Ep 649 - Responsibilities Of The Blessed Families For The Firm Settlement Of Cheon Il Guk Part5

Responsibilities of Blessed Families for the Firm Settlement of Cheon Il Guk - August 5, 2022

PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony Kayo Pedersen

Key Points

  1. True Mother says we are in dire need of communication. That communication is letting all people know that the True Parents who can solve all their problems have come.

  2. True Father has said that there are no generation gaps of heart in the world of Heaven because people there communicate with the heart.

  3. For such heartistic communication to go well, you should always listen with respect from the other person's point of view and meet his standards.

  4. All of humankind must pass through the door of the Blessing because the Blessing is the gate to the Kingdom of Heaven through which we are reborn and liquidate our original sin and gain salvation.

  5. True Parents have the authority as the messiah to give the Blessing. They bequeathed this authority to tribal messiahs. 

  6. The three attributes of the Blessing are True Life, True love and True Blood lineage.

  7. Jesus should have said, “I am the way, the truth, the life, the love and the blood lineage.” These all come together in the Blessing.

  8. The family is the minimum unit for salvation.

  9. Salvation is total salvation for all of humankind, irrespective of nationality or denomination or color. The concept of the parent (is to) embrace everybody without exception.

  10. People who live with the heart as their motivation, keep their first motivation, first resolution, and first love no matter what temptations come and no matter what difficult environment they go through. And heartistic people always evoke their original mind voluntarily and joyously in any circumstance.

  11. The characteristic of a person of heart is that he follows the Principle, whether someone is looking or not, and does everything voluntarily. 

  12. In order to voluntarily evoke our heart, first, I have to think of my given work and responsibilities as God’s will. Secondly, I must invest a faithful heart and sincere devotion to do my best in my given work. Thirdly, think that when God gave me this work and responsibility, He had some kind of meaning behind it. Fourth, do it with a joyful and grateful heart.

  13. In completion stage faith, one's voluntary and spontaneous heart should become the subject.the husband and wife should look at each other as Abel and serve and give up the thoughts of “I want to be loved” and “I want compassion.”

  14. The completion stage course should be centered on the heart, living for the sake of others, taking initiative and giving love first voluntarily. 

Today I met a very important VIP. I (am the one who) takes care of him all the time. He is an important leader. He is world president of the Medania(?) group. He completely accepts our True Parents and has gone through the 43 days. I think now he is going to attend the Korean events. I asked him to seriously prepare his group for the Blessing. Under his leadership are more than 50,000 people. Now he really wants to educate his many disciples for them to know the Divine Principle and our True Parents. The time has come for such prepared people. They really want to recognize our True Parents. 

Today I’d like to talk about “Responsibilities of Blessed Families for the Firm Settlement of Cheon Il Guk” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

Following the Will, you have worked very hard. In any case, we cannot live eternally. The spirit world is our homeland. Our life on earth consists of having to prepare all the conditions to be able to go to our homeland. You must become filial sons and filial daughters to True Parents. You must become one with your brothers and sisters through true love. Parents worry most about a struggling child. More than their distinguished child, parents are concerned about their child who is struggling. If you give such a child a chance with a heart of caring for him and establish him, your foundation becomes bigger, and your assets become greater. Manpower is an asset, too. We have relationships of closely connected true families with True Parents at the center. As we live, we must be proud of and boast about this relationship, now possible for the first time in 6,000 years (10.01.2013, Cheon Jeong Gung) 

At this time, we are in dire need of communication. One thing I always emphasize is making unity. If there are obstacles on the path to a united world, you must tell the truth through communication. The path we must take is already decided. The goal is clear. All you have to do is to follow and be a part of the providential history centering on True Parents. Yet when people start to look at the external world they all say, “My country is best; the world must unite centering on my country.” The world is becoming harder to unite. However, as long as God lives, the fallen world will not have its way. We need to light lamps in all the dark places in the world and let people there know that the True Parents who can solve all their problems have come. Letting people know this is precisely what communication is. If those who follow the Will communicate well and unite, one world, heaven on earth and heaven in heaven, which Heavenly Parent and True Parents have hoped for, will come. We can make this happen with our own hands. 

