of others with a humble heart and serve them rather than trying to dominate them. We must mutually produce love through each other. Now is not the time to receive love from God through prayer and devotion, but rather, we need to bear true love and have good movements for reconciliation of love and respect others. There are not many people who have the same exact standards as yourself and have matching personalities. If you are looking at everything with the standards you measure, your journey becomes lonely.

One of the ways we make mistakes in our life of faith is when we impose the standards we set on others. Rather than forcing, you should set an example so that others can realize on their own. And you have to guide them to do things from the heart

People tend to judge other people when they have standards they set or standards they won. It's easy to become arrogant. When a person who set a certain standard sees a person who does not live up to it, they judge first and it is easy to impose on them rather than embracing, sympathizing with, and leading them as a parent. That is ultimately (having a) bad influence on them. 

That is why I always repent. When I see my children, I would say, “When your daddy was young, he was like this or that.” I should have stopped speaking like that. I should not have showed my standard (from) when I was young.... I made a mistake with my children. It was a long time ago, not now. I was always saying, “Your father was like that. When I was young, I was like that. Why don’t you do that?” That was very bad. I confess that. That was my big mistake.

If we do that, it is a bad influence on (our children).

When you treat people strictly based on the standards you set, it actually gives that person a sense of intimidation or distrust. Therefore, even if you have your own standards or achievements, you should hide them. Do not show what you have done before.

You may have had all kinds of experience, more than anyone. You may be better than others and have a great standard. But when you see new people, when you see your object partner, do not show your standard. Just hide it. You need to make a good reciprocal base with your object partner

What are parents? When your children are three years old, you need to become three years old. When your children are ten years old, you need to become ten years old. You need to adjust to your object partner. Why do you push your standard so much? That is a problem with our education – including with me.

Acknowledge the value of others with a humble heart and serve them rather than trying to dominate them. You must subdue others by serving them

Until they reach a certain standard, what is your job? Just serve and serve them. Even though they (may be) immature and still far away according to a certain standard, what can you do? You need to have a lot of patience without any conditions. Just serve and love. Then children who are spiritually so sensitive realize someday that “My parents love me unconditionally.” That is human beings. They know that. But when you say more than you are showing them (with your) actions, than you are serving them, that is an issue. 

It is true achievement to serve even those who are foolish and lacking and nurture them to be better people than you. 

That is leadership ability. When you see your object partner is a poor-quality person, looks foolish and lacking... what was a leaders’ ability? You need to serve them. Finally in the end they become better than you. That is leadership ability. Don’t judge and blame them. By serving them and showing your life, someday they will become better than you. That is leadership.

Therefore, do not measure the other person with the standard you set. You need to hide (it) and you need to make a reciprocal base according to their standard. That is the heart of the parent. That is great leadership. 

LIVING TESTIMONY: I’m a Living Testimony for Whom Anything is Possible

(Testimony of Mr. & Mrs. Max & Paula Tsugata, Sub-Region 5, ACLC and YCLC)♦

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as PDF files at the top of this text. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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