In this time as we open Cheon Il Guk, those in the 1st and 2nd generations should have beautiful communication. The seven billion people in the world are all in the realm of the first generation. We need to learn skills and make preparations until we can assimilate every one and embrace them. But if you are to have a great impact with such a small number, you must unite. I don't know how many abilities each of you has individually, but there is a limit. Is there even one human being who takes after the omniscient and omnipotent Heavenly Parent? It is the same for blessed families of the Unification Church. Do any of you think that you are right, that you are honest, and that you are perfect in every way? Every one of you is inadequate. No group, institution or church can work effectively in isolation. You can develop greatly by communicating, harmonizing and uniting with others, but if you are alone and isolated in some corner, you will not even be able to have a conversation. (2015.07.09, Cheon Jeong Gung) 

True Mother said, “At this time, we are in dire need of communication. One thing I always emphasize is making unity. We need to light lamps in all the dark places in the world and let people there know that the True Parents who can solve all their problems have come. Letting people know this is precisely what communication is.” 

Then what can we do in order to communicate well? Mother is talking about communication. The problem is communication. 

To communicate well, the center that you serve must be the same, your ideology must be the same, and your heart must be the same. In that sense, we have to teach all humankind that God and True Parents are the center. Secondly, our ideology must unite centered on the Divine Principle. And next, we must open a world where we understand each other's hearts vertically and horizontally in relationships with people. 

True Father has said that there are no gaps of heart in the world of Heaven. He said that there are no generational gaps and no gaps between parents and children. It is because the Kingdom of Heaven is a world where people communicate with the heart

Do you communicate well with God? Do you communicate well within your couple? Do you communicate well between parents and children? Do you communicate well with brothers and sisters? Adam and Eve could not communicate well with God. They only communicated horizontally with Satan. The world of heart is a world where you communicate very well. For communication to go well, you should always listen from the other person's point of view and meet the other person's standards and, importantly, should respect each other well

I think heartistic communication is really needed in our society, our church, our home. There are some problems between parents and children, and husband and wife. There are always communication problems. How can we communicate very well. 

In the Kingdom of Heaven (they) always communicate very well. They listen to and respect each other very well. They always see (each other) centered on God’s point of view. 

Mother is (saying) here that you need to have beautiful communication between first generation and second generation.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Principle of Creation 60 - The Development, Perfection, and Features of the Spirit Self 

• It is not God who decides whether a person's spirit enters heaven or hell upon his death; it is decided by the spirit himself.

• Humans are created so that once they reach perfection they will fully breathe the love of God. Those who committed sinful deeds while on earth become crippled spirits who are incapable of fully breathing in the love of God. They find it agonizing to stand before God, the center of true love, and choose to dwell in hell of their own will.

• Since the human spirit can grow only in the soil of the physical self, the multiplication of human spirits takes place at the same time that the multiplication of physical selves occurs: during earthly life.

Let’s study Father’s word.

Blessing and the Door to Heaven

 <143-235> Where do you think humankind is headed from here? All of humankind must pass through the door of the Blessing. If they do not do so, they cannot go to Heaven. Countless people believe in established churches, but if that established church itself does not go through the door of the Blessing, no one within the church can go to Heaven. When I say these things, the established churches make a lot of complaints that Rev. Moon is self-righteous. The Blessing spoken about by the Unification Church is the path that fallen humankind absolutely must take. No matter how much you oppose, the Blessing is the conjuncture at which the spirit and physical worlds are connected. It is the path you absolutely must take.

We already know the meaning and value of the Blessing.

True Father said that “All of humankind must pass through the door of the Blessing.” This is because the Blessing is the gate to the doors of Heaven. All humankind should go through the doors of rebirth called the Blessing and liquidate original sin

In the Bible, John 14:6 says, “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” True Parents are also the way, the truth, the life –  and the Blessing. Jesus could not talk about the Blessing. 

 The conclusion is that no one comes to the Father except through True Parents. 

What is the content of the Blessing? It is changing from a false life, false love, and false lineage to a true life, true love, and true lineage. The Blessing has the innate nature of true life, true love, and true lineage. 

Jesus passed the key to the Kingdom of Heaven to his first disciple, Peter. How much do we appreciate that we have received the Blessing from True Parents? Because of the Blessing we can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The Blessing is the gate to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. 

That's why True Father said that the Blessing is the path that fallen humankind must take, and no matter how opposed it is, this Blessing is a major problem that must be brought in by connecting the spiritual and physical worlds. 

True Parents have the authority to give the Blessing. The Blessing is not just a marriage ceremony. The Blessing is salvation. It is the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven. 

In order to give this Blessing, Heavenly Parent and True Parents went through all kinds of indemnity. They paid the price and won over Satan. Even Satan (had to ) allow True Parents to give the Blessing. Even God, even Satan cannot do anything. He cannot accuse about the value of the Blessing. Even the entire spiritual world (cannot accuse?). This is the common point. God agreed with that. Satan and the entire spiritual world agreed with that. The Blessing is the condition for anyone who receives it to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It is the condition to remove our original sin and to be reborn. 

What are the attributes of the Blessing? There are three things: 1. True Life, 2. True Love, and 3. True Blood Lineage.

Jesus was supposed to say, “I am the way, the truth, the life...” But also “love and blood lineage.” These all come together in the Blessing. That is why without the Blessing, we cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the messiah’s authority to give the Blessing. It is very powerful. 

Then True Parents gave us the authority to give the Blessing to our tribe, our neighbor, our people. We are carrying on True Parents’ mission as a Tribal Messiah. “Messiah” means you have the authority to give the Blessing. Messiah means you can forgive sins and you can give the Blessing. How powerful (this is)! That is why Father talks about the importance of the Heavenly Tribal Messiahship. 

Father said when you die, you will know the value of the Blessing. Someone who receives the Blessing is completely different from someone who does not receive it. Even if a person only drinks the holy wine without knowing (its) value, he has already reached a different level. That is the value of the Blessing. It is actually really amazing!

 God’s Ideal is to Save the Family 

 <143-235> Today’s religions only consider the salvation of the individual when they talk about “salvation.” They think that will end up in Heaven as long as they are faithful. But when you look at God’s original ideal, you cannot go to Heaven alone. Originally, you must go together as a loving couple and a loving family. 

The minimum unit of salvation for entering the Kingdom of Heaven is the family, not the individual. The family is the minimum unit for salvation. No one in history has known this. And God’s final salvation is total salvation, (from) which no one is left out. 

God’s salvation is not selective. This is because God is the parent of humankind and everyone, without exception, is God’s child. 

If you believe in Jesus, you can go to the Kingdom of Heaven; if you do not believe in Jesus, you have to go to hell. 

God’s salvation is not selective (like that). Everybody should be saved. Any talk about selective salvation comes out of not knowing that God is the Parent. 

Christians say that we are brothers and sisters under God. Then why are you talking about selective salvation? This is funny. Even though all humankind are his children, why would Heavenly Father only choose some people who believe in God and Jesus to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? What about the rest of the people?

You need to know that God is our parent. (He has a) parental heart. No one is left out. Everybody without exception needs to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. That is why God’s salvation is total salvation. No one is left out. 

When I hear True Parents’ declaration and understanding (about this), wow! God is really our parent. Our True Parents are really the parents of all humankind. How beautiful! Who can say that God’s salvation is total salvation?

Christian people really struggle about this point. They need to know that God is (our) parent. True Parents came as the parents of all humankind. How can some people be chosen and others not? Only those who believe in the True Parents can enter the Kingdom of Heaven? God is not like that. (Neither) are True Parents. Then God would have no qualification to become parent. Rev. Moon and Hak Ja Han Moon would have no qualification to become True Parents. The concept of True Parents is to embrace everybody. Total salvation. That is why the Unification Principle is very powerful. It can embrace any religion. Because God is the parent and because God’s concept of salvation is total salvation, your nationality or denomination or color does not matter. This is amazing! We can only understand (this by understanding that) God is our parent. True Parents are the parents of all humankind. The concept of the parent (is to) embrace everybody without exception. How powerful that is!

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: Those who are Voluntary and Those who are Dominated by the Environment 

1. A person who is influenced by others or the environment is easily dominated by the environment. On the other hand, a person who lives with heart as a motive does not dwell on any trials and challenges from their beloved subject or anyone else, even from God and True Parents, and overcomes them voluntarily with original values and the Principle. A heartistic person always does things with joy voluntarily from their original mind. However, people who are dominated by their environment have many reasons and excuses when something goes wrong. When there is a problem, they say, “It is because of a certain person,” or “It is because of the environment.” They don’t try to look within themselves and reflect first. They blame outside forces instead. When I like it because the environment is good and hate it when the environment is bad, when my heart fluctuates depending on the environment and the other person like this, I am a person who is dominated by the environment. 

Are you people who are easily dominated by the environment? Or are you people who have an unchanging heart and values in any environment and overcome them well? 

We are living in an environment where it is easy to be dominated. We are living in an adulterous cultural sphere where we are particularly vulnerable to suffer blows in human relationships and are also dominated by our physical environment. We are also dominated by money, dominated by the temptations of materials, and dominated by authority and position. People who are easily controlled by others or the environment are dominated by the environment. 

On the other hand, people who live with the heart as their motivation, keep their first motivation, first resolution, and first love no matter what temptations come and no matter what difficult environment they go through. 

And heartistic people always evoke their original mind voluntarily in any circumstance and do it with joy. Look at how True Father was victorious and dominated the environment when he was in Heungnam Prison or Danbury Prison in the United States. 

People who are dominated by their environment have many reasons and excuses when something goes wrong. They say, “It is because of a certain person, because of this guy, because of my wife, because of my wife or because of a certain environment.” They don’t try to look within themselves and reflect first. They blame outside forces instead. 

 Spontaneity and a Person who Lives With Heart 

2. A person who obeys or acts according to someone or the environment loses their center when hit by the other person. When the other person is angry, I get angry, if the other person criticizes, I criticize, and if the other person hates me, I hate them. Like this I am dominated by others. Also, I follow someone because they are good to me. Someone who receives benefits in a good environment will change their mind if in the opposite environment. This kind of faith easily wears out. No matter what someone says, no matter who treats me well or badly, if I think that I continue on the path of the Principle, and am motivated by the heart in everything, then I am a person of heart. The characteristic of a person of heart is that they always do everything voluntarily. Therefore, God guides us so that we can perfect our individual selves through spontaneity. 

Then what kind of attitude do we need in order to not be dominated by the environment and go on the original path? You must go with the standard, “I will go on the path of the Principle.” You must set the principle: “I am someone who is dominated by the heart, not the environment.” 

When it comes to obeying traffic laws, even if everyone doesn't follow them, even I alone must have a standard of obeying traffic laws. No matter what someone says, no matter if people are good to me or not, no matter if others are looking or not, a person who thinks that they are going on the way of the Principle and keeps the heart as the motivation is a heartistic person. 

I often go to the Hudson River and walk for one hour or one hour and 20 minutes. Most people in New York City do not follow traffic laws. My original mind says, “Even you yourself cannot follow (those people). You cannot be dominated by this kind of environment. You need to keep the Principle, no matter what.” 

Always my original mind encourages me: “Whether someone is looking at you or not, (whether) someone cares for you or not, does not matter. You always need to follow the standard.”

“I will go on the path of the Principle, no matter what. Whether Heavenly Father or spiritual world look at me or not does not matter. I need to set the Principle. I will (follow) the path of the Principle.”

You must set the Principle. This is an important point. “Oh, someone is watching you, so you need to obey the traffic law. If someone does not see anything, can you (disobey) the traffic laws?”

How can we trust such a person? He cannot be trusted. 

It does not matter (if someone is) checking (on) your situation or not. Whether your father or your Abel or the spiritual world is watching or not does not matter. 

That is why in order to dominate the environment, you need to set the Principle. Even though nobody follows the law, I will go on the path of the Principle. 

“Oh, no one is looking at me, so I can play games and look at pornography...” (Such a person) cannot (be) trusted. He is dominated by his environment. That is why you always need to keep spiritual dignity. You need to have your own principle based on the Divine Principle and God’s word. “I will go on the path of the principle no matter what.” This is a very important point.

The characteristic of a person of heart is that they always do everything voluntarily. Therefore, God guides us so that we can perfect our individual selves through spontaneity. 

A volunteer heart that happily keeps the law and follows the Principle is very important.

 Faith in Spontaneity and the Completion Stage Course 

3. But the problem is that when we go on the course of faith, many difficulties, trials, pains, and things we really hate the most come flooding in. In this case, the key is how we can voluntarily evoke our heart. In the formation stage life of faith, since we live a life that is governed by the subject, we follow or obey the subject, but in growth stage faith, we must move our own heart voluntarily. In completion stage faith where we live with a family, one must establish a family in which one's voluntary heart is the subject. The family should lead a life of victory through spontaneity. In completion stage faith, you should not practice any faith that is influenced by someone else. When you have a family, the couple is Abel to each other. Therefore, we must give up the thoughts of “I want to be loved” and “I want compassion” altogether. 

Then in my course of faith, when many difficulties, trials, pains, and things we really hate the most come flooding in, how we can voluntarily evoke our heart? 

In order to voluntarily evoke our heart, my attitude is important. First, I have to think of my given work and responsibilities as God’s will. This is not my will. So think that you were born for this work and responsibility. When Father entered Heungnam Prison he had no complaints. “This is God’s will. I need to go through this. I was born for this work and responsibility.” That is why he (invested) so much effort. He became the number one laborer.

Secondly, I must invest a faithful heart and sincere devotion to do my best in my given work. Do not think that I am temporarily in charge of it. Thirdly, think that when God gave me this work and responsibility, He had some kind of meaning behind it. 

God will never give me work that has nothing to do with my growth. God also will never give me work that brings me a minus (-). Therefore, think about why God gave me this task and try to find the meaning for it. Fourth, do it with a joyful and grateful heart. If you do it reluctantly, you will definitely pay indemnity. But if you do it with joy and gratitude, you will live a profitable life. 

In completion stage faith, one's voluntary heart should become the subject. You should lead a life of victory through spontaneity. In completion stage faith, you should not practice any faith that is influenced by someone else. 

For example, when you go back to your family, the husband and wife should look at each other as Abel and serve. Therefore, we must completely give up the thoughts of “I want to be loved” and “I want compassion” altogether. Instead, you have to think about how to comfort the other person and bring him or her joy.

Faith in the Completion Stage and the Love of a Couple 

4. We are the substance of love. On the completion stage course, we must give each other abundant love. This is not the time for couples to owe each other love. We are most prone to failure and to lose our original nature when we are with those closest to us. You seem like a good person when dealing with others, but when you get home, it's easy to treat your partner and family members moderately. If you want others to understand you first and to be loved first, you will fail. The completion stage course should be centered on the heart, living for the sake of others and giving love first voluntarily. A person who lives heartistically is the same no matter who they meet. 

The completion stage course is the course of becoming the substance of love. Between couples, we should become people who give each other abundant love. Even couples should not owe each other a debt of love. The thing we are most likely to fail in is when we depend too much on each other and take for granted what we receive from the other person, then the relationship starts to fall apart. 

The time we easily lose our original nature always happens in our closest relationships, such as the husband and wife relationship, parent and child relationship, and brother and sister relationship. When we relate with other people, we can look like amazing people, but when we return home, it is easy to treat our partner and family members only well enough. If you try to get to know each other first and to be loved first, you will definitely fail. When people want to be known first or want to receive love first, they fail. 

The completion stage course should be centered on the heart, living for the sake of others and giving love first voluntarily. Between couples, if you just become indebted to the other, your partner will ignore you someday. Therefore, the closer a person is, do not be indebted to them, but always try to give first, live for their sake, and serve them. A person who lives heartistically is the same no matter who they meet. 

That is why every morning when I wake up, I clean my room and after meals I wash the dishes. I don’t want to make a minus life, even in my own house. I always try to help. I try to initiate first. That kind of initiation is very important. 

“I came home after working so hard. I need to relax and rest. You need to take care of me. You need to love me.” If you have that kind of expectation, you will surely fail. That is why I am (telling) you that your family is the front line. You have to be careful. Why do you fail? You fail especially in close relationships. We have to be careful.

Today I talked about those who are voluntary and those who are dominated by the environment. I hope you gained some good lessons.

LIVING TESTIMONY: I’m a Living Testimony for Whom Anything is Possible

(Testimony of Kayo Pedersen, Austin TX, connecting with distant members)♦

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as PDF files at the top of this text. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